AthertonPlace - 2018 July

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July 2018

Points of Interest Community News at Atherton Place

 Rent checks are payable Property Management, Inc. and Housing Transitions
to Atherton Place or PMI
& are due on the 1st of the
month. There is a grace
July Around Town
period until the 5th of the July 4th: Central PA 4thFEST July 4th: PA Fish for Free Day July 11th-15th: Central PA
month, after which you This year’s 4th of July celebration will A great way to try fishing, introduce Festival of the Arts
will incur a late fee equiv- feature the annual parade, a BMX and kids to the sport, or reconnect if you Also known as ArtsFest, this annual
alent to 10% of your rent. rollerblading stunt show, chainsaw haven’t fished in a while. Anyone may celebration of the arts features a
woodcarving, roller derby, live music, the legally fish in PA’s waterways without a nationally recognized Sidewalk Sale &
Firecracker 4k race, vendors, conces- fishing license from 12:01 a.m. to 11:59 Exhibition, Italian street painting, sand
 Tenant portal: Make online sions and more. The festival ends with a p.m. on the 4th. For more information, sculpture, live musical performances
payments of rent. Go to 45 visit on indoor and outdoor stages and a
minute fireworks display that has been variety of tasty festival foods. July and
rated one of the best in the nation! To borrow rods, reels, and tackle for 11th is Children & Youth Day, featuring
click on “Resident Login”
Time: See website below for full schedule free, visit the State College YMCA (677 the children & youth sidewalk sale,
of events. Fireworks at 9:15 pm on July W free arts and crafts workshops, and
4th. Whitehall Rd, State College). The YMCA performances by and for kids.
 PMI & Emergency
Location: PSU Campus—Beaver Stadium/ is closed on July 4th, so be sure to Time: See website below for the full
Maintenance # is 814-278 Bryce Jordan Center/Medlar Field area borrow in
schedule of activities and perfor-
-7700 Website: advance! Call 814-237-7717 for more mances.
info on the loaner program. Location: Down-town State College
(continued on back)
 Maintenance staff will be
available upon request Supportive Services
Ginger Cain is the new SS Coordinator for Atherton Place. Free Computer Skills Classes
 Atherton Place is a non- She is available to assist you with any needs or concerns re- The Mid-State Literacy Council is offer-
smoking property lated to housing, finances, mental health, transportation, food ing free community classes teaching
and more. Here are some examples of situations where she introductory computer skills!
can refer you to resources in our community and help you
 Renter’s Insurance—
find solutions to problems your household may be experienc- Tuesday, July 3rd and Thursday, July
Tenants are strongly
ing. 5th
encouraged to take ad-
vantage of our subsidy from 12:30pm– 1:30pm
program. * Falling behind on rent or utility bills.
* Feeling overwhelmed financially. 248 E Calder Way, Suite 307
* Don’t have enough food for the month. in State College
Inside this issue: * Need counseling, but don’t know where to go.
Supportive Services 1 * Struggling with substance abuse. You will learn the basics of internet
July around town 1 browsers and how to create documents,
You can contact Ginger at the Limerock Court Supportive Ser- spreadsheets, and presentations.
Around town cont. 2
vices office:
Reminders & Tidbits 2 Wednesday & Friday; 8AM– 130PM. To sign up, call the Mid-State Literacy Council at 814-238-1809.
Community News at Atherton Place Page 2

Around Town…
Read It, Watch It Free Movies on the Mountain! Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)
Free Movies! July 6: Star Wars, The Last Jedi Centre Region Parks and Recreation is partner-
July 11: CoCo July 13: The Lion King ing with The Healthy Bodies Project at Penn
July 18: Captain Underpants July 20: Super Troopers State, which is participating in the SFSP. The
July 27 The Notebook SFSP is funded by the USDA and the Department
July 25: Sing
of Education.
Start Time: 12:00 pm
Location: Tussey Mountain, 301 Bear Mead- Meals will be provided to all children without
Location: The State Theatre
ows Rd., Boalsburg charge. In addition to meals, there will be
Address: 130 W College Ave, S.C
Time: The gate opens at 7:30pm and the fun activities for kiddos and families
Car Seat Safety Check alike! The CRPR meal sites are considered
Mount Nittany Physician Group Pediatrics show starts at dusk (around 9).
open, drop-in sites, and meals will be pro-
offers car seat safety checks every Monday - vided, at a first-come, first-serve basis,
Friday, between 8:00 am - 4:00 pm at no Outdoor films shown under the stars! Admis-
from June 18th through August 24th, at
cost. sion for 2018 is FREE, thanks to the great
the sites and times as follows:
Let our certified car seat safety educator people at Penn State Health! Classic movie
make sure your seat is installed correctly popcorn and candy will be available - as well
 Tudek Park, 400 Herman Drive, S.C.,:
with a free car seat safety check. as hot dogs, ice cream, snacks and other Mondays and Wednesdays, 12:00-1:00 PM
Call 814.466.7921 to make an appointment. great food you won't find at regular movie  Orchard Park, 1060 Bayberry Drive, S.C.:
Appointments take place at Mount Nittany theaters. Soda, Beer, and other beverages, Tuesdays and Fridays, 12:00-1:00 PM.
Health - Boalsburg, located at 3901 S. Ather- too! Bring a blanket or lawn chair and watch a  Blue Spring Park, 230 Wagner Street, Boalsburg:
ton Street, State College. fun flick outside with us! Thursdays, 12:00-1:00 PM.

Reminders and Tidbits

Property Management Atherton Place Your Household
If you are having trouble paying your
You can reach Property If you have any rental-related rent or would like information about
Manager Virginia Gassner via issues, have a maintenance community resources, contact Ginger
in Supportive Services. She can refer
email at emergency or request, or you to local agencies who may be able notice damage to the to provide assistance. She is available
in the Limerock Court office :
with any rental questions or buildings, lawn or property Wednesday & Friday
concerns. please call PMI 8AM– 130PM
You can also contact PMI’s at 814-278-7700.

main office at 814-278-7700. Find Supportive Services on Facebook


Atherton Place—PMI: Property Management, Inc does not discrimi-

Making luxury affordable. nate based on: race, color, religion, age,
317 East Beaver Ave
ancestry, national origin, place of birth, sex, sexual
State College, PA 16801 orientation, gender identity or expression, source
We’re on the web! 814.278.7700
of income, disability or handicap, presence of a
support animal, pregnancy, birth of a child or Fax: 814.278.1219 marital or familial status.

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