In The Light of Truth, Abd-ru-Shin - Vol I
In The Light of Truth, Abd-ru-Shin - Vol I
In The Light of Truth, Abd-ru-Shin - Vol I
Abd-ru-shin (civil name Oskar Ernst Bernhardt) was born on April 18, 1875, in
Bischofswerda, Germany. After being educated and trained in business, he
established himself in Dresden. In the years that followed, he made many
journeys abroad, and wrote successful travel books, stories, and plays.
At the outbreak of World War I, Mr. Bernhardt was living in London. On account
of his German citizenship, he was imprisoned on the Isle of Man for the duration
of the war. The seclusion of internment brought with it an inner deepening.
After returning to his homeland in the Spring of 1919, Mr. Bernhardt soon
became conscious of his task: to open the path for mankind to a new knowledge
of Creation. In 1923, he began writing essays of a spiritual nature under the pen
name "Abd-ru-shin", and by 1937, the lectures which constitute the book In the
Light of Truth: The Grail Message were completed.
Abd-ru-shin had long since settled in the Austrian Alps, but his activity ended
abruptly with the seizure of power by the Nazis on March 12, 1938. He was
arrested on the very same day, and his property and possessions were taken.
Out of love, the Grail Message helps the earnest reader to attain
to personal conviction about his own life’s path and purpose, so
that peace and happiness may be his. The more the reader uses
life itself as his criterion for testing the explanations given in the
Grail Message, the more the Truth shines forth from it.
“...I wish to fill the gaps which have so far always remained
unanswered in the souls of men as burning questions, and which
never leave any serious thinker in peace, if he honestly seeks the
“In order to convey to mankind such knowledge, which gives
them a clear and intelligible conviction of the working of God in
His Justice and Love, I have written the work ‘In the Light of
The Message will strike only those who still carry within them a
spark of truth, and the yearning to be true human beings. To all
such it will become the shining light and staff. It will lead them
unswervingly out of all the chaos of the present-day confusion.
The following Word does not bring a new religion, but is intended
as the torch to help all serious listeners or readers find the right
path, which leads them to the longed-for height.
Only he who bestirs himself can advance spiritually. The fool who
uses extraneous aids for this, in the form of the ready-made
opinions of others, only walks his path as if on crutches, while
ignoring his own healthy limbs. But the moment he boldly uses all
the abilities which lie dormant within him awaiting his call, to
help in his ascent, he is employing the talent entrusted to him in
accordance with his Creator’s Will, and will easily overcome all
obstacles that seek to divert him.
tense with subconscious longing. There is seething and surging,
and over everything lies a kind of ominously brooding stupor.
Fraught with disaster. What must it bring? Confusion,
despondency and ruin, unless a mighty hand tears asunder the
dark layer that now envelops the terrestrial globe spiritually.
With the slimy tenacity of a dirty morass, absorbing and
smothering every ascending free light-thought before it has
become strong; with the gruesome silence of a swamp,
suppressing, disintegrating, and destroying every good volition
even in the bud, before any action can arise from it.
But the seekers’ cry for light, imbued with strength to cleave
through the mire, is turned aside and dies away beneath an
impenetrable canopy, assiduously set up by the very people who
think they help. They offer stones for bread!
They do not animate, they only weary the human spirit! And this
is the proof of the barrenness of all they offer; for whatever
wearies the spirit is never right.
Simple people must surely despair when they see what walls are
being built around the beyond by so-called psychic science. Who
among the simple is to grasp the learned sentences and strange
expressions? Is the beyond, then, intended exclusively for psychic
Readers and listeners stagger along like drunkards from one
place to another – unsteady, not free in themselves, one-sided,
because they have been diverted from the simple path.
Listen, you despondent ones! Lift up your eyes, you who are
seriously seeking: The way to the Highest lies open to every
human being! Proficiency in learning is not the gate to it!
Did Christ Jesus, that great example on the true path to the Light,
choose His disciples among the learned Pharisees? Among the
Scribes? He took them from the simple, natural people, because
they had no need to struggle against this great delusion that the
way to the Light is hard to master, and must be difficult.
brain, that is with the knowledge and intellect, one seeks in vain
to grasp and comprehend it.
For this reason erudition, along with those who adjust themselves
to it, always remains clinging to details; whereas each man
carries within himself, as a gift, the great inconceivable whole,
and is fully capable of attaining to the noblest and highest
without laborious study!
He who bears within himself the firm volition for what is good,
and strives to give purity to his thoughts, has already found the
way to the Highest! All else will then be added unto him. This
requires neither books, nor spiritual strain; neither asceticism,
nor solitude. He will become sound in body and soul, freed from
all pressure of morbid pondering; for all exaggeration is harmful.
You are meant to be human beings, not hothouse plants which
through one-sided cultivation succumb to the first puff of wind!
Awake! Look around you! Listen to your inner voice! That alone
can open the way! Heed not the dissensions of the churches. The
great Bringer of Truth, Christ Jesus, the personification of Divine
Love, did not concern Himself with creeds. After all, what are the
creeds today? A shackling of the free spirit of man, enslavement
of the Divine spark dwelling within you; dogmas that seek to
compress the work of the Creator, and also His great Love, into
forms molded by the human mind. This indicates a dishonoring of
Divinity, a systematic disparaging.
Therefore awake! Shatter the walls of dogma within you, tear off
the bandage, so that the pure Light of the Highest may reach you
undimmed. Then your spirit will soar aloft in exultation, jubilantly
sensing all the great Love of the Father, which knows no
limitations of earthly intellect. You will at last know that you are a
part of this Love; you will grasp It easily and completely, unite
with It, and thus gain new strength daily and hourly as a gift,
enabling you to ascend out of the chaos as a matter of course!
JUST LET US LOOK more closely at all those people who today
with special eagerness are seeking a spiritual helper, those who,
inwardly uplifted, are awaiting him. In their opinion they
themselves are already thoroughly prepared spiritually to
recognize him and to hear his word!
They formed a false picture of it. As usual, this was due to their
wrong self-assessment, their presumption.
There are also many people who only demand and expect God to
run after them. Inasmuch as He had already once sent His Son, He
proved thereby how greatly concerned He is that mankind should
draw near to Him, indeed that He probably even needs them!
Meanwhile, however, all those who went their way calmly and
sensibly on the ground beneath his tree, and upon whom he
looked down so haughtily, have probably arrived at the summit.
But events will come to his aid; for in the very near future the
tree will fall. When he is so roughly shaken down from his
precarious perch, perhaps man will then once more come to his
senses. But for him it will then be high time; he has not a single
hour left to waste.
Many now think that life can continue in the old way, as it has
done for thousands of years. Stretched out comfortably in their
armchairs, they are awaiting a strong helper.
In the first place they expect or, just to be quite correct, demand
that he should prepare the way upward to the Light for each
individual! He must exert himself to build bridges to the path of
the Truth for the adherents of every religious faith! He must
make it so easy and intelligible that everyone can understand it
without effort. His words must be so chosen that their rightness
will immediately convince one and all.
As soon as man must exert himself and think for himself, then the
helper is not a proper helper. For if he is called to lead and to
show the right way through his word, he must then naturally also
exert himself for men. It is his duty to convince men, to awaken
them! After all, Christ also gave His life.
Those who think in this way today – and there are many who do
so – need not begin to trouble themselves, for they are like the
foolish virgins, they face the ''too late"!
The helper will surely not awaken them, but will let them sleep
quietly on until the gate is closed and they can find no entrance
into the Light, because they cannot free themselves in time from
the sphere of matter, for which the word of the helper showed
them the way.
But there is yet another class of people who fancy themselves
particularly alert!
This has nothing to do with the actual ascent of the spirit, and is
to equally little purpose for earthly happenings! They are minor
spiritual tricks, nothing more, interesting to the individual, but
utterly useless to mankind as a whole!
That all such people wish for the same kind of helper, but one
even more proficient than themselves, is indeed readily
understandable. –
Yet there are a great many who carry matters much further in
this respect, even to the point of absurdity. And who are
nevertheless perfectly serious about it.
He who does so is already disqualified; for in their opinion this
does not correspond to an ideal helper. At all events, a strong
helper must as a first essential be completely above these trifles
with his spirit.
Yet do they themselves gain anything from it? What do they take
away with them after such hours? Although many an acrobat even
risks his life during his performances. Nothing whatever! For even
at the peak of perfection all these things will always remain
strictly limited to music-hall and the circus. They will always
serve only to amuse, but never lead to any advantage for
Yet people now look for such acrobatic feats in the spiritual field
as the standard by which to measure the great helper!
Let such people keep their spiritual clowns! They will soon
enough experience where this leads! They have really no idea
what they are actually pursuing thereby. They imagine that only
he is great whose spirit so controls his body that it no longer
suffers illness!
And if that is the practice or advice of a helper, he is not worthy
to be a helper; for he is thereby transgressing the Natural Laws in
Creation. Man on earth should cherish his body as property
entrusted to him, and strive to achieve healthy harmony between
spirit and body. To disturb this through one-sided suppression is
neither progress nor ascent, but a decisive obstacle to the
fulfillment of his task on earth, as in the World of Matter in
general. The full power of the spirit as regards its effectiveness in
the World of Matter is thereby lost, since this definitely calls for
the strength of a physical body which is not enslaved but which
harmonizes with the spirit!
MEN! WHEN THE HOUR comes in which, according to the Divine
Will, the purification and winnowing must take place on earth,
then watch for the predicted and partly supernatural signs in the
They proved quite clearly thereby that they were servants of the
human intellect, which is directed solely towards earthly
knowledge and earthly power, and is hostile and obstructive to
everything that lies beyond earthly comprehension! Now since
God remains completely outside the range of earthly intellectual
knowledge, as also does the spiritual, the intellect is clearly the
only real obstacle thereto! Thus by its nature it is opposed to all
that is Divine and all that is spiritual! And with it logically
therefore all men who acknowledge their intellect as of
paramount importance, and seek to build only upon that!
for the execution of the Son of God. They nailed Him to the cross
as a blasphemer of the very God by Whom He was sent to bring
enlightenment, and Whose servants they professed to be!
They tried to make people believe they were serving God; but
how little did they really know this God and His Will, for Whose
honor and earthly defense this Son of God, the Divine Messenger,
was however … murdered by them!
And in his warfare against the Will of God, Lucifer makes use not
merely of one man on earth but of nearly all mankind, thus
leading them to destruction under the effect of the Divine Wrath!
Whoever cannot grasp this most obvious fact, that only Lucifer
himself could be the Antichrist who dares to oppose God, will
never be able to understand anything of all that takes place
outside the World of Gross Matter, that is, outside what is purely
With this he set his foot upon this earth as lord of the earth and
of the greater part of mankind!
The Revelation says that this Antichrist will raise his head before
the Judgment, but not that he will first appear then! If it is said
therein that he raises his head, this clearly indicates that he must
be here already, but not that he is yet to come. It means that he
will have reached the zenith of his dominion just before the
Listen to this cry of warning, you who are not yet spiritually deaf
and blind! Take the trouble for once to think quite seriously about
it yourselves. If you remain indolent in this respect you give
yourselves up as lost!
If you lift the protecting cover from the lair of a poisonous snake
that suddenly realizes it is exposed, it will naturally try to rear up
and bite this ruthless hand.
Thus Lucifer's servants will also fight the Messenger of God, just
as they once fought the Son of God!
Be on the alert where such an attempt is made; for thereby such
people only wish to protect Lucifer in order to uphold his reign on
earth. A center of Darkness lurks there, even if the people
habitually appear in bright earthly garments, even if they are
servants of a church.
Do not forget what happened when the Son of God was on earth,
but reflect that still today the same Antichrist, with a far greater
human following, is striving to retain dominion over the earth, to
escape destruction and to go on obscuring the true Will of God.
Be on your guard, lest you also be found among such!
Utterly helpless, they observe with horror how swiftly the clear
vision regarding morality and bad habits is obscured, how the
capacity to judge is lost, and how these concepts change to such
an extent that so much which only a short time before would still
have aroused disgust and contempt is very soon regarded as
quite natural, not even causing surprise.
But the cup will soon be filled to the brim. A terrible awakening
must come!
brings no awakening, nor any clear perception of their unworthy
conduct. They thereupon only redouble their efforts to shake off
such "weakness" or "last remnants" of old-fashioned ideas, if not
to suppress them altogether.
Progress at any price, that is what it must be. However, one can
progress in two directions. Upwards or downwards. As one
chooses. And as things now stand it is downwards, with horrifying
speed. When the hour strikes for those hurtling downwards to
encounter a strong resistance, the impact must shatter them.
The longer this cloud has time to grow in darkness and density,
the more dazzling and terrifying will also be the lightning it
generates. Gone will be the soft enervating atmosphere whose
sluggish embrace hides a lurking sensuality; for the first flash of
lightning will quite naturally also be followed by a current of
fresh, bracing air, bringing new life. In the cold clarity of the
light, all the products of morbid imagination will suddenly stand
stripped of their dazzling falsehoods before the eyes of horrified
The awakening will strike the souls like the shock of a mighty
thunderclap, so that the living spring water of undimmed Truth
can pour forth and rush over the loosened soil. The day of
freedom dawns. Deliverance from the spell of an immorality that
has existed for thousands of years, and that is now reaching its
Look around you! Observe what people read, how they dance,
how they dress! By tearing down all barriers between the two
sexes, the present time is more than ever anxious systematically
to obscure the purity of the intuitive perception, thus to distort it
and give it misleading masks, and ultimately, if at all possible, to
smother it.
to find rest and recuperation after grimly battling his way
through the sandstorm that threatened to overwhelm him.
But he who knows the spiritual laws operating in the Universe will
turn away in disgust from today's pursuits. Let us take just one of
the "most harmless" pleasures: "Mixed bathing".
"To the pure all things are pure!" These words have such a
pleasant sound that many things are permissible under their
protection. But just let us consider the most simple ethereal
happenings in such a bathing-place. Let us assume that of thirty
persons of both sexes, twenty-nine are really pure in every
respect. This is an assumption which is completely impossible
from the very start; for the opposite would be more correct, and
even then still rare. But let us assume it.
The person thus contaminated will carry about this dirt, which is
capable of attracting similar straying thought-forms. Thereby
they become denser, ever denser around this person, and may
finally confuse and poison the victim, as a parasitic creeper often
destroys the healthiest tree.
Such are the ethereal happenings in so-called "harmless" mixed
bathing, at party games, dances or the like.
It is natural, though sad, that it is just the female sex which is
again the first to exceed all bounds, and which has sunk without
any scruple to utter shamelessness in their attire.
Yet this enormous guilt does not fall upon woman alone. She will
always be only the true reflection of that world of thought-forms
which hovers over her people. This must not be forgotten.
Respect and honor woman as such, and she will form herself
accordingly; she will become what you see in her, and in this way
you uplift your whole people!
However, before this can happen, a great process of
transformation must take place among women. As they are now a
cure can only be effected through a radical operation, by a
forceful and relentless intervention, removing any growth with
sharp knives and casting it into the fire! Otherwise it would also
destroy all the healthy parts.
This fact also gives us the assurance that when the thinking and
intuitive perceiving are pure, womanhood will be the first to soar
upwards to that ideal which we regard as a truly noble human
being. Then morality, in the full glory of its purity, will have
The man who remains inwardly bound will always be a slave, even
if he were a king.
You bind yourselves with all that you aspire to learn. Reflect: In
acquiring knowledge you force yourselves into alien forms
thought out by others; you willingly adopt an alien conviction,
making your own only what others have experienced within, for
Consider: What applies to one does not apply to all! What helps
one person may harm the other. Each individual must make his
own way to perfection. The abilities he carries within him are his
equipment for this. He must adjust himself to them and build
upon them! Otherwise he will remain a stranger to his real self,
will always stand beside what he has learned, which can never
come to life in him. Thus he is barred from any gain. He will
vegetate, all progress being impossible.
upwards. In so doing he must not keep to rigid forms, but
everyone must develop himself, from within.
Ignore the scoffers, who are still strangers to spiritual life. They
stand before the great Work of Creation, which offers us so much,
like drunkards, like sick people. Like blind men who grope their
way through life on earth without seeing all the splendor around
They are confused, they sleep; for how can anyone still affirm, for
instance, that only what he can see exists? That where his eyes
perceive nothing there is no life? That with his physical death he
himself also ceases to exist, all because in his blindness he could
not, up till now, convince himself to the contrary through his
eyes? Does he not already know from many things how very
limited is the capacity of the eye? Does he not yet know that it is
related to the capacity of his brain, which is bound to time and
space? That because of this he cannot recognize with his eyes
anything rising above time and space? Has this logical,
intellectual reasoning not yet become clear to any of these
scoffers? Spiritual life, let us also call it the beyond, is after all
merely something that stands completely above the earthly
division of time and space, and therefore requires a similar
nature in order to be recognized.
Yet our eyes do not even see all that can be classified within time
and space. Think of a drop of water, which appears immaculately
pure to every eye; and which on examination under the
microscope is shown to contain millions of living organisms
mercilessly fighting and destroying each other. Are there not
sometimes bacteria in both water and air that have the power to
destroy human bodies, and that are imperceptible to the human
eye? But they become visible by means of powerful instruments.
Who then will still dare to maintain that there is nothing new and
as yet unknown to be seen when the power of these instruments
is further increased? Increase their power a thousandfold, a
millionfold, and there will be no end to what may be seen, but
ever new worlds which previously you could neither see nor feel,
yet which nevertheless existed, will unfold before you.
What, then, is the beyond? The word confuses many. The beyond
is simply all that cannot be perceived by earthly means. And
earthly means are the eyes, the brain and all other parts of the
body, also the instruments that help them to do their work still
more accurately and precisely, and to extend its scope.
Therefore one could say: the beyond embraces all that is beyond
the perceptive capacity of our physical eyes. But there is no
division between this world and the beyond! Nor any gulf! All is
united, as is the whole of Creation. One power streams through
this world and the beyond, everything lives and works from this
one life stream, and is thus quite inseparably linked. Thus the
following becomes clear:
If one part of it sickens the effect must be felt in the other part,
as with a physical body. Through the attraction of homogeneous
species, diseased matter from this other part will then flow
across to the sick part, thus further aggravating the illness. But
should such a disorder become incurable, it will absolutely be
necessary forcibly to sever the ailing member, if the whole is not
to suffer permanently.
allows his imagination to run riot and conjure up grotesque
Away with all this! Why these torments? Break down this barrier
which human error sought to erect, but which never existed! Your
past wrong attitude also gives you a false foundation, on which
you vainly endeavor continually to build up the true belief, that
is, inner conviction. You consequently encounter points,
obstacles, which must make you waver and doubt, or compel you
to tear down the whole structure, perhaps abandoning everything
out of despair or resentment.
The loss is then yours alone, because this is not progress for you,
but standstill or retrogression. The road which in any case you
must follow one day will only be lengthened thereby.
You will soon realize that many who scoff only do so out of
indifference and indolence, just because it would require a certain
effort to throw over existing ideas and learning and erect
something new. Others would find it interferes with their
customary mode of living and thus becomes uncomfortable for
Leave all such alone, do not argue, but offer your knowledge
helpfully to those who are not satisfied with fleeting pleasures, to
those who seek for something more in their earthly lives than
merely to fill their stomachs like animals. Do not then bury your
talent, impart to them the recognition you are granted; for in
giving, your knowledge will in turn be enriched and strengthened.
And to will this seriously brings you immediate help and strength!
By one single, honest and ardent wish to do good, the wall which
your thoughts have hitherto erected as a barrier is cleaved as
with a flaming sword from the other side that is now still invisible
to you; for you are indeed one with the beyond which you so fear,
deny or long for, you are closely and inextricably linked with it.
Try it, for your thoughts are the messengers you send forth,
which return heavily laden with similar thought-forms, good or
evil as the case may be. This actually happens! Remember that
your thoughts are realities that shape themselves spiritually,
often becoming forms outliving the earth-life of your body, then
much will become clear to you.
Thus it is quite rightly said: "For their works will pursue them!"
Thought-creations are works which will one day await you! Which
form light or dark rings around you, which you must traverse in
order to enter the spiritual world. Neither protection nor
intervention can help in this, because the decision lies with you.
Therefore you yourself must take the first step in everything. This
is not difficult; it lies solely in the volition, which expresses itself
through thoughts. Thus you carry heaven or hell within you.
You are free to decide, but you are then irrevocably subject to the
consequences of your thoughts, of your volition! You yourselves
create these consequences, and that is why I exhort you:
Keep the hearth of your thoughts pure, by so doing you will bring
peace and be happy!
Do not forget that every thought you produce and send out
attracts all similar thoughts on its way, or attaches itself to
others, thus continually increasing in strength and finally also
reaching a goal, a human brain which is perhaps off its guard just
for a moment, thereby offering such floating thought-forms the
opportunity to penetrate and operate.
Just consider what responsibility will fall upon you if at some time
or other the thought becomes a deed through some person whom
it was able to influence! This responsibility already arises through
the fact that every single thought keeps a constant link with you
just as if by an unbreakable thread, so as to return with the
strength gained on its way, either to burden you or to bring you
joy, according to the kind you produced.
erected over decades, and following a shorter or longer period of
stunned inertia, he will make a fresh start! He must do so, for
there is no standing still in the Universe. Let us take, for instance,
the concept of time:
knowledge from what has been collected there! For time has lost
nothing, it has recorded all things. It has not changed, because it
is eternal.
You too, O man, are always just the same, whether you appear
young or old! You remain what you are! Have you not already
sensed this yourself? Do you not clearly notice a difference
between the form and your "ego"? Between the body that is
subject to change and yourself, the spirit, which is eternal?
You seek the Truth! What is Truth? What you still feel to be truth
today you will recognize even tomorrow as error, in which,
however, you will later again discover grains of truth! For the
manifestations also change their forms. Thus your seeking
continues, yet amid these changes you mature!
Truth, however, remains always the same, it does not change, for
it is eternal! And being eternal it can never be clearly and truly
grasped by the earthly senses, which are familiar only with the
change of forms!
Therefore become spiritually free! Burst all the fetters that hold
you down! If obstacles present themselves welcome them
joyfully; for they show you the way to freedom and strength! Look
upon them as gifts from which you will benefit, and you will
overcome them with ease.
Either such obstacles are put in your way to teach and develop
you, in which case you add to the means of your ascent, or they
are the reaction to some debt you have incurred, which you can
redeem in this way and thus free yourselves. In either case they
help you to advance. Therefore set out to meet them with a bold
heart, it is for your own good!
But what of the man who has very much to redeem from former
times, must he not then despair, will he not tremble at the
thought of the misdeeds he has to atone for?
backwards, again reaching the starting-point, thus the origin, or
rather, the producer, uplifting him high to the Light, or pressing
him deeper into the mud and filth! Exactly in accordance with
what the author himself originally willed.
And you, too, are such lenses, capable through your volition of
gathering these invisible power-currents that reach you, and
sending them forth as a united force for good or evil, to bring
blessing or indeed destruction to mankind. Through this you can
and should light a blazing fire in the souls of men, a fire of
enthusiasm for the good, for the noble and for perfection!
Do not fear then, that this knowledge will alienate you from the
Creator, or weaken your present faith. On the contrary! The
knowledge of these Eternal Laws, which you can put to use,
makes the entire work of Creation appear even more sublime to
you. Its magnitude forces him who searches more deeply to his
knees in veneration!
Man will then never wish for evil things. He will joyfully grasp at
the best support that exists for him: Love! Love for the whole
wonderful Creation, and love for his neighbor, that he too may be
led to the glory of this enjoyment, of this consciousness of power.
Union! Do not pass over this lightly, but try to become absorbed
in the concept that maturity and perfection are achieved through
union. The principle rests in all Creation as a treasure that needs
to be unearthed! It is closely related to the Law that only in
giving can there also be receiving! And what is required to grasp
these principles aright? Thus to experience them? Love! And
therefore love indeed stands as the highest power, as unlimited
might, in the mysteries of the great Life!
Let us return to the thought that attracted the other forms, and
thereby became strong and ever stronger. It finally emerges
beyond you in firmly united power-waves, breaks through your
own personal aura, and exerts an influence upon your wider
magnet you draw to yourself all that is spiritually similar. And it is
this drawing that is felt by those around you. Yet in this, too, lies
the reciprocal effect. Through the connection the other person
then clearly senses your strength, and thereby "sympathy"
You will now probably ask: What happens when all want to be
strong? When there is nothing left to be taken from anybody?
Then, dear friend, there will be a voluntary interchange, based on
the Law that only in giving can there also be receiving. There will
be no standstill on that account, but all that is inferior is
penetrates into the gross material, whereby we must bear in
mind the Law of Returns, because a thought always remains
connected with its origin and radiates back to it through this link.
through which you very easily become sullen, moody and unjust
to your surroundings.
If you have a genuine thought and cling to it, then the gathered
power must eventually also press towards realization; for the
evolution of everything takes place entirely in the spiritual, since
every power is purely spiritual! What then becomes visible to you
are always only the final effects of a preceding spiritual-magnetic
process, which takes place continually and uniformly according to
a firmly established order.
However, since all matter, thus all that can be physically seen, is
simply the outcome of spiritual life, it is not hard for you to
comprehend that conditions on earth are also formed according
to the nature of the spiritual life which immediately surrounds us.
What logically follows from this is clear: Through the wise
ordering of Creation man has been given the power to shape
conditions for himself with the Power of the Creator. Happy is he
who uses it only for good! But woe unto him who succumbs to the
temptation to use it for evil!
power. The decision to think in a good or evil way lies with man,
and he can thus guide the Divine Power to good or evil purpose!
Therein lies the responsibility that man bears, for reward or
retribution will infallibly be his, as all the consequences of his
thoughts return to the starting-point through the established
reciprocal action, which never fails, and which is quite inflexible
in this matter, thus inexorable. Thereby also incorruptible, stern
and just! Do people not also say the same of God?
Probably nothing of all this. The cause may well lie in the
caricatures of the great Godhead held up to mankind from so
many sides, which on serious investigation they could not accept.
Any attempt to press the all-embracing and all-pervading Power
of the Godhead into a picture must certainly debase and dishonor
Truth has never yet been different from what it was even then,
and is today, and still will be tens of thousands of years hence;
for it is eternal!
is nothing else you can do … and thereby you acknowledge your
God, the Creator!
And this Power also operates within you when you are thinking!
Therefore do not misuse it to evil purpose, but think good
thoughts! Never forget: When you are producing thoughts you
are using Divine Power, with which you can achieve the purest
and highest!
The spiritual link with all your works remains firm; for indeed
earthly, material works also have a spiritual origin through the
creative thought, and will remain in existence even when
everything earthly has passed away. It is therefore rightly said:
"Your works await you, in so far as the effect has not yet reached
you through the reaction".
If you are still here on earth when a reaction is due, or if you are
again here, the consequences coming from the spiritual will exert
their force according to their nature either for good or for evil,
through your circumstances and your environment, or directly on
yourself, on your body.
Here it must once more be specially emphasized: The true real life
takes place in the spiritual! And that knows neither time nor
space, and therefore no separation either. It stands above earthly
conceptions. For this reason the consequences will strike you,
wherever you may be, at the time when, according to the Eternal
Law, the effect returns to its starting-point. Nothing is lost in the
process; it is bound to come.
This now also answers the question so often asked: Why is it that
obviously good people must sometimes suffer such bitter
adversity in their earth-lives as to make it appear unjust? These
are reciprocal effects, which must strike them!
Now you know the answer to this question; for your existing
physical body plays no part in it. Your body is not you personally,
it is not your entire "ego", but an instrument which you have
chosen or which you were obliged to take according to the
existing Laws of the spiritual life, which you may also call Cosmic
Laws if that makes them easier to understand. The particular
earth-life is but a short span of your real existence.
This, too, the Father's Spirit has given into your hands. The power
of good volition forms a circle around you capable of
disintegrating the evil pressing upon you, or at least of greatly
modifying it, exactly as the atmosphere also protects the earth.
"Keep the hearth of your thoughts pure and then, above all,
exercise the great power of silence if you wish to ascend."
The Father has already endowed you with the strength for
everything! You have only to use it!
Without the honest, steadfast volition for good there can never
be atonement. Evil will then perpetually find ever fresh
nourishment to keep it alive, and thus require ever new
atonement, unceasingly, so that through constant renewal it only
appears to you as a single vice or affliction! Whereas it is a whole
chain without end, continually binding anew even before the old
could be severed.
But thereby everyone also receives the certainty that it can never
be too late. For the individual deed, that you will have to redeem
and settle, certainly; yet in the moment when you earnestly begin
to strive for the good you mark the end of your atonement. Rest
assured that this end must come one day, and your ascent will
therewith begin! You can then joyfully start working off all your
karmaic burden. Whatever you then still encounter is for your
own good and brings you nearer to the hour of redemption, of
your physical body. You will continually live or continually die!
Continually enjoy bliss or continually suffer!
It will be more difficult for him, and for a long time impossible, to
arouse the earnest volition for what is better, which could
liberate and help him to ascend, because he is entirely subject to
the influence of the homogeneous surroundings, which does not
carry the kind of light-thought that might awaken and support
him. He must suffer doubly under everything he has created for
For this reason ascent is much harder than when he was in the
flesh, where good and evil dwell side by side, which only the
protection of the physical body makes possible because ... this
earth-life is a school in which every "ego" is given the opportunity
of further development according to its free will.
Of what use is it to try and bury your head timidly in the sand like
an ostrich, to evade this reality? Face the facts boldly! You
thereby make it easy for yourselves; for here progress is quicker.
Make a start! But realize that all old debts must be settled. Do
not expect blessings to rain down upon you immediately, as many
fools do. Perhaps some of you still have a long chain to expiate.
But he who despairs on that account only harms himself, because
it cannot be spared and remitted him. Through hesitation he only
makes everything more difficult for himself, perhaps for a long
time impossible.
This should spur him on not to delay another hour; for he only
begins to live when he takes the first step! Happy is he who
plucks up the courage to do so, for link by link he will be
released. He can rush ahead with giant strides, jubilantly and
gratefully overcoming also the last obstacles; for he becomes
With tender forbearance the way will be made as easy for him as
a child's first steps, aided by its mother. Should there be things in
his former life that were a silent source of apprehension to him,
and which he would rather let sleep forever … quite unexpectedly
he will be placed directly before them! He must decide, must act.
In a striking way he is urged to do so through the enchainments.
If he then ventures to take the first step, trusting in the victory of
the good volition, the fateful knot is severed, he passes through
and is freed from it.
But hardly is this debt settled than already the next one in some
form or other presents itself to him, requesting as it were also to
be settled.
Thus one by one the fetters that restricted and were bound to
weigh him down are burst. He feels so light! And the feeling of
lightness which some of you have surely experienced at one time
or another is no illusion, but the effect of reality. The spirit thus
freed from pressure becomes light and, in accordance with the
Law of Spiritual Gravity, leaps upwards, to that region to which in
accordance with its lightness it now belongs.
For this, too, Jesus has already shown you the simple way leading
unerringly to the goal; for deep truth lies in the simple words:
"Love thy neighbor as thyself!"
You should give to your neighbor with your being, your nature!
Not necessarily with money and goods. For then those without
means would be excluded from the possibility of giving. And in
this being, in this "giving yourself" in the relation with your
neighbor, in the consideration and respect you voluntarily offer
him, lies the "love" of which Jesus speaks; lies also the help you
give to your neighbor, because it enables him to change himself
or ascend further, and because he gains strength from it.
Poor fools are they who can still ask: "What do I gain by giving up
so many old habits and changing myself?"
of the outward forms from the inmost being. But all we see today
is an intellectual upbuilding, into which the intuitive perceptions
are only afterwards to be pressed. Thus the opposite way is
taken, which naturally might just as well be called the reverse or
wrong way, that can never really be inwardly alive.
On the other hand only that which does not conform to the Laws
of Creation can have an unnatural effect. Just such things,
however, are very much in evidence in the present-day cults,
where simply everything that is opposed to the natural Laws of
Creation is shrouded in a mysterious darkness.
Therein lies the secret of success and continuity, or of collapse.
Where something is built on these living Laws of Creation, there
they help, bring success and also continuity. But where these
Laws are not observed, either through ignorance or self will,
sooner or later collapse must inevitably follow; for nothing that
does not stand on a firm and solid foundation can endure
There are even statements by Him which prove the opposite of
what mariolatry implies.
If still more has now been added by men, and the papal churches
act otherwise than as Christ taught, it is proof that this church
has the effrontery to set itself above the Son of God; for it tries to
improve on His Words by instituting practices which the Son of
God did not want, because otherwise He would undoubtedly also
have taught them, judging by all He gave to men.
And it is She, Her radiated picture, but not in reality Herself, that
can occasionally be “seen” or “intuitively perceived” by persons
who have been profoundly moved. Through Her, help often comes
at such an accelerated speed that people call it a miracle.
And since the human spirit can only see the spiritual, from which
it has emerged, it is unable actually to behold the Primordial
Queen, Who is of a much higher species. But should anyone ever
be so blessed, it would only be possible to see Her spiritually
radiated picture. This, however, appears so lifelike, and can be so
strong even in its radiation, that it works miracles wherever it
finds the soil prepared for it, through unshakable faith or the
deep emotions arising out of suffering or joy.
Through Creation God also speaks, and clearly shows His Will.
To recognize this Will is the duty of man. And the Son of God in
His Holy Word showed the right way to do so, because men had
made no effort towards it, and had thus entangled themselves
more and more in the self-acting Laws of Creation.
This inflexible weaving of Creation was bound to destroy men in
time through their ignorance and misapplication; whereas it will
raise mankind on high if they live aright according to the Will of
The time has now come for men to acquire the knowledge of it, so
that with complete conviction they will come to the recognition of
God’s activity, which is expressed in His Work!
gradually to over-develop in proportion to the neglected back
brain, which consequently became still less capable of receiving
and also weakened. Thus over thousands of years the hereditary
evil came into being through physical reproduction; for even
newly-born children brought with them a frontal brain
proportionately far more developed than the back brain. This held
the danger of the awakening of the hereditary sin, through which
man is compelled from the outset to direct his thoughts solely
towards earthly things, and thus away from God.
All the evil on earth came into being because man, owing to his
spiritual origin, could exert a pressure with his volition upon
everything else existing on earth; whereas just because of this
spiritual origin he could and also should have had an uplifting
influence; for that was and is his real task in Subsequent
Creation, in which all that is spiritual naturally takes the lead. It
can lead upwards, which would be the natural thing, but it can
also lead downwards if the volition of the spiritual is mainly
striving only after earthly things, as is the case with earthmen.
I have said that the movement in Creation must become
progressively slower the further away anything is from the
Primordial Light, the starting point of the pressure which
subsequently brings about movement.
been pressed into narrow and obscure limits which can no longer
be penetrated, and must in time completely stifle everything they
Suppose a man is asked about something of which he has heard,
and part of which he may even have seen. When questioned he
would maintain without hesitation that he knows it!
To hear something, and perhaps even to see part of it, is far from
being the knowledge itself! A man should not assert: I know it,
but the most he could say is: I have heard of it or seen something
of it. If he wishes to act correctly, however, truth would oblige
him to say: I do not know it!
This would be far more correct in every way than to report about
something which he himself has nothing to do with, and which
cannot therefore be a real knowledge either; whereas through
incomplete reports he would only cast suspicion on or incriminate
other people, perhaps even plunge them unnecessarily into
misfortune, without knowing the actual ins and outs. Therefore
carefully weigh with your intuitive perception every word you
intend to use.
He who thinks more deeply, who will not be satisfied with already
rigid concepts as a personal excuse for loquacious pomposity and
malevolence, will easily understand these explanations, and in
quiet examination will learn to look further in everything he says.
How much suffering would thereby be avoided, and how many ill-
disposed persons among mankind would also be deprived of the
opportunity to commit their deeds.
And therein also lies the great confusion among all men, who
increasingly fail really to understand one another, thus allowing
discord, distrust, slander, envy and hatred to grow and flourish.
Arouse your spirit, and begin to think and speak in a far-seeing
and comprehensive way! This naturally also demands that you
not only work with the intellect, which belongs to coarsest
matter, but also make it possible once more for your spirit to
guide your intellect, which should serve the spirit as ordained by
your Creator, Who from the very beginning has permitted you to
come undistorted into existence here on earth.
Yet without it he can achieve nothing for his spirit. The spirit
must possess childlikeness; for it is and remains a child of
Creation, even when it has gained full maturity.
A child of Creation! In this lies the deep meaning; for the spirit
must develop into a child of God. Whether it will ever achieve this
depends entirely on the degree of recognition it is willing to
acquire on its wanderings through all the Spheres of Matter.
But with this willingness the deed must also manifest. In the
Spiritual Planes will is at the same time also deed. There will and
deed are always one. However, this is only so in the Spiritual
Planes, not in the Worlds of Matter. The more dense and heavy a
plane of the World of Matter is, the further removed is the deed
from the will.
The process is similar, but still more ponderous, between the will
and the deed of man on earth. The will flares up in the spirit, and
is immediately deed in the spirit. But to make the will visible in
the Gross Material World, the spirit also needs the physical body.
Only on impulse does a physical body already act within a few
seconds of the flaring up of the will. Thereby the more tedious
work of the frontal brain is eliminated, which otherwise has to
mediate the way of the will right up to the impression on the
activity of the body.
The normal way takes rather longer. Sometimes the result is only
a feeble action, or none at all; because on its extended way the
volition is weakened, or altogether suppressed, by the pondering
Without knowing about it, the greater part of the atonement for
an impulsive action is therewith assigned to the Spiritual Plane.
Legislators and judges have no idea of this, because they proceed
from quite different, purely intellectual principles. With deeper
reflection, however, and knowledge of the active Laws of
Creation, all this appears in an entirely different light.
expiated at the same time before the Laws of God through a paid
penalty dictated by the earthly intellect!
However, to find out exactly the just difference between the two
will only become possible to those human beings who know all
the Laws of God in Creation and are familiar with their effects.
This must be reserved for a time to come, when there will also be
no more arbitrary actions among men, because they will have a
spiritual maturity that lets them swing only in the Laws of God in
all their deeds and thoughts.
Take note, then, that in the Spiritual Planes will and deed are
one, but in the Material Planes they are separated through the
nature of the substance. That is why Jesus once said to men: “The
spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak!” The flesh, which refers
here to the gross material substance of the body, does not
convert into deed everything that has already been will and deed
in the spirit.
But also on earth the spirit in its gross material garment could
compel its volition always to become a gross material deed, if it
were not too lazy to do so. It cannot hold the body responsible for
this indolence; for the body was given to each spirit only as an
instrument, which it must learn to control in order to use it
properly. -
And so it will come to pass that through their wrong thoughts and
actions men will dig their own graves. -
More serious matters! By these more serious matters they mean
only the pursuit of earthly ends, thus the work of the intellect!
The intellect quickly represses memories, so as not to lose its
supremacy if the intuitive perception is for once yielded to!
If such tenderness were used at once and with all one’s strength,
it could become the best soil for the awakening! But
unfortunately this only sends adults into a reverie, whereby the
rising power is wasted and lost. And in the reverie the
opportunity also slips by without the possibility of bringing
benefit, or of having been used.
But you have surely often noticed the wonderful and refreshing
influence of the mere quiet presence of any person from whose
eyes a childlike radiance sometimes glows.
The adult must not forget that childlike is not childish. But you do
not know whence the childlike has such an effect, what it really
is! And why Jesus said: “Become as little children!”
To fathom what childlike is, you must first be clear that the
childlike is by no means bound up with the child itself. No doubt
you yourselves know children who lack the true beautiful
childlikeness! Thus there are children without childlikeness! A
malicious child will never have a childlike effect, nor an unruly
one who is really ill-bred!
This clearly shows that childlikeness and the child are two things
independent in themselves.
Thus only a child who is pure within itself, and an adult who
cultivates purity within himself, can have a childlike effect. That
is why he has a refreshing and vitalizing effect, and also inspires
And wherever there is true purity, genuine love can also enter,
for God’s Love works in the ray of Purity. The ray of Purity is the
path It treads. It could not possibly walk on any other.
The ray of Divine Love can never find its way to him who has not
absorbed the ray of Purity!
Ask where you will what chastity is, and everywhere in reply you
will find explained in one way or another the concept of physical
virginity; in any case, this is the highest that the perception of
earthmen can reach.
How easy it would then be for man to be regarded as chaste and
so create a reputation, while sunning himself in vain self-
glorification. But this does not bring him one step upwards on the
road to the Luminous Gardens, which as Paradise are the blissful
and final goal of a human spirit.
Selfishness takes the lead, and dulls the truly pure volition! Man
will never admit this to himself, but simply allows himself to drift
along. And when he can no longer persuade himself otherwise, he
describes this often very obvious attempt to satisfy his
questionable selfish desires as a decree of fate to which one must
Therefore to guide and support him he needs still other hints
which will let him experience and recognize what in truth chastity
is as it lies in the Will of God, Who does not want any separation
from nature on earth.
“He who in his actions always remembers not to harm his fellow-
man who reposes trust in him, not to do anything that may later
oppress him, will always act in such a way as to remain spiritually
unburdened, and may therefore be called truly chaste!”
The Son of God Jesus expressed precisely the same in the words:
But you must beware of falling back into the old human faults,
and of once more construing and partly distorting the meaning of
the words so as to make them serve your own purpose, soothe
you in your wrong-doing, and lull your fellow-men into
carelessness or even help to mislead them.
LET MY WORD become alive within you; for this alone can bring
you that benefit which you need, enabling your spirit to ascend to
the Luminous Heights of the Eternal Gardens of God.
Men are in the habit of saying that thoughts are “free”. By this
they wish to imply that they cannot be held accountable on earth
for their thoughts, because these are on a level which is
inaccessible to human hands.
Therefore they often play with thoughts in the most careless way
or, better expressed, they play in thoughts. Unfortunately often a
very dangerous game, in the light-hearted illusion that they can
emerge from it unharmed.
But here they err; for thoughts too belong to the World of Gross
Matter, and must in all circumstances also be redeemed in it
before a spirit becomes capable of swinging itself freely upwards,
once it has severed the connection with its earthly body.
Thoughts, words and the visible deed all belong to the Realm of
Gross Matter in this Creation!
But the forms of all three are closely connected with each other,
their effects are interwoven. What that implies for you, how
incisive and decisive its effect often is in the course of your
existence, you cannot estimate all at once.
It means nothing else than that also a thought, automatically
working on according to its nature, can strengthen a
homogeneous type in the World of Medium Matter, thereby
producing more powerful forms; likewise then, deducing from
this, it again continues to work on within this intensification, and
arises in a visible active form in the coarsest World of Matter,
without you yourselves seeming to be directly concerned with it.
Think yourselves deeply into such happenings for once, and you
will then all the more understand why I call to you in my Message:
“Keep the hearth of your thoughts pure, by so doing you will
bring peace and be happy!”
The time and place of such deeds as you may become implicated
in are of no importance here. Even if they occurred at the
opposite end of the earth to where you live, in places where you
have never set foot, of whose existence you have no knowledge
whatever. Through your toying with thoughts intensifications will
strike wherever they discover homogeneous types, independent
of distances, nation and country.
Thus in the course of time thoughts of hate and envy may thrust
themselves upon individuals, groups or whole nations, wherever
they find homogeneity, impelling them to actions expressed in
forms entirely different from those that first arose through your
toying with thoughts.
The final result may then manifest according to the inner state of
the perpetrator at the time of the deed. Thus you may have
contributed to the perpetration of such horrible deeds as you
yourselves have never really contemplated, and yet you are
connected with them, and a part of the reaction must burden your
spirit, must hang on it like a weight when it severs itself from the
But on the other hand you can also contribute even more
powerfully to the peace and happiness of humanity, and through
pure, joyful thinking can have a share in works that develop
through total strangers.
From this the blessing also naturally flows back to you, and you
do not realize why.
If you could but once see how the immutable Justice of God’s All-
Holy Will is always fulfilled in the self-acting Laws of this Creation
for every single thought you harbor, you would strive with all
your might to attain purity in your thinking!
Only then will you have become such human beings as the
Creator in His Work will mercifully guide to the knowledge that
bestows eternal life upon them, allowing them to become helpers
in Creation worthy to receive the high blessings destined for the
human spirit; so that these may be joyfully and gratefully
transformed and passed on to those creatures who are only able
to absorb them through such a transformation by man, and who
today, through the decline of the human spirit, remain wantonly
cut off from them, after it had already been possible for them to
come into existence in times of a better and more purely swinging
With this, however, you will have made only one sentence from
my Message glow with vitality for yourselves on earth!
For you it is the most difficult one, which will then make all the
rest much easier, whose fulfillment must already let miracle upon
miracle arise before you in earthly visible and tangible form. –
Already today I wish to warn you against this; for the danger can
engulf you, you would perish in it, even after you have set out on
the right path.
intuition. Again it would be a product of your intellectual volition,
but never the work of your spirit! Against this I warn you.
Remember my Word of the Message which tells you that all true
greatness can lie only in simplicity, since true greatness is
simple! You may be better able to understand that simplicity
which I mean here, if for the time being you use instead the
human-earthly concept of being unassuming. This perhaps comes
nearer to your comprehension, and you will hit upon the true
You cannot give the purity that I mean to your thoughts through
your thought-volition; but the pure volition, unassuming and
boundless, must well up within you from your intuitive
perception, not compressed into a word which can only give rise
to a limited concept. That must not be; but an all-embracing urge
for the good, able to envelop your thoughts as they arise and to
permeate them even before they take form, is the right thing
which you need.
Cast off all the torment caused by thoughts, and trust instead in
your spirit, which will surely find the right way if you yourselves
do not wall it up. Become free in spirit, which means nothing else
than let the spirit within you have its way! Then it simply cannot
do other than journey towards the height; for its very nature
draws it upwards with all certainty. Hitherto you have restrained
it so that it could no longer unfold, thereby you had restricted its
flight or bound its wings.
The foundation for the upbuilding of a new humanity, which you
cannot and must not evade, rests in the one sentence: Keep the
hearth of your thoughts pure!
And it is with this that man must begin! That is his first task
which will make him what he must become. An example to all who
strive for Light and Truth, who wish to serve the Creator
gratefully through the nature of their whole being. He who fulfills
this needs no further directions. He is as he should be, and will
thus receive the full measure of help that awaits him in Creation
and leads him upwards without interruption.
The World is not infinite. It is the material Creation, that is, the
Work of the Creator. This Work, like every work, stands beside
the Creator, and as such is finite.
Light. They consider themselves mightily advanced in the
consciousness of finding God everywhere, of encountering Him
everywhere, as an all-pervading driving Power, ever working
towards the one goal of further development to perfection.
From its very inception the Material Creation was bound to the
unalterable Laws of evolution and dissolution; for what we call
the Laws of Nature are the Creative Will of God, which in its
activity is continually forming and dissolving worlds. This Creative
Will is uniform in all Creation, to which the Ethereal World and
the Gross Material World belong as one.
The strict form of the Primordial Will is plain and simple. Once it
is recognized we easily discover it in everything. The complexity
and incomprehensibility of many happenings lies solely in the
manifold interlacing of the detours and bypaths formed by the
varied volitions of men.
The artist, for example, also is in his work, merges with it, and
yet personally stands beside it. The work is limited and transient,
but not the talent of the artist on that account. The artist, that is,
the creator of the work, can destroy his work, in which lies his
volition, without himself being affected by it. Nevertheless he will
still remain the artist.
The creative artist and his work faintly reflect the relation of the
Creation to the Creator.
All the revelations and prophecies, too, are fulfilled within this
happening. Finally the “Last Judgement” for the earth will also be
fulfilled in it!
The Last, that is, the Final Judgement, comes one day for each
material celestial globe, but it does not take place simultaneously
in the whole of Creation.
This eternal cycle does not refer to the orbit of the earth and
other stars around their suns, but to the great and mightier cycle
which must in turn be followed by all the solar systems, while
they in themselves also carry out their own movements
Again, by reason of the consistency of the Natural Laws, the point
at which disintegration of each celestial globe must begin is
precisely determined. A very definite place at which the process
of disintegration must develop, irrespective of the condition of
the celestial globe concerned and of its inhabitants.
Surely everyone will readily understand that this disintegration
will not take place in one earth day; for in world events a
thousand years are as one day.
But we are well into the early stages of this epoch. The earth now
approaches the point at which it diverges from its hitherto
existing course, which must also make itself strongly felt in gross
matter. Then the separation among all men, which has already
been prepared for some time, but which until now has only
manifested itself in “opinions and convictions”, will set in more
Those who strive for the Light, however, will gradually become
detached from the World of Matter, and will finally be uplifted to
the home of all that is spiritual.
It is not “the World”, that is to say all Creation, which will perish
thereby, but the celestial globes will only be drawn into the
disintegrating process when their course reaches the point where
dissolution, and with it also the preceding separation, is due to
set in.
cycle there is a perpetual creating, sowing, ripening, harvesting
and dissolving, so that, newly invigorated through the change in
the combination, other forms may again evolve, speeding towards
a new cycle.
Not even the most fanatical sceptic is able to deny the existence
of primordial seed, and yet it cannot be seen by any physical eye
because it is of a different substance which lies in the “beyond”.
Let us again simply call it ethereal.
forms, dependent on the Ethereal World, the Gross Material
World with its gross material bodies; and it is only that which can
be observed from its minutest beginnings with the physical eyes
and with all additional gross material aids.
As with the action of the heart and the blood circulation, the
funnel is like the heart of material creation. Thus the process of
disintegration involves the whole of Creation, including the
ethereal part, because everything that is material is again
dissolved into primordial seed in order to form itself anew. There
is nothing arbitrary in this, but everything develops out of the
natural consistency of the Primordial Laws, which permit of no
other course.
Hence at a certain point of the great cycle the moment arrives for
all that is created, whether gross material or ethereal, when the
process of disintegration is prepared independently from out of
what is created, and finally breaks through.
Ethereal World, the spiritual man, the real “ego”, must either
move upwards or remain chained to the World of Matter. The
serious longing for Truth and Light will, by virtue of the change it
works in him, make each person spiritually purer and thus more
luminous, so that this condition must naturally detach him more
and more from dense matter, and drive him upwards in
proportion to his purity and lightness.
Thus it becomes clear that one day there will be a definite end
also to the possibility of development through the purification-
process in the so-called beyond for those who have departed this
earth. A final decision! Men in both worlds will either be so far
ennobled that they can be uplifted to the Regions of Light, or
they will remain bound in their base nature through their own
volition and thereby be finally hurled down into “eternal
damnation”. This means that together with matter, from which
they cannot detach themselves, they will be drawn towards
disintegration, will themselves suffer painful disintegration, and
therewith cease to be personal.
They will be scattered like chaff in the wind, crumbled to dust and
thereby erased from the Golden Book of Life!
It does not diminish the greatness of the Creator, but can only
give cause to regard Him as even more sublime, to know that all
that happens in Creation is strictly consistent and takes place
automatically, that the direction of men’s fate is always
determined by themselves alone through their wishes and
volition, and that the Creator does not look on and intervene to
reward or punish.
The greatness lies in the perfection of His Work, and this compels
us to look upwards in reverential awe, since the greatest Love
and the most incorruptible Justice must lie without distinction in
the mightiest as well as in the most minute happening.
free himself and will continue with it towards dissolution,
whether in the Gross Material World or in the Ethereal World.
Therefore strive to free yourselves from all ties arising from base
feelings; for it is high time! The hour approaches when the period
allotted for this will have expired! Awake in yourselves the
longing for the pure, the true and the noble! –
Far above the eternal cycle of Creation there floats like a crown in
the centre an “Azure Island”, the abode of the blessed, of the
purified spirits, who may already dwell in the Regions of Light!
This Island is separate from the World. Therefore it has no part in
the cycle; but in spite of its height above the rotating Creation, it
constitutes the support and the centre for the outgoing spiritual
forces. It is the island that bears on its height the much-praised
city with its streets of gold. Here nothing is subject any longer to
change. No “Last Judgement” is to be feared any more. Those
who can dwell there are “at home”.
gross material earth. Passed on downwards step by step, the
Truth also unintentionally suffered various misrepresentations, so
that the final version could only be an increasingly dimmed
reflection, which gave rise to many errors.
Such missions, however, do not often occur. Each time they are
accompanied by incisive changes and great upheavals. Those who
are thus sent bring Light and Truth to the erring, Peace to the
despairing; with their message they stretch forth their hands to
all who seek, offering them new courage and new strength, and
guiding them through all Darkness up to the Light.
They come only for those who long for help from the Light, but
not for the scoffers and the self-righteous.
But at that time only a few accepted the Light, and those who
listened to them very soon distorted and misrepresented it, as
men on earth are apt to do. What they forgot they tried to replace
with ideas of their own, thereby creating only a confusion that
nowadays is meant to pass as inviolable Truth.
recognition is resisted, defiled and, if there is no other way, at
least ridiculed with a malice and cunning which plainly indicates
to clear thinking that it springs from fear! But clear thinking is
only rarely to be found on earth.
of all false wrappings. Shivering because your spirit-spark can no
longer be kindled within you, and thus generate the warmth from
within that will unite with the Light.
Indeed it is all too easy for you to believe the unbelievable; for
then you need not trouble to think and examine for yourselves.
Just because it cannot stand up to any test that is in accordance
with the Divine Laws of Nature, you simply have to believe,
without questioning the why or wherefore; you have to believe
blindly, and this you imagine to be great! You who so
conveniently imagine you are particularly devout, simply raise
yourselves above all doubts in this matter, and . . . feel happy,
secure, noble, pious and sure of a place in Heaven!
However, you have not thereby raised yourselves above all doubt,
but only bypassed it in a cowardly way! You were too spiritually
indolent to bestir yourselves, and preferred blind faith to a
knowledge of the natural happening in the Law of God’s Will.
Fictions devised by the human brain aided you in this. For the
more absurd and incomprehensible the things you are supposed
to believe, the easier it also becomes literally to believe in them
blindly, because in such matters it is quite impossible to do
otherwise. Knowledge and conviction must be eliminated then.
So now, along with everything else, the cycle which begins with
the Holy Night in Bethlehem is also closing! And the closing of
this cycle must cast out all inaccuracies in the transmissions, and
in their stead bring the Truth to victory. The Darkness created by
humanity is dispelled by the penetrating Light!
All legends which in the course of time have been woven around
the life of Jesus must fall away so that it may at last emerge in
purity, in accordance with Divine Laws, as indeed it could not
have been otherwise in this Creation. Hitherto you have
credulously and wantonly denied the Perfection of the Creator,
your God, with your self-established cults.
Wake up from your dreams at last and become inwardly true! Let
it be said once more that according to the Laws in Creation it is
impossible for bodies of earthmen ever to be born without
previous physical procreation, and equally impossible for a
physical body to be raised into the Ethereal Realm after its
earthly death, still less into the Animistic or even the Spiritual
Realm! And since Jesus had to be born here on earth, this event
was also subject to the gross material Divine Law of a previous
If it had happened with Christ as transmissions report, God would
have to act against His own Laws. But this He cannot do since He
is perfect from the very beginning, and thus also His Will, Which
lies in the Laws of Creation. Whoever still dares to think
otherwise doubts this Perfection and thus ultimately also doubts
God! For God without Perfection would not be God. There can be
no subterfuge! No human spirit can quibble about this simple
certainty, even if the foundations of many a former opinion must
now be shaken thereby. Here there is only either – or. All or
nothing. There can be no compromise, because nothing
incomplete or unfinished can exist in the Godhead! Nor in
anything concerned with God!
Three kings found their way to the stable and presented earthly
gifts; but then they went away, leaving without protection the
Child Whose earthly path they should have smoothed with their
wealth and power, so that no harm might befall Him in the
fulfillment of His Mission. Although they received enlightenment
enabling them to find the Child, they did not fully recognize their
sublime call.
It was only on his deathbed, after returning to his native town,
that Joseph, who had always been the best of fatherly friends to
Jesus, saw in his passing, during his last moments on earth, the
Cross and the Dove above Jesus, Who stood alone at his bedside.
Deeply stirring were his last words: “So Thou art He after all!”
His whole life as it really was will unfold itself before you,
divested of all the fantasies invented by human brains! With the
closing of the cycle of this event, it will be revealed to all during
the Judgement through the victory of the Truth, which for a long
time to come may no longer be obscured!
But now, at the return of the Star, all errors shall henceforth be
redeemed through the Grace of God; and likewise all the faults of
those who, without obstinacy or evil intent, rendered Christ’s way
more difficult at that time; and who now at the closing of the
cycle come to recognition, and try to make good their neglect or
Him Who in His Wisdom and Goodness created the Laws by which
all creatures must judge and also redeem themselves.
All that has so far taken place has consisted of one-sided attacks
by the intellectuals, which to any dispassionate observer must
appear obviously unfounded and often absurd. Scorn, hostility,
and even persecution of a most serious kind await all those who
seek to develop themselves higher in a purely spiritual sense,
even when they maintain silent reserve. There are always some
who try by ridicule or force to pull back and drag down such
aspiring ones to the dull insensibility or hypocrisy of the masses.
heavy pressure it will help to push them more and more swiftly
towards the goal of their choice, so that they will at last have to
partake of the fruits of what they have persistently and
presumptuously advocated.
The word must be examined, not the person! It is a habit of the
intellectuals to seek always to regard the person first, and then
to consider whether they can listen to his words. Owing to the
narrow limitation of their perceptive capacity, these people need
such an outward hold, because they must cling to externals to
prevent them from becoming confused. Indeed just this is the
hollow structure which they erect, which is inadequate for men
and a great hindrance to their advancement.
If they had a firm inner hold they would simply let fact speak
against fact, excluding the personal element altogether. But this
they are unable to do. Indeed, they intentionally avoid it because
they feel or partly know that in a well-ordered tournament they
would be quickly unseated. The ironic reference to “lay preacher”
or “lay interpretation”, so often used, shows such a degree of
ridiculous presumption that every serious person immediately
senses: “This is a shield used to conceal shallowness at all costs.
To cover their emptiness with a cheap signboard!”
Clumsy strategy which cannot last for long. Its purpose is from
the beginning to place seekers for the Truth who may become
troublesome on an “inferior” if not even a ridiculous level in the
eyes of their fellow-men, or at least to classify them as
“dabblers” so that they will not be taken seriously.
intellectual forms, that exposes a weakness whose dangers
cannot escape the notice of any thinker. He who believes in such
opinions is at the outset excluded from being an unprejudiced
teacher and guide, for he stands much further away from God and
His Activity than any other man.
For this simple reason the intellect is not called upon to bring
enlightenment in eternal values. Indeed it would be a
contradiction. Therefore he who in these matters boasts of
university qualifications, and would look down upon those who
are not so influenced, thereby declares his own incompetence and
limitation. Thinking people will at once sense intuitively the one-
sidedness, and use caution against him who cautions them in
such a manner!
Only those who are called can be true teachers. Called ones are
those who carry the ability within them. These abilities, however,
do not ask for university training, but for the vibrations of a
refined intuitive faculty, able to soar above time and space, thus
beyond the limit of comprehension by the earthly intellect.
But just in the most valuable things of the spiritual man, one
seeks obstinately to disregard and to alter this irrefutable fact.
Naturally without any more success than in the case of gold. For
those who are really seeking seriously do not permit themselves
to be influenced by such distractions from examining the matter
itself. But those who do allow themselves to be so influenced are
not yet mature to receive the Truth. It is not for them.
But the hour is not far distant when a conflict, which has been
lacking as yet, must now break out. The one-sidedness will end,
and a sharp confrontation will follow which will destroy all false
Such is it considered to be. But already experiences have very
often taught that it is not so!
Now each of these cases should really have proved that the way
followed is not the right one, because it brings only harm and
even destruction, but no blessing. Yet with singular persistence
these false ways are still retained, and fresh victims continually
sacrificed; a great clamor is raised over every small detail that is
discovered and newly recognized, although self-evident in the
mighty Creation, and innumerable treatises are written which
must repel many serious seekers, because the uncertain groping
therein is clearly perceptible.
in a virgin forest, where only a man adequately equipped for it
and at the height of his strength, exercising the greatest
precaution, can have any prospect of surviving unharmed.
In at least ninety-five out of a hundred cases they thus expose
such persons to great dangers, which they are not yet qualified to
meet; for every kind of artificial help towards deeper penetration
is a binding of the soul, forcing it into a sensitiveness that goes
further than its natural development would permit.
Thus it happens that the investigators unwittingly become
criminals, who cannot be apprehended by earthly justice.
However, this does not prevent the spiritual Laws from exercising
their reciprocal action with full force, and chaining the
investigator to his victim.
Because of this lack of sound full vigor, the artificiality produces
an inequality which is bound to entail disturbances. As a result all
intuitive perceptions become absolutely blurred, giving rise to
distortions of reality.
Naturally, now and then something more advanced will also make
a short stay in this environment. But it is not always to be
expected. Something exalted cannot be there, purely by virtue of
the Natural Laws. Sooner would the world be turned upside down,
or . . . a foundation for anchoring the Light exist in a human
Even with a medium, all these things can only be carried out by
such souls in the beyond as are still very closely connected with
matter. Were it otherwise possible, that is to say, if an exalted
being could so easily make contact with humanity, then there
would have been no need whatever for Christ to become man, but
He could have accomplished His Mission also without this
sacrifice.** Men of today, however, are certainly no more highly
developed psychically than in Jesus’ earth-life, so it cannot be
assumed that it is easier to establish a link with the Light now
than it was in those days.
But this reasoning does not justify the repeated endangering of
human souls in such a wanton way!
entertainment, in which those in the beyond are expected to act
as music-hall artistes.
But just let us leave the big experiments now and consider the
small ones, such as table-turning. These are by no means as
harmless as people imagine, but because of the extreme ease
with which these practices can spread they are a very grave
With uncanny rapidity all this has developed into party games
carried out amid laughter, derision and at times a kind of
pleasant thrill.
Every day older and younger ladies, in families or also alone, are
seated at a little table before a piece of cardboard on which
letters have been drawn, which if possible must even be of a very
special design, so that the hocus-pocus stimulating the
imagination is not lacking. Actually this is quite unnecessary; for
the object would also be accomplished without it, if the person
concerned has only some tendency towards these things. And
those who have are innumerable!
Publications of occult societies point to this, speakers support it,
and appliances are made and sold, which facilitate all this
nonsense, and thus almost the entire occult world acts as an
efficient underling of the Darkness, in the honest conviction of
being a priest of the Light!
The few people destined for this from the outset have in their
own natural development a totally different protection, carefully
watching over every step, which others do not enjoy. However,
this protection is only effective in natural self-development,
without any artificial aids! Because only in all that is natural does
protection lie as a matter of course.
indulged. But there are also many who already bear physical
evidence of harm, although they will never recognize the real
cause during their life on earth.
In the present state of the earth the Darkness has, through the
volition of mankind, gained the upper hand over everything
material. Thus in all material things it stands to all intents and
purposes on its own familiar ground, and can therefore manifest
to the fullest extent in the material. Hence it is in its element
there, fighting on soil with which it is well acquainted. Thereby,
for the time being, in all that is material, that is gross material, it
is superior to the Light.
When one or more persons approach a table for the purpose of
contacting through it those living in the beyond, either so that
these should make knocking sounds or, as is more usual, move
the table, so that words can be formed from these signs, then
through the connection with material substance the first to be
attracted is also the Darkness, which will take over the
But this is not the case! Not only does the ever watchful Darkness
make cunning use of the name to make deceptions appear as
authentic as possible, and gain the confidence of the questioners;
but it even goes so far that a dark one will interfere in the middle
of a sentence begun by the real friend, and purposely give it a
false ending. Thereupon emerges the scarcely known fact that in
a smoothly and flowingly given sentence two have taken part.
First the real, and perhaps quite luminous, therefore purer friend,
and then a dark entity of evil volition, without the questioner
noticing anything of it.
support his ridicule and doubts, and occasionally to make violent
attacks on the whole subject. But in fact both are wrong, which
can only be traced back to the ignorance still prevailing on the
whole matter.
To avoid this danger the more luminous one has no option but
quickly to withdraw from the material, thus from the table or
some other appliance, as soon as a dark one reaches out for it, in
order to cut off the intermediary link, which would form a bridge
over the natural separating and thereby protecting gulf.
It is then unavoidable in the beyond that in such cases the person
experimenting through the table must be left at the mercy of
base influences. Indeed, his own action proves that he wished for
nothing else; for ignorance of the Laws cannot protect him here
Only one other danger must yet be mentioned. Through this kind
of questioning and seeking for replies and advice, people make
themselves very dependent and lose their self-reliance. This is
the reverse of life’s purpose on earth.
Many dark ones are thus offered an opportunity, indeed they are
thereby even directly tempted to commit evil and to burden
themselves with fresh guilt, which they could not so easily do
otherwise. And others are retarded in their upward striving
through the constant link formed by such wishes and thoughts.
In clearly observing the nature of these investigations it often
appears so childishly obstinate, so imbued with a most ruthless
egotism, and withal so clumsy, that one must shake one’s head
and ask oneself how anyone could possibly want to open out to
the general public a region of which he himself does not really
know the first thing.
Thereby the Darkness will then have won a further victory! It can
offer its gratitude to the investigators who to that end extended
their hands to it, and who are pleased and proud to proclaim
themselves leaders of modern psychic sciences!
God has no need to run after them and beg them to believe in His
existence. Nor are His servants sent out forever to admonish
people on no account to turn away from Him. This would indeed
be absurd. To think and expect such things is a dishonoring and
debasing of the sublime Godhead.
This is also the cause of the strange attitude of the majority of all
“believers”, whose example is more often a deterrent than an
inspiration. Thousands upon thousands feel a certain inner
satisfaction, an exaltation, in the consciousness that they believe
in God, that they utter their prayers with such earnestness as
they are capable of bringing up, and that they do not
intentionally harm their neighbors.
certain sacred thrill that produces or leaves behind a state of
bliss, in which they revel.
It will be easier for many who now are still absolute unbelievers
to enter the Kingdom of God than for all the legions with their
conceited humility, who do not really stand before God in simple
supplication, but indirectly demanding that He reward them for
their prayers and pious words. Their petitions are demands, their
inner being hypocritical. They will be swept away like empty chaff
before His Countenance. They will have their reward, certainly,
but it will be different from what they imagine. They have already
satiated themselves long enough on earth in the consciousness of
their own value.
This inner, silent, so-called humble expectation of something
better is really nothing but a demand, even though it be
expressed differently, in however beautiful words. Every demand,
however, is a presumption. God alone has to demand! Nor did
Christ come pleading to mankind with His Message, but warning
and demanding. He certainly gave explanations about the Truth,
but He did not enticingly hold out rewards before the eyes of His
hearers to spur them on to become better. Calmly and sternly He
commanded serious seekers: “Go thou and do likewise!”
And all this has been brought about through the guilt of men
themselves. Through the guilt of their propensity for what is
base. Here mankind have been their own worst enemy. Now even
those few who are once more earnestly striving upwards are also
in danger of being swept into the depths, towards which others
are now developing at a sinister speed.
It is like a close embrace, which is followed inevitably by fatal
absorption. Absorption into the sultry, tenacious swamp, in which
everything sinks without a sound. There is no longer a struggling,
but only a still, silent, gruesome choking.
And man does not recognize it. Spiritual indolence blinds him to
this fateful happening.
But all the time the swamp is sending forth its poisonous
emanations, which slowly weary those who are still strong and
alert, so that they, too, will fall asleep and sink away powerless.
Therefore the time draws near when for a while this earth must
be left to the rule of Darkness, without direct help from the Light,
because humanity enforced this through their volition. The
consequences of the volition of the majority were bound to bring
this ending. – It is the time which John was once permitted to
behold, when God will veil His Countenance. –
helping hand can be offered to all those who pursue base ends!
They shall fall headlong into those terrible depths where alone
they can still hope for an awakening through such torments that
they must come to loathe themselves.
Those who with sneers and apparent impunity have hitherto been
able to hinder the upward striving ones will become silent and
more pensive, until finally, begging and whimpering, they will
supplicate for the Truth.
Then it will not be so easy for such; they will be irresistibly led
through the millstones of the inexorable Laws of Divine Justice,
until in the experiencing they come to the recognition of their
errors. –
Those who so rebel are simply cowards, who would like nothing
better than to evade the personal issue, only to remain in
obscurity, where they can indulge in sweet and peaceful dreams
to their heart’s content.
With smiles, scoffing or with enmity such people would like to
prevent the coming of the day when the feet of clay supporting
that flimsily constructed idol, their “ego”, will be clearly
revealed. Such fools are only masquerading with themselves,
which will be relentlessly followed by the grey Ash Wednesday.
With their wrong views they really want only to idolize
themselves, and thereby they feel well and comfortable on earth.
From the outset they regard anyone who disturbs them from this
indolent placidity as an enemy!
There is within you an altar which should serve for the worship of
your God. This altar is your intuitive faculty. If this is pure it is
directly connected with the Spiritual Realm and thus with
Paradise! Then there are moments when you too can fully
perceive the nearness of your God, as often happens in times of
deepest sorrow and greatest joy!
This is the most supreme happiness for the human spirit. The
eternal ones in Paradise live in it continually. It brings the
glorious certainty of being protected. They are then fully
conscious of the nearness of their great God, in Whose Power
they stand, yet at the same time they also realize as a matter of
course that they have reached their greatest height, and will
never be able to behold God.
Hand in hand with this assertion also goes the debasing of Divine
Love. How can God’s Love be measured by the standard of human
love? Moreover, how can It be valued even below this human
love? Look at those people who picture Divine Love as the highest
ideal, just silently enduring and also forgiving everything! They
want to recognize Divinity by the fact that It tolerates any
misbehavior from lower creatures, such as only the greatest
weakling or the most cowardly human being would do, for which
they are despised. Just reflect what a monstrous insult this
Men would like to sin unpunished, and then finally even please
their God by allowing Him to forgive their wrong-doing without
having to atone for it themselves! Such presumption shows either
the utmost narrow-mindedness, unpardonable laziness, or the
realization of how hopelessly weak they are in bringing forth the
good volition to strive upwards: The one, however, is as
reprehensible as the other.
ignobly yielding as mankind would so like it to be? They want to
build up a false greatness where they wish for weakness, they
give a false picture only to deceive and reassure themselves
about their own shortcomings, which make them willing servants
of the Darkness.
The activity of the Divine Creative Will purifies every human spirit
of its guilt as soon as it strives upwards, whether through its own
experiences or through its voluntary efforts at improvement.
insists on portraying It! Demanding no self-atonement, tolerating
everything, and ultimately even offering generous forgiveness. It
must produce a lamentable result! Does man consider himself so
precious that his God should suffer under this? Thus more
precious even than God Himself? To what lengths does men’s
presumption go. –
It is only what the spirit wills in any action that is decisive for the
Divine Laws in Creation. This spiritual will, however, is not
thought-activity, but the deepest intuitive perception, the actual
volition within man, which alone can set in motion the Laws of the
beyond, and indeed does so automatically.
Divine Love cannot be degraded by men; for in It rest in Creation
also the inexorable Laws of His Will, Which is borne by Love. And
these Laws take effect according to how man adjusts himself in
Creation. They may link him with the proximity of his God, or they
form a dividing wall that can never be destroyed unless man at
last adapts himself to them, which means obeys them, in which
alone he can find his salvation, his happiness.
These are wretched ones who think themselves so wise, but are
so empty-minded! Such cries merely conceal an utterly hollow
presumption. They would only scourge him and throw him into
Do open your eyes and ears! But man goes dancing frivolously
away over all the suffering and misery of his fellow-men! He does
not want to see and hear! –
and obscure the pure luster of the Word, so that the magnetic
power of Its radiance should gradually become extinct. –
And all those who wish to disentangle the Word from the clinging
vines must soon perceive how desperately the messengers of
Darkness try to prevent every joyful awakening!
Soon the ring will close. Things are piling up ever more, rising like
a rampart which will soon collapse and crash down upon mankind,
who go on living unsuspectingly in spiritual apathy. Finally, at the
time of fulfillment, they will naturally no longer have the free
They must now just reap what they sowed at that time, and also
later on their wrong ways.
All who once rejected the Word at the time of Christ are today
reincarnated on this earth to settle accounts. Now they no longer
have the right to be forewarned, and to make a second decision.
In the two thousand years they have had time enough to change
their minds! Also he who absorbs a wrong interpretation of God
and His Creation, and does not exert himself to grasp It more
purely, has not absorbed It at all. Indeed, it is far worse, for a
wrong belief keeps one back from grasping the Truth.
falsification and deception, but in addition he also bears the
whole responsibility for those whom he was able to attract to
himself by making it more convenient or acceptable. When his
hour of retribution comes he will not be helped. He will fall into
the abyss from which there can be no return, and rightly so! –
This John was also permitted to see and warn against in his
And when the great purification begins man will now have no time
to rebel, or even to stem this happening. The Divine Laws which
man so much likes to picture wrongly will then take inexorable
Just in the most terrible tribulation of the times that the earth has
ever experienced, humanity will at last learn that God’s Love is
far removed from the softness and weakness which man so
audaciously ascribed to It.
More than half of all the men living at the present time do not
belong on this earth at all!
This formed a protection both for all those living on earth and for
these dark ones themselves. They are separated by the natural
Law of Ethereal Gravity. Down below they can give full vent to
their passions, and all baseness, without doing any harm. On the
contrary. There their unrestrained indulgence only strikes those
of a like nature, whose base way of living similarly also affects
them. Thus they suffer mutually, which leads to maturing but not
to further guilt. For through the suffering, loathing for
themselves may in time awaken, and with it also the desire to
escape from this region. Gradually the desire leads to an
agonizing despair, which may finally result in the most fervent
prayers, and therewith in an earnest volition to do better.
This is how it should be. But through men’s wrong volition things
developed differently!
This also clears up the puzzle of how many a black sheep could
come to good parents. However, if a prospective mother takes
more heed of herself and of her immediate surroundings, of those
with whom she associates, this can not happen.
Thus one can recognize it only as Love when at last the final
effect of the Laws sweeps away from the earth-plane in full
justice those who do not belong here, so that they fall into that
realm of Darkness to which by their nature they definitely belong.
Thus they can no longer hinder the ascent of the more luminous
ones, nor burden themselves with fresh guilt, but perhaps still,
after all, mature through disgust at their own experiences. –
The time will certainly come when the hearts of all men will be
seized with an iron grip, when spiritual arrogance will be
uprooted in every human creature with terrible relentlessness.
Then every doubt which today prevents the human spirit from
recognizing that Divinity is not in him, but high above him, will
also disappear. That It can only stand as the purest image on the
altar of his inner life, to which he looks up in humble prayer. –
In the end, brought about through his own wrong attitude, it will
be proved to him with uncanny clarity that in his present so
degenerated state he does not even represent the shadow of
Divinity. The whole hoard of earthly knowledge that he has
laboriously accumulated over these thousands of years will then
prove before the horrified gaze of his eyes to be as nothing;
helpless, he will experience with himself how the fruits of his one-
sided earthly aspirations become useless and sometimes even a
curse to him. Then he may reflect upon his own divinity, if he can!
A mighty voice will sound forth and compel him: “Down on your
knees, creature, before your God and Lord! Do not sacrilegiously
try to lift yourself up to the level of God!” – –
FOUR WORDS ONLY, yet they are like a magic formula; for they
bear within them the quality of instantly arousing some special
intuitive perception in every human being. Seldom is this intuitive
perception of the same kind. Similar to the effect music has.
Exactly as with music, these four words also find their way
straight to the spirit of man, his real “ego”. Naturally only to
those who do not keep the spirit completely locked within them,
and have thus already lost their real humanity here on earth.
On hearing these words, however, every human being will
involuntarily and instantly think back to some former experience.
This rises vividly before him, and with the picture also a
corresponding intuitive perception.
Man should for once closely heed this with care and with an alert
mind, then he will soon recognize what is really alive within him,
and what can be designated as dead, as a soulless shell of
useless memories.
Happy is he who can call his own many such powerful
experiences, no matter whether called forth by joy or sorrow; for
the impressions they leave will one day be the most precious that
a human soul takes with it on its way into the beyond. –
So far only art is still born out of the activity of the living spirit,
out of the intuitive perception. Art alone has had a natural and
therefore a normal and healthy origin and development. The
spirit, however, does not express itself in the intellect, but in the
intuitive perceptions, and only manifests in what is generally
called “deep inner feeling” (“Gemuet”). That is just what the
intellectual man of today, who is so inordinately proud of himself,
likes to mock and ridicule. Thus he derides what is most valuable
in man, yes, the very thing that really makes man a human being!
Only the works of the spirit from their very origin bear life within
them, and with it permanence and stability. Everything else must
collapse from within when its time of blossoming is past. As soon
as the fruits of it are due to appear, the barrenness will be
Just look at history! Only the work of the spirit, that is to say art,
has outlived the peoples who have already collapsed through the
activity of their intellect, which in itself is lifeless and cold. Their
great, much-praised knowledge could not offer them any
salvation from collapse. Egyptians, Greeks and Romans went this
way; later also the Spaniards and the French, now the Germans –
yet the works of genuine art have outlived them all! Nor can they
ever perish. But no one has perceived with what strict regularity
these events have recurred. No person thought of getting to the
real root of this great evil.
Instead of searching for this root, and for once calling a halt to
the ever-recurring decline, men have blindly submitted to it, and
with laments and complaints have resigned themselves to the
idea that “nothing can be changed”.
Now finally it will strike all mankind! Much misery already lies
behind us, still greater is to come. And deep affliction moves
through the dense ranks of those who have even now to some
extent been affected by it.
Think of all the peoples who have already had to fall on reaching
full bloom, the zenith of the intellect. The fruits which developed
from the blossom-time were everywhere the same! Immorality,
shamelessness and debauchery in various forms, inevitably
followed by decline and ruin.
One after the other these peoples had finally to recognize that
their greatness, their power and their glory were only apparent,
upheld solely by force and compulsion, and not secured by an
inner soundness.
Only when the evil has been thoroughly eradicated will the path
to general ascent be open, not before. And this will then be
lasting, because it will be animated by the living spirit, which has
hitherto been impossible. –
Before going into this subject more deeply, I want to explain what
spirit, as the only really living part in man, is. Spirit is not wit,
and not intellect! Nor is spirit acquired knowledge. It is
erroneous, therefore, to call a person “rich in spirit” because he
has studied, read and observed much and knows how to converse
well about it, or because his brilliance expresses itself through
original ideas and intellectual wit.
Spirit has nothing to do with the earthly intellect, only with the
quality which is described as “deep inner feeling” (“Gemuet”). To
be rich in spirit, therefore, is the same as “having deep inner
feelings” (“gemuetvoll”), but not the same as being highly
Just to discover this difference more easily, man should now make
use of the expression: “Once upon a time!” That alone will help
very many seekers to find clarification. If they observe
themselves carefully they can recognize what has so far proved
beneficial to their souls in their earth-life, or what has merely
served to ease the conditions of their life and work in the earthly
environment. In other words, what is of value to them not only on
earth but also in the beyond, and what serves only earthly
purposes but remains valueless for the beyond. The one can be
taken over by man, but the other he leaves behind on his
departure as belonging only here, because it can be of no further
use to him. What he leaves behind, however, is but the tool for
earthly events, an aid for the time of earth, nothing more.
produce many kinds of deficiencies, which in time will have quite
disastrous consequences.
For the intellect this naturally results in the most limited, purely
earthly comprehensive capacity, closely bound to time and space.
Since it originates in the World of Gross Matter, itself inert and
with no life of its own, the intellect is also without living power.
This condition, of course, is likewise perpetuated in all the
activities of the intellect, for which it thereby remains impossible
to impart life to its works.
limited, cold, without warmth of life, because the intellect has
nothing else to give.
it upside down by yielding the supreme place that belongs to the
living spirit to the intellect, which comes in the second and purely
earthly place. Through this it is again quite natural for man now
to be obliged painfully to seek from below upwards, whereby the
superimposed intellect, with its limited capacity to comprehend,
obstructs any broader view, instead of his being able to look
down from above through the spirit.
Thus the part of the brain which should form the bridge to the
spirit, or rather the bridge from the spirit to everything earthly, is
thereby paralyzed; a connection is broken, or at least very much
loosened, whereby man has cut off for himself all spiritual
activity, and with it also the possibility of “animating”,
spiritualizing and inspiring his intellect.
The spirit leading and the intellect carrying out here on earth. It
is obvious that because of this all the activity of the body too, and
even the body itself, can never be what it should be. For naturally
what has taken place affects everything! Because the most
essential factor for all earthly things is thereby missing!
it; and solely because of his voluntary restriction he ridicules
everything that he is unable to attain, and which owing to his
really retarded, not normal brain will never at any time be
understood by him either.
Just therein lies the most terrible part of the curse of this
unnatural aberration. The harmonious cooperation of both parts
of the human brain that absolutely belongs to a normal human
being, is definitely impossible for the present-day intellectuals,
who are called materialists. –
Thus the unnatural brain has hitherto ruled on this earth; and
finally its activity must obviously also bring about the inevitable
collapse in all things, since everything, no matter what it wishes
to produce, naturally contains discord and ill-health even from
the very start, owing to the stunting.
Nothing of this can now be changed any more, but one must
calmly let the naturally developing collapse come about. Then,
however, will be the day of resurrection for the spirit, and also for
a new life! The slave of the intellect, who has held the reins for
thousands of years, will thus be disposed of for ever! Never again
will he be able to arise, because the evidence and his own
experience will finally compel him voluntarily to submit at last, ill
and spiritually impoverished, to that which he was unable to
grasp. Never again will he be given the opportunity to oppose the
spirit, either by scoffing or by the semblance of right through
imposing force, such as was also used towards the Son of God,
Who had to fight against it.
Then there would still have been time to avert such misery. But
now it is too late; for in the meantime the loosened connection
between the two parts of the brain can no longer be bridged.
Many intellectuals will again try to ridicule the explanations in
this lecture, but except for empty platitudes, they will be unable
to present even one really objective counter-argument. Yet any
serious seeker and thinker will have to take such blind zeal
simply as fresh proof of what I have set forth herein. However
hard they try, it is impossible for these people. Let us therefore
regard them from now on as sick persons, who will soon be in
need of help, and . . . let us calmly await the time.
But all this has nothing to do with what has been hitherto
described as “occult faculties”. It is then simply the normal man
as he should be! To “become seeing” has nothing to do with
“clairvoyance”, but signifies “insight”, recognition.
arise the arrogant lust for power, and the disputing that is
actually part of it.
They will also see how, with strict consistency, all humanity has
suffered under this yoke in one form or another for thousands of
years; and how this cancerous sore, as the hereditary enemy, has
always been directed against the development of the free human
spirit, which is the main object in human existence! Nothing will
escape them, also not the bitter certainty that affliction, all
suffering, and every downfall, were bound to come about through
this evil, and that there could never be any betterment because
from the start all insight was ruled out owing to the limitation of
the perceptive capacity.
There are certainly also some who already for decades have been
fighting against this enemy with tenacious energy and conviction,
in secret and to some extent also openly, occasionally also being
exposed to most bitter suffering. But they fight without knowing
the real enemy! And this has naturally made success more
difficult. Indeed, it has made it impossible from the outset. The
warriors’ sword was not well sharpened, because they were
always striking at non-essential things that dented it. With these
non-essentials, however, they have always struck to one side,
missing the mark, wasting their own strength, and only causing
disunion among themselves.
In reality there is only one enemy of mankind all along the line:
The hitherto unrestricted rule of the intellect! That was the great
fall of man, his most grievous guilt, which brought all evil in its
wake. That became the hereditary sin, and that also is the
Antichrist of whom it is proclaimed that he will raise his head.
More plainly expressed: The mastery of the intellect is his tool,
through which men have fallen prey to him. To him, the enemy of
God, the Antichrist himself . . . Lucifer!**
He must not on that account belittle his intellect, but must make
it what it is, his tool; not, however, his authoritative will. Not his
On looking back into the past, man will only be able to shake his
head in sheer amazement. He will ask himself how it was possible
to suffer these errors calmly for thousands of years. The answer,
of course, is simple: by force! Wherever one looks it can be
recognized quite clearly. Leaving aside the times of remote
antiquity, we need only enter the aforementioned torture
chambers which can still be seen everywhere today, and the use
of which does not lie so very far back.
Either all those who dared to pass judgement on others were the
scum of the most hardened criminals, or it clearly showed the
unhealthy limitation of the earthly intellect. There can be nothing
earth, should never stand in his actions under some protection of
his office, but like any other person he must alone and purely
personally, unprotected, bear full responsibility himself for all he
does in his office. Not only in the spiritual but also in the earthly
sense. Then everyone would regard things much more seriously
and carefully. And so-called “errors”, whose consequences are
forever irreparable, will certainly not so easily occur again. To say
nothing of the physical and psychic suffering of the victims and
their relatives.
Anyone who has ever had access to the court records of such
trials would wish, in an outburst of burning shame, never to be
numbered among this mankind. In those days if anyone even had
knowledge of healing herbs, either through practical experience
or tradition, and if he used this knowledge to aid sufferers asking
him for help, he was relentlessly tortured for it. Final release
from these tortures only came with death at the stake, if his body
had not already succumbed to these cruelties.
Although these things are spoken of with an air of superiority and
a shrugging of the shoulders, yet fundamentally nothing has
changed. The stupid presumption towards everything not
understood is still exactly the same! Except that instead of these
tortures men now publicly scoff at everything which, owing to
their narrow-mindedness, they do not understand.
Many a person would do better to search his heart for once and
think seriously about this without sparing himself. Upholders of
the intellect, which means those who are not quite normal, and
often even the law courts, will from the outset regard as a
swindler every person who possesses the ability to know
something that is concealed from others; he may be able also to
see the Ethereal World with his ethereal eyes as a natural
occurrence, which will very soon no longer be doubted, much less
brutally opposed.
And woe unto him who does not himself know what to make of it,
but naively speaks of what he has seen and heard. He must fear
the consequences as did the first Christians under Nero, with his
helpers always ready for murder.
The proceedings of the Inquisition, which were instigated by the
Church, were even worse than those of the courts of law. Here
the shrieks of the tortured were drowned by pious prayers. It was
a mockery of the Divine Will in Creation! The ecclesiastical
representatives of those days thus proved that they had no idea
of Christ’s true teaching, nor of the Godhead and Its Creative Will,
Whose Laws lie irrevocably anchored and work on in Creation, the
same even from the very beginning to the end of time.
God endowed the human spirit by its very nature with the free
will to decide. Only through this can it mature as it should, refine
itself and develop fully. Only therein lies the possibility for it to
do so. However, should this free will be cut off, then this is a
hindrance, if not a violent throwing back.
And supreme over all the Will of our Creator inexorably
manifested and manifests in the irrevocable march of events. On
passing into the beyond every human being is divested of earthly
power and its protection. Name, position, everything is left
behind. Only a poor human soul passes over, there to receive and
experience what it sowed. Not a single exception is possible! On
its path it is led through all the wheels of the relentless reciprocal
action of Divine Justice. There is no church, no state, but only
individual human souls who must personally account for every
error they have made!
the foundation there can be no flaws, no gaps, but only a
uniformity that brings in its wake happiness and peace. In their
basic features the expressions of the spirit can always and only
be exactly the same everywhere. They will never contradict each
Even today materialism is past its climax, and now, failing
everywhere, it must soon collapse. Not without also tearing down
much that is good. Its devotees are already at the end of their
ability, and will soon become confused about their work and then
about themselves, without perceiving the abyss that has opened
up before them. They will soon be like a flock without shepherds,
one not trusting the other, each pursuing his own way, and yet
still proudly looking down upon others. Not thinking matters out
carefully, but merely following old habits.
People complain and cry out, they see with disgust how the
excrescences of materialism today take on scarcely believable
forms. They beg and pray for deliverance from the affliction, for
improvement and recovery from the overwhelming downfall. The
few who have managed to save some stirring of their inner life
from the tidal wave of the incredible happenings, who have not
suffocated spiritually in the general downfall that deceptively
bears the name of “progress” proudly on its brow, feel like
outcasts and backward people, and are also regarded and
ridiculed as such by the soulless followers of modern life.
A laurel wreath to all those who had the courage to refrain from
joining the masses! Who have proudly stayed behind on the
steeply sloping path!
Already the fine raiment worn up till now is very badly tattered.
The figure in its true form is at last visible through all the rents.
The exhausted product of the human brain, the intellect, which
allowed itself to be enthroned as spirit, less confident but no less
conceited, looks forth confounded!
Just confidently take the bandage from your eyes and look about
you more keenly. Alone the perusal of newspapers which are
otherwise quite good reveals all sorts of things to the clear-
sighted. There are desperate efforts still to cling to all the old
illusions. With arrogance, and often very coarse jokes, people
seek to cover up the lack of comprehension that becomes more
and more evident. A person will frequently use absurd language
to judge something, of which in reality he has quite obviously no
shred of understanding.
And no one sees this mad rush downwards into the gruesome
He who intuitively perceives this will still keep silent for the
present, in the shameful awareness of being ridiculed in any case
should he speak. It is already a wild frenzy in which, however,
there is a dawning recognition of powerlessness. And with the
growing awareness of that recognition people become even more
rebellious, out of sheer obstinacy, out of vanity, and last but not
least from fear and horror of the impending events. They simply
refuse already to think of the end of this colossal error!
Convulsively they cling to the proud structure built up over past
millennia, which closely resembles the Tower of Babel, and which
will end in the same way!
And with this the grievous sin of all mankind against the spirit,
which has kept the spirit bound on earth through the intellect, is
at last redeemed! Only that then is the right way back to what is
natural, to the way of the Will of the Creator, Who desires men’s
works to be great, and suffused with living intuitive perceptions!
The victory of the spirit, however, will at the same time also be
the victory of purest Love!
THERE IS MANY A MAN who lifts up his eyes seekingly for Light
and Truth. His longing is great, but very often he lacks earnest
volition! More than half of the seekers are not genuine. They
bring their own preconceived opinion. Should they have to change
it in the slightest degree, then they would much rather reject all
that is new to them, even if it contains the Truth.
There are always some who imagine they have already grasped
all that is right. They have no intention of subjecting themselves
to a strict examination based on what they have heard and read.
Birth and death, the inseparable poles of all life on earth, should
not be a secret to man.
For it is the origin that provides the mainstay for everyone’s
whole existence and development! Anyone who seeks to reach far
beyond his origin, as usually happens, reaches for something he
cannot grasp, and thereby loses all support in the quite natural
course of events.
If, for instance, I reach for the branch of a tree which through its
material consistency is similar to my earthly body, I can gain a
hold on this branch and thus swing myself up on it.
And yet in his conceit man seeks contact with that sphere to
which he can never attain, and thus interrupts the natural order
of things. His wrong desire is like a dam forming an obstruction
between himself and his necessary supply of power from the
origin. He cuts himself off from it.
Therefore away with such errors! Not until then can the human
spirit develop its full power, which it still heedlessly disregards
today, and become what it can and should be, lord in Creation!
But mark well, only in Creation, not standing above it.
God Himself, the Origin of all being and life, is Divine, as the very
word implies! Man was created by His Spirit!
Spirit is the Will of God. Now out of this Will the first Creation
came into being. Do let us keep to this simple fact; it provides the
possibility for a better understanding.
It is no different with God! His Will created Paradise! But His Will
is the Spirit, designated as the “Holy Spirit”. Paradise, again, was
only the work of the Spirit, not part of the Spirit Itself. There is a
gradation downwards in this. The Creative Holy Spirit, that is, the
Living Will of God, was not absorbed in His Creation. He did not
even give one part of Himself to it; but He Himself remained
wholly outside Creation. The Bible already states this quite
clearly and plainly with the words: “And the Spirit of God moved
upon the face of the waters”, not God Himself! After all, that is
different. Thus man does not carry within him anything of the
Holy Spirit Itself either, but only of the spirit which is a work of
the Holy Spirit, an act.
In place of this clear path of which he could no longer command a
view, a substitute had to be found in his religious conceptions, if
he was not to designate himself as the creator of all being and
life, and thus as God. The term “faith” has given him this
substitute until now! And all mankind has suffered ever since
from the word “faith”! What is more, this misunderstood word,
which was meant to restore all that was lost, became a cliff
against which everything was wrecked!
Only the indolent one is content with faith. It is also faith which
can become the butt of scoffers. And the word “faith”, wrongly
interpreted, is the barrier which today obstructs the road to
mankind’s progress.
But whatever he does not fully experience within never becomes
his own either! And only what is his own helps him to ascend.
After all, no one can walk and go forward along a road containing
great yawning clefts. Where man’s knowledge cannot take him
any further he must come to a spiritual standstill. This fact is
irrefutable and no doubt also easily understood. Hence he who
wishes to advance spiritually should awaken!
He who will but think a little must again find a great error
therein. An arbitrary act implies the possibility of diverting the
existing Laws of Nature. However, where such a thing is possible,
perfection is lacking. For where there is perfection there can be
no alteration. Thus a large part of humanity erroneously
represents the Omnipotence of God in such a way that those who
think more deeply would have to regard it as a proof of
imperfection. And therein lies the root of much evil.
Give God the honor of perfection! Then you will find the key to
the unsolved riddles of all life. –
The mighty field of the spirit extends through all Creation.
Therefore man can, should and must fully grasp and recognize
Creation! And through his knowledge he will rule therein. But
rightly understood, to rule, however severely, simply means to
serve! –
It all lies so simply before men that owing to the very simplicity
they often do not come to recognition, because from the outset
they assume that the great work of Creation must be much more
difficult and intricate.
Here in spite of the best volition thousands stumble, they raise
their eyes seekingly to the heavens, not realizing that without
effort they have only to look before and around them. They will
then see that through their existence on earth they are already
standing on the right road, and need only go calmly ahead!
Without haste and without effort, but with open eyes and a free,
unprejudiced mind! Man must at last learn that true greatness
lies only in the most simple and natural happening. That
greatness implies this simplicity.
Only simple thinking and intuitive perceiving can give him clarity!
Such simplicity as children still possess! Calm reflection will show
him that, in the ability to comprehend, simplicity is identical with
clarity and also with naturalness! The one simply cannot be
thought of without the others. They form a triad that expresses
one concept! Whoever makes it the foundation-stone of his
search will soon break through the nebulous confusion.
Everything that has been added artificially will then collapse into
Man will realize that the natural order of events may nowhere be
eliminated, and that at no place is it interrupted! And therein the
greatness of God also reveals itself! The unchangeable vitality of
the self-acting Creative Will! For the Laws of Nature are the
inexorable Laws of God, continually visible to all men, appealing
to them, testifying to the Greatness of the Creator, of an
unshakable regularity, admitting of no exception! Of no
exception! For a grain of oats can again bring forth only oats,
likewise a grain of wheat only wheat, and so forth.
finally to these celestial globes. Only becoming coarser the
further Creation draws away in the process of development from
the Perfection of the origin. –
in the whole evolution and process of development of the human
Man should get rid of the habit of regarding things that are
invisible to him as also incomprehensible and unnatural.
Everything is natural, even the so-called beyond, and Paradise,
which is still an immense distance from it.
Thus it happens that many an earth-dweller now and then already
sees and hears also the Ethereal World with his ethereal body,
which he bears within, before the separation from the gross
material earthly body takes place through physical death. There
is absolutely nothing unnatural in this.
I have already touched upon this in saying that one species can
only recognize the same species. The proverbs: “Birds of a
feather flock together”, and “like father, like son” seem to have
been sensed from the Primordial Law. Together with the Law of
Gravitation it swings throughout Creation.
The effect of these simple Laws brings every human spirit exactly
to the place where, according to his inner attitude, he does
belong. Any error here is impossible, because the manifestation
of these Laws can only be set in motion by the inmost condition of
a human being, which will, however, set it in motion without fail
in every case! Thus to bring this about the spiritual power of the
intuitive perceptions which is in man is needed as the lever!
Nothing else has any effect. For this reason only the real volition,
man’s intuitive perception, is decisive for what develops for him
in the world that is invisible to him, and which he must enter
after his earthly death.
unprotected and now the coarsest part, is subject to this Law of
When it is said that the spirit forms its body, that is true as
regards the ethereal body. The inner quality of man, his desires
and his actual volition lay the foundation for it.
Yet the moment the spirit changes its volition and intuition new
forms will thereby immediately arise, whereas the old ones, no
longer receiving nourishment because of this change, must fade
and dissolve. In this way man also changes his fate.
Therefore man can neither complain nor need he give thanks; for
if he is raised towards the Light it is his own consistency that
inevitably causes him to be raised; if he falls into the Darkness, it
is again his condition that forces him to do so.
But every human being has reason to glorify and praise the
Creator for the perfection that lies in the working of these three
Laws. The human spirit is thereby unreservedly made the
absolute master of its own fate! For its true volition, thus the
genuine inner condition, must cause it either to rise or to sink.
If you try to get a true picture of the effect of these Laws, singly
and working together, you will find that they contain reward and
punishment, mercy or also damnation, minutely weighed for each
one according to his inner state. It is the most simple process,
and shows the lifeline provided by every serious volition of a
human being, which can never break and never fail. It is the
greatness of such simplicity that forcibly drives him who
recognizes to his knees before the infinite Sublimity of the
Once man knows this interaction he thus also has the step-ladder
to the Luminous Realm of the Spirit, to Paradise. But he then also
sees the road that leads down to the Darkness!
He need not even tread these steps himself, but the automatic
mechanism raises him on high or drags him down, entirely
according to how he adjusts the mechanism for himself through
his inner life.
Rightly viewed, doubt and derision are nothing but the expression
of wishes Quite unconsciously every doubter expresses what he
wishes for himself, thus exposing his inner self to the searching
glance. For denial and defense also harbor deeply hidden wishes
which can be easily recognized. It is sad, or even revolting, to see
what negligence or poverty of mind is thus sometimes revealed,
because just through this a man often drags himself inwardly
down below the level of any ignorant animal. One should have
compassion for such people without, however, being indulgent;
for indulgence would indeed mean cultivating indolence in serious
investigation. He who seeks earnestly must become sparing with
indulgence; otherwise he will ultimately harm himself without
helping the other thereby.
But with growing recognition man will jubilantly stand before the
wonder of such a Creation, and consciously let himself be borne
aloft to the Luminous Heights which he may call his home!
You stand in this affliction, and do not yet know the causes which
bring such suffering in their wake.
And when you consider that this being able to speak, thus your
ability to form words, which anchor your volition in the World of
Gross Matter through speaking, is an especially high gift of your
Creator, then you will also know that it involves obligations for
you, and that an immense responsibility arises therefrom; for it is
with the language, and through it, that you are to work in
The words you form, the sentences, shape your outward fate on
this earth. They are like seed in a garden which you build around
you; for each human word is part of the most vital thing that you
can weave for yourselves in this Creation.
Today I give you this, with an admonition, to think it over: there
is a releasing quality in every word, because all words are firmly
anchored in the Primordial Laws of Creation!
Every word shaped by man has come into being under the
pressure of higher Laws and, according to its application, must
manifest formingly in a very definite way!
Therefore in the final reckoning woe will now fall upon every
human being who has abused the mysterious working of the
But where is the man who has not yet sinned in this respect! For
thousands of years the whole earthly race has been deeply
entangled in this guilt. What harm has already been spread
throughout this earth by the wrong application of this gift of
being permitted to speak!
Through ruinous, thoughtless and idle talk all men have sown
poison. The seed has duly sprung up, the plant has blossomed
forth, and now bears the fruit which you must harvest, whether
you like it or not; for it is all the consequences of your actions
that are now thrown into your lap!
That this poison must bring forth the most repulsive fruits will not
surprise anyone who knows the Laws in Creation, which do not
conform to the ideas of men, but serenely pursue their great
course, irresistibly, without deviation, from the primordial
beginning, and also unchanged unto all eternity.
Look around you, men, clearly and without bias: You must easily
recognize the self-acting Divine Laws of the Most Holy Will,
because you do have before you the fruits of your sowing!
Wherever you look you will find that today high-sounding talk
predominates and leads in everything. This seed had to come
swiftly to such flower, to reveal now in the ripening its true
kernel, whereby it will then collapse as useless.
It had to ripen under the increased pressure from the Light, and
must shoot up as if in a hothouse; so that, losing every support
through its hollowness, it will fall and bury all who with
lighthearted confidence or selfish hope imagined themselves safe
under its protection.
They did not listen to the warning voice of Jesus, the Son of God,
Who already at that time said:
There is more in these words than you imagined; for they hold
upbuilding or decline for mankind!
Through your propensity for much and useless talk you have
chosen decline, which has already come to you. Finally, before
the general collapse in the Judgement, it also still shows you
quite clearly, as a help towards the saving recognition, all the
fruits which you have forcibly brought into being through the
wrong application of the word.
The reciprocal power now raises the masters at your own sins to
the top, in such a way that you are in danger of being crushed by
them, so that through recognition you will at last free yourselves
from or be destroyed by them.
That is at the same time justice and help, as only the Will of God
in His Perfection can offer you!
Just look around you! You must recognize it, if only you will. And
for those who still hesitate to do so, the veil which they
themselves hold before their eyes will yet be forcibly torn away
from the fruits of their volition through still greater suffering
than in the past, so that this earth may be cleansed from the
pressure of your great guilt!
Hence no people should be pitied who must now groan and suffer
under this; for these are the fruits of their own volition, which
must be consumed even if they taste rotten and bitter and bring
destruction to many, because from poisonous seed only poison
can be harvested. I have already said: where you sow thistles, no
wheat can grow!
This after all is not so difficult, and yet it is just in this that you
continually fail! Slander can again only produce slander, hate only
hate, and murder only murder. But dignity, peace, light and joy
can in turn only arise from a dignified way of thinking, never
And if hitherto the fruit and the harvest have so often not
appeared in one earth-life, but only in later ones, this is now
different; for the fulfillment of the Holy Will of God enforces
immediate release of every happening on earth, and therewith
also the unravelling of all the fates of men and of the peoples!
Final reckoning!
produce forms in the Plane of Fine Gross Matter, that sink into
and have an effect on everything earthly.
Therefore beware of people who talk much; for with these goes
disintegration. You, however, are to become upbuilding ones in
this Creation, not talkers!
Heed your word! Do not talk merely for the sake of talking. And
speak only when, where and how it is necessary! In the human
word there shall be a reflection of the splendor of the Word of
God, which is Life and will eternally remain Life.
You know that all Creation swings in the Word of the Lord! Does
this not make you think? Creation vibrates in Him, as also do you
yourselves, who are indeed part of Creation; for it arose out of
Him and is maintained through this Word.
“In the beginning was the Word! And the Word was with God! And
the Word was God!”
Herein lies all knowledge for you, if you would only draw it. But
you skim over it and do not heed it. Plainly it tells you:
The Word came out of God! It was and is a part out of Him.
It is true that the human word is only able to send out its effect
into the Planes of Fine Gross Matter, but that is enough
retroactively to shape the destinies of men and also of peoples
here on earth!
Yet in accordance with the Divine Law the word is to build up.
Wherever it does not obey this command it can only bring about
the opposite.
Therefore always heed your word! And stand to your word! You
have still to be taught the right way to do this in the building up
of the Kingdom of God here on earth.
You must first learn to recognize the power of the words which
you have hitherto so thoughtlessly and frivolously debased.
Just think for once of the most Holy Word that has been given to
you, of the Word: GOD!
You very often speak of God, too often for that awe still to
resound in It which would indicate the right intuitive perception
when you utter this Word: the awe which will allow you only to
whisper the Sublime Word in reverential devotion, so as to shield
It carefully from any kind of desecration.
But what have you men made of the most Sacred of all concepts
in the Word! Instead of humbly and joyfully preparing your spirit
for this most Sublime Expression, so that it may gratefully open
itself to an unspeakable Radiation-Power of the Unsubstantiate
Light-Sublimity of real Being, Who first permits you as well as all
creatures to breathe, you have dared to drag It down to the low
planes of your most trivial thinking, using It carelessly as an
every-day word, which thereby had now to form itself in your ears
into only an empty sound, and thus can find no entrance to your
It is then obvious that the effect of this most Sublime of all words
will be different from the effect on those who whisper It with the
proper awe and recognition.
Therefore pay attention to all words; for they hold joy or sorrow
for you, they build up or disintegrate, they bring clarity but can
also confuse, according to the manner in which they are spoken
and applied.
I will later also give you recognition for this, so that you can give
thanks with every word which the Creator still permits you to
speak now! Then you shall also have earthly happiness, and
peace will reign here on this hitherto troubled earth.
unlimited might, but not in public life! In home and family her
abilities make her queen. From the quiet, intimate home her
incisive virtue extends through the whole people, present and
future, and pervades everything.
Look at the woman of today! Just let a ray of Light fall upon her
with all the relentlessness and dispassion which are always
accompanying conditions of Purity.
her more delicate intuitive perception. Man receives it only
partially, and then converts it into deeds.
And just as the Living Power of the Creator remains invisible to all
men, while yet upholding, nourishing, moving and driving the
whole Universe, so the weaving of all genuine womanhood is
intended to be; it is that for which she has been created, and that
is her high, pure and wonderful goal!
And this is just what the woman tries to hide today; she exerts
herself to coarsen or suppress it altogether. In boundless vanity
and stupidity she surrenders the most beautiful and valuable gift
bestowed on her. Through this she makes herself an outcast from
the Light, to whom the way back will remain closed.
This is no exaggeration. For hitherto we have had enough of this
disgraceful conduct. It was not a wrong but, alas, only too true a
saying that “woman begins to dress herself when she retires for
the night”!
All this talk about progress does not alter the fact that these
zealots of progress, together with their faithful followers, only
sink deeper, ever deeper. Already they have all buried their real
values. The majority of womankind no longer deserve to bear the
name of honor, woman! And they can never represent nor become
men, thus in the end they remain nothing but drones in
Subsequent Creation, which must be exterminated according to
the inflexible Laws of Nature.
become corrupt in soul, since she wantonly sacrifices her most
noble intuitive perception, her purest power, to outward, absurd
vanity, thereby ridiculing and scorning the decree of her Creator.
With such superficiality there can be no salvation; for these
women would reject words, or be no longer able to understand
and grasp them at all.
Thus out of the horrors the new, true woman must first arise, who
has to become the mediator, and therewith also provide the
foundation for the new God-willed life and human activity in
Subsequent Creation, the woman who will have become free from
poison and corruption!
“Do with me as Thou wilt, O Lord!” and similar hymns are often to
be heard at funerals. But every mourner bears within him the
unshakable wish: “If I could alter it I would do so at once!”
The Will of God lies in the Laws of this Creation! Whenever man
says: “Thy Will be done!” it is tantamount to affirming: “I will
honor and obey Thy Laws in Creation!” To honor means to
observe them, but to observe them demands to live accordingly!
Only thus can man honor the Will of God!
“Thy Will be done” actually means: “I will act according to It” or
“I desire Thy Will!” One can just as well also say: “I will obey Thy
But he who obeys also acts. One who obeys is not inactive; that is
implied in the very word. He who obeys also does something.
Submission! This word should not exist at all for believers in God!
Simply replace it with “joyful volition”! God does not want dull
submission from men, but joyful activity.
Of what use is it to cast a glance of submissive resignation
upwards, if at the same time man looks around with cunning, lust,
arrogance, conceit or malice! This only makes him doubly guilty.
For instance, the victor also says to the vanquished: “Submit!” In
this word lies the meaning: “Surrender yourself to me
unconditionally so that I may deal with you as I see fit, even over
life or death!”
But in this the victor acts wrongly; for even in victory man has to
conform strictly to the Laws of God. Otherwise with every neglect
of them he makes himself guilty before the Lord. The reciprocal
action will then strike him without fail! This applies to the
individual as well as to entire peoples!
And now the time has come when everything, everything that has
hitherto taken place in the world, must be redeemed! What has
been wrong, what is happening on earth today, not one word will
remain unatoned for!
This is the power which will soon alarm earthmen, and which they
will then have to fear in the future! But only those who have done
wrong need fear it, and rightly so. Whether they have thought
themselves in the right, or have tried to make others believe they
were, it will not save them from the blow of the reciprocal effect
that operates in the Laws of God!
The Laws of God, thus the Will of God, do not concern themselves
with the opinions of these earthmen, which they have laid down
in their mundane laws, even though the whole world has now
considered them to be right. Whatever is not in harmony with the
Divine Laws, there also the blow of the sword will now strike!
Judging in the process of redemption!
All those who in the light of God’s Laws have suffered innocently
at the hands of men may now rejoice; for henceforth they shall
receive justice, while their adversaries or judges are delivered up
to the Justice of God.
is, must become active, and thus finally, despairing of itself and
others, disintegrate and turn to dust.
Only then will there be the right soil that pleads once more for
God’s help! After murder and fire, starvation, pestilence and
death, after man has recognized his own incapacity.
Then the despairing ones shall become free, free from the
pressure of the Darkness! But they shall also become free within
themselves! To become free within, however, can only be
achieved by each individual alone. Yet for this he must know what
freedom means, what it is.
Only the man who lives in the Laws of God is free! Thus and not
otherwise does he stand unoppressed and unconstrained in this
Creation. Everything then serves him instead of obstructing his
path. It “serves” him because he uses it in the right way.
God’s Laws in Creation are in truth simply all that every man
needs for a healthy, happy life in Creation. They are, as it were,
nourishment for his well-being! Only he who knows the Will of
God and lives accordingly is really free! All the others must bind
themselves in many threads of the Laws of this Creation, because
they entangle themselves.
Creation originated only in the Will of God, in His Laws. Working
together, the threads of these Laws sink deeper and deeper,
everywhere enforcing movement towards development, and
inevitably branching out more and more in the course of
development, while in the continuous movement new creations
are perpetually formed around the threads. Thus these Laws
provide at the same time the support, the possibility of continued
existence and the further expansion of Creation.
Only the human spirit has not adjusted itself to these threads! It
has tangled them and thereby entangled itself, because it wanted
to follow new roads according to its will, and disregarded those
already prepared and in existence.
Voice of God rings down and demands! Demands that you render
account, you who have been permitted to live in this Creation!
You have mismanaged the bounty which God in His Love made
over to you. All those servants who have thought only of
themselves and never of their Master will now be expelled! And
all those who sought to make themselves the master. –
You men shy away from my words, for you do not consider
severity Divine! But that is only your fault, because until now you
have imagined everything Divine, everything that comes down
from God, to be tenderly loving and all-forgiving, since that is
what the churches have taught you!
Now as this was intended for human souls, a plan based on their
weaknesses was skillfully devised. The lure had to correspond to
the main weakness! And this main weakness of the souls was love
of ease, the indolence of their spirit!
The church knew very well that it was bound to achieve great
success as soon as it showed much leniency towards this
weakness, and did not require it to be overcome!
Therefore the church took the spiritual effort away from men,
also pardoning all their sins if they were obedient outwardly and
in the earthly sense, and carried out what the church required of
them in mundane ways!
How can men presume to vote and also to decide on matters that
rest in the Omnipotence, the Justice and the Omniscience of God!
How dare earthmen try to make their fellow-men believe such
things! And it is no less sacrilegious for earthmen credulously to
accept such claims, which so plainly carry within them only a
dishonoring of the Sublimity of God!
The reciprocal effect must be terrible!
I say to you that men can in truth only serve God with just that
which did not come to life through the churches: With their own
thinking and independent investigation! Everyone must journey
alone through the mills, through the mechanism of the Divine
Laws in Creation. And therefore it is necessary for every man
himself to become acquainted at the right time with the nature
and function of the mills.
Human souls can serve their Creator only by the activity of their
own spirit! Thereby, however, in the first place they are also
simultaneously serving themselves. Only that human spirit which
stands bright and alert in this Creation, aware of its Laws and
adapting itself to them in thought and deed, is pleasing to God,
because it is then fulfilling the purpose of existence, which every
human spirit has in this Creation!
But this never lies in the observances that the churches demand
of their believers! For these lack naturalness and free conviction,
knowledge, as the main requisite of true service to God! There is
a lack of vigor and joy in helping all creatures to advance, in
letting their souls exult in the happiness of knowing that they can
contribute to the beauty of this Creation as a part of it, and
thereby thank and honor the Creator!
Even as in olden times the churches have not shrunk from various
forms of torture, torment and murder, so today they do not
hesitate to slander their fellow-men, speak ill of them, undermine
their reputation, agitate against them, and put every available
obstacle in their way if they are not willing to join the host of
church-slaves! They work with the most sordid means only for
their influence, their earthly power.
But through the reciprocal action this now will also be the very
first to waver and collapse; for it is the opposite of what God
wills! It shows how far removed they are from humbly serving
God! –
Enticed by the sanctioned indolence of the spirit, endless
multitudes have allowed themselves to be drawn into the fold of
the church, which lulls them to sleep! They believed the wicked
delusion of a cheap atonement for their sins, and as the
spiritually indolent masses grew so did the earthly influence, with
the final goal of earthly power!The people did not see that the
false view and teaching obscured and defiled the Sacred Justice
of Almighty God; they saw only the thus simulated broad and
easy road to the Light, which in reality does not exist at all!
Through its arbitrary, illusory forgiveness it leads to Darkness
and destruction!
“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you
into all truth. And when he is come, he will reprove the world of
sin, and of righteousness! And will bring the Judgement. I,
however, go to the Father and you will henceforth not see me. I
came forth from the Father and am come into the world. Again, I
leave the world and go to the Father!”
Even though Paul also once wrote to the Corinthians: “For we
know in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that
which is in part shall be done away!”
Here the Apostle shows that the coming of Him Who will proclaim
the Perfect Truth is yet to be expected, and that the prophecy of
the Son of God concerning it should not be taken to refer to the
well-known outpouring of the Power of the Holy Spirit, which at
that time had already taken place when Paul wrote these words.
Yet it avails them nothing; for the time has come for the
recognition of all these things, and everything that is false
Until now there could not yet be a true Pentecost for mankind;
the recognition through spiritual awakening could not come to
them, since they acquiesced in so many false interpretations, in
which the churches especially have a great share!
Now you men stand amazed before the new Word, and many of
you are no longer even capable of perceiving that It comes from
the Luminous Heights, because It is so different from what you
had imagined! For in you, too, there certainly still lives some of
the tenacious indolence in which the churches and the schools
have enveloped you, so that you would remain faithful followers,
and have no longing for the awakening of your own spirit!
Until now men on earth have been indifferent to what God
demands! Once more, however, I say to you: “The broad and easy
road which the churches have hitherto tried to simulate for their
own advantage is wrong! With its promise of an arbitrary, illusory
forgiveness, it does not lead to the Light!”
MEN, WHAT HAS BEEN your attitude towards your God up till now!
Hypocritically you have sought to deceive Him, even as you have
always wished to deceive yourselves with the false piety which
was only lip-service, but never shared by your spirit. You have
established rules and observances, in your temples, your
churches, without asking whether this way was pleasing to God. If
only they pleased you, then that settled the service to God for
Do you not see how arrogant all this was. You wanted to decide
the way everything should be arranged. In doing so you have
never cared about God’s Will. What you termed great was to be
equally acceptable to God. You wanted to force your opinions in
all things upon God as justified, irrespective of what you were
dealing with.
You have never seriously wanted to find out what God regards as
right, and what before His Eye is wrong. You have paid no
attention to the Divine Laws, nor to the inexorable Holy Will of
God, Which has existed from all Eternity and has never yet
changed, nor ever will change!
It will now shatter you, and with you all the false works of man,
which have created laws to serve your earthly desires. But you
human beings yourselves stand before God as scheming,
neglectful servants who in their selfishness, self-conceit and
ridiculous claim to know everything have never respected His
You have been and still are servants who thought themselves
masters, and who out of arrogance and spiritual indolence have
tried to resist and drag down all that they could not understand,
if it did not agree with the attainment of the base earthly ends
which they wished to be regarded as of the highest order.
Just think it over very carefully for once; it has never yet been
When you examine yourselves in this respect, are you not seized
with both shame and anger about yourselves?
The majority of mankind think that the only object of this earth-
life is the purpose of acquiring material gain! Also at best the
purpose of a family and children! He who does not think so still
acts accordingly! But on such a basis what is the use of
propagation, as you call it, which in reality does not mean
propagation at all, but simply provides opportunities for other
human spirits to incarnate so that these may continue to improve
themselves and cast off old faults. By your behavior you add to
the burden of your guilt; for you thereby prevent all those spirits
from ascending, whom you bring up as your children for the same
empty purposes!
What does not suit you, you slander, and you are quick to pick up
stones to do away with anything that is irksome enough to
disturb you from the continued belief in yourselves.
You would rather hail Luciferian satellites who, in flattering your
vanities and encouraging your self-conceit, then all the more
surely cut you off from the Light and keep you in spiritual
indolence, which must lead to the sleep of death for your true
But I say to you that you are now awakened from the intoxication,
the oppressive delirium, that is already holding you in its iron
grip. You must awaken against your will, be it only to recognize
with the most terrible despair, even at the last moment, all you
have freely abandoned with such wanton indifference – before
you are thrust into the bottomless pit that seems so desirable to
This earth and the whole world is now being purified! No longer
shall any of the filth remain; so that the creatures will be able
peacefully and joyfully to serve their Lord, the Almighty God, Who
in His Love once granted them the conscious enjoyment of all the
blessings of Creation.
All this tribulation can only still be avoided if you really seek to
recognize and honor the Word of the Most High! To do so,
however, It must first be understood in Its true nature! But
hitherto you have always construed It only as It pleased you! And
not as It was given by God for your help, your salvation, out of
the greatest need!
However, you have not shrunk from making even the Holy Word
the slave of your arrogance, so that through the distortion of Its
true meaning It might serve only you; instead of you serving the
Word for your own salvation in that sense in which It was given to
But for you, with your ridiculous conceit, the greatness of this
simplicity was still too small! In the gloom of your mental
workshop you have laboriously toiled away at the Word until you
could distort and mould It in such a way that It pleased you, so
that It conformed to your petty earthly desires, your weaknesses,
and also to your great opinion of yourselves and your importance.
In this way you created something that had to serve you, that
flattered your vanity.
For also that humility which you display when you speak of your
great sins, for which a God brought the sacrifice of atonement, is
nothing but the basest vanity. A God for you! How valuable you
must imagine yourselves! And you need do nothing further about
it than graciously condescend, after much persuasion, merely to
ask for remission!
This train of thought must surely make even the most conceited
feel somewhat uneasy in his hypocritical humility.
But this is only one thing among many. You have thus distorted
everything that is intended to clarify your relation as a self-
conscious creature towards the great Creator!
But now you must at last awaken and must accept the Truth as It
really is, not as you think It is! With this what is false collapses,
and the gaps due to your hypocritical claim of knowing everything
better become apparent. Nothing can hide in the Darkness any
longer; for through the Will of God there will henceforth be Light,
so that the Darkness will fall and perish!
Now there will be Light also on earth and in the whole great
World of Matter! It blazes forth radiantly in every part,
disintegrating and burning all evil as well as all evil volition.
Everything false must show itself wherever it seeks to hide, must
collapse of itself before the Ray of God’s Light, which now
illuminates the entire Creation! All that is not and does not wish
to live in accordance with the Sublime Laws of God will sink down
to the region of destruction, where it can never arise again!
Resurrection of all the dead, but resurrection of all that is dead!
That is: The animating of all that is without movement in
Creation, so that it may become alive for the Divine Judgement,
either to be strengthened in its activity or annihilated!
Today nothing remains motionless; for the Living Power that now
flows with greater intensity through all Creation urges, presses
and forces everything into motion. Thereby it grows stronger,
including that which has hitherto been inactive or dormant. It is
awakened, strengthened, and thus must become active; in this
awakening activity it is, so to speak, dragged before the Light,
even if it wished to hide. It can also be said that it comes to the
Light of itself and must reveal itself; it can no longer remain
dormant, wherever it may be. As the popular saying is: “It comes
to light!”
come to life! Therein lies the resurrection of all that is dead! The
Living Judgement! The Day of Judgement!
Then you must deal with all that is within you, must purify
yourselves, or you will perish with the evil if it is able to become
too powerful in you. It will then hold you fast, break over your
head with foaming and bubbling, to sweep you down with it into
the abyss of disintegration; for it can no longer exist in the
radiance of Divine Power! ––
To you I have now given the Word showing the way that, in the
awakening of this Creation, leads you unerringly to the Luminous
Heights, the way that will not let you fall, whatever happens and
tries to flare up within you! If you have turned your gaze to the
Light in loyal conviction, if you have rightly grasped my Word and
absorbed it in your souls, then you will calmly ascend out of the
chaos, cleansed and purified, free from everything that might
once have hindered you from entering Paradise.
Watch and pray, therefore, that you do not let your clear outlook
be dimmed by vanity and conceit, the most dangerous snares for
these earthmen! Beware! As you have now prepared the soil
within you, so will it happen to you during the purification of
Now try if you can, you human beings, to protect yourselves with
your intellect against God’s All-Holy Wrath! Defend yourselves
against the Omnipotence of Him Who graciously made over for
your use that part of Creation which you have devastated and
defiled like a stable of the most neglected animals, so that only
suffering and misery can still dwell therein, because all peace and
joy flee before your wrong actions and dark volition, and all purity
conceals itself in horror.
You are judged even before you are able to stammer a single
word of excuse, and all petitioning, all supplicating, all
blaspheming or cursing avails you nothing; for now you have
unpardonably wasted the last respite for searching your soul and
turning back, merely on fostering your vices! –
I do not tell you this as a warning; because it is too late for that.
Far be it from me to continue to admonish you as I have done for
years. You are only to think of it in the coming experiences! For
this reason I state once more what this time has in store for you.
Perhaps the knowledge of it will help to alleviate many an
affliction for you, although it can no longer prevent anything.
You know it is the clearing of the debt with which you have
voluntarily burdened yourselves, since nobody has forced you to
do this. If through my words you can come to recognition in the
suffering, and if thereby a yearning for Light and for Purity arises
within you and forms a humble petition, you may still be granted
salvation as you are sinking; for God’s Love is ever watchful.
Then you will also be permitted to see the new life, which the
Lord will grant only to those who willingly swing in the sacred
Laws of His Creation, to those who will keep His Mansion in which
you are but guests free from all activities that are hostile to the
Light, and who will not again wantonly devastate the beautiful
gardens, in whose splendor and purity they shall evermore rejoice
in order to grow strong therein.
Oh, you deluded ones, why would you not awaken! You could
have been spared so much hardship. But as it is, your existence
must be shrouded in grey veils of deep sorrow, from which only
through the piercing flashes of the Holy Wrath of God can
liberation and redemption once more be granted to you!
And this Wrath will break over you with unsuspected might in the
Holy Judgement! –
The Book of Life shows the names of all creatures who have come
to life, and nothing else.
But the inscribed pages belonging to the great Book of Life, which
show the for and against of every single thought and every single
deed of the individual, are the souls themselves, upon whom has
been imprinted all that they have experienced or done in the
course of their existence.
The Judge can clearly read therein all the for and against. But
again you also picture the reading wrongly. This too is much
simpler than you try to imagine.
The Judge does not order each soul to step separately before Him,
before His Judgement Seat, but in the Name of God He sends His
sword-thrusts into the Universe! The sword-thrusts are
radiations, which go forth and strike everything in Creation!
Realize the great simplicity and amazing naturalness! The Judge
does not send the rays consciously or intentionally to this one or
that one; no, He simply sends them out at God’s Holy Command;
for it is the Power of God, nothing else but His All-Holy Will could
operate in this way!
Nothing can hide from the effect! And thus, in the Law of the
Working of Creation, the Ray of Divine Power also strikes every
soul at the appointed hour.
Only that which has not yet come to the closing of its cycle, and
therefore still clings to and is connected with the soul, is
forthwith driven to the closing of the cycle in the pressure of the
Light, in that as it comes to life it reveals itself as it attempts to
become active, and in so doing also receives the blow it deserves.
And everything which otherwise, in the cumbersome movement of
the condensed, hardened environment of all the human souls on
earth, might still have required many thousands of years to close
the cycle, is now, through the power of the blows from the Light,
compressed into a few months in the impetus that is unexpected
by mankind.
Such is the Judgement! Today you are able through the Message
to understand the process thus described.
Formerly you could not have grasped it, and therefore everything
had to be revealed in simple pictures which correspond more or
less to the operation of the process. –
And these blows of the Last Judgement are already on their way
to you, to each one in Creation, no matter whether he is with or
without his physical body.
The first blows have already reached you, and everything that
still clings to your souls is revived.
And then man forgot the principal thing! He did not take into
account the condition that was also foretold, that before the
thousand-year Reign of Peace everything has to become new in
the Judgement! That is the essential foundation for the New
Kingdom. It cannot be built up on the existing soil! Everything
that is old has first to become new!
The original beauty, purity and health that always result from a
swinging in the Primordial Laws of Creation were gradually
distorted and perverted through the wrong volition of this
humanity. Instead of a healthy maturing towards perfection,
nothing but caricatures could still form in the unceasing process
of development!
Now as the finger presses so the shape develops, either beautiful,
plain or ugly.
The spirit of man also works in the same way in this world, in
Subsequent Creation. Through his volition he exercises
leadership, thus as spirit he exerts pressure upon certain
animistic substance, which shapes both ethereal and gross
matter. For a spirit, animistic substance is the finger that
exercises the pressure according to the spirit’s volition. The clay
is ethereal and gross matter; but the movement, which is
independent of the human spirit, comprises the automatic
movements of the Primordial Laws of Creation, which like
currents ceaselessly drive towards the development of everything
man forms in his volition.
Thus the volition of the human spirit is answerable for much that
develops in Subsequent Creation; for man as spirit exercises the
pressure that determines the nature of the form. He cannot
exercise his will without simultaneously forming! No matter what
it is! Thus he can likewise never evade this responsibility for all
the forms created by him. His volition, his thinking and his
actions – everything takes on form in the mechanism of this
world. That man has neither known it, nor wanted to know it, is
his concern, is his fault. His ignorance does not alter the effect.
failed to recognize because his conceited idea of being the master
prevented him from doing so.
The sole cause of the coming horrors lies in the distortion of the
Divine Primordial Laws through the false volition of these human
spirits in Subsequent Creation! For this wrong volition threw into
confusion all the power-currents that take effect automatically.
The diversion of their course, however, cannot go unpunished
since, knotted and entangled as they are, they will then forcibly
detach themselves at a certain time. The detaching and
disentangling shows itself in the manifestations that we call
catastrophes. It makes no difference whether this occurs in public
affairs, in families, with individuals or entire peoples, or with the
forces of nature.
Thereby all that is false will collapse, judging itself through the
power that is in these currents, which have been wrongly directed
by humanity’s conceit, contrary to what God willed; for these
currents can only bring about blessing when they follow those
courses which are intended for them by Primordial Law, thus
ordained for them by the Creator. Never otherwise.
Now since the human spirits have proved their utter inability to
recognize their task in this Creation, since they proved their
unwillingness to fulfill it by repudiating and misinterpreting all
the warnings given by called ones and prophets, even those by
the Son of God Himself, sealing their enmity by the crucifixion,
God now forcibly intervenes.
Only by force can Subsequent Creation still be helped, as well as
mankind, who have proved that they would never voluntarily be
persuaded to take the right path which they must follow in
Creation in order to live in it according to God’s Will, and also to
work and bring blessing as the beings that they really are by
virtue of their spiritual nature.
During the thousand years the Will of God alone will reign
supreme, to Which every human spirit must submit as soon as he
has been able to pass through the Judgement!
Therein also lies only a Grace of God, to help those who are really
of a pure volition!
BE ON YOUR GUARD, spirit of man, for your hour has come! The
time which you so ardently desired, which is granted to you for
your development – you have spent it only in wickedness!
This breaking of the tablets was the living symbol that the entire
humanity did not deserve to have knowledge of this Will of God,
of the Will Which they rejected in their wanton behavior and
earthly arrogance, in order to dance round a self-made idol and
thereby follow their own desires!
Neither lamentations nor pleading will help any more; for you
were given thousands of years to come to your senses! But you
never had time for that! You did not want to, and even today,
with incorrigible arrogance, you think yourselves much too wise.
That just in this the greatest stupidity reveals itself, you do not
want to see. Thereby you have finally become troublesome
vermin in this world, no longer knowing anything other than
willfully to revile all Light, because with your persistence in
grubbing about only in the Darkness you have lost every
possibility of seeking with a free upward gaze, of recognizing or
of being able to bear Light.
Therefore as soon as the Light once more shines forth you will
stagger back dazzled, and beyond help sink into the abyss that
has even now opened up behind you, waiting to engulf those who
have thus been rejected!
How zealously they try, these little human beings, to push their
ridiculous pseudo-knowledge well into the foreground, and how
do they thereby confuse so many souls who could be saved if they
did not fall into the hands of spiritual highwaymen, who like
brigands still prowl about the first stretch of the right path,
apparently following the same road. But what is it that they really
offer? With great pompousness and hackneyed phrases they
proudly take their stand on traditions, the true meaning of which
they have never understood.
Very apt is the popular saying about this: they are threshing
empty straw! Empty because they have not also picked up the
real kernels, for which they lack understanding. One comes up
against such narrow-mindedness everywhere; with dull obstinacy
they ride upon the phrases of others, because they themselves
have nothing to contribute.
In no better case are the masses of those who attend their Divine
Services with the regularity and duty they apply to other work;
because it is necessary and advantageous, expedient. Partly also
out of habit or because it is the “custom”. Perhaps also out of
simple prudence because, after all, “one never knows to what
good it might ultimately lead”. Like a breath in the wind they will
vanish! –-
that it depended solely upon themselves to shape their lives
For them there are only earthly needs, which always increase
with every success. They have never seriously wished for
anything else. They have always raised all kinds of obstacles
against it. They have frivolously relegated it to the fifth or sixth
place, only to be thought of in dire need or at the approach of
death. Until now it has remained a matter of secondary
importance for all . . . who have time!
Rotten fruit for ascent, who only spread further decay around
them. Now reflect for yourselves, who then can still remain! A sad
picture! But unfortunately only too true. –
And when now the Judgement causes mankind to yield they will
very quickly kneel in the dust! But just envisage already today
how they will kneel: In all wretchedness, but at the same time
once more arrogantly; for again they will only be lamenting and
begging that help may be given to them!
petitions are for alleviation of their torment, but without at the
same time one thought for their own inner improvement! Not one
honest wish for voluntary alteration of their hitherto wrong
thinking, of their purely earthly pursuits! Not one wish to
recognize and bravely acknowledge their present errors and
And then, when the Son of Man comes among them in the great
affliction, no doubt all their hands will be stretched out to Him,
with whining and beseeching, yet again only in the hope that He
will help them in the way they wish, thus ending their suffering
and leading them to new life!
If mankind were helped in the way they ask in the hour of danger
and need, then everything would once more be quickly forgotten
as soon as their terror was removed. With their lack of
understanding they would again unscrupulously begin to criticize
instead of to reflect.
Such a waste of time is quite impossible in the future, since the
existence of this part of the world has to hasten towards its end.
Henceforth for every human spirit it is: Either – Or! Salvation from
self-created entanglements or destruction therein!
Then the earth, purified of all pestilential thoughts, will arise like
a virgin, and peace will blossom for all mankind!
Since the event in Bethlehem there has been nothing like it. Like
the Star of Bethlehem, this Star has also detached itself from the
Eternal Realm of Primordial Spirit at such a time as to take effect
on this earth exactly when the years of spiritual enlightenment
are to come to all mankind.
The Star takes its course in a straight line from the Eternal Realm
to this part of the Universe. Its core is filled with high spiritual
power; it envelops itself in material substance, and will thereby
also become visible to men on earth. Unerringly and unswervingly
the Comet pursues its course, and will appear on the scene at the
right hour, as already ordained thousands of years ago.
The first direct effects have already begun in recent years. For
anyone who wishes neither to see nor to hear this, and who does
not perceive how ridiculous it is still to maintain that all the
extraordinary things which have already happened are of
everyday occurrence, there is naturally no help. He either wishes
to act like an ostrich out of fear, or he is burdened with an
extremely limited understanding. Both types must be allowed to
go serenely on their way; one can only smile at their easily
refutable assertions.
But the knowing ones could also be told where the first powerful
rays are striking. However, since the rays are gradually also
encompassing the whole earth, there is no use in being more
explicit. It will take years to come to this point, and years before
the Comet again releases the earth from its influence.
And then the earth is purified and refreshed in every respect for
the blessing and joy of its inhabitants. It will be more beautiful
than it has ever been. Therefore every believer shall look forward
to the future with tranquil confidence, and not be alarmed at
anything that may happen in the coming years. If he can look up
with confidence to God no harm will come to him.
HE IS CALLED World Teacher not because He is to teach the
World, and will perhaps found a religion that unites the World, or
more specifically the earth, or better still humanity on earth, or
that holds sway over the earth; but He is called World Teacher
because He explains the “World” and brings the teaching about
the World. That which man really must know! He teaches how to
recognize the “World” in its automatic activity, so that earthman
may adjust himself accordingly, and thereby be able consciously
to ascend in the recognition of the actual Laws of the World!
thus shining and independently radiating Cross! It may be said
that It is the Cross itself. Where this Radiant Cross is, there also
is Truth, since this Cross cannot be separated from Truth; rather
they are both one, because this Cross displays the visible form of
Again, since redemption lies only in the Truth, it follows that the
Cross, that is, the Truth, is the redeeming Cross, or the Cross of
For that reason the Son of God told men that they should take up
the Cross and follow Him, which means to accept the Truth and to
live accordingly! To adapt themselves to the Laws of Creation, to
learn to understand them fully and make only the best use of
their automatic effects.
But what has the restricted mind of man once more made of this
simple and natural fact! A doctrine of suffering desired neither by
God nor the Son of God! And thereby they have taken a wrong
path, that is not in accord with the path indicated, but leads far
away from the Will of God, Which desires only to lead to joy
instead of suffering.
It is said of the Son of God: “He who stands in the Power and the
Truth”. The Power is the Will of God, the Holy Spirit. Its visible
form is the Dove. The visible form of Truth is the independently
radiating Cross. Both were seen – living – with the Son of God,
because He stood in them. Thus with Him it was a natural and
self-evident manifestation.
The same will also be seen with the Son of Man! The Dove above
Him, the Cross of Redemption behind Him; for He again is
inseparably linked with them as the Bringer of Truth, “Who
stands in the Power and the Truth”! They are the infallible signs
of His genuine Mission to fulfill the prophecies. The signs that can
never be imitated, which are indestructible, warning, and despite
the fearfulness of the severity also promising! Before these alone
must the Darkness yield!
Not one of the false prophets and of the leaders, today still so
numerous, is able to stand his ground against this; for in these
two sublime signs, which no one but the Son of God and the Son
of Man can bear, God Himself speaks for His Servant, and all
human wisdom must become silent because of them. –
Watch for that hour, it will be nearer than all men think.
“Let this event impress itself upon you, dear son. Such is the
battlefield through which you will have to pass in the hour of
fulfillment; for at the request of the murdered Saviour God the
Father grants that before the Judgement you shall once more
proclaim His Word to the faithless, in order to save those who are
still willing to listen to It!”
The youth bowed His head in silence and sent up a fervent prayer
for strength, for such great Divine Love re-echoed mightily within
Thus those Called ones were trained, who were later to hold
themselves at the disposal of the Envoy of God when His hour of
fulfillment on earth came. They were carefully developed for
these tasks and incarnated on earth at the right time, so that
they might be ready whenever the Call reached them, and their
first fulfillment of duty remained to listen for this Call!
Everything that does not have as its foundation the
acknowledgement of the supremacy of man is simply labeled as
false, and not belonging to the Word of God. This behavior,
however, actually only conceals the uneasy apprehension that the
long-felt hollowness of the false edifice might become apparent.
This is what had been made of the sacred legacy of the Son of
God! On such degrading assumptions His clear words were
interpreted and passed on in all too human a way. Adherents
were solicited through courting human frailties, until some
earthly power could be developed, which has always remained
the ultimate goal. Then, however, by their brutal cruelties they
very soon showed how far the bearers of the misconstrued Christ-
Principle were from the real understanding of it, and how little
they lived it.
Continually and ever more clearly there was proof that the very
ones who wished to be the bearers of the Christ-Principle were
shamelessly and unpardonably the worst enemies and greatest
offenders against the true Christ-Principle! After Christ’s life on
earth the whole of history, from the beginning of the churches,
sets forth these facts so clearly, in letters so indelibly engraved
and branded, that they can never be denied or glossed over. The
stigma of conscious hypocrisy was undisguisably established
throughout the long history of individual and mass murders under
unpardonable invocations of God, and even today this is being
extended in many places, but in different forms adapted to the
present time.
In the evenings He saw the Comet, radiant above Him, like a
greeting from God the Father; He regarded it as nothing unusual,
as one of the other stars, until the bandage which He had to wear
during His bitter training on earth was put before His eyes.
With the ethereal bandage over His eyes, He now stood on hostile
ground facing the Darkness, on a battlefield where everything
dark could have a firmer foothold than He Himself. Therefore it
was only natural that wherever He sought to undertake
something He could find no response and no success, but only the
Darkness hissed up in enmity every time.
As long as the time of fulfillment for Him had not arrived, the
Darkness could always remain stronger, and could inflict material
damage upon Him wherever He engaged in some earthly affairs;
for everything earthly quite naturally had to oppose the Envoy of
God with nothing but hostility, because all human volition today
is directed against the true Will of God in spite of the alleged
search for Truth, behind which there always lurks only self-
conceit in various forms. The Darkness easily found willing
creatures everywhere to hinder the Envoy from the Light, and to
injure Him grievously and painfully.
manifestation. The power of attraction in the ordinary sense is
effective only among homogeneous species.
The Stranger, however, could never heed such wishes, since His
hour had not yet come. Thereby many were often greatly
disappointed through their own imaginings and, strange to say,
even felt themselves deceived. They never reflected that in
reality it was only their own selfish expectations which were not
fulfilled and, indignant about this through their disappointment,
they laid the responsibility for it on the Stranger. Yet He did not
call them; but they forced themselves upon and clung to Him
because of this Law which was unknown to them, and they often
became a heavy burden to Him, with which He journeyed through
those years on earth that were ordained for Him as His time of
Men on earth perceived something mysterious and unknown
about Him, which they could not explain, they sensed a hidden
might which they did not understand, and in the end through
their ignorance they naturally suspected only intentional
suggestion, hypnotism and magic, according to the nature of
their lack of understanding; whereas there was no question of
any of these. Their original attachment, the consciousness of
being strangely attracted, then very often turned into hatred,
which expressed itself in moral stone-throwing and attempts to
defile Him from Whom they had expected much – too soon.
At the exact hour, even before the end of this arduous time of
learning, the meeting came to pass with that Companion Who as
a Part of Him was to journey with Him through earthly life, to
participate in the great task according to Divine Ordinance.
Herself a Stranger on earth, She joyfully entered the Will of God
through Her own recognition, and gratefully merged with It.
Only then came the time for the Called ones, who had once
solemnly pledged to God their loyalty for service! The granting of
their petition had been carefully carried out. At the appropriate
time they were incarnated on earth. Through faithful guidance
they were equipped in the earthly sense with everything they
needed for the fulfillment of their respective tasks. It was
brought, given to them, so noticeably that they simply could not
consider it other than as a gift, as a loan for the hour of
fulfillment of their former promise.
At the precise moment they came into contact with the Envoy,
through His Word, and then also personally . . . but many of them,
although they sensed the Call and intuitively perceived something
unusual in their souls, had meanwhile in the course of their earth-
life permitted themselves to be so ensnared by purely earthly
matters, and to some extent even by the Darkness, that they
could not summon up the strength to conquer themselves for the
true service, to fulfill which they were permitted to come to earth
for this great time.
A few did show a faint willingness to fulfill, yet their earthly faults
held them back from it. Unfortunately there were also others who
certainly set out on the path of their mission, but who from the
very beginning sought first of all to gain earthly advantage for
themselves thereby. Even among those of earnest volition there
were several who expected Him Whom they had to serve to
smooth their way to the fulfillment, instead of the reverse.
longer perceptible, and in loyalty they became capable of
accomplishing even more than the great throng could ever have
achieved. –
It was with grief that the Stranger on earth saw the havoc among
the group of the Called ones. That was one of the most bitter
experiences for Him! Much as He had learned, much as He
suffered at the hands of men . . . before this last fact He stood
uncomprehending; for He found no excuse whatever for this
failure. In His conception a Called one who, in the granting of his
petition, was specially guided and incarnated, could do no other
than faithfully carry out his task in the most joyous fulfillment!
For what other purpose was he on earth! Why had he been
faithfully guarded up to the hour when the Envoy needed him!
Everything had been given to him solely for the sake of his
necessary service.
So it was that the Stranger, on meeting the first Called ones, put
His full trust in them. He regarded them only as friends, who
simply could not think, intuitively perceive and act in any other
way than in the most steadfast loyalty. Was it not the highest,
the most precious privilege that could fall to the lot of a human
being. The possibility never entered His mind that even Called
ones could have become impure during their time of waiting. It
was inconceivable to Him that any human being, in view of such
grace, could wantonly neglect and trifle away the real purpose of
his earth-life. With the faults clinging to them they only appeared
to Him as being in need of great help . . . And so the dreadfulness
of a recognition struck Him all the more severely when He had to
experience that even in such exceptional cases the human spirit
is not reliable, and that it shows itself unworthy of the highest
blessing even with the most faithful spiritual guidance!
Misery fell more oppressively upon the earth. The instability of
the false structure of all that mankind had hitherto produced
became ever more apparent. Proof of their incapacity came more
plainly to light. With the increasing confusion everything slowly
began to sway, with one exception: Man’s conceit in his own
imagined abilities.
This was just what sprang up more luxuriantly than ever, which
was quite natural, because conceit always needs the soil of
narrow-mindedness. The increase of narrow-mindedness must
also bring with it an abundant growth of conceit.
The “faithful” prayed to God for help out of the confusion. But it
became evident that these petty earthmen, even while praying in
expectation of a fulfillment, sought inwardly to impose conditions
upon God by wishing for such a helper as would correspond with
their views. So far-reaching are the results of earthly narrow-
mindedness. Mankind can believe that an Envoy of God needs to
adorn Himself with earthly honors! They expect Him to adapt
Himself to their narrow-minded earthly opinions in order to be
acknowledged by them, and thereby to win their faith and
confidence. What incredible conceit, what arrogance, lie in this
fact alone! In the hour of fulfillment the conceit will be completely
shattered, along with all those who inwardly indulged in such a
delusion! –
Then the Lord called to His Servant, Who was walking the earth
as a Stranger, that He should speak and give tidings to all those
who were thirsting for it!
And behold, the knowledge of the “wise ones” was false, the
prayers of the faithful were not genuine; for they did not open
themselves to the Voice that came forth from the Truth, and
which therefore could only be recognized where the spark of
Truth within man had not been buried by earthly wrongdoing, the
domination of the intellect, and all those things that tend to
crowd the human spirit from the right path and cause its
Now from this there could in turn only arise a bridge for hate, for
the whole hate of the Darkness against all that is Light. And so
they intensified the path of suffering of the Envoy from the Light
until it became a Golgotha, and the majority of mankind only too
gladly joined in making it more difficult; especially those who
imagined that they already knew and were following the path of
the Light themselves, as once the Pharisees and Scribes did.
to see in them unconditional help from the Light, to the exclusion
of the All-Holy Justice! This implies a total error, that is already
evident today in everything devised by the human mind. They
want to make God into their helpful slave, who is only to be
considered in connection with the welfare of insignificant
Just ask yourselves for once about this, throw light on your
thoughts without extenuation, delve into them clearly and
objectively, then you will have to confess that your whole
thinking has never been attuned other than to the idea that, upon
your petitions, God should always serve and help you to fulfill
your wishes.
What are you men before the Omnipotence and Sublimity of the
Lord, Whom you would have rule over you just as it pleases you!
With what presumption you would like to enforce here on earth
those laws that come from your narrow way of thinking, and that
are not in harmony with the Divine Laws that He placed in
Creation. You so often exercise your wrong volition, with a
cunning and evil-mindedness that is inexcusable before God,
harming your neighbors thereby to gain advantages for
yourselves, either in money or goods, or to acquire a reputation
with those for whom you do it.
All this will now fall heavily upon you with the weight of a
mountain; for nothing of all your wrong-doing could be cancelled
in the Law of Reciprocal Action as having been redeemed, unless
you freed yourselves through the change in your volition for what
is good.
The barriers that still hold back the collapse of the piled-up mass
of reprisals are torn away! Everything rolls down irresistibly on
earthly humanity, who would like to continue in spiritual
indolence and arrogance in order to enforce their will, which has
long since strayed far from the Will of God.
But in the midst of the thundering roar of the collapse, the Word
rings out! Victoriously It resounds through the lands, so that
those who honestly strive for It may still save themselves.
You have been most seriously poisoned and endangered by the
false representation of the Love of God, which you sought to
divest of all vigor, all power and clarity, enveloping it instead in
an unhealthy weakness and harmful indulgence, which was bound
to plunge you all together into spiritual indolence and thus into
Unless you devote all your strength to severing yourselves from
the old, you will not learn to comprehend this Justice either. But
you will then likewise not be able to become new within! And only
the new man, who stands in the Word of Life and strives towards
the Light, will receive the help that he needs to pass through the
Judgement of God.
Man must help himself through the Word, which shows him the
ways he must follow! Only thus can he find redemption, otherwise
it will not fall to his lot! He must grow strong in the battle that he
wages for himself, or he must perish in it!
Awake, and present a fighting front to all Darkness, then you will
also be given strength to help you. Weaklings, however, will lose
even what strength they still possess, because they do not know
how to use it properly. The little they have will thereby be taken
away from them because, according to the Law of Attraction of
Homogeneous Species, it flows to those who use this strength
with zeal and in the right manner. Thus an ancient promise is
In all these matters men are now eagerly supported by
calculating and selfish organizations, which believe that the best
way to extend and safeguard their influence, and thus to increase
their power, is by adding to the number of their adherents.
They are far from the recognition of God; for otherwise they
would not bind the human spirit with the fetters of a firmly-
established doctrine, but would have to educate it for the
personal responsibility ordained by God, which fundamentally
stipulates full freedom of spiritual decision! Only a spirit free in
this respect can come to the true recognition of God that matures
within him to the complete conviction which is essential for
anyone who wishes to be uplifted to Luminous Heights; for only
free, sincere conviction can help him to achieve this. –
But what have you done, you men! How have you suppressed this
highest Grace of God and wantonly prevented it from developing,
and from helping all earthmen to open up that path which safely
leads them to peace, to joy, and to the highest bliss!
You are caught in the web of your own volitions, of your actions,
and are not released from it until the threads can fall away from
you in the redemption.
Among all creatures in Creation the human spirit is the only one
to have free will, which until today he could not explain and did
not understand, because within the narrow bounds of his
intellectual pondering he found no essential facts to prove it.
His free will lies solely in the decision, of which he may make
many every hour. In the independent weaving of the Laws of
Creation, however, he is unswervingly subject to the
consequences of every one of his personal decisions! Therein lies
his responsibility, which is inseparably connected with the gift of
free will to make decisions, which is peculiar to and an absolute
part of the human spirit.
Thus what in one case is caused by spiritual indolence, in others
is brought about by the calculating intellect.
The Divine Laws are true friends in everything, they are helpful
blessings from the Will of God, Who thus opens the paths to
salvation for everyone who strives towards it.
There is not a single other road to this than the one clearly shown
by the Laws of God in Creation! The whole of Creation is the
Language of God, which you should earnestly strive to read, and
which is by no means as difficult as you may think.
You belong to this Creation as a part of it, and therefore you must
swing with it, work in it, and mature in learning from it; and thus
through gaining in understanding you must rise ever higher, from
one step to the next, drawing along through the radiation in
order to ennoble everything that comes in contact with you on
your way.
Learn to recognize your path in Creation, and you will also know
the purpose of your existence. Then you will be filled with
grateful rejoicing, and the greatest happiness a human spirit is
able to bear, which lies solely in the recognition of God!
The supreme bliss of the true recognition of God, however, can
never grow out of an acquired blind faith, much less come to
flower; but convinced knowledge, knowing conviction, alone gives
to the spirit what is necessary for this.
This demands of you that you live Creation. But you are only able
to live or experience it when you really know it.
With my Message I now open the Book of Creation for you! The
Message clearly shows you the Language of God in Creation,
which you must learn to understand so that you can make it
completely your own.
He does not even know what is expected of him, and will thus fall
into one difficulty after the other, draw upon himself one sorrow
after another, and probably end up utterly useless for any
purpose or enjoyment on earth.
Otherwise he would never adjust himself, nor would he ever be
able to mature and work on earth, but he would remain a
hindrance, a burden to others, and would finally have to be
segregated to prevent him from causing harm.
You must therefore do it! Do not forget this, and see that it is
done now, otherwise you will be helplessly abandoned to
whatever threatens you.