Product Leaflet Seawater Electrochlorination PDF
Product Leaflet Seawater Electrochlorination PDF
Product Leaflet Seawater Electrochlorination PDF
Project Management
Seawater Electrochlorination systems are developed as the go-to
solution for control of marine biological fouling in the offshore With our broad vision and multidisciplinary experi-
oil and gas industry. They provide the most effective and ence in providing solutions for applications, we
environmentally safe method for the prevention of biofouling that know what it takes to integrate project, process and
would negatively affect the seawater systems within an offshore mechanical challenges. From the conceptual design
facility. Frames designs, manufactures and supplies custom- to detailed engineering, fabrication and final client
built seawater electro- chlorination systems for a broad range of acceptance, our dedicated teams master every detail
seawater process applications. of the contract. After commissioning and startup
total process guarantee and final as-built docu-
mentation is provided to the client.
Product Description
Flow Control & Safeguarding
Eikenlaan 237 +31 172 461600
2404 BP Alphen aan den Rijn
The Netherlands
Product Leaflet / p 2
Process Description
One of the main challenges in the upstream processes of the oil and Electrolysis takes place within the electrolyser cells
gas industry is to protect pipeline and process equipment against as per the following equation:
biological fouling. The engineering disciplines involved in protecting At the anode: 2 Cl - 2 e Cl2
seawater processes play an essential part in the prevention of At the cathode: 2 Na+ 2 H20 + 2 e 2 NaOH + H2
production downtime due to the effects of macro and micro fouling. Overall: 2 NaCl + 2 H20 2 NaOCl + 2 H2
Restriction of cooling water flows, acceleration of corrosion and a
reduction in the overall life of process equipment can all be controlled Via the electrolysis process the package produces
by the effective design of your electrochlorination package. Frames the required amount of sodium hypochlorite
Seawater Electrochlorination Packages play an effective role in together with the by-product, hydrogen gas. The
optimizing flow assurance. produced hydrogen remains entrained in the
seawater until it becomes depressurised.
Raw seawater is fed into the package at the designed flowrate via
a side stream from the main seawater process line. Depending on The solution is fed into a hydrogen disengagement
pressure available this seawater flow will be pressure controlled or tank which allows the fluid to return to atmospheric
boosted to provide the optimum operating pressure and flowrate pressure and the hydrogen to disengage from the
(required for the chosen electrolyser cell configuration). fluid. The hydrogen is then diluted by forced air to
a ratio of less than 4% (v/v) in air, which is a lower
Once controlled, the seawater is passed through the electrolyser cells explosive limit of hydrogen in air then vented to
which are fed an electrical supply from the package transformer/ safe location.
rectifier. The transformer/rectifier is designed specifically for the
requirements of the installed electrolyser. It converts the AC platform The hydrogen free solution containing sodium
input voltage into the required low voltage DC current and regulates hypochlorite is then dosed into the seawater circuit
this output to a selected and controlled level. via pressurized dosing pumps or via gravity.
Flow Control & Safeguarding
Eikenlaan 237 +31 172 461600
2404 BP Alphen aan den Rijn
The Netherlands
Product Leaflet / p 3
Working with the major worldwide anode and specialty Skid mounted equipment configuration
industry electrolysers with over 30 years service that are Optimization of design with
packaged using Frames knowledge of global oil and gas similar project packages
Flow Control & Safeguarding
Eikenlaan +31 172 461 600
2404 BP Alphen aan den Rijn
The Netherlands
Frames Family Tree
Flow Control
Oil & Water Gas & Safeguarding
Wellsite Packages
Flow Control & Safeguarding
Eikenlaan 237 +31 172 461 600