CNWL Staff Handbook

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The CNWL Way:

our Staff Handbook

CNWL staff induction booklet
Welcome to CNWL
Message from Claire Murdoch,
CNWL Chief Executive
Welcome to the CNWL Family. Most people judge
any organisation by the staff they meet, how they behave,
communicate and conduct themselves.
Our challenge is to continually improve the quality of care we provide
to patients, carer’s and their families.
I think CNWL is a fantastic place to work and I feel privileged to be part
of it. Our latest staff survey shows we are better than average compared
with other mental health trusts on staff recommendation of the Trust as
a place to work or receive treatment. We want to create an atmosphere
where people enjoy their work and feel fulfilled. We’re proud of our
diversity and we continue to undertake new initiatives to advance
equality for Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT+), Black and
Asian Ethnic Minority (BAME), and people with disabilities to promote
good relations and understanding between our staff. CNWL is not about
the buildings we inhabit but the spirit of the people working in them.

Claire Murdoch,
Chief Executive

CNWL staff induction booklet

Welcome to CNWL Our services
CNWL has almost 6,550 staff We provide more than 300
providing integrated healthcare different health services across
to a third of London’s population, 150 sites and in many other
Milton Keynes, Surrey and community settings. The majority
areas beyond. of our services are provided in
the community, which means
We provide a wide range of
treating people in their homes or
services to treat people with
from clinics close to home. Where
common physical health problems,
community care is not possible we
long-term conditions, mental
offer a number of facilities to treat
health, learning disabilities, eating
people in hospital or residential
disorders, addictions and sexual
environments. We also provide
health. We are here to provide
healthcare in prisons in London
support for people through every
and the surrounding areas.
stage of life.
Our services can be categorised
Our catchment area covers a
into the areas below, however
range of vibrant and diverse
for a full list of services and their
communities, with over 100 first
locations please visit the CNWL
languages spoken, ranging from
areas of deprivation to areas of
affluence. We are committed to • Addictions and substance
providing services that meet the misuse
needs of the people who use
• Community health
them, and we actively encourage
involvement from local people • Eating disorders
who can help make a difference.
• Learning disabilities
• Mental health
• Offender care
• Sexual Health and HIV

page 4
Services in the Milton Keynes
south of England MH CH O A LD

Services in the CH Milton Keynes

south of England MH CH O A LD



Surrey Kent

Surrey Kent

West Sussex

West Sussex

Services across London

Services across London

Harrow SH
MH LD Barnet
Harrow Haringey SH CH
O ED SH Islington
CH Brent Haringey SH CH

Hillingdon O ED

Brent Camden
Hillingdon A CH SH
A LD Camden
O MH Ealing City
A LD City

Hounslow City of Westminster

A Hounslow MH LD O SH CH
City of Westminster
Kensington & Chelsea
MH LDKensington
O &
ED CH Chelsea
Hammersmith & Fulham
CH & Fulham
upon Thames
upon Thames

SH Sexual health services

SH Sexual health services

MH Mental
LD Learning disabilities services MH health services
Mental health services
LD Learning disabilities services

A Addictions ED Eating
ED disorder servicesservices
Eating disorder
A Addictions

CH Community services (adults

CH Community and
services children)
(adults O
and children) Prison
O healthcare and and
Prison healthcare
(Buckinghamshire: dentistry only)
(Buckinghamshire: dentistry only) offenderoffender
care services
care services

CNWL staff induction booklet

In addition to these services, Trust induction
the Trust also has a number
Induction provides an opportunity
of support services including:
for CNWL to welcome new staff
Human Resources (HR), Education
and to introduce them to the
and Development, Commercial
organisation’s goals, structures
Development (including Estates
and values. It supports new staff
and Emergency Planning),
to gain an understanding of
Occupational Health, Finance,
their role and responsibilities at
Information and Communications
organisational, team and individual
Technology (ICT), Communications,
job level.
Strategy and Performance, Nursing
and Quality (including Governance) All new members of staff are
and Research and Development. invited either to attend the
Trust Welcome and complete a
Divisional structures bespoke programme of mandatory
training or to complete the Trust
Operationally, the Trust has three e-induction. The type of induction
divisions, overseen by directors offered is dependent on a number
who report to Robyn Doran, Chief of criteria, see the Induction Policy
Operating Officer. You can find on Trustnet for more details.
out more about the directors and
Statutory and Mandatory training
structure of each division on the
that is not covered within induction
Divisions page of our intranet,
must be completed separately
through our online learning
management system, the Learning
and Development Zone (LDZ) (see
page 26 for details). All new staff
will also receive a local induction
in their place of work.

page 6
Our vision
Our vision is to work in partnership with local people to improve
their health and wellbeing. Together we look at ways of improving
an individual’s quality of life, through high quality healthcare and
personal support.

Our values, what we believe in

Compassion: We all contribute to a compassionate
environment for everyone here. What we say and do helps
make the lives of others better.
Respect: We will respect and value the diversity of our
patients, service users and staff, to create a respectful and
inclusive environment, which recognises the uniqueness of
each individual.
Empowerment: We will involve, inform and empower our
patients, service users, carers and their families to take an active
role in the management of their illness and adopt recovery
principles. We will make sure our staff receive appropriate
direction and support, to enable them to develop and grow.
Partnership: We will work closely with our many partners to
make sure that our combined efforts are focused on achieving
the best possible outcomes for the people we serve.

CNWL staff induction booklet

How we communicate How the
with you Communications Team
The Trust has a number of internal can help
and external communication
The Communications Team supports
channels including:
all our services by promoting good
• Trustnet, our dedicated intranet work, producing leaflets, online
site – you can get onto the site content, press releases, and more. from
They also keep staff up-to-date
your phone or computer and
on Trust news through the Weekly
outside of the Trust network
News e-bulletin, Body and Mind
• Our weekly staff e-bulletin magazine and other channels.
• Body and Mind magazine An important part of our role
is protecting the organisation’s
• Our website
reputation and branding, as well
• Social media – follow us: as engaging with the media, our
@CNWLNHS partners and other stakeholders.
@CNWLPeople To contact the team, email
@cnwlnhs Staff Survey
Every year, we run a confidential
staff survey asking our staff for
their views on their job and the
organisation where they work.
We use the survey findings to
improve working conditions
and staff experiences.

page 8
Quality Human resources
CNWL is committed to providing Human Resources (HR) has lots
high quality services and has of information on Trustnet where
developed a Quality Improvement you will find links to the key HR
(QI) Programme to improve the policies, procedures and forms.
experience of care for the people If you have any HR related queries
we serve, their carers and families. or concerns your first point of call
QI will encourage a culture of is your line manager but where this
continuous improvement and is not appropriate, please contact
make sure we focus on listening a relevant member of the HR Team
and learning. depending on your query:
At times we can struggle to deliver • Recruitment: for all recruitment
the change we want. That is why queries
much of the CNWL QI Programme • People Services: for any
will be focused on giving you the queries resulting in a change
skills, knowledge and freedom to of circumstances, rostering and
bring about improvement. It is about working on the bank
working differently, not harder. • Payroll: for all payroll and
For further information about pension queries
quality initiatives currently being • Medical Staffing: for all issues
implemented, future plans or relating to medical staff (including
information about audits and recruitment and payroll)
other quality improvements please • Education and Development:
contact your relevant Divisional Essential and Mandatory
Lead. To find out more about the training, clinical education and
Trust’s QI Programme, please visit all other education and training course queries.
In CNWL our divisional heads of
Human Resources play a key role
in supporting each Division with its
strategic workforce objectives. You
will find this information on Trustnet.

CNWL staff induction booklet

Personal Emergency maternity paperwork, as well as
references and ID badge renewals.
Evacuation Plan (PEEP) The team can be contacted on
If, during an emergency, you think
you would require assistance in
The team can also help with access
evacuating the premises, you need
to Employee Online, used to book
to complete a PEEP. A PEEP is a
your annual leave and if you’re
form that outlines that specific
a manager booking temporary
things that would need to be put
members of staff.
in place to assist a person evacuate
during an emergency. Discrimination,
Your line manager will need harassment,
to complete the PEEP for you, victimisation and
therefore please speak to them
if you would like one. For further bullying
guidance, please email the
CNWL is an equal opportunities
Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion
employer. It is the policy of the Trust
to make sure that no patients, service
users, employees, or job applicants,
ID badge receive less favourable treatment
You will be given an ID badge before on grounds of their sex, sexual
you join us or on your first day. If orientation, marital status, race,
you do not receive one please let religion, age, creed, colour, ethnic
you manager know or Recruitment. origin or disability. Nor should anyone
using or working in our services or
People Services applying to work in our services be
disadvantaged by any conditions
The People Services Team deals or requirements which cannot be
with permanent and fixed term shown to be justified. Discrimination,
members of staff concerning a harassment and victimisation are
range of employee related issues unacceptable behaviours, which
such as the processing of change of contravene the Equal Opportunities
circumstances forms, leaver forms,

page 10
Policy. We are fully committed control, recruitment and
to the elimination of all forms of organisational reporting. To contact
discrimination, harassment and the team, please email: cnw-tr.
victimisation, and expect employees
to abide by the Expected Standards
of Behaviour Policy as well as our Raising concerns
community behaviour charter and
challenge discrimination, harassment about work
victimisation and bullying in the
The Trust has a duty to make sure
workplace. The policy can be found
it provides a secure environment
on Trustnet.
in which to work, and one where
Anyone who discriminates, harasses, people are confident to raise
victimises or bullies anyone else concerns without worrying that
leaves themselves vulnerable to it will reflect badly on them. This
sanctions from the organisation, we extends to making sure that staff
will not hesitate to involve the police, feel protected when carrying out
if it is deemed appropriate. their official duties and are not
placed in a vulnerable position.
Workforce If staff members have concerns
Information Team about any procedures or processes
that they are asked to be involved
The Workforce Information Team
in, the Trust has a duty to ensure
produce a wide range of Electronic
that those concerns are listened to
Staff Record (ESR) reports on a
and addressed.
regular and ad hoc basis providing
meaningful staffing information Some of us may have concerns
and analysis for the monthly from time to time about what is
board reports, divisional reports, happening at work. Often these
external benchmarking information concerns can be easily resolved
and internal key performance but there may be times when the
indicators. The Team also support concerns are potentially so serious
and maintain the ESR organisational that it can be difficult to know what
hierarchy and position numbers to do, for example, worries about
for the purposes of establishment possible risks to patients, criminal

CNWL staff induction booklet

offences being committed, failure CNWL takes its statutory
to comply with legal obligations, obligations very seriously in
health and safety breaches, bullying protecting staff against reprisals. It will
or harassment, harm to the take the strongest and appropriate
environment, clinical or financial action necessary against any
malpractice or unlawful conduct. individual who victimises a member
of staff who has acted responsibly
If you do have any such concerns, it
and raised a genuine concern.
is important that you act immediately
in order for the Trust to safeguard The Trust also has in place a range
patients and staff, rather than wait of mechanisms for staff to raise
for confirmation of your suspicion. their concerns in confidence.
Where possible, if you have a
All staff are asked to report concerns
concern you should speak to your
but nurses have a professional duty to
line manager or the relevant senior
do so: in November 2010 the Nursing
manager or Director within your
and Midwifery Council (NMC)
service and refer to the Trust’s
published guidelines which make it
Whistleblowing Policy. The policy
clear that nurses and midwives have
can be found on Trustnet.
a professional duty to protect the
people they care for and to escalate
concerns if they think those people
are being put at risk.
Often people want to report
concerns but worry that they could
be seen as disloyal or could be
exposing themselves to harassment
or victimisation, disciplinary action
or even putting their job at risk.

Raising and Escalating Concerns. Guidance for Nurses and Midwives.

NMC November 2013.

page 12
We encourage and support all
staff to raise concerns about any
matter relating to patient care,
patient safety or work concerns
such as health and safety breaches,
Freedom to Speak Up bullying and harassment, clinical or
Guardians financial mal practice or any other
issues that a staff member feels
CNWL’s Speak Up Guardian’s are
needs to escalated. To enable a
available to offer confidential,
quick, fair and effective resolution,
independent and sensitive support
all concerns raised will be listened
and advice to all staff who want
to and taken seriously. The Trust
to raise concerns and the aim is to
takes the issue of raising concerns
encourage and develop an open
seriously and wishes to encourage
and transparent listening culture
a climate of openness and reassure
within this Trust.
staff that any concerns that are
The service currently comprises of raised will be responded to.
the CNWL Speak Up Guardian –
When things go wrong we need
Carina Sheridan who is the main
to make sure that lessons are learnt
point of contact for all staff who
and improvements are made. If we
want to raise a concern and five
think something might go wrong,
staff governors who act as Speak
it’s important that we feel able to
Up ambassadors in their relevant
speak up so that potential harm
sphere of work.
is avoided. Even when things are
going well, but could be made
even better, we should feel able to
say something and should expect
that what we say is listened to
and used as an opportunity for
improvement. Speaking Up is
about all of these things.

CNWL staff induction booklet

People may use terminology The NGO (National Guardians
such as ‘raising concerns’, Office) has launched a Freedom
‘whistleblowing’, ‘raising a to Speak Up e-learning package
grievance’, ‘complaining’, for all healthcare workers.
or ‘making a suggestion for
‘Speak Up, Listen Up, Follow Up’,
improvement’. All of these things
developed in association with
are Speaking Up.
Health Education England, has
Where possible, if you are worried been divided into three modules
or concerned about something we to explain what speaking up is.
would recommend that you try
The first module, ‘Speak Up’,
and raise any concerns as soon as
was launched as part of October
possible with your line manager.
2020 Speak Up Month.
If you feel you are unable to speak
with your line manager, or another Access the e-learning at:
senior within your service/Division
then please contact the Speak freedom-to-speak-up
Up Guardian who can offer staff
This module is core training for
another way to raise concerns in
all healthcare workers, including
a safe and confidential manner.
volunteers and students and would
To speak to us email Carina encourage all of you to log on and
Sheridan: or complete the module. You will
cnwl.freedomtospeakupguardian@ need to register with e-LfH if you or call 07511 048190. don’t already have an account,
you can register at:
For more information, including the
list of Speak Up ambassadors, please
search ‘Speak Up’ on Trustnet.
You can also contact
CNWL Raising Concerns/
Whistleblowing Policy outlines how
you can raise a concern. Search If you are a nurse, refer to the
‘Whistleblowing’ on Trustnet for NMC Guideline Raising and
more information. Escalating Concerns NMC 2013.

page 14
For matters which relate to Conflict at Work
your own personal employment
We have a confidential telephone
circumstances; these can be raised
helpline supporting staff members
directly with HR through the Trust’s
who feel they may be bullied or
Dignity at Work Policy or the
harassed in the work place, called
Grievance procedure which can
the Conflict at Work Service.
be found on Trustnet.
The new service is a stepped
Concerns regarding fraud can
pathway to support any member of
be raised to the Local Counter
staff who feels they may be bullied
Fraud Officer or to the NHS Fraud
or harassed at work. Staff members
hotline on 0800 028 40 60.
can call the dedicated Conflict at
Confidentiality will be maintained
Work helpline on 020 3137 1160
and all matters will be dealt with
and speak in confidence to a
in accordance with the NHS
People at Work Adviser.
Counter Fraud standards. You will
not suffer any recriminations as
a result of raising concerns – you
have protection under The Public
Interest Disclosure Act 1998.
Confidential staffing support
services are available through
Occupational Health on 020 3317
3350. Further information
is available on Trustnet.
There is no need to provide proof
of your concerns, providing you
have a genuine concern over
wrongdoing that has happened in
the past, happening now or may
be happening in the future. It is
important that you raise this.

CNWL staff induction booklet

Your pay Your ESR payslip
Staff are paid on 25th of the All payslips are now provided
month by credit transfer to bank online. You can set yourself up on
or building society accounts. In the You will
event that the 25th of the month need to request login credentials.
falls on a weekend or public holiday FAQs are available on Trustnet.
salaries are paid into accounts on
The example below (Mr. Other,
the previous working day.
who works in Head Office) has
If you have any queries regarding been produced to help explain
pay, you should contact the the different areas of the payslip.
Payroll Department on In addition, there is a list of abbreviations below, which will
help your understanding of some
You can find more information on
of the items which will appear
Trustnet. The tax office is based
on your actual payslip.
at the below address. When
contacting them, please ensure
you use the reference number:
REF 073/N30.
H.M. Inspector of Taxes
Bradford beckside taxpayer
service office
Selectapost 13
Centenary court
1 St Blaise Way
Bradford BD1 4YL
• ARRS – Arrears Payment
Tel: 0300 200 3300
• EN – Enhancement Payment
Any pension related queries should be (for example Unsocial)
directed to our local Pensions Adviser
• OT – Overtime Payment
who is based in the Payroll Team.
(for example, for work done
on weekends)

page 16
• NNI – Payment Not Subject Incremental Date
to National Insurance (NI)
Shows the date of your next
increment or when you reach the
• NP – Non – Pensionable maximum point.
• NT – Payment Not Subject to Contract Hours
NI Contributions
The number of hours you are
• OMP – Occupational Maternity Pay contracted to work.
• OSP – Occupational Sick Pay Payscale Description
• R – Refund The payscale that you are currently
paid on.
• SMP – Statutory Maternity Pay
• SSP – Statutory Sick Pay
This box shows the actual salary
• PAYE – Pay As You Earn
paid. The amount will be pro-rata
• SD Ref number – Employee for part-time staff.
reference number in NHS
Tax and NI Information
pension scheme.
Useful information that you may
Assignment Number
need if you have to contact your
Your assignment number is the tax office for any reason.
first eight digits of your Employee
number. If you have more than one
post, for example, you work on the Your total earnings will be
bank, these will be indicated by the assessed each period and any
addition of -2, -3 and so on. resulting statutory and/or voluntary
recoveries will be shown here.
Net Pay
This box shows the full salary paid.
The amount of pay that will be
transferred to your Bank Account.

CNWL staff induction booklet

This Period Summary Staff awards
This section provides details relating The Trust is committed to the
to your current payment. Total principle of improving Working Lives.
payments and deductions are We provide a range of benefits
shown together with details about to help staff with their work life
the pay period itself and when you balance. Rewards range from:
can expect your Net Pay to be paid.
• Employee awards
Year to Date Balances
• Exclusive offers and discounts
This area shows totals for
• Salary sacrifices
income tax, national insurance
and pension from the beginning • Interest free loans
of the tax-year (April Week 1 or
• Buying and selling annual leave
Month 1), up to and including the
current pay period. • Credit union
Employee Number • Health and wellbeing initiatives.
This is an important identifier and A full list of the rewards available to
should be quoted in all pay related staff is available on MyTrustBenefits
queries and correspondence. (http://cnwl.mytrustbenefits. and on Trustnet. For more
Pay and Allowances
information, please email cnw-tr.
Monies that you are entitled
to receive will be shown here.
Payments in addition to BasicPay

will usually relate to the period
that you have just worked.
For all pay-related enquiries,
email the Payroll Team at

page 18
Flexible Working Retire, return and
All employees with 26 weeks of flexible requirement
service have the right to request We support retire and return and
flexible working. To apply for flexible retirement options, find
flexible working, fill in the form on out more on Trustnet or from your
located on the Flexible Working manager. You can also book your
Policy. place on a pre-retirement course
through LDZ.
NHS Pension Scheme
Health and wellbeing
Do you know about the great
Our Health and Wellbeing Strategy
NHS pension scheme? Visit www.
outlines our vision for an inclusive, or
caring and supportive community.
email nhsbsa.pensionsmember@
For more information and to view or the CNWL
the roadmap to your wellbeing
Pension Team
journey, please visit Trustnet.
Follow us on Twitter
@CNWLpeople and
@nhs_pensions #cnwlreward
Find your pension estimate with your
NHS total reward statement online

CNWL staff induction booklet

Keeping Well POWR
All CNWL staff have access to a POWR (Positive Occupational &
free and confidential psychological Wellbeing Resource) is an online
therapy service run by care resource which supports you to
professionals for care professionals. take personal responsibility for
The team provides rapid access to your own wellbeing. It helps you to
support, including a ‘live-chat’ where identify areas of your life that you are
you can talk to expert clinicians performing well in and areas which
about any personal or professional require encouragement or help.
challenges that are impacting on
POWR will guide you through
your stress, anxiety or mood.
exercises in mindfulness, emotional
This may include a difficulties with a
wellbeing, nutrition and general
long term physical health condition,
physical exercise, and as you
post Covid symptoms, low mood,
complete these simple exercises
trouble sleeping, phobias. It may
over time you will feel the benefit.
be anew symptom or a worsening
of pre-existing difficulties. Just like talking to your local Doctor,
POWR will first ask you a number of
Staff in North West London can
questions about yourself. Based on
access Keeping Well at www.
your answers, POWR will generate a
specific plan tailored to your needs.
Tel: 0300 123 1705
The plans guide you through
Email: the steps to be taken in order to
improve your health and wellbeing.
Follow @KeepingwellNWL on
Plans are really easy to do, and
Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
take very little effort to complete.
Staff in Bedfordshire, Luton and
In many cases the plan is as simple as
Milton Keynes can access Keeping
treating yourself to a luxurious bath,
Well at
or putting some time aside to walk
Use the live chat button to talk to for 20 minutes during your lunch
a wellbeing professional or call break. POWR can be accessed via
01908 724227. our benefits portal MyTrustBenefits.

page 20
Workplace Wellbeing Translating and
It is a requirement under the Interpreting
Disability Discrimination Acts 1995
and 2005 for employers to make We use The Language Shop
‘reasonable adjustments’ to make to provide face-to-face and
sure that, where necessary, disabled telephony interpreting services
employees can undertake their and The Royal Association for
duties and are not disadvantaged as Deaf People (RAD) for non-spoken
a result of their particular disability. British Sign Language (BSL).
Find out more on Trustnet.
Examples of reasonable adjustments
include, but is not limited to:
• Adjustment to premises: Staying Well at
widening doorways, providing Work Service
ramps, installing hearing loops
This confidential service offers
and other adjustments related to
employment related support
where an employee will work
to staff who are experiencing
• Allocating some subsidiary duties
mental wellbeing issues and are in
to another employee if the disabled
difficulty at work. Please contact
person finds them difficult
Julie Pearson, our Staying Well
• Altering work hours
at Work Coordinator for more
• Amending appointment times
information on 07951 208524.
• Acquiring and providing training
for modified equipment such as
ergonomic mouse and keyboard.

CNWL staff induction booklet

Occupational health People at Work services:
and wellbeing service: Counselling therapy: covering
People at Work issues such as personal stress,
anxiety, depression, coping with
CNWL Occupational Health
bereavement, loss, relationship
Service (OHS) has been working in
breakdown, pressure at work,
partnership with People at Work to
bullying, and harassment, living
deliver an employee assistance and
with mental or physical ill-health,
counselling programme.
addictions and work-life balance.
Our Occupational Health Service
Support for line managers:
can help you to:
including mental health awareness,
• Stay fit and protect your health preparing for the difficult
at work conversation, managing pressure,
stress and team dynamics.
• Handle illness or disability with
minimum effects on your health Welfare and legal support line:
and performance at work covering such areas as housing,
debt management, divorce,
• Support you through your
consumer rights, benefits,
recovery, following a critical
motoring offences, elderly care,
incident at work via our Critical
child care and bereavement.
Incident Support Service
• Get access to our free
physiotherapy service, delivered
by our partner, Physio Med, if
you have been injured at work.
Occupational Health can be
contacted on 020 3317 3350 or
email occupationalhealthcnwl@

page 22
Online advice zone – Staff Networks
My EAP (Employee
CNWL values your diversity. We
Assistance Programme):
have a range of networks you can
In addition, People at Work provide join. These are:
a range of useful information on
Black and Asian Minority
all the above areas by an online
Ethnic (BAME) Staff Network
advice zone, My EAP, which you
can access directly from the link: BAME works in partnership with the Trust to help support the
meeting of its statutory duties
You will need to use the following
regarding race equality and help
login information:
remove barriers that black and
My organisation: CNWL asian minority ethnic staff face
in recruitment, development and
Password: Support4
promotion. The Network invites
It is hoped that the advice zone you to join for involvement, advice,
will be further developed going support and career development.
forward, using information from To find out more or to join, email
queries raised by staff using this
People at Work contact
To access the advice line for
support, and for an assessment of
your suitability for the counselling
service, please use the contact
details below.
Tel: 020 3286 1545

CNWL staff induction booklet

Disabled Employees Lived Experience of Mental
Network (DEN+) Health Staff Network
Stronger together
This Network is open to any staff
The Trust’s Staff Disabled member who has lived experience
Employees Network (DEN+) is a of mental health illness or distress.
group of staff with a variety of The Network is currently being
disabilities who act as an advisory re-launched. The objectives of
body for CNWL management the Network are to encourage
regarding improving disability openness about mental health,
equality and inclusion for staff. This work with the Trust on policies,
network is for all employees who support Network members, and
consider themselves disabled. make sure the workplace is a
positive environment. Please
The ‘+’ is to show that there are
join the Network by contacting
employees who feel they have
more than one disability and also
feel they belong to more than one
network or have more than one
recognised characteristic.
We also welcome those who do
not consider themselves disabled
but wish to support the network.
Meetings are held in accessible
premises in a room with a hearing
loop and a British Sign Language
(BSL) Interpreter will also be
present. If you wish to become
involved in this Network contact
the Staff Networks Co-ordinator

page 24
PRIDE @ CNWL LGBT+ Carers at Work Network
(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
CNWL recognises that a great
Transgender+) Staff Network
number of its staff are carers in
The Network meets quarterly and their personal lives. They offer
membership is open to all CNWL supportive information such as
staff who identify themselves as signposting to external online
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender support forums, and a local
and related communities (LGBT+). ‘champions’ scheme. They will
Members are involved in the be arranging diagnosis-specific
development of staff training, education sessions to support
completion of the Stonewall our staff carers, these are run by
Workplace Equality Index and in our own experts and carers. They
various social activities. Importantly promote the Network across the
too, other staff members are Trust to make sure awareness and
encouraged to join as an Ally support for managers and staff
to support LGBT+ colleagues alike. Please join the Network at
and patients.
To find out more or to join, email

CNWL staff induction booklet

50+ Group Women’s Network
50+ group is a staff-led group CNWL Women’s Network is a
aiming to make CNWL a better gender diverse community set up
place to work for our older workers. to strengthen the development
of women and gender equality
Please join us to help make our
across the Trust. The group aims
aim a reality – 50+ is just a number
to provide a trustwide forum
all are welcome to join whatever
to provide support for women,
your age.
their career progression and
We are currently working on leadership development, to provide
raising our profile, building on a safe space in which to share
the experiences and knowledge experiences, opportunities, ideas
associated with working longer and concerns and to promote
and our ageing population. good practice in relation to gender
equality issues within CNWL.
Please come and share your ideas,
these will help inform our forward Full membership is open to all
thinking and planning. We advise CNWL staff who identify as a
the Trust on improvements that woman or do not identify with a
harness and retain the skills and binary gender. Staff who identify
experience of our 50+ workforce. as male or who do not want to
Currently we are focusing on: be a full member may join the
Golden Talent (valuing the talent group as Allies and access some
50+ workers bring), the sandwich group events. To join the network
generation (caring for older and or become an Ally, please contact
younger relatives and dependants),
life and financial planning,
menopause support, health and
wellbeing, pensions, retire and
return, flexible working options,
Covid19 and more.
Join by contacting cnw-tr.

page 26
Patient and Carer Education and
Experience Development
As a Trust we recognise the CNWL recognises that to provide
important role that family and the best possible care to all who
friends have in supporting individuals use our services we must invest in
in their care and recovery. Carers our staff. We ask that in the first
are our allies in health and social three months of working for us
care and so it is essential that they you concentrate on completing all
are given appropriate support to of your Statutory and Mandatory
enable them to care for their loved training and training essential
ones and to keep themselves well. to your role, and that you
We have the following support set objectives and a personal
structures in place and more: development plan with your line
• The Carers’ Council has been
established with the Carer Personal Development Plans are
Governors and carers from across an integral part of the appraisal
services to monitor the progress process and should help you
of carers across the Trust meet your learning needs but
also identify what you need to do
• Carer Focus Groups where
to make sure that the team you
we listen to carers about their
work for is providing a high quality
service to patients. You should
• Carer Contact Cards for carers discuss your learning needs with
to have access to support when your line manager/ supervisor but
needed. can also contact anyone in the
education teams if you want a
general discussion about training
that is available that may help you
develop in your role.

CNWL staff induction booklet

Learning and that should be based on staffs’
development plan and training
Development Zone needs identified as part of service
improvement. Those eligible for
We have a wide range of training
funding have to be compliant with
that is delivered in-house, either
their appraisal and their mandatory
face-to- face or via e- learning. You
and statutory training. For any
can access all the courses via the
queries and support contact the
Learning and Development Zone
divisional education team. For
any queries and support contact
You will have your own profile on the divisional education team (for
LDZ where you can browse the details see Home page of LDZ).
directory, book on courses, as well
as check your training record and Care certificate
appraisal due date.
Launched April 2015, the
Managers are also able to access
Care Certificate is a national
their team members’ individual
qualification containing the core
records and appraisal due dates.
knowledge and skills required for
For any queries and support contact all support workers in all settings.
the Divisional Education Team (for The Care Certificate programme
details see home page of LDZ). in CNWL is a blend of classroom
teaching, e-learning and workplace
Educational Funding competency assessments. It is
held quarterly and is mandatory
As part of helping deliver excellent for all new support workers who
clinical care and developing will receive an invitation after they
expertise, we have funding have attended their Induction.
available to the Trust that teams If you need to complete the
and individuals can access. Care Certificate and have not
Once a year we ask all teams to received an invitation please email
identify training needs priorities
(via a Learning Needs Analysis)

page 28
Preceptorship Your Career
Preceptorship is defined by Health We run career clinics across the
Education England as, “A period of Trust. Visit Trustnet to find out
structured transition for the newly more about career development
registered practitioner during or speak to your divisional HR
which he or she will be supported Business Partner or manager.
by a preceptor to develop their Clinical systems training
confidence as an autonomous
professional, refine skills, values
and behaviours and to continue on SystmOne is the name of the
their journey of lifelong learning.” clinical record systems used by
staff working in community
Preceptorship in CNWL aims to
services, mental health and
provide individual, personalised
addictions services. Please speak
support to help newly registered
to your manager about when you
staff make the transition to
should attend training. All dates
newly registered professional.
are listed on LDZ.
This mainly should take place
with your manager/supervisor, If you work in Sexual Health please
supplemented by training speak to your manager about
programmes. The programmes booking onto Cellma training.
are different depending on your
setting and your division. You can
find out more by contacting your
divisional education team.

CNWL staff induction booklet

Nurse revalidation Safeguarding adults
Nurses are required to maintain and children
registration with the Nursing and
Safeguarding encompasses the
Midwifery Council (NMC) through
following core elements:
revalidation every three years.
By maintaining accurate records of • Prevention of harm and abuse
Continuing Professional Development through provision of high
(CPD), as well as writing and quality care
discussing, nurses are able to provide
• Effective responses to
evidence to support revalidation.
allegations of harm and abuse,
Please use the Revalidation page responses that are in line with
on LDZ. Please refer to the NMC local multi-agency procedures
template for guidance:
• Using learning to improve
service to patients.

page 30
As an organisation we think it is Safeguarding Children
everyone’s duty to help protect the
The Safeguarding Children Team
vulnerable people we work with
can offer advice and information
and we expect all staff to take their
about training. You can contact
safeguarding responsibilities seriously
them if you have child protection
and, if necessary, be willing to
concerns and do not know what
make difficult decisions in order to
to do.
protect someone. Staff need to be
aware that CNWL expect them to Safeguarding Adults
be active in positively safeguarding
The Safeguarding Adults Team can
the safety of children and vulnerable
offer advice and information about
adults. Staff are expected to treat
training. You can contact them if you
all patients, especially vulnerable
have Safeguarding Adults concerns
patients, with the same degree of
and do not know what to do.
care and concern that they would
wish to be treated themselves. Prevent
We expect all staff, clinical and non- Prevent is part of the Government’s
clinical, to complete the relevant counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST,
Safeguarding Adults and Children which focuses on preventing people
training within the first month of becoming terrorists or supporting
employment. Importantly all staff terrorism. Prevent depends on a
are expected to put their training wide range of organisations to make
into practice and know when and sure it’s successful. Engagement
how to report concerns. If you between multi-agency partners is
have any suspicions that someone the key to the Prevent agenda.
may be being mistreated in any
way then you have a duty to
discuss your concerns with your line
manager as soon as possible. If you
are not happy discussing the issue
with your line manager or you want
further advice please see the link to
the Safeguarding Trustnet page.

CNWL staff induction booklet

The Prevent strategy will specifically Information
focus on three broad objectives, Governance
known as the three I’s:
The Information Governance
• Respond to the ideological
(IG) Team are here to provide
challenge of terrorism and the
advice and guidance to staff on
threat from those who promote it
all matters relating to the use
• Prevent individuals from being of information in the Trust, to
drawn into terrorism and make assist you in making sure that all
sure they are given appropriate information is managed safely.
advice and support
This can include data sharing,
• Work with institutions where
compliance with data protection
there are risks of radicalisation
legislation, information security
that we need to address.
and data breaches, and statutory
All clinical staff working with adults, returns (such as Subject Access
children and young people and/ Requests and FOI requests).
or their parents/carers will need
to attend a 1.5 hour Workshop They ensure that all staff and
to Raise Awareness of Prevent services maintain compliance
(WRAP) every three years. Please with the appropriate statutory
see Trustnet for more information requirements. The IG Team reports
about Prevent and what to do into the Information Governance
if you suspect someone is being Board, which determines IG
radicalised. strategy for the Trust.

For more information search

for Information Governance
on Trustnet.

page 32
Risk management • Violent or aggressive incidents
including verbal abuse (on staff
We expect all staff to minimise risks
and patients)
to patients, staff or the organisation
as a whole by identifying and • Medication errors (prescribing,
actively managing problems. dispensing, administration)
You should manage risk by:
• Sharps and needle-stick injuries
• Learning from incidents
• Failure of medical devices
• Risk assessments
• Unavailability of health record or
• Audits legal documentation
• Procedures/Guidelines • Breaches of confidentiality
• Safety alerts • Errors in clinical decision
making, by act or omission
• Training.
• Theft
Despite best efforts to manage risks,
events do occur which may harm • Security incidents or fire (or
people or property or threaten to do activation of) fire alarm
so. It is important that we learn from
• Manual handling incidents
these events, as individuals, as an
organisation and on behalf of the • Complaints – locally resolved or
NHS as a whole. This can only happen concerns expressed informally
if you report incidents when they
• Damage to property
happen. Timely reporting of events
makes sure that details of the event • Absconding and AWOL
are recorded accurately and this can be
• Any incident that is reportable
crucial if an investigation is necessary.
as a safeguarding incident such
The following list suggests the types as any type of abuse
of events that you should report but
• Disruptive behaviour
this is not an exhaustive list:
• Deaths.
• Accidents, for example slips/trips
and falls, cuts, hit by an object
CNWL staff induction booklet
Slips, trips and falls Why do people slip or trip?
This information sheet is based on You are unlikely to slip on a clean
the ‘Watch your Step’ program dry floor. Water, body fluids,
devised by the Health and Safety cooking oil, and dust are examples
Executive. This sheet contains all of items that can make a floor
the basic information you need more slippery. Possible sources are:
to know but if you would like to
• Spills, leaks and rubbish on
complete the e-learning program,
the floor
index.htm • Wet mopping of shiny floors
Why are slips and trips • Entrances during bad weather.
a problem?
Trips happen when you catch your
Slips and trips are the biggest foot on something you didn’t realise
cause of serious injuries to health was there, for example:
care workers. Many result in
• Leads and cables across
broken bones or worse. Everyone
walkways and corridors
is at risk but you are at greater risk
if you are a care assistant, nurse, • Broken or uneven flooring
housekeeper, caretaker, or cleaner.
• Obstacles left in walkways
Most accidents to patients and and corridors, for example
visitors are due to slips or trips. wheelchairs, medical
Slips and trips can happen equipment, meal carts and
anywhere. You have a legal duty cleaning equipment.
to look after yourself and your
colleagues at work.

page 34
What can you do to How do I report an
prevent slips, trips or falls? incident?
Think about all the areas you work All staff members are asked to
in. What hazards are you likely to report incidents using an electronic
come across and what can you do incident report forms (Datix).
about them? The link is on the homepage of
Trustnet – ‘Report an Incident’.
• Wearing sensible shoes with
good grip will reduce slips in
many workplaces
• Keep walkways clear
• Use bins for rubbish
• Do not trail leads across
• Keep the floor clean and dry
• Deal with or report cleaning
and maintenance problems
• Do not get distracted when you
are walking by using a mobile
telephone or reading. If you see
a slip or trip hazard, or if you
make one yourself, sort it out
or tell someone who can sort it
out. (Workplace (Health, Safety
and Welfare) Regulations 1992.
For further guidance please refer
to the ‘Slips and Trips Policy’ on

CNWL staff induction booklet

Quality the strategic planning of our
estates, oversee leases, and manage
CNWL is committed to providing
contracts with the Hard and Soft
high quality services and the
providers for facilities management.
Governance Team also supports the
implementation of quality initiatives
in all our services. For further Commercial
information about quality initiatives Development
currently being implemented, future
The Commercial Development
plans or information about audits
Team focuses on three key
and other quality improvements
please contact your relevant
Divisional Lead. • Bid Management: Assisting
services to bid for new business
ICT support or def​end existing business
through ​competitive tendering
The Trust has a dedicated ICT
• Market Intelligence: Horizon
helpdesk that can help you with
scanning for new opportunities
any issues you experience with
that the Trust can bid for and
your equipment at work. To
providing market intelligence to
contact the helpdesk call 03330
services to increase their chances
142 547 or email itservicedesk.
of successful competition
• Commercial Development
Estates and Facilities Support: Offering the divisions
support with commercial
Services development opportunities
The Trust uses its relationship with domestically and abroad,
our former Estates & Facilities including income maximisation
department, now wholly-owned projects, private income
subsidiary – Quality Trusted opportunities and assisting with
Solutions (QTS) – to spearhead business case development.

page 36
Procurement support Handling complaints
The Trust has an on-site Strategic The Trust will try to make sure
Procurement Team looking at that complaints are handled in
large-scale tenders, single tender accordance with the Health Service
waivers queries, major suppliers Ombudsman’s Principles of Good
issues, programmes roll-out, such Complaint Handling:
as ‘no P/O no pay’ and agencies
• Getting it right by acting in
accordance with the law and
To contact the team, please email relevant guidance
• Being patient focused
The Trust also has a decentralised
• Listening to the complainant to
Operational Procurement Team
understand their concerns and
(SBS), involved in day to day buying
the outcome they are seeking
queries. Examples of their duties
include: new supplier set-up, • Being open and accountable
product queries, iProcurement
• Acting fairly and proportionately
queries, catalogue queries, P/O and
requisition queries. You can reach • Putting things right
them via a web form.
• Seeking continuous
A copy of the Patient and Carer
Feedback Policy (Complaints Policy)
can be found on Trustnet.

CNWL staff induction booklet

Fraud The NHS Fraud Reporting Line is
0800 028 40 60 or online:
Your Local Counter Fraud
Specialist team is:
Confidentiality will be maintained
Matt Wilson
and all matters will be dealt with
Telephone: 07484 040 691
in accordance with the NHS
Requirements set by the NHS
Simon Gooding Counter Fraud Authority. You will
Telephone: 07436 268 325 not suffer any recriminations as
Email: a result of raising concerns –
You have protection under The
Kate Harrington Stillwell
Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998.
Telephone: 07778 862 713
The Anti-Fraud and Bribery policy
Email: kate.harrington-stillwell@
can be found in the Counter Fraud
page on Trustnet.
Kasia Gruszka
Telephone: 07436 268 597

page 38
CNWL staff induction booklet
Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust, ©
Central and North West London
350 Euston Road, Regent’s Place, London NW1 3AX NHS Foundation Trust
Tel: 020 3214 5700 Ref: 2511_DEC2021 | December 2021

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