Bibliography:: Position of Women in Hindu Civilization
Bibliography:: Position of Women in Hindu Civilization
Bibliography:: Position of Women in Hindu Civilization
Krishna Menon, M.K. and
Palaniyappan B. (Ed.) : Mudaliar and Menon's Clinical
Obstetrics, Orient Longman
Ltd. Hyderabad, (1988)
Kunjikuttan Thampuran,
Kodungallur, : Sree Mahabharatham, Vol.1.
Sulabha Publishers, Trichur.
Monmayee Basu : Hindu Women and Marriage Law
From Sacrament to Contract, Oxford
Pandey, Rajbali : Hindu Samskaras Socio Legal Study
of the Hindu Sacraments, Motilal
Banarsidass Publications, (1994)
Pandita : The High Caste Hindu Woman,
Ramabai Hyperian Press, INC,
Westpart, Connecticut,
Kane I, (1941)
: C h a n g i n g Val u e s A m o n g Y ou n g
Rekha Misra : Women in Mughal India - 1526-1748
A. D., Munshi Ram Manohar Lai,
Goonesekere : Children, Law and Justice, Sage
Publications, New Delhi,
Sen, S.P. (Ed.) (1998) : Social Contents and
Movements, Institute of Historical
Studies, Calcutta, (1978)
Sharma, Mahendra : Minimum Sentencing for Offences in
Kumar India - Law and Policy, Deep and
Deep Publications, New Delhi,
Siddique, : Criminology - Problems and
Ahammcd Perspectives, Eastern Book Co./Law
Publishers & Book Sellers,
Lucknow, (1993)
Abeda Sanudin, "The Child Bride Ameena Critic" in Asghar Ali Engineer
(Ed.), Problems of Muslim Women in India (1995)
Anand Soondas, "12 year Pinky 'sold' in marriage"
The Telegraph 24 July 2000.
Dr. Amita Mukherje, "The Brahma Samaj Movement and its Social Challenge" in
S.P. Sen (Ed), Social Contents and Religious Movements (1978)
Dr. Promilla Kapur , " Family violence Against Girl Child ", in Promilla Kapur
(Ed.), Girl Child and Family Violence (1993).
Dr. Sri. Rama Sharma, "The Arya Samaj Movement in Rajastan" in S.P Sen
(Ed), Social Contents and Religious Movements (1978).
Jain Sharda, "Save Before They Perish" and Vaid Sudharsan and Sharda Jain,
"Nipped in the Bud", Family Medicine Vols.3 and 4, July-Sept 1999.
Janat Mukwaya, H.E., "The AIDS Emergency", UNICEF,
Progress of Nations (1999)
Joy Deep Roy, "In Kutch Children Married off on Krishna Birthday"
The Indian Express 25 August 2000
Kajal Patwa, "Role of Community and Social Organization
in Prevention of Child Marriages: Case Studies". Seminar on
Child Marriage and the Law A Report 28-30 Nov 1990 NIPCCD.
Rahul Bedi, "Bid to Protect Children as Sex Tourism Spreads", London Daily
Telegraph 23 August 1997 cited in Mr. Pravin Patkar,
"An Overview and Suggestions"
Rajesh Sinha, "Groom Screams for Ice Cream While Wedding Ceremony is
on", The Indian Express 29 November 1999
See the newspaper report "Where the Minister of Women and Child Welfare,
Maharashtra Attended and Blessed a Child Marriage."
Sen, P., "A Basket of Resources; Women's Resistance to Domestic Violence in
Calcutta" cited in Innocenti Digest UNICEF.
Shobha Saxena, "Who Cares for Child Marriage ?", Pioneer 29 January 1999.
Shri. Chauhan, IS., "Age at Marriage, A Study of 400 Mothers Obtaining
Maternity Services at a Metropolitan Teaching Hospital." 1974, The
Journal of Family Welfare Vol. XX No. 4.
Susheela Singh and Renu Samara, "Early Marriage Among Women in Developing
Countries", International Planning Perspectives, Vol. 22/No.4, Dec. 1996.
UNICEF (1994), "Too old for toys and Too young for motherhood",
New York
Usha Tandon, "Law Relating to Marriage Age of Female and The Population
Control", Journal of Constituti onal and Parliamentary Studies
(Vol. XXV-No.104), 1991