Infrared Circuits For Remote Control

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Infrared circuits for remote control

Infrared remote controls are using a 32-56 kHz modulated square wave for communication. These circuits are used to transmit a 1-4 kHz digital signal (OOK modulation) through infra light (this is the maximum attainable speed, 1000-4000 bits per sec). The transmitter oscillator runs with adjustable frequency in the 32-56kHz range, and is being turned ON/OFF with the modulating signal, a TTL voltage on the MOD input. On the receiver side a photodiode takes up the signal. The integrated circuit inside the chip is sensitive only around a specified frequency in the 32-56 kHz range. The output is the demodulated digital input (but usually inverted), just what we used to drive the transmitter. When the carrier is present, this output is usually low. When no carrier is detected, the output is usually high. Stefan Ovidiu writes that if you'd need a low power device, replace the NE555 IC with an ICM7555 (the CMOS equivalent of 555) or use a quad NAND CD4011 to build a gated oscillator


name value R1 R2 1k 15-22k use a 15k resistor series with a 10k potmeter to adjust frequency in the 32-40kHz range 15 @5VDC, 200 mA peak 35 @9VDC, 200 mA peak 50 @12VDC, 200 mA peak 1n 47n

R3 C1 C2

an older IR receiver design of mine is available, but it is only for detecting, not decoding a modulated IR signal

Key operated gate locking system

This simple key-operated gate locking system allows only those persons who know the preset code to open the gate. The code is to be entered from the keypad within the preset time to operate the motor fitted in the gate. If anyone trying to open the gate presses a wrong key in the keypad, the system is disabled and, at the same time, sounds and alarm to alert you of an unauthorized entry. Figs 1 and 2 show the block and circuit diagrams of the key-operated code locking system, respectively. Connect point A, B, C, D, E, F, and ground of the circuit to the respective points of the keypad. Keys S7, S16, S14, S3, are used here for code entry, and the remaining key are used for disabling the system. It is very important to press the key in that order to form the code. to start the motor of the gate, press switches S7, S16, S14, and S3 sequentially. If the keys are pressed in a different order from the preset order, the system will lock automatically and the motor will not start. Initially, 6v is not available at pin 14 of and gate 1c6, so no pulse reaches the base of npn transistor Ti to trigger timer Ic5 and, as a result, the gate does not open. To enable the system, first you have to trigger 1c4. pressing switch s7 trigger timer 1c4 to provide 6v to Ic6 for approximately 17 seconds. Within this time, you have to press switches S16, S14, and S3 sequentially. As a result, the outputs of timers IC1.IC2 and IC3 sequentially go high. These high outputs are further given to gates N1 and N2 of IC6 to trigger IC7 via npn transistor TI. The timer durations for the high outputs of IC1, IC2, and IC3 are preset at 13.5, 9.43 and 2.42 seconds, respectively. When all the four switches {S7, S16, S14 and S3} are pressed sequentially, timer IC7 triggers to start the motor for the preset period to open the gate. Once the time elapses, the motor stops automatically. The ,on, time for the motor can be selected by adjusting preset VR5. here, the minimum ,on, time is 5.17 seconds.

If a switch other than s7,s16,s14 and s3 is pressed , ic 5 triggers to energise relay rl1, this disconnects the power supply of 2nd relay and the system gets locked. In pizobuzzer pz1 sounds an alarm to alert you that somebody trying to break your security. Now to stop the sound and reset system again press any key (other than s7,s16 ,s14 and s3) from the keypad The circuit works off 6v dc regulated power supply and can be easily assembled on a general purpose pcb,

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