4-17 PG Newsletter
4-17 PG Newsletter
4-17 PG Newsletter
April 2017
Landfill Pass pg 2
Seniors pg 2 The Pleasant Grove Water Department will start filling the
Concerts in the Park pg 2 secondary water system April 15, even though there will be
P G Players/Coupon pg 2
water in the system, everyone is being asked to wait until
May 1 to star t water ing. In pr epar ation for the ir r igation season,
Open Burn pg 2
we recommend the following.
Election News pg 2
Check your valve to make sure that it is turned off until lines are full.
Library and Literacy pg 3
Open your valve slowly to check for leaks and broken pipes.
Lions pg 3 If a pipe is broken it most likely froze throughout the winter months.
Community Events pg 4 The city recommends/suggests that you put a drain in where the pipe
Recreation News pg 4 was broken when you fix your pipe as that is likely a low spot that
Old Rec Center Gala pg 4 will continue to freeze each winter and potentially break.
Water Wise pg 4 Although we may have some additional available water this year,
INSERTS: Community News, over watering will still cause significant problems in being able to
Senior Menu, Recycle, manage the delivery and storage of water in our secondary water sys-
Zootopia Day Hike and Rec tem. In order for the system to operate more efficiently for everyone,
Center Registration we are still asking that residents follow the watering schedule that has
been established over the past number of years. If you have an odd
house number you water on Mon, Wed and Fri. Those with even
Visit www.plgrove.org house numbers water on Tue, Thur and Sat. This requires watering
during the day as well as at night. Still no watering on Sun except the
SPRING RUNOFF: To control big users scheduled by the City. It is recognized that watering during
water runoff, we request help in the day is less efficient but it is necessary to better balance water use
cleaning the ditches within the with supply. If you have any questions please contact the Water
city. Please clean the ditches in Department at 801-785-2941.
your neighborhood to protect your
home from the Spring runoff. Marty Beaumont ~ Public Works Director
CITY CLEAN UP DAYS Pleasant Grove Clean Up Days are Sat April 15, April 17-23, from 8 am to
8 pm at the OLD PIPE PLANT (400 N 450 W). For the Residents to help in
disposing of their garbage from their yard and home. Bring your garbage to 400 N 450 W. Please dump in the ap-
propriate dumpster for the material you are dumping and ask the onsite supervisor where you should dump if you
are not sure. There will be a PG City Employee to assist you as needed. No hazardous materials, paint, tires,
cement, televisions, computers, electronics or chemicals will be accepted. Gr een waste must be
clean with no garbage mixed in with it. There will be no dumping before or after hours. We appreciate all
the work you do to keep Pleasant Grove a beautiful community. Questions call Public Works 801-785-2941.
Date and Name of Location Details Merit Badge Classes: Citizenship in the
Time Event Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Emergency
Preparedness. We will also have someone available
April 4 City Council 86 E 100 S City by appointment to sign off Sports and Athletics
6 pm Meeting Merit badges. More classes coming soon.
April 13 Planning 86 E 100 S City
Easter Cooking & Egg Hunt: Sat, April 15,
7 pm Commission Meeting 10 am to Noon. Register on-line or at the Rec Ctr.
TLC babysitting Class: May 6th, 9 am to 2:30 pm.
April 11 CC Work 86 E 100 S City For ages 10 to 15.
6 pm Session Meeting Swiss Chess Tournament: Apr il 29th - 8:30 am to
2:30 pm. Everybody plays every round.
April 21 Board of 86 E 100 S City
7 pm Adjustment Meeting Mark your calendars! Free Family Day Hike
and Breakfast: J une 4th, 8:30-10:30 am.
April 18 City Council 86 E 100 S City Theme: Celebrate in Zootopia. Register
6 pm Meeting on-line or at the Rec. Must RSVP.
April 27 Planning 86 E 100 S City Register now for the Kids Summer Rec Classes
7 pm Commission Meeting Park It: Ages 5-10. We visit a different City Park
each day, 10:30 to 2:30. Space is limited.
Celebrate: Orpheus Dance Hall/Rec Center Kid & Tot Summer Cooking: Mon or Tue at 10,
11:30 or 1, June 5-Aug 1. Ages 5 and up, under 5
Save the date: After 108 year s of continual may attend with an adult or sibling 12 or older.
service, this landmark will be removed to make Summer Chess Club: Thur s. J une 8-July 27, 10-
way for a much-needed, upgraded Fire Station. 11:30am. Children 5 and up. Must Recognize
June14-16, the hall will be open between 4 pm numbers 1-8 and know alphabet a-h and Upper case
and 8 pm for free tours, local entertainment, KQBRN. We will hold one extra class on Aug 3rd
historical pictures, video reminiscences, refresh- for boys registered for the Chess Merit Badge.
ments, and more. The Gala Farewell will start at
1 pm on Sat, June 17, and go until around mid- For more information call 801-785-6172
night! We need volunteers, memorabilia, pic-
tures and memories. Contact Karen Harbold at See enclosed flyer for more Recreation Sports
kfharbold@gmail.com. More details next month! and registration information.
Water Wise
Thanks to the efforts of countless scouts and leaders, Pleasant Grove homes have been
supplied with our citys Water wise efforts. Each home received a colored flyer and reminder magnet to
promote water conservation. We encourage every family to review the tips and recommendations to help
preserve our citys precious water supply. Being water wise means conserving as an individual, family,
and community. By doing our part, we can make a BIG difference for our current and future community.
Here are 3 examples of our water wise tips:
Set your mower to 2.5 to 3 inches to shade roots and better hold moisture
Always match the laundry water level to the load size
Soak pots & pans instead of letting the water run while scraping them clean
Help today by taking the pledge as a family!
Log onto conserve.plgrove.org/pledge. By doing so you can receive a window sticker
displaying your community support, and will be entered into our regular drawing.