Dynamic Earth
Dynamic Earth
Dynamic Earth
Established 1845
AM E RI CAN September 1983 Volume 249 Number 3
including living matter. Some of the Rows are fast; others slow,
by Raymond Siever
cientists who study the_.earth .are. ac of space and time, the earth as a whole scale. On a map with an area of, say, 200
customed to working with many . stays remarkably constant. In particu- , square kilometers one can see patterns
different scales of space and time. lar, 'it has become apparent in recent of river valleys and the characteristic
The physicaLdimensions of their subject years that major parts of the globe-the folds and faults of bedrock. The wealth
range from the global to the submicro core, the mantle, the crust, the oceans of information at the outcrop level is
scopic, from volumes of matter mea and the atmosphere-can be profitably sacrificed in favor of grosser features.
sured in cubic kilometers to interatomic viewed as a complex, interacting system On a map that covers a region of many
gaps measured in angstrom units. Often in which there is a cyclic flow of materi thousands of square kilometers one be
a given research topic will encompass al from one reservoir to, another. The gins to see even larger features: plateaus,
widely disparate scales of length, as mechanistic model of the earth as a vast ' mountains, plains, entire river systems,
when an earthquake triggered by a slip recycling system has its counterpart in the outlines of a rift valley, the'distribu
page of a Jew centimeters along a fault the physiological model of dynamic tion of glacial lakes. As the map gets to
generates seismic waves that travel for equilibrium known as homeostasis. continental or global proportions one
thousands of kilometers through the sees the largest structures, of the conti,
earth's interior. Similarly, the temporal
dimensions of geology include not' only .. T he hierarchy of scales that pervades
the work of the earth scientist is.per,
_nental surface, principally.. mountain
chains. Whenever ,detailed information
short-lived phenomena such as earth haps best exemplified in the making of a is sacrificed for patterns that show up
quakes, volcanic eruptions and meteor geologic map, an artifact that can be de only on a large-scale map, the trick is to
ite impacts but also events recorded in scribed in somewhat nongeologic terms recognize what details to leave out. In
units of tens or hundreds of years (for as a graph of the position on a coordi other words, the essence of this kind of
example the meandering of a river), nate system at the earth's surface of rock geologic analysis is always to separate
thousands of years (glaciation), millions formations of .different ages. The first the "signal" from the "noise."
of years (continental drift) and even bil step in geologic mapping is the job of the Inevitably earth scientists face the
lions of years (the formation of the pres field investigator, who determines tW0 problem of reconciling scales. For ex
ent, oxygen-rich atmosphere). Again a, major properties of the rocks at a given ample, structural geologists and' geo
single process, notably weathering, can site: age and composition. At a typical physicists are currently trying to relate
be studied .over a wide range of time. rock outcrop one can see only small-' the large-scale collisions of tectonic
scales: from the minutes and hours of scale relations, usually over distances plates that throw up, high mountains
a laboratory experiment measuring the measured in meters. From an assem such as' the Alps and the Himalayas to
dissolution rate of a mineral to the thou blage of such observations the final map the small-scale folds and faults that can
sands of years needed to form a soil. of the region i.s constructed, like any oth- be seen on an individual mountainside.
Taken in various combinations, the pa " er graph, by interpolation and extrapo-_ The aim is to learn how_ to go in the
rameters of geologic space and time de lation, showing forms appropriate to its opposite direction: to infer from small-
fine the scope of this single-.t.opic issue.
of Scientific American: the IlliIltitude of
great and small changes that have taken
place-and ,continue to take place.""in EVIDENCE OF ANCIENT UPHEAVALS underlies the pastoral scene on the opposite
the history of the earth. page. The engraving is from James Hutton's Theory of the Earth, published in 1795. It shows
Most geologists,. oceanographers and an exposed riverbank of the river Jed in southern Scotland. 'The vertical beds of rock 'at the
bottom of the bank were originally laid down as oceanic sediments. They subsequently under
other earth scientists tend at one time or
went metamorphosis to become schist and ,were deformed and uplifted to become part of a
another to think or the earth as a ma
mountain chain. The band, of mixed material just above them is erosional debris dating from
chine, or perhaps as a living organism.
that period. The metamorphic rocks were then submerged again, and the horizontal sedimen
The metaphor of the machine captures tar-y beds of sandstone were deposited above them; Finally the entire formation rose above sea
an important aspect of. the earth's dy level once more and the new soil layers were formed at the top. Hutton cited such examples'
namism: in spite of all the changes that from his wide-ranging field trips as evidence both of the earth's antiquity and its dynamic ac
are observed at many different scales tivity. In modern terminology a rock formation of this type is called.an angular unconformity.
4,6004,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,O(
65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30
GEOLOGIC TIME SCALE, originally constructed by 19th-centu paratively short span of Phanerozoic time, during which fossils of
ry naturalists solely on the basis of fossil evidence, has been calibrat shelled organisms have been abundant in the geologic record, is en
ed by means of modern radioactive-dating techniques. In this repre larged in the second line from the top, and successively shorter time
sentation the top line shows the full sweep of geologic time from the segments are enlarged in the next two lines. The three eras of Phan
origin of the earth some 4.6 billion years ago to the present. The com- erozoic time (Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic) are divided in turn
icts of prehistoric terraces. To study the not only for its own sake but also for (earth history is cyclic, over what pe
long-term evolution of the river, from economic reasons: to explore for oil, riods of time does it repeat itself, and
the early cutting of its valley into bed gas, metallic ores and other useful sub how does one keep track of the process?
rock to its later broadening into a char stances formed at a specific time and The hydrologic cycle serves as a model
acteristic floodplain, however, one has place in the distant past. Simple curiosi of the cyclic flow of material between
no alternative but to consult the geolog ty, however, is what drives most geolo different parts of the earth. Water from
ic record. The rise in sea level since the gists to want to know just what hap one major reservoir, the atmosphere,
retreat of the glaciers some 10,000 years pened when. They want to know about falls on the land and the sea. Some of the
ago is also revealed in the geologic rec the last ice age both for what it can precipitation is stored temporarily in the
ord, which yields information both on reveal about the next one and for a I
ground and in lakes. The rest follows
various routes back to the other major
reservoir, the sea. Evaporation from the
sea and the land back to the atmospheric
reservoir completes the cycle.
EARLY MULTICELLED The hydrologic cycle is global. Hence
I by adding up all the water in all the
world's reservoirs and flow paths one
can arrive at an estimate of the total
water content of the system and its ma
jor parts. Bypassing analysis of individ
1,500 1,000 570 500 o ual reservoirs has the effect of removing
J heterogeneity: one finds that the global
balance is quite steady from year to
year. In other words, there is always
about the same amount of water in the
atmosphere, in the oceans, in the polar
EARLY BIRDS EARLY EXTINCTION ice caps and on the continents. Over pe
AND MAMMALS FLOWERING PLANTS OF DINOSAURS riods of less than a year the system may
not be so steady, and over periods of a
few years the global balance may shift
somewhat from one reservoir to anoth
er. Indeed, perturbations of the system
can elucidate the operation of the cycle.
200 100 65 0
The ice ages represented one such shift
in the cycle: water was removed from
the ocean and stored in the ice reservoir,
FORMATION OF H IMALAYAN MOUNTAINS and the flows from one reservoir to an
other were adjusted accordingly; the re
sult was a drastic change in the climate
AUSTRALOPITHECUS and a lowering of the mean sea level,
which exposed much of the area of the
continental shelves. The continuing dis
cussion of this major perturbation cen
ters on the possible reasons for the shift
I I I I I and how rapidly the glacial ice caps ex
25 20 15 10 5 1.B 0 panded and then shrank as the earth re
--- turned to the comparatively unglaciated
stage that prevails today. Polar ice and
mountain glaciers still exist, of course,
and so it is not possible to know from
firsthand evidence what the hydrologic
cycle was like when the earth was com
FIRST USE OF FIRE MAN pletely free of ice.
he movement of carbon dioxide
.7 .6 .5 4
. .3 .2 .1 .01 0 through the atmosphere, the ocean
and the solid earth provides another op
portunity for following the large-scale
flow of chemical elements from one part
into 11 periods; the Tertiary period is divided into five epochs, and the Quaternary period con
of the earth to another. The carbon di
sists of the Pleistocene and Holocene epochs. The calibration of the geologic clock by radioac
tive dating is a continuing con<:,ern. For example, according to a recent review of the radio oxide of the atmosphere is taken up by
metric evidence by an international group headed by the French geochronologist G. S. Odin, plants in photosynthesis and by rocks
the beginning of the Cambrian period may have been between 540 and 520 million years ago. in weathering. Photosynthesis manufac-
tween these early rocks and more re gradual changes, and there are also rec magnetic field, and so the dynamo in the
cent ones. Although no fossils have ords of abrupt episodic shifts. The first earth's core that generates the field must
been found in the Greenland rocks (per glaciation of the earth was recorded have been in steady operation [see "The
haps because the rocks have been so al early in Precambrian time. A more sig Earth's Core," by Raymond leanloz,
tered by metamorphism), evidence of nificant change in the cycle came about page 56]. Perhaps the plates were too
primitive life is found in somewhat 2.5 billion years ago, when there seems thin to act quite as they do today, or the
younger ones [see "The Biosphere," by to have been a sudden rise in the pro average size of the plates was smaller.
Preston Cloud, page 176]. Some of the duction of granite and the appearance Geologic knowledge of the Precambri
basalts found in the earliest earth rocks of large continental shelves. an is too fragmentary to give firm an
have compositions that reflect much Later in the Precambrian, about a swers to these questions yet.
higher melting temperatures, as if the billion years ago, the machine began' Most geologists working in the past
rate at which the temperature increased to look much as it does today. Oxygen two centuries would have agreed that
with depth in the earth were much great in the atmosphere started increasing as the biggest change of all was the one
er then than it is now; this is not surpris photosynthetic organisms grew in num at the boundary of Precambrian time
ing in view of the earth's early thermal bers and efficiency, and as the march and the Cambrian period, marking the
history. Moreover, before 'about 2.5 bil toward more complex life forms accel beginning of the Phanerozoic eon: the
lion years ago there were few large mas erated. Although the land surfaces were "known" part of the geologic record. It
ses of granitic rocks and the kinds of populated only by algal, fungal and bac was then that organisms with shells
sediments formed on shallow continen terial species, rock weathering in Pre evolved; their fossils make it possible
tal shelves. cambrian soils and the formation of riv to date the rocks more precisely and to
er and lake deposits were proceeding erect the stratigraphic time scale. Com
,., - (40) (6) . . ,{</-\
i I I
'It I'lt
HYDROLOGIC CYCLE, represented quantitatively in this diagram, and polar ice caps-is quite steady from year to year. In addition to
serves as a model of the cyclic flow of material between different the amounts indicated here water is also brought to the surface of
parts of the earth. The numbers shown are multiples of a basic unit the earth by volcanism. This comparatively small increment consists
equal to 10,000 cubic kilometers of water per year. In spite of occa of former surface water recycled through the interior by way of sub
sional short- and long-term perturbations, the global balance among duction zones as well as "juvenile" water, namely part of the origi
the world's major water reservoirs-atmosphere, oceans, continents nal water of the mantle that has never escaped to the surface before.
ganisms were those at the surface, where
the chemical influence of life processes
is felt. The atmosphere arrived at some
thing like its present oxygen level; the
deposits of limestone became dominat
ed by the shells of shallow marine or
ganisms, and the chemical cycles of car
bon dioxide, oxygen, phosphorus and
nitrogen rather abruptly shifted to their
present states.
ince that time changes in the rates and (f)
quantities of sediments controlled w
by organisms have been determined by D-
the course of evolution. The vascular o
land plants first appeared about 400 <t:
I t Svante
above sea level. Sediment, the debris of has now been almost 100 years since has been to change a single flux by in
erosion, will spread over land surfaces A. Arrhenius, the great Swed creasing through coal mining and oil
and sea bottom with no interruption by ish chemist, called the attention of earth production the rate of return of buried
deep-seated rocks brought to the sur scientists to the effects of carbon diox organic carbon to the surface by orders
face. A new balance of chemical ele ide on climate and its possible relation of magnitude over the estimated prein
ments based on a static tectonic system to. glaciation. For much of that peri dustrial flux. To forecast the conse
will lead to a shift in the composition of od some workers have been concerned .quences one must follow through the
the atmosphere and the ocean, finally about the steadily rising amounts of car entire system the changes that result.
leading, as all mountain' building and bon dioxide in the atmosphere contrib More carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
sedimentation ends, to a new steady uted by the burning of fossil fuels. As leads to a slight increase in global tem
state determined almost entirely by the pace of carbon dioxide emissions peratures as a result of the "greenhouse
life's balance between photosynthesis has increased dramatically in the latter effect." An additional dissolution of cal
and respiration. half of the 20th century and as knowl cium carbonate in the ocean and im
That balance itself, together with the edge of the carbon cycle has grown, the perceptible changes in the balance of
total mass of biological material, might issue has come to the point where gov weathering and sedimentation of silicate
change significantly as the nutrient res ernment commissions and other nation and carbonate minerals will follow. The
ervoirs of the ocean and the atmosphere al bodies estimate how much climatic warming of the atmosphere will lead to
interact only with the thin surface skin change there is likely to be and what some melting of the polar and glacial ice
of the earth. This brief essay at describ its effects might be. The comparatively and a rise in the sea level, and very prob
ing the future workings of the earth ma small changes man has worked in the ably a shift in climatic belts. Reciting
chine is enough to show how dependent earth machine might have enormous this list is only the beginning of a con
the present workings of the planet are on consequences. Large as the earth is, the sideration of the innumerable ramifi
interactions with the interior. No one behavior of one of its biological spe- cations of a shift in only one flux in
alt deposition at another time in the events may have been triggered by con way to estimate the interactions of the
history of the earth was a part of a tinental-drift patterns that put a conti oceans with the carbon cycle and the
much more pervasive global cycle, one nent in a polar region and caused shifts carbon dioxide greenhouse [see "The
familiar to all geologists for its relation in oceanic circulation. Perhaps there Ocean," by WallaceS. Broecker, page
to massive extinctions of many biologi was a correlation with a wider than nor 146]. With' geologists and paleontolo
cal species and almost complete with mal fluctuation of the carbon dioxide gists they are now mapping the past of
drawal of the seas from every part of the level. In each glacial period the peri the oceans, particularly in relation to the
continents. The end of the Paleozoic era, odicity of changes in the earth's orbit recent glacial epoch. Predicting the op
the boundary between the Permian and around the sun led to oscillations in the eration of the surface part of the ma
the Triassic periods, about 225 million advance and retreat of the ice; the oscil chine, powered by solar radiation, has
years ago was marked by the complete lations, called Milankovitch cycles, are become the business of oceanographers,
assembly of the supercontinent Pangaea. now thought to account for the glacial geologists, atmospheric scientists and
with the superocean Panthalassa sur; and interglacial stages of the most re biologists. The ability to predict is de
rounding it. Over a period of about 200 cent ice ages. Each time, the postglacial pendent on devising ever more inclusive
million years plate motions had gradu earth returned to its preglacial state with and sensitive models of the system and
ally joined various pieces of continents little change, leaving behind a record of testing them against observations. Geo
into a single land mass. In the process glacial sediment and grooved and stri physicists working on the dynamics of
evaporation from' the narrow gulfs and ated bedrock, the pavement over which the interior heat engine are engaged in
bays of closing oceans and from arid the ice moved. correlating. its structure and constitu
regions led to great amounts of salt be In the past few years geologists have tion, as revealed by earthquake waves,
ing withdrawn from the oceans, decreas begun to evaluate disturbances of the with its mineralogical and chemical. con
ing the salt content of the open ocean earth's balance due to extraterrestrial stitution, as deduced from laboratory
slightly and perhaps altering its density sources. A thin bed of iridium-enriched experiments on rock systems at high
driven circulation. clay has been found in a . number of temperatures and pressures. Isotope-ra
As the continents joined, their total places around the world where sedi tio studies of rocks derived from the in
perimeter shrank. As a result of moun ments were deposited during the tran terior and brought to the surface pro
tain building caused by continental col sition from the Cretaceous period to the vide observations that tell about mixing
lisions in the course of the assembly Tertiary, about 65 million years ago. It mechanisms in the mantle. Theoretical
the continents were dominated by high has been proposed by Luis W. Alvarez, studies of convection dynamics in plas
mountains. The ocean basins were en WalterS. Alvarez, Frank Asaro and tically deformable solids at high pres
larged by the slowing of plate-spreading Helen V. Michel of the University of sures are showing how the mixing pro
rates and the lowering of midocean California at Berkeley that this bed is ceeds. The core, the mantle and the crust
ridges as plate motions became largely the product of the impact of a large me- are no longer regarded as separate do-'
6 4 o
LARGE-SCALE MOTIONS of the major parts of the earth are in ocean ridges and other places. Solid material is returned to the interior
dicated by arrows in this highly schematic diagram. Heat-driven con at subduction zones. The degree of mixing between the upper mantle
vection in the fluid outer core has a dynamo effect that is responsible and the lower mantle is a subject of debate; in this case a model call
for the geomagnetic field. Convection in the upper mantle drives plate ing for separate convection cells has been adopted. Mixing of materi
tectonics. Volcanism transports molten material to the surface at mid- al between the lower mantle and the outer core is still speculative.