Libro. American Spelling Book
Libro. American Spelling Book
Libro. American Spelling Book
This edition of The American Spelling Book was published in 1824 by Holbrook
and Fessenden of Brattleborogh, Vermont.
The woodcuts are by A. Anderson
Mr. Potter finished typing Noah Websters The American Spelling Book, except for
personal and place names, on February 19, 2007. Latest revison, March 1, 2007. It
is now available for free download from
Courier New Font was used in order to keep the columns perfectly aligned.
This is impossible with Times New Roman. The pages numbers do not correspond
with the original edition due to the complications with formatting. This purpose of
this Easy-to-Read, No-Frills Edition is entirely practical: I believe parents and
teachers will use these pages to teach young children to read and spell on advanced
levels unheard of since the days of Noah Webster.
Note carefully that Webster considered long, multi-syllabic words of four syllables
to be EASY and taught them early, but one syllable word with vowel digraphs and
silent letters he considered DIFFICULT and taught them later. Students who begin
with Webster will be reading long words at least three years earlier than those
beginning with modern phonics programs. This will have a tremendous impact on
student reading levels. Webster, also, teaches long vowels at the end of syllables
(open syllables) near the beginning of his program, another feature largely
neglected in most (if not all) modern phonics programs. The main accent is typed
in bold font to make it easier for younger students to better visualize the accented
syllable. This is a new feature added with the publication of this edition.
The American Spelling Book, or first Part of a Grammatical Institute of the English
Language, when first published, encountered an opposition, which few new publications have
sustained with success. It however maintained its ground, and its reputation has been gradually
extended and established, until it has become the principal elementary book in the United States.
In a great part of the northern States, it is the only book of the kind used; it is much used in the
middle and southern States; and its annual sales indicate a large and increasing demand. Its
merit is evidenced not only by this general use, but by a remarkable fact, that, in many attempts
made to rival it, the compilers have all constructed their works on a similar plan; some of them
have most unwarrantably and illegally copied a considerable part of the tables, with little or no
alterations; and others have altered them, by additions, mutilations, and subdivisions, numerous
and perplexing. In most instances, this species of injustice has been discountenanced by the
citizens of the United States, and the public sentiment has protected the original work, more
effectually than the penalties of the law.*
Gratitude to the public, as well as a desire to furnish schools with a more complete and well
digested system of elements has induced me to embrace the opportunity when the first patent
expires, to revise the work, and give it all the improvement which the experience of teachers, and
my own observations and reflections have suggested. In the execution of this design, care has
been taken to preserve the scheme of pronunciation, and the substance of the former work. Most
of the tables, having stood the test of experience, are considered as susceptible of little
improvement or amendment. A few alterations are made, with a view to accommodate the work
to the most accurate rules of pronunciation, and general usage of speaking; as also to correct
some errors which crept into the work. A perfect standard of pronunciation, in a living language,
is not to be expected: and when the best English Dictionaries differ from each other, in several
hundred, probably a thousand words, where are we to seek for undisputed rules? and how can we
arrive at perfect uniformity?
The rules respecting accent, prefixed to the former work, are found to be too lengthy and
complex, to answer any valuable purpose intended for children; they are therefore omitted. The
geographical tables are thrown into a different form; and the abridgment of grammar is omitted.
Geography and grammar are sciences that require distinct treatises, and schools are furnished
with them in abundance. It is believed to be more useful to confine this work to its proper
objects, teaching the first elements of the language, spelling and reading. On this subject the
opinion of many judicious persons concurs with my own.
The improvements made in this work chiefly consist of a great number of new tables. Some
of them are intended to exhibit the manner in which derivative words, and the variations in
nouns, adjectives and verbs, are formed. The examples of this sort cannot fail to be very useful;
as children may be well acquainted with a word in the singular number, or positive degree, may
be perplexed when they see it in the plural number or comparative form. The examples of
derivation, will accustom youth to observe the manner, in which various branches spring from
one radical word, and thus lead their minds to some knowledge of the formation of the language,
and the manner in which syllables are added or prefixed to vary the sense of the word.
In the familiar lessons for reading, care has been taken to express ideas in plain, but not
vulgar language; and to combine with familiarity of objects, useful truth and practical principles.
In a copious list of names of places, rivers, lakes, mountains, &c. which are introduced into
this work, no labor has been spared to exhibit their just orthography and pronunciation,
according to the analogies of our language, and the common usages of the country. The
orthography of Indian languages has not, in every instance, been well adjusted by American
authors. Many of these names still retain the French orthography, found in the writing of the first
discoverers or early travelers; but the practice of writing such words in the French manner ought
to be discountenanced. How does an unlettered American know the pronunciation of the names,
Ouiscounsin or Ouabsche, in this French dress? Would he suspect the pronunciation to be
Wisconsin and Waubosh? Our citizens ought not be perplexed with an orthography to which they
are strangers. Nor ought the harsh guttural sounds of the natives be retained in such words as
Shawangunk, and many others. Were popular practice has softened and abridged words of this
kind the change has been made in conformity with the genius of our own language, which is
accommodated to a civilized people; and the orthography ought to be conformed to the practice
of speaking. The true pronunciation of the name of a place, is that which prevails in and near the
place. I have always sought for this, but am apprehensive, that, in some instances, my endeavor
to give the true pronunciation, in the appropriate English characters.
The importance of correctness and uniformity, in the several impressions of a book of such
general use, has suggested the propriety of adopting effectual measures to insure the desirable
objects; and it is believed that such measures are taken, as will render all future impressions of
this work, uniform in the pages, as well executed and perfectly correct.
In the progress of society and improvement, some gradual changes must be expected in a
living language; the corresponding alterations in elementary books of instruction, become
indispensable; but it is desirable that these alterations should be as few as possible, for they
occasion uncertainty and inconvenience. And although perfect uniformity in speaking not
probably attainable in any living language, yet it is to be wished, that the youth of our country
may be, as little as possible, perplexed with various different systems and standards. Whatever
may be the difference of opinion, among individuals, respecting a few particular words, or the
particular arrangement of a few classes of words, the general interest of education requires, that a
disposition to multiply books and systems of teaching the language of the country, should not be
indulged in to an unlimited extent. On this disposition, however, the public sentiment alone can
impose restraint.
As the first part of the Institute met with general approbation of my fellow citizens, it is
presumed the labor bestowed upon this work, in correcting and improving the system, will render
it still more acceptable to the public, by facilitating the education of youth, and enabling teachers
to instill in their minds with the first rudiments of language, some just ideas of religion, morals,
and domestic economy. N. W.
New-Haven, 1803.
*The sales of the American Spelling Book, since its first publication, amount to more than Five
Million of copies, and they are annually increasing. One great advantaged experienced using this
work, is the simplicity of the scheme of pronunciation, which exhibits the sounds of the letters
with sufficient accuracy, without a mark over each vowel. The multitude of characters in Perrys
scheme renders it far too complex and perplexing to be useful to children, confusing the eye,
without enlightening the understanding. Nor is there the least necessity for figure over each
vowel, as in Walker, Sheridan, and other authors. In nine-tenths of the words in our language, a
correct pronunciation is better taught by a natural division of the syllables, and a direction for
placing the accent, than by a minute and endless repetition of characters. March, 1818.
The following are the vowel sounds in the English Languageof a, as in late, ask,
ball, hat, what.
of e, in mete, met.
of i, in find, pit.
of o, in note, not, move.
of u, in truth, but, bush.
of y, in chyle, pity
The vowels have a long and a short sound, or quality; and the different qualities
are represented by different letters. Thus,
a in late, {when shortened, is expressed} by e, as in let.
ee, in feet by i, in fit & y in pity.
oo, in pool, by u in pull & oo in wool.
a in hall by o, in holly, and a in wallow
That the sounds of a in late and e in let are only a modification of the same
vowel, may be easily understood by attending to the manner of forming the
sounds; for in both words, the aperture of the mouth and the configuration of the
organs are the same. This circumstance proves the sameness of the sound or vowel,
in the two words, though differing in time or quality.
A consonant is a letter which has no sound, or an imperfect one, without the help
of the vowel. The consonants which are entirely silent, interrupt the voice by
closing the organs, as b, d, g, hard, k, p, t, which are called mutes; as in eb, ed, eg,
ek, ep, et.
The consonants which do not entirely interrupt all sound by closing the organs,
are f, l, m, n, r, s, v, z, which are all half vowels or semi-vowels. To these may be
added the sounds of sh, th, zh, and ng, in esh, eth, ezh, ing, which our language has
no single characters to express.
A dipthong is the union of two simple sounds uttered in one breath or
articulation. The two sounds do not strictly form one; for these are two different
positions of the organs, and two distinct sounds, but the transition from one to the
other is so rapid, that the distinction is scarcely perceived, and the sound is
therefore considered as compound. Dipthongal sounds are sometimes expressed
by two letters, as in voice, joy, and sometimes by one, as in defy; the sound of y, in
the latter word, if prolonged, terminates in e, and is really tripthongal.
A tripthong is the union of three vowels in a syllable; but it may be questioned
whether in any English word, we pronounce three vowels as a single articulation.
In the word adieu, the three vowels are not distinctly pronounced.
B as but one sound, as in bite.
C is always sounded like k or slike k before a, o, and uand like s before e, i
and y. Thus,
At the end of words it is always hard like k, and in public. When followed by i,
or e before vowels the syllable slides into the sound of sh; as in cetaceous,
gracious, social, which are pronounced cetashus, grashus, soshal.
D has only one sound, as in dress, bold.
F has its own proper sound, as in life, fever, except in of, where it has the sound
of v.
G before a, e, o, and u, has always its hard sound, as in gave, go, gun.
Before e, i, and y, it has the same hard sound in some words, and in others, the j.
But these varieties are incapable of being reduced to a single rule, and are to be
learnt only by practice, observation, and a dictionary, in which the sounds are
H can hardly be said to have any sound, but it denotes an aspiration or impulse of
the breath, which modifies the sound of the following vowel, as in heart, heave.
I is a vowel, as in fit; or a consonant as in bullion.
J is the mark of a compound sound, or union of sounds, which may be
represented by dzh, or the soft g, as in jelly.
K has but one sound, as in king; and before the n is always silent, as in know.
M has but one sound, as in man, and is never silent.
P has one uniform sound, as in pit.
Q has the power of k, and is always followed by u, as in question.
R has one sound only, as in barrel.
S has the sound of c as in so, of z, as in roseand when followed by i, preceding
a vowel, the syllable has the sound of sh, as in mission; or zh as in osier.
T has its proper sound, as in turn, at the beginning of words and ends of
syllables. In all the terminations tion, and tial, ti have the sound of sh as in nation,
nuptial; except when preceded by s or x, in which cases they have the sound of ch,
as in question, mixtion.
U has the properties of a consonant and vowel, in union, &c.
V has uniformly one sound, as in voice, live, and never silent.
W has the power of a vowel, as in dwell; or a consonant, as in well, will.
X has the sound of ks as in wax; or gz, as in exist, and in other words, when
followed by an accented syllable beginning with a vowel. In the beginning of
Greek names, it has the sound of z, as in Xerxes, Xenophon.
Y is a vowel, as in vanity; a dipthong, as in defy; or a consonant, as in young.
Z has its own sound usually, as in zeal, freeze.
Ch have the sound of tsh in words of English origin, as in chipin some words
of French origin, they have the sound of sh as in machineand some words of
Greek origin, the sound of k, as in chorus.
Gh have the sound of f as in laugh, or are silent as in light.
Ph have the sound of f as in philosophy; except in Stephen, where the sound is
that of v.
Ng have a nasal sound, as in sing; but when e follows g, the latter takes the sound
of j, as in range. In the words, longer, stronger, younger, the sound of g is doubled,
and the last syllable is sounded as if written long-ger, &c.
Sh has one sound only, as in shell; but this use is often supplied by ti, ci, and ce,
before a vowel, as in motion, gracious, cetaceous.
Th has two sounds, aspirated and vocalaspirated, as in think, bathvocal, as
in those, that bathe.
Sc before a, o, u, and r are pronounced like sk, as in scale, scoff, sculpture,
scribble: before e, i, y, like soft c, or s, as in scene, sceptic, science, Scythian. Thus
sca, sce, sci, sco, scu, scy.
ska, se, si, sko, sku, sy
When a word consists of three or more syllables, the ease of speaking requires
usually a secondary accent, of less forcible utterance than the primary, but clearly
distinguishable from the pronunciation of the unaccented syllables; as superfluity,
In many compound words, the parts of which are important of themselves, there
is very little distinction, as in ink-stand, church-yard.
Emphasis is a particular force of utterance given to a particular word in a
sentence, on account of its importance.
Cadence is a fall or modulation of the voice in reading or speaking, especially at
the end of a sentence.
Words are simple or compound, primitive or derivative.
A simple word can not be divided, without destroying the sense; as man, child,
house, charity, faith.
A compound word is formed by two or more words; as in chimney-piece, book-
Primitive words are such as are not derived, but constitute a radical stock from
which others are formed; as grace, hope, charm.
Derived words are those which are formed by a primitive, and some termination
or additional syllable; as grace-less, hope-ful, charm-ing, un-welcome.
Spelling is the art or practice of writing or reading the proper letters of a word;
called also orthography. In forming tables for learners, the best rule to be observed,
is, to divide the syllables in such a manner as to guide the learner by the sound of
the letters, to the sound of the words; that is, to divide them as they are divided in
just pronunciation.
Key to the following Work.
Long. Short aw.
1 1 1 5 5 5
a name, late. a what, was.
e or ee here, feet. o not, from.
i time, find. Oo proper.
o note, fort. 6 6 6
u or ew tune, new. o or oo move, room
y dry, defy. Oo Short.
7 7 7
Short. oo book, stood.
2 2 2 u bush, full.
a man, hat. Short u.
e men, let. 8 8 8
i pit, pin. i sir, bird.
u tun, but. o come, love.
y glory, Egypt. e her.
Long a.
Broad a or aw. 9 9 9
3 3 3 e there, vein.
a bald, tall. Long e.
o cost sought. 10 10 10
aw law i fatigue, pique.
in their, vein, pronounced thare, vane; the number 10, represents the French sound
of i, which is the same as the e long.
The sounds of the dipthongs of oi and ou are not represented by figures; these
have one invariable sound, and are placed before the words where they occur in the
Silent letters are printed in Italic characters. Thus, in head, goal, build, people,
fight, the Italic letters have no sound.
S, when printed in Italic, is not silent, but pronounced like z as in devise,
pronounced devize.
The letter e at the end of words and of more syllable than one, is almost always
silent: but serves often to lengthen a foregoing vowel, as in bid, bade.; to soften c
As in notice, or to soften g, as in homage; or to change the sound of th from the
first to the second, as in bath, bathe. In the following work, when e final lengthens
the foregoing vowel, that is, gives it its first sound, it is printed in a Roman
character, as in fate; but in all other cases it is printed in Italic, except in table 39.
Ch have the English sound, as in charm; except in the 38th and 39th tables.
The sounds of th in this and thou, are all distinguished in the 12th and 37th
tables; except in numerical adjectives.
The sound of aw is invariably that of broad a, and that of ew nearly the same as
u long.
N.B. Although one character is sufficient to express a simple vowel sound, yet
the combinations ee, aw, ew, oo, are so well known to express certain sounds, that
it was judged best to print both letters in Roman characters. Ck and ss are also
printed in Roman characters, though one alone would be sufficient to express the
An Easy Standard of Pronunciation
Roman Letters. Italic. Names of Letters
A a A a a
B b B b be
C c C c ce
D d D d de
E e E e e
F f F f ef
G g G g ge
H h H h aytch
I i I i i
J j J j ja
K k K k ka
L l L l el
M m M m em
N n N n en
O o O o o
P p P p pe
Q q Q q cu
R r R r ar
S s S s es
T t T t te
U u U u u
V v V v ve
W w W w double u
X s X x eks
Y y Y y wi
Z z Z z ze
&* &* and
ff; ffl, fi, fl, ffi, , .
*This is not a letter, but a character standing for and. Children therefore should
be taught to call it and; not and-per-se.
Lesson 1. Lesson 6.
ba be bi bo bu by ak ek ik ok uk
ca ce* ci* co cu cy* at et it ot ut
da de di do du dy ar er ir or ur
fa fe fi fo fu fy az ez iz oz uz
ka ke ki ko ku ky
Lesson 7.
Lesson 2. bla ble bli blo blu
ga ge gi go gu gy cla cle cli clo clu
ha he hi ho hu hy pla ple pli plo plu
ma me mi mo mu my fla fle fli flo flu
na ne ni no nu ny va ve vi vo vu
ra re ri ro ru ry
ta te ti to tu ty Lesson 8.
wa we wi wo wu wy bra bre bri bro bru
cra cre cri cro cru
Lesson 3. pra pre pri pro pru
la le li lo lu ly gra gre gri gro gru
pa pe pi po pu py pha phe phi pho phu
sa se si so su sy
za ze zi zo zu zy Lesson 9.
cha che chi cho chu chy
Lesson 4. dra dre dri dro dru dry
ab eb ib ob ub fra fre fri fro fru fry
ac ec ic oc uc gla gle gli glo glu gly
ad ed id od ud
af ef if of uf Lesson 10.
al el il ol ul sla sle sli slo slu sly
qua que qui quo
Lesson 5. sha she shi sho shu shy
ag eg ig og ug spa spe spi spo spu spy
am em im om um
an en in on un Lesson 11.
ap ep ip op up sta ste sti sto stu sty
as es is os us sca sce sci sco scu scy
av ev iv ov uv tha the thi tho thu thy
ax ex ix ox ux tra tre tri tro tru try
*They should be taught to pronounce, ce, ci, cy, like se, si, sy.
Lesson 12.
spla sple spli splo splu sply
spra spre spri spro spru spry
stra stre stri stro stru stry
swa swe swi swo swu swy
Table 2.
Note. A figure placed over the first word, marks the sound of the vowel in all that
follows, until contradicted by another figure.
Lesson 1.
2 2 5 2 2 2 2 5
bag big bog bug den cap bit dot
fag dig dog dug hen gap cit got
cag fig fog hug men lap hit hot
gag gig hog lug pen map pit jot
hag pig jog mug ten rap sit lot
rag wig log tug wen tap wit not
Lesson 2.
2 5 2 2 2 5 2 2
man fob bad bed bid fop bet but
can job had fed did hop get cut
pan mob lad led lid lop let hut
ran rob mad red hid mop met nut
van sob sad wed rid top yet put
Lesson 3.
2 2 2 2 2 5 2
belt gilt band bled brag clod brad
melt hilt hand bred drag plod clad
felt milt land fled flag shod glad
pelt jilt sand shed stag trod shad
Lesson 4.
5 2 2 2 2 2 2
clog glut blab chub damp bump bend
flog shut drab club camp jump lend
frog smut crab drub lamp lump mend
grog slut scab grub vamp pump send
Lesson 5.
1 1 3 2 2 2 2
bind bold call bill bent best brim
find hold fall fill dent lest grim
mind fold gall hill lent nest skim
kind sold hall kill sent jest swim
wind gold tall mill went pest trim
Lesson 6.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
lace dice fade bide cage bake dine
mace mince lade ride page cake fine
trace nice made side rage make pine
pace rice wade wide wage wake wine
Lesson 7.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
gale cape pipe cope dire date drive
pale rape ripe hope hire hate five
sale tape wipe rope fire fate hive
vale ape type pope wire grate rive
Lesson 8.
dote file dame fare bore bone nose
mote bile fame mare fore cone dose
note pile came rare tore hone hose
vote vile name tare wore tone rose
Lesson 1.
2 2 1 1 1 1
blank blush fleet brace price brine
flank flush sheet chace slice shine
frank plush street grace spice swine
prank crush greet space twice twine
Lesson 2.
2 2 1 1 1 1
band bless crime broke blade blame
grand dress chime choke spade flame
stand press prime choke trade shame
strand stress slime smoke shade frame
Lesson 3.
1 1 1 2 1 1
brake glare brave hence mince bleed
drake share crave fence since breed
flake snare grave pence prince speed
spake spare slave sense rinse steed
Lesson 4.
2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1
and ill age his rich less duke life
act ink aim has held mess mule wife
apt fact aid hast gift kiss rule safe
ell fan ice hath dull miss time male
ebb left ale add till tush tune save
egg self ace elf will hush mute here
end else ape pen well desk maze robe
Lesson 5.
1 1 2 2 2 2
glade snake track clank clamp black
grade glaze pact crank champ crack
shave craze plant shank cramp match
wave prate sang plank spasm patch
quake slate fang clump splash fetch
stage shape sang thump crash vetch
Lesson 6.
1 1 1 1 2 1
mire sire strife bride brick strive
spine quire fife chide kick spike
vine spire trite glide chick splice
gripe mire quite pride click strike
snipe smite squire vice lick ride
stripe spite spike trice stick wide
Lesson 7.
Examples of the formation of the plural from the singular, and of other derivates.
name, names camp, camps slave, slaves
dame, dames clamp, clamps brave, braves
gale, gales lamp, lamps stave, staves
scale, scales scalp, scalps mate, mates
cape, capes map, maps state, states
grape grapes plant, plants mind, minds
crane, cranes plank, planks bind, minds
shaded, shades flat, flags snare, snares
grade, grades bank, banks snake, snakes.
Lesson 8.
cake, cakes chap, chaps shake, shakes
flake, flakes flank, flanks pipe, pipes
hope, hopes shine, shines pipe, pipes
note, notes slope, slopes wire, wires
blot, blots fold, folds hive, hives
cube, cubes club, clubs pine, pines
grave, graves vote, votes fade, fades
street, streets cone, cones mill, mills
sheet, sheets bone, bones hill, hills
Lesson 9.
side sides blank, blanks mare, mares
vale, vales choke, chokes tare, tares
wife, wives cloke, clokes grate, grates
life, lives smoke, smokes smite, smites
hive, hives flame, flames brick bricks
drive, drives frame, frames kick, kicks
go, goes stand, stands stick, sticks
wo, woes drove, droves bridle, bridles
do, does robe, robes fire, fires
add, adds flag, flags swim, swims
Easy words of two syllables, accented on the first.
When the stress of voice falls on a vowel, it is necessarily long, and is marked by the figure 1.
When the stress of voice falls on a consonant, the preceding vowel is necessarily short, and is
marked by figure 2.
No figures are placed over the vowels in unaccented syllables, because they are short. It must be
observed, however, that in unaccented terminating syllables, almost all vowels are pronounced
like i and u. Thus,
al is pronounced ul, , rural rurul,
et it, fillet fillit.
This is the general rule in the language: originating doubtlessly from this cause, that the short i
and u are pronounced with a less aperture or opening of the mouth, with less exertions of the
organs, and consequently with more ease than the other vowels in these terminating syllables; for
in order to pronounce them right, nothing more is required than to lay a proper stress of the voice
on the accented syllable, and pronounce the unaccented syllables with more ease and rapidity.
When any of these terminations are accented, and some of them are, the vowel retains its own
sound; as, compel, lament, depress, &c.
The figures are placed over the vowels of the accented syllables; and one figure marks all the
words that follow, till it is contradicted by another figure.
ba ker glo ry ne gro sa cred
bri er gi ant o ver se cret
ci der gra vy pa gan sha dy
cra zy gru el pa per si lent
cri er ho ly pa pist so ber
cru el hu man pi lot spi der
di al i cy pli ant sto ry
du ty i vy pre cept stu pid
dy er ju ry pru dent ta per
dra per ju lep qui et tra der
fa tal la dy ra ker ti dings
fe ver la zy re al to ry
fla grant li ar ri ot tri al
flu ent li on ru by tru ant
fo cus ma ker ru in tu molt
fru gal mo dish ru ler tu tor
fu el mo ment ru ral va cant
va grant cut ler han sel num ber
va ry dan ger hap py nut meg
vi per dif fer hin der nurs ling
vo cal drum mer hun dred pam per
wa fer ci der hunt er pan nel
wa ges em bers in sect pan try
wa ger em blem in step pat tern
wo ful en ter in to pat tron
ab bot fac tor jes ter pen cil
act or fag got ken nel pen ny
ad der fan cy kin dred pep per
ad vent fan tom king dom pil lar
al um fat ling kins man fil fer
am ber fer ret lad der pil grim
an gel fil let lan tern plum met
bal lad flan nel lap pet pup py
bank er flat ter lat ter ram mer
ban ter flut ter let ter ran som
bap tist fran tic lim ber rec tor
bat ter fun nel lim ner rem nant
bet ter gal lop lit ter ren der
bit ter gam mon luck y ren net
blun der gan der mam mon rub bish
buf fet gar ret man na sad ler
bur gess gen try man ner sal lad
car rot gib bet mat ron san dy
chan nel gip sy mem ber sat in
chap man glim mer mer ry scan dal
chap ter glit ter mill er scat ter
chat ter gul let mit ten sel dom
chil dren gun ner mur der sel fish
chil ly gus set mud dy sen tence
cin der gut ter mur mur shat ter
shep herd tan ner wed ding hor rid
shil ling tat ler wil ful joc ky
sig nal tem per will ing jol ly
sil ver ten der wis dom mot to
sin ner ten drill art less on set
slat tern ten ter art ist of fer
slen der tim ber af ter of fice
slum ber trench er chop per pot ter
smug gler trum pet com ment rob ber
spin et tum bler com mon sot tish
spir it tur ky con duct cler gy
splen did vel lum con cord er rand
spend dor vel vet con gress her mit
splin ter ves sel con quest ker nel
stam mer vic tim con sul mer cy
sub ject vul gar con vert per fect
sud den ug ly doc tor per son
suf fer ul cer dross y ser mon
sul len un der dol lar ser pent
sul try up per fod der serv ant
sum mon ut most fol ly ver min
tal ly ut ter fop pish ven om
Easy words of two syllables, accented on the second.
N.B. In general, when a vowel in an unaccented syllable stands alone or ends a syllable*, it has
its first sounds as in protect: yet as we do not dwell upon the vowel, it is short and weak. When
the vowel, in such syllable is joined to a consonant, it has its second sound; as address.
*But if a vowel unaccented ends the word, it has its second sound, as in city.
a base a like a maze at tire
a bide al lude as pire be fore
a dore a lone a tone be have
be hold fore seen trans late di rect
com ply im brue un bind dis band
com pute im pale un told dis miss
com plete in cite un fold dis sent
con fine in flame un glue dis tinct
con jure in trude un kind dis trust
con sume in sure un lace dis tract
con trol in vite un ripe dis turb
cre ate mis name un safe ef fect
de cide mis place ab rupt e mit
de clare mis rule ab surd en camp
de duce mis take ac cept en rich
de fy mo rose ad dict e vent
de fine par take ad dres e vince
de grade per spire ad mit ful fil
de note po lite a mend fi nance
de pute pre pare a midst gal lant
de rive pro mote ar range him self
dis like re bate as cend im pend
dis place re buke be set im plant
dis robe re cite ca nal im press
dis taste re cline col lect im print
di vine re duce com pel in cur
e lope re late con duct in dent
en dure re ly con tent in fect
en force re mind con tend in fest
en gage re plete cor rect in flict
en rage re vere cor rupt in stil
en rol se duce de duct in struct
en sue sub lime de fect in vest
en tice su pime de fent mis give
en tire su preme de press mis print
e vade sur vive de range mis trust
for sworn tra duce de tect mo lest
neg lect re press un bend re volve
ob struct re tract un fit re volt
oc cur re trench un hinge de spond
o mit ro mance un man con cert
op press se dan de bar de fer
per mit se lect de part di vert
por tent sub ject dis arm in verse
pre tend sub mit dis card in vert
pre dict sub tract em balm per vert
pro ject sus pense em bark per verse
pro tect trans act en chant re fer
pro test trans cend en large con fer
re cant trans gress huz za de ter
re fit trans plant un arm in fer
re lax tre pan un bar in ter
re mit un apt ab hor in tend
Easy words of three syllables; the full accent on the first, and a weak accent on the
cru fi fix lu na cy si mon y ad a mant
cru el ty no ta ry stu pi fy am i ty
de cen cy nu mer al tu te lar am nes ty
di a dem nu tri ment va can cy ar ro gant
di a lect o ver plus va gran cy bar ris ter
drap per y po et ry ab do men but ter y
droll e ry pri ma cy al le gro ben e fit
du ti ful pri ma ry ad mi ral big a my
flu en cy pu ri ty al co ran big ot ry
i ro ny re gen cy an im al but ter fly
la zi ness se cre cy ac ci dent cal en dar
li bra ry scru tin y al i ment cab in et
can is ter en ti ty len i ty ped i gree
can ni bal ep i gram le pro sy pen al ty
can o py es cu lent lev i ty pen u ry
cap i tal ev e ry lib er al pes ti lent
chast i ty fac ul ty lib er ty pil lo ry
cin na mon fac to ry lig a ment prac tic al
cit i zen fam i ly lin e al prin cip al
clar i fy fel o ny lit a ny pub lic an
clas sic al fes tiv al lit er al punc tu al
clem en cy fin ic al lit ur gy pun gen cy
cler ic al fish er y lux u ry pyr a mid
cur ren cy gal lant ry man i fest rad i cal
cyl in der gal le ry man i fold rar i ty
den i zen gar ri son man ner ly reg u lar
det ri ment gen e ral mar in er rem e dy
dif fid ent gun ner y med ic al rib al dry
dif fer ent hap pi ness mel o dy rev er end
dif fi cult her al dry mem o ry rit u al
dig nit ty im ple men mes sen ger riv u let
dil i gent im pu dent mil lin er sac ra ment
div id end in cre ment min er al sal a ry
dul cim er in di go min is ter sat is fy
ec sta cy in dus try mus cu lar sec u lar
ed it or in fan cy mys te ry se di ment
ef fi gy in fan try nat u ral sen a tor
el e ment in fi del pan o ply sen ti ment
el e gy in stru ment par a dox sen tin el
em bas sy in te ger par a gon sev er al
eb o ny in tel lect par al lax sil la bub
em bry o in ter est par al lel sim il ar
em e rald in ter val par a pet sin gu lar
em per or in va lid par i ty sin is ter
en e my jus ti fy pat ri ot slip e ry
en mi ty leg a cy ped ant ry sub si dy
sum ma ry ur gen cy hos pi tal prod i gal
sup ple ment wag gon er lot te ry pro di gy
sym me try wil der ness mon u ment prom in ent
tam a rind har bin ger nom in al prop er ty
tap es try har mo ny oc u lar pros o dy
tem po ral harps i chord oc cu py pro test ant
ten den cy cod i cil of fi cer quad ru ped
ten e ment col o ny or a tor qual i ty
ter ri fy com e dy or i gin quan tit y
test a ment com ic al or na ment quan da ry
tit u lar con ju gal or re ry cer ti fy
typ ic al con tin ent ot to man mer cu ry
tyr an ny con tra band pol i cy per fid y
vag a bond con tra ry pol i tic per ju ry
van i ty doc u ment pop u lar per ma nent
vic tor y drop sic al pov er ty per tin ent
vil lan ny glob u lar pon der ous re gu late
vin e gar gloss a ry prob i ty ter ma gaut
Easy words of three syllables, accented on the second.
a base ment de co rum im pru dent
a gree ment de ni al oc ta vo
al li ance de cri al op po nent
al lure ment de port ment po ma tum
ap pa rent de po nent pri me val
ar ri val dic ta tor re ci tal
a maze ment di plo ma re li ance
a tone ment en rol ment re qui tal
co e qual en tice ment re vi val
con fine ment e qua tor spec ta tor
con trol ler he ro ic sub scri ber
de ci pher il le gal sur vi vor
tes ta tor di min ish pro tect or
test a trix dis sent er pu is sant
trans la tor dis tem per re dund ant
trans pa rent dis tin guish re fresh ment
tri bun al di urn al re lin quish
ver ba tim dog ma tic re luc tant
vol can no do mes tic re mem ber
un e qual dra mat ic re plen ish
un mind ful e ject ment re plev in
a ban don em bar rass re pug nant
ac cus tom em bel lish re pub lish
af fect ed em pan nel ro man tic
ag gress or en camp ment se ques ter
a mend ment e quip ment spe cif ic
ap par el er rat ic sur ren der
ap pend ix es tab lish to bac co
as cend ant hys ter ic trans cend ent
as sas sin in ces sant trans gress or
as sem bly in clem ent tri umph ant
at tach ment in cum bent um brel la
at tend ant in hab it a bol ish
be gin ning in sip id ac com plish
be wil der in trin sic ad mon ish
co hab it in val id as ton ish
col lect or ma lig nant de mol ish
con sid er mo nas tic dis solv ent
con tin gent noc turn al im mod est
con ract or pa cif ic im mort al
de cant er pe dant ic im pos tor
de lin quent po lem ic im prop er
de liv er pre cept or in con stant
de mer it pre tend er in sol vent
de tach ment pro hib it im mor al
di lem ma pro lif ic un god ly
Easy words of three syllables, accented on the first and third.
al a mode o ver take in cor rect
dev o tee rec on cile in ter mix
dis a gree ref u gee o ver run
dis es teem su per sede o ver turn
dom i neer su per scribe rec ol lect
im ma ture vol un teer rec om mend
im por tune un der mine rep re hend
in com mode ap pre hend su per add
in ter cede con de scend un der stand
in tro duce con tra dict un der sell
mis ap ply dis pos sess dis con cern
mis be have in di rect dis con nect
Easy words of four syllables, the full accent on the
first, and the half accent on the third.
cor po re al ac cess a ry con jec tur al
cre du li ty ad min is ter con stit u ent
e le gi ac ad vers i ty de cliv i ty
fu tu ri ty a dul te ry de lin quen cy
gram mar i an af fin i ty de prav i ty
gra tu i ty a nal o gy di am e ter
his to ri an a nat o my dis par i ty
li bra ri an an tag o nist di vin i ty
ma te ri al ar til le ry ef fect u al
ma tu ri ty a vid di ty e lec tric al
me mo ri al bar bar i ty em pyr e al
mer cu ri al bru tal i ty e pis co pal
out rage ous ca lam i ty e pit o me
e quiv a lent no bil i ty ve nal i ty
e quiv o cal nu mer ic al vi cin i ty
e van gel ist om nip o tent a pol o gy
e vent u al par tic u lar a pos ta cy
fa tal i ty per pet u al as trol o gy
fer til i ty po lit ic al as tron o my
fi del i ty po lyg a my bi og ra phy
for mal i ty pre cip it ant com mod i ty
fru gal i ty pre dic a ment de moc ra cy
gram mat ic al pro fund i ty de spond en cy
ha bit u al pros per i ty e con o my
hos til i ty ra pid i ty ge om e try
hu man i ty re cip ro cal hy poc ri sy
hu mil i ty re pub lic an ma jor i ty
i den ti ty sab bat ic al me trop o lis
im mens i ty sa tan ic al mi nor i ty
im ped im ent scur ril i ty mo nop o ly
ju rid ic al se ver i ty pre dom in ate
le vit ic al sig nif ic ant pri or i ty
lon gev i ty se ren i ty tau tol o gy
ma lev o lent sin cer i ty ver bos i ty
ma lig ni ty so lem ni ty ad ver si ty
mil len ni um su prem a cy di ver si ty
mo ral i ty ter res tri al e ter ni ty
mu nif i cent tran quil li ty hy per bo le
na tiv i ty ty ran nic al pro verb i al
ne ces si ty va lid i ty sub serv i ent
I would recommend this table to be read sometimes across the page to make
children attentive to the different ways of expressing the same sound, &c.
bay clay rail flail brain
day way frail snail chain
hay ray wail laird grain
lay bray mail aid slain
say stray nail maid train
may slay trail stair rain
pay spay bail swear main
pray jail ail wear plain
sway pail hail bear sprain
fray sail tail tear stain
twain tray change squeal creed
vain gray strange beer heed
wain slain blaze peer mead
paint play be deer knead
quaint beard pea fear reed
plaint date sea dear bleed
aim tale tea hear breed
claim staid flea near plead
main laid yea rear deem
waif paid key veer seem
stage braid leap drear cream
gauge air neap clear dream
plague chair reap shear stream
vague fair cheap steer beam
bait hair heap bier steam
great pair steel tier seam
gait lain kneel year gleam
wait pain teal cheer scream
plait strain feel heard fleam
strait gain keel blear fream
graze blain deal ear ream
praise drain heal sear team
raise fain meal smear least
baise faint peel spear feast
raze taint reel tear yeast
maize saint seal queer beast
shave train steal deed priest
brave hasted veal feed east
knave paste weal need reef
break waste zeal weed grief
steak baste peal bead brief
spray chaste beal bead brief
stay taste ceil read chief
gray traipse eel seed leaf
sheaf teat sleeve league sleight
fief beak grieve teague bright
liet leak reeve tweag fight
beef weak leave leash blight
plea bleak lieve liege fright
flee sneak reave siege flight
nee speak beeves dry wight
deep freak eaves bye wright
keep squeak greaves fly clime
weep reek freeze cry rhyme
steep cheek sneeze sky knife
sleep wreak breeze lie climb
creep fleak ease die smile
sheep sqreak squeeze eye stile
fleece shriek cheese buy guile
peace sleek frieze try mild
cease steak please fry child
lease seen seize pie wild
geese bean tease wry bride
niece clean speech high stride
piece mien leach nigh guide
grease queen beach sigh guise
crease wean reach by fro
meet keen teach fie doe
bleat glean screech hie toe
cheat spleen breach vie foe
treat spleen breach light fow
meat green each might mow
seat quean peach height tow
feat lean fiend night row
beat yean yield right owe
neat mean shield sight flow
feet heave wield tight glow
heat cleave field slight blow
slow roast loan hoarse rue
know coast shown source shrew
grow toast old coarse spew
snow more told board stew
stow four cold hoard tew
strow pour mold gourd yew
dough door port sword chew
hoe floor fort holme clew
sloe roar sport oaf ewe
mole boar court loaf slue
pole hoar goad due mew
sole oar load true cure
foal soar toad you pure
goal oat woad glue your
roll boat soap sue rude
poll doat froze dew prude
boll goat close few shrewd
toll moat prose new crude
soul bloat chose pew feud
scroll float coach lieu rheum
coal joke poach view muse
shoal oak roach new bruise
bowl croak broach brew use
knoll cloke folks screw cruise
stroll soak coax brew spruce
troll tone foam blew use
rogue known comb knew cruse
brogue own roam drew juice
vogue groan loam crew sluice
most blown shorn hew fruit
post flown sworn strew bruit
host mown mourn shew suit
ghost sown force slew mewl
boast moan course blue lure
jamb check delve skill jolt
lamb speck valve spill boult
plaid wreck guess chill dolt
limb meant breast ditch moult
gaunt sense guest pitch coat
dense tense sweat witch dost
hence bench debt twitch curl
pence clench stem niche hurl
fence stench phlegm hinge churl
lapse quench wink singe drum
flat wench pink cringe dumb
gnat wrench cinque fringe crumb
cash drench prism twinge numb
clash fetch schism glimpse plum
gnash sketch chip since much
strap wretch skip rince such
wrap spend ship wince touch
shall friend strip teint crutch
bled blend scrip brick burst
dead badge spin stick stuff
stead fadge chin kick snuff
read edge twin wick rough
tread hedge skin quick tough
bread wedge guilt spit plump
dread sledge built knit stump
sqread ledge quilt twit trump
shred sedge build live lurch
head pledge drift sieve church
cleanse dredge shift ridge young
realm fledge swift none gulf
dram bridge twist stone nyumph
deck bilge wrist home hymn
neck helve risk bolt judge
peck twelve shrill colt grudge
drudge lost sawn squall cough
trudge tost brawn yawl trough
shrub war spawn awl fork
scrub for yawn haul cork
bulge nor laud stall hawk
gurge taught fraud small balk
surge caught broad crawl walk
purge brought cord brawl talk
punge sought lord bawl chalk
curse ought ward caul stalk
purse wrought gauze drawl calk
law fought cause wart daub
shaw groat pause sort bawd
taw fraught clause short warp
maw naught torch quart wasp
raw form scorch snort want
paw storm gorge bald cause
saw swarm all scald balm
awe warm tall off calm
gnaw born fall oft psalm
straw corn hall loft psalm
flaw warn gall soft qualm
draw corse pall cross alms
chaw horn ball dross bask
claw morn call moss cask
craw fawn wall loss ask
haw lawn maul horse mask
jaw dawn scrawl corpse task
cost pawn sprawl dwarf ark
bark starve daunt gape knock
dark arm flaunt carn drop
hark harm haunt darn crop
mark charm jaunt barn shop
lark farm taunt yarn shock
park barm vaunt bar wan
are cart past far swan
shark dart past scar gone
stark hart vast star swash
asp mart blast tar watch
clasp part fast czar was
hasp tart mast car wast
rasp start mass char knob
gasp smart pass jar swab
grasp chart lass mar wad
hard heart bass par dodge
bard staff brass barb lodge
card chaff class garb bodge
lard half glass carle podge
guard calf grass marl fosse
pard laugh arch snarl bond
yard craft march chance fond
branch shaft parch dance pond
launch waft starch prance wand
staunch raft hash lance strong
haunch draught charge glance wrong
blanch aft large trance botch
craunch haft barge scarf scotch
cart pant farce laste mosque
harp grant parse swap blot
sharp slant calve dock yacht
scarp ant halve mock scoat
carve aunt salve clock halt
sdalt spool woo roof strip
malt droop proof loof chirp
tault scoop woof soon jerk
vault troop loose hoop perk
false loop goose coop smirk
bronze soup moose poop yerk
doom group spoon full quirk
room hoop roost bull herb
boom boot root pull verb
loom coot foot wool fir
bloom hoot shoot bush myrrh
groom toot book push fern
womb moot cook puss earn
tomb food hook earl yearn
broom rood look pearl learn
spoon brood took skirt stern
boon mood brook verse kern
moon move crook fierce quern
noon prove flock pierce scearch
loon groove rook fierce perch
swoon noose shook herse swerve
bourn choose croup terse wert
poor lose wood verge son
tour boose stood serge run
moor ooze good dirge ton
boor ouse hood virge won
cool coo could vert done
foo two would term one (wun)
tool do should firm come
stool shoe wolf germ some
pool loo hoof sperm bomb
clomb once (wunce) foil brow browse
rhomb monk boil plow spouse
dirt tongue coil bough drowse
shirt birch join slough cloud
flirt sponge coin out crowd
wort heir loin stout loud
girt trey groin oust proud
spirt sley boy trout shroud
squirt prey joy gout bound
kirk grey toy pout hound
work weigh coy clout pound
bird eigh cloy rout round
first neigh buoy shout sound
worst vein voice doubt foul
blood deign choice bout owl
flood skein moist drought fowl
The following have the first sound of th, viz. as in thick, thin.
throw thowl hath breadth bath
truth threw rath filth lath
youth thrice pith frith wrath
sheath thrive with* plinth throb
heath throne theft spilth throng
both throe thatch thaw thong
oath throve thill cloth tooth
forth thing thrid moth through
fourth think thrill broth earth
highth thin thrash sloth dearth
three thank thwack troth birth
throat thick tilth north girth
theme thrift withe loth mirth
thigh thumb smith thorn thirst
faith length thrust froth worth
blowth strength thrum thrall month
growth breath thread thwart thirl
quoth death stealth warmth ou
ruth health thrash swath south
teeth wealth deeth path mouth
thane treat width hearth drouth
The following have the second sound of th, as in thou.
thine teeth* blithe then soothe
thy those wreath thus they
bathe tithe writhe the there
lathe these sythe them their
swathe though seethe thence ou
clothe thee breathe than thou
2 6
loathe hithe this booth mouth
meeethe lithe that smooth
*The noun teeth, has the first sound of th, and the verb to
teeth its second sound. The same is observable of mouth, and to
mouth. This is the reason why these words are found under both
The words mouth, moth, cloth, path, swath, bath, lath, have
the first sound of th in the singular number, and the second
in the plural.
light, lights flow, flows toast, toasts
sight, sights blow, blows cosat, coasts
life, lives snow, snows door, doors
wife, wives hoe, hoes floor floors
knife, knives foal, foals oar, oars
Lesson 6.
I will not walk with bad men, that I may not be cast off with them.
I will love the law and keep it.
I will walk with the just and do good.
Lesson 7.
This life is not long; but the life to come has no end.
We must pray for them that hate us.
We must love them that love us not.
We must do as we like to be done to.
Lesson 8.
A bad life will make a bad end.
He must live well that will die well.
He doth live ill that doth not mend.
In time to come we must do no ill.
Lesson 9.
No man can say that he has done no ill,
For all men have gone out of the way.
There is none that doeth good; no not one.
If I have done harm, I must do it no more.
Lesson 10.
Sin will lead us to pain and woe.
Love that which is good, and shun vice.
Hate no man, but love both friends and foes.
A bad man can take no rest, day or night.
Lesson 11.
He who came to save us, will wash us from all sin: I will be glad in his name.
A good boy will do all that is just: he will flee from vice; he will do good, and
walk in the way of life.
Love not the world, nor the things that are in the world; for they are sin.
I will not fear what flesh can do to me; for my trust is in him who made the
He is nigh to them that pray to him, and praise his name.
Lesson 12.
Be a good child; mind your books; love your school, and strive to learn.
Tell no tales; call no ill names; you must not lie, nor swear, nor cheat, nor steal.
Play not with bad boys; use no ill words at play; spend your time well; live in
peace and shun all strife. This is the way to make good men love you, and save
your soul from pain and woe.
Lesson 13.
A good child will not lie, swear, nor steal. He will be good at home, and ask to
read his book; when he gets up he will wash his hands and face clean; he will comb
his hair, and make haste to school; he will not play by the way, as bad boys do.
Lesson 14.
When good boys and girls are at school, they will mind their books and try to
learn to spell and read well, and not play in the time of school.
When they are at church, they will sit, kneel or stand still; and when they are at
home, will read some good book, that God may bless them.
Lesson 15.
As for those boys and girls that mind not their books, and love not the church and
school, but play with such as tell tales, tell lies, curse, swear, and steal, they will
come to some bad end, and must be whipt till they mend their ways.
fla vor mea sles shoul der brick kiln
blud geon dam son grav el mel on
bel lows dan gle grum ble mer it
bis cuit dac tyl guin ea min gle
brit tle debt or gud geon mis tress
buck ram dim ple hand ful mis chief
bus tle dis tance hab it musk et
cam el doub le has soc mus lin
cap rice driv en ha voc mus ter
cap tain dud geon heif er mar riage
cen sure dun geon heav y nev er
chap el drunk ard hin drance nim ble
chas ten dust y hus band pad lock
cher ish ec logue hum ble pamph let
chim ney en gine husk y pen nance
car ry en sign im age pes ter
car riage en trails in stance phren zy
cis tern er ror in ward pis mire
cit y fash ion isth mus plan et
clam or fam ish jeal ous pleas ant
clean ly fas set jour nal peas ant
cred it fat ten judge ment pinch ers
crev ice fes ter knap sack pun ish
crust y fid dle lan guage puz zle
crys tal flag on lan guor pic ture
cup board frec kle land lord pur chase
cus tom frus trate lev el prac tice
crib bage fur lough lim it phthis ic
cul ture fran chise lus ter punch eon
cous in ges ture lunch eon quick en
cut lass gant let mad am ram ble
dam age gin gle mal ice rap id
dam ask grand eur man gle rat tle
dam sel grand eur mas tiff reb el
rel ish tav ern daugh ter mark et
rig or tempt er au tumn mus ter
ris en ten ant fault y mar quis
riv er till age for tress par cel
riv et tip ple for tune par don
ruf fle tress pass gau dy par lor
res in troub le geor gic part ner
sam ple twink ling gorge ous pas ture
salm on trans port lau rel psalm ist
satch el trun cheon lord ship scar let
scab bard ven om haugh ty slan der
scis sors ven ture morn ing al so
seven night vint age mor tal al way
scep ter vis it mort gage bon fire
spec ter vis age naugh ty cob ler
scrib ble vict uals saw yer clos et
scuf fle venge ance tor ment col league
sin ew veni son wa ter com et
sim ple vine yard sau cy com rade
sin gle wel come sau cer con quer
scep tic wed lock an swer cock swain
smug gle wick ed barb er con duit
span gle wran gle brace let cop y
spig ot wrap per cart er con trite
spit tle wres tle cham ber cof fin
spin dle wrist band craft y doc trine
sup ple weap on char coal flor id
subt le wid geon flask et fon dle
stur geon zeal ot gar land fore head
sur geon zeal ous ghast ly frol ic
tal lent zeph yr gar ment fal chion
tal on slaugh ter har lot grog ram
tan gle bor der har vest gos lin
tat tle cor ner jaun dice hogs head
hom age spon dee coop er shov el
hon est wan der cuck oo squir rel
hon or wan ton ver min vir gin
knowl edge war rant ver dict wor ship
hal loe squan der ver juice won der
lodg er yon der vir tue neigh bor
mod est gloom y kern el ou
mod ern wo man con jure coun cil
mon strous boo by cov er coun ter
nov el wool len cir cuit coun ty
nov ice bush el fir kin dough ty
prof fer bo som com pass drow sy
prog ress bush y com fort mount ain
prom ise worst ed bor ough show er
pros pect cush ion dirt y flow er
pros per bul let gov ern bow er
quad rant bul lock hon ey pow er
quad rate bul ly sove reign oy
squad ron bul wark stir rup voy age
stop page butch er skir mish
Lesson 1.
The time will come when we must all be laid in the dust.
Keep thy tongue from ill, and thy lips from guile. Let thy words be plain and
true to the thoughts of the heart.
He that striveth to vex or hurt those that sit next him, is a bad boy, and will meet
with foes. Let him go where he will: but he that is kind, and loves to life in pace,
will make friends of all that know him.
A clown will not make a bow, nor thank you when you give him what he wants;
but he that is well bred will do both.
He that speaks loud in school will not learn his own book well, nor let the rest
learn theirs; but those that make no noise will soon be wise and gain much love
and good will.
Lesson 2.
Shun the boy that tells lies, or speaks bad words, for he would soon bring thee
to shame.
He that does no harm shall gain the love of the whole school; but he that strives
to hurt the rest, shall gain their ill will.
He that lies in bed when he should go to school, is not wise; but he that shakes
off sleep shall have praise.
He is a fool that does not chose the best boys when he goes to play; for bad
boys will cheat, and lie, and swear, and strive to make him as bad as themselves.
Slight no man for you know not how soon you may stand in need of his help.
Lesson 3.
If you have done wrong, own your fault; for he that tells a lie to hide it, makes it
He that tells the truth is a wise child; but he that tells lies, will not be heard
when he speaks the truth.
When you are at school, make no noise, but keep your seat, and mind your
books; for what you will learn will do you good, when you grow to be a man.
Play no tricks on them that sit next to you; for if you do, good boys will shun
you as they would a dog that they knew would bite them.
He that hurts you at the same time that he calls you his friend; is worse than
snake in the grass.
Be kind to all men, and hurt not thyself.
A wise child loves to to learn his book, but the fool would choose to play with
Lesson 4.
Sloth keeps such a hold of some boys, that they lie in bed when they should go
to school; but a boy that wants to be wise will drive sleep far from him.
Love him that loves his book, and speaks good words, and does no harm: For
such a friend may do thee good all the days of thy life.
Be kind to all as far as you can: you know not how soon you may want their
help; and he that has the good will of all that know him, shall not want a friend in
time of need.
If you want to be good, wise, and strong, read with care such books as have been
made by wise and good men; think of what you read in your spare hours; be brisk
at play, but do not swear; and waste not too much of your time in bed.
Words of two syllables, accented on the second.
be lief ex cise ad journ in graft
be nign ex pose a byss re mark
be siege in crease at tack sur pass
be low in dict at tempt ca tarrh
be stow in pair a venge re gard
bo hea in fuse ad ept ap prove
con sign in scribe be head a mour
com plain ma lign be twixt bab oon
cam paign ob tain bur lesque bas soon
com pose o pake con temn be hoove
con dign ob lige con tempt buf foon
con cise per tain co quet ca noe
con ceit pre vail e nough car touch
con fuse pre scribe fi nesse dis prove
con strain pro pose ga zette a do
de ceive pur suit gro tesque a loof
de ceit pro rogue har angue e merge
de crease re ceive im mense im merse
de light re cept qua drille af firm
de pose re course so journ de sert
de scribe re pair be cause de serve
de sire re pose a dorn a bove
de vise re strain de fraud be come
dis claim re sume de bauch be love
dis course re tain per form con vey
dis may re sign re ward sur vey
dis own sup pose sub orn in veigh
dis play tran scribe trans form oi
dis pose trans pose e clat ap point
in close un close ad vance a noint
a void re joice com pound pro pound
em broil sub join con found sur mount
en joy dis join de voir al low
de stroy ou ac count a bound
de coy a mount pro nounce an nounce
pur loin a bout re nounce ca rouse
Examples of words derived from their roots or
Prim. Derv. Prim. Derv. Prim. Derv.
rain, rain-y grass, grass-y froth, froth-y
rust, rust-y glass, glass-y drouth, drouth-y
leaf, leaf-y ice, i-cy size, si-zy
stick, stick-y frost, frost-y chill, chill-y
pith, pith-y snow, snow-y chalk, chalk-y
length, lengh-y fog, fogg-y down, down-y
slight, slight-y wood, wood-y gloss, gloss-y
storm, storm-y room, room-y worth, wor-thy
Plural nouns of two syllables, formed, from the singular of one syllable.
Words in which e final is omitted in the derivatives
Words ending in ish, expressing a degree of quality less than the positive.
red-dish, red, red-der, red-dest
brown-ish, brown, brown-er, brown-est
whi-tish, white, whi-ter, whit-est
green-ish, green, green-er, green-est
black-ish, black, black-er, black-est
blu-ish, blue, blu-er, blu-est
yel-low-ish, yellow, yel-low-er, yel-low-est
Formation of verbs in the three persons.
Present Time.
Singular number. Plural.
1 2 3
I love, thou lovest, he loveth, 1. We love
you love, he loves, 2. ye or you love
she loves, 3. they love
it loves,
I grant, thou grantest he granteth 1. We grant
you grant he grants, 2. ye or you grant
she grants, 3. they grant
Past Time.
I loveth, thou loveth he loved, 1. We loved
you loved, she loved, 2. ye or you loved
it loved, 3. they loved
Familiar Lessons.
A dog growls and barks; a cat mews and purrs, a cock crows, a hen clucks and
crackles; a bird chirps and sings; an ox lows; a bull bellows; a lion roars; a horse
neighs; an ass brays; a whale spouts. Birds fly in the air by the help of wings;
snakes crawl on the earth without feet; fishes swim in water, by means of fins;
beasts have feet, with hoofs or claws, to walk or run on land.
All animals are fitted for certain modes of living. The birds which feed on flesh,
have strong claws, to catch and hold small animals, and a hooked bill to tear the
flesh to pieces: such is the vulture and the hawk. Fowls which feed on insects and
grain, have mostly a short straight bill, like the robin. Those which live on fish,
have long legs for wading or long bills for seizing and holding prey, like the heron
and the fish hawk. Fowls which delight chiefly to fly in the air, and light and build
nests on the trees, have their toes divided, by which they cling to the branches and
twigs; those which live in and about water have webbed feet, that is, their toes
united by a film or skin, so that their feet serve as oars or paddles for swimming.
See the dog, the cat; the wolf, the lion, the panther and catamount; what sharp
claws and pointed teeth they have, to seize little animals, and tear them in pieces!
But see the gentle cow and ox, and timid sheep these useful animals are made for
man, they have no claws, nor sharp teeth, they feed in quiet, and come at the
call of man. Oxen submit to the yoke, and plow the field, or draw the cart: the
cow returns home at evening, to fill the farmers pail with milk, the wholesome
food of men: and the sheep yields her yearly fleece, to furnish us with warm
Henry, tell me the number of days in a year. Three hundred and sixty-five. And
how many weeks in a year? Fifty-two. What are they called? Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday: Sunday is the Sabbath, or day
of rest, and called the Lords day, being devoted to religious duties. How many
hours are there in a day Twenty-four How many minutes in an hour? Sixty, and
sixty seconds in a minute. Time is measured by clocks and watches, dials and
glasses. The light of the sun makes the day, and the shade of the earth makes the
night. The earth is round, and rolls round from west to east once in twenty-four
hours. The day time is for labor, and the night for sleep and repose. Children
should go to bed early.
Charles, how is the year divided? Into months and seasons. How many are the
months? Twelve calendar months, and nearly thirteen lunar months. What are the
names of the calendar months? January, February, March, April, May, June, July,
August, September, October, November, December. January begins the year, and
the first day of that month is called New Years day. Then people express to each
other their good wishes and little boys and girls expect gifts of little books, toys,
and plums. What is the lunar month? It is the time from one change of the moon
to another, which is about twenty-nine days, and a half.
John, what are the seasons? Spring, summer, autumn or fall, and winter. The
spring is so called from the springing or first shooting of the plants: when they put
forth leaves and blossom, all nature is decked with bloom and perfumed with
fragrant odors. The spring months March, April, and May. The summer months are
June, July, and August, when the sun pours its heating rays on the earth, the trees
are colored with leaves and fruit, and the ground is covered with herbage. The
autumn months are September, October, and November; which are also called fall,
from the fall of the leaves. Now the fruit is gathered, the verdure of the plants
decays; the leaves of the forest turn red or yellow, and fall from the trees, and
nature is stripped of her verdant robes. Then comes dreary winter. In December,
January, and February, frost binds the earth in chains, and spreads an icy bridge
over rivers and lakes, the snow, with her white mantle, enwraps the earth; no birds
fill the air with the music of their notes; the beasts stand shivering in the stall; and
men crowd around the fire-side, or wrapped in wool and fur, prepare to meet the
chilling blast.
Prefer solid sense to vain wit; study to be useful rather than diverting; commend
and respect nothing so much as true piety and virtue Let no jest intrude to violate
good manners; never utter what may offend the chastest ear.
T A B L E 19.
Words of Three Syllables, the full Accent on the First, and the half Accent on the
Note. In half accented terminations, ate, ude, ure, ize, ute, use, ule, uge, ide, the
vowel has its first sound generally, though not dwelt upon so long, or pronounced
with so much force, as in the full accented syllables. But in the terminations ice,
ive, ile, the vowels has generally its second sound, and the final e is superfluous, or
only softens c; as notice, relative, juvenile, pronounced notis, relativ, juvenil. In
the former case, the final e is in Roman; and in the latter case in Italic.
Di a phragm pleu ri sy am or ous
du pli cate qui et ude an ec dote
di a logue rheu ma tism an ti quate
aid de camp ru min ate ap ti tude
e go tism scru pu lous an o dyune
fa vor ite se ri ous ap er ture
for ci ble spu ri ous as y lum
fre quen cy su i cide bev e rage
fu gi tive suit a ble blun der buss
fea si ble va ri ous cat a logue
glo ri ous u ni form cal cu late
he ro ism u su ry can did ate
ju bi lee ad jec tive can dle stick
ju ve nile ag gra vate car a way
live li hood an a pest cel e brate
lu bri cate an im ate crit i cism
lu cra tive app e tite cim e tar
lu dic rous al ti tude court e sy
lu min ous ab dic ate cul ti vate
night in gale ac cu rate dec a logue
nu mer ous ad e quate dec o rate
o di ous al ge bra del e gate
dem on strates im pi ous pen te cost
der o gate in fam ous per quis ite
des o late in stig ate phys ic al
des pot ism in sti tute plen i tude
des pe rate in tim ate pres byt er
des ti tute jeal ous y pres id ent
dem a gogue jeop ar dy pris on er
ep au lette jess a mine priv i lege
ep i logue las si tude quer u lous
el o quence lat i tude par a sol
el e vate lib er tine ral le ry
em phas sis lit ig ate ran cor ous
em u ious mack er el rap tur ous
en ter prize mag ni ude ra ven ous
en vi ous man u script rec ti tude
ep i cure mass a cre rel a tive
es ti mate med i cine ren o vate
ex cel lence med it ate re quis ite
fas cin ate mis chiev ous ren dez vous
fab u lous met a phor rep ro bate
feb ri fuge musk mel lon res i dence
fluc tu ate nour ish ment res i due
fur be low ped a gogue ret i nue
gen er ous pal li ate rev er ence
gent le man pal pa ble rev er end
gen u ine pal pit ate rhap so dy
gran a ry par a dise rid i cule
hem i sphere par a digm sac ri fice
hes it ate par a phrase sac ri lege
hand ker chief par a site sal iv ate
hur ri cane par ent age sass a fras
hyp o crite par ox ism sat ir ize
im age ry par ri cide scav en ger
sens i ble laud a ble crock e ry
sep a rate plau sib le hor i zon
ser a phim por phy ry lon gi tude
stadt hold er arch i tech nom i nate
stim u late ar gu ment ob lig ate
stip u late ar ma ment ob lo quy
stren u ous ar ti fice ob sta cle
sub ju gate bay o net ob stin ate
sub se quent bar ba rism ob vi ous
sub sti tute bar ba rous om in ous
syn a gogue car din al op e rate
sim i le car pen ter op po site
scep tic ism chan cell or or i fice
syn co pe chan ce ry prob a ble
sur ro gate guar di an pop u lous
syl lo gism lara ce ny pot en tate
tan ta lize mar gin al prof li gate
tan ta mount mas quer ade proph e cy
tel e scope par ti san quar an tine
ten a ble phar ma cy pros e cute
tim o rous par lia ment por rin ger
treach er ous rasp ber ry pros per ous
trip lic ate al der man pros ti tute
tur pi tude al ma nac sol e cism
vas sal age bot a ny sol i tude
vin dic ate col lo quy soph is try
bil let doux com pli ment vol atile
fraud u lent com plai sance roq ue laur
cor di al con sti tute tom a hawk
cor pr ral con tem plate per se cute
for feit ure com pen sate per son age
for ti tude con fis cate prin ci ple
for tu nate cor o ner ser vi tude
ter min ate com pa ny roy al ty
firm a ment come li ness ou
mir a cle gov ern or coun sel lor
cir cu lar gov ern ess coun ter feit
cir cum stance oi count e nance
cir cum spect poig nan cy boun ti ful
Lesson 1.
My son, hear the counsel of they father, and forsake not the law of they mother.
If sinners entice thee to sin, consent thou not.
Walk not in the way with them; refrain they feet from their path, for their feet run
to evil, and make haste to shed blood.
Lesson 2.
Be not wise in thine own eyes; but be humble.
Let truth only proceed from thy mouth. Despise not the poor, because he is
poor; but honor him who is honest and just. Envy not the rich, but be content with
thy fortune. Follow peace with all me, and let wisdom direct the steps.
Lesson 3.
Happy is the man that findeth wisdom. She is of more value than rubies. Length of
days is in her right hand, and in her left hand, riches and honor. Her ways are
pleasant, and all her paths are peace. Exalt her and she shall promote thee: She
shall bring thee to honor, when thou dost embrace her.
Lesson 4.
The ways of virtue are pleasant, and lead to life; but they who hate wisdom, love
death. Therefore pursue the paths of virtue and peace, then safety and glory will be
thy reward. All my delight is upon the saints that are in the earth, and upon such as
excel in virtue.
Words of three syllables, accented on the second.
a chiev ment con jec ture mis pris on
ac quaint ance con vuls ive pneu mat ics
ap prais er de ben ture pre sump tive
ar rear age de fect ive pro duc tive
blas phe mer dis cour age pro gres sive
con ta gion dis par age re puls ive
con ta gious dis sem ble re ten tive
cor ro sive ef ful gent re venge ful
cour age ous en tan gle rheu mat ic
de ceit ful ex cul pate stu pend ous
de ci sive gym nas tic sub mis sive
dif fu sive ef fect ive ab or tive
in qui ry em bez zle in dorse ment
e gre gious en deav or im port ance
en light en ex cess ive im pos ture
o bei sance ex pens ive per form ance
out rage ous ex press ive re cord er
pro ce dure ex tens ive im pos ture
pot a toe ex cheq uer ad van tage
so no rous es cutch eon a part ment
mus ke toe ho san na de part ment
a bridge ment il lus trate dis as ter
ac knowl edge i am bus em bar go
ad ven ture in cen tive a pos tle
af franch ise in cul cate re mon strate
ag grand ize in dent ure sub al tern
dis fan chise in just tice ac cou ter
ap pren tice in vec tive ma neu ver
au tum nal lieu ten ant al tern ate
bis sex tile mo ment ous de ter mine
com pul sive of fens ive re hears al
cur mud geon op press ive sub vers ive
Words not exceeding three syllables, divided.
Lesson 1
The wick-ed flee when no man pur-su-eth; but the right-e-ous are as bold as a
Vir-tue ex-alt-eth a na-tion; but sin is a re-proach to a-ny peo-ple.
The law of the wise is a foun-tain of life to de-part from the senares of death.
Wealth got-ten by de-ceit, is soon wast-ed; but he that gath-er-eth by la-bor, shall
in-crease in rich-es.
Lesson 2.
I-dle-ness will bring thee to pov-er-ty; but by in-dus-try and pru-dence thou shalt
be fill-ed with bread.
Wealth mak-eth ma-ny friends; but the poor are for-got-ten by their neigh-bors.
A pruu-den man fore-seeth the e-vil, and hid-eth him-self; but the thought-less
pass on and are pun-ish-ed.
Lesson 3.
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not de-part
from it.
Where there is no wood the fire go-eth out, and where there is no tat-ler, the
strife ceas-eth.
A word fit-ly spok-en is like ap-ples of gold in pic-tures of sil-ver.
He that cov-er-eth his sins shall not prosper, but he that con-fess-eth and
for-sak-eth them shall find mer-cy.
Lesson 4.
The rod and re-proof give wis-dom; but a child left to him-self bring-eth his
pa-rents to shame.
Cor-rect thy son, and he will give thee rest; yea, he will give de-light to thy soul.
A mans pride shall bring him low; but hon-or shall up-hold the hum-ble in
The eye that mock-eth at his fath-er, and scorn-eth to o-bey his moth-er, the ra-
vens of the val-ley shall pick it out, and the young ea-gles shall eat it.
Lesson 5.
By the bless-ing of the up-right, the cit-y is ex-alt-ed, but it is o-ver-thrown by
the mouth of the wick-ed.
Where no coun-sel is, the peo-ple fall, but in the midst of coun-sel-lors there is
The wis-dom of the pru-dent is to un-der-stand his way, but the fol-ly of fools is
A wise man fear-eth and de-part-eth from evil, but the fool rag-eth and is con-fi-
Be not hast-y in they spirit to be an-gry; for an-ger rest-est in the bo-som of
Words of four syllables; the full accent on the second,
and half accent on the fourth.
Note: The terminations ty, ry, and ly, have very little accent.
Ad vi sa ble im me di ate vic to ri ous
ac cu mu late im pe ri ous vo lu min ous
ap pro pri ate imp la ca ble ux o ri ous
an ni hi late in tu i tive as par a gus
a me na ble la bo ri ous ac cel er ate
ab bre vi ate me lo di ous ad mis si ble
al le vi ate mys te ri ous ad ven tur ous
cen so ri ous no to ri ous a dul ter ate
com mo di ous ob se qui ous ac cept a ble
com mu ni cate op pro bri ous ag gran dize ment
con cu pis cence pe nu ri ous dis fran chise ment
com par a ble pre ca ri ous am big u ous
de plo ra ble sa lu bri ous am phib i ous
dis pu ta ble spon ta ne ous a nal y sis
er ro ne ous ter ra que ous ar tic u late
har mo ni ous vi ca ri ous as sas sin ate
be at i tude im pet u ous e nor mi ty
ca lum ni ate in dus tri ous sub or din ate
ca pit u late en gen u ous a bom in ate
cert if i cate in quis i tive ac com mo date
ca tas tro phe in vid i ous a non y mous
co ag u late in vin ci ble a poc a lypse
com bus ti ble in vis i ble a poc ry pha
com mem o rate per fid i ous a pos tro phe
com mis er ate per spic u ous cor rob o rate
com par a tive pre dic a ment de nom in ate
com pat i ble per plex i ty de mon stra ble
com pend i ous pro mis cu ous de pop u late
con grat u late pa rish ion er dis con so late
con spic u ous re cep ta cle pre pos ter ous
con tem pla tive ri dic u lous pre rog a tive
con tempt i ble si mil itude re spon si ble
con ti gu u ous sus cep ti ble ad mis sib le
de fin i tive tem pest u ous con vers a ble
de lib er ate tu mult lu ous re vers i ble
de riv a tive vi cis si tude su per flu ous
di min u tive vo cif er ous su per la tive
e phem e ris vo lump tu ous pre ser va tive
e phip a ny u nan im ous ac com pa ny
fa cil it ate de bauch e ry dis cov er y
fa nat i cism con form it y oi
il lus tri ous de form i ty em broid er y
There are five states of human life, infancy, childhood, youth, manhood, and old
age. The infant is helpless; he is nourished with milk when he has teeth, he
begins to eat breat, meat and fruit, and is very fond of cakes and plums. The little
boy chooses some plaything that will make a noise, a hammer, a stick, or a whip.
The little girl loves her dolls and learns to dress it. She chooses a closet of her
baby-house, where she sets her doll and a little chair, by the side of a table,
furnished with tea-cups as big as a thimble.
As son as boys are large enough, they run away from home, grow fond of play,
climb trees to rob birds nests, tear their clothes, and when the come home, their
parents often chasten them. O how the rod makes their legs smart. These are
naught boys who love play better than their books cruel boys who rob the birds
of their eggs, poor little birds which do no harm, which fill the air with the sweet
melody of their notes, and do much good by devouring worms, and other insects,
which destroy fruit and herbage.
Charles, how many barley corns make an inch? Three. How many inches are in
a foot? Twelve. How many yards in a rod, a perch, or pole? Find and a half
How many rods in a mile? Three hundred and twenty. How many rods in a
furlong? Forty How many furlongs in a mile? Eight. How many miles in a
league? Three. How many lines in an inch? Twelve. What is a cubit? The
length of the arm from the elbow to the end of the longest finger, which is about
eighteen inches. A Fathom is the distance from the ends of a mans finger, when
the arms are extended, which is about six feet.
Henry, tell me the gills in a pint. FourTwo pints make a quart, four quarts
make a gallon. Barrels are of various sizes; some contain no more than twenty
gallons, some thirty, or thirty-two, others thirty-six. A hogshead contains sixty-
three gallons; but we usually call puncheons by the name of hogsheads, and these
hold about one hundred and ten gallons. A pipe contains two hogsheads, or four
barrels, or about one hundred and twenty gallons.
WILLIAM, tell me how many mills make a cent? Ten. How many cents a
dime? Ten Tell me the other coins of the United States. Ten dimes make a dollar,
ten dollars an eagle, which is a gold coin, and the largest which is coined in the
United States. Dimes and dollars are silver coins. Cents are copper coins. These are
new species of coin What is the ancient manner of reckoning money? By pound,
shillings, pence, and farthing. Four farthings make a penny, twelve pence a
shilling, and twenty shillings a pound.
William loves fruit. See him pick strawberries bring him a basket let him put
the berries in a basket and carry them to his mamma and sisters. Little boys
should be kind and generous they should always carry some fruit home for their
friends. Observe the cherry-trees see, how they begin to redden in a few days,
the cherries will be ripe; the honey-hears, and black-hearts, and ox-hearts, how
sweet they are. You must not eat too many, and make yourself sick. Fill your
basket with cherries, and give them to your little friends.
Now see the pears. The harvest pear, how yellow. It is ripe, let me pick and eat it.
The sugar pear, how plump and soft it is; and what a beautiful red covers one side
of it. See the Catherine pear, and the vergaloo, how rich, juicy, and delicious. But
the peach how it exceeds all fruit in its delicious flavor; what can equal its
fragrance, and how it melts upon the tongue. The nutmeg, and rare-ripe with its
blushing cheek, the white cling-stone with its crimson tints and the lemon cling-
stone with its crimson tints and the lemon cling-stone with its golden hue, and all
the varieties of free-stones. Such are the rich bounties of nature, bestowed on
man to please his taste, preserve his health, and draw his grateful heart
towards the Author of his happiness.
A wise man will consider, not so much the present pleasure and advantage of a
measure, at its future consequences.
Sudden and violent passions are seldom durable.
Words of five syllables accented on the first and
Am bi gu i ty reg u lar i ty
con ti gu i ty rep re hen sib le
con tra ri e ty rep re sent a tive
dic ta to ri al sat is fac to ry
ep i cu re an sen si bil i ty
imp or tu nit y sen su al i ty
no to ri e ty sim i lar i ty
per pe tu i ty tes ta ment a ry
per spi cu i ty cir cum am bi ent
pres by te ri an com pre hen sib le
pri mo ge ni al con san guin i ty
su per flu i ty con tra dict o ry
tes ti mo ni al cred i bil i ty
ac a dem ic al di a met ric al
af fa bil i ty el e ment a ry
al pha bet ic al ep i dem ic al
an a lyt ic al e van gel ic al
ar gu ment a tive fal li bil i ty
mon o syl la ble gen e al o gy
plau si bil i ty hos pi tal i ty
pol y syl la ble il le git im ate
pop u lar i ty im per cep ti ble
pos si bil i ty in tel lect u al
pri mo gen i ture in tro duc to ry
prin ci pal i ty in tre pid i ty
prob a bil i ty ir re sist i ble
prod i gal i ty mag na nim i ty
punc tu al i ty met a phys ic al
pu sil lan im ous an a tom ic al
an i mos i ty in ter rog a tive
a pos tol ic al met a phor ie al
ar is toc ra cy pe ri od ic al
as tro nom ic al phi lo sop hic al
cat e gor ic al phys i og no my
cu ri os i ty phys i ol o gy
di a bol ic al trig o nom e try
et y mol o gy u ni form i ty
gen e ros i ty u ni vers i ty
equi pon der ant em blem at ic al
in dis solv a ble ge o graph ic al
Be not anxious for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor for
your body, what ye shall put on; for our heavenly Father knoweth that you have
need of these things.
Behold the fowls of the air: For they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather
into barns; yet your heavenly father feedeth them.
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
yet Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
Lesson 2
Therefore be not anxious for the good things of this life, but seek first the
kingdom of heaven and its righteousness, and all these things shall be added to
you. Ask and it shall be given unto you: Seek and ye shall find: Knock and it shall
be opened.
Love your enemies; bless them that curse you, do good unto them that hate you;
and pray for them that scornfully use you and persecute you.
Lesson 3.
When thou prayest, be not as the hypocrites, who love to pray standing in the
synagogues, and in the streets, that they may be seen of men: But when thou
prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father
who is in heaven, and thy Father who seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
Lesson 4.
Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt,
and where thieves break through and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in
heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break
through and steal: For there your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
ALL things which you would have men to do to you, do ye the same to them; for
this is the law and the prophets.
Table 30.
sal va tion de cep tion as per sion
fi du cial de script tion as ser tion
ad mis sion di rec tion a ver sion
af fec tion dis tinc tion con ver sion
af fli tion ex cep tion de ser tion
as cen sion ex pre sion dis per sion
as sump tion in flict tion re ver sion
at ten tion ob ject tion sub ver sion
col lec tion pro fes sion sub stan tial
Word of five syllables, accented on the first and
Am pli fi ca tion con fed e ra tion
qual i fi ca tion con grat u la tion
ed i fi ca tion con so ci a tion
as so ci a tion or gan i za tion
mul ti pli ca tion co op e ra tion
con tin u a tion glo ri fi ca tion
rat i fi ca tion pro nun ci a tion
sanc ti fi ca tion pro pi ti a tion
sig ni fi ca tion re gen e ra tion
cir cum lo cu tion re nun ci a tion
cir cum val la tion re tal i a tion
com mem mo ra tion ar gu ment a tion
Familiar Lessons
HENRY is a good boy. come here, Henry, let me hear you read. Can you spell
easy words? Hold up your head; speak loud and plain. Keep your book clean, do
not tear it.
John, keep your seat; and sit still. You must not say a word, nor laugh, nor play.
Look on your book, learn your letters, study your lesson.
Charles, can you count? Try. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine,
ten. Well said; now spell bird. B-i-r-d. How the birds sing and hop from branch
to branch among the trees. They make nests too, and lay eggs; then sit on their
eggs, and hatch young birds. Dear little birds, how they sing and play. You must
not rob their nests, nor kill their young: it is cruel.
Moses, see the cat, how quiet she lies by the fire. Puss catches mice. Did you
ever see puss watching for mice? How still and sly. She creeps along, fixing her
eyes steadily on the place where the mouse lies. As soon as she gets near enough,
she darts forward, and seizes the little victim by the neck. Now the little mouse will
do no more mischief.
See the little helpless kittens. How warm and quiet they lie in their bed, while
puss is gone. Take them in your hands, dont hurt them; they are harmless, and do
no hurt. They will not bite or scratch. Lay them down softly, and let them go to
George, the sun has risen, and it is time for you to rise. See the sun, how it
shines: it dispels the darkness of night, and makes all nature gay and cheerful. Get
up, Charles; wash your hands, comb your hair, and get ready for breakfast. What
are we to have for breakfast? Bread and milk. This is the best food for little boys.
Sometimes we have coffee or tea, and toast. Sometimes we have cakes.
James, hold you spoon in your right hand; and if you use a knife and fork, hold
the knife in your right hand. Do not eat fast; hungry boys are apt to eat fast, like
pigs. Never waste your bread; bread is gained by the sweat of the brow. Your
father plants or sows corn; corn grows in the field; when it is ripe, it is cut, and put
in the barn; then it is threshed out of the ears, and sent to a mill, the mill grinds it,
and the bolter separates the bran from the flour. Flour is wet with water or milk;
and with a little yeast or leaven, it is raised, and made light; this is called dough:
dough is baked in an oven, or pan, and makes bread.
Emily, look at the flowers in the garden. What a charming sight. How the tulips
adorn the borders of the alleys, dressing them with gayety. Soon the sweet pinks
will deck the beds; and the fragrant roses perfume the air. Take care of the sweet
Williams, the jonquils, and the artemisia. See the honey-suckle, how it winds about
the column, and climbs along the margin of the windows. Now is it in bloom, how
fragrant the air around it; how sweet the perfume, after a gentle shower, or amidst
the soft dews of the evening. Such are the charms of youth when robed in
innocence; such is the bloom of life, when decked with modesty, and a sweet
temperCome, my child, let me hear your song.
The Rose
The cup was all filld, and the leaves were all wet,
And seemd at a fanciful view,
To weep with regret, for the buds it had left
On the flourishing bush where it grew.
Julia, rise in the morning betimes, dress the borders of the flower beds, pull up
the noxious weeds, water the thirsty roots. See how the plants wither from want of
rain. The flowers fade, the leaves shrivel and droop. Bring a little water to refresh
them. Now the plants look green and fresh; the weeds which shaded or robbed their
roots of moisture, are removed, and the plants will thrive. Does the heart want
culture? Weed out the noxious passions from the heart, as you would hurtful plants
from among the flowers. Cherish the virtues - - love kindness, meekness, modesty,
goodness. Let them thrive, and produce their natural fruit, pure happiness, and joys
serene through life.
Look to the gentle lambs, how innocent and playful; how agreeable to the sight;
how pleasant task to feed them; how grateful they are for your care. Julia, let me
hear your song.
The Lamb
She raisd it, and touchd with the innocents fate,
Its soft form to her bosom she prest;
But the tender relief was afforded to late,
It bleated, and died on her breast.
Harriet, bring your book, let me hear you read. What book have you? Let me see:
a little volume of poems. How many can you repeat? Let me hear my dear Harriet
speak one.
If from my tender mothers side
Some wicked wretch should make me fly,
Full will I know, twould her betide,
To break her heart, to sink, to die.
And shall I then so cruel prove,
Your little ones to force away!
No, no; together live and love:
See her they are take them, I pray.
Teach them in yon wood to fly,
And let them your sweet warbling hear,
Till their own wings can soar as high,
And their own notes may sound as clear.
Go, gentle birds; go free as air,
While oft again in summers heat,
To younder oak I will repair,
And listern to your song so sweet.
Mary, what a charming little sonnet your sister Harriet has repeated. Come, my
sweet girl, you must let me hear what you can say. But stop, let me see your work.
Your little fingers are very handy with a needle. Very pretty indeed; very pretty
work. What small stitches. You shall hem and mark all your papas handkerchiefs,
and very soon you shall work a muslin frock for yourself. Now my girl, let me hear
you repeat some verses.
On a Goldfinch starved in his Cage.
Time was when I was free as air,
The thistles downy seed my fare,
My drink the morning dew;
Perchd at will on every spray,
My form genteel, my plumage gay.
My strains for ever new.
Thanks, little Miss, for all my woes,
And thanks for this effectual close,
And cure of every ill:
More cruelty could none express;
And I, if you had shown me less,
Had been your prisner still.
ART thou a, young man, seeking for a partner for life? Obey the ordinance of
God, and become a useful member of society. But be not in haste to marry, and let
thy choice be directed by wisdom.
Is a woman devoted to dress and amusement? Is she delighted with her own
praise, or an admirer of her own beauty? Is she given to much talking and loud
laughter? If her feet abide not at home, and her eyes rove with boldness on the
faces of menturn thy feet from her, and suffer not thy heart to be ensnared by thy
But when thou findest sensibility of heart joined with softness of manners; an
accomplished mind and religion, united with sweetness of temper, modest
deportment, and a love of domestic lifeSuch is the woman who will divide the
sorrows, and double the joys of thy life. Take her to thyself; she is worthy to be thy
nearest friend, thy companion, the wife of thy bosom.
Art thou a young woman, wishing to know thy future destiny? Be cautious in
listening to the addresses of men. Art thou pleased with smiles and flattering
words? Remember that man often smiles and flatters most, when he would betray
Listen to no soft persuasion, till a long acquaintance, and a steady, respectful
conduct have given thee proof of the pure attachment and honorable views of thy
lover. Is thy suitor addicted to low vices? is he profane? is he a gambler? a tipper?
a spendthrift,? a haunter of taverns? has he lived in idleness and, pleasure? has he
acquired a contempt for thy sex in vile company? and above all, is he a scoffer at
religion?Banish such a man from thy presence; his heart is false, and his hand
would lead thee to wretchedness and ruin.
Art thou a husband? Treat thy wife with tenderness and respect; reprove her
faults with gentleness; be faithful to her I love; give up thy heart to her in
confidence, and alleviate her cares.
Art thou a wife? Respect thy husband; oppose him not unreasonably, but yield thy
will to his, and thou shalt be blest with peace and concord; study to make him
respectable, as well for thone own sake, as for his; hid his falults; be constant in
thy love ; and devote thy time to the care and education of the dear pledges of they
Art thou a parent? Teach thy children obedience; teach them temperance, justice,
diligence in useful occupations; teach them science; teach them the social virtues,
and fortify thy precepts by thine own example; above all, teach them religion.
Science and virtue will make them respectable in this life religion and piety alone
can secure them happiness in the life to come.
Art thou a brother or a sister? Honor thy character by living in the bonds of
affection with thy brethren. Be kind; be condescending. Is thy bother an adversity?
assist him; if they sister is in distress, administer to her necessities and alleviate her
Are thou a son or a daughter? Be grateful to thy father, for he gave thee life; and
to thy mother for she sustained thee. Piety in a child is sweeter than the incense of
Perisa, yea, more delicate than odors, wafted, by western gales, from the fields of
Arabian spices. Hear the words of thy father, for they are spoken for thy good: give
ear to the admonitions of thy mother, for they proceed from her tenderest love.
Honor their gray hairs, and support them in the evening of life; and thine own
children, in reverence of thy example, shall repay thy piety with filial love and
Of the BOY that stole Apples.
AN old man found a rude boy upon one of his trees stealing apples, and desired
him to come down; but the young Sauce-box told him plainly he would not. Wont
you, said the old man, then I will fetch you down; so he pulled up some tufts of
grass and threw at him; but this only made the youngest laugh, to think he should
pretend to beat him out of the tree with grass only.
Well, well, said the old man, if neither grass nor words will do, I must try what
virtue there is in stones: so the old man pelted him heartily with stones: which soon
made the young chap hasten down from the tree and beg the old mans pardon.
M O R A L.
If good words and gentle means will not reclaim the wicked, they must be dealt
with in a more severe manner.
In all words ending in ow unaccented, w is silent, and o has its first sound. Many
of these words are corrupted in vulgar pronunciation: follow is called foller, &c. for
which reason the words of this class are collected in the following table.
Bar row gal lows nar row win dow
bel low bel lows hol low win now
bil low har row shad ow yel low
bur row cal low shal low bor row
el bow mal lows spar row fol low
fel low mar row tal low mor row
fal low mea dow whit low sor row
far row mel low wind ow wal low
fur row min now wil low swal low
In the following words, si sounds like zh. Thus, confu-sion is pronounced confu- zhun; bra-
sier, bra-zhur; os-sier, o-zhur; vis-ion, vizh-un; pleas-ure; pleazh-ure.
NOTE: In this and the following table, the figures who the accented syllables, without any other
Bra sier con fu sion il lu sion
cro sier con tu sion in tru sion
gla zier de lu sion in fu sion
o sier dif fu sion pro fu sion
ra sure ef fu sion oc ca sion
ho sier ex clu sion ob tru sion
sei zure ex plo sion vis ion
fu sion e va sion meas ure
am bro sial a bra sion pleas ure
ad he sion cor ro sion treas ure
al lu sion de tru sion leis ure
co he sion dis plo sion az ure
col lu sion in clo sure ab scls ion
con clu sion e ro sion col lis ion
con cis ion e lis ion in cis ion
div is ion e lys ian al lis ion
de cis ion pre cis ion re cis ion
8 2
de ris ion pro vis ion cir cum cis ion
The compounds and derivates follow the same rule.
WHEN men suffer their imaginations to amuse them with the prospect of
distant and uncertain improvement of their condition, they frequently suffer real
losses by their inattention to those affairs in which they are immediately
A country maid was walking very deliberately with a pail of milk upon her head,
when she fell into the following train of reflections; The money for which I shall
sell this milk, will enable me to increase my flock of eggs to three hundred. These
eggs, allowing for what may prove addle, and what may be destroyed by vermin
will produce at least two hundred and fifty chickens. The chickens will be fit to
carry to market about Christmas, when poultry always bears a good price; so that
by May day I cannot fail of having money enough to purchase a new gown. Green
let me consider yes, green become my complexion best, and green it shall be.
In this dress I will go to the fair, where all the young fellows will strive to have me
for a partner; but I shall perhaps refuse every one of them, and with an air of
disdain toss from them. Transported with this triumphant thought, she could not
forbear acting with her head what passed in her imagination, when down came the
pail of milk, and with it all her imaginary happiness.
Words in which cie, sie, and tie, are pronounced she; tia and cia, sha, cious, and
tious, shus. Thus, ancient, partial, captious, are pronounced anshent, parshal,
capshus. This rule will be sufficient to direct the learner to a right pronunciation,
without distinguishing silent letters.
Gre cian ran sient ex pa tiate
gra cious lus cious fa ce tious
pa tient cau tious fal la cious
quo tient par tial fe ro cious
spa cious con science in gra tiate
spe cious con scious lo qua cious
spe cies* ap pre ci ate ne go ciate
so cial as so ci ate pro ca cious
sa tiate au da cious ra pa cious
an cient ca pa cious sag a cious
cap tious con so ciate se qua cious
fac tious dis so ciate ten a cious
fic tious e ma ciate vex a tious
nup tial ex cru ciate vi va cious
vo ra cious pro vin cial cir cum stan tial
an nun ciate pru den tial con sci en tious
con ten tious sen ten tious con se quen tial
cre den tials sub stan tiaqte con fi den tial
en un ciate com mer cial pen i ten tial
es sen tial con tu ma cious pes ti len tial
in fec tious ef fi ca cious prov i den tial
li cen tiate os ten ta tious rev e ren tial
om nis cience per spi ca cious res i den tia ry
po ten tial per tin a cious e qui noc tial
*Pronounced speshiz.
The words of four syllables have the half accent on the first.
The compounds and derivatives follow the same rule.
The FOX and the SWALLOW.
ARISTOTLE informs us that the following fable was spoken by sop to the
Samians, on a debate upon changing their ministers, who were accused of
plundering the commonwealth.
A fox, swimming across a river, happened to be entangled in some weeds that
grew near the bank, from which he was unable to extricate himself. As he lay thus
exposed to whole swarms of flies which were galling him, and sucking his blood, a
swallow observing his distress, kindly offered to drive them away. By no means,
said the Fox, for if these should be chased away, who are already sufficiently
gorged, another more hungry swarm would succeed, and I should be robbed of
every remaining drop of blood in my veins.
In the following words the vowels are short, and the accented syllable must be
pronounced as though it ended with the consonant sh. Thus, pre-cious, spe-cial,
effi-cient, logi-cian, mili-tia, addi-tion, are pronounced presh-us, spesh-ul, effish-
ent, logish-an, milish-a, addish-on. These words will serve as examples for the
following table.
In the following words, the consonant q terminates a syllable; but perhaps the
ease of the learner may render a different division more eligible.
2 li quor an ti quity
E qui ty li que fy in i qui ty
e qui ta ble li qui date in i qui tous
li quid la quey ob li quity
Never speak of a mans virtues to his face, or of his faults behind his back; thus
you will equally avoid flattery which is disgusting, and slander which is criminal.
If you are poor, labor will procure you food and clothing if you are rich, it will
strengthen the body, invigorate the mind, and keep you from vice. Every man
therefore should be busy in some employment.
The CAT and the RAT.
A CERTAIN Cat had made such unmerciful havoc among the vermin of her
neighborhood, that not a single rat, or mouse dared venture to appear abroad. Puss
was soon convinced that if affairs remained in their present situation, she must be
totally unsupplied with provision. After mature deliberation, therefore, she
resolved to have recourse to stratagem. For this purpose she suspended herself
from a hook with her head downwards, pretending to be dead. The rats and mice
observing her as they peeped from their holes, in this dangling attitude, concluded
she was hanging for some misdemeanor; and with great joy immediately sallied
forth in quest of their prey. Puss as soon as a sufficient number were collected
together, quitting her hold, dropped into the midst of them; and very few had the
fortune to make good their retreat. This artifice having succeeded so well, she was
encouraged to try the event of a second. Accordingly she whitened her coat all
over, by rolling herself in a heap of flour, and in this disguise lay concealed in the
bottom of the meal-tub. This stratagem was executed in general with the same
effect as the former. But an old experienced Rat, altogether as cunning as his
adversary, was not so easily ensnared. I dont much like, said he, that white heap
yonder; something whispers me there is mischief concealed under it. It is true it
may be meal; but it may likewise be something that I shall not relish quite so well.
There can be no harm, at least, in keeping at a proper distance; for caution, I am
sure, is the parent of safety.
In the following table, i before a vowl sounds like y at the beginning of words, as
in junior, filial, dominion, which are pronounced junyur, filyal, dominyon.
Fol io mill ion in gen ious
jun ior min ion bat tal ion
sol dier* pill ion ci vil ian
sav ior pin ion com pan ion
seign ior trill ion con nex ion
un ion trunn ion de flux ion
al ien val iant do min ion
gen ial cull ion fa mil iar
gen ius runn ion o pin ion
anx ious scull ion pa vil ion
bdell ium bull ion post ill ion
bil ious coll ier punc til io
bill iards pon aird ras cal ilon
bill ions on ion re bell ion
brill iant be hav iour se ragl io
bagn io com mun ion ver mil ion
fil ial par hel ion aux il ia ry
flex ion pe cul iar min ia ture
flux ion con ven ient pe cun ia ry
* Pronounced sol-ger Pronunced ank-shus.
The FOX and the BRAMBLE.
A FOX, closely pursued by a pack of Dogs, took shelter under the covert of a
Bramble. He rejoiced in this asylum; and for a while, was very happy; but soon
found that if he attempted to stir, he was wounded by thorns and prickles on every
side. However, making a virtue of necessity, he forbore to complain, and
comforted himself with reflecting, that no bliss is perfect; that good and evil are
mixed, and flow from the same fountain. These Briars, indeed, said he, will tear
my skin a little, yet they keep off the Dogs. For the sake of the good, then, let me
bear the evil with patience: each bitter has its sweet; and these Brambles, though
they wound my flesh, preserve my life from danger.
Table 37.
The first sound of th, as in think.
the o rem ca thar tic
1 1
E ther the a tre en thu siasm
ja cinth hy a cinth an tip a thy
the sis cath o lic pa renth e sis
ze nith ep i thet a rith me tic
thun der la y rinth an tith e sis
meth od leth ar gy mis an tro py
an them pleth o ry phil lan trop y
dip thong sym pa thy can tar i des
eth ics am a ranthy the oc ra cy
pan ther am e thyst the ol o gy
sab bath ap a thy the od o lite
thim ble can the rus ther mom e ter
this tle math e sis au thor i ty
thurs day syn the sis ca thol i con
trip thong pan the on my thol o gy
3 1
en thrall e the re al or thog ra phy
ath wart can tha ris hy poth e sis
be troth ca the dral lit hog ra phy
thir ty u re thra li thot o my7
thor ough au then tic a poth e ca ry
1 1
thir teen pa the tic ap o the o sis
ou syn the tic pol y the ism
thou sand a canth us bib li o the cal
1 5
a the ism ath let ic ich thy ol o gy
the o ry me theg lin or ni thol o gy
TWO Friends, setting out together upon a journey which led through a dangerous
forest, mutually promised to assist each other, if they should happen to be
assaulted. They had not proceeded far, before they perceived a bear making
towards them with great rage.
There were no hopes in flight; but one of them being very active, sprung up into
a tree; upon which the other, throwing himself flat on the ground, held his breath,
and pretended to be dead; remembering to have heard it asserted, that this creature
will not prey upon a dead carcass. The Bear came up, and after smelling him some
time, left him, and went on. When he was quite out of sight and hearing, the hero
from the tree calls out Well, my friend, what said the Bear? he seemed to whisper
you very closely. He did so, replied the other, and gave me this good piece of
advice: never to associate with a wretch, who, in the hour of danger, will desert his
Words in which ch have the sound of k.
1 5
Christ chol ic or ches ter
chyle chol er och i my
scheme schol ar chi me ra
ache mon arch pa ro chi al
chasm schir rous cha mel ion
8 2
chrism stom ach tri bac chus
5 1
chord pa tri arch chro mat ic
loch eu cha rist me chan ic
6 2
school an ar chy ca chex y
oi chrys o lite cha lib e ate
choir char ac ter a nach ro nism
cho rus cat e chism syn ec do che
te trarch pen ta teuch pyr rhich i us
cha os sep ul cher am phib ri chus
cho ral tech nic al mel an cho ly
e poch al chy my chro nol o gy
o cher an cho ret chi rog ra phy
tro chee brach i al cho rog ra phy
an chor lach ry mal chro nom e ter
crist en mach in ate the om a chy
chem ist sac char ine an ti bac chus
2 2
ech o syn cro nism cat e chet ic al
chal ice mich ael mas bac chan al ian
sched ule chor is ter cat e chu men
pas chal chron i cle ich thuy ol o gy
Words of French origin, in which ch sound like sh, and i accented, like e long.
Chai ise fa tigue mag a zine
cham ois* in trigue bomb a sin
chan cre ma rine man da ri
cha made der nier brig a dier
cham paign po lice bom bard ier
fra cheur ma chine ry buc can ier
chi cane chev er il can non ier
chev is ance cap a pie
pique chiv al ry car bin ier
shire deb au chee cav a lier
cor de lier
ma chine chev a lier gren a dier
cash ier chan de lier fin an cier
an tique cap u chin
* Pronounced shammy.
We may as well expect that God will make us rich without industry, as that he
will make us good and happy without our own endeavors.
Zeno, hearing a young man very loquacious, told him, that men have two ears
abut one tongue; therefore they should hear much and speak little.
A man who, in company, engrosses the whole conversation, always gives
offence; for the company consider him as assuming a degree of superiority, and
treating them all as his pupils.
The basis of all excellence in writing and conversation, is truth truth is
intellectual gold, which is as durable as it is splendid and valuable.
Faction seldom leaves a man honest, however it may find him.
Fable III.
The Partial Judge.
Words in which g is hard before e, i, and y.
Gear dagger leg ged gherk in
geese crag gy pig gin au ger
2 5
geld bug gy guag gy bog gy
get crag ged rag ged fog gy
gift dig ger rig ger clog gy
give dreg gy rig gish cog ger
gig drug get rug ged dog ged
gild drug gist scrag ged dog ger
gil flag gy scrag gy dog gish
gimp gib ber shag gy jog ger
gird gib bous slug gish nog gen
girt gid dy snag ged par get
girl gig gle sprig gy tar get
1 4
ea ger gig let stag ger gird le
mea ger giz zard swag ger be gin
gew gaw gim blet swag gy wag ge ry
ti ger hag gish tig ger log ger head
to ged jag gy twig gin or gil lous
big gin jag ged twig gy to get her
2 5
brag ger knag gy wag gish pet ti fog ger
The following are pronounced as theough they were written with double g. Thus,
finger is pronounced fing-ger.
Fin ger lin ger young ger long est
an ger lin go young est strong er
5 9
hun ger lin guist long er mong er
These, with their compounds and derivatives, are most of the words in the
language, in which g has its hard sound before e, i, and y. But to these must be
added the derivatives of verbs ending in g, Thus from dig, come diggeth, digest,
digged, digging, &c. in which g is hard before e and i.
TABLE 41 .
The Boy that went to the Wood to look for Birds Nests when he should have been
at School.
WHEN Jack got up, and put on his clothes, he thought if he could get to the
wood, he should be quite well; for the poor fool thought more of a birds nest than
his book, that would make his wise and great. When he came there, he could find
no nests but one that was on the top of a tree, and with much ado, he gets up to it,
and robs it of the eggs. Then he tries to get down; but a branch of the tree found a
hole in the skirt of his coat, and held him fast. At this time he would have been
glad to have been at school; for the bird on a rage at the loss of her eggs, flew at
him, and was like to pick out his eyes. Now it was that the sight of a man, at the
foot of the tree, gave him more joy than all the nests in the wood. This man was so
kind as to chase away the bird, and help him out of the tree; and from that time
forth, he would not loiter from school; but grew a good boy and a wise young man,
and had the praise and good will of all that knew him
The cheerful man hears the lark in the morning; the pensive man hears the
nightingale in the evening.
He who desires no virtue in a companion has no virtue himself; and that state is
hastening to ruin, in which no difference is made between good and bad men.
Some men read for the purpose of learning to write, others, for the purpose of
learning to talk the former study for the sake of science; the latter, for the sake of
It is a rule in the language, that c and g are hard at the end of words, and they
commonly are so at the end of syllables; but in the following table they are soft,
like s and j at the end of the accented syllable. Thus magic, acid, are pronounced
majic, asid, and ought to be divided mag-ic, ac-id. It is a matter disputed by
teachers, which is the most eligible division mag-ic, ac-id, or ma-gic, a-cid.
However, as children acquire a habit of pronouncing c and g hard at the end of
syllables, I choose not to break the practice, but have joined these consonants to
the last syllable. The figures show that the vowels of the accented syllables are all
Ma gic pa ci fy ex pli cit
tra gic pa geant ry so li cit
a gile pa gin al im a gine
a cid re gi cide re li gion
dig it re gim en li ti gious
vi gil re gim ent pro di gious
fa cile re gis ter au da city
fra gile spe ci fy ca pa ci ty
frig id spe ci men fu ga cit y
rig id ma cer ate lo qua cit y
pla cid ma cil ent men da ci ty
pi geon ma gis trate men di ci ty
si gil ne ces sa ry di la cer ate
ta cit tra ge dy du pli ci ty
a git ate ci cin age fe li ci ty
ag ger ate* ve get ate mu ni ci pal
le gi ble ve get ant an ti ci pate
tla gel et lo gic par ti ci pate
pre ce dent pro cess sim pli ci ty
pre ci pice co git ate me di cin al
re ci pe pro ge ny so li ci tude
de cim al il lic it per ni ci ty
de cim ate im pli cit tri pli ci ty
la cer ate e li cit ver ti ci y
au da ci ty om ni gin ous per spi ca ci ty
ex ag ger ate ver ti gin ous per tin a cit y
mor da cit y re fri ger ate atro ci ty
2 1
un ga ci ty le gis la tion fe ro ci ty
o pa ci ty re cit a tion ve lo ci ty
ra pa ci ty sa cri le gious rhi no ce ros
sa ga ci ty o le a gin ous an a lo gic al
se qua ci ty au then ti ci ty as tro lo gic al
vi va ci ty e las ti ci ty ge o lo gic al
te na ci ty e lec tri ci ty ped a go gic al
* g soft
ve ra ci ty du o de ci mo phi lo lo gic al
a da gi o o ri gin al tau to lo gic al
bel li ger ent ec cen tri ci ty the o lo gic al
or i gin al mu cil a gin ous re ci pro ci ty
2 1
ar mi ger ous mul ti pli cit y le ger de main
Words in which h is pronounced before w, though written after it. Thus, what,
whemn whsilpser, are pronounced hwat, hwen, hwisper; that is, hooat, hooen,
Whale whelm whit wher ry
wheak when whiz wheat her
wheat whence whurr whif fle
wheel whet wharf whims ey
wheeze which what whin ny
while whiff whirl whis per
whilst whig where whist le
whine whim whey whit her
white whin whee dle whit low
why whip whi ting whit ster
whelk whisk whi tish whit tle
whelp whist wher ret whim per
In the following, with their compounds and derivatives x is pronounced like gz,
exacat is pronounce egzact, &c.
Ex act ex em pli fy ex or bit ant
ex ist ex an i mate ex or di um
ex empt ex as pe rate ex alt
ex ult ex ude ex ot ic
ex am ine ex a men ex on er ate
ex am ple ex u ber ance ex ert
ex em plar ex haust ex er cent
ex ec u tor ex hort ex ile
In most or all other words, x is pronounced like ks, excent at the beginning of
Greek names, where it sounds like z.
All things are known to God, and though his throne of state be far on high, yet
doth his eye look down to use in this lower world, and see all the ways of the sons
of men.
If we go out he marks our steps: and when we go in, no door can shut him from
us. While we are by ourselves, he knows all our vain thoughts, and the ends we
aim a: and when we talk to friend or foe, he hears our words, and views the good
or harm we do to them or to ourselves.
When we pray he notes our zeal. All the day long he minds how we spend our
time, and no dark night can hide our works from him. If we play the cheat, he
marks the fraud, and hears the least word of a false tongue.
He sees if our hearts are hard to the poor, or if by alms we help their wants; if in
our breast we pine at the rich, or if we are well pleased with our own estate. He
knows all that we do; and be we where we will he is sure to be with us.
Examples of the formation of derivatives and compound words.
Example 1.
Words in which or or er are added to denote an agent.
Example 2.
Words to express females, or the female gender, formed from those which express
male, or the masculine gender.
a-dul-ter-er a-dul-ter-ess
em-bas-sa-dor em-bas-sa-dress
shep-herd shep-herd-ess
ben-e-fac-tor ben-e-fac-tress
mar-quis, mar-chi-o-ness
pro-tect-or, pro-tect-ress
ex-ec-u-tor, ex-ec-uu-trix
ad-min-is-tra-tor ad-min-is-tra-trix
Example 3.
Word formed by ly (which is a contracjion of like) used to denote a quality,or
show the manner of action, or degree of quality.
Example 4.
Example 5.
Words formed by able or ible, denoting power or ability.
mis-er-a-ble, mis-er-a-ble-ness
for-mi-da-ble, for-mi-da-ble-ness
gra-cious, gra-cious-ness
fa-vor-a-ble, fa-vor-a-ble-ness
of-fen-sive, of-fen-sive-ness
Example 7.
Example 8.
Example 9.
Example 10.
Words formed by ous, and ive, denoting quality.
Example 11.
Words formed by age, ment, ence, and ance, denoting state, condition,
or action performed, &c.
Example 12.
Words ending in or or er, and ee, the former denoting the agent,
and the latter the person, to whom an action is done.
Example 13.
pos-si-ble, pos-si-bil-i-ty
con-form, con-form-i-ty
chris-tian chris-tian-i-ty
pop-u-lar, pop-u-lar-i-ty
sin-gu-lar, sin-gul-lar-i-ty
fea-si-ble, fea-si-bil-i-ty
com-pat-i-ble, com-pat-i-bil-i-ty
im-pen-e-tra-ble, im-pen-e-tra-bil-i-ty
Example 14.
Example 15.
Words in which the sense is changed by prefixing a syllable, or syllables.
Example 16.
in-com-press-i-ble, in-com-press-i-bil-i-ty, de-press, de-press-ioini, sup-press,
Grief, griev-ous, griev-ous-ly, give-ance, ag-grieve.
At-tend, at-tend-ant, at-tend-ance, at-ten-tion, at-ten-tive, at-ten-tive-ly,
Fa-vor, fa-vor-ite, fa-vor-a-ble, fa-vor-a-bly. fa-vor-a-ble-ness, fa-vor-it-ism,
un-fa-vor-a-ble, un-fa-vor-a-bly, un-fa-vor-a-ble-ness, dis-fa-vor.
Compound Words.
He seldom lives frugally, who live by chance
Most men are more willing to indulge in easy vices, than to practice laborious
A man make mistake the love of virtue for the practice of it, and be less a good
man, than the friend of goodness.
Without frugality, none can be rich; and with it, few would be poor.
Moderation and mildness, often effect what cannot be done be force. A Persian
write finely observes, that a gentle hand leads the elephant himself by a hair.
The most necessary part of learning, is to unlearn our errors.
Small parties make up in diligence what they want in numbers.
Some talk of subjects which they do not understand; others praise virtue, who do
not practice it.
No persons are more apt to ridicule or censure others, than those who are most
apt to be guilty of follies and faults.
Table 47.
Written. Pronounced.
Ap ro pos ap pro po
bel les let tres bel let ter
bu si ness biz ness
flam beau flam bo
che vaux de fries shev o de freeze
en ten dre en taun der
port man teau port man to
righ eous ri chus
Seek a virtuous man for your friend, for avicious man can neither love long, nor
be long beloved The friendship of the wicked are conspiracies against morality
and social happiness.
More persons seek to live long, thought long life is not in their power, than to
live well, though a good live depends on their own will.
The most usual Names of Men, accented.
Names of Women
Derivatives from Names
Names of the principal Countries on the Eastern Continent, the adjectives belong
to each, the names of the People, and the chief Town or City accented.
In America
Of Numbers.
Figures. Letters. Names. Numerical Adjectives.
1 I one first
2 II two second
3 III three third
4 IV four fourth
5 V five fifth
6 VI six sixth
7 VII seven seventh
8 VIII eight eighth
9 IX nine ninth
10 X ten tenth
11 XI eleven eleventh
12 XII twelve twelfth
13 XIII thirteen thirteenth
14 XIV fourteen fourteenth
15 XV fifteen fifteenth
16 XVI sixteen sixteenth
17 XVII seventeen seventeenth
18 XVIII eighteen eighteenth
19 XIX nineteen nineteenth
20 XX twenty twentieth
21 XXI twenty one twenty first
22 XXII twenty two twenty second
30 XXX thirty thirtieth
31 XXXI thirty one thirty first
40 XL forty fortieth
50 L fifty fiftieth
60 LX sixty sixtieth
70 LXX seventy seventieth
80 LXXX eighty eightieth
90 XC ninety ninetieth
100 C one hundred one hundredth
200 CC two hundred two hundredth
300 CCC three hundred three hundredth
400 CCCC four hundred four hundredth
500 D five hundred five hundredth
600 DC six hundred six hundredth
700 DCC seven hundred seven hundredth
800 DCCC eight hundred eight hundredth
900 DCCCC nine hundred nine hundredth, &c.
1000 M one thousand,& thousandth
1821 MDCCCXXI one thousand eight hundred and twenty one.
Course, order or direction Gilt, with gold
Coarse, not fine Guilt, crime
Com ple ment, a full number Grate, for coals
Com pli ment, expression of civility Great, large
Cou sin, a relation Hail, to salute, or frozen
Coz en, to cheat drops of rain
Coun cil, an assembly Hale, sound, healthy
Coun sel, advice Hart, a beast
Cur rant, a berry Heart, the seat of life
Cur rent, passing, or a stream Hare, an animal
Deer, a wild animal Hair, of the head
Dear, of great price Here, in this place
Dew, from heaven Hear, to hearken
Due, owed Hew, to cut
Die, to expire Hue, color
Dye, to color Him, that man
Doe, a female deer Hymn, a sacred song
Dough, bread unbaked Hire, wages
Doe, a female deer High er, more high
Dun, brown color Heel, of the foot
Done, performed Heal, to cure
Fane, a weathercock I, myself
Fain, gladly Eye, organ of sight
Feint, a false march Isle, an island
Feign, to dissemble Ile, of a church
Fair, comely In, within
Fare, food, customary duty,&c. Inn, a tavern
Fell on, a withlow Kill, to slay
Fell on, a criminal Kiln, of brick
Flea, an insect Knave, a dishonest man
Flee, to run away Nave, of a wheel
Flour, of wheat Knight, by honor
Flow er, of the field Night, the evening
Fourth, in number Know, to be acquainted
Forth, abroad No, not so
Foul, nasty Knew, did know
Fowl, a bird New, not old
Knot, made by tying Oh, alas
Not, denying Owe, to be indebted
Lade, to dip water One, in number
Laid, placed Won, past time of win
Lain, did lie Our, belonging
Lane, a narrowe passage Hour, sixty minutes
Leek, a root Pale, wanting color
Leak, to run out Pail, a vessel
Les son, a reading Pain, torment
Les sen, to diminish Paine, a square of glass
Li ar, a teller of lies Peel, the outside
Lyre, a harp Peal, upon the beals
Led, did lead Pear, a fruit
Lead, heavy metal Pare, to cut off
Lie, a falsehood, also to rest on a bed Plain, even or level
Lye, water drained through ashes Plane, to make smooth
Lo, behold Pray, to implore
Low, humble Prey, a booty
Made, finished Prin ci pal, chief
Maid, an unmarried woman Prin ci ple, first rule
Main, the chief Proph et, foreteller
Mane, of a horse Prof it, advantage
Male, the he knid Peace, tranquility
Mail, armor or a packet Piece, a part
Man ner, mode or custom Rain, falling water
Man or, a lordship Rein, of a bridle
Meat, flesh Reign, to rule
Meet, to come together Reed, a shrub
Mite, an insect Read, to persue
Might, strength Rest, ease
Met al, gold silver, &c. Wrest, to force
Met tle, briskness Rice, a sort of corn
Naught, bad Rise, origin
Nought, none Rye, a sort of grain
Nay, no Wry, crooked
Neigh, as a hourse Ring, to sound
Oar, to row with Wring, to twist
Ore, metal not separated Rite, ceremony
Right, just
Write, to form letters with pen Sole, of the foot
Wright, a workman Soul, the spirit
Rode, did ride Tax, a rate
Road, the highway Tacks, small nails
Roe, a deer Tale, a story
Row, a rank Tail, the end
Ruff, a neckcloth Tare, weight allowed
Rough, not smooth Tear, to rend
Sail, of a ship Team, of cattle or horses
Sale, a selling Teem, to go with young
Seen, beheld Their, belonging to them
Scene, of a stage There, in tha place
See, to behold The, a particle
Sea, the ocean Thee, yourself
Sent, ordered away Too, likewise
Scent, smell Two, twice more
Sen ior, elder Tow, to drag after
Seign or, lord Toe, of the foot
Shore, side of a river Vale, a valley
Shoar, a prop Veil, a covering
Sink, to go down Vein, for the blood
Cinque, five Vane, to shew the course
So, thus of the wind
Sow, to scatter Vice, sin
Sum, the whole Vise, a screw
Some, a part Wait, to tarry
Sun, a fountain of light Weight, heaviness
Son, a male child Wear, to put on
Sore, an ulcer Ware, merchandise
Soar, to mount up Wear, past time plural of am
Stare, to look earnestly Week, seven days
Stair, a step Weak, not strong
Suc cor, help Wood, trees
Suck er, a young twig Would, was willing
Sleight, dexterity You, plural of thee
Slight, to despise Yew, a tree
Of Abbreviations
Math. Mathematics Ht. Hon. Right Honorable
N. B. take particular notice S. South and Shilling
Nov. November St. Saint
No. Number Sept. September
N. S. New Stile Serj. Sergeant
Obj. Objection S. T. J. Professor of
Oct. October Divinity
O. S. Old Stile S. T. D. Doctor of
Parl. Parliament Divinity
Per cent. by the hundred ss. to wit, namely
Pet. Peter Theo.Theophilus
Phil. Philip Tho. Thomas
Philom. a lover of learning Thess. Thessalonians
P. M. Afternoon V. vide, see
P. S. Postscript Viz, to wit, namely
Ps. Psalm Wm. William
Q. Question, Queen Wp. Worship
q. d. as if he should say &. and
q. l. as much as you please &c. and so forth
Regr. Register U. S. A. United States of
Rev. Revelation. Reverent America
= A caret shows when a word or number of words are omitted through mistake;
as, this is= book.
A Quotation of double comma, includes a pssage that is taken from some
other author in his own words.
L The index points to some remarkable passage.
The paragraphs begins a new subject
The section is used to divided chapters
* An asterisk, and other references, point to a note in the margin or bottom
of a page.
Sentences should begin with a capital letter also every line in poetry. Proper
names, which are the names of persons, places, rivers, mountains, lakes, &c.
should begin with a capital. Also the name of the Supreme Being.
THERE is a great difference among men, in their ability to gain property; but a
still greater difference in their power of using it to advantage. Two men may
acquire the same amount of money, in a given time; yet one will prove to be a poor
man, while the other becomes rich. A chief and essential difference in the
management of property, is, that one man spends only the interest of his money)
while another spends the principal,
I know a farmer by the name of THRIFTY, who manages his affairs in this
manner: He rises early in the morning, looks to the condition of his house, barn,
home-lot and stocksees that his cattle, horses and hogs are fed, examines the
tools to see whether they are all in good order for the workmentakes care that
breakfast is ready in due season, and begins work in the cool of the dayWhen
in the field, he keeps steadily at work though not so violently as to fatigue and
exhaust the bodynor does he stop to tell or hear long storiesWhen the labor of
the day is past, he takes refreshment, and goes to rest at an early hour.In this
manner he earns and gains money.
When Thrifty has acquired a little property, he does not spend it or let it slip from
him, without use or benefit. He pays his taxes and debts when due or called for so
that he has no officers fees to pay, nor expenses of court. He does not frequent the
tavern and drink up all his earnings in liquor that does him no good. He puts his
money to use, that is, he buys more land, or stock, or lends his money at interest
in short, he makes his money produce some profit or income. These savings and
profits, though small by themselves, amount in a few years to a considerable sum,
and in a few years, they swell to an estateThrifty becomes a wealthy farmer,
with several hundred acres of land, and a hundred head of cattle.
Very different is the management of UNTHRIFTY: He lies in bed till a late hour
in the morningthen rises, and goes to the bottle for a dram, or to the tavern for a
glass of bittersThus he spends six cents before breakfast, for a dram that makes
him dull and heavy all day. He gets his breakfast late, when he ought to be at
workWhen he supposes he is ready to begin the work of the day, he finds he has
not the necessary tools, or some of them are out of order,the plow-share is to be
sent half a mile to a blacksmith to be mended; a tooth or two in a rake, or the
handle of a hoe is broke; or a scythe or an ax is to be ground.Now, he is in a
great hurry, he bustles about to make preparation for workand what is done in a
hurry is ill donehe looses a part of the day in getting readyand perhaps the
time of workmen. At ten or eleven oclock, he is ready to go to workthen comes
a boy and tells him, the sheep have escaped from the pastureor the cows have;
got among his cornor the hogs into the garden He frets and storms, and runs,
to drive them outa half hour or more time is lost in driving the cattle from
mischief, and repairing; a poor broken fence; a fence that answers no purpose but
to lull him into security, and teach his horses and cattle to be unruly. After all this
bustle, the fatigue of which is worse than common labor, Unthrifty is ready to
begin a days work at twelve oclock. Thus half his time is lost in supplying the
defects, which proceeded from want of foresight and good management. His small
crops are damaged or destroyed by unruly cattle His barn is open and leaky, and
what little he gathers, is injured by the rain and snow. His house is in a like
condition the shingles and clapboards fall off and let in the weather, which
causes the timber, floors and furniture to decayand exposed to inclemencies of
weather, his wife and children fall sick their time is lost, and the mischief closes
with a ruinous train of expenses for medicines and physicians. After dragging out
some years of disappointment, misery, and poverty, the lawyer and the sheriff
sweep away the scanty remains of his estate. Thus is the history of UNTHRIFTY
his principal is spent he has no interest.
Not unlike this, is the history of the Grog-drinker. This man wonders why he
does not thrive the world; he cannot see the reason why his neighbor Temperance
should be more prosperous than himself but in truth, he makes no calculations.
Ten cents a day for grog, is a small sum, he thinks, which can hurt no man! But let
us make an estimate arithmetic is very useful for a man who ventures to spend
small sums every day. Ten cents a day amount in a year to thirty-six dollars a half
a sum sufficient to buy a good farm horse! This surely is no small sum for a
farmer or a mechanic But in ten years, this sum amounts to three hundred and
sixty five dollars, besides interest in the mean time! What an amount is this for
drams and bitters in ten years! it is money enough to build a small house! But look
at the amount in thirty years! One thousand and ninety five dollars! What a vast
sum to run down one mans throat in liquor a sum that will buy a farm sufficient
to maintain a small family. Suppose a family to consume a quart of spirits in a day,
at twenty-five cents a quart. The amount of this in a year, is ninety-one dollars and
a quarter in ten years, nine hundred and twenty dollars and a half and in thirty
years, two thousand seven hundred and thirty seven dollars and a half! A great
estate may thus be consumed in a single quart of rum! What mischief is done by
the love of spirituous liquors!
But, says the laboring man, I cannot work without spirits I must have
something to give me strength. Then drink something that will give durable
nourishment. of all the substances taken into the stomach, spirituous liquors
contain the least nutriment, and add the least body vigor. Malt liquors, molasses
and water, milk and water, contain nutriments, and even cider is not wholly
destitute of it but distilled spirituous liquors contain little or none.
But, says the laborer or traveler, spirituous liquors warm the stomach, and are
very useful in cold weather No, this is not correct. Spirits enliven the feelings
for half an hour but leave the body more dull, languid and cold than it was
before. A man will freeze the sooner for drinking spirits of any kind. If a man
wishes to guard against cold, let him eat a biscuit, a bit of bread, or a meal of
victuals. Four ounces of bread will give more durable warmth to the body, than a
gallon of spirits food is the natural stimulant or exciting power of the human
body it gives warmth and strength, and does not leave the body, as spirit does,
more feeble and languid. The practices of drinking spirits gives a man red eyes, a
bloated face, and an empty purse It injures the liver, produces dropsy, occasions
a trembling of the joints and limbs, and closes life with slow decay or palsy. This
is a short history of the drinker of distilled spirits if a few drinking men are found
to be exceptions to this account, still the remarks are true, as they apply to most
cases. Spirituous liquors shorten more lives than famine, pestilence and the sword!
ALL mankind live on the fruits of the earth the first and most necessary
employment therefore is the tillage of the ground called agriculture, husbandry, or
farming. The farmer cleans his land of trees, roots, and stones the surrounds it
with a fence of poles, posts and rails, stone-wall, hedge or ditch. He plows and
harrows, or drags the soil, to break the clods or turf and make it mellow and
pliable; he manures it also, if necessary, with stable dung, ashes, marl, plaster,
lime, sea-shells, or decayed vegetable substances. He plants maize in rows, or sows
wheat, barley, rye, oats, buckwheat, flax or hemp, He hoes the maize, two or three
times, kills the weeks,, and draws the earth round the hills to support an nourish the
plants When the grain is ripe, he reaps or cradles his grain, and pulls the flax.
The ears of maize are picked by hand, or the stalks cut with the sickle or knife, and
the husks are stripped off, in the evening. With what joy does the farmer gather his
crops, of the former and latter harvest! He toils indeed, but he reaps the fruit of
his labor in peace he fills his granary in summer, and in autumn presents a thank-
offering to God for his bounty.
See the mower, how he swings the scythe! The grass falls prostrate before him
the glory of the field is laid low the land is stripped of its verdant covering. See
the stripling follow his father or brother, and with a pitchfork, spread the thick
swath, and shake the grass about the meadow! How fragrant the smell of new made
hay how delightful the task to tend it!
Enter the forest of the wilderness See here and there a rustic dwelling made of
logs a little spot cleared and cultivated a thatched hovel to shelter a cow and
her food the forest resounding with the ax-mans blows, as he levels the study
beach, maple, or hemlock; and the crackling fire aids his hand by consuming the
massy piles of wood which he cannot remove Hear the howling wolf, or watch
the nimble deer, as he bounds along among the tress The faithful cow, in search
of shrubs and twigs, strays from the cottage, and the owner seeks her at evening, in
the gloomy forest; led by the twinkling of the bell he finds and drives her home. A
bowl of bread and milk, furnishes him with his frugal repast, he retires wearily to
rest and the sleep of the laboring man is sweet.
See the dairy-woman, while she fills he pails with new milk the gentle cow
quietly chewing their cuds by her side. Enter the milk-room, see the pans, pails and
tubs how clean and sweet, all in order, an fit for use! The milk strained and put in a
cool place the cream skimmed off for butter, or the milk set for cheese. Here is
a church as white as ivory there a cheese-press forcing the whey from the curd!
See the shelves filled with cheeses What a noble sight! and butter as yellow as
the purest gold!
George, let us look into the work-shops among the mechanics. Here is a
carpenter, he squares a post or a beam; he scores or notches it fist, and then hews it
with his broad-ax. He bores holes with an auger, and with the help of a chisel,
forms a mortise for the tenon. He measures with a square or rule, and marks his
work with a compass. Each timber is fitted to its place. The sills support the post,
and these support the beam. Braces secure the frame of a building from swaying or
leaning Girders and joists support the floors; studs, with the posts, support th
walls, and rafters uphold the room.
Now comes the joiner with his chest of tools. He planes the boards, joins the
shingles and covers the building With his saw he cuts boards, with his gimblet or
wimble, he makes holes for nails pins or spikes, with his chisel and gouge, he
makes mortises.
Then comes the mason with his trowel the laths are nailed to the studs and
joists to support the plaster, first a rough coat of coarse mortar of lime and sand is
laid on, and this is covered with a beautiful white plaster. And last of all comes the
painter with his brush and oil-pots he mixes the oil and white lead, and gives to
the apartments the color which the owner or his lady sees fir to direct.
Q. What is mercy?
A. It is tenderness of heart.
Q. What are the advantages of this virtue ?
A. The exercise of it tends to diffuse happiness and lessen the evils of life. Rulers
of a merciful temper will make their good subjects happy; and will not torment the
bad, with needless severity. Parents and masters will not abuse their children and
servants with harsh treatment. More love, more confidence, more happiness, will
subsist among men, and of course society will be happier.
Q. Should not beasts as well as men be treated with mercy?
A. They ought indeed. It is wrong to give needless pain even to a beast. Cruelty to
the beast shows a man has a hard heart, and if a man is unfeeling to a beast, he will
not have much feeling for men. If a man treats his beast with cruelty, beware of
trusting yourself in his power. He will probably make a severe master and a cruel
Q. How does cruelty show its effects?
A. A cruel disposition is usually exercised upon those who are under its power.
Cruel rulers make severe laws which injure the person and properties of their
subject. Cruel officers execute laws in a severe manner, when it is not necessary
for public good. A cruel husband abuses his wife and children. A cruel master acts
the tyrant over his apprentices and servants. The effects of cruelty are, hatred,
quarrels, tumults, and wretchedness.
Q. What does Christ say of the merciful man?
A. He says he is blessed, for he shall obtain mercy. He who shows mercy and
tenderness to others, will be treated with tenderness and compassion himself.
Q, Who are peace-makers?
A. All who endeavor to prevent quarrels and disputes among men, or to reconcile
those who are separated by strife.
Q, Is it unlawful to contend with others on any occasion?
A. It it impossible to avoid some differences with men; disputes should be always
conducted with temper and moderation. The man who keeps his temper wit not be
rash, and do or say things which he will afterward repent of. And though men
should sometimes differ, still they should be friends. They should be ready to do
kind offices to each other.
Q, What is the reward of the peace-maker?
A. He shall be blessed, and called the child of God. The mild, peaceable, friendly
man, resembles God. What an amiable character is this! To be like our heavenly
Father, that lovely, perfect and glorious being who is the source of all good, is
to be the best and happiest of men.
Q. What is revenge?
A. It is to injure a man because he has injured us.
Q. Is this justifiable?
A. Never, in any possible case. Revenge is perhaps the meanest, as well as the
wickedest vice in society.
Q. What shall a man do to obtain justice when he is injured?
A. In general, laws have made provision for doing justice to every man; and it is
right and honorable, when a man is injured, that he should seek a recompense. But
recompense is all he can demand, and of that he should not be his own judge, but
should submit the matter to judges appointed by authority.
Q. But suppose a man insults us in such a manner that the law cannot give us
A. Then forgive him. If a man strikes you on one cheek, turn the other to him,
and let him repeat the abuses, rather than strike him.
Q. But if we are in danger from the blows of another, may we not defend
A. Most certainly. We have always a right to defend our persons, property, and
families. But we have no right to fight and abuse other people merely for revenge.
It is nobler to forgive. Love your enemies bless them that curse you do good
to them that hate you pray for them that use you ill, these are the commands of
the blessed Savior of men. The man who does this is great and good; he is as much
above the little, mean, revengeful man, as virtue above vice, or as heaven is higher
than hell.
Q. What is justice?
A. It is giving to every man his due.
Q. Is it always easy to know what is just?
A. It is generally easy; and where there is any difficulty in determining, let a man
consult the golden ruleTo do to others, what he could reasonable wish they
should do to them, in the same circumstance.
Q. What are the ill effects of injustice?
A. If a man does injustice, or rather if he refuses to do justice, he must be
compelled to do it. Then follows a law-suit, with a series of expenses, and what is
worse, ill blood and enmity between the parties. Somebody is always the worse
for law-suits, and of course society is less happy.
Q. What is generosity?
A. It is some act of kindness performed for anther, which strict justice does not
Q. Is this a virtue?
A. It is indeed a noble virtue. To do justice, is well; but to do more than justice, is
still better, and may proceed from nobler motives.
Q. What has Christ said respecting generosity?
A. He has commanded us to be generous in this passage, Whoever shall compel
(or urge) you to go a mile, go with him two.
Q. Are we to perform this literally?
A. The meaning of the command will not always require this. But in general we are
to do more for others than they ask, provided we can do it without essentially
injuring ourselves. We ought cheerfully to suffer many inconveniences to oblige
others, though we are not required to do ourselves any essential injury.
Q. Of what advantage is generosity to the man who exercised it?
A. It lays others under obligations to the generous man and the probability is that
he will be repaid threefold. Every man on earth wants favors at some time or other
of his life; and if we will not help others will not help us. It is for a man's interest
to be generous.
Q. Ought we to do kind actions, because it is for our interest?
A. This may be a motive at all times but if it is the principal motive it is less
honorable. We ought to do good, as we have an opportunity, at all times and to all
men, whether we expect a reward or not; for it we do good, somebody is the
happier for it. This alone is reason enough, why we should do all the good in our
Q. What is gratitude?
A. A thankfulness of heart for favors received.
Q. Is a duty to be thankful for favors?
A. It is a duty and a virtue. A man who does not feel grateful for kind acts done
for him by others, does not deserve favors of any kind. He ought to be shut out
from the society of the good. He is worse than a savage, for a savage, never forgets
and act of kindness.
Q. What is the effect of true gratitude?
A. It softens the heart towards the generous man; and every thing which subdues
the pride and other unsocial passions of the heart, fits a man to be a better citizen, a
better neighbor, a better husband and a better friend. A man who is sensible of
favors and ready to acknowledge them, is more inclined to perform kind offices,
not only towards his benefactor, but towards all others.
Q. What is truth?
A. It is speaking and acting agreeably to fact.
Q. Is a duty to speak truth at all times?
A. If we speak at all, we should tell the truth. It is not always necessary to tell
what we know. There are many things which concern ourselves & others, which
we had better not publish to the world.
Q. What rules are there respecting the publishing of truth?
A. 1. When we are called upon to testify in Courts, we should speak the whole
truth, and that without disguise. To leave out some circumstances, or to give a
coloring to others, with a view to favor some side more than the other, is to the
highest degree criminal.
2. When we know something of our neighbor which is against his character, we
may not publish it unless to prevent his doing an injury to another person.
3. When we sell any thing to another, we ought not to represent the article to be
better than it really is. If there are faults in it which may easily be seen, the law of
man does not require us to inform the buyer of these faults, because he may see
them himself. But it is not honorable nor generous, nor strictly honest to conceal
even apparent faults. But when faults are out of sight, the seller ought to tell the
buyer of these. If he does not he is a cheat and a down right knave.
Q. What are the ill effects of lying and deceiving?
A. The man who lies, deceives or cheats, loses his reputation. No person will
believe him even when he speaks truth; he is shunned as a pest to society.
Falsehood and cheating destroy all confidence between man and man; they raise
jealousies and suspicions among men; they thus weaken the bands of society and
destroy happiness. Besides, cheating often robs people of their property, and
makes them poor and wretched.
Q. What is charity?
A. It signifies giving to the poor, or it is a favourable opinion of men and their
Q. When and how far is it our duty to give to the poor?
A. When others really want what we can spare without material injury to
ourselves, it is our duty to give them something to relieve their wants.
Q. When persons are reduced to want by there own laziness and vices, by
drunkenness, gambling and the like, is it a duty to relieve them?
A. In general it is not. The man who gives money and provisions to a lazy vicious
man, becomes a partaker of his guilt. Perhaps it may be right, to give such a man a
meal of victuals to keep him from starving, and it is certainly right to feed his wife
and family and make them comfortable.
Q. Who are the proper objects of charity?
A. Persons who are reduced to want by sickness, unavoidable losses by fire,
storms at sea or land, drought or accidents of other kinds. To such persons we are
commanded to give; and it is our own interest to be charitable; for we are all liable
to misfortunes, and may want charity ourselves.
Q. In what manner should we bestow favors?
A. We should do it with gentleness and affection; putting on no airs of pride and
arrogance. We should also take no pains to publish our charities, but rather to
conceal them; for if we boast of our generosity we discover that we give for mean
selfish motives. Christ commands us, in giving alms, not to let our left hand know
what our right hand doeth.
Q. How can charity be exercised in our opinions of others?
A. By thinking favorable of them and their actions. Every man has his faults; but
charity will not put a harsh construction on anothers conduct. It will not charge his
conduct to bad views and motives, unless this appears very clear indeed.
Q. What is avarice?
A. An excessive desire of gaining wealth.
Q. Is this commendable?
A. It is not; but one of the meanest of vices.
Q. Can an avaricious man be an honest man?
A. It is hardly possible; for the lust of gain is almost always accompanied with a
disposition to take mean and undue advantages of others.
Q. What effects has avarice upon the heart?
A. It contracts the heartnarrows the sphere of benevolenceblunts all the fine
feelings of sensibility, and sours the mind towards society. An avaricious man, a
miser, a niggard, is wrapped up in selfishness, like some worms, which crawl about
and eat for some time to fill themselves, then wind themselves up in separate
coverings and die.
Q. What injury is done by avarice in society?
A. Avarice gathers together more property, than the owner wants, and keeps it
hoarded up, where it does no good. The poor are thus deprived of some business,
some means of support; the property gains nothing to the community; and
somebody is less happy by means of this hoarding of wealth.
Q. In what proportion does avarice do hurt?
A. In an exact proportion to its power of doing good. The misers heart grows less
in proportion as his estate grows larger. The more money he has, the more he has
people in his power and the more he grinds the face of the poor. The larger the tree
and the more spreading its branches, the more small plants are shaded and robbed
of their nourishment.
Q. What is industry?
A. It is a diligent attention to business in our several occupations.
Q. Is labor a curse or a blessing?
A. Hard labor or drudgery is often a curse by making life toilsome and painful.
But constant moderate labor is the greatest blessing.
Q. Why then do people complain of it?
A. Because they do not know the evils of not laboring. Labor keeps the body in
health, and makes men relish all their enjoyments. The sleep of the laboring man
is sweet, so is his food. He walks cheerfully and whistling about his fields or
shop, and scarcely knows pain. The rich and indolent first lose their health for want
of action They turn pale, their bodies are enfeebled, they lose their appetite for
food and sleep, they yawn out a tasteless stupid life without pleasure, and often
useless to the world.
Q. What are the other good effects of industry?
A. One effect is to procure an estate. Our Creator has kindly united our duty, our
interest and happiness: for the same labor which makes us healthy and cheerful,
gives us wealth. Another good effect of industry is, it keeps men from vice. Not all
the moral discourses ever delivered to mankind, have so much influence in
checking the bad passions of men, in keeping order and peace, and maintaining
moral virtue, in society as industry. Business is a source of health; of prosperity, or
virtue, and obedience to law. To make good subjects and good citizens, the first
requisite is to educate every young person, in some kind of business. The
possession of millions should not excuse a young man from application to
business, and that parent or guardian who suffers his child or his ward to be bred in
indolence, becomes accessory to the vices and disorders of society, he is guilty of
not providing for his household, and is worse than an infidel.
Q. Is cheerfulness a virtue?
A. It doubtless is, and a moral duty to practice it.
Q. Can we be cheerful when we please?
A. In general it depends much on ourselves. We can often mold our temper into a
cheerful frame We can frequent company and other objects calculated to inspire
us with cheerfulness. To indulge a habitual gloominess of mind is weakness and
Q. What are the effects of cheerfulness on ourselves?
A. Cheerfulness is a great preservative of health, over which it is our duty to watch
with care. We have no right to sacrifice our health by the indulgence of a gloomy
state of mind. Besides, a cheerful man will do more business and do it better than
a melancholy one.
Q. What are the effects of cheerfulness on others?
A. Cheerfulness is readily communicated to others, by which means their
happiness is increased. We are all influenced by sympathy, and naturally partake of
the joys and sorrows of others.
Q. What effect has melancholy on the heart?
A. It hardens and benumbs it. It chills the warm affections of love and friendship,
and prevents the exercise of the social passions. A melancholy person's life is all
night and winter. It is as unnatural as perpetual darkness and frost.
Q. What shall one do when overwhelmed with grief?
A. The best method of expelling grief from the mind, or of quieting its pains, is to
change the objects that are about us; to ride from place to place and frequent
cheerful company. It is our duty so to do, especially when grief sits heavy on the
Q. Is it not right to grieve for the loss of near friends?
A. It is certainly right, but we should endeavor to moderate our grief, and not
suffer it to impair our health, or to grow into a settled melancholy. The use of grief
is to soften the heart and make us better. But when our friends are dead, we can
render them no further service. Our duty to them ends, when we commit them to
the grave; but our duty to ourselves, our families and surviving friends, requires
that we perform to them the customary offices of life. We should therefore
remember our departed friends only to imitate their virtue; and not to pine away
with useless sorrow.
Q. Has not religion a tendency to fill the mind with gloom?
A. True religion never has this effect. Superstition and false notions of God often
make men gloomy; but true rational piety and religion have the contrary effect.
They fill the man with joy and cheerfulness; and the countenance of a truly pious
man should always wear a secure smile.
Q. What has Christ said concerning gloomy Christians?
A. He has pronounced them hypocrites; and commanded his followers not to copy
their sad countenances and disfigured faces; but even in their acts of humiliation to
anoint their hands and wash their feet. Christ intended by this, that religion does
not consist in, nor require a monkish sadness and gravity; on the other hand he
intimates that such appearance of sanctity are generally the marks of hypocrisy.
He expressly enjoins upon his followers, marks of cheerfulness. Indeed the only
true ground of perpetual cheerfulness, is a consciousness of ever having done well,
and an assurance of divine favor.
Notes from Internet Publisher: Donald L. Potter
October 7, 2006
This Easy-to-Read, No Frills edition is published in the interest of helping students in America
to learn to read accurately and fluently from the sounds of the letters. Websters method
remains, even after 182 years, the best primer for beginning students. Teachers and parents who
are serious about helping students to develop Optimum Total Linguistic Function in the
English will welcome this practical edition of Websters famous Blue-backed Spellingbook.
Rudolf Flesch wrote in his 1955 Why Johnny Cant Read and what you can do about it, The
Blue-Backed Speller was a fourteen-cent medicine that cured you of illiteracy. Nobody dreamed
of criticizing it as wrong, unscientific or inefficient (46).
Please download my audio files that explain and model Websters Analysis of Sounds in the
English Language and The KEY to this Work. More information on phonics-first can be
found on the Education Page of my web site:
Webster 1824 American Spelling Book is unexcelled for teaching beginning reading and spelling;
but even if a student has already begun reading with good a phonics-first primer, Websters 1824
American Spelling Book still affords excellent advanced reading and spelling study material.
The following essay by Geraldine Rodgers is included by the permission of the author in the
interest of informing educators of the abiding value of Websters reading method.
The copyright information on the various editions of Websters Spelling Book is from David M.
Pearson. It was sent it to me on 1/3/07 and added here on 1/4/07. I would like to thank Mr.
Pearson for this hard-to-come-by information.
My thanks to all who are praying for the successful completion of this project and the restoration
of the Spelling-Book Phonics-First Method of teaching beginning reading with phonics-first to
the classroom of America.
By Geraldine E. Rodgers
All the confusing and widely quoted expert pronouncements on the teaching of beginning reading have obscured
the fact that only two ways (or mixtures of those ways) are possible to teach the reading of alphabetic print.
Teaching the reading of alphabetic print by its sound is the correct way.
Teaching the reading of alphabetic print by its meaning is the incorrect way.
Obviously, if sound and meaning methods for the teaching of alphabetic print are mixed, then the mixture is
incorrect in direct proportion to the emphasis given to the meaning method.
The thesis that there are only two approaches (or mixtures of the approaches) in the teaching of beginning reading is
a simple one. Yet, in actual teaching, the distinction between the two approaches is consistently blurred and
commonly not even recognized. Authors of so-called phonic reading programs (and the teachers using them)
usually do not know when they have mixed meaning into a sound program. They therefore do not recognize the
barriers they have placed before beginning readers.
Yet, if they had known the history of alphabetic print, they could have seen that they were erecting barriers.
When the alphabet first emerged in a somewhat completed form in the Near East around 1,000 B. C., it consisted
only of consonants. Even though consonant sound was used in writing the sounds of speech, the speech could be
read back only by its meaning (as in "Th cw jmpd vr th mn") because the vowels were missing. A stone from
Israel from about 1,000 B. C. shows dots separating words recorded on the stone, confirming that at that time the
inscription could be read back only by the meaning of those words, not their sounds.
When the vowels were added to the alphabet, in Greece about 800 B. C., it finally had become possible to record
speech by the sound of speech, and to read it back by its sound (ab, eb, ib, ob, ub - ba, be, bi, bo, bu, - ac, ec, ic,
oc, uc, etc.). As might be expected, ancient records show that beginning readers of the completed alphabet were
taught to separate print into those sound -bearing syllables, not into meaning- bearing words.
Once the alphabet was completed by the addition of the vowels, children had to learn to read in regular, patterned
tables all the sound-bearing syllables that could now be formed, before they could deal with those syllables in
connected print.. The very first stage of reading continued to be the learning of the alphabet by the names of its
letters (which did little to demonstrate their sounds, as alpha, beta, etc.). Yet now the second stage was the learning
of the syllables those letters formed (alpha, beta = ab; epsilon, beta = eb, iota, beta = ib, etc.) The syllables to be
learned were arranged in consistent patterns and were spelled orally (alpha, beta - ab, epsilon, beta - eb, etc.) Once
the syllables had been learned thoroughly in isolation in the syllable tables, children were then given texts and
taught how to separate the run-together print in the connected texts into syllables, not words. Until about 800 A. D.,
texts consisted of such run-together print with no separations into syllables, words, or sentences.
Therefore, after the addition of the vowels to the alphabet about 800 B. C., the meaning of print had absolutely
nothing to do with learning how to read print. Reading print by its meaning, Th cw jmpd vr th mn, had become
the archaic and inefficient method that had been appropriate only for an alphabet which lacked vowels.
The teaching of beginning reading remained unchanged until the eighteenth century A. D. Children first learned the
alphabet, and then learned the syllabary, but they continued to spell each syllable as it was practiced, using the
current letter names (which still did little to demonstrate their sounds: ell, oh, gee = log). It was only after they
learned the syllabary that they read connected texts, usually Latin prayers after about 300 A. D. They then read
those texts syllable by syllable until they became proficient readers.
Until the sixteenth century A. D. in English-speaking countries, beginning reading was taught in Latin, and, in much
of Europe, beginning reading continued to be taught in Latin until the eighteenth century. Since beginning readers
did not yet know Latin, obviously they were reading print purely by its sound, and not by its meaning (such as
Pa - ter nos - ter for Our Father.)
References to reading difficulties do not appear in ancient texts when pure syllable sound was the threshold to
reading (except for one account in which a father found it impossible for his son to learn the alphabet, which
indicated an organic, not teaching problem). References to reading difficulties first appeared shortly after the
Reformation in the sixteenth century. At that time, reading began to be taught in the vernaculars in many countries.
That meant it had become possible for beginners to read by guessing the meaning of the print since it was now in
their own languages whose meanings they knew. Yet they had been unable to guess the meaning of the print when
it had been in Latin, since Latin was a language they did not yet know.
In the seventeenth century, Blaise Pascal suggested an amended way for beginners to spell the syllables, inventing
an alphabet which demonstrated consonant sounds more clearly. Pascal consonant names consisted of the
fundamental consonant sound followed by a schwa, which is an indefinite, blurred vowel sound. Now, instead of
spelling see-aye-tee, cat, which letter names did not suggest the syllable sound cat, it had become possible to spell
cuh-ahtuh, which letter names did suggest that sound. (The ancient syllabary had already demonstrated two sounds
for the vowel a: open a as in ba-by, and closed a as in ab-sent.) With Pascal letter names for the consonants
(and with the already learned vowel sounds), beginners could figure out the sounds of unknown syllables by
themselves. As Diderot or one of his assistants wrote in the 18th century Encyclopedie, this amended spelling
method was a big improvement, but it was still necessary for beginners to learn every syllable and to spell every
syllable. However, as should also be self-evident (but commonly is not), it is absolutely impossible to blend cuh-
ah-tuh together to produce cat. Pascal spelling merely suggests the syllable sound but it certainly does not
produce it, nor was it supposed to do so. The helpful so-called blending is purely imaginary.
Some people in France in the eighteenth century promoted the dropping of oral spelling by beginning readers, and it
was touted as an improvement. Furthermore, the pure meaning approach for beginners was openly
recommended in the eighteenth century in France by the Abbe de Radonvillers and by Nicholas Adam, who
recommended teaching pure sight words. So, of course, did the famed teacher of the deaf, Abbe de lEpee. Yet,
except for de lEpees deaf students, the teaching of pure sight-words was very rare until about 1826, after which
it became the norm in English-speaking countries.
After the switch in England about 1545 from teaching beginners regularly spelled Latin syllables to teaching them
irregularly spelled English syllables, great problems had arisen in teaching the many variant English syllable
spellings. The children were first given the horn book, a paddle with a sheet of paper covered with horn, with the
simple syllabary at the top and the Lord's Prayer - now in English - at the bottom. Yet, in no way did that brief
material prepare children for the complex mysteries of English syllable spellings, even though it had been adequate
for the simple Latin syllable spellings when the Lords Prayer had been given in Latin. Of course, no such thing as a
spelling book in English existed in 1545 (the approximate date of the switch from Latin to English for beginners),
because there was no such thing as correct word spelling in English before 1545. So, before the end of the
sixteenth century, the English spelling book had been invented to deal with the beginners confusions with syllable
spellings in English. (Edmund Cootes spelling book, written in 1596 was the most widely used for more than a
hundred years. R. C. Alston of the British Library published Volume Four, Spelling Books, in his 12-volume series,
A Bibliography of the English Language from the Invention of Printing to the Year 1800, listing the hundreds of
different spelling books in English up to 1800). The spellings of words adopted in those spelling books almost
immediately became the correct spelling, with the result that creativity in spelling was no longer acceptable by
about 1600. The spelling book consisted of lists of English words to be learned, syllable by syllable, after the
basic ancient syllabary at the beginning of the book had been learned. (It is worth mentioning that English
dictionaries did not arrive until some years after the invention of the spelling book.) Of course, the spelling book
introduced reading by the sound approach, since it began with the sound -bearing ancient syllabary. All words
following that were divided into syllables and the syllables were then dutifully spelled in the manner of the
syllabary. It was not until the middle of the spelling books that a few short texts were finally included with the word
Noah Webster improved this basic spelling book method by what amounted to the addition of Pascal phonics in his
American Spelling Book, which first appeared in 1783 and which was revised in 1804. (Webster revisions after
1824 should be disregarded.) Webster's incredibly complete and easy to use phonic table was apparently inspired by
Thomas Sheridans brilliant 1780 phonic dictionary, and not directly by Pascal, of whom Webster very probably
never heard. Documents from the late eighteenth century up to the 1820s establish that Websters brilliant sound
method speller was not only massively used for beginners in America from 1783 to 1826, but was unfailingly
successful in curing the disease of illiteracy.
Unfortunately, by 1826 in English-speaking countries on both sides of the Atlantic, a very large and loosely
organized opposition was in place to promote the teaching of beginning reading by the meaning of print instead of
by its sound. The use of spelling books for beginners was attacked, and, in particular, Websters speller was
attacked - sometimes viciously. Although the movement from "sound" to meaning had really surfaced only about
1826, it was astonishingly successful by about 1830 (although those facts are virtually unknown today, and can only
be confirmed by checking materials printed at that time). Therefore, by about 1830 on both sides of the Atlantic,
spelling books had been pushed up to the upper grades, and beginners were given little sight-word primers instead
(John Wood's in Scotland being one of the famous ones, and in America the Franklin Primer and Worcesters)..
Sight words had arrived, to stay, in the teaching of beginning reading in English. The movement to meaning for
beginners was so successful that poor old Webster even wrote a primer himself in 1832 to precede his wonderful
speller, although he gave phonic directions for its words.
However, it is painful, indeed, to read what Webster wrote in his Appeal to the Public in March, 1826, when the
opposition to his speller had still been limited to the writing of competing spellers with watered-down phonic keys.
Until 1826, the prospect of omitting a spelling book for beginners had been, quite literally, an unthinkable thought.
In reviewing large numbers of beginning reading materials before 1826, I did not find a single sight-word primer
published before 1826. It was in 1826 that two famous sight-word primers arrived (which were not true primers like
the New England Primer), and by 1830, sight-word primers had become the norm for beginners. Yet the movement
to displace Websters speller from its near control of the market had actually begun with the writing of such
watered-down spellers, starting about 1818, Webster wrote the following concerning that spelling-book opposition
up to 1826. Of course, he did not yet know that the opposition to his spelling book for beginners would only greatly
worsen in 1826, the year in which the flood of sight-word primers began. Webster said in 1826:
In order to accomplish their object, it has been expedient to depreciate my work and to charge me with innovation
and with introducing a system of orthography and pronunciation in many respects vague and pedantic... Surely if
this is true, if my book is really a bad one, I have been very much deceived, and I have done not only an injury but
great and extensive injury to my country.
Some people certainly were in the very act of doing great and extensive injury to America in 1826 by the
promotion of sight-words, but it was certainly NOT Noah Webster!
By 1830 in English-speaking countries (not just America), progress had marched dutifully backward, to 1,000 B.
C. Spelling books for beginners were dropped on both sides of the Atlantic. Beginning reading was once again
being taught by the meaning of whole words in print. By about 1860 in America, even the oral spelling of those
whole words was dropped. The movement back to meaning and the dropping of oral spelling (whose
only purpose had been to fix the visual memory of sound -bearing syllables) were presumed to be great
improvements by the know-nothings who were oblivious to history. The near universal literacy that had been
produced by Websters speller and those like it was fading into the past. Instead, and predictably, reading and
spelling disabilities exploded in the wake of the improvements. Again, only a review of materials printed in those
years can demonstrate the truth of that statement.
Today, although phonics is presumed to be taught in some places, the meaning of the word, phonics, has
become as shifting as the meaning of democracy in the constitution of the Soviet Union. Whether or not the
phonics is good or bad can only be judged by the two sentences which appeared at the beginning of this essay:
Teaching the reading of alphabetic print by its sound is the correct way.
Teaching the reading of alphabetic print by its meaning is the incorrect way.
If these two statements are considered to be true, then no connected, meaning- bearing texts should EVER be
given to beginning readers until they have become adept at reading long lists of multisyllabic words in isolation.
Furthermore, each word in such lists should be learned by concentrating on the sound (or absence of sound) of ALL
its letters, and, most particularly, on the sound of its vowels. It is noteworthy that Noah Webster did not introduce
connected text in his fantastically successful 1783 and 1804 phonic sound spelling books (any later revisions
should be disregarded) until a high degree of competence had been reached. Websters very first meaning-
bearing sentence did not appear until well into the body of his speller. It was, No man may put off the law of
So, today, just as was true in Websters speller, words should be presented with no attention whatsoever to their
meaning, but with great attention to syllabic divisions. Further, as was true with Websters speller, beginners should
orally spell each word as it is learned, syllable by syllable, (but with Pascal letter names, not alphabet names).
Attention should be focused on the sound of every letter, regular, irregular, or silent.
I suggest that every beginning reading program, and most particularly those assuming a phonic label, should be
judged as outlined above, by comparison to Websters sound approach speller. Any phonic program which
introduces any meaning bearing sight words, and most particularly which introduces connected meaning
bearing texts, before beginners have become proficient readers of the sounds of syllables and words, should either
be discarded or revised.
It is entirely possible to revise many phonic programs by removing the objectionable meaning-bearing sight
words, and by postponing the reading of the programs meaning-bearing texts until the beginners have become
proficient readers of the programs sound-bearing word lists. Beginners should learn to read those word
lists purely by their letter sound and with absolutely no reference to word meaning. Furthermore, just as in
Websters speller, they should be given lists of multi-syllable words to learn. In the beginning stages of reading, the
emphasis should always be on the syllable sounds in words.
Phonic programs which introduce meaningful texts for beginners to read, before beginners have become proficient
in reading word lists containing ALL phonic elements, are fostering the very bad habit of meaningful context
guessing. Giving connected texts to beginners to read, EVEN IF THE TEXTS CONTAIN ONLY THOSE PHONIC
ELEMENTS TAUGHT UP TO THAT POINT (short a words, for instance) fosters the production of reflexes for
reading by meaning while it simultaneously weakens reflexes for reading by sound.
Noah Webster was right. The first thing to teach little children is how to spell orally and then how to read, by their
letter sound, long lists of multisyllabic words in English. Meaning should have nothing whatsoever to do with
the initial stages of literacy. However, once the children's decoding has become automatic, they have become
independent readers and are then ready for reading meaningful texts. As was true for little Webster-taught
children before 1826, children can then pick up the Psalms in the Bible and read them fluently - or can read anything
else, for that matter.
Note: Sound or meaning approaches result in different and opposite conditioned reflexes in the brain, at the
associative level. The nature of these reflexes is discussed in my recent paper, The Born Yesterday World of the
Reading Experts, a Critique on Recent Research on Reading and the Brain. That paper can be downloaded without
charge from the Education section of the website, or can be bought in paper form from
My above five-page article is self-explanatory. Please feel free to quote the complete article or any portion of it. I
think the facts need to be known.
It gives me enormous pleasure to publish Miss. Rodgers enlightening article on the web site. Fourteen
years of classroom experience working with beginning readers and dyslexics convinces me that Ms. Rodgers
perspective on Noah Webster and teaching students to read from the sounds instead of from the meaning is
without a doubt correct.
Inexpensive facsimiles of the 1783 ed. are available from The Noah Webster House:
A Brief Summary of Webster's "Spelling Book" History
by David M. Pearson
There was not just one Speller but many editions & hundreds of reprints. Following are the more
important editions and some highlights of each.
1783: Grammatical Institute of the English Language, Part I. This was the first of Websters
Spellers. Again note it was intended to teach beginning reading in part through the use of
spelling. The 3 and eventually 4 parts of his institute of books were his Speller, Reader,
Grammar, and 1806 Dictionary, the latter replaced by his masterpiece 1828 American Dictionary
of the English Language.
1787: The American Spelling Book. Webster revised and reissued his book under a new title.
This and its various later editions and titles were the undisputed best sellers of introductory
reading textbooks in the U.S. for more than a century, throughout the 1800s. There was also an
1803 edition.
1804: The American Spelling Book, Revised Edition. He had to put out a new edition every few
years because copyrights expired in only 14 years at that time -- a matter Webster saw corrected
by new legislation before 1829.
1816: Webster sold all rights to his Speller to Hudson & Co of Hartford, Conn, with one catch:
that his son William would be apprenticed to the firm and become a partner in it. Son William
never did become a partner. A major reason Noah sold it at this point was that, starting actually
in 1800, he had begun his long, arduous and engrossing work on his American Dictionary which
involved a great deal of his personal money and time, including many trips abroad to track down
the origins of our words we now see in dictionary derivations (a trend he started), and his learning
at least a dozen (some say more than 16) foreign languages. There was also an 1818 version of
1824: The American Spelling Book, this edition and later ones were popularly called the Little
Blue Back Speller (or sometimes Blue-backed Speller) due to its blue-colored cloth cover. Some
today say this was his best Speller edition.
It still contained the 1803 Preface by Webster, plus his 1818 notes following the end of that
preface, regarding the books sales, the use of diacritical marks, and the great value of teaching
syllables in beginning reading: In nine-tenths of the words in our language, a correct
pronunciation is better taught by a natural division of the syllables, and a direction for placing
the accent, than by a minute and endless repetition of [individual] characters.
Unfortunately, sales of this edition began to lag because its new owner, Hudson, didnt keep up
the promotion of the book like Noah had.
1828: Webster published his magnum opus, An American Dictionary of the English Language.
Its still a very useful reference to this day!
1829: The Elementary Spelling Book, being an Improvement on the American Spelling Book.
Webster took back control of his Speller by revising & re-naming it as a new, independent work,
not under the control of Hudson. This edition was also popularly called the Blue-backed
speller, and it became another great success, due largely to Websters personal popularity and
his again being very personally involved in the book's promotion and copyright protection. This
edition of his Speller was the first to fully replace the numerical system of pronunciations of
vowels with diacritical marks similar to those used in dictionaries today.
(Note: Benjamin Franklin and George Washington were close personal friends of Webster, and
by 1829 at age 70, he was highly respected and admired by most members of Congress who had
grown up using his Spellers. Webster was also one of our founding fathers who, along with
Franklin, Washington, Paine and Jefferson, had long used his newspapers and books to advocate
and promote the adoption of our constitutional federal form of government. Noah Webster died
on May 28, 1843, while working on an update to his Dictionary.)
1857: Noahs son, William Webster, revised & republished his fathers Elementary Spelling
Book, partly in order to make its pronunciation key conform to the 1828 dictionary. This edition
likewise was many times reprinted through the late 1800s (sold to many freed former slaves), and
at least as late as a 1908 printing.
However, William also began to alter some of his fathers work: e.g. saying it was mostly for
pronunciation & spelling, not for also first learning to read; and stating that understanding the
meanings of words practiced was not important at first, not until later when a childs ability to
understand grew; and saying the pronunciation of th in thin and in this are the same - except one is
articulated with breath and the other with vocal sound - which is not quite accurate; etc., not the
best edition.
1857: The G. & C. Merriam company of Philadelphia bought full rights to Websters American
Dictionary but not his Speller. However, Merriam was one of several licensed publishers of the
Speller, and so published son Williams 1857 revision then (and again an 1880 edition), while
the Webster family retained the principal copyright and ownership. Im not sure but it appears
1857 was the last major revision/edition of the Speller.
1857-1908: As near as I've been able to find, it appears that Websters family retained principal
ownership (full copyrights) to the Speller after 1857, but Noah and his family had licensed
several different publishing companies rights to publish his Spellers. Four such companies
(Ivison, Appleton, Barnes & Van Antwerp, and Harper) sold their rights to a 5th, the American
Book Company, which apparently thereby gained sole or nearly sole rights to publish it, circa
1890, but not full ownership copyrights. If then-current copyright law had a 50-year limit, the
last 1857 revised edition expired in 1907. The last new publication I've been able to find is a
1908 edition or reprint, which shows The American Book Company still held the publishing
copyright. Even granting that one major competing work on the subject (McGuffeys Speller)
had gained a large share of the market by 1908, it was nevertheless a mystery why there were no
further printings of Websters.
The following pages are from the 1800 edition, the material is not present in
the 1824 edition, which was simplified a bit for younger students. (Donald
Potter, 1/27/07).
Among the defects and absurdities found in the books of this kind hitherto
used, we may rank the want of a thorough investigation of the sounds in the
English language, and the powers of the several letters--the promiscuous
arrangement of words in the same table, in which the same letters have
several different soundsthe unnatural and arbitrary method of dividing
syllables, which separates letters from the syllables where they belong,
supplying the defect by artificial marks, and which, in several hundred
words, makes more syllables than are pronounced--and particularly the
omission of a criterion by which the various sounds of the vowels may be
In the tables of polysyllables, most or all the anomalous words of common
use are collected; terms of art, which belong to particular professions are
The syllables of words are divided as they are pronounced, and for this
obvious reason, that children learn the language by the ear. Rules are of no
consequence but to printers and adults. In Spelling Books they embarrass
children, and double the labour of the teacher. The whole design of dividing
words into syllables at all, is to lead the pupil to the true pronunciation:
and the easiest method to effect this purpose will forever be the best.
Reason might teach this truth; but experience places the matter beyond a
controversy: The teachers who have used the former editions of this work,
have unanimously declared, that children learn to spell and pronounce with
more ease and exactness, and give much less trouble to the matter, than they
did in the use of Dilworth's New Guide, or other Spelling Books framed on the
same plan.
The necessity and probable utility of the plan will best appear by
examining the execution. Such material alterations of the old system of
education will undoubtedly alarm the rigid friends of antiquity; but in
vindication of the work, the author assures the public, that it has the
approbation and patronage of many of the principal literary characters in
America, and that it is framed upon a plan similar to those of the best
Lexicographers and Grammarians in the British nation.
To diffuse a uniformity and purity of language in America to destroy the
provincial prejudices that originate in the trifling differences of dialect,
and produce reciprocal ridicule to promote the interest, literature and the
harmony of the United States is the most ardent wish of the author; and it
is his highest ambition to deserve the approbation and encouragement of his
R U L E S,
For placing the accent in words of more syllables than one, and
for pronouncing certain terminations.
In the following catalogue, the nouns are accented on the first, and the
verbs on the last syllable.
Nouns. Verbs.
A or an abstract To abstract
accent accent
affix affix
cement cement
conduct conduct
concert concert
confine confine
consort consort
contest contest
contract contract
copnvert convert
converse converse
convict convict
collect collect
convoy convoy
compound compound
desert desert
descant descant
discount discount
digest digest
export export
extract extract
essay essay
ferment ferment
frequent frequent
import import
incense incense
insult insult
object object
Nouns. Verbs.
A or an outwork To outwork
present present
produce produce
Project project
rebel rebel
record record
refuse refuse
subject subject
survey survey
torment torment
transfer transfer
transport transport
unite unite
Words ending in ed, ing, ful, less, ness, est, ist, bly, ly, are generally
derived, and have the accent of their primitives; as have most words in ble.
Words ending in sive, sion, tion, always have the accent on the last
syllable but one.
Words ending in cal, sy [except defy] my, ty and fy, generally have the
accent on the last syllable but two.
In ic.
Words ending in ic, are accented on the syllable immediately preceding
that termination: as syllabic, republic.
In ed.
Words ending in ed are the past tenses and participles of verbs; but the
letter e is usually omitted in the pronunciation, and the d joined to the
preceding syllable; as establish'd. But after t and d the syllable ed is
necesarily pronounced; as bated, preceded.
In ance.
Words ending in ance generally have the accent on the last syllable tu
two; as arrogance.
Exception 1.
When the primative has its accent on the last syllable, the derivative has
it on the last but one; as, appearance.
Exception 2.
When ance is preceded by two consonants, the accent lies on the first of
htem; as, discordance.
When i precedes ance, it is sometimes taken into the last syllable, and
pronounced like y; as valiance, pronounced valyance. But in nouns formed of
verbs of verbs ending in y accended, y is changed into i, which retains the
accent, and forms a distinct syllable; as compliance, from comply.
In ence.
Polysyllables in ence have the accent on the last syllable but two; as
When ence is preceded by ci, they are changed into the sound of sh, and
have the accent; as deficiense, pronounced defishence.
In cle.
Trisyllables in cle have the accent on the first; as miracle, oracle.
Words of more than thre syllables, have the accent fart her back: as
tabernacle; but recepticle, and perhaps conventicle, should be accented on
the second syllable.
In ure.
These either follow their primitives; as intermixture, from intermix; or
are accened as far back as the third or fourth syllable; as literature,
judicature. But legislature is accented on the first and third.
In ate.
The accent in these words is for the most part on the last syllable but
two; as felicitate, hesitate. But when two consonants precede the last
syllable, the accent is on the first of them; as consummate.
In ive.
This termination in words of more syllables than one, is always sounded
iv; as motive, pronounced motiv.
In tive.
Words ending in tive have the accent on the last syllable but two, or
farther back; as positive, communicative.
But when two consonants precede ive, the first has the accent; as,
attentive; except a substantive, which is accented on the first syllable.
In ial.
This termination is commonly pronounced in one syllable. When preceded by
c or t its sound is the same as shal; as judicial, pronounced judishal. The
accent of such words is on the last syllable but one.
I cannot agree with Mr. Sheridan in accounting ial a syllable in all
cases. It appears to me that in connubial, ministerial, &c. ial cannot be
pronounced in one syllable without a violent exertion of the organs, and
after our utmost efforts we are obliged to make a great distinction of
syllables. And if ial be considered as forming two syllables unless preceded
by c or t, the accent falls on the last but two. The words denial, decrial
have the accent on i.
In ian.
This ending with c or t before it, is pronounced shan: as magician,
tertian; except an s precedes t, when the last syllable is pronounced chan,
as christian, fustian; and the accent is on the last syllable but one.
In en.
This termination is very often contracted, by omitting e and joining n to
the former syllable; as heav'n. But e ought not to be apostrophised either
in poetry or prose. The accent is usually on the first syllable.
In ion.
This termination is usually but one syllable, and pronounced yun; as
million, opinion. See table 31. When this is the case, the accent is on the
syllable immediately preceding ion. When two or more consonatns precede ion,
the first has the accent as quaternion.
In sion.
This termination is always pronounced ahun; except another consonant
precedes it, when it sounds shun.
In tion.
This termination is invariably pronounced shun; as notion; except when
preceded by s or x, when it is pronounced chun; as dijestion, commixtion.
In or.
When or is preceded by the vowel i, they form a syllable, which is
pronounced yur; as senior.
In ous.
This termination is always sounded us. When preceded by ce, ci or ti, it
forms the syllable shus; as segacious, cetatious, sententious, pronounced
segashus, cetashus, sentenshus.
When the vowel i, and a consonant precede the terminations eous and ious,
the accent is on the letter immediately preceding the consonant that is taken
into the last syllable; as tenacious.
But when ous is preceded by other letters, the accent is on the last
syllable but two; as voluminous; except two consonants precede the last
syllable, when the accent falls on the first of them; as tremendous.
In ant.
Polysyllables in ant have the accent on the last syllable but two; as
extravagant; except when two consonants meet in the middle; as trumphant.
But protestant is accented on the first: confidant, complaisant, have the
accent on the last; as also Levant, a gallant; and compound words of two
syllables; as recant.
In ent.
Words terminating in ent preceded by any consonant except m have the
accent on the last syllable but one; as dependent. But words ending in ment,
being gnerally formed from verbs, retain the accent of their primitives; as
confinement from confine.
When the vowel i precedes ment, the accent is on the last syllable but
two; as compliment.
When ent is preceded by ti, and ci, it forms with them the syllable shent;
ancient, consentien, pronounced anshent, consenshent.
Words in lent are accented on the last syllable but two, as benevolent;
except when l is double; as repellent; and to this also excellent is an
exception, being accented on the first.
All words in ment not derived, have the accent on the last syllable but
two; as testament.
In ay.
Compound words of two syllables have the accent on the last; as delay,
In cy.
Words in cy are usually nouns derived from verbs, nouns or adjectives, and
retain the accent of their primitives; as intimacy, from intimate.
In words not derived, the accent is back on the third or fourth syllable;
as democracy, necromancy.
Polysyllables in gy.
These are also accented on the last syllable but two; as prodigy
chronolgy. In this termination g is soft unless preceded by another g; as
foggy, when it is hard.
In ny.
Trisyllables ending in ny are accented on the first; as calumny.
Polysyllables on the first; as matrimony; except anemony, hexagony,
cosmogony, monotony, &c. which have the accent on the letter immediately
preceding on.
In ry.
Trisyllables in ry have the accent on the last but two; as diary;
polysyllables on the last but three: as epistolary. But carravansary,
dispensary, aniversary, [sic] testamentary, parliamentary, are accented on
the last but two. Adversary, commentary, momentary, voluntary, on the first.
In words of four syllables, with the half accent on the last but one, the
termination ary is sounded erry; thus monentary is pronounced momenterry.
In ery.
These have generally the accent on the last syllable but two; except
deletery, monastery, baptistery, where it is on the first. Ery is always
sounded erry.
If the termination is accented, or if it is a monosyllable, it is
pronounced ize, the accent falling on i; thus, denies, complies, dies, are
pronounced denize, complize, dize.
Half Accent
When the full accent is on the first syllable, there is generally a half
accent on the third.
When the full accent is on the second, the half accent is on the fourth.
It is a general rule that every third syllable has some degree of accent,
and in few or no words are there more than two succeeding syllables
S Y L L A B L E S.
A syllable is one letter, or so many letters as can be pronounced
at one impulse of the voice; as, a, hand.
The best way of dividing words for children, is to divide them so
as naturally to lead the learner into a right pronunciation.*
Accent is the force or stress of voice that is laid upon any letter
Q. WHAT is Grammar?
A. Grammar is the art of expressing thoughts by words with propriety and
Q. How may words be divided?
A. Into six classes or parts of speech: nouns, articles, pronounces,
adjectives, verbs, abbreviations.
Q. What is a noun?
A. The name of any person, place, or thing; as, John, Hartford, paper.
John's hat: the objective, which follows a verb or preposition; as, he
honours virtue, or, it is an honour to
Q. What is a pronoun?
A. A small word that stands for a noun; as, "This is a man of worth; treat
him with respect." The pronoun him supplies the place of man.
Nominative. Possessive. Objective.
I mine me
thou thine thee
he his him
she hers her
it its it
we ours us
ye or you yours you
they theirs them
A. Who, which, and what. These are called relatives, because they relate
to some foregoing nouns: except when they ask questions; then they are
called interrogative. What, has the sense of that, which; except in asking
Q. What is an adjective?
A. A word which expresses some quality or circumstances of a noun; as a
wise man, a young woman, two men.
Most adjectives may be compared by more and most, less and least; as, more
generous, or less generous, &c.
Q. What is a verb?
A. A part of speech, signifying action or being.
Q. What is mode in grammar?
A. The manner of representing action or being.
Q. Explain them.
A. The Infinitive expresses action or being, without limitation of person
or number; as, to write.
The Imperative commands exhorts, or prays; as, write; go; do thou grant.
2d. To save the repetition of another verb; as, He writes better than you
do; That is better than you write.
4th. It is elegantly used in negative sentences; as, "He does not walk."
Q. What is the use of should?
A. In the first person it commonly expresses event merely; as, I should
write if I had an opportunity."
In the second and third persons it expresses duty or obligation; as, you
should help the poor; he should go to school.
Present Time.
To do To have Can
I do I have I can
Thou doest or dost Thou hast Thou canst
He does or doth He has or hath He can
We do We have We can
Ye or you do Ye or you have Ye or you can
They do They have They can
Past time
I did I had I could
Thou didst Thou hadst Thou couldst
He did He had He could
We did We had We could
Ye or you did Ye or you had Ye or you could
They did They had They could
Present time
May Shall Will
I may I shall I will
Thou mayest Thou shalt Thou wilt
He may He shall He will
We may We shall We will
Ye or you may Ye or you shall Ye or you will
They may They shall They will
Past time.
I might I should I would
Thou mightest Thou shouldst Thou wouldst
He might He should He would
We might We should We would
Ye or you might Ye or you should Ye or you would
They might They should They would
Must has no variation.
Present. To be Past. To have been
Past time.
I was We were
Thou wast Ye or you were
He was They were
Past time.
I have been, &c. I must be, &c.
I had been, &c. I could be, &c.
I might be, &c. I would be, &c.
I should be, &c.
I might have been, &c. I would have been, &c.
I could have been, &c. I should have been, &c.
I must have been, &c. I may have been, &c.
Future Time.
I shall be, &c. I shall have been, &c.
I will be, &c. I will have been, &c.
Be thou, or Be ye or you
Do thou be Do ye or you be
Present Time.
If I am, &c. If we are, &c.
I were We were
Thou wert Ye or you were
He were They were
If I may be, &c. If I could be, &c.
I can be, &c. I would be, &c.
I must be, &c. I might be, &c.
The auxiliary is some times omitted, If I be, &c.
Past Time.
If I was, &c. If I could have been, &c.
I have been, &c. I would have been, &c.
I had been, &c. I should have been, &c.
I could be, &c. I must have been, &c.
I might be, &c.
I would be, &c.
Future Time.
If I shall be, &c. If I should be, &c.
I will be, &c[.]
INFINITIVE. To write. To love.
Present Time.
I write--love We write--love
Thou writest--lovest Ye or you write--love
He writes--loves They write--love
Past time.
I wrote--loved We }
Thou wrotest--lovedst Ye or you} wrote, loved
He wrote--loved They }
Future Time.
I shall or will } write We shall or will } write
Thou shalt or wilt} or Ye or you shall or will} or
He shall or will } love They shall or will } love
Write thou, or Write ye or you
Write Write
Love thou Love ye or you
Love Love
The foregoing inflections are all which it is necessary the learner should
commit to memory, at least when he begins grammar.
A, for, till, above, before, from, until, about, behind, in, into, to,
after, beneath, on, upon, towards, against, below, out, of, under, among, or
amongst, between, over, with, at, betwixt, through, within,
amidst, beyond, by, during, without.
The following are used with other words, and are therefore called
inseparable prepositions:
Besides these, there are great numbers of others, and particularly those
formed by ly, added to the adjectives--honest, honestly.
Q. What is a sentence?
A. A sentence is a number of words, ranged in proper order, and making
complete sense.
Q. What is agreement?
A. When one word stands connected with another word, in the same number,
case, gender, and person.
Q. What is government?
A. It is when one word causes another to be in some case or mode.
R U L E. I.
A verb must agree with its nominative case, in number and person.
E X A M P L E S.
In the solemn style: Thou readest; he readeth; ye read.
Two or more nouns singular, connected by a copulative conjunction, must
have verbs, pronouns and nouns, agreeing with them in the plural number.
E X A M P L E S.
1. Envy and vanity are detestable vices.
2. Brutush and Cassius were brothers: They were friends to Roman liberty.
Nouns of multitude, though they are in the singular number
may have a verb and pronoun, agreeing with them either in the singular or
Examples. The assembly is or are very numerous; they are very much
divided. "My people is or are foolish; they have not known me." The company
was or were noisy.
Rule IV. An adjective must agree with its noun in number. Participles in
the nature of adjectives, refer to some noun, but have no variation.
Examples. This man, that boy, these men, those boys, this kind.
Examples. 1. This is the boy who studies with diligence; he will make a
2. The girl who sits beside you is very modest; she will be a very
amiable woman.
3. The pen which you gave me, is good; it writes very well.
Rule VI. If no nominative comes between the relative and the verb, the
relative is the nominative.
Examples. This is the man who taught rhetoric. The estates of those who
have taken arms against their country, ought to be
confiscated. We have a constitution which secures our rights.
Rule VII. But if a nominative comes between the relative and the verb,
the relative is governed by the following verb of some
other word.
Examples. This is the man whom I esteem, whose virtues merit distinction,
and whom I am happy to oblige.
Rule VIII. Two nouns signifying the same thing, must be put in the same
case, and are said to be in apposition; as "Paul the apostle." "Alexander
the conqueror."
But if they signify different things and imply property, the first is put
in the possessive case, by adding s, separated from the word by an
Examples. 1. I admire her. She saw him. The scripture directs us.
R U L E X.
The answer must be in the same case as the question, it being always
governed by the verb that asks the question, though the verb is not
E X A M P L E S.
Questions. Answers.
Who wrote this book? George.
Who is this? he
Whom do you see? them
Whom do you admire? her
Examples. I write for him. Give the book to her. Ye will ride with them
or with us.
Examples. You and I are both present. He and she sit together. It was
told to him and me. It is disagreeable to them and us.
By avoiding evil, | By shewing him
by doing good. | in observing them,
by seeking peace; and | for esteeming us,
by pursuing it. | by punishing them.
Examples. The sun being risen, it will be warm. They all consenting, the
vote was passed. "Jesus conveyed himself away, a multitude being in that
Rule XVI. An adverb must always stand near the word which it is designed
to affect or modify.
Containing a short EXPLANATION of the CONSTITUTION of the
UNITED STATES of AMERICA, and the Principles of
Q. How many kinds of constitutions are there; or in how many ways may the
sovereign power be exercised over a people?
A. Constitutions are commonly divided into three kinds; monarchy,
aristocracy, and democracy.
same time, being few in number, they can hear arguments and debate peaceable
on a subject. But the great security of such governments is, that the men
who make laws are to be governed by them; so that they are not apt to do
wrong willfully. When men make laws for themselves, as well as for their
neighbors, they are led by their own interest to make GOOD laws.
Q. By what name may we call the United States in their political capacity?
A. A federal representative republic.
Q. Where does the power of making laws for the United States reside?
A. By the constitution of the United States, the power of making laws is
given to the representatives of the people chosen by the people or their
legislatures, and assembled in two distinct houses. This body of
representatives so assembled, is called "the Congress of the United States."
Q. Why may Congress regulate the election of its own members or why is not
this power left entirely to the states?
A. For this good reason; a few states might by neglect, delay or
willfulness, prevent the meeting of a Congress, and destroy the federal
government. It is necessary that Congress should have power to oblige the
State to choose delegates, so that they may preserve their own existence.
Q. It is not unjust that all should be bound to obey a law, when all do
not consent to it?
A. Every thing is JUST in government which is NECESSARY to the PUBLIC
GOOD. It is impossible to bring all men to think alike on all subjects, so
that if we wait for all opinions to be alike respecting laws, we shall have
no laws at all.
Q. Would it not be politic to refuse them a reward, and let them serve
their country for the honor of it?
A. In such a case none but rich men could afford to serve as delegates;
the government would then be wholly in the hands of the wealthy; whereas
there are many men of little property, who are among the most able, wise and
honest persons in a state.