Future Tense Verbs Worksheet
The present tense of a verb names an action that happens now. The past tense of
averb names an action that already happened,
The future tense tells an action that has not yet happened, Te make afuture-
tense verb, add the word wif before the verb
Directions: Complete each sentence below with the future tense form of the
verb is parenthesis.
Lxampte a: | the marathon this year, (run)
Answer tyyijl sun the marathon this year.
1. The boys on the trampoline at the party (jump)
21 my test on time. (complete)
3. We swim in the summer. (swim)
4, Theman his lawn in the afternoon. (water)
5, Thegirls with each other on the weekend, (play)
6. The sdentist the outcome of the experiment. (predict)
7. The team to another country to play their game.
al asmany books as | can this summer. {read}
9, The students ___ forthefinal exarn. (study)
10.Thedog its tail for food. {wag}
11. The players pray for their teammate. (pray)
12. My mother ___meup from school, (pick)
Future Tense Verbs Worksheet