Drive Solutions For Excavators PDF
Drive Solutions For Excavators PDF
Drive Solutions For Excavators PDF
Linde Hydraulics.
Turning Power into Motion.
At Linde Hydraulics we have always had a passion for converting For us, partnership is an important, indispensable part of product
power into motion. This passion is driven by customer care, a thirst development and quality assurance. Therefore, we add our
for knowledge and a love of innovation. We power ideas, machines knowledge, experience and international market expertise to help
and markets, both today and in the future. you exceed your customers expectation. We strive to be your
best partner from initial contact to project engineering and product
We combine components to a system and create efficient overall development, all the way through prototype commissioning, serial
solutions thanks to our intelligent blend of hydraulics, electronics production and training your teams.
and mechanics. Our aspiration can be summed up by one simple
concept: Adding customer value through application expertise and Our interpretation of the term customer orientation is superior
the pursuit of system perfection. service and availability: worldwide, at any place. With companies
in Europe, USA and China along with a great international network
Linde Hydraulics makes all of this possible due to a combination of distributors we guarantee you the best possible customer service.
partnership, responsibility and the highest level of commitment.
The graphic below provides a help for the selection of units with solutions for almost every class of machines. Due to these
the focus on tracked excavators. But Linde Hydraulics is your capabilities we can always offer the best possible system to our
partner for every kind of excavator. By the logic combination of customers.
individual products that perfectly complement each other we offer
see see
application application
example on example on
page 10 page 8
Pump MPR 50 HPR 135 HPR 165 HPR 210 HPR 280 HPR 165D HPR 210T
PMTE HMF 55 HMF 75 HMF 105 HMF 135 HMF 135 2x HMF 105
Swing 700 PMTE 1600 PMTE 1600 PMTE 3000 PMTE 3000 PMTE 6000 2x PMTE 4000
5t 10t 15t 20t 25t 30t 35t 40t 45t 50t 55t
LSC - Linde Synchron Control 03
Actuator 1
Pressure level: 300 bar
Required flow under partial load: 50 l/min
Required flow under full load/saturation: 300 l/min
Actuator 2
Pressure level: 200 bar
Required flow under partial load: 50 l/min
Required flow under full load/saturation: 300 l/min
Power of diesel engine: 120 kW
Capacity of pump: max. 400 l/min
system comparison 05
System comparison.
The architecture.
The NFC system uses a measuring orifice in the bypass oil flow to each actuator side. This compensator determines the pressure
generate a pressure signal, which influences the swash angle of currently required at the actuator and feeds a pressure signal*
the regulating pump. back into the LS line. All actuators share this LS line, irrespective
In PFC systems the control signal is used to control both valve and of their number. The LS signal is the only signal the pump requires
pump. A complex evaluation control consisting of valve cascades to provide short-term and on-demand flow under high pressure.
in combination with software determines a certain swash angle Additional actuators are connected to the LS line and can thereby
for the pump. The algorithms are exactly matched to the individual be simply integrated into the system. With this it is possible to
machine with a fixed configuration. Operability and efficiency are fit differently equipped machines with a generally identical LSC
trimmed for a specific, predefined application. system.
Load Sensing directional control valves are generally equipped with
a compensator. The LSC system is equipped with a compensator for
System comparison.
Power losses under different load conditions.
No-load ca. flow related losses PQ
3 kW
If several actuators are operated at the same time and thus require
more oil flow than the pump is able to deliver, the system is in
saturation. In this condition the NFC and PFC systems no longer
deliver any oil back to the tank. Besides the compensation losses,
only pressure related losses are relevant. In the LSC system the pLS
drops because of the flow shortage. The pressure related losses of
the three systems under full load are approximately identical.
system comparison 07
System comparison.
Movement and operation behavior.
Partial load. Load independent actuator movement without Saturation. Consistent Operation thanks to Proportional Flow.
readjustment by operator. In the example both actuators together would demand 600 liters
If, as in the example, several actuators need to be operated at per minute from the pump which is only able to deliver 400 liters
different pressure levels, the pump needs to provide the pressure per minute. In NFC and PFC systems certain actuators, which are
demanded by the actuator with the highest pressure requirement. positioned lower in the control logic or have a pressure level which
With NFC and PFC systems the operator needs to take this into creates a higher resistance for the available oil flow, will stop while
consideration and actuate or readjust the control elements on the all of the flow goes to the main actuators. This is also the case in
machine as required for the number and pressure levels of the Load Sensing systems with upstream compensators.
actuators. The LSC valve spool contains a compensator and pressure
copier. The highest LS signal is always transmitted to the pump. The operator needs to reduce the flow to some actuators to supply
The compensator in the directional control valve of an actuator on other actuators with oil. Permanent control actions are required
a lower pressure level automatically compensates for the pressure and make operation difficult.
difference. The control signal does not need to be corrected. More
load on the actuator generates a higher LS signal. The pump, in In the LSC system the compensators are arranged downstream.
turn, provides a higher pressure and thereby compensates for For this reason one also refers to it as a post compensated Load
load changes. The control signal is independent from the applied Sensing system. This enables the so-called Proportional Flow. The
load. The operator never needs to make any readjustments. Apart system can be operated as usual, even under saturation. The pump
from this, both compensator and pressure copier determine the delivers the maximum flow. This flow is distributed to all actuators
load applied to the actuator, even before it is operated. The spool according to their proportional requirements. A fully operated
opens the passage between pump and actuator path only after the actuator receives double the amount of oil as a half operated
pressure level of the pump has reached the load pressure level. actuator with identical power. In the example both actuators
This ensures that a load will not drop before the start of operation. receive 200 liters each. Neither function will stop.
Application example.
Tracked excavator, 36 t.
10 application example | Wheeled Excavator
Application example.
Wheeled excavator, 20 t.
Equipment The LSC system is intuitive and efficient. All machines with
LSC feature sensitive and intuitive operation. The excavator
shown, which is versatile and suitable for use in different
1x HPR 210-02 E1L SPU (main pump)
situations, greatly benefits from this technology. Thanks to the
1x HMF 75-02 P (swing drive motor) compensation of the load influences, the machine response is
1x HMR 135-02 (travel motor) always the same, regardless of which functions are operated
1x VT5 (directional control valves) at the same time and even if the valves are not arranged on
1x Electronic control unit the same control plate, as shown in this example with a swing
drive motor with integrated directional control valve.
A single LS signal is enough for all actuators. As such, the
intuitively operated universal machine driver never has to make any post-adjustments and can
always concentrate fully on the task at hand. The machine
social flow distribution
is highly sensitive with continuous movements and does not
fatigue-free working
experience any jerking, even at the start of movements. The
minimal pulsation
directional control valves do not open the paths until the pump
pressure matches the load pressure. This means the load at the
start of the function does not lower. Thanks to the social flow
distribution, no actuators are stopped when the system is at
single-circuit or multi-circuit systems
full capacity. As such, even challenging tasks can be completed
adjustable behaviour via speed controls without any post-adjusting or interruption of the movement
adjustable start of movement, regardless sequence. High workloads are possible thanks to the system
of A or B side dynamics with fast-response pumps. This does not compromise
hydraulic or electrohydraulic actuation on efficiency because the LSC system saves fuel compared with
LSC+ other concepts, even in the partial load range.
The operation is not the only reason that working with the
machine is a pleasure; one of the best features of the pump
is the SPU silencer. This reduces pressure pulsations in the
hydraulic system, thereby reducing the vibrations and noise
emissions of the overall machine. This means that the excavator
is comparatively quiet, which benefits not only the operator,
but also the environment; something that is particularly useful
in residential areas.
Unlike other solutions, the SPU works across the entire typical
speed range of the prime mover, reducing the pulsations of an
open circuit almost to the level of a closed circuit.
application example | Wheeled Excavator 11
Pressure Pulsation p(t) 38.7 bar Pressure Pulsation p(t) 11.3 bar
Conventional SPU
Pump Pump
of up to Pressure Pulsation
70 % [bar]
Hig Pr
hP es
res su
su re
re [b
[ba d [rpm] ar [rpm]
r] Spee ] Speed
12 SPU Silencer | New Linde Monoblock Design
SPU Silencer.
Noise optimization by commutation.
Legal emission regulations force manufacturers of mobile Product advantages
machinery to optimize the noise emission of their products.
Since secondary measures tend to be expensive and less low noise level inside the cabin and outside:
efficient Linde prefers to fight the noise where it is generated: obvious relief for driver and environment
by optimally connecting an additional volume directly next to self-adapting wide scale reduction of pulsation over
the commutation of the HPR-02 pump, Linde Hydraulics invented the whole range of operation: independent
the SPU silencer. The adaptive SPU reduces flow and pressure of pressure, speed and temperature
pulsations in the regulating pump over the entire range of no need of costly measures for additional
operation without loss of power. noise dampening
Compared to a customary variable pump, an HPR-02 with significantly reduced noise peaks
SPU reduces pulsation level by up to 70 %, independently of no effect on function and performance
pressure, speed and temperature! The pulsations transmitted to minor increase of weight and mounting space
system components and machine structure are significantly less, simple and robust design
making the machine quieter. immediately usable, maintenance-free
oil flow circulates in the supply channels around the supply channels positioned below valve sections
directional control valve sections flow loss reduced by 85%
shock losses due to circulation pressure loss virtually identical for all sections, regardless
the further away a section is from the pump connection, of the distance from the pump connection (measurement:
the greater the loss in pressure only 1.5 bar from pump inlet via six directional
control valves at 600 l/min)
technical data summary | Find the right product for your application 13
(*1) w/o pressurizing, 1,0 bar abs / (*2) w/o pressurizing, 1,2 bar abs
Self-regulating motors for open and closed circuit operation Product advantages
HMR-02 55 75 105 135 165 210 HMR-02
Max. displacement cc/rev 54.7 75.9 105 135.6 165.6 210 steady low speed behaviour
high starting torque
Max. operating speed at Vmax rpm 4300 3800 3700 3200 3100 2700
large conversion range
Max. speed (intermittent) at Vmin rpm 5300 5000 4700 4000 3900 3500
PTO Through-Drive Motor
Nominal pressure bar 420 420 420 420 420 420 compact design
Peak pressure (intermittent) bar 500 500 500 500 500 500 high power density
high reliability
Continuous output torque Nm 218 302 418 540 659 836
long service life
Max. output torque Nm 366 507 702 907 1107 1404 dynamic response
Continuous power kW 93 120 153 181 214 236
Max. power kW 157 202 257 304 359 397
Weight kg 28 32 42 56 76 101
Fixed displacement motors for open and closed circuit operation Product advantages
HMF-02 28 35 55 63 75 105 135 HMF-02
Max. displacement cc/rev 28.6 35.6 54.7 63 75.9 105 135.6 steady low speed
high starting torque
Max. operating speed rpm 4500 4500 4300 3900 3800 3700 3200
compact design
Max. speed (intermittent) rpm 4800 4800 4400 4200 4100 3800 3500
high power density
Nominal pressure bar 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 high reliability
Peak pressure (intermittent) bar 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 long service life
available with integrated
Continuous output torque Nm 114 142 218 251 302 418 540
directional control valve
Max. output torque Nm 191 238 366 421 507 702 906 for direct swing
Continuous power kW 54 67 93 102 120 153 181 drive control
Max. power kW 87 108 157 166 202 257 304
Weight kg 16 16 19 23 26 33 39
14 technical data summary | Find the right product for your application
Max. flow per section all advantages of the LSC valve technology
l/min 250 400 600 compact design
from pump to actuator
full-size expandability
Return flow through block l/min 450 700 1000
high efficiency achieved by
Rated pressure bar 400 (420 after clarification) flow-optimized channels,
1x 1 even for applications
Number and size of pump with numerous
1x 1 (DN 38) or 2x 1
ports, according to
(DN 32) 2x 1 (DN 38) actuators
SAE ISO 6162-2
(DN 32)
Typical excavator size t n.a. n.a. 12-16 16-22 23-27 27-37 37-50
Weight kg 100 135 130 200 230 310 230x2
Our current media at a glance.
The product catalogue presents the company Linde Hydraulics and provides an overview of the entire portfolio. The brochures highlight
single areas of the broad and interesting application spectrum of the components and systems. Datasheets offer a more detailed view of
the specific product group. The emphasis is on technical data and hints for the proper configuration of the specific unit.
Product Catalogue
Data Sheets
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Post Linde Hydraulics GmbH & Co. KG
Grossostheimer Str. 198
63741 Aschaffenburg, Germany
Linde Hydraulics GmbH & Co. KG, Grossostheimer Str. 198, 63741 Aschaffenburg Linde Hydraulics
Phone +49.60 21.150-00, Fax +49.60 21.150-142 02,