Classroom Management Plan: Samantha Elbert
Classroom Management Plan: Samantha Elbert
Classroom Management Plan: Samantha Elbert
Samantha Elbert
I believe classroom management is a key component in any educational setting. I believe that there are
many elements to effective classroom management. Some of these elements include establishing
classroom rules, establishing consistent classroom procedures, reinforcing school rules that implement the
school mission statement, having a safe and positive classroom environment, building connections and
positive relationships with students, engaging and challenging students when presenting content and
curriculum through the use of differentiated instruction, and implementing a variety of reinforcements
that encourage students to do their best academically and behaviorally.
Philosophical Statement
I am committed to making my classroom a safe and challenging environment and engaging my students
through the curriculum as well as getting to know them. I want them to be comfortable with the other
students, as well as me, so that there can be meaningful discussions and interactions. Talking will be
common place in my classroom, along with group work. I want to encourage all students to participate in
class so that they can learn from each other as well as me. I want to have a democratic and equitable
classroom so that students can learn. I want to be a fair as I can be, so the students trust me.
Classroom Environment
I plan to provide students with a safe and positive environment by encouraging all students and allowing
them to feel like their voices and opinions are being heard. I have mentioned some ways in my rules and
procedures how I will incorporate the students ideas and opinion when building our classroom. I also will
state at the beginning of the school year and constantly remind students that one rule I have created on my
own is that students must respect each other, the classroom, and the teacher, which means no put-downs
or name calling will be allowed. All negative language in the classroom will be addressed immediately.
This will prevent discipline problems as kids might act out if they are feeling attacked or unsafe in the
Building Relationships
I will build honest and positive relationships with students and parents. I plan to do this in a variety of
ways as the school year goes on. One way I will build a stronger relationship with parents is by
introducing myself to parents and families at open house and giving them the link to my professional
website so that they can take a look into my background and education before the school year even starts.
Engaging Students