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Chemical Compatibility Guide

Your Partner for Sealing Technology

Trelleborg Sealing Solutions is a major international sealing Facilities are certified to ISO 9001:2008 and ISO/TS 16949:2009.
force, uniquely placed to offer dedicated design and Trelleborg Sealing Solutions is backed by the experiences and
development from our market-leading product and material resources of one of the worlds foremost experts in polymer
portfolio: a one-stop-shop providing the best in elastomer, technology: the Trelleborg Group.
thermoplastic, PTFE and composite technologies for applications
in aerospace, industrial and automotive industries.

With 50 years of experience, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions ISO 9001:2008 ISO/TS 16949:2009
engineers support customers with design, prototyping,
production, test and installation using state-of-the-art design
tools. An international network of over 70 facilities worldwide
includes over 20 manufacturing sites, strategically-positioned
research and development centers, including materials and The information in this brochure is intended to be for general reference purposes only and is not
intended to be a specific recommendation for any individual application. The application limits
development laboratories and locations specializing in design for pressure, temperature, speed and media given are maximum values determined in laboratory
conditions. In application, due to the interaction of operating parameters, maximum values may
and applications. not be achieved. It is vital therefore, that customers satisfy themselves as to the suitability of product
and material for each of their individual applications. Any reliance on information is therefore at the
users own risk. In no event will Trelleborg Sealing Solutions be liable for any loss, damage, claim
Developing and formulating materials in-house, we utilize or expense directly or indirectly arising or resulting from the use of any information provided in this
brochure. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information contained herewith,
the resource of our material database, including over 2,000 Trelleborg Sealing Solutions cannot warrant the accuracy or completeness of information.
proprietary compounds and a range of unique products. To obtain the best recommendation for a specific application, please
contact your local Trelleborg Sealing Solutions marketing company.
Trelleborg Sealing Solutions fulfills challenging service This edition supersedes all previous brochures.
This brochure or any part of it may not be reproduced without permission.
requirements, supplying standard parts in volume or a single
custom-manufactured component, through our integrated All trademarks are the property of Trelleborg Group.
The turquoise color is a registered trademark of Trelleborg Group.
logistical support, which effectively delivers over 40,000 sealing
2012, Trelleborg Group. All rights reserved.
products to customers worldwide.

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Chemical Compatibility Guide


Sealing materials - Elastomers.................................................................................................. 3

Application parameters of elastomers..................................................................................... 5

General field of application...................................................................................................................... 6
Chemical compatibility.............................................................................................................................. 7

Chemical Compatibility Guide for sealing materials............................................................... 8

Chemical Compatibility Guide for sealing materials and media used in

Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes............................................................................... 36
Plasma Processes +180 C / +356 F......................................................................................................... 36
Wet Processes........................................................................................................................................... 37
Thermal Processes.................................................................................................................................... 39
Gas Deposition +180 C / +356 F............................................................................................................ 40

General quality criteria and storage guidelines.................................................................... 43

General quality criteria............................................................................................................................ 43
Guidelines for the storage of polymer products based on ISO 2230.................................................... 43

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Chemical Compatibility Guide

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2 Edition August 2012
Chemical Compatibility Guide

Sealing materials - Elastomers

Equipment manufacturers and end users expect sealing groups for sealings are the elastomers. They show good
systems to operate leak free and to maintain long service properties like elasticity or good chemical compatibility.
life. Reliability is crucial to effective low maintenance cost
The following tables provide a summary of the various
operations. To find the perfect sealing solution in each
elastomer material groups. Trelleborg Sealing Solutions
individual case both material performance and seal design
can offer a large number of materials within each group.
are critically important. One of the main used material

Table 1 Elastomers
Designation Trade Name* Abbreviation
ISO 1629 ASTM D 1418 TSS

Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Rubber Europrene NBR NBR N
(Nitrile Rubber) Krynac
Nipol N
Perbunan NT
Hydrogenated Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Rubber Therban HNBR HNBR H
Polyacrylate Rubber Noxtite ACM ACM A
Nipol AR
Chloroprene Rubber Baypren CR CR WC
Ethylene Propylene Diene Rubber Dutral EPDM EPDM E
Buna EP
Silicone Rubber Elastoseal VMQ VMQ S
Fluorosilicone Rubber Silastic FVMQ FVMQ F
Tetrafluorethylene-Propylene Copolymer Elastomer Aflas FEPM TFE/P** WT

Butyl Rubber Esso Butyl IIR IIR WI
Styrene-Butadiene Rubber Buna S SBR SBR WB
Polysar S
Natural Rubber NR WR WR

Fluorocarbon Rubber Dai-El FKM FKM V
Perfluoro Rubber Isolast FFKM FFKM J
Polyester Urethane Zurcon AU AU WU
Polyether Urethane Adiprene EU EU WU
Chlorosulphonated Polyethylene Rubber Hypalon CSM CSM WM
Polysulphide Elastomer Thiokol - TWT WY
Epichlorohydrin Elastomer Hydrin - - WO

* Selection of registered trade names ASTM = American Society for Testing and Materials
** Abbreviation not yet standardised ISO = International Organisation for Standardisation

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Chemical Compatibility Guide

Table 2 The most important types of synthetic rubber, their grouping and abbreviations
Chemical name Abbreviation
ISO 1629 ASTM D 1418
M - Group
(saturated carbon molecules in main macro-molecule-chain)
-- Polyacrylate Rubber ACM ACM
-- Ethylene Acrylate Rubber AEM
-- Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene Rubber CSM CSM
-- Ethylene Propylene Diene Rubber EPDM EPDM
-- Ethylene Propylene Rubber EPM EPM
-- Fluorocarbon Rubber FKM FKM
-- Perfluoro Rubber FFKM FFKM
O - Group
(with oxygen molecules in the main macro-molecule chain)
-- Epichlorohydrin Rubber CO CO
-- Epichlorohydrin Copolymer Rubber ECO ECO
R - Group
(unsaturated hydrogene carbon chain)
-- Chloroprene Rubber CR CR
-- Butyl Rubber IIR IIR
-- Nitrile Butadiene Rubber NBR NBR
-- Natural Rubber NR NR
-- Styrene Butadiene Rubber SBR SBR
-- Hydrogenated Nitrile Butadiene Rubber HNBR HNBR
Q - Group
(with Silicone in the main chain)
-- Fluorosilicone Rubber FVMQ FVMQ
-- Methyl Vinyl Silicone Rubber VMQ VMQ
U - Group
(with carbon, oxygen and nitrogen in the main chain)
-- Polyester Urethane AU AU
-- Polyether Urethane EU EU

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Chemical Compatibility Guide

Application parameters of elastomers

Elastomers as all other organic chemicals have limited Elastomers will amongst others swell, shrink or harden and
use. External influences such as various media, oxygen or develop cracks or even tears.
ozone as well as pressure and temperature will affect the
material properties and therefore their sealing capability.

Elastomer heat resistance / swelling in oil

Max working
(C / F) depends on
ACN content







0 20 40 60 80 120 140 160

Change of volume in IRM-OIL 903, 70h (%)

Figure 1 Change of volume in IRM-Oil 903 (old ASTM-Oil No 3)

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Chemical Compatibility Guide

Temperature range

The temperature ranges apply only

in connection with media that are
compatible with the respective

-100/-148 -50/-58 0/+32 +50/+122 +100/+212 +150/+302 +200/+392 +250/+482 +300/+572 +350/+662

Temperature (C / F)

Operating temperature Only to be achieved under particular conditions with special

range materials

Figure 2 Temperature range of various elastomers

General field of application

Elastomer materials are used to cover a large number Also they show good non-flammability, good mechanical
of fields of application. The various elastomers can be properties and cold flexibility. The operating temperatures
characterised as follows: range between -35 C/-31 F and +90 C/+194 F (for a
short period of time up to +120C/+248F). Special types
ACM (Polyacrylate Rubber) can be used down to -55C/-67F. CR materials are found
ACM shows excellent resistance to ozone, weathering in sealing applications such as refrigerants, for outdoor
and hot air, although it shows only a medium physical applications and in the glue industry.
strength, low elasticity and a relatively limited low
temperature capability. The operating temperatures range EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Rubber)
from -20C/-4F and +150C/+302F (for a short period EPDM shows good heat, ozone and aging resistance. In
of time up to +175C/+347F). Special types can be used addition they also exhibit high levels of elasticity, good
down to -35 C/-31 F. ACM-materials are mainly used in low temperature behaviour as well as good insulating
automotive applications which require special resistance properties. The operating temperatures of applications
to lubricants containing many additives (incl. sulphur) at for EPDM range between -45C/-49F and +150C/+302F
high temperatures. (for a short period of time up to +175 C/+347 F). With
sulphur cured types the range is reduced to -45C/-49F
CR (Chloroprene Rubber) and +130 C/+266 F (for short period of time up to
In general the CR materials show relatively good +150C/+302F). EPDM can often be found in applications
resistances to ozone, weathering, chemicals and aging. with brake fluids (based on glycol) and hot water.

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Chemical Compatibility Guide

FFKM (Perfluoro Rubber) operating temperatures range between -30 C/-22 F

Perfluoroelastomers show broad chemical resistance and +100 C/+212 F (for a short period of time up to
similar to PTFE as well as good heat resistance. They +120 C/+248 F). Suitable formulated NBR can be used
show low swelling with almost all media. Depending on down to -60 C/-76 F. NBR is mostly used with mineral
the material the operating temperatures range between based oils and greases.
-25C/-13F and +240C/+464F Special types can be used Polyurethane (Zurcon Polyurethane)
up to +325C/+617F.
Applications for FFKM can be mostly found in the chemical Polyurethanes are an exceptionally complex material
and process industries and in all applications with either group. They are individually designed and fit various
aggressive environments or high temperatures. applications needs. Therefore it is not possible to unify
the materials properties.
FKM (Fluorocarbon Rubber) Zurcon polyurethane materials from Trelleborg Sealing
Depending on structure and fluorine content FKM Solutions are customized to appropriate applications
materials can differ with regards to their chemical and stand out due to their excellent elastic properties
resistance and cold-flexibility. FKM is known especially for and optimum abrasion resistance. Outstanding tensile
its non-flammability, low gas permeability and excellent strength, low compression set and good resistance to O2
resistance to ozone, weathering and aging. The operating and O3 are further significant characteristics. Depending
temperatures of the Fluorocarbon Rubber range between on the individual Zurcon polyurethane type the
-20C /-4 F and +200C /+392 F (for a short period of time application temperature range from below -50 C/-58 F
up to +230C /+446 F). Suitable formulated FKM can be up to +110C/+230F, temporary even higher, is feasible.
used down to -35 C /-31 F. FKM is also often used with
mineral based oils and greases at high temperatures. VMQ (Silicone Rubber)
VMQ shows excellent heat resistance, cold flexibility,
FVMQ (Fluorosilicone Rubber) dielectric properties and especially good resistance to
FVMQ has a good heat resistance, very good low weather, ozone an UV rays. Specific VMQ formulations
temperature flexibility, good electrical properties and are resistant to aliphatic engine and gear oils, water
excellent resistance to weather, ozone and UV rays. up to +100 C/+212 F and high-molecular chlorinated
FVMQ shows a significant better chemical resistance than hydrocarbons. The temperature range is between
standard Silicone especially in hydrocarbons, aromatic -50 C/-58 F and +175 C/+347 F (temporary up to
mineral oils, fuel and low molecular aromatic hydrocarbons +230C/+446F).
e.g. Benzene and Toluene. The temperature range is
between -50C/-58F and +175C/+347F (temporary up
Chemical compatibility
It is important to recognise that when using this guide, the
HNBR (Hydrogenated Nitrile Butadiene Rubber) ratings shown are based on published data and immersion
HNBR is made via selective hydrogenation of the NBR tests. These tests are conducted under laboratory
butadiene groups. The properties of the HNBR rubber conditions predominantly at room temperature and may
depend on the ACN content which ranges between not represent adequately the conditions in the field.
18 % and 50 % as well as on the degree of saturation. Relative short term laboratory tests may not pick up all
HNBR shows good mechanical properties. The operating the additives and impurities which may exist in long term
temperature of HNBR ranges between -30 C/-22 F service applications.
and +140 C/+284 F (for a short period of time up to
+160C/+320F) in contact with mineral oils and greases. Care must be taken to ensure that all aspects of the
Special types can be used down to -40C/-40F. application are considered carefully before a material is
selected. For example at elevated temperatures some
IIR (Butyl Rubber) aggressive fluids can cause a much more marked effect on
an elastomer than at room temperature.
Butyl Rubber shows a very low gas and moisture
permeability. In addition IIR also exhibits a good resistance Physical properties as well as fluid compatibility need to be
to a large number of organic and inorganic chemicals, considered. Compression set, hardness, abrasion resistance
ozone, weathering and aging. The electrical insulating and thermal expansion can influence the suitability of a
properties of IIR are excellent. Its temperature range is material for a particular application.
between -40C/-40F and +110C/+230F and for a short
It is recommended that users conduct their own tests to
period of time up to +120C/+248F.
confirm the suitability of the selected material for each
NBR (Nitrile Butadiene Rubber)
The properties of the Nitrile Rubber depend mainly on Our experienced technical staff can be consulted for
the ACN content which ranges between 18 % and 50 %. further information on specific applications.
In general they show good mechanical properties. The

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Chemical Compatibility Guide

Chemical Compatibility Guide for sealing materials

Rating system
A Very good suitability C Limited suitability
Elastomer shows little or no effect from exposure. Significant swell and loss of physical properties after
Little effect on performance and physical properties. exposure. Additional tests should be done.
Very good resistance.
U The elastomer is unsuitable for application in this
B Good suitability media.
Some effects from exposure with some loss of physical
properties. Some chemical swelling. - Insufficient information available for service in this

FFKM (Isolast)

Resifluor 500








Acetaldehyde U U - B A U B/C U U U -
Acetamide - - A A A U A A A A B
Acetic Acid C U B A A C A C C C B
Acetic Acid Chloride U U U U A A A A U U U
Acetic Acid Vapors U U C A A U A C U U U
Acetic acid, 96-99,5% (Glacial) U U U B A U B U U U B
Acetic Anhydride U U C B A U A C U U B
Acetone U U U A A U B U U U U
Acetophenone U U U A A U A U U U U
Acetylacetone U U U A A U B U U U U
Acetylchloride U U U U A A A A U U U
Acetylene Gas A - B A A A A A A A B
Acetylene Tetrabromide - U B A A A A - U U -
Acrolein U U C A A U A - C C -
Acrylonitrile U U U U A U C U U U U
Adipic Acid U U A A A A A A A A A
Adipic Aciddiethylester - - - A A U A - U U -
Aero Lubriplate A A A U A A A A A A B
Aero safe 2300 U U U A A U A U U U U
Aero safe 2300 W U U U A A U A U U U U
Aero Shell 1 AC Grease A A B U A A A A A A B
Aero Shell 17 Grease A A B U A A A A A A B
Aero Shell 7 A Grease A A B U A A A A A A B
Aero Shell 750 B U U U A A A B B B U
Aero Shell Fluid 4 B B U U A A A A A A U

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Aerozene 50 (50%Hydrazine, B
- U U A U A U U U U
50% UDMH) (J9505)
Air A A A A A A A A A A A
Alcohol (Methanol) C U B A A C A A B B B
Alkyl Arylsulphonic Acid U U C A A U A U C C U
Alkyl Benzene U U U U A A A A U U U
Allyl Alcohol (2-Propene-1-ol) U U A A A B A U B B U
Allyl Chloride (3-Chloro-1-Propene) - U U U A - A - U U A
Allyl Ketone U U C A A U B U U U B
Aluminium Acetat U U B A A U A U B B U
Aluminium Bromide A U A A A A A A A A A
Aluminium Fluoride - U A A A A A A A A B
Aluminium Nitrate U U A A A A A - A A B
Aluminium Phosphate A U A A A A A A A A A
Aluminium Sulfate U U A A A A A A A A A
Aluminium-Potassiumsulfate Solution - - - A A - A - - - -
Aluminum Chloride Solution A C A A A A A A A A B
Aluminum Hydroxide Solution U U A A A A A A A A A
Aluminum Sulphate Solution U - A A A A A A A A A
Ambrex 33 (Mobile) A B B U A A A U A A U
Ambrex 830 (Mobile) A A B U A A A A A A B
Amines, primary (such as Methyl,
Ethyl, Propyl, Allyl)
Aminoacetic Acid U U A A A A A U B B U
Ammonia (gas) U U A A A U A U A A A
Ammonia (gas, hot) U U B B A U A U U U U
Ammonia (liquid) U U - A A U A - B B -
Ammonia Solution U U - A A U A - B B -
Ammonia, anhydrous U U A A A U A U A A B
Ammonia, aqueous Solution U U A A A U A U C C C
Ammonia-Lithium U U U B A U A U B B U
Ammonium Acetate - U B A A U A - A A -
Ammonium Carbonate - U B A A U A - A A -
Ammonium Carbonate Solution - - B A A - A - U U -
Ammonium Chloride B U A A A A A A A A A
Ammonium Chloride Solution - - A A A - A - A A -
Ammonium Fluoride U U B A A B A B A A A

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Ammonium Hydroxide U U A A A U A - U U -
Ammonium Hydroxide Solution U U A A A U A - U U -
Ammonium Nitrate Solution U - A A A - A - A A -
Ammonium Nitrite - - B A A - A - A A B
Ammonium Phosphate, Monobasic,
- - A A A - A - A A A
Dibasic, Tribasic
Ammonium Sulfate Solution U U A A A U A B A A B
Ammonium Sulfide U U B A A U A B B B B
Ammonium Thiocyanate - B - A A - A - A A A
Amyl Acetate U U U A A U A U U U U
Amyl Alcohol U U B A A B A B B B U
Amyl Borate - - A U A - A - A A -
Amyl Chloride U U U U A A A B U U U
Amyl Naphtalene U U U U A A A A U U U
Anderol L-774 A U U U A A A A A A U
Aniline Chlorohydrate U U B B A B A B B B U
Aniline Liquid U U U A A U A U U U U
Animal Fats A A B B A A A A A A B
Anisole U U U U A U A U U U U
Antimony Chloride B U B A A A A A A A B
Antimony Chloride, dry B B A A A A A A A A A
Aqua Regia
(Nitric Acid/Hydrochloric Acid)
Argon Gas A A A A A A A A A A A
Aromatic Fuels (up to 50% Aromatic) B B U U A A A A A A U
Aromatic Hydrocarbons
(100% Aromatic)
Arsenic Acid C C A A A A A A A A A
Arsenic Acid, Solution C C A A A A A A A A A
Asphalt, Emulsion B B B U A A A B B B U
ASTM Test Fuel A B A B U A A A A A A U
ASTM Test Fuel B U U U U A A A A A A U
ASTM Test Fuel C U U U U A A A B B B U
ASTM-Oil IRM 902 A B B U A A A A A A B
ASTM-Oil IRM 903 A B U U A A A A A A B
ASTM-Oil No.1 A B B U A A A A A A A
ATM-Brake Fluid (Glycolbased) U U B A A U A A U U A
Automatic-Transmission Fluid U A B U A A A A A A B
Automotive Gasoline C B U U A A A A A A U

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Barium Carbonate - A - A A A A A A A A
Barium Chloride Solution U A A A A A A A A A A
Barium Hydroxide Solution U U A A A A A A A A A
Barium Nitrate Solution U A A A A A A A A A A
Barium Sulfate A A A A A A A A A A A
Barium Sulfide Solution U A A A A A A A A A A
Battery Acid (Sulfuric Acid diluted) U U U A A A A U U U U
Beef Tallow C - B U A A A B A A B
Beer U C A A A A A A A A A
Beet Sugar Sap U - B A A A A A A A A
Benzaldehyde U U U B A U A U U U B
Benzenesulfonic Acid U U B - A A A B U U U
Benzine (Gasoline) C B U U A A A A A A U
Benzine 50/Benzene 30/Ethanol 20 U U U U A B A B U U U
Benzine 50/Benzene 50 U U U U A B A B U U U
Benzine 60/Benzene 40 U U U U A B A B U U U
Benzine 70/Benzene 30 U U U U A A A A B B U
Benzine 80/Benzene 20 U U U U A A A A B B U
Benzoic Acid, Solution B U B B A A A A B B B
Benzol (Benzene) U U U U A A A B U U U
Benzophenone U U - B A A A A - - -
Benzyl Alcohol U U B B A A A B U U B
Benzyl Chloride U U U U A A A A U U U
Biphenyl U - U U A A A B U U U
Bitumen U B U U A A A A U U U
Black Liquor U U B B A B A - B B -
Blast Furnace Gas B U U U A A A B U U A
Bleach Solution U U U A A A A B U U U
Bleaching Powder Solution U U B A A A A B C C B
Boiler Feed Water U U C A A B A B B B C
Bone Oil A A U U A A A A A A U
Borax (Sodiumborate) A U B A A A A A B B A
Borax Solutions U U U A A B A B B B B
Boric Acid U B B A A A A A A A A
Brake Fluids (based on glycol ether) U U B A A U A U U U U
Brake Fluids (based on mineral oil) - A B - A A A - A A -

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Bromine U U U U A B B B U U U
Bromine Solution in Water U U U U A A A B U U U
Bromine Vapour U U U U A B B B U U U
Bromobenzene U U U U A A A B U U U
Bromochlorotrifluoroethan U U U U A A A B U U U
Bunker Oil A B U U A A A A B B B
Butadiene U U U U A B A B U U U
Butandiol - U B A A U A U A A U
Butane A B B U A A A A A A U
1-Butanethiol U - U U A A A U U U U
Butanole U U B B A A A A A A B
Butantriol A B B A A A A A A A A
Butene - B C U A A A B B B U
Buthylphenol U U U U A B A - U U U
Butter B B B B A A A A A A B
Buttermilk U A A A A A A A A A A
Butyl Acetate U U U B/C A U B/C U U U U
Butyl Alcohol U U B A A A A A A A B
Butyl Amine U U U - U A U U U C
Butyl Carbitol U - C A A C A U U U U
Butyl Cellosolve U U C A A U A U C C -
Butyl Diglycol - - - A A A A - A A -
Butyl Phthalate U U U A A U A A U U A
Butyl Pyrocatechol U - - B A A A B U U -
Butyl Stearate - A U U A A A B B B B
Butylbenzoate U - U A A A A A U U -
Butylene - B C U A A A B B B U
Butylether U U U U A U A U U U U
Butyraldehyd U - U B A U A U U U U
Butyric Acid U U C U A A A B B B U
Butyric Acid Butyl Ester U - U B A B A B U U -

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Calcium Acetate U B B A A U A U B B U
Calcium Bisulfate - A - A A A A A A A A
Calcium Bisulfide Solution C C B A A B A C B B C
Calcium Carbonate - A A A A A A - A A A
Calcium Carbonate Slurry U U A A A A A A A A A
Calcium Chloride B B A A A A A A A A A
Calcium Chloride, brine U B A A A A A A A A A
Calcium Cyanide - - A A A - A - A A A
Calcium Hydroxide Solution U B A A A A A A A A A
Calcium Hypochlorite Solution U U B A A A A A C C B
Calcium Nitrate B B A A A A A A A A B
Calcium Oxide U A - A A A A A A A B
Calcium Phosphate Slurry U U B A A A A A A A A
Calcium Silikate - - A A A A A - A A -
Calcium Sulfate - A - A A A A A A A A
Calcium Sulfide U A A A A A A A A A B
Calcium Sulfite U A A A A A A A A A A
Calcium Thiosulfate U A A A A A A A B B A
Caliche Solution (Sodium Nitrate) U B B A A A A A B B B
Campher U U B U A B A U A A U
Campher Oil - - U U A B A - A A -
Cane Sugar Sap U - - A A A A A A A A
Carbitol - U B B A B A B B B B
Carbolic Acid (Penole) U C U B A A A A U U U
Carbolineum U U - B A A A U B B U
Carbon Dioxide, dry B U B B A A A B A A B
Carbon Dioxide, wet U U B B A A A B A A B
Carbon Disulfide U U U U A A A C U U U
Carbon Monoxide A A B A A B A B A A A
Carbonic Acid U B B A A A A B A A B
Carboxylic Acids - A A A A A A A A A A
Casein - - A B A A A A A A A
Castor Oil A A A B A A A A A A A
Cellosolve (2-Etho-yethanol) U U U B A U A U U U U
Celluloseacetat - A U B A U A - A A A
Chile Salpetre (Sodium Nitrate) U B B A A A A A B B B

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Chinawood Oil - C B U A A A A A A U
Chloracetic Acid U U U A A U A B U U U
Chloracetic Acid Ethylester U U U U A A A B U U U
Chloric Acid U U U B A B A U U U U
Chloride of Lime U U U A A A A A U U B
Chlorine Dioxide U - U C B A A B U U -
Chlorine gas, anhydrous - - C A A A A - C C -
Chlorine Water U U U B A A A U U U U
Chlorine, liquid U U U B A A A C U U U
Chloroacetaldehyde U U U A B U A C U U U
Chloroacetone B U U A A U B U U U U
Chloroamine U U A A A U A U A A U
Chlorobenzene U U U U A B A B U U U
Chlorobromomethane U U U B A B A B U U U
Chlorobutadiene U U U U A B A B U U U
Chloroform U U U U A B A C U U U
Chloromethyl Ether U U U C A U A U U U U
Chloronaphthalene U U U U A A A B U U U
(o)-Chlorophenol U U U U A A A U U U U
Chlorosulfonic Acid U U U C A U A U U U U
Chlorothene U U U U A B B B U U U
Chlorotoluene U U U U A A A B U U U
Chrome Alum U - A A A A A - A A A
Chromic Acid U U U C A A A C U U C
Chromo sulfuric Acid U U U U A A A U U U U
Cider U U B A A B A A A A B
CIP fluids, acidic* U U U A A B A U U U U
CIP fluids, alkaline U U U A A U A U U U U
Citric Acid U U A A A A A A A A A
Citrous Oils - U B U A A A - B B B
Coal Tar - U - U A B A A B B B
Cobalt Chlorite B B A A A A A A A A B
Coca-Cola U B B A A B A A A A A
Cocoa Butter - B B U A A A B A A C
Coconut Grease A B B U A A A A A A A
Coconut Oil A A B U A A A A A A A
Coconut, Fatty Acid A A B U A A A A A A A
Cod-liver Oil A A B B A A A A A A B
Coffee U U A A A A A A A A A
* organic/inorganic acids, please contact our specialists

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Coffee Extract U U A A A A A A A A A
Coke Oven Gas U U U U A A A B U U B
Copper Acetate Solution U U C B A U A U U U U
Copper Ammonium Acetate U U C A A U A U U U U
Copper Chloride, Solution U B B A A A A A A A A
Copper Cyanide A B A A A A A A A A A
Copper Fluoride U - B A A A A U B B U
Copper Nitrate U U B A A A A U B B U
Copper Sulfate (Blue Vitriol) Solution U U A A A A A A A A A
Corn Oil B A B U A A A A A A B
Cotton Oil A A C C A A A A A A A
Cottonseed Oil A A B U A A A A A A B
Cresol U U U U A A A C U U U
Crontonaldehyde U U U A A U A U U U U
Crude Oil - U U U A A A A B B U
Cumene U U U U A A A U U U U
Cuprous Ammonia Acetate Solution U U U A A U A U U U U
Cyanic Acid U - B A A A A B B B -
Cyanic Acid Solution U - B A A A A B B B -
Cyclohexane B A C U A A A A A A U
Cyclohexanole - - U U A A A A B B -
Cyclohexanone U U U U A U B U U U U
Cyclohexylamine U U U C U A U U U U
(p)-Cymene U U U U A A A B U U U

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DDT Solutions (Kerosene Solvent) B B C U A A A A A A U
DDT Solutions (Toluene Solvent) U U U U A A A A U U U
Decalin (Decahydronaphtalene) B U U U A A A A U U U
Decane A U U U A A A A A A B
Dextrin U U A A A A A A A A A
Dextrose B B - A A A A A A A A

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Di-Isobutyl Ketone U U U A A U A U U U U
Di-Isobutylene U U U U A A A C B B U
Di-Isooctyl Sebacate U U U B A B A U U U U
Di-Isopropyl Benzene U U U U A A A A U U U
Di-Isopropyl Ketone U U U A A U A U U U U
Diacetone - B - A A U A U - - -
Diacetone Alcohol U U B A A U A U U U U
1,2-Diaminoethane U U B A U A U B B U
Diamylamine U U U A U A U U U U
Diazinone - - U U A B A B U U U
Dibenzyl Sebacate U B U B A B A U U U U
Dibenzylether C B - B A C A - U U B
Dibromodifluoromethane U U U B A - A U U U U
Dibromomethylbenzene U U U U A A A B U U U
Dibutyl Ether U U U U A U A U U U U
Dibutyl Phthalate U - U B A C A B U U C
Dibutyl Sebacate U U U B A B A B U U B
Dibutylamine U U U U U A U U U U
Dichloro Acetic Acid U U U U A U A - U U U
Dichloro Acetic Acid Methylester U U U A A U A U U U U
Dichloro-iso-propylene ether U B U U A U A U U U U
Dichlorobutane U U U U A A A B B B U
Dichlorobutylene U U U U A B A U U U U
Dichloroethane U U U U A B B U U U U
Dichloroethylene - U U U A B B - U U U
Dichloromethane U U U U A B A C U U U
Dichloropentane U U U U A A A C U U U
3,1-Dichloropropene - U U U A - A - U U A
Dicholorobenzene U U U U A A A B U U U
Dicyclohexylamine U U U U U A U U U U
Diesel Fuel U B U U A A A A A A U
Diesel Oil B A U U A A A A A A U
Diethanolamine U U U B A U A U U U U
Diethyl Amin U U U B U A U U U B
Diethyl Aniline U U U A A U A U U U U

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Diethyl Benzene U U U U A A A A U U U
Diethyl Carbonate U U U U A A A B U U U
Diethyl Ether U B U B/C A U A/B U U U U
Diethyl Formaldehyde U U U A A U A U U U U
Diethyl Hydrazine U U C A A U A U C C U
Diethyl Maleate U U C A A U A U C C U
Diethyl Sebacate U U U B A B A B U U B
Diethyl Sulfate - U - - A U A - U U U
Diethylene Glycol U U A A A A A A A A B
Diethylene Triamine U U U A U A U U U U
Diglycolic Acid U - B A A A A U U U U
Dihexyl Phthalic Acid Ester U - U - A U A - U U U
Dihydroxy Tartaric Acid (Tartaric Acid) U U A B A A A A A A A
1,4-Dihydroxybenzene B - U B A U A B U U U
Dimethyl Amine U U U B U A U U U U
Dimethyl Aniline U U U B A U A U U U U
Dimethyl Ether U B U A A U B U U U U
Dimethyl Formamide U U U A/B A/B U B U U U U
Dimethyl Hydrazine - - B A A U A U B B U
Dimethyl Ketone U U U A A U A U U U U
Dimethyl Phenol - - U U A U A U U U U
Dimethyl Phthalate U U U B A B A B U U -
Dimethylbutane A - B U A A A A A A U
Dinitro Toluene U U U U A U A U U U U
Dinitrogene Oxid A A A B A A A A A A A
Dioctyl Amine U U U A U A U U U U
Dioctyl Phthalate U B U B A B A B U U B
Dioctyl Sebacate U B U B A B A U U U U
Dioxane U U U B A U B U U U U
Dioxolane - U U B A U A U U U U
Dipentene U U U U A A A U B B U
Diphenyl U U U U A A A B U U U
Diphenyl Ether U U U U A B A B U U U
Diphenyle Oxide - U - U A A A B U U U
Dipropylene Glycol B B B B A B A B B B B
Dithionite - - B A A A A U B B U
Divinyl Benzene U U U U A A A B U U U

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DMT (Dimethyl Terephthalate) U U U A A A A B U U U
DNCB (Dinitrochlorobenzene) U U U U A A A B U U U
Dodecanol - - A B A A A - B B -
Domestic Fuel Oils A A B U A A A A A A U
Dowtherm A U U U U A A A B U U U
Dowtherm E U U U U A A A B U U U
Duodecanol (Laurylalcohol) B U A B A A A U B B A

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Epichlorhydrin U U U B U A U U U U
Essential Oils U B U U A B A B U U U
Ethane A B B U A A A A A A B
Ethanol Amine U U C B U A U C C C
Ether U U U C A U A U U U U
Ethyl Acetate U U U B/C A U C U U U U
Ethyl Alcohol, Ethanol U U A A A U A A A A B
Ethyl Benzene U U U U A B A B U U U
Ethyl Bromide U U U U A A A A B B U
Ethyl Cellulose U U B B A U A U B B U
Ethyl Hexanole U U A A A A A A A A B
Ethyl Oxalate U A U A A A A B U U U
Ethyl Pentachlorobenzene U U U U A A A B U U U
Ethyl Pyridine U U U A A C A U U U U
Ethyl Sulfate (Diethyl Sulfate) U U A A A U A C U U A
Ethylacrylate U U U - A U A U U U U
Ethylchloride U U B B A B A A U U U
Ethylchloroacetate - U B B A A A U B B U
Ethylene B B C U A A A A A A U
Ethylene Bromide U U U C A A A C U U U
Ethylene Chloride - - B B A B A - - - U
Ethylene Chlorohydrin U U B B A U A B U U U

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Ethylene Diamine U U U A U B U U U U
Ethylene Dibromide U U U U A A A C U U U
Ethylene Dichloride U U U U A A A C U U U
Ethylene Glycol C B B A A A A A A A C
Ethylene Glycol Ethylether (Cellosolve) U U U B A U A U U U U
Ethylene Oxide U U U B U A U U U U
Ethylene Silicate - B A A A A A A A A -
Ethylene Trichloride U U U C A B A B U U U

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Fats (animal/vegetable) A A A U A A A A A A B
Fatty Acids A A B U A A A A B B A
Ferric Chloride Solution - A B A A A A A A A B
Ferric Nitrates B B A A A A A A A A B
Ferric Sulfate (Ferric Vitrinol) B B A A A A A A A A B
Ferric Sulfate Solution - A A A A A A A A A B
Fir Oil U B U U A A A A B B U
Fish Oil A B B U A A A A A A A
Fluorine U - - U B U U U U U U
Fluorobenzene U - U U A B A B U U U
Fluorosilicic Acid - - B A A A A U B B U
Formaldehyde (Formalin-Solution) U U U A A U A U C C C
Formaldehyde (Methanal) U U U A A B A U B B B
Formamide - U U A B B - B B -
Formic Acid U U B B A U A U U U U
Freon 11 - U U U B B B B A A U
Freon 112 - B B U A B B B B B U
Freon 113 - B A U B B B U A A U
Freon 114 - A A A B B B B A A U
Freon 114 B2 - B B U B B B B B B U
Freon 115 - B A A B B B B A A U

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Freon 12 - B A B B B B U B B U
Freon 13 - B A A B B B U A A U
Freon 13 B1 - B A A B B B U A A U
Freon 134 a - - - A B - - - A - -
Freon 14 - A A A B B B B A A U
Freon 142 b - - A A B U U - A A U
Freon 152 a - - A A B U U - A A -
Freon 21 U B B U A U U B U U U
Freon 218 - - A A B A A - A A -
Freon 22 B U A A B U U U U U U
Freon 31 - B A A B U U B U U U
Freon 32 - B A A B U U B A A U
Freon 502 - - A A B B B - B B A
Freon BF - U B U B A A - B B U
Freon C316 - - A A B - - - A A U
Freon C318 - - A A B B B B A A U
Freon MF - B U U B B B - B B U
Freon PCA - A A U B B B - A A U
Freon T-P35 - A A A B A A - A A A
Freon TA - A A A B U U - A A A
Freon TC - A A B B A A - A A U
Freon TF - A A U B A A U A A U
Freon TMC - B B B B A A - B B U
Freon TWD602 - A B A B A A U B B -
Fruit Juices U U B A B B B A B B A
Fumaric Acid U - B - A A A A A A B
Furan U U U U A U U U U U U
Furfural (Furfurylaldehyde) - C - - A - A - C C -
Furfurylalcohol - C - - A - A - - - -

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Gallic Acid U U B B A A A A A A A
Gas Oil A A B U A A A A A A B
Gasoline/Alcohol Mix U U U U A B A U B B U
Gasoline, 100 Octane U B U U A A A A A A U
Gasoline, 130 Octane U B U U A A A A A A U
Gasoline, aromatic U A U U A A A A A A U
Gasoline, Ethyl and Regular U B U U A A A A A A U
Gasoline, Refined U B U U A A A A A A U
Gasoline, Sour U B U U A A A A A A U
Gasoline, with Mercaptan U B U U A A A A A A U
Gelatin U U A A A A A A A A A
Generator Gas B A B U A A A B A A B
Glaubers Salt U U B A A B A B B B B
Glucose solution U U A A A A A A A A A
Glucose, aqueos C A A A A A A A A A A
Glycerin (Glycerol) U U A A A A A A A A A
Glycerol U U A A A A A A A A A
Glycerol Chlorohydrin - - U B A B A - U U -
Glycerol Triacetate (Triacetin) U U B A A U A U B B B
Glycerol Trinitrate (Nitroglycerin) U U B A A A A U U U U
Glycine U U A A A A A U B B U
Glycolic Acid U U B A A B A A A A A

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Helium Gas A A A A A A A A A A A
Heptane A B B U A A A A A A C
Hexachloro Acetone U U U A A U A U U U U
Hexachloro Butadiene U B U U A A A U U U U
Hexachloro Cyclohexane (Lindane) U B U U A A A U - - U

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1-Hexadecanol - - A A A - A - A A -
Hexafluorosilicic Acid U U B B A A/B A - B B U
Hexaldehyd - U B A A U A U U U B
Hexalin (Cyclohexanol) - - B U A A A A A A U
Hexamine U U U A A U A U U U U
Hexanal (Capronaldehyde) U U - B A U A U - - B
Hexane A B B U A A A A A A C
Hexanetriol B U B A A A A A A A A
Hexene A B B U A A A A B B U
Hexyl Alcohol U U B B A A A B A A B
Hydrazine C U B A C A B B B U
Hydrazine Hydrate C U B A C A B B B U
Hydrobromic Acid U U U A A A A C U U U
Hydrochlorique Acid (Muriatic Acid)
Hydrocyanic Acid U - B A A A A B B B -
Hydrofluoric Acid (cold) U U U B A B A U U U U
Hydrofluoric Acid (hot) U U - U A U B U U U U
Hydrogen Chloride Gas - - C A A A A U U U U
Hydrogen Fluoride U U U A/B A - A/B U U U U
Hydrogen Peroxide, concentrated U U U U A A-C B B U U B
Hydrogen Sulfide U U U C A U A U U U U
Hydrogen, Gas B A A A A A A C A A C
Hydrogene Bromide, unhydrous U U U U A A A U U U B
Hydrogensulfite Leach B U B A A A A - U U -
Hydroquinone B - U B A U A B U U U
Hydroxy Acetic Acid U U U A A U A U U U B
Hydroxylamine - - - A A A A A A A A
Hydroxylamine Sulfate - - B A A A A A A A A
Hypochlorous Acid U - U B A A A - U U -

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Ink A A A A A B A A A A A
Iodine - - U B A A A A B B -
Iodine tincture U U B B A A A B B B B
Iodoform - - - A A A A - - - -
Iso-Butane A A U U A A A A A A U
Iso-Butyl Alcohol U U A A A B A A B B A
Iso-Butyl Methyl Ketone U U U A A U B U U U U
Iso-Butylene U U U U A A A A A A U
Iso-Butyraldehyde U U U A A U A U U U U
Iso-Cyanate - - - A A - A - - - -
Iso-Dodecane U U B U A A A A A A U
Iso-Octane A B B U A A A A A A U
Iso-Pentane A B U U A A A A A A U
Iso-Propyl-Acetate U U U B A U B U U U U
Iso-Propyl-Alcohol U U B A A A A A B B A
Iso-Propyl-Benzene U U U U A A A B U U U
Iso-Propyl-Chloride U U U U A A A B U U U
Iso-Propyl-Ether U U U A A U A/B U U U U

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Jet Fuel JP3 B B U U A A A A A A U
Jet Fuel JP4 B B U U A A A B A A U
Jet Fuel JP5 B B U U A A A B A A U
Jet Fuel JP6 B B U U A A A B A A U
JP3 (Fuel) U B U U A A A A A A U
JP4 (Fuel) U B U U A A A B A A U
JP5 (Fuel) U B U U A A A B A A U
JP6 (Fuel) B B U U A A A B A A U
JPX (Fuel) - - B U A U A U A A U

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Kerosene C B U U A A A B A A U
Ketchup U B A A A A A A A A A

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Lactams U U C U A U A U U U U
Lactic Acid U B A B A A A A B B B
Lanolin A A B U A A A A A A B
Latex U U A A A A A A A A A
Laughing Gas (N2O) A A A B A A A A A A A
Lavender Oil B U U U A A A B B B U
Lead Acetate Salt Solution U U U A A U A U C C U
Lead Arsenate - A - A A - A - A A A
Lead Nitrate - U B A A A A A A A B
Lead Nitrate Solution - - A A A - A A A A B
Lead Sulfate U A A A A A A A B B B
Lemon Juice U - B A A A A - A A A
Ligroin - B B U A A A A A A U
Lindol U U U A A U A C U U C
Linoleic Acid - B - U A A A - B B B
Linseed Oil B B B C A A A B A A B
Liqueurs B B A A A A A A A A A
Lithium Bromide Brine U U A A A A A A A A A
Lithium Chloride U U A A A A A A A A A
Lithium Hydroxide U U U A A - A/B U U U U

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Machinery Oil (mineral) A A B U A A A A A A B
Maganese Chloride (Solution) U U A A A A A A A A A
Magnesium Acetate Solution U U U A A U A U U U U
Magnesium Chloride Solution - U A A A A A A A A A
Magnesium Hydroxide (Solution) U U B A A B A B B B B
Magnesium Silicate (Talcum) A A A A A A A A A A A
Magnesium Sulfate (Epson Salts) U U A A A A A A A A A
Maleic Acid C C B A A A A B B B C
Maleic Anhydride U - U U A B A - U U -
Malic Acid U U B B A A A A A A B
Margarine A B B U A A A A A A B
Mayonaise - U U U A U A U A A A
Menthol U U B B A A A U B B U
Mercaptans U U U A A U A U U U U
Mercuric Chloride Solution - - A A A A A A A A A
Mercury A A A A A A A A A A A
Mercury Nitrate - - A A A - A - A A A
Mesityl Oxide U U U A A U A U U U U
Methacrylic Acid U U U B A U A U U U U
Methanal U U U A A B A U B B B
Methane B U B U A A A C A A U
Methanol C U B A A C A A B B B
Methoxy Benzene U U U U A U A U U U U
Methoxy Butanol - - B B A A A - A A -
Methyl Acetate U U B/C A A U C U U U U
Methyl Acetoacetate U U U A A U B U U U B
Methyl Acrylate U U U B A U B U U U U
Methyl Alcohol C U B A A C A A B B B
Methyl Amine U U U A U A U U U U
Methyl Aniline U U U B A B A - U U -
Methyl Bromide U U U U A A A A U U U
Methyl Butyl Ketone U U U A A U B U U U U
Methyl Carbonate U U U U A U A B U U U
Methyl Cellosolve U U U B A U A U U U U
Methyl Cellulose U B B B A B A U B B B
Methyl Chloride U U U B A B A B U U U

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Methyl Cyclopentane U U U U A B A B U U U
Methyl Ethyl Ketone U U U B A U B U U U U
Methyl Formate - - U B A U B - U U -
Methyl Glycol U U U B A U A U U U U
Methyl Glycol Acetate (Ethyleneglycol) U U U B A U A - U U B
Methyl Iso-Butyl Ketone U U U B A U A U U U U
Methyl Iso-Propyl Ketone U U U A A U A U U U U
Methyl Methacrylate U U U U A U A U U U U
Methyl Methacrylic Acid Ester U U U U A U A U U U U
Methyl Oleate - - - B A A A B U U -
Methyl Phenyl Ether (Anisole) U U U U A U A U U U U
Methyl Pyrrolidone - U - A A U A - U U B
Methyl Salicylate - - U B A - A - U U -
Methylene Chloride U U U U A B A C U U U
2-Methylpentane A U - U A A A U A A U
3-Methylpentane A U - U A A A U A A U
Milk U B A A A A A A A A A
Milk of Lime U U B A A B A B U U B
Mineral Oil A A B U A A A A A/B A/B B
Mineral Spirits C B C U A A A A A A U
Molasses U U B A A A A A A A A
Monobromobenzene U U U U A B A U U U U
Monochloroacetic Acid U U U A A U A U U U U
Monochloroacetic Acid Ethyl Ester U U U B A U A U U U U
Monochlorobenzene U U U U A B A B U U U
Monoethanol Amine U U U B U A U U U U
Mononitrochlorobenzene U U U U A A A A U U U
Morpholine U U C B A - A - U U U
Muriatic Acid (HCl) (Hydrochloric Acid) U U - B A A A - U U U
Muriatic Acid (HCl), diluted U U B A A A A - B B B

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Naphtha B B U U A A A B U U U
Naphthalene U U U U A A A B U U U
Naphthenic Acid - - U U A A A A B B -
Naphtolen ZD U - U U A A A - B B U
Natural Gas A B B U A A A A A A A
Neats Foot Oil A A U B A A A A A A B
Neon Gas A A A A A A A A A A A
Nickel Acetate U U B A A U A U B B U
Nickel Chloride C C B A A A A A A A A
Nickel Nitrate - - A A A A A - A A A
Nickel Sulfate U C A A A A A A A A A
Nitrating Acids U U U A A U A U U U U
Nitric Acid, concentrated U U U U A B A U U U U
Nitric Acid, fuming U U U U A B A U U U U
Nitro Benzene U U U U A U A U U U U
Nitro Glycerin U U C A A A A U U U U
Nitro Glycol U U B A A A A U U U U
Nitro Methane U U U B A U A U U U U
Nitro Propane U U U B A U A U U U U
Nitro Toluene U U U U A U A U U U U
Nitrogen Gas A A A A A A A A A A A
Nitrogen Tetroxide U U U U - U A U U U U
Nonanol - U - A A A A - U U B
Nut Oil A B B U A A A A A A B

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Octadecane B B B U A A A A A A U
Octal U B U B A B A C U U C
Octane U U U U A A A B B B U
Octanol (Octylalcohol) U U B A A A A B B B B

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Octylalcohol U U B B A A A B B B B
Octylcresol U U U U A B A U C C U
Oil of Turpentine U U U U A A A B B B U
Olefin, crude A A U U A A A A A A U
Oleic Acid - - U U A A A - A A U
Oleic Alcohol U U A A A A A U A A U
Oleum (Sulfuric Acid, 0 to 50%) U U U A A A A U U U U
Olive Oil A U B U A A A B A A B
Ortho Dichloro Benzene U U U U A A A B U U U
Oxalic Acid - - B A A A A A B B B
Ozone B A B A/B A A A A B/C U A

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Palm Kernel Oil A - A U A A A - A A -
Palm Oil A A U U A A A A A A U
Palmitic Acid U B B C A A A A B B U
Para Dichloro Benzene U U - U A A A B U U U
Paraffin A B A U A A A A A A B
Paraffin Oil A B A U A A A A A A B
Peanut Oil A A U U A A A A A A B
Pectin A A A A A A A A A A A
Penta Chloro Diphenyl U U U U A C A U U U U
Penta Chloro Phenol - U - B A - A - U U U
Pentane A U B U A A A U A A U
Pentanol U U A A A B A A B B U
Perchloric Acid U U B B A A A C U U U
Perchloro Ethylene U U U U A B A B U U U
Petroleum B B B U A A A B A A B
Petroleum Ether A B B U A A A B A A U
Phenol C U U U A B A - U U U
Phenyl Benzene - U U U A B A - U U -
Phenyl Ether U U U U A U A U U U U

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Phenyl Hydrazine U U U U B A U U U U
Phosphine U U B A A B A U U U -
Phosphoric Acid - U U B A A A C U U C
Phosphoric Acid 45% C U B A A A A A B B B
Phosphorous Trichloride U U U A A A A - U U U
Photographic Developing Bath - B A B A A A A A A A
Phthalic Acid - - B A A B A - B B A
Phthalic Anhydride - - - A A - A - - - -
Picoline, alpha - - - A A U A - - - -
Picric Acid, Aqueous Solution - B A B A A A B B B -
Pine Oil A A U U A A A A B B U
Pineapple Juice U U A A A A A A A A A
Pinene U B B U A A A B B B U
Piperidine U U U U A U A U U U U
Polyvinyl Acetates - - B A A U A - - - -
Potassium Acetate U B B A A B A U B B U
Potassium Aluminium Sulfat - - - A A - A - - - -
Potassium Bicarbonite U U A A A A A A A A B
Potassium Bisulfate U U B A A A A B A A B
Potassium Borate C U B A A A A B A A B
Potassium Bromate C U B A A A A B A A B
Potassium Bromide U U B A A A A A A A A
Potassium Carbonate C U B A A A A A A A A
Potassium Chlorate U U B A A A A - U U -
Potassium Chloride C C B A A A A A A A A
Potassium Chromate U U B A A A A - B B -
Potassium Cyanide U U B A A A A A A A A
Potassium Dichromate U C B A A A A U A A B
Potassium Hydroxide (Solution 50%) U U B A A C A C B B C
Potassium Hydroxide, Potassium Lye U U B A A U A U B B U
Potassium Hypochlorite (Javelle water) U U - B A A A B B B B
Potassium Iodide U U B A A A A A A A A
Potassium Nitrate C C B A A A A A B B A
Potassium Perchlorate U U B A A A A - U U -
Potassium Perfluoroacetate - - B A A U A U B B -
Potassium Permanganate C B B A A A A U U U U
Potassium Persulfate U U B A A A A U U U U
Potassium Phosphate - - - A A A A - A A U

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Potassium Sulfate U C B A A A A B A A B
Potassium Sulfite U C A A A A A A A A A
Propane B B B U A A A B A A U
Propanol U U A A A A A A B B B
2-Propanone (Acetone) U U U A A U B U U U U
2-Propene-1-ol U U A A A A A U B B U
Propinyl Alcohol U - A A A A A - A A -
Propion Aldehyde U U U A A U A U U U U
Propionic Acid C U B B A A A U A A U
Propyl Acetate U U U B A U B U U U U
Propyl Acetone U U U A A U A U U U U
Propyl Amine U U U U U A U U U U
Propyl Nitrate U U U A A U A U U U U
Propylene U U U U A A A B U U U
Propylene Dichloride - - - U A - A - U U U
Propylene Glycol U U A A A A A - A A -
Propylene Oxide U U U B U A U U U U
Pyridine U U U B A B A U U U U
Pyrrole U U U U A U A B U U B

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Rapeseed Oil B B B U A A A B B B U
Roast Gas (dry) A - B A A A A A A A A
Rosin (Colophony) U U A A A A A A A A A

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Salicylic Acid - A A A A A A - B B -
Sea Water U U B A A B A A A A B
Sewage - - B A A A A A A A A
Silcone grease A A A A A A A A A A U
Silicic Acid U - B A A A A - A A -
Silicon Dioxide - A - A A A A - A A A
Silicone Oil A A A A A A A A A A U
Silver Cyanide Solution U U A U A A A A U U U
Silver Nitrate B - B A A A A A B B A
Silver Salts U U A A A A A A A A A
Skydrol 500 U U U A A U A U U U U
Skydrol 7000 U U U A A B A U U U U
Soap Solution B B B A A A A A A A A
Soda (Sodium Carbonate) U U A A A A A A A A A
Sodium Acetate U U B A A U A U B B B
Sodium Benzoate U U B A A A A A A A A
Sodium Bicarbonate Solution U U A A A A A A A A A
Sodium Bisulfate Solution U U A A A A A A A A A
Sodium Bisulfite Solution U U A A A A A A A A A
Sodium Borate (Borax) U U A A A A A A B B A
Sodium Carbonate (Soda Ash) U U A A A A A A A A A
Sodium Carbonate Solution - - A A A A A A A A A
Sodium Chlorate U B B A A A A U B B U
Sodium Chloride (Common Salt) U U A A A A A A A A A
Sodium Chloride Solution - - A A A A A - A A -
Sodium Chlorite - - U A A A A - U U -
Sodium Cyanide Solution - - A A A - A - B B A
Sodium Dichromate U U A A A A A - B B B
Sodium Fluoride - B - A A A A - A A B
Sodium Hydroxide C C B A A C A C B B C
Sodium Hydroxide, Caustic Soda B B B A A B A B B B A
Sodium Hypochlorite Solution U U B A A A A B B B B
Sodium Nitrate U U B A A A A A B B B
Sodium Nitrite U U B A A A A U U U U
Sodium Peroxide Solution U U B A A A A A B B U
Sodium Phosphate - - B A A A A - A A U

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Sodium Silicate Solution - - A A A A A - A A -
Sodium Sulfate Solution
(Glaubers Salt)
Sodium Sulfhydrate Solution U - A A A A A A A A A
Sodium Sulfide U U B A A A A A B B B
Sodium Sulfite Solution U U A A A A A A A A A
Sodium Tetraborate Solution U - B A A A A A B B B
Sodium Thiosulfate (Antichlor) - - A A A A - B B -
Soy Bean Oil B B B U A A A A A A B
Sperm Oil - - - B A A A - A A -
Spermacetin U U B U A A A U A A U
Spirits B B A A A A A B A A A
Stannic Chloride Solution - - U A A A A A A A B
Starch B B A A A A A A A A A
Stearic Acid A A B B A A A A B B B
Stoddard Solvent A A B U A A A A A A U
Styrene U U U U * A A C U U U
Succinic Acid U U B A A A A - A A A
Sucrose Sap U U B A A A A A A A A
Sugar Solutions U U B A A A A A A A A
Sulfur U - A A A A A B U U B
Sulfur Chloride U U U U A A A B U U U
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) U U U A A B A B U U B
Sulfur Dioxide Liquid (anhydrous) U - U A A U A B U U B
Sulfur Dioxide, gaseous U - U A A U A B U U B
Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) B - A A A B A B B B -
Sulfuric Acid (0 to 50%) U U U A/B A A/B A U U U U
Sulfuric Acid, diluted U U U A A A A U B B U
Sulfurous Acid U U - B A A A - - - U

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Talcum A A A A A A A A A A A
Tallow U B B B A A A U A A B
Tannins U B B B A A A A B B B
Tar U U U U A B A C U U -
Tartaric Acid U U B B A A A A A A A
Tetrachloroethane U U U U A B A C U U U
Tetrachloromethane - U U U A A A B U U U
Tetrachloroethylene U U U U A A A B U U U
Tetrahydrofuran U U U U A U C U U U U
Thionyl Chloride U U U B A A A U U U U
Thiophene U U U U A U A U U U U
Titanium Tetrachloride U U B B A B A B B B U
Toluene (Toluol) U U U U A B A B U U U
Transformer Oil B A U U A A A A B B B
Tri-Iso-Propyl Benzene A A U U A A A - A A U
Triacetin (Glycerine Triacetate) U U B A A U A U B B B
Triaryl Phosphate U U U A A A A B U U U
Tributoxy Ethyl Phosphate B - B B A B A - U U U
Tributyl Marcaptane U - U U A A A U U U U
Tributyl Phosphate U U U B A U A U U U U
Trichloro Benzene U U U U A A A U - - U
Trichloro Ethane U U U B/C A A A B U U U
Trichloro Ethyl Phosphate - - U - A U A - U U -
Trichloro Ethylene U U U B/C A B A B U U U
Trichloroacetic Acid U U U B U A U B B B
Tricresyl Phosphate U U U B A B A B U U U
Triethanolamine U U - A A - A - - - U
Triethyl Borane - - - - A A A - - - -
Triethyl Glycol C - - A A A A - A A A
Triethylaluminium - - - U A B A - - - -
Trifluoro Ethane U U U U A A A B U U U
Trinitrotoluene (TNT) U B B U A B A B U U -
Trioctyl Phosphate U U U A A B A B U U U
Trisodium Phosphate Solution C B B A A A A A A A A
Turpentine B C U U A A A A A A U

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Urea B U B A A A A A A A A

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Vaseline B B B U A A A A A A B
Vaseline Oil U U B U A A A B A A B
Vegetable Juices U U B A A A A A A A A
Vegetable Oils B - B U A A A A A A B
Vinegar U U B A A B A B B B A
Vinyl Acetate - - - - A - A - - - -
Vinyl Chloride, liquid - - - - A - A - - - -
Vinylidene Chloride U U U U A B A U U U U

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Waste Gas (cont. Carbon Dioxide) A - A A A A A A A A A
Waste Gas (cont. Carbon Monoxide) A A A A A A A A A A A
Waste Gas (cont. Hydrogen Chloride) - - A A A A A - B B -
Waste Gas (cont. Hydrogen Fluoride) - - A A A A A - A A A
Waste Gas (cont. Nitrous Fumes) U - A A A A A B - - U
Waste Gas (cont. Sulfur Dioxide) - - A A A A A - B B -
Waste Gas (cont. Sulfuric Acid) - - B A A A A - U U -
Water steam < +150 C / +302 F U U U A A U A B U U B
Water steam > +150 C / +302 F U U U B A U B U U U U
Water to +80 C / +176 F U U B A A B A A A B B
Water to +135 C / +275 F U U C A A C A A C U U

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Water vapour < +140 C / +284 F U U U A A U A B C U B
Water vapour > +140 C / +284 F U U U B A U A B U U B
Wax Alcohols A - B U A A A - A A A
Wine + Whiskey U U A A A A A A A A A
Wood Spirit C U B A A C A A B B B

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Xenon A A A A A A A A A A A
Xylene (Xylol) U U U U A B A U U U U
Xylidines (aromatic Amines) U U U B A U A U U U U

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Yeast B U A A A A A A A A A

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Zeolites - - A A A A A - A A -
Zinc Acetate U U B A A B A U B B U
Zinc Chloride Solutions U U A A A A A A A A -
Zinc Sulfate U U A A A A A A A A A

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Edition August 2012
Chemical Compatibility Guide

Chemical Compatibility Guide for sealing materials and media used in

Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes
Rating system

A Very good suitability C Limited suitability

Elastomer shows little or no effect from exposure. Significant swell and loss of physical properties after
Little effect on performance and physical properties. exposure. Additional tests should be done.
Very good resistance.
U The elastomer is unsuitable for application in this
B Good suitability media.
Some effects from exposure with some loss of physical
properties. Some chemical swelling. - Insufficient information available for service in this

Plasma Processes +180 C / +356 F

Isolast FabTM Range ResifluorTM 800
Chemical J9610 J9650 J9670 J9675 VCT1S
Ammonium Fluoride U U A A A
Argon U U A A A
Boron Trichloride U U A A A
Carbon Tetrachloride U U A A A
Chlorine U U A A A
Dichlorodifluoromethane (F-12) U U A A A
Fluoroform (F-23) U U A A A
Freon 152 a U U A A A
Helium U U A A A
Hexafluoroethane (F-116) U U A A A
Hydrogen U U A A A
Hydrogen Bromide U U A A A
Hydrogen Chloride U U A A A
Nitrogen Trifluoride U U A A A
Oxygen U U A A A
Perfluoropropane U U A A A
Silicon Tetrachloride U U A A A
Silicon Tetrafluoride U U A A A
Sulphur Hexafluoride U U A A A
Tetrafluoromethane (F-14) U U A A A
Trifluoromethane (F-23) U U A A A
Tungsten Hexafluoride U U A A A

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Wet Processes
Isolast FabTM Range ResifluorTM 800
Chemical J9610 J9650 J9670 J9675 VCT1S
Acetic Acid (30%) A A U U A
Acetic Acid, glacial A A U U A
Acetone A A U U A
Acetophenone, 4-Hydroxy A A U U A
ACT 690C A A U U A
ACT 935 A A U U A
ACT 970 A A U U A
ACT K-101 A A U U A
ACT K-117 A A U U A
ALEG 310 A A U U A
Amino Diglycol A A U U A
Aminoethoxyethanol A A U U -
Ammonia A A U U A
Ammonium Fluoride A A U U A
Ammonium Hydroxide, conc. A A U U A
Aqua Regia A A U U A
Boron Tribromide A A U U A
Buffered Oxide Etchants (BOE) A A U U A
Butyl Acetate A A U U A
Butyl diglycol A A U U A
Cellosolve A A U U A
Chromic Acid A A U U A
Citric Acid A A U U A
CKl-888 A A U U A
Copper Sulfate (Blue Vitriol) Solution A A U U A
Cyclohexane A A U U A
Deionized Water (UPDI) A A U U A
Dichlorofluoroethane (F-114b) A A U U A
Dichlorotrifluoroethane (F-123) A A U U A
Dimethylacetamide A A U U A
EKC 265 A A U U A
EKC 830 A A U U A
Ethanolamine A A U U -
Ethoxyethyl Acetate (EGMEEA) A A U U A

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Isolast Fab Range ResifluorTM 800
Chemical J9610 J9650 J9670 J9675 VCT1S
Ethyl Acetate A A U U A
Ethyl Lactate A A U U A
Gamma-Butyrolcatone A A U U A
Hexymethyldisilizane (HMDS) A A U U A
Hydrochloric Acid A A U U A
Hydrofluoric Acid A A U U A
Hydrogen Peroxide A A U U A
Hydroxyethylpyrrolidone A A U U A
Hydroxylamine A A U U -
Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) A A U U A
Methanol A A U U A
Methoxy Propyl Acetate A A U U A
Methoxydipropanol A A U U A
Methoxyethanol (DGMMA) A A U U A
Methoxypropanol A A U U A
Methyl (n-) Pyrrolidone (nMP) A A U U -
Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) A A U U A
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK) A A U U A
Monoethanolamine (MEA) A A U U -
N-Cyclohexylpyrrolidone A A U U -
Nitric Acid A A U U A
Ozonated Deionized Water A A U U A
Pentamethyldiethylenetriamine (PMDETA) A A U U A
Phosphoric Acid A A U U A
Phosphorus Oxychloride A A U U A
Piranha A A U U A
Potassium Hydroxide A A U U A
PRS-1000 A A U U A
PRS-3000 A A U U A
QZ 3501 Polyimide Developer A A U U A
RER 500 A A U U A
RER 652 A A U U A
SC-1 (Standard Clean-1) A A U U A
SC-2 (Standard Clean-2) A A U U A
Sodium Hydroxide A A U U A
Stoddard Solvent A A U U A
Sulfuric Acid A A U U A
Tetramethyl Ammonium Hydroxide A A U U A

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Isolast Fab Range ResifluorTM 800
Chemical J9610 J9650 J9670 J9675 VCT1S
Tetramethylcyclotetrasiloxane (TMCTS) A A U U A
TMAH 25% A A U U A
TOK 105 Stripper A A U U A
TOK 106 Stripper A A U U A
Toluene A A U U A
Trichloroethylene (TCE) A A U U A
Trichlorofluoromethane (F-11) A A U U A
Trichlorophenylsilane A A U U A
Trichlorosilane A A U U A
Trichlorotrifluoroethane A A U U A
Trimethyl Borate (TMB) A A U U A
Trimethyl Phosphite (TMP) A A U U A
Xylene (Xylol) A A U U A

Thermal Processes
Isolast FabTM Range ResifluorTM 800
Chemical J9610 J9650 J9670 J9675 VCT1S
Ammonia U A A U A
Dichlorosilane U A A U A
Hydrogen Chloride U A A U A
Nitrogen U A A U A
Oxygen U A A U A

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Gas Deposition +180 C / +356 F

Isolast FabTM Range ResifluorTM 800
Chemical J9610 J9650 J9670 J9675 VCT1S
Ammonia U U A A A
Ammonium Fluoride U U A A A
Ammonium Persulfate U U A A A
Antimony Trioxide U U A A A
Argon U U A A A
Arsenic Trioxide U U A A A
Arsine U U A A A
Boron Tribromide U U A A A
Boron Trichloride U U A A A
Boron Trioxide U U A A A
Bromide Anhydrous U U A A A
Bromide Pentafluoride U U A A A
Bromide Trifluoride U U A A A
Bromotrifluoroethylene U U A A A
Carbon Dioxide U U A A A
Chlorine Trifluoride U U A A A
Chlorodifluoromethane (F-22) U U A A A
Chloropentafluoroethane (F-115) U U A A A
Chlorotrifluoromethane (F-13) U U A A A
Diborane U U A A A
Dichlorodifluoromethane (F-12) U U A A A
Dichlorofluoromethane (F-21) U U A A A
Dichlorosilane U U A A A
Dichlorotetrafluoroethane (F-114) U U A A A
Dimethyl Amine (DMA) U U A A A
Dimethyl Ether U U A A A
Disilane U U A A A
Ethylene U U A A A
Fluorine U U A B A
Fluoroform (F-23) U U A A A
Freon 114 (Dichlorotetrafluoroethane) U U B B B
Freon 115 (Chloropentafluoroethane) U U B B B
Freon 116 (Hexafluoroethane) U U B B B
Freon 12 (Dichlorodifluoromethane) U U B B B
Freon 124 (Chlorotetrafluoroethane) U U B B B
Freon 125 (Pentafluoroethane) U U B B B
Freon 13 (Chlorotrifluoromethane) U U B B B

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40 Edition August 2012
Chemical Compatibility Guide

Isolast Fab Range ResifluorTM 800
Chemical J9610 J9650 J9670 J9675 VCT1S
Freon 134a (Tetrafluoroethane) U U B B B
Freon 13b1 (Bromotrifluoromethane) U U B B B
Freon 142b (Difluorochloroethane) U U B B B
Freon 21 (Dichlorofluoromethane) U U B B B
Freon 22 (Chlorofluoromethane) U U B B B
Freon 23 (Fluoroform) U U B B B
Germane (Germanium Tetrahydride) U U A A A
Helium U U A A A
Hexafluoroethane (F116) U U A A A
Hydrogen U U A A A
Hydrogen Bromide U U A A A
Hydrogen Chloride U U A A A
Hydrogen Fluoride U U A A A
Hydrogen Iodide U U A A A
Hydrogen Selenide U U A A A
Hydrogen Sulfide U U A A A
Iodine Pentafluoride U U A A A
Isobutane U U A A A
Methane U U A A A
Methane Thiol U U A A A
Methyl Bromide U U A A A
Methyl Chloride U U A A A
Monoethanolamine U U A A A
Nitrogen U U A A A
Nitrogen Trifluoride U U A A A
Nitrous oxide U U A A A
Oxygen U U A A A
Ozone U U A A A
Perfluoropropane U U A A A
Phosgene U U A A A
Phosphine U U A A A
Potassium Hydroxide U U A A A
Silane U U A A A
Silicone Tetrabromide U U A A A
Silicone Tetrachloride U U A A A
Silicone Tetrafluoride U U A A A
Sodium Hydroxide U U A A A
Sulfur Hexafluoride U U A A A
Sulfur Tetrafluoride U U A A A

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Chemical Compatibility Guide

Isolast Fab Range ResifluorTM 800
Chemical J9610 J9650 J9670 J9675 VCT1S
Tetrafluoromethane (F-14) U U A A A
Titanium Tetrachloride U U A A A
Trichloroethane U U A A A
Trichloromethane U U A A A
Trifluoromethane (F-23) U U A A A
Trimethyl Amine U U A A A
Trimethyl Borate U U A A A
Trimethyl Phosphite U U A A A
Tungsten Hexafluoride U U A A A
Vinyl Chloride U U A A A
Vinyl Fluoride U U A A A
Xenon U U A A A

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42 Edition August 2012
Chemical Compatibility Guide

General quality criteria and storage guidelines

General quality criteria storage temperature is below 15 C /59 F, care should be
exercised during handling of stored products, as they may
The cost-effective use of seals and bearings is highly have stiffened and have become susceptible to distortion
influenced by the quality criteria applied in production. if not handled carefully.
Seals and bearings from Trelleborg Sealing Solutions
are continuously monitored according to strict quality
standards from material acquisition through to delivery. The relative humidity should be such that, given in the
variations of temperature in storage, condensation
Certification of our production plants in accordance with
does not occur. In all cases, the relative humidity of the
international standards QS 9000/ISO 9000 meets the
atmosphere in storage should be less than 70 %, or if
specific requirements for quality control and management
polyurethanes are being stored, less than 65 %.
of purchasing, production and marketing functions.
Our quality policy is consistently controlled by strict
procedures and guidelines which are implemented within Rubber should be protected from light sources, in particular
all strategic areas of the company. direct sunlight or intense light having a high ultra-violet
content. It is advisable that any windows of storage rooms
All testing of materials and products is performed in
be covered with a red or orange coating or screen.
accordance with accepted test standards and specifications,
e.g. random sample testing in accordance with Radiation
ISO 2859-1:2004-01 AQL 1,0 general inspection level II,
Precautions should be taken to protect stored products
normal inspection.
from all sources of ionizing radiation likely to cause
Inspection specifications correspond to standards damage to the products.
applicable to individual product groups (e.g. for O-Rings:
ISO 3601).
Ozone has a particularly harmful effect on rubber. Storage
Our sealing materials are produced free of chlorofluori-
rooms should not contain any equipment that is capable
nated hydrocarbons and carcinogenic elements.
of generating ozone, such as mercury vapor lamps or high-
voltage electrical equipment giving rise to electric sparks
or electrical discharges. Combustion gases and organic
 uidelines for the storage of
G vapors should also be excluded, as they may give rise to
ozone via photo-chemical processes. When equipment
polymer products based on such as a fork-lift truck is used to handle large rubber
ISO 2230 products, care needs to be taken to ensure this equipment
is not a source of pollution that may affect the rubber.
Many polymer products and components are stored for Combustion gases should be considered separately. While
long periods of time before being put into service, so it they are responsible for generating ground-level ozone,
is important they are stored in conditions that minimize they may also contain unburned fuel which, by condensing
unwanted changes in properties. Such changes may result on rubber products, can cause additional deterioration.
from degradation, in which case they may include excessive
hardening, softening, cracking, crazing and other surface Deformation
effects. Other changes may be caused by deformation, Rubber should be stored free from tension, compressive
contamination or mechanical damage. stresses or other causes of deformation. Where products
Packaging are packaged in a strain-free condition, they should be
stored in their original packaging. In case of doubt, the
Unless otherwise specified in the appropriate product manufacturer's advice should be sought. It is advisable
specification, rubber products should be enclosed in that rings of large internal diameter are formed into three
individual sealed envelopes. The packaging should be equal loops so as to avoid creasing or twisting. It is not
carried out in an atmosphere in which the relative humidity possible to achieve this condition by forming just two
is less than 70 %, or if polyurethanes are being packed, loops.
less than 65 %. Where there is serious risk of ingress of
moisture (e.g. rubber-metal-bonded parts), aluminum Contact with liquids and semi-liquid materials
foil/paper/polyethylene laminate or other similar means Rubber should not be allowed to come into contact with
of protection should be used to ensure protection from liquid or semi-liquid materials (for example, petrol, greases,
ingress of moisture. acids, disinfectants, cleaning fluids) or their vapors at any
Temperature time during storage, unless these materials are by design
an integral part of the product or the manufacturer's
The storage temperature should be below 25 C /77 F and packaging. When rubber products are received coated
the products should be stored away from direct sources of with their operational media, they should be stored in this
heat such as boilers, radiators and direct sunlight. If the condition.

Latest information available at

Edition August 2012
Chemical Compatibility Guide

Contact with metals Extension storage period

Certain metals and their alloys (in particular, copper and This is the period for which a rubber product, appropriately
manganese) are known to have harmful effects on some packaged, may be stored after the initial storage period,
rubbers. Rubber should not be stored in contact with such before further inspection and re-testing is necessary.
metals except when bonded to them. They should be
protected by wrapping in, or by separation with, a suitable
material, e.g. paper or polyethylene. These are products or components containing more than
one element, one or more of which is made of rubber.
Contact with dusting powder
Generally it is not recommended to store elastomeric
Dusting powders should only be used for the packaging of products in an assembled condition. If it is necessary to do
rubber items in order to prevent adhesion. In such cases, so, the units should be checked more often. The inspection
the minimum quantity of powder to prevent adhesion interval depends on the design and geometry of the
should be used. Any powder used should be free from components.
any constituent that would have a harmful effect on the
Inspection before extension storage
rubber or the subsequent application of the rubber.
Before any items are to be stored for an extension period,
Contact between different products
representative samples of each type should be selected for
Contact between products made from rubbers of different inspection at the end of the appropriate initial storage
compositions should be avoided. This includes products of period. Inspection should be in accordance with the
the same type but differing in color. relevant product specification.
Rubber-to-metal bonded products Visual inspection
The metal part of rubber-to-metal bonded products should Inspect each of the items for the following:
not come into contact with the rubber of other products. 1. Permanent distortions, such as creases or flats.
Preservative used on the metal should be of a type that 2. Mechanical damage, such as cuts, tears, abraded
it will not adversely affect the rubber or the bond to areas or delaminated plies.
such an extent that it does not comply with the product 3. Surface cracking when viewed under a microscope
specification. at x10 magnification.
4. Changes in surface condition, such as hardening,
Storage life
softening or tackiness.
This is the maximum period of time that a rubber product,
Assessment at the end of the initial period
appropriately packaged, may be stored. After this time the
product is regarded as unserviceable for the purposes for If, following the visual inspection procedure the items are
which it was originally manufactured. The storage life of a not satisfactory, they should not be stored for an extended
rubber product is influenced by its shape and size as well period. If the items are satisfactory and are stored for an
as its composition. Thick products usually undergo slower extended period a record should be kept of the date initial
changes through degradation than thinner ones. storage began as well as the date the extended storage
period began. Items stored for an extended period should
Initial storage period
be inspected and tested at, or before, the expiry of the
This is the maximum period, starting from the time of extension storage period before they are put into service or
manufacture, for which a rubber product, appropriately stored for a further extended period.
packaged, may be stored under specified conditions before
a sample needs to be inspected or re-tested.

Table 3 Initial and extension storage periods for unassembled components

Material group Initial storage period Extension storage period

AU, EU, NR, SBR 5 years 2 years
ACM, AEM, CR, ECO, HNBR, IIR, NBR 7 years 3 years
CSM, EPDM, FKM, VMQ, FVMQ 10 years 5 years
FFKM e.g. Isolast 20 years 5 years
Zurcon 10 years 5 years
PTFE unlimited
Note 1: If the storage temperature is over or under 25 C/77 F this will influence the storage time. Storage at 10 C/50 F higher will
reduce the storage time by about 50 %. Storage at 10 C/50 F lower will increase the storage time by around 100 %.
Note 2: In application areas such as aerospace the storage periods can differ from this specification. These specific storage conditions
have to be agreed between the supplier and the buyer.

Latest information available at

44 Edition August 2012

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2012 Trelleborg Group. At time of publication the information contained in this literature is believed to be correct and accurate.
Trelleborg is a world leader in engineered polymer solutions
that seal, damp and protect critical applications in demanding
environments. Its innovative engineered solutions accelerate
performance for customers in a sustainable way. The Trelleborg
Group has local presence in over 40 countries around the world. 99GBL2BROAE0812


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