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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


Numerical Investigation of 2D Turbulent Flow past a Circular Cylinder at

Lower Subcritical Reynolds Number
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3rd International Conference on Sustainable Engineering Techniques (ICSET 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 881 (2020) 012160 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/881/1/012160

Numerical Investigation of 2D Turbulent Flow past a Circular

Cylinder at Lower Subcritical Reynolds Number

K M Sowoud1, A A AL-Filfily1 and B H. Abed1

Department of Power Mechanics Engineering, Engineering Technical College-Baghdad,
Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq

Abstract. The main objective of the present study is to evaluate the applicability of the
standard k-ε turbulence model in engineering practice in the subcritical flow regimes. Also,
examine the influence of Reynolds number variation on the flow characteristics are considered.
The numerically simulation of the flow characteristics over a smooth uniform cross section
circular cylinder with a diameter of 50 mm and 400mm span, placed horizontally perpendicular
to the main flow direction at four different Reynolds numbers (Re) based on the cylinder
diameter (D) and the undisturbed free-stream velocity in the range Re=(0.5,0.7,0.85 and 1.0)
×105 were performed. The simulated results of the flow properties such as flow stream velocity
components, pressure distribution contours, pressure coefficient (Cp) and drag coefficient(CD)
around the circular cylinder were consider. The numerical analysis obtain by CFD using
ANSYS FLUNET (19.1) with K-Ɛ turbulence model, for solving the 2D (ANSE) governing
equation for tested model were consider. The present simulation results validation is obtained
by comparing the converged results with published numerical and experimental data.

Keywords: Circular cylinder, Drag force, subcritical Reynolds number, ANSYS FLUENT.

D: Drag force;
CD: Drag coefficient;
CP: Pressure coefficient;
: Free stream dynamic pressure;
: Drag force
: Free stream velocity
: Free-stream air dynamic viscosity =1.81x10-5 Pa.s
d: Diameter of the circular Cylinder
b2 : Cylinder length
A: Projected area; A b ×π
: Free-stream air density =1.225 (kg/m3)
P: local static pressure on cylinder periphery

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of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
3rd International Conference on Sustainable Engineering Techniques (ICSET 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 881 (2020) 012160 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/881/1/012160

P : Static pressure in free stream

CD: Drag coefficient of cylinder

1. Introduction
Flow around a circular cylinder is essential for researchers and engineering design aspects. Moreover,
the flow over the circular cylinders have a wide range of applications such as in heat exchanger,
cooling towers, nuclear cooling system, bridge piers, subsea pipelines can be modeled as cylinder.
Most of engineering problems are subjected to sub-critical Reynolds number. Boundary layer
separation and flow oscillation in the wake zone behind the cylinder occur due to shedding of vortices
at moderate and high Reynolds number. These types of flow can sometimes results to undesirable
structural vibrations, which leads to structural damage. Therefore, this kind of flow behavior is very
interesting to be studied in deeply especially the effects of the vortex shedding on the cylinder.
For real fluid the flow pattern is more complicated than that for inviscid fluid and varies depending
upon the Reynolds number, which is represent the ratio between the inertia force (Fi) and viscous
force (Fv). Figure 1 depicts a variety of flow patterns as the velocity (Reynolds number) of the fluid
At low Reynolds number (Re<1), no separation occurs, viscous forces are predominated and the
flow may be generally consider laminar. The flow pattern is smoothly in a symmetric not only around
its front and rear, but also around the upper and lower side and thereby no wake formed, as shown in
Figure 1a. The drag force is relatively high, as shown in Figure 2. A change take place in the flow
patterns as a Reynolds number increased slightly at about 4< Re <40. The flow separates on the
downstream side, and symmetric pair of fixed vortices are formed in the near weak (Figure 1b). These
vortices are stable and remain attached to the body.
As the Reynolds number increased about 40< Re <100, the new flow pattern were develop. The
wake behind the circular cylinder become unstable and one of the two vortices in Figure 1b are break
away and then the second is shed because of the flow oscillation and the nonsymmetrical pressure in
the wake zone, as shown in Figure 1c. This phenomenon is known as Karman Vortex Street. In the
Reynolds number range 100 < Re < 200, the vortices become unstable, as shown in Figure 1d. Further
increase in Reynolds number 200 <Re<400, periodic irregular disturbances are start in the wake. The
flow is transitional and gradually becomes turbulent, as shown in Figure 1e. As the Reynolds number
is increased 400 < Re <2.5 × 105, the boundary layers separates at about 800 on the front half of the
cylinder, as shown in Figure 1f. This flow pattern causes the pressure in the wake zone is much lower
than the free-stream pressure. This flow is called subcritical flow.

3rd International Conference on Sustainable Engineering Techniques (ICSET 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 881 (2020) 012160 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/881/1/012160

Figure 1. Regimes of fluid flow over circular cylinder [1].

When the Re is increased in range 2.5 × 105 < Re < 3.5 × 105, the flow come into the critical limits and
some references called it transitional flow. The boundary layer separation itself becomes turbulent and
unsteady. A dramatic reduction occurs in drag over 70% [1], as shown in Figure 2. With further
increasing in Reynolds number 3.5 × 105 < Re < 3 × 106, the separated region becomes turbulent,
reattaches, and separates again at 1200 on the rear back of the cylinder, as shown in Figure 1g. The
drag force again increased, as shown in Figure 2 [1].When the Reynolds number become Re>3 × 106,
the boundary layer become turbulent on the front side of the cylinder and the separation take place at
1400,as shown in Figure 1h. The pressure is somewhat lower resulting in drag increased.

Figure 2. Variation in the drag coefficient with various Reynolds numbers [1].

Extensive experimental and numerical efforts have been devoted to understand the flow characteristics
(wake zone) downstream the cylinder at both laminar and turbulent flow conditions. Majtaba Daneshi
[3], studied the flow characteristics such as velocity fields, pressure distribution and drag force for
unsteady incompressible turbulent and laminar flow downstream a circular cylinder numerically and
analyzed by using ANSYS Fluent software and 2D finite volume method. Also, the effect of Reynolds
number Re 102 and 105 on flow fields were computed. The influence of aspect ratios (L/D)(diameter

3rd International Conference on Sustainable Engineering Techniques (ICSET 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 881 (2020) 012160 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/881/1/012160

7.5 and 10cm , length 65cm) on flow parameters are investigate experimentally by using sub-sonic
wind tunnel and numerically by using ANSYS (14.5) software by Kartik Chandra Bhagat et al. [4].
Results show that the boundary layer separation takes place as the result of pressure distribution over
the cylinder of an angle 90o-100o, also was found that the error percentage 13.75% between the
experimental and numerical methods.
Mehmet I. Yuce et al. [5], studied numerically the flow characteristics around circular cylinder for
laminar (Re=2) and turbulent flow (Re=4×106). 2D simulation using K-Ɛ turbulence model were
carried out. The result obtains shows that the wake zone behind the square cylinder much more than
that behind the circular cylinder. the flow in the wake zone of different profiles of bluff bodies such as
triangle, square and circular at Re=5000 and 10000 are investigate experimentally and numerically by
S. Yagmur et al. [6], Results showed that a good agreement in respect of flow patterns of vortices,
velocity and streamline topology. M. M. Rahman et al. [7], studied the wake zone downstream the
circular cylinder for incompressible, unsteady, laminar and turbulent 2D flow. 2D finite volume
method is using to solve the governing equations. The drag and pressure coefficients for different
Reynolds numbers (Re=103 and 3.9×103) are computed and compared with the other numerical data.
Their results show that a good agreement with the experimental results.
CFD, numerical simulation using finite volume method to study the (2D, incompressible and
unsteady) flow behavior over a square cylinder were carried out by Gera.B, et al [8]. Also, investigate
numerically the wake zone downstream the cylinder for Reynolds number range 50-250. Their results
show that the vortex shedding start between Re=50 and Re=55, the effect of Re in drag, lift and
strouhal number were predicted and shows a good trend with the other work results. Jie Shao at el. [9],
Re-average Navier-Stokes equations and large eddies simulate (LES), these two methods are used to
simulate the 2D flow over a circular cylinder at Re=5800. For 2D flow the turbulent K-Ɛ model is
used. By comparing the results with experimental data are found that the 3D (LES) is more necessary
to solve this complex flow more than 2D (RANS) equation.
Study the flow behavior numerically at the wake zone of the bluff body at different blockage ratios
and Reynolds numbers by Pankaj Kumar at el. [10], Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) with
ANSYS/ Fluent using a finite volume method are considered. The drag, pressure coefficient and
kinetic energy variation are computed and analyzed. The result shows that the drag coefficient
increased with increasing blockage ratio at fixed Re while reduced with increase Re at fixed BR.
In this research, flow around a smooth circular cylinder had been numerically investigated. Since, both
the geometry of circular cylinder and free- stream velocity had been chosen to achieve the subcritical
Reynolds number (300 < Re < 2× 105). In the literature, the subcritical flow past circular cylinder has
received much less attention compared with flow at lower Reynolds number Re < 300 and
supercritical flow Re>3.5 × 106. The main goal of the present research is to investigate numerically
the behavior of fluid flow in the wake zone of a smooth uniform cross section circular cylinder with a
diameter of 50 mm and 400mm span by using the CFD, ANSYS/ Fluent with K-Ɛ turbulence model
for solving the 2D (ANSE) governing equations. Numerical simulation of velocity (contours, vectors
and streamlines), pressure distribution and drag coefficient are calculated and simulated at different
Reynolds numbers.

2. Methodology
Methodologies of the present research start first, with the flow past the cylinder is modeled in 2D
placed horizontally perpendicular to the main flow direction. The simulated model having (D=5cm)
and a span 40 cm was used. The cylinder dimensions and velocities are achieved to satisfy the
desirable lower subcritical Reynolds numbers. The construction of three dimensional model using
ANSYS software, fine mesh generation using 3D element, the computational domain and boundary
conditions used are given in Figure 1 [2].

3rd International Conference on Sustainable Engineering Techniques (ICSET 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 881 (2020) 012160 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/881/1/012160


3.1 Mathematical models
The flow past a smooth circular cylinder has been simulated by solving numerically and 2D Navier-
Stokes equations (for unsteady, incompressible and turbulent flow. In order to solve the Navier-Stokes
equations of motion (Eq.1) and continuity equation (Eq.2), the finite volume method is used in which
the general transport equation for transient and 3-D flow boundary condition is given by [6]

………………. (1)

̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ (̅ ̅ ̅ ̅ ) ̅̅̅
………………. (2)
xi = The Cartesian coordinates in x directions
t = time
ui = velocity components
ʋ = kinematic viscosity
In order to solve the continuity equation (Eq.1) and the Navier-Stokes equations of motion (Eq.2), the
finite volume method is used in which the general transport equation for transient and 3-D flow
boundary condition is given by [6].

∫ (∫ ( ) ) ∫ (∫ ( ) )
∫ (∫ ( ) ) ∫ (∫ )
………………. (3)
= general property and growth rate
= coefficient of diffusion
For the purpose of calculate the drag coefficient, the force in the X-direction has found from the
analysis which is nothing but the drag force. Upon substituting the drag force value in the following
equation, the drag coefficient (Cd) value can be found.
The drag coefficient is computed using equation (4):

………………. (4)
× ×

Reynolds numbers (Re) based on the cylinder diameter (D) and the undisturbed free-stream velocity is
calculated using equation (5):

………………. (5)

3.2 Mesh and Grid

Figure 3 shows the diagram of the present model which include the cylinder and the enclosed wind
tunnel, it has cleared that the density of the mesh near the cylinder wall is condensed and consist of
100 layers of uniform elements in order to obtain a precise results.
The boundary conditions used in the model are as follow, see Figure 4:

3rd International Conference on Sustainable Engineering Techniques (ICSET 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 881 (2020) 012160 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/881/1/012160

1. Inlet, v = 15, 20, 25, 30 m/s

2. Cylinder wall, stationary wall, no slip shear condition
3. Stationary wall, no slip shear conditions
4. Outlet pressure condition, pressure gage = 0 MPa.

Figure 3. Shows the mesh model and the 100 layers of elements near the cylinder wall.

Figure 4. Boundary condition of the present work.


Numerical analysis of the flow past a circular cylinder have been carried out using commercial CFD,
ANSYS/Fluent (19.1) to solving the governing equations with the corresponding boundary
conditions. The simulated results obtain for the 2D flow past a smooth circular cylinder with definite
geometry (diameter=5cm and length = 40 cm) model and at four different Reynolds number (Re= 0.5,
0.7,0.85 and 1.0)×105 depend on the free stream velocity. In this work, all the results data for drag and
pressure coefficients are calculated and compare to each others.

3rd International Conference on Sustainable Engineering Techniques (ICSET 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 881 (2020) 012160 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/881/1/012160

Figure 5. Flow stream velocity component contours (left side) and velocity vector contors (right side)
for circular cylinder at different Reynolds number.

Compuated the stream velocity component contours (right side) and velocity vectors (left side) are
presented at Reynolds numbers (Re= 0.5, 0.7,0.85 and 1.0) ×105 shown in Figure 5.It is clearly that in
Figure 5a to 5d, the high velocity occures at the upper and lower side are displyed by red countors on
the circular cylinder. Where as, the blue contours at the front and rear represent the lower velocity
contours, seperation of boundary layers occurs at an angles about 80o [1].
In Figure 6a to 6d, shows the velocity streamlines distribuation around the circular cylinder with
different velocities. The pressure distribuation around the tested model (circular cylinder) at four
different Reynolds numbers,are shown In Figure 6e to 6h. Aremarkable difference in pressure
distribution it can be seen. It clearly observe that the front face of the cylinder is exerted to high
pressure (+CP) which is specified by red area. This can be interpreted due to the flow slowdown the
front face of the cylinder and becom stagination region. The flow again accelerated at the upper and
lower sides of the cylinder causes pressur to drop and resulting in low pressure distribuation (-CP)
which is indicated by blue area. Turbulent kinetic energy contours around the circular cylinder with
different Reynolds numbers are shown in Figure 7.

3rd International Conference on Sustainable Engineering Techniques (ICSET 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 881 (2020) 012160 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/881/1/012160

Figure 6. Flow streamline contours (left side) and pressure distribuation contours (right side) at
different Reynolds numbers (Re=0.5, 0.7, 0.85 and 1.0) ×105.

3rd International Conference on Sustainable Engineering Techniques (ICSET 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 881 (2020) 012160 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/881/1/012160

Figure 7. Turbulent kinetic energy contours around circular cylinder at different Reynolds numbers.

3rd International Conference on Sustainable Engineering Techniques (ICSET 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 881 (2020) 012160 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/881/1/012160

Figure 8. Pressure coefficient variation as function of angle around circular cylinder.

The calculated numerically results of the drag coefficient (CD) and drag force for circular cylinder at
each Reynolds numbers (Re= 0.5, 0.7,0.85 and 1.0) ×105 are presented in Table 1.
The drag coefficient (CD) variation with Reynolds numbers for circular cylinder is plotted in Figure
9. It is evident that the trend of the drag coefficient is increased as the Reynolds numbers increased.
The maximum drag coefficient (CD=0.089) occurs at high subcritical Reynolds numbers 1.0 ×105 as
shown in Figure 9. This can be interpreted due to separated boundary layers causes the turbulent flow
downstream the circular cylinder (wake zone) with full in vorticties.

Figure 9. Drag coefficient (CD) variation with Reynolds numbers.

3rd International Conference on Sustainable Engineering Techniques (ICSET 2020) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 881 (2020) 012160 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/881/1/012160

Table 1. Drag coefficient (CD) and drag force for circular cylinder at different
Reynolds numbers.
Speed (m/s) Re CD FD(N)
15 0.5×105 0.028 3.91
20 0.7×105 0.042 5.82
25 0.85×105 0.062 8.58
30 1.0×105 0.089 12.35

5. Conclusion:
In present research, the wake zone of a smooth circular cylinder with identical geometry placed
horizontally perpendicular to the free-steam flow at different Reynolds number were studied
numerically. In addition, the pressure coefficient (Cp) and drag coefficient (Cd) of the cylinder were
also calculated. For numerically study ANSYS-Fluent with K-Ɛ turbulence model were used.
The following conclusion may conclude from the present study:
1. From the numerical simulation results, the wake zone length downstream the cylinder at Re
=1×105 is longer than that at Re = (0.5, 0.7 and 0.85) ×105.
2. The separation of the boundary layers occurred as the results of distributed pressure past the
cylinder was found at an angle ranged between 80o to 100o.
3. It is observed that the drag force depend strongly on the Reynolds numbers. The drag force
increased as the Re increased.

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