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Current edition approved Jan. 1, 2008. Published February 2008. Originally Available from American Association of State Highway and Transportation
approved in 2002. Last previous edition approved in 2002 as D6825 022. DOI: Officials (AASHTO), 444 N. Capitol St., NW, Suite 249, Washington, DC 20001,
Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
D6825 02 (2008)1
3.2.3 clam shella bucket tool that is operated from a preparation of job specific construction specifications are not
dragline or crane. The bucket is hinged at the top and opens justified. If this practice is included by reference in contract
like a clam so that rock can be placed without dropping it. documents, the specifier must provide a list of supplemental
3.2.4 Dxthe particle diameter at which x % by weight requirements.
(dry) of the particles of a particular sample are finer.
5. Planning for Riprap Placement
3.2.5 filterany substance, as geotextile or layer of sand/
aggregate, placed to provide separation and retention of mate- 5.1 Site conditions, level of protection required, construc-
rials, while allowing water to pass. tion methods, and equipment may affect the sizing, thickness,
and lateral extent of a riprap revetment. For some small
3.2.6 floatera individual rock within the riprap layer that projects, riprap may be dumped with minimal analysis or
is not interlocked with the surrounding rocks. quality control, and still fulfill the intended purpose. For larger
3.2.7 maximum aspect ratiothe ratio of the greatest to the projects and critical structures, engineering, careful placement,
least dimension, measured across mutually perpendicular axes, and quality control become increasingly justified to minimize
for any piece of rock; synonym, slabbiness. material costs and reduce the chance of failure. The degree of
3.2.8 orange peela bucket tool that is operated from a control appropriate should be appropriate for each project. The
dragline or crane and resembles the shape of an orange peeling. methods for placement and quality control should be compat-
The sides lift up and out so that rock can be placed without ible with the level of site investigation and other considerations
dropping it. included in Table 1. Table 1 includes factors which should be
considered, but are beyond the scope of this guide. Some
3.2.9 pit run materialrock that has been blasted but not
recommended publications for further information on these
processed to remove undersize pieces; synonym, shot rock or
factors and engineering criteria are given in the References
quarry run.
section. Designing the revetment is beyond the scope of this
3.2.10 revetmentbank protection by armor, that is, by guide.
facing of a bank or embankment with erosion-resistant mate- NOTE 1Slope stability should always be considered. If it is not
rial. investigated analytically by a qualified professional, then it should at least
be considered subjectively in light of the site conditions and surrounding
3.2.11 riprapmaterial generally less than 2 tons (1.8 conditions (riverbanks, shorelines, or landforms). Many agencies have
tonnes) in mass, specially selected and graded. When properly generalized maximum allowable slopes (usually in the range of 1.5H:1V
placed, riprap prevents erosion through minor wave action, or to 3H:1V); however, these must be recognized as site specific. Limitations
strong currents and thereby preserves the shape of a surface, of the foundation, bank, material interfaces, seepage conditions, or toe
slope, or underlying structure. Riprap may be specifically scour may lead to instability.
produced for the intended purpose, or it may be a by-product
6. Riprap Materials
from a mining operation, structure demolition, or industrial
process. 6.1 Stone Sources and EvaluationRock must be durable
3.2.12 rockany naturally formed aggregate of mineral material. In some cases, a source may be established based on
matter occurring in large masses or fragments. Rock may be rock classification, geologic evaluation, and observations of
either insitu or excavated material. existing installations showing that the rock is durable. If a
history of rock durability is not established, sampling and
testing the rock may be required. Acceptable material proper-
4. Significance and Use
ties for rock is dependent on the conditions (such as abrasion
4.1 Riprap is a commonly used form of scour protection and and saturation frequency due to wave run-up) and climate in
general slope protection. Riprap provides a long term solution the vicinity of where it will be used. Source selection must also
when properly sized and installed. Riprap has structural flex- consider the material properties available from local sources.
ibility so it will conform to irregular surfaces and adapt to Riprap is most commonly produced at a quarry, but it may also
minor subgrade settlement. It is often appropriate for use in be screened from a gravel pit operation, processed from rock
conjunction with soil bioengineering (vegetation establish- collected from some other source, or manufactured from
ment) alternatives. In some environments, riprap may provide crushed hydraulic-cement (recycled) concrete.
habitat for benthic organisms and fish.
NOTE 2Borrowing stone, cobbles or gravel from stream or lake beds
4.2 Revetments provide a facing or lining to armor a that do not otherwise need to be disturbed may have environmental
surface; and the layer thickness is typically minimized while consequences and may not be allowed under state and federal permits.
providing the necessary resistance to scour. In this case, 6.1.1 Sampling and Testing Rock Sources Practice D4992
standardized practices to obtain consistent coverage having provides guidance on sampling a source rock. Criteria for
acceptable thickness tolerances and voids become important. acceptance should consider criteria in EM 1110-2-2302, but
4.3 This guide may be used by owners, installation contrac- may also consider characteristics of rock found in nearby
tors, regulatory agencies, inspection organizations, and design- quarries. Information provided with rock samples should
ers and specifiers who are involved in the construction of riprap include the location from which the sample was taken, and the
revetments. Modifications may be required for specific job stratigraphy for samples obtained at quarries. (See Note 3).
conditions.This guide is not intentded for construction speci- NOTE 3Due to the relative cost of producing and transporting riprap
fications on large projects, but may be referenced where in relation to placing it at the site, there is a potential for disputes where
D6825 02 (2008)1
TABLE 1 Predominant Factors for Placement and Maintenance of Riprap
Site Design Construction
No. Factor Construction
Condition Control Control
1 Hydraulic bed shear stress X
flow velocity or wave amplitude
flow turbulence
flow depth or wave run-up
water density (salinity)
2 Debris impact and ice action X X
3 Bed slope, side slopes (hydraulic stability) X X
4 Slope Stability (see Note 1) X X
5 Site Conditions (under water placement, temporary access, X X
encroaching structures, property limits, meandering rivers
and scour adjacent to revetment)
6 Environmental considerations (water quality, recreation use, X
affects on vegetation and wildlife)
7 Rock availability and cost X
8 Risk analysis (critical structure, return period for design X X
storm or flood event)
9 Filter requirements (subgrade drainage, filter clogging, instal- X X X
lation damage, particle retention, degradation)
10 Rock gradation, angularity and placement X
11 Revetment thickness X X X
12 Revetment extent (toe protection, key-in, free board) X X
13 Construction Methods/Equipment X X
14 Quality Control/Quality Assurance X X
15 Disturbances (People moving stones, animals burrowing X X
through filters)
16 Material Durability (rock degradation, exposure of geotextile) X X X X
sampling and testing at the source have implied acceptance of the material 6.3 Recycled MaterialsRecycled materials may be used
and the Owner later rejects the material at the placement site. Contract for sustainable design and development. However, quality
specifications should clearly state where the riprap will be sampled for
testing and what constitutes final acceptance of the material. assurance of recycled material is generally more difficult and
the material must be appropriate for the intended use. Crushed
6.2 Riprap GradingRecommended gradation require-
hydraulic-cement concrete may be obtained from various
ments for processed riprap are given in Practice D6092. The
sources with inconsistent strength and durability. Slabs in the
gradations are considered to be optimum size variations
source material and the amount of reinforcing steel can
considering rock stability, riprap voids affecting filtration of the
complicate control of the grading requirements and the aspect
subgrade, and typical quarry processing capabilities. Research
at the Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station in the ratio of individual stones.
1960s and 1970s confirmed that there is an optimum size
variation for riprap stability. Riprap layers with uniform sized 7. Filter Materials
rocks have a rough surface which maximizes the tractive shear 7.1 Purpose of FiltersFor revetments placed as thin fac-
stress on the rocks, which detracts from the stability. Material ings or linings, a filter is required to prevent loss of the
that is too broad in grading is susceptible to segregation and subgrade by turbulent flow through the voids in the riprap.
loss of the small stones. Filters for riprap consist of bedding or geotextiles. Filters are
6.2.1 Sampling and Testing Material GradationsThe rip- selected to provide soil retention and adequate permeability for
rap grading should be verified. When gradation tolerances are subgrade drainage. This requires balancing two opposing
critical, the grading should be determined in accordance with criteria: the opening sizes (voids) must be small enough to
Practice D5519. Riprap samples should be taken from stock- retain the subgrade particles and large enough to provide
piles, loaded trucks or in place test plots. Bedding and filter adequate permeability for water passage. In some cases,
materials should be sampled in accordance with Practice D75 multiple layers may be required.
and tested in accordance with Test Method C136.
7.2 BeddingBedding material should be composed of
NOTE 4Due to the economical limitations of obtaining the number
and size of samples to be statistically meaningful, the Owner and tough, durable particles, free from thin, flat and elongated
Contractor should have a partnering relationship. Both parties should pieces, and should contain minimal quantities of organic matter
make an effort to be present during rock source sampling and field testing. and soft friable particles. Aggregates should generally meet the
6.2.2 Pit run material, rather than processed rock, is often quality requirements of Specification C33. Some typical gra-
used due to its lower cost, greater availability, and broader dation requirements for bedding materials are given in Practice
grading. For similar rock stability and filtration characteristics, D6092. It is sometimes more economical to specify a com-
pit run material must be placed in greater thickness and stone monly produced gradation, such as a state transportation
size than processed riprap. department gradation for concrete or bituminous aggregate. It
D6825 02 (2008)1
may be necessary to adjust the gradation requirements to meet 10. Foundation Preparation
filter requirements for protection of the subgrade soils.
10.1 The foundation surface should be reasonably smooth to
7.3 GeotextilesThe geotextiles must have adequate match tolerances normally obtained by rough grading with
strength to withstand installation stresses during placement. bladed equipment. Foundation areas may need to be excavated
AASHTO M 28800 provides recommended geotextile prop- or properly filled to meet lines and grades for the revetment.
erties for survival during construction. The geotextile proper-
ties listed in AASHTO M 28800 are related to specific 11. Placement of Bedding
placement conditions and equipment operation.
11.1 Bedding should be spread in such manner as to avoid
disturbance to the subgrade. Placing the bedding by methods
8. Handling and Transportation
that tend to segregate the particle sizes or cause mixing of the
8.1 Riprap should be handled and selectively loaded onto separate layers should not be permitted. Placement should
trucks in a manner to avoid segregation and provide a begin at the bottom of the area to be covered and continue up
distribution of rock sizes. Each truckload should be represen- slope. Compaction of bedding material is not required, but the
tative of the gradation requirements. surface should be finished to present an adequately even
surface, free from mounds or windrows.
8.2 Rock breakage during handling and transportation will
reduce the rock sizes and alter the gradation before final 11.2 Placement of Bedding on Geotextile When bedding
placement. The rock susceptibility to size degradation is very material is placed on geotextile, the overlying sand and
dependent on the rock strength, the rock formation, handling aggregate layers should be spread uniformly over the geotextile
methods, and rock sizes. In areas where size degradation is to the full lift thickness by methods that do not tear, puncture,
significant, the riprap grading should be evaluated at the or reposition the fabric. Generally, the minimum practical
placement site, and the amount of size degradation should be thickness to avoid snagging the geotextile with the blade or
anticipated by the supplier and transporter. See Note 3. bucket of heavy equipment is 150 to 200 mm (6 to 8 in.).
Thicker layers may be required to control rutting or shearing
8.3 Stockpiles should be constructed to minimize the seg-
below heavy equipment. Sudden braking and sharp turning
regation of dumped rock. Stockpiles should be formed by a
should be avoided. Tracked equipment should minimize all
series of layers or truckload dumps, where the rock essentially
unnecessary turning to prevent the tracks from tearing the
remains where it is placed. Contamination with soil or mud
geotextile. Construction equipment should not be operated
should be avoided.
directly upon the geotextile.
9. Placement Equipment
12. Placement of Geotextiles
9.1 Special purpose equipment such as clam shells or
12.1 Issues related to placement of riprap on geotextiles
orange peels provide the best placement and most compact
include (1) survivability of the fabric, ( 2) clogging potential of
layers of riprap.
the geotextile, and (3) minimizing seam overstress or displace-
9.2 Backhoes or other equipment equipped with rock buck- ment of overlaps. These issues lead to some conflicting criteria,
ets are popular tools for riprap placement, but have some which must be balanced based on the site conditions.
shortcomings: For large riprap, rock buckets do not hold a
12.2 SurvivabilityGeotextiles should be selected to with-
sufficient quantity to place a full layer thickness during each
stand installation stresses in accordance with AASHTO
pass of the equipment. Equipment operators tend to smooth the
M 28800, which provides some specific guidelines for drop
riprap surface with the bucket by using it as a hammer to pound
heights and rock size. The geotextile should be placed in such
the rock into the layer, or as a rake to pull the rock into place.
a manner that placement of the overlying materials will not
Adjusting the rock after placement tends to unravel the layers
excessively stretch or tear the geotextile. Anchoring can
integrity, which is characterized by an increase in the amount
increase strain in stiff fabrics since it will cause the fabric to
of voids and number of floaters.
stretch as rock deforms the subgrade, and will increase the
9.3 Bulldozers and front-end loaders are discouraged for susceptibility to tearing and puncturing, particularly for large
placing riprap. Track-mounted bulldozers that travel on top of rocks placed on sand or soft cohesive subgrades without a
riprap, can crush the rock and tear apart the interlocking cushion layer. Stiff geotextiles (typically woven and heat-
integrity of the placed riprap layer. Wheel-mounted front-end bonded nonwoven fabrics) should not be anchored in a key
loaders have a tendency to spin their wheels and tear apart the trench at the top of the slope until the riprap has been placed up
interlocked integrity of the rock layer. Front-end loaders to that location, or experience shows that the geotextile does
generally have poor visibility in front of the bucket which not tension during riprap placement.
creates problems for the operator, since riprap can not be
12.3 Clogging PotentialGeotextiles that are installed
spread like soils and aggregates.
loosely tend to lift up from the subgrade and clog much faster
9.4 Dump trucks should be equipped with bottom-hinged and more severely than geotextiles that are maintained in tight
tailgates if rock is placed directly into position with the trucks. contact with the subgrade. To minimize clogging potential,
The bottom hinged tailgates allow the load of rock to slide en geotextiles should be confined. For all installations, geotextile
masse from the truck; and they reduce the drop height. should be placed on a smooth graded surface in intimate
D6825 02 (2008)1
contact with the soils, without wrinkles or folds. For installa- 13.3.1 ChinkingThe surface of the rock can be smoothed
tions were filtration is critical, riprap should be placed on a for traffic or overlying surfaces by chinking. Chinking is
cushion layer of bedding material, since the large rocks in generally undesirable because the fine material may not inter-
riprap gradations allow the fabric to flop on the subgrade in the lock with the riprap and the chinking material is susceptible to
pores spaces between the rocks. For high elasticity geotextiles erosion and downstream sedimentation.
(needle punched non-wovens), formation of wrinkles during 13.3.2 Keying or PlatingA relatively smooth surface of
placement of riprap can be reduced by anchoring in the riprap can be obtained by pounding the rock surface with the
geotextile in key trenches before the rock is placed. flat portion of a bucket or special tool to key in the stones and
12.4 Seams and OverlapsThe number of seams and over- create a plated appearance. Since this can result in significant
laps should generally be minimized by selective orientation of breakage and degradation of the riprap, it should be considered
geotextile panels, within the limitations of maintaining a a separate practice and should not be used unless specifically
consistent pattern. Seams on slopes and butt end seams should requested by the customer.
be shingled so that runoff and channel flow passes over the
fabric. Sewn, welded or glued seams are desirable for shoreline 13.4 Placement of Riprap on Geotextiles Riprap should
protection (or where flow reversal occurs). Overlaps measured be placed over the geotextile by methods that do not stretch,
in place after rock placement are normally a minimum of 12 in. tear, puncture, or reposition the fabric. Equipment should be
Larger overlaps measured before coverage may be necessary if operated so as to minimize the drop height of the stone without
the geotextile tends to wrinkle when the riprap is placed on it, the equipment contacting and damaging the geotextile. Gener-
or for large riprap without a cushion layer. ally this will be about 1 foot of drop from the bucket to the
placement surface. Riprap should be placed so that stones do
13. Placement of Riprap
not roll downhill.
13.1 Construction MethodsRiprap should be placed in a
systematic manner. Riprap should be placed to its full course 13.5 Riprap Placement in WaterRiprap placed in water
thickness in one operation in such manner as to minimize usually requires close observation and increased quality control
segregation of rock sizes and avoid displacing underlying to ensure a continuous well-graded uniform rock layer of the
material. Rearranging of individual rocks may be allowed to required thickness. A systematic process for placing and
the extent necessary to obtain a well-graded distribution of continuous monitoring to verify the quantity and layer thick-
rock sizes. Final finish of the slope should be performed as the ness is important. Quality control methods such as presented in
material is placed. Equipment used for placement should have Appendix X1 should be implemented. Riprap cast across the
the capacity to hold enough rock to deposit a full layer surface of the water will likely cause segregation. In underwa-
thickness in each pass. Placement should typically begin at the ter applications, the riprap and associated filters must be placed
bottom of the area to be covered and continue up slope. in a timely manner to avoid scour of the foundation during
Subsequent loads of material should be placed against previ- placement.
ously placed material in such a manner as to ensure a relatively
homogenous mass. Placing riprap in layers usually results in 14. Quality Assurance
unstable material and a high void content. Placing riprap by
dumping it into chutes, allowing it to roll downhill, or pushing 14.1 Predominant items for quality assurance include layer
it into place is likely to cause segregation. Operating equip- thickness, material gradations, rock durability, rock density,
ment directly on the completed riprap protection system is and relative density, of the in-place riprap. The riprap layer
generally not allowed due to concerns for rock breakage, should always provide complete coverage so that the filter or
tearing apart the interlocking integrity of the riprap layer, and subgrade is not visible. Compactness of riprap in place is
damage of geotextile (if used). generally controlled by prescriptive requirements for place-
ment procedures discussed in 9 and 13, but may also be
13.2 Riprap Layer RequirementsRiprap should be placed
evaluated by field testing. Uniformity of the layer thickness
in a manner which will produce an interlocked, well-graded
should also be visually inspected. Gradations, durability, and
mass of rock, with the minimum practicable percentage of
rock density are discussed in 6.
voids, and well distributed large rocks. The underlying bedding
or geotextile should not be visible. A desirable finished surface 14.2 Appendix X1 suggest methods for evaluating the
is free from pockets of small rocks and clusters of larger rocks. average layer thickness and compactness of the in place riprap.
Rockss that are unstable or not interlocked are referred to as Quantifying the in place density may be investigated for
floaters. Floaters do not contribute to the integrity of the evaluating placement procedures. A quality control system
placed riprap layer. Some agencies require hand adjustment should be implemented to control layer thickness when there is
using pinch bars (steel rods) to dislodge floaters. potential for normal variations to exceed the allowable toler-
13.3 Surface TolerancesThe finished surface tolerance for ance. If measurement for payment by weight is used, it is
the riprap layer should generally not deviate from the lines and desirable to make periodic checks of the average weight per
grades shown by more than half (12) the maximum D50 stone unit are for completed work. Evaluating the average layer
size of the gradation range. Loose pieces, or pieces that are out thickness is sometimes used for comparison with design
of tolerance should be worked to interlock and stabilize them assumptions, or when placing rock below water with obscured
within the riprap layer. visibility.
D6825 02 (2008)1
15. Keywords
15.1 bedding; erosion protection; geotextile; revetment; rip-
rap; scour protection
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 The bulk unit weight of riprap (Eq X1.1) can be X1.3 The average layer thickness can be calculated by
calculated from typically available field measurements: assuming a bulk unit weight of the riprap, and rearranging Eq
g B5 (X1.1)
tA t5W/g B A (X1.4)
n512 ~ g B /g s ! (X1.3) X1.5 Void ratios for riprap gradations specified in Practice
where: D6092 and placed in accordance with this standard and
gs = unit weight of the rock typically in the range of 0.45 to 0.7, although lower void ratio
may be obtained with riprap having broader size ranges, or by
For example, if an area 100 by 100 feet is filled with riprap hand placement. Measurement for payment using these rela-
to a thickness of 3 feet, and the riprap was weighted on a scale tions must specifically define the unit weight of the riprap or
at the quarry as 1600 tons, and the rock has a unit weight of gs how to determine it.
= 160 pcf (specific gravity of 2.56), then from (1) the bulk unit
weight is gB = 1600 tons 2000 lbs/ton/(3 100 100) = 107
pcf. Then from X1.2, the void ratio is 0.50, and from X1.3 the
porosity is 0.33.
D6825 02 (2008)1
(1) Construction with Large Stone, Engineering Manual 1110-2-2302, (5) Design of Roadside Channels with Flexible Linings, Federal Highway
October 24, 1990, US Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, D.C. Administration (FHWA) Hydraulic Engineering Circular (HEC) No.
20314-1000. 15, Publication No. FHWA-IP-87-7, April 1988.
(2) Design of Coastal Revetments, Seawalls, and Bulkheads, Engineering (6) Holtz, R. D., Christopher, B. R., and Berg, R. R., Geosynthetic Design
Manual 1110-2-1614, June 30, 1995, Army Corps of Engineers. and Construction Guidelines, U.S. Department of Transportation,
(3) Design of Grouted Riprap, Engineering Technical Letter 1110-2-334, Federal Highway Administration Report No. HI-95-038, 1995 (re-
August 21, 1992 , Army Corps of Engineers. vised 1998), p. 396.
(4) Design of Riprap Revetment, Federal Highway Administration (7) Hydraulic Design of Flood Control Channels , Engineering Manual
(FHWA) Hydraulic Engineering Circular (HEC) No. 11, Publication 1110-2-1601, July 1, 1991, Army Corps of Engineers.
No. FHWA-IP-89-016, March 1989.
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