sAE/edit?usp Sharing: Intro Music Intro Voice Over "Devastation"

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NB: I've re-written all of this using FAE.

I think it works much better :)



Intro music

Intro voice over from episode 1: The Invid Invasion

Setting the Scene: Devastation



High Concept


How did we meet?



Robotech is often about relationships, r omance and also a little bit of comedy. Feel free to go a
bit silly when establishing relationships (outlined below).

The three phases outlined here work a bit differently to FATECore. Any of these rules for the
final three aspects can be swapped in or out for the standard FATECore phase trio if the player

The suggestions here are meant to be a guide to creating characters with Robotech flavour,
and are certainly not meant to be restrictive. If you want to play a detached lone-wolf, the
relationship aspects may not suit your character (although it could be juicy), so feel free to make
your character your way.
Optional: Three Phases

When the PCs create their 3rd aspect, they can decide as a group how they all meet for the first

The table creates a collaborative scene that brings the characters all together at once. Some of
the characters may already know one another, but this is the first scene in which they all appear

First, the table should agree on the situation. Then they should discuss and agree on how they
resolve the situation. Each player should then develop an aspect from this scene, perhaps
drawing on what their character brought to the scene, what they did during the scene, or how
they were affected by the scene.

Next, each player chooses a character they are interested in to create a relationship aspect

First, ask questions. You can ask the other player as many questions as you want to get a good
feel for the character that you plan on having a relationship aspect with. Perhaps you come up
with some history together, or choose your attitude towards one another (you don't h ave to have
a reciprocal relationship with another character).

Once the questioning phase is done, note down an aspect relating to that character.

Repeat the process and establish a relationship with a second character.

Optional: Social Compels:

mbarrassing, joking, annoying, and unrequited love moments

Theres a good bit of teasing, e
that happen in the robotech series (at least thats how I remember it, anyway). To replicate this,
Robotech FATE employs Social Compels, which are special compels of your characters
relationship aspects that can only occur in the first half of a session (the GM will make a
judgement call when that is, so get in quick!)

A character can accept only one social compel per session but is free to reject the compel
without paying a FATE point as usual. Social Compels should be mutual and hopefully fun.
They are a way of bringing the characters relationships into play without being too much of a
drain on resources.

Rather than altering behaviour like they usually do, this type of compel creates a Mild Mental
Consequence that the character must carry throughout the session. This special consequence
does not have the usual free invoke attached to it, but can be compelled during the session as
usual. It may be instantly cured at any point during the game by spending a FATE point. You
basically "give back" the point granted and remove the consequence.

cott Bernards unrequited love

Heres an example of a social compel: S
A Social Compel mechanically has the effect of reducing the total consequences a character
can take. This, in turn, is a big motivation to suit up with power armour, which happen to grant
you extra consequence slots (see Mecha, below)!

These two effects are thematically linked. The emotionally vulnerable character is later
strengthened and protected by donning the physical armour of the Mecha.

Deep, huh? It's a dramatic rhythm that plays out frequently in episodes of the cartoon.

Players are free to self social compel, but it can also be a lot of fun if characters tease and
attempt to humiliate each other using their relationship aspects. Its often advisable to do this
early in the game so that there is a nice reserve of bonus FATE points ready to go once the
Invid show up.
















There is no great reason you cant use the FATECore skill list, but I feel the additions here
(Scavenging, Science, Engineering and Charm) add a little Invid Invasion-era Robotech flavour
and also keep things simple.

Charm replaces both Deceit and Rapport, Science replaces Lore, Engineering replaces Craft,
and Scavenging sort of replaces Resources. Monetary Resources are not a particular feature of
the Robotech stories, but could be included if you wanted to replicate a post apocalyptic
economy. Again, its mainly a flavour call.

Stunts and Refresh:

As per FATECore.

Drive Veritech

Drive Space Vehicle


Whatever makes sense based on the characters High Concept. Subject to GM/table approval.

Sample Character

Boss Henry

High Concept - Resistance cell leader

Trouble - My friends lives are in my hands

How did we meet? - Recklessly charging into harms way

Relationship - I hope Mariks got my back

Relationship - Secret crush on Sarah

4 - Physique

3 - Shooting, Intimidate

2 - Fighting, Stealth, Athletics

1 - Charm, Engineering, Scavenging, Drive

Stunts -

Tough as Nails (FATECore KS ed p. 125)

Refresh - 3

Equipment - Fal-2 Laser Carbine, stash of plasma grenades, survival knife, Cyclone VR-052.

Robotech Mecha

Size and Scale

Small(-2), Medium(+0), Large(+2), Huge(+4), Giant(+6), Gargantuan(+8), Titanic(+10)

When two entities enter into a conflict with one another, the differences in their scale come into
play. For every step that separates them, apply one or both of the following effects:

+1 to the attack roll or +1 to the defense roll

+2 to the attacker's Weapon rating or +2 to the defender's Armor rating

(FATECore KS ed. p. 292)

I think the easiest way to apply these rules will be to add +2 Weapon rating and +2 Armour
rating per size step all of the time. That way, the scale modifiers will not forgotten in combat
should there be different sized mecha and unarmoured participants on the battlefield. The
smaller target always gets +1 per scale step to their attack and defense rolls.


(Usually 1 or 2)

1 for each Mode


Weapon systems

Modes - Vehicular Mode, Guardian Mode, Battloid Mode

Sensors - 1 mile radius. Can track up to 20 targets at once using radar.

Communications - radio good for 4 miles.

Stress and Consequences

Players use their own stress boxes and consequences when piloting mecha, but the armour
provides additional physical consequences depending on the size of the mecha and the
materials used to build it.

Medium: - ; Large: 1 Mild Consequence; Huge: 1 Mild and 1 Medium Consequence; Giant: 1
Mild, Medium and Severe Consequence; Gargantuan: 2 Mild, 1 Medium and Severe
Consequences; Titanic: 2 Mild, Medium, and 1 Severe Consequences.

Mook NPC mecha just use flat stress tracks equal to 1+Size.

Don't forget:

When two entities enter into a conflict with one another, the differences in their scale come into
play. For every step that separates them, apply one or both of the following effects:

+1 to the attack roll or +1 to the defense roll

+2 to the attacker's Weapon rating or +2 to the defender's Armor rating

Weapons Systems

Out of Ammo Aspect. As per Diaspora. Free invoke after the weapon has been fired.


VR-052 Battler Cyclone


Large (+2)


Frontline heavy assault riding armour

Armour Mode: Super strong and agile power armour

Cycle Mode: High mobility, maneuverability and speed




Weapon systems -

F Model: GR-97 Forearm Plasma Missile launcher: free invoke once per scene, which
creates and Out of Ammo aspect
T Model: EP-40 Forward Mounted pistol
Shoulder Mounted GR-103 Armour piercing Mini-missile launcher. Full deployment once
ut of Ammo aspect.
per scene: +2 damage and creates an O
H-90 Personal Sidearm (Scale: Medium)

Modes - Motorcycle and Armour


1 Mild Consequence.

Designation: VR-052

Length: 2.4m (7.1ft)

Height: 1.2m (3.8ft)

Width: 0.5m (1.6ft)

Max speed: 200kph (124mph)


Height: 2.5m (7.2ft)

Breadth: 1.0m (3.3ft)

Depth: 1.7m (5.4ft)

Max flight speed: 60 kph (assuming 85 kg pilot)

Max walking speed: Approx. 25% greater than pilot's top running speed.


Following the successful deployment of the VR-030 and VF-040 series , the VR-050 series took
the best elements of previous Cyclone designs and put them all in one package, resulting in the
final production model VR-052. The lightweight agility of the VR-030 combined with the heavy
firepower capability of the 040 series made for what would become the standard ride-armor for
REF soldiers.

As the VR-052 entered service, Cyclone platoons no longer had to balance their light and heavy
Cyclone assets as the VR-052 was well suited to both roles. The 030 and 040 series still saw
much action, but were now used more to augment and support of the main line Cyclone infantry
units using the VR-052.

The versatility of the VR-050 series is demonstrated by the externally mounted weapons such
as the EP-40 pistol featured on the "T" model and the forearm mounted anti-personnel missiles
on the "F" Cyclone.
VFB-1A Veritech Fighter Beta


Giant (+4)


Transatmospheric assault battlemech

Heavy long range weapons

Battloid Mode: Slow and super heavy battloid

Guardian Mode: Sacrificed firepower for speed

Jet Mode: Powerful thrusters


Weapon systems -

MM-40S Super Multi-Missile System

Short-Range Leg Missiles

Medium Range, Top Mounted Missiles

Two Long-Range Missiles

Four ton Cluster Bomb

Beta GU_xx 35mm Tri-Barrel Gun Pod

Modes - Battloid, Guardian or Jet Fighter. Can combine with Veritech Alfa Fighter.



1 Mild and 1 Medium


Mecha Class: Veritech fighter/bomber, aerospace capable.

Crew: 1 pilot.

Weight: 29.50 tons (dry)


Length: 9.70m

Height: 6.10m

Wingspan: 19.50m

Max speed at sea level: 700 kph

Max speed at 18,000m: 1930 kph

Max speed at 45,000m: 8900 kph (in ballistic flight)


Length: 8.00m

Height: 8.50m

Wingspan: 19.50m

Max speed at all altitudes: 500 kph


Height: 13.70m

Depth: 7.30m

Breadth: 8.50m

Max speed at all altitudes: 482 kph

Max walking speed: 128 kph


3 x 3-barreled 80mm pulse beam cannons, one mounted in the center intake, available in fighter
and guardian modes, and the other two mounted on the leg intakes, available only in fighter

2 x 3-barreled pulse beam cannons, mounted in the forearms, and available only in Battloid

2 x chest missile launchers holding 10 x 190mm short-range missiles each. Blocked when Alpha
fighter joined. Total ammunition supply on the vehicle is 40 missiles.

2 x shoulder missile launchers holding 8 x 340mm short-range missiles each, mounted behind
the chest launcher and firing from the top.

1 x bomb bay capable of holding 4 metric tons of ordnance, the size limited by the bay doors.

3 x hardpoints on each wing capable of carrying long-range missiles or multiple ejection

launchers. However, all of the ordnance must be ejected before the Beta can go to Battloid


The Veritech Beta Fighter was developed as a heavily armed and armored booster system for
the Alpha fighter to extend its range in space, as well providing the ability to reach orbit from the
surface. The fighter can operate from the Horizont dropship when joined with an Alpha fighter.
Besides operating as a large fuel tank for the space Alpha-Beta combination, it allows for high
thrust capabilities for an Alpha Battloid for high maneuverability in close combat, in addition to
augmenting the Alpha's missile load, and carrying a formidable weapons capability when
operating independently.

Without the attached Alpha fighter, the Beta fighter relies on its excessive thrust to overcome its
non-aerodynamic shape in an atmosphere. Its true power comes in Battloid mode, where an
impressive amount of firepower is available for heavy assault.

The Beta fighter was first tested as early as 2022 as the VF-X-7, but the tests were deemed a
failure, and the Beta concept was shelved for over a decade, while the SFA-5 Conbat soldiered
on as the Expeditionary Force's heavy ordnance strike fighters. Eventually, the Beta concept
was revived with significant updates and upgrades, and entered service as the VF/B-9 only a
few years before the ill-fated Mars Division mission to reclaim Earth.

Beta fighters are deployed in unit colors that usually match their mated Alpha fighter.

*VR-041 Saber Cyclone* -Draft



_Silent and deadly hand to hand operations_

_Built for speed_

_Super strong and agile power armour - while in battloid mode_

_High mobility and maneuverability - while in motorcycle mode_

System scores are used in place of the standard skills while piloting the armour. System scores
are modified up or down by one, depending on whether the pilot has a higher or a lower
corresponding skill. IE: A pilot with Shooting-4 and Athletics-3 would roll Firepower-4 and
Maneuver-5 when piloting a VR-052.


Weapon systems -

_CADS-1 Close Assault and Defense System_: Damage:2 Actuators (Fighting)

_GR-103 Armour piercing Mini-missile launcher_

Modes - Motorcycle or Battloid


1 Mild

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