A1-80-3 External Painting and Coating - 1

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A1-80-3 External Painting and Coating

National Productivity and Quality Specifications (NPQS)

A1-80-3 External Painting and Coating

Version 1.0
A1-80-3 External Painting and Coating


1.1 Scope 3
1.2 Related Sections 3
1.3 Standards 3
1.4 Trade Preambles 4
1.5 Definitions and Abbreviations 5


2.1 Contractors proposals 6


3.1 Paint Coating Systems 7
3.2 General Requirement of Paint Coatings 8
3.3 Pipework Paints 8
3.4 Miscellaneous Materials 9

4.1 General 10
4.2 Delivery, Storage and Handling 10
4.3 Preparation 10
4.4 Application 12
4.5 Protection 12
4.6 Making Good Defects 13
4.7 Cleaning Up 13


5.1 Submissions 14
5.2 Samples and Mock-ups 14
5.3 Inspection 15
5.4 Tests 15

Version 1.0
A1-80-3 External Painting and Coating

Read with the General Requirements section, and all other contract documents.
This document is supplementary to Section A1-80-3 External Painting and Coating of
the NPQS and sets out Project Specific Data in the same clause headings as in the
NPQS. All modifications and additions noted in this document take precedence over
clauses noted in the NPQS.

1.1 Scope
This section covers the requirements for painting and coating on exterior surfaces of
buildings and other external elements as described. For the requirements relating to
painting and coating for external structural steelwork refer to structural specifications.

1.2 Related Sections

Read this work section in conjunction with the relevant requirements of the other work
sections including the following:
A1-80-1 External Render

1.3 Standards
Unless otherwise agreed by the SO, ensure all of the Works comply with the relevant
requirements of the Standards and Codes listed below or referenced in the body of
the Specification. Alternative Standards and Codes may be submitted to the SO,
provided it can be demonstrated that the alternative Standards and Codes comply
with the requirements of the standards specified. All Standards and Codes quoted
are the current version, unless specific year references are noted.
Singapore Standards
SS ISO 1248 Iron oxide pigments for paint
SS ISO 3262 Extenders for paint
SS CP 22 The painting of buildings
SS 5 Methods of test for paints, varnishes and related materials
SS 7 Paint: finishing, gloss enamel
SS 34 Undercoat paint for gloss enamel
SS 37 Aluminium paint
SS 38 Aluminium wood primer
SS 82 Bitumen based primer for cold or hot application
SS 88 Mineral solvents (white spirit and related hydrocarbon solvents) for
paints and other purposes
SS 90 Glossary of paint and related terms
SS 91 Solvent-based paint remover
SS 150 Emulsion paints for decorative purposes
SS 269 Paint colours for building purposes
SS 345 Algae resistant emulsion paint for decorative purposes

Version 1.0
A1-80-3 External Painting and Coating

SS 494 Lead and chromate-free primer for iron and steel substrate
Other Standards
BS 4652 Zinc rich priming paint (organic media)
AS 2855 Paints and related materials. Micaceous iron oxide pigment
AS/NZS Guide to long-life coatings for concrete and masonry Latex
4548.3 Textured coatings Non-aggregate
ASTM Standard Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test
SIS 05 59 00 Pictorial surface preparation standards for painting steel surface

1.4 Trade Preambles

1.4.1 Contractors Submissions

The intended type of painting systems and locations are indicated in the Schedules
and Drawings. Engage qualified and experienced personnel to carry out and submit
the following items for SOs acceptance: Submit the name of the manufacturer and the proprietary brand name of
the painting and coating products to be used. Wherever possible, obtain
the paint products from the same manufacturer.

1.4.2 Co-ordination with other Works

Co-ordinate the external painting works, particularly the interfaces with the following
work packages and trades:
a. Masonry and in-situ concrete walls
b. Windows, doors and louvres

1.4.3 Provide Spare Materials

Deliver to site in strong protective packages marked for identification, and store
where directed, components and materials for future replacement and repair. Refer to
PSD for list.
Supply the following spare materials and store in an area agreed with the SO
Spare Material Description (Size, Quantity Due Date
Type, etc)
paints For painted One 5 litre can for At time of
surfaces in excess each type. hand over.
of 200m2
2. solvents / Used in the course One bottle / tin for At time of
cleaning ages / of removal of each type hand over
chemicals paints from glass,
tile surfaces in the
course of painting

Version 1.0
A1-80-3 External Painting and Coating

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1.4.4 Warranty
Submit a five-year warranty in accordance with the contract conditions for all external
sprayed coating system.

1.4.5 Maintenance Manual

Prepare and submit a maintenance/replacement manual covering external painting
and coating systems. Refer to the General Requirements section, clause 1.4.8 for

1.4.6 Quality Control Plan

Prepare and submit a quality control plan for SOs acceptance.

1.5 Definitions and Abbreviations

The following definitions and abbreviations appear within this work section:
a. UPVC Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride.
b. Primer coat first coat
c. Undercoat intermediate coat
d. Top coat finishing coat

Version 1.0
A1-80-3 External Painting and Coating


2.1 Contractors proposals

When carrying out the proposals as set out in clause 1.4.1, take account of the Deleted: 1.4.1
following requirements:

2.1.1 Durability and weather resistance

Paint products Submited are to achieve a service life of 5 years, and must not
degrade or deteriorate due to solar or any other weathering exposure.

2.1.2 Fungal/Algae Resistance

Where noted in the PSD, finishing coats to be fungal/algae resistant for the period of
the design life.
The finishing coat of the paintwork is required to be fungal/algae resistant for the Deleted: / is not
period of the design life.

2.1.3 Appearance
Ensure the paintworks achieve uniform colour and texture as that accepted in a
mock-up panel, with no defects that would impair appearance.
Provide joints as indicated in the drawings if any.

2.1.4 Fire
Take into account, that the works are to be non-combustible throughout.

Version 1.0
A1-80-3 External Painting and Coating


3.1 Paint Coating Systems

Refer to the PSD for selected coating systems for this project.
External paint and coating systems for this project shall consist of the following types:
Coating Type: EP 1
Item Material or product Specific requirement
(Thickness etc.)
Substrate Masonry / Concrete with Refer to NPQS A1-80-3
water borne acrylic sealer Ext Painting Clause 4.3.2
& 4.3.5
First coat Acrylic emulsion Refer to NPQS A1-80-3
Ext Painting Clause 3.1
Second coat Acrylic emulsion Refer to NPQS A1-80-3
Ext Painting Clause 3.1
Top coat Acrylic emulsion Refer to NPQS A1-80-3
Ext Painting Clause 3.1
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Refer to the chart below for possible permutations for painting external surfaces and
standards to comply with where applicable.
MASONRY Conventional Solvent borne Acrylic Acrylic SS 150
AND acrylic sealer emulsion emulsion
CONCRETE Water borne Acrylic textured AS/NZS
acrylic sealer topcoat 4548.3
Elastomeric Primer suitable Elastomeric Elastomeric
for substrate coat coat
High Polyamide Acrylic aliphatic
performance epoxy sealer urethane
FERROUS Conventional Alkyd zinc BS 4652 Alkyd Alkyd enamel SS 7
METAL phosphate undercoat topcoat
Alkyd AS 2855 Alkyd AS 2855
micaceous iron micaceous iron
oxide oxide
High Epoxy zinc BS 4652 Epoxy amine Acrylic aliphatic
performance phosphate urethane
Epoxy AS 2855 Solvent borne
micaceous iron acrylic topcoat
NON Conventional Etch primer Alkyd Alkyd enamel SS 7
FERROUS (compulsory for undercoat topcoat
METAL galvanised
ferrous metal
Alkyd zinc BS 4652 Alkyd AS 2855
phosphate micaceous iron
primer oxide
Alkyd AS 2855
micaceous iron
High Etch primer Acrylic aliphatic
performance urethane
Epoxy zinc BS 4652 Solvent borne
phosphate acrylic topcoat

Version 1.0
A1-80-3 External Painting and Coating

Epoxy AS 2855
micaceous iron
WOOD Conventional Aluminium SS 38 Alkyd Alkyd enamel SS 7
wood primer undercoat topcoat
Aluminium Water borne Water borne
wood primer acrylic acrylic topcoat
Modified alkyd Modified alkyd
transparent transparent
wood finish wood finish
Polyurethane Polyurethane
varnish varnish 2X
High Epoxy sealer Solvent borne
performance acrylic topcoats
TRANSPARENT Transparent Transparent
WOOD STAIN stain stain
Note that the products listed have been selected for the types of surfaces or
substrates, and the standard of quality particularly applicable to the specific surfaces
to be painted or coated.
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3.2 General Requirement of Paint Coatings

Supply all primer and first coats, intermediate coats and finishing or top coats from
one manufacturer for use on the same surface. The various appropriate coats must
be recommended by the manufacturer for the particular substrate and take into
consideration the condition of the substrate, weathering exposure and usage of the
premises. The various coats must be compatible.
Where surfaces have been treated or applied with preservative or fire retardant,
check with the paint manufacturer for the types of paint products suitable for use on
such surfaces. The paint products selected must:
a. Be compatible with the treatment product.
b. Not inhibit the performance of the treatment or paint product.

3.3 Pipework Paints

3.3.1 Exposed uPVC Products

Unless otherwise specified, apply one coat of polyamide epoxy primer followed by
two coats of enamel paint.

3.3.2 Galvanised Steel Pipes and Fittings

Unless otherwise specified, apply:
a. One coat etching primer
b. One coat lead and chromate free primer
c. One coat enamel paint undercoat
d. Two finishing coat of enamel paint

Version 1.0
A1-80-3 External Painting and Coating

3.4 Miscellaneous Materials

Take into account, that paint thinners, tints, turpentine and fillers, are manufactured
by the same manufacturer as the coatings, or are approved by the coating
manufacturer for use with their paint products.

Version 1.0
A1-80-3 External Painting and Coating


4.1 General
Only apply paint to firm and dry surfaces, prepared in accordance with good trade
practice. Paint to be evenly and thoroughly applied, using clean brushes, rollers or
spraying equipment.
Make edges of completed paintwork adjoining other materials, building elements and
different coloured paintwork clean and sharp without overlapping.

4.2 Delivery, Storage and Handling

Deliver materials to site ready-mixed (except for two pack paint products) in original
sealed containers with labels intact showing brand name, product name and
manufacturer's batch number.
Store materials in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Use in order of
delivery and before service life expiry date.
After stoppage of work and when containers are not in use, close the containers
(empty or otherwise) and remove to the designated storage area.

4.3 Preparation

4.3.1 Generally
Clean all surfaces to be painted of all oil, grease, dirt, mould, mildew, loose or flaking
paint and all other material deleterious to achieving a good paint finish prior to filling,
sanding or painting.
Smooth surface irregularities. Fill and patch up all joints, cracks, holes and other
depressions with appropriate non-shrink, ultra violet resistant fillers suitable for the
substrate. Finish off flush with surface and abrade to a smooth, even finish. Make
good defects to the satisfaction of the SO prior to any coating work being carried out.
Use the types of preparation materials as recommended by the material
manufacturers and the coating manufacturer for the situation and surfaces being

4.3.2 Preparation of Concrete Surfaces

Remove form oil, mould release oil, laitance, grease, dirt and debris from concrete
surfaces using a suitable solvent and then neutralize. Remove grit, dirt, loose
materials, mortar drippings and the like; remove all nibs, projections and
Patch concrete surfaces with a non shrink cementitious grout, or filler compound,
suitable for such use filling all cracks, depressions, and voids to provide smooth
surfaces. Refer any defects other than surface imperfections to the SO before
Prior to application, allow the concrete to cure for a minimum of 30 days. Test the
concrete surfaces for moisture content and ensure that the moisture content is below
15% if a Protimeter scale is used and below 6% if a Kett meter is used.

Version 1.0
A1-80-3 External Painting and Coating

4.3.3 Preparation of Wood Surfaces

Sand down the wood surfaces to remove all roughness, loose edges, slivers,
splinters, and brush to remove dust. Remove all grease and dirt using a solvent
recommended by the paint manufacturer.
Fill all cracks, splits, nail holes, screw holes, and surface defects with wood putty or
non shrink compound after the priming coat has been applied. Apply putty flush with
the surface, sand smooth and touch-up with primer when dry. For varnishing work,
ensure the putty matches the finished colour.
Cover knots and sappy areas with two coats of appropriate wood sealer before
Prior to installation, prime fire-retardant treated wood or preservative treated wood,
required to be painted or stained, with shellac or other selected sealer, as
recommended by the manufacturer.

4.3.4 Preparation of Rendered Surfaces

Allow surfaces to dry prior to applying primer coat. Remove any efflorescence and
brush down. Scrape off all plaster nibs and other projections and sand smooth. Do
not apply any primer coat until efflorescence ceases.
Cut out all scratches, cracks, holes depressions and voids and fill with non-shrink
grout, patching plaster or other selected patching material. Allow to dry, refill if
necessary sand smooth to provide a flush, smooth surface.
Test the rendered surfaces for moisture content and ensure that the moisture content
is below 15% if a Protimeter scale is used and below 6% if a Kett meter is used or
this application.

4.3.5 Preparation of Masonry Surfaces

Thoroughly clean off all grit, grease, dirt, mortar drippings and splatters. Remove
nibs or projections from masonry surfaces. Fill cracks, holes and voids, with
appropriate cementitious grout, or filler compound, and wipe surface so that it has the
same texture as the adjacent masonry surface.

4.3.6 Preparation of Ferrous Metal Surfaces

Abrade rusted, and marred surfaces back to bare metal and grind smooth all rough
surfaces before priming.
Clean galvanised surfaces with a galvanised cleaner of an approved proprietary
brand, then wash with clear water. Prime galvanised surfaces with etching primer or
epoxy primer (suitable for galvanised metal) prior to coating.
Shot blast clean mild steel surfaces to receive high performance coatings in
accordance with SA 2.5 from SIS 055900.
Mechanically clean mild steel surfaces to receive conventional coatings in
accordance with ST3 from SIS 055900.
Seal rusty spots that are difficult to remove to bare metal using chelated polymeric
oxirane 100% solid epoxy primer.

Version 1.0
A1-80-3 External Painting and Coating

4.3.7 Preparation of Non-Ferrous Metal Surfaces

Remove any surface corrosion/oxidisation and lightly abrade with fine abrasive paper
and white spirit. Apply pre-treatment etching primer or polyamide epoxy primer where
recommended by the coating manufacturer.

4.3.8 Painting Pipework

Lightly sand the surface before the application of coatings.

4.4 Application

4.4.1 Conditions
Apply paint only to surfaces prepared in accordance with this work section.
Maintain adequate ventilation during painting and drying periods.
Apply materials at the rate as recommended by the manufacturer.
Comply with manufacturers recommendations for drying times between coats.
Ensure that each coat is dry before the next coat is applied

4.4.2 Climatic Conditions

Take into account the influence of the changeable weather on the drying time for all
the various coats of the paint or coating system.
Do not undertake painting or coating when the air is dust-laden or when weather and
temperature conditions are unsuitable, as specified by the manufacturer.

4.4.3 Substrate Condition

Take into account, that the substrates are in a suitable state for the application of any

4.4.4 Other Trades

Do not apply any coatings when other ongoing trades create dust or damp conditions.

4.4.5 Coating colours

Where specially required ensure each succeeding coat of paint differs slightly in
colour from the preceding coat.

4.4.6 Finishing Coat

Ensure that all finishing coats are smooth, and free of streaks, laps, pile-up of paint,
skipped or missed areas.
Ensure that the final Dry Film thickness is in accordance with that as specified in the
manufacturers technical literature.

4.5 Protection
Protect all surfaces not to be coated, by covering with dust sheets, masking or other
suitable materials. Provide adequate signage and barriers to protect the general
public, and to prevent damage to freshly applied coatings.

Version 1.0
A1-80-3 External Painting and Coating

4.6 Making Good Defects

Make good all damages caused to other works. Re-touch all coated and finished
work wherever necessary.

4.7 Cleaning Up
Remove all protection, surplus materials, empty containers, rags, dirt and other
debris. Remove daubs and spatters from coatings and materials, and leave surfaces

Version 1.0
A1-80-3 External Painting and Coating


5.1 Submissions

5.1.1 Submissions
Include in construction program, event for submission of the following information:
a. Name of the paint manufacturer and inclusion of copies of technical data relating
to paints to be used.
b. Name of Sub-Contractor (if sub-contracted).
c. Information of current or completed similar jobs during the previous 5 years and
details of Quality Control Procedures adopted.

5.1.2 Design Submissions

Prepare an installation strategy, containing the following information:
a. Method statements

5.1.3 Fabrication Submissions

No item.

5.1.4 Maintenance Manual Submissions

Include the following information in the maintenance manual and logbook:
a. Cleaning methods for glazing and metal / timber parts

5.1.5 Warranty
Submit the Warranty upon completion of the works.

5.1.6 Quality Control Plan Submission

Prepare and submit the quality control plan for SOs acceptance prior to starting work.

5.2 Samples and Mock-ups

5.2.1 Samples
Submit the following samples for SOs acceptance prior to ordering material:
a. A 1.0m x 1.0m panel of each of the paint or coating systems noted in clause 3.1 Deleted: 3.1
in a location to be agreed upon with the SO.
b. A 1.5m long sample of the paint system on any frame or tube or other building
element/component to be agreed upon with the SO.

Version 1.0
A1-80-3 External Painting and Coating

5.2.2 Mock-ups
Refer to the PSD for requirement of mock-up of the paint system for the project.
Provide mock-ups for the project as follows:
Mock-up Size of Panel (mm) Due Date

Paint one wall for 3m x 4m Immediately after

each selected paint selection by
colour for final SO
confirmation prior
to order of paint for
the works. One
mock up for each
paint selected. Up
to 3 mock ups may
be required.

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5.3 Inspection
Upon completion of the first section of any paint type, inform and request an
inspection from the SO. Proceed only after approval from the SO.
The SO will determine the extent of the first section.

5.4 Tests

5.4.1 Schedule of Tests

Refer to the PSD for the schedule of tests required for this project.
Carry out the following tests at locations selected by the SO through the progress of
the works:
Item NPQS Clause Location Total Number of
number tests
Pull-off Test 5.4.2 At wall between One for every 120
bathroom and m2 to be randomly
external wall final selected by SO
location for pull off
test to be approved
by SO
Adhesion test 5.4.3 At wall between One per contract.
bathroom and
external wall final
location for
adhesion test to be
approved by SO
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Version 1.0
A1-80-3 External Painting and Coating

5.4.2 Pull-off Test

Inform the SO when the first section of paint has cured. Undertake a pull-off test by
pasting five lengths 150mm length of adhesive tape onto the paint surface and pull off
slowly. Should the paint be removed in any of the tests, undertake five more. Should
any further failures occur, remove the paint from the wall by sanding down to a firm
surface and repaint.

5.4.3 Adhesion test

Carry out adhesion test when directed by the SO. Ensure that all adhesion tests are
carried out in accordance with SS 5.
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Version 1.0

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