HY11-3362 Press Control PPCC UK

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The document discusses Parker's PPCC series press control manifolds which meet European safety standards for hydraulic presses.

The PPCC press control manifolds meet the type examination and safety requirements of DIN EN 693: 2011-11 and DIN EN ISO 16092-3 in terms of hydraulic control.

Thanks to its modular concept, an entire press control can be designed. The selection of the right components and auxiliary functions enables tailoring the control exactly to the functionality of the press.

Hydraulic Press Control according to

DIN EN 693 / DIN EN ISO 16092-3

Series PPCC
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control


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2 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Content PPCC

Description Page

Introduction 4
Ordering Code 6
Hydraulic Circuit Diagram 8
Function Description 10
Technical Data 14
Technical Data, Wiring 15
Characteristic Curves 16
Version with Directional Control Valve NG10 18
Version with Directional Control Valve NG16 20
Version with Servo Proportional DC Valve NG16 22
Version with Directional Control Valve NG25 24
Version with Servo Proportional DC Valve NG25 26
Version with Directional Control Valve NG32 28
Version with Servo Proportional DC Valve NG32 30
Function Example 1 32
Function Example 2 34
Safety Information 36
Certificate 37
Accessories 38

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

3 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Introduction PPCC

Parker's PPCC series press control manifolds have Structure

passed the type examination and fulfill the safety require- Based on a modular, standardized concept for a press
ments of DIN EN 693: 2011-11, DIN EN ISO 16092-3, in control in accordance with DIN EN 693 (in future DIN EN
terms of hydraulic control. This norm specifies the require- ISO 16092-3), various functions can be arranged for a
ments placed on hydraulic presses, which result from the very wide range of press designs. The safety of the control
EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. The PPCC control is not affected by the functions added.
manifolds can also be used for presses in accordance
As standard, the base manifold contains all functions
with DIN EN 289: 2014-09.
necessary for a press control in accordance with the
stated norms.
PPCC press control manifolds allow manufacturers to
design, build or rebuild almost all presses according to the
Pressure relief valve: limits the pressure at the P-port
general safety standards, while meeting the performance
of the control block. The functionality can be adapted
level necessary for safety functions in accordance with
to the user's needs by changing the pilot control.
ISO 13849-1.
Fail safe circuit is made possible by a position-con-
Thanks to its modular concept, an entire press control trolled directional valve and a directional control valve
can be designed. The selection of the right components with position control as safety valve.
and auxiliary functions enables to tailor the control ex- Pressure relief valve to protect the rod side of the
actly to the functionality of the press. The clear design press cylinder
allows simple access to all devices. The supply ports are The functions added are implemented by auxiliary mani-
arranged both on the sides and on the rear1), thereby al- folds or additional valves in the base manifold.
lowing the optimal integration of the press control manifold
into the hydraulic system of the press. Features
Modular design
Basic functions
The control is adapted to the press functions by select-
Pressure relief function on the P-port ing the valve configuration / auxiliary manifolds
Directional control valve with position control Compact dimensions
Safety valve with position control The supply ports placed on the side and on the rear
Pressure protection for the press cylinder on the rod Low pressure losses
side Integration of auxiliary functions (up to two NG06 or
NG10 directional valves) possible
Options Load sensing integrated in the base control manifold
Flow control via proportional throttle on the P-side Connections for pressure sensors
(feed side) Established safety concept:
Load holding on the rod side of the press cylinder using Type examination by the trade association (BG) in
a pressure valve or a counterbalance valve accordance with DIN EN 693: 2011-11 (in future DIN
Gravity fall function EN ISO 16092-3)
Different locking functions on the piston side to activate For use in presses designed according to DIN EN 289:
and deactivate press cylinders 2014-09
Decompression valve or dump valve for the press Identical manifold design for closed loop press control
cylinder Regenerative control possible by using Parker hybrid
Valve control for setup mode valves
Additional module for auxiliary functions Optional module for setup mode
Connection for a double pump

1) NG32 only on the side.

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4 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Introduction PPCC





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5 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Ordering Code PPCC

Parker Control design Size 1) System Pressure Flow Directional Pressure Rod side Rod side
press version C, pressure stage system control valve stage rod function load holding
control pilot operated relief pressure side relief
relief valve

80 80 100 110 130 140 150

Code Nominal size
10 NG10
16 NG16
25 NG25
32 NG32

Code System pressure relief function

0 Pressure valve
U Pressure valve with vent function
P Pressure valve + proportional valve
Pressure valve + proportional valve
with onboard electronics (OBE)
Pressure valve + proportional valve
for LS pump pilot control
Pressure valve and proportional valve
L for LS pump pilot control with
onboard electronics (OBE)

Code Pressure stages

G 250 bar
K 350 bar

Code Flow control / isolating function

9 Without
A Proportional throttle valve
Isolating valve with position control for
C directional valve code P and Q as well as
blocking function for auxiliary functions
Proportional throttle valve with
F 2)
onboard electronics (OBE)

Code Directional valve

V Directional control valve
Z 2) Directional control valve with hybrid function
P 4) Servo proportional DC valve
Q 4) Servo proportional DC valve with hybrid function

Code Pressure stage

G 250 bar
K 350 bar

Code Rod side function

R Check valve
G Gravity fall - break pressure stage 250 bar
Gravitiy fall - break pressure stage 250 bar
with lowering valve setup mode
Isolating valve with position control
W 2)3)
for directional valve code P and Q

Rod side Opening Pressure 1) Corresponds to the nominal size of the mounted directional control valves.
Code Nominal flow
load holding ratio stage 6) 2) Not for PPCC10.
5) 3) Only in conjunction with external pilot oil, 230 code 2 or 7.
0 Without
4) Not for PPCC10, only in conjunction with flow control
D Preloading valve PPCC10: 120 l/min 35-210 bar 100 code C and rod
side function 140 code W.
F 6) Counterbalance valve 3:1 PPCC16: 240 l/min 28-105 bar 5) Only for rod side function
140 code W.
PPCC25: 480 l/min 6) Not for directional valve
110 code Z.
G 6) Counterbalance valve 3:1 PPCC32: 480 l/min 70-280 bar 7) Setting > 1.3 x max. load induced pressure.

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6 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Ordering Code PPCC

Sequence Port outlet Outlet Double pump Auxiliary Setup Pilot pressure Seal Design
valve port A2 valve valve manifold functions mode supply, position of NBR series
supply ports (not required for

160 170 180 200 210 220 230

171 Pilot pressure connections,
position of supply ports
1 11) X internal, Y external, side ports
2 X external, Y external, side ports
6 9)11) X internal, Y external, rear ports
7 9) X external, Y external, rear ports

Code Setup mode

0 Without
E 2) Circuit 3, connection to A1
F 2) Circuit 3, connection to A2

Code Auxiliary functions 8)

0 Without
Supply of P, two mounting positions for
NG06 DC valves, without valves
Supply of P1, two mounting positions for
NG06 DC valves, without valves
Supply of P, two mounting positions for
M 10)
NG10 DC valves, without valves
Supply of P1, two mounting positions
N 10)
for NG10 DC valves, without valves

Code Double pump manifold 8)

0 Without
Including pressure relief valve with vent
F 9)
function, pressure stage 210 bar

Code Outlet valve

0 Without (blocked)
Prop. pressure valve with
maximum pressure relief
Proportional pressure valve with maximum
T pressure relief with onboard electronics
Pilot operated check valve,
de-energized closed
W Shut-off valve, de-energized open

Code Port outlet valve

9 9) on A1 and A2
1 9) on A1
2 on A2

Code Sequence valve port A2

0 Without - blocked
9 Without - open
R Check valve
Pilot to close check valve,
8) de-energized closed
PPCC10: only function "Auxiliary function" 210 or function "Double pump"
200 can be mounted.
Pilot to close check valve,
9) Not for PPCC32. de-energized open
10) Not for PPCC10 and PPCC16. C Sequence valve, de-energized closed
11) Not for function rod side
140 Code G and Q. D Sequence valve, de-energized open

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7 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Hydraulic Circuit Diagram PPCC

Alternative connection options for

press cylinders

1) Only for gravity fall and multi cylinder circuits.

2) Not for PPCC10.
3) Cylinder connection depends on selected funtions 160 , 170 / 171 and 180 at A1 and/or A2.
4) PPCC25 and PPCC32: 2 valves.
5) Not for PPCC32.

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8 Parker Hannifin Corporation

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Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Hydraulic Circuit Diagram PPCC

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9 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Function Description PPCC

Base manifold Flow control - 100

In addition to the options to integrate and add functions Code 9
in accordance with the ordering code, the base manifold For all applications with or without an external adjustment
also includes the safety control with valves 110 (direc- of the pump flow (e.g. Drive Controlled Pumps).
tional valve), 50 (safety valve) and 130 (pressure valve on Code A / F
the rod side). See the safety information for more details. For LS applications. The throttle valve is attuned to the
System pressure relief function - 80 LS compensator on the Parker PVplus pump and when
Required in accordance with the norm, available in 2 fully open results in a pressure drop of only approximately
pressure stages and multiple versions. 3 bar.
Code 0 Code C
Should generally be selected for variable displacement In connection with a DFplus as a directional valve 110
pumps as a pure maximum pressure relief valve. The (code P and Q). In this version the safety against pressu-
pump pressure is adjusted by the pump pressure com- rization is moved from the directional valve to an isolating
pensator. valve with position control.
For the directional valve 110, code P, V, Q or Z is selected,
Code U
for the auxiliary functions 210 code B or N.
Enables a pressure-free circulation of the pump.
The isolating valve can also be used for safe blocking of
Code P / T the auxiliary functions. By monitoring the isolating valve in
Enables the proportional adjustment of the pump pres- conjunction with the directional valve of the auxiliary func-
sure for constant pumps and Drive Controlled Pumps. This tion, normally performance level d or e can be achieved.
option should not be selected for variable displacement
pumps as this may hinder the function of the pump's
pressure compensator.
Code K / L
For load-sensing (LS) applications in combination with
an MT3 pump compensator of the Parker PVplus axial
piston pump. Please contact your sales representative
for more details.

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10 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Function Description PPCC

Directional valve - 110 Rod side function 140

Code P Code G
For applications, in which speed, position, and pressure For presses with gravity fall functionality. The lowering
are controlled. In this version the safety is moved from speed is adjusted by the stroke limiter of the cartridge
the directional valve into the upstream and downstream valve. The brake pressure for the transition to the press
shut-off valves (100 and 140) as a directional control valve function is adjusted at the pilot relief valve. The check
without spool overlap can not be used for safety function. valve enables free flow during the backward movement.
Code V For the gravity fall function, the customer must provide
For all applications without (100 code 9), with external a prefill valve.
or internal (100 code A or F) flow control. Code Q
Code Q / Z Like code G but with the possibility to lower the ram via a
Like code P/V, but with an integrated, switchable rege- 3/2 directional seat valve in setup mode. For performance
nerative valve (Parker hybrid valve), in which the flow level d as required by standard EN ISO 16092-3, Y25 is
from the rod side is fed to the piston side. It should be monitored during the process and Y26 by the position
noted here that the flow on port A of the valve must not control.
exceed the nominal flow of the directional control valve. Code R
Rod side relief valve 130 For all applications with a counterbalance valve or pres-
sure valve (150 code D and F/G).
Code G / K
Defines the pressure stage of the pressure relief valve. Code W
The valve is part of the press control design required by In connection with a DFplus control valve as a directional
the norm. See the safety information for more details. valve (110 code P or Q). In this version, the safety is
moved from the directional valve to the shut-off valve.

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11 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK

Rod side load holding 150 Outlet valve connections 170/171

Code D When selecting the plugs, it is defined whether the outlet
Pressure valve without activating the counterbalance valve 180 works on port A1, A2, or both.
function for applications with gravity fall (140 code G/Q) Outlet valve 180
for applications with cylinder surface area ratios > 2:1 and
The second path to tank when using the outlet valve can
for regenerative circuits (110 - code Q/Z).
be used to increase the maximum possible flow that is
Code F/G discharged via A1 / A2. During the decompression phase,
For applications in which the back pressure is to be re- the rod side must generally be actively supplied to prevent
duced during a downward movement by activating the cavitation. For more information, see function example 1.
counterbalance valve. The actual flow and the area ratio
Code P / T
of the cylinder are to be considered. Cannot be used for
Proportional pressure relief valves with a mechanical
regenerative circuits (110 - code Q/Z).
maximum pressure stage, which are used to adjust the
Code 0 pressure on the piston side and perform a controlled
Only with 140 code W. decompression.
Sequence valve port A2 160 Code U / W
The piston side port A is available in duplicate for the most NC and NO shut-off valves.
universal use of the control manifold possible. Port A1 is
directly connected to port A of directional valve 110 and
generally used for the side press cylinders (used to raise
and lower the press platen) in multi-level presses. Port
A2 is used for the side press cylinder with a sequence
valve or for presses, in which piston-side pressure is
maintenance necessary.
Code 0
If port A2 is not used.
Code 9
If no sequence function of port A2 is necessary the cylin-
der can be connected to both ports (A1 and A2).
Code A/B/C/D
Different switching functions for rapid traverse cylinders
or press cylinders and switchable pressure maintenance
functions, in a normally closed (NC) and normally open
(NO) version.
Code R
For piston-side pressure maintenance functions. The
check valve prevents a sudden pressure drop on the
piston side when valve 50 is de-energized.

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12 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK

Double pump connection block 200 Pilot oil supply and location of the ports 230
Code F For internal pilot oil supply, it must be ensured that the
Generally used with fixed displacement pumps or vari- necessary minimum pilot pressure of 20 bar is maintained
able speed pumps to implement a high/low pressure in all operating situations as otherwise valves 50 and 110
combination. When the cut-off pressure measured by a may reset to the powerdown position. For this reason, no
pressure switch or a pressure sensor (installed by the internal supply is possible for the gravity fall function (140,
customer) is reached, the vent valve is de-energized code G/Q) as the pump pressure may fall below 20 bar
and the low-pressure pump is switched to pressure-free during this phase.
circulation. The maximum pressure of the low-pressure The ports of the base manifold (P, T, X, Y, and LS) are
pump is adjusted on the pressure valve. located on both the sides (not PPCC32) and the rear for
Auxiliary functions 210 flexible use. The coding defines which ports are to be
used. The other ports are sealed with plugs.
An additional manifold can be attached to the base mani-
fold for auxiliary functions. The connections can also be
used for externally fitted valves, using the P1 port located
behind the valve 100. This makes it possible to also use
the flow control for auxiliary functions respectively to block
safely the auxiliary functions.
Code A / B / M / N
Additional manifold for 2-directional control valves NG06
or NG10 (NG10 for PPCC25 and PPCC32 only), which
can be connected to either P or P1. They also contain
ports for more external functions, with P2 connected to P
or P1 according to the auxiliary function block selected.
The directional control valves are not included in the
scope of delivery.
Setup mode 220
An additional manifold can be added to the base manifold
for setup mode. The connection ports can also be used to
fit pressure sensors (not included in the scope of delivery).
The setup manifold is also equipped with measuring ports
A1, A2 and B1. When selecting functions 140 to 180, the
interaction with the setup mode is to be checked. See the
safety information for more details, in particular regarding
the orifice dimensioning.
Code E/F
Control of the setup via a 4/3-way directional control valve
NG06 Y21 / Y22 and a check valve Y20 as second chan-
nel. For performance level d as required by standard EN
ISO 16092-3, Y20 / Y21 is monitored during the process
and Y26 by the position control S20.
Piston-side connection to A1 (code E) or A2 (code F).

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

13 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Technical Data PPCC

Mounting position unrestricted, port B as close as possible to the cylinder
Standards fullfilled Conformity for installation in hydraulic presses according to DIN EN 693: 2011-11.
Can also be used for presses according to DIN EN 289:2014-09. 1)
For the corresponding application the stop-function of performance level "e" accord-
ing to DIN EN ISO 13849-1 can be achieved.
Size NG10 NG16 NG25 NG32
Weight 92 165 291 605
Dimensions dependent on the assembling
Ports P 350 bar SAE62 1 (G ) 8) SAE62 1 (G 1) 8) SAE62 1 (G 1) 8) ISO 6164 3"-400
basic manifold T 10 bar SAE61 1 (G 1) 8) SAE61 2 (G 1) SAE61 2 (G 2) SAE61 3
A1; A2 350 bar SAE62 1 (G 1) SAE62 1 (G 1) SAE62 2 (G 1) ISO 6164 3"-400
B 350 bar 2) SAE62 1 (G ) SAE62 1 (G 1) SAE62 1 (G 1) ISO 6164 3"-400
X 20350 bar 9) G 8) G 8) G 8) G
Y 1 bar G 8) G 8) G 8) G
LS 0350 bar G 8) G 8) G 8) G
A (LS) 0350 bar G G G G
P; P1 (aux. function) 350 bar G G G G
T (auxiliary function) 10 bar G G G G
M 3) 350 bar G G G G
Add. manifold G (Code A; B) G (Code A; B)
P2 350 bar G G
aux. function G (Code M; N) G (Code M; N)
T 10 bar G G G G
G (Code A; B) G (Code A; B)
ZA; ZB 350 bar G G
G (Code M; N) G (Code M; N)
Additional mani-
P; A1; A2; B1 350 bar G G G
fold setup mode
(press. sensors) T 10 bar G G G
Additional mani- PHD 350 bar G G1 G 1
fold double pump PND 350 bar SAE62 " SAE62 1" SAE62 1"
Valve types Code A TDA016 TDA025 TDA032 TDA040
Flow control 100
used Code F TDC025 TDC032 TDC040
Isolating function
100 Code C C10C3E016 TDW025 TDW032 TDW040
Code V D31NW D41VW D91VW D111VW
Directional valve Code Z 4) D41VWZ D91VWZ D111VWZ
110 Code P D31FP D41FP D91FP D111FP
Code Q 4) D41FPZ D91FPZ D111FPZ
System Code P; K RE06M*W RE06M*W RE06M*W RE06M*W
pressure relief 80 Code T; L RE06M*T RE06M*T RE06M*T RE06M*T
Code P RE06M*W RE06M*W RE06M*W RE06M*W
Outlet valve 180
Code T RE06M*T RE06M*T RE06M*T RE06M*T
Ambient temperature [C] -20...+50 C
Fluid Hydraulic oil according to DIN 51524
Fluid temperature [C] -20...+60 C
Viscosity permitted [cSt]/[mm/s] 30...80
recommended [cSt]/[mm/s] 20...400
Filtration ISO 4406 (1999); 18/16/13
Flow maximum port P,
[l/min] 120 270 540 1080
directional valve 110
port PHD 5) [l/min] 60 120 220
port PND 5) [l/min] 90 200 400
port A1; A2 [l/min] 120 / 240 6) 270 / 540 6) 540 / 1080 6) 1080
port B [l/min] 120 240 / 270 7) 480 / 540 7) 480 / 1080 7)
Max. operating pressure [bar] 350
SAE61 = 3000 psi - Series 1) Follow the safety instructions.
SAE62 = 6000 psi - Series 2) Max. pressure protection 130 385 bar, max. pressure increase 130 to 420 bar.
3) Provided with screw coupling M16x2.
Scope of delivery includes valves without plugs.
4) For performance data please see catalogue D*1VWZ respectively D*1FP.
5) In total not more than port P.
6) High flow value, if valves 110 and 180 are activated.
7) Low flow value via valve 130 , respectively 150
High flow value via valve 140
8) 2 ports each.

9) At
HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017 140 -code W min. 50 % of max. working pressure.

14 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Technical Data / Wiring PPCC

On/off DC valve [%] 100
DC valves Supply voltage 24 VDC / 1.29 A / 31 W
RE06M*T TDA 1) RE06 1)
Proportional valves D*1FP 1) TDC 1)
(OBE) 1) controlled by PCD controlled by PCD
Supply voltage [V] 18 30 22 30 18 30 18 30
Current consumption hold [A] 2 3,5 2 5 (two valve solenoids controllable)
Command signal [V] 0 +10 +10 0 -10 0 +10 0 +10
Function PA PB

Wiring for D*1FP pilot operated servo Wiring for RE06M*T (OBE) pressure valve
proportional DC valve and TDC throttle valve

+ 0V
Diagnostics 24 V
valve stroke A
0...10 V F B

Reference 2) + 0V
0...10 V 5...30 V

Electrical characteristics of position control as per

IEC 61076-2-101 (M12x1) Pin assignment plug M12x1
Supply voltage [VDC] 24
Tolerance supply voltage [%] 20
Ripple supply voltage [%] 10 1 + US 19.2...28.8 V
Polarity protection [V] 300 2 1
2 Out B: normally open
Current consumption without [mA] 20 3 0V
load 3 4
4 Out A: normally open to be
Switching hysteresis [mm] <0.06 used in pressure controls
Max. output current per
channel, ohmic [mA] 250
Protection IP65 acc. to EN 60529
CE conform EN 61000-4-2/EN 61000-4-4/
EN 61000-4-6 3)/ENV 50140/
ENV 50204 1
Pin 4
Min. distance to next AC [m] 0.1 0
Interface M12x1 acc. to 1
Pin 2
IEC 61076-2-101 0
0: Voltage max. 1.8 V
1: Voltage min. UB-2.5 V 0
1) For further information please refer to the relevant valve data sheets. switching point
2) Do not connect with the supply voltage zero.
3) Only guaranted with screened cable and female connector.

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15 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Flow Curves Diagrams PPCC

Diagram 1 Diagram 2

Curve Way Equipping Curve Way Equipping

1 P->B 100-9, 110-V, 50, 140-R 1 B->T 140-G, 50 110-V

2 P->A1 100-9, 110-V 2 A1->T 110-V, 170 and 171 closed

3 A1->T 50 (safe home position) 3 A2->A1 180-C, 170 and 171 closed

4 A1->A2 160-R

5 P->P1 100-A

Diagram 1 Diagram 2
25 25
Pressure drop p [bar]

Pressure drop p [bar]

20 20
1 1
15 15
10 10
5 5
4 3
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Flow [l/min] Flow [l/min]

Diagram 1 Diagram 2
25 25
Pressure drop p [bar]

Pressure drop p [bar]

20 20
15 15
10 10
3 2
5 4 5
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 270 0 50 100 150 200 250 270
Flow [l/min] Flow [l/min]

All characteristic curves measured with HLP46 at 50 C.

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16 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Flow Curves Diagrams PPCC

Diagram 1 Diagram 2
25 25

Pressure drop p [bar]

Pressure drop p [bar]

20 20

15 1 15
10 10
5 3 5
4 3
0 5 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 540 0 100 200 300 400 500 540
Flow [l/min] Flow [l/min]

Leakage [ml/min]



100 PPCC16

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Pressure [bar]

on request

All characteristic curves measured with HLP46 at 50 C.

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

17 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Design PPCC10

Version with directional control valve NG10 (PPCC10***V...)

180 - U / W

140 - G
160 - C / D

140 - Q

80 - L

160 - A / B

180 - T
80 - T

80 - K
160 - 0 / 9 / R
140 - R

180 - P
80 - U / P

210 - A / B

80 - 0

100 - A

100 - 9
100 - C

200 - F

80 = System pressure relief 180 = Outlet valve

100 = Flow control 200 = Double pump connection manifold
140 = Rod side function 210 = Auxiliary functions
160 = Sequence valve port A2

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18 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Dimensions PPCC10

Version with directional control valve NG10


B PPCC10 general dimensions

Code B8 B14 H8 H10 H14 H16 H18
D 0 69 40 40 40

9 40 40
M A 167 140
B 140
C 163 97
D 97
PPCC10 dimensions for SAE flanges G 18 150
K 82 127
Port A B D M L 82 190
P1) SAE62 1" 57.2 27.8 G M12x19 P 82 97 97
T SAE61 1" 69.9 35.7 G1 M12x19 R 0 40 40
Q 91 150
A1 SAE62 1" T 82 160 160
66.6 31.8 G1 M12x19
A2 U 82 97 90
B SAE62 1" 57.2 27.8 G M12x19 W 90
1) SAE flange can be aligned horizontally and vertically.

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

19 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Design PPCC16

Version with directional control valve NG16 (PPCC16***V... / PPCC16***Z...)

160 - C / D
140 - G

140 - Q

160 - A / B
80 - L

80 - T 220 - E / F

140 - R 160 - 0 / 9 / R

180 - T
80 - U / P 180 - 0
80 - K

180 - P

180 - U / W
80 - 0

100 - C

100 - A
210 - A / B

100 - 9
100 - F
200 - F

80 = System pressure relief 180 = Outlet valve

100 = Flow control 200 = Double pump connection manifold
140 = Rod side function 210 = Auxiliary functions
160 = Sequence valve port A2 220 = Setup mode

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

20 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Dimensions PPCC16

Version with directional control valve NG16

(PPCC16***V... / PPCC16***Z...)

PPCC16 general dimensions

Code B14 H8 H10 H14 H16 H18
D 0 45 45 45
9 45 45

M A 177 145
B 145
C 186 102
D 102
PPCC16 dimensions for SAE flanges F 233
G 2 154
Port A B D M K 132
P1) SAE62 1" 66.6 31.8 G1 M12x20 L 195
P 102 102
T SAE61 2" 77.8 42.9 G1 M12x24 Q 88 154
A1 SAE62 1" R 0 45 45
79.4 36.5 G1 M16x30 T 165 165
U 102 95
B SAE62 1" 66.6 31.8 G1 M12x20 W 186 95
1) SAE flange can be aligned horizontally and vertically.

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

21 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Design PPCC16

Version with servo proportional DC valve NG16 (PPCC16**CP... / PPCC16**CQ...)

80 - T

220 - E / F

80 - U / P

80 - 0

210 - A / B

80 = System pressure relief

210 = Auxiliary functions
220 = Setup mode

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

22 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Ausfhrung mit Regelventil NG16
(PPCC16**CP... / PPCC16**CQ...)
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Dimensions PPCC16

Version with servo proportional DC valve NG16

(PPCC16**CP... / PPCC16**CQ...)


PPCC16 dimensions for SAE flanges

Port A B D M PPCC16 general

P 1) SAE62 1" 66.6 31.8 G1 M12x20 dimensions
T SAE61 2" 77.8 42.9 G1 M12x24 Code H8
A1 SAE62 1" 0 45
79.4 36.5 G1 M16x30 P 102
T 165
B SAE62 1" 66.6 31.8 G1 M12x20 U 102
1) SAE flange can be aligned horizontally and vertically.

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

23 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Design PPCC25

Version with directional control valve NG25 (PPCC25***V... / PPCC25***Z...)

140 - G 160 - C / D

140 - Q

160 - A / B

80 - L

220 - E / F
140 - R 160 - 0 / 9 / R
80 - T

180 - T
180 - 0

80 - K

80 - U / P

180 - P

80 - 0

100 - A 180 - U / W
210 - M / N

100 - C

210 - A / B 100 - 9

100 - F
200 - F

80 = System pressure relief 180 = Outlet valve

100 = Flow control 200 = Double pump connection manifold
140 = Rod side function 210 = Auxiliary functions
160 = Sequence valve port A2 220 = Setup mode

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

24 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Dimensions PPCC25

Version with directional control valve NG25

(PPCC25***V... / PPCC25***Z...)

PPCC25 general dimensions

Code B14 H8 H10 H14 H16
0 50 50
9 50 50
A 182 150
B 150
C 186 107
D 107
PPCC25 dimensions for SAE flanges
F 203
Port A B D M G 2 168
K 137
P 1) SAE62 1" 79.4 36.5 G1 M16x28
L 200
T SAE61 2" 88.9 50.8 G2 M12x24 P 107
A1 SAE62 2" Q 76 168
96.8 44.4 G1 M20x38 R 0 50 50
T 170
B SAE62 1" 79.4 36.5 G1 M16x28 U 107
1) SAE flange can be aligned horizontally and vertically.

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

25 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Design PPCC25

Version with servo proportional DC valve NG25 (PPCC25**CP... / PPCC25**CQ...)

80 - T

220 - E / F

80 - U / P

80 - 0

210 - A / B

210 - M / N

80 = System pressure relief

210 = Auxiliary functions
220 = Setup mode

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

26 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Dimensions PPCC25

Version with servo proportional DC valve NG25

(PPCC25**CP... / PPCC25**CQ...)


PPCC25 dimensions for SAE flanges

Port A B D M PPCC25 general
P1) SAE62 1" 79.4 36.5 G1 M16x28 dimensions
T SAE61 2" 88.9 50.8 G2 M12x24 Code H8
A1 SAE62 2" 0 50
96.8 44.4 G1 M20x38 P 107
T 170
B SAE62 1" 79.4 36.5 G1 M16x28 U 107
1) SAE flange can be aligned horizontally and vertically.

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

27 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Design PPCC32

Version with directional control valve NG32 (PPCC32***V... / PPCC32***Z...)

160 - C / D

140 - G

140 - Q
160 - A / B

80 - T
80 - L

220 - E / F

80 - U / P 180 - T
80 - K

180 - P

210 - A / B

100 - C

180 - U / W
100 - A

210 - M / N

100 - F 100 - 9

80 = System pressure relief 180 = Outlet valve

100 = Flow control 200 = Double pump connection manifold
140 = Rod side function 210 = Auxiliary functions
160 = Sequence valve port A2 220 = Setup mode

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

28 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Dimensions PPCC32

Version with directional control valve NG32

(PPCC32***V... / PPCC32***Z...)

B PPCC32 general dimensions

D Code B14 H8 H14 H16

0 106 60

M 9 60
A 160
B 160
C 117
PPCC32 dimensions for flange connections D 117
G 0 162
Anschluss A B D M K 190
P ISO6164 3"-400 102.5 102.5 58 M24x48 L 253
T SAE61 3" 120.7 70 89 M16x32 P 160
Q 73 162
A1 R 0 60 60
102.5 102.5 58 M24x48
A2 ISO6164 3"-400 T 223
B ISO6164 3"-400 102.5 102.5 58 M24x48 U 160

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

29 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Design PPCC32

Version with servo proportional DC valve NG25 (PPCC25**CP... / PPCC25**CQ...)

80 - T

220 - E / F

80 - U / P

210 - A / B

210 - M / N

80 = System pressure relief

210 = Auxiliary functions
220 = Setup mode

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

30 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Dimensions PPCC32

Version with servo proportional DC valve NG32

(PPCC32***CP... / PPCC32***CQ...)


PPCC32 dimensions for flange connections

Port A B D M PPCC32 general
P ISO6164 3"-400 102.5 102.5 58 M24x48
T SAE61 3" 120.7 70 89 M16x32 Code H8
0 106
A1 P 160
102.5 102.5 58 M24x48
A2 ISO6164 3"-400 T 223
B ISO6164 3"-400 102.5 102.5 58 M24x48 U 160

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

31 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Function Examples PPCC

Example 1
Press design
Press with high-speed gravity fall Spring-loaded tools move the ram upwards during the
Speed control with proportional throttle in load-sensing decompression phase
operation In setup mode it is only necessary to lower the ram
System pressure relief fixed, pressure is controlled
by the pump

Ordering code

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

32 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Function Diagram PPCC

Notes on the control

During the decompression phase, the rod side must pressure valve of the pump set to a low pressure, which
be actively supplied to prevent cavitation. To that end, facilitates supply but does not result in an active retraction.
the valves are switched to the retract function, with the

OU = upper reversal point

UU = lower reversal point

a Before starting the closing respectively retraction b If the safety functions are neutralized during the
movement, the save home position of valve 50 and retraction movement, the switching position of valve
110 must be monitored. 110 must be constantly monitored.

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

33 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Function Examples PPCC

Example 2
Press design
Press with closed loop controlled drive
Speeds, positions, and pressures are controlled by the
D*1FP (DFplus) servo proportional DC valve
System pressure relief fixed, the pump pressure is
controlled on the pump

Ordering code

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

34 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Function Diagram PPCC

Notes on the control

Given the safe basic settings, valves 100 and 50 prevent For energy-efficient operations, the pump pressure can
pressurization and valves 140 and 50 prevent the lowering be subsequently controlled according to the cylinder's
of the ram. External pilot oil supply to achieve the same actual pressure requirements, with the pressure drop kept
controlling behavior of the DFplus control valve in all constant by the control valve and therefore minimized in
operating situations. The pilot pressure must be at least phases with low pressure requirements. The retraction
50 % of the max. operating pressure. must not be activated when the safety device is turned
off as there is no secure direction recognition when using
control valve 110.

OU = upper reversal point

UU = lower reversal point

a Before starting the closing respectively retraction

movement, the save home position of valve 50 , 100
and 110 must be monitored.

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

35 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Safety Information PPCC

When used as instructed, PPCC series press controls an incorrect increase of pressure in the cylinder. The
meet all of the requirements of DIN EN 693: 2011-11 PPCC press controls are delivered from the factory with
placed on the hydraulic section of a press control. The sealed settings of 250 bar or 350 bar. After the factory
following instructions must be followed during configura- test run the load holding valves 150 are adjusted to the
tion in order to use the control manifold in accordance maximum setting. During commissioning they must be
with the norm. For presses designed according to DIN set by the customer to the holding pressure plus safe-
EN 289:2014-09, additional safety measures must be ty margin (setting > 1.3 x max. load induced pressure).
taken according to this norm for a stroke > 500 mm or if All other pressure valves are reset to the minimum set
the depth of the mounting plate is > 800 mm. pressure after the factory test run.
No hose lines and cutting ring connections can be
PPCC press controls must only be used as instructed. used on the rod side of the cylinder (port B of the con-
Alternative uses of the press control are not permitted; trol block); only form-fitted or welded connections are
all exceptions are listed below. permitted. When designing the pipeline, the maximum
The press control must only be used in presses with an occuring pressure at valve 130 has to be considered
active protective device and an electrical safety con- (actual pressure setting plus pressure increase of 35
troller. Information on safety devices and the electrical bar at nominal flow).
controller can be found in DIN EN 693. The test ports on the rod side are equipped with
Valves 50 and 110 form the established redundant and orifices with a diameter of 0.6 mm to limit the lowering
self-monitoring Parker safety controller. The self-moni- speed when the connections are accidentally opened
toring of the system requires the integration of position to < 5 mm/s. This design is to be checked by the user
control of the directional valves in the electrical part of by measuring the cylinder diameter and holding pres-
the controller in accordance with the norm. The acti- sures of the system. Where necessary, orifices with
vation of the directional valves must also be designed smaller diameters are to be used. The replacement of
in accordance with the norm. orifices is excluded from the aforementioned prohibi-
This valve switching ensures that even in the case of tion of changes.
an error in one of the two valves dangerous motion By default, the directional control valve 50 must not ex-
can be stopped at any time. ceed the maximum lowering speed of the press ram of
If the safety functions are neutralized during the open- 1 mm/s. The user is to check the leakage values and
ing stoke, the switching position of valve 110 must be the cylinder diameter and holding pressures of the plant
constantly monitored to rule out the reversal of the di- stated in the catalogue to see whether this value is met.
rection. The user must take measures to prevent common
In the case of a fault on valve 110, the entire flow of cause failures (CCF) as outlined in DIN EN 13849-1
the pump will flow to the tank via valve 50. It must be in order to reach the performance level (PL) 'e'.
ensured that the pressure on the rod side does not ex- During setup operations without a safety device, the
ceed the permissible value due to the surface area ra- press speed must be restricted to 10 mm/s. This is
tio of the cylinder, the flow-through resistance of valve possible by taking the following steps, amongst others:
50 and the resistance in the tank line. This means that Separate pump with limited capacity.
the press could move backwards via pressure valve Additional manifolds in accordance with the type
130 although valve 50 is in the starting position. code. When placing the orifices, the user should en-
The system pressure relief valve 80 is to be set to the sure that the permitted speed cannot be exceeded
maximum permitted pressure of the hydraulic system even in unfavorable operating circumstances. The
on the user's side. replacement of orifices is excluded from the afore-
The pressure relief valve 130 on the rod side prescribed mentioned prohibition of changes.
by the norm is to be set to at least 10 % above the The use of normal direction controls together with a
maximum operating pressure of the hydraulic system secure monitoring of the setup speed is possible in
and sealed. The valve must only open in the case of the case of presses with position feedback.

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

36 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Certificate PPCC

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

37 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK Press Control
Accessories PPCC

Order no.
Electrics Description Type
black (B) grey (A)
Plugs Directional control valves PG 9 5001710 5001711
PG11 5001716 5001717
PG11 with LED 5001571 5001572
PG 11 with LED and 5001708 5001709
suppressing circuit
Proportional valves without onboard PG 9 5001710 5001711
electronics PG11 5001716 5001717
Proportional valves with onboard 6 + PE
electronics EN 175201-804
M12 / 4 + PE
Position control 5004109
IEC 61076-2-101
Parametrizing cable OBE RS232 40982923
RS232C, DSub 9P,
Interface for PCD module
male for null modem cable
Electronic module for proportional valves PCD00A-400
Hydraulic connections
Fittings ISO 1179-1 Parker catalogue CAT 4100-8
ISO 6162-1/2 / SAE 518
Flanges Parker catalogue CAT 4100-8
There are a number of components available to connect the pipes and hoses from which the suitable for the respective installation circum-
stances can be selected.
It should be noted here that only form-fitting pipe connections and no cutting ring connections or hoses are used to maintain the
press (port B, see safety information).
Hydraulic pumps
Axial piston pumps Series PV Parker catalogue HY30-3245
Series PD Parker catalogue HY28-2665
Vane pumps Parker catalogue HY29-0001
Drive Controlled Pump Parker catalogue HY11-3352
Pressure sensors Series SCP Parker catalogue CAT4083-3

Seal kits
Seal kits PPCC10 PPCC16 PPCC25 PPCC32
Version with directional
control valve
Version with servo
proportional DC valve

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

38 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
Catalogue HY11-3362/UK

HY11-3362UK PPCC.indd 20.04.2017

39 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Hydraulics Group
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2017 Parker Hannifin Corporation. All rights reserved. Catalogue HY11-3362/UK, POD 04/2017, ZZ

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