Data Processing Cycle
Data Processing Cycle
Data Processing Cycle
i) Classification
The data is classified into different groups and subgroups, so that each group or
sub-group of data can be handled separately.
ii) Sorting
The data is arranged into an order so that it can be accessed very quickly as and
when required.
Data Processing Cycle : Step-2
iii) Calculations
The arithmetic operations are performed on the numeric data to get the required
results. For example, total marks of each student are calculated.
iv) Summarizing
The data is processed to represent it in a summarized form. It means that the
summary of data is prepared for top management. For example, the summary of
the data of student is prepared to show the percentage of pass and fail student
examination etc.
Data Processing Cycle : Step - 3
3. Output
After completing the processing step, output is generated. The main
purpose of data processing is to get the required result. Mostly, the output is
stored on the storage media for later user. In output step, following activities can
be performed.
i) Retrieval
Output stored on the storage media can be retrieved at any time. For
example, result of students is prepared and stored on the disk. This result can be
retrieved when required for different purposes.
Data Processing Cycle : Step - 3
ii) Conversion
The generated output can be converted into different forms. For example,
it can be represented into graphical form.
iii) Communication
The generated output is sent to different places. For example, weather
forecast is prepared and sent to different agencies and newspapers etc. where it
is required.