PDC Chapter1
PDC Chapter1
PDC Chapter1
A Top-Down Approach
Bixio Rimoldi
School of Computer and Communication Sciences
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Preface v
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.2 Hypothesis Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.2.1 Binary Hypothesis Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.2.2 m -ary Hypothesis Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.7 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.8 Appendix: Facts About Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.9 Appendix: Densities after One-To-One Dierentiable Transformations . . . . . . . . 55
2.10 Appendix: Gaussian Random Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
7.4 Receiver for Passband Communication over the AWGN Channel . . . . . . . . . . . 238
7.5 Baseband-Equivalent Channel Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
7.6 Parameter Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
7.7 Noncoherent Detection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Symbols 279
Abbreviations 281
This text is intended for a one-semester course on the foundations of digital communication. It
assumes that the reader has basic knowledge of linear algebra, probability theory, and signal
processing, and has the mathematical maturity that is expected from a third-year engineering
The text has evolved out of lecture notes that I have written for EPFL students. The first
pass of my notes greatly profited from three excellent sources, namely the book Principles
of Communication Engineering by Wozencraft and Jacobs [1], the lecture notes written by
ETH Prof. J. Massey for his course Applied Digital Information Theory, and the lecture notes
written by Profs. B. Gallager and A. Lapidoth for their MIT course Introduction to Digital
Communication. Through the years the notes have evolved and although the influence of these
sources might still be recognizable, the text has now its own personality in terms of content,
style, and organization.
The content is what I can cover in a one-semester course at EPFL.1 The focus is the transmission
problem. By staying focused on the transmission problem (rather than also covering the source
digitalization and compression problem), I have just the right content and amount of material
for the goals that I deem most important, specifically: (1) cover to a reasonable depth the
most central topic of digital communication; (2) have enough material to do justice to the
beautiful and exciting area of digital communication; and (3) provide evidence that linear
algebra, probability theory, calculus, and Fourier analysis are in the curriculum of our students
for good reasons. Regarding this last point, the area of digital communication is an ideal
showcase for the power of mathematics in solving engineering problems.
The problems of digitizing and compressing a source, omitted in this text, are also important,
but covering the former (digitizing) requires a digression into signal processing to acquire the
necessary technical background, and the results are less surprising than those related to the
transmission problem (which can be tackled right away, see Chapter 2). The latter (compres-
sion) is covered in all information theory courses and rightfully so. A more detailed account of
the content is given below, where I discuss the text organization.
In terms of style, I have paid due attention to proofs. The value of a rigorous proof goes beyond
the scientific need of proving that a statement is indeed true. From a proof we can gain much
insight. Once we see the proof of a theorem, we should be able to tell why the conditions (if
any) imposed in the statement are necessary and what can happen if they are violated. Proofs
1 14 weeks, 6 periods of 45 minutes per week, including two periods of exercises.
are also important because the statements we find in theorems and the like are often not in
the exact form needed for a particular application. Therefore, we might have to adapt the
statement and the proof as needed.
An instructor should not miss the opportunity to share useful tricks. One of my favorites is the
trick I learned from Prof. Donald Snyder (Washington University) on how to label the Fourier
transform of a rectangle. (Most students remember that it is a sinc but tend to forget how to
determine its height and width. See Appendix 5.10.)
I do not use the Dirac delta function except for alternative derivations and illustrative examples.
The Dirac delta function is widely used in communication books to introduce white noise and
to prove an imprecise formulation of the sampling theorem. The Dirac delta function is a
generalized function and undergraduate engineering students typically do not have a formal
training on such functions. As a consequence, students find themselves on shaky ground when
something goes wrong in a derivation that contains the Dirac delta function. Fortunately we
can avoid Dirac deltas. In introducing white noise (Section 3.2) we avoid the use of the Dirac
delta function by modeling not the white noise itself but the eect that white noise has on
measurements. In Appendix 5.11 we prove the sampling theorem via Fourier series.
The remainder of this preface is about organization. The approach I have chosen to cover the
material is top-down with successive refinements. It is top-down in the sense of Figure 1.7,
which gives a system-level view of the focus of this book. It is also top-down in the sense of the
OSI model depicted in Figure 1.1. It is a successive refinement approach in the sense that the
structure of Figure 1.7 is first discovered as a natural way to decompose the communication
system (Chapters 2 and 3), and subsequently it is revisited from an engineering viewpoint,
focussing on how to do things efficiently (Chapters 5 and 6).
In Chapter 2 we acquaint ourselves with the receiver design problem for channels that have a
discrete output alphabet. In doing so, we hide all but the most essential aspect of a channel,
specifically that the input and the output are related stochastically. Starting this way takes
us very quickly to the heart of digital communication the decision rule implemented by
a decoder that minimizes the error probability. The decision problem is an excellent place
to begin as the problem is new to students, it has a clean-cut formulation, the solution is
elegant and intuitive, and the topic is central to digital communication. After a rather general
start, the communication problem is specialized for the discrete-time AWGN (additive white
Gaussian noise) channel, which plays a key role in subsequent chapters. In Chapter 2 we also
learn how to determine (or upper-bound) the probability of error and we develop the notion of
sufficient statistic, needed in the following chapter. The appendices provide a review of relevant
background material on matrices, on how to obtain the probability density function of a variable
defined in terms of another, on Gaussian random vectors, and on inner product spaces. The
chapter contains a rather large collection of exercises.
In Chapter 3 we make an important transition concerning the channel used to communicate,
specifically from the rather abstract discrete-time channel to the more realistic continuous-
time AWGN channel. The objective remains the same, i.e., develop the receiver structure that
minimizes the error probability. The theory of inner product spaces, as well as the notion
of sufficient statistic developed in the previous chapter, give us the tools needed to make the
transition elegantly and swiftly. We discover that the decomposition of the transmitter and the
receiver, as done in the top two layers of Figure 1.7, is general and natural for the continuous-
time AWGN channel. This constitutes the end of the first pass over the top two layers of
Figure 1.7.
Up until Chapter 4 we assume that the transmitter has been given to us. In Chapter 4 we
prepare the ground for the second pass, in particular for the signal-design problem. We introduce
the design parameters that we care about, namely transmission rate, delay, bandwidth, average
transmitted energy, and error probability, and we discuss how they relate to one another. We
introduce the notion of isometry to change the signal constellation without aecting the error
probability: It can be applied to the encoder to minimize the average energy without aecting
the other system parameters such as transmission rate, delay, bandwidth, error probability;
alternatively, it can be applied to the waveform former to vary the signals time/frequency
features. The chapter ends with three case studies aimed at developing intuition. In each
case, we fix a signaling family parameterized by the number of bits conveyed by a signal and
determine the probability of error as the number of bits grows to infinity. For one family, the
dimensionality of the signal space stays fixed and the conclusion is that the error probability goes
to 1 as the number of bits increases. For another family, we let the signal space dimensionality
grow exponentially and in so doing we can make the error probability become exponentially
small. Both of these two cases are instructive but have drawbacks that make them unworkable
solutions as the number of bits becomes large . The reasonable choice seems to be the middle-
ground solution that consists in letting the dimensionality grow linearly with the number of
bits. We demonstrate this approach by means of what is commonly called pulse amplitude
modulation (PAM), but we prefer to call it symbol-by-symbol on a pulse train because PAM
does not convey the idea that the pulse is used more than once and people tend to associate
PAM to a certain family of symbol alphabets. I find symbol-by-symbol on a pulse train to be
more descriptive and more general. It encompasses, for instance, phase shift keying (PSK) and
quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM).
In Chapter 5 we do a refinement that consists in zooming into the waveform former and the
n -tuple former of Figure 1.7. We pursue a design strategy based on the lessons learned in the
previous chapter. We are now in the realm of signaling based on Nyquists criterion. We also
learn how to compute the signals power spectral density. In this chapter we take the opportunity
to underline the fact that the sampling theorem, the Nyquist criterion, the Fourier transform
and the Fourier series are applications of the same idea: signals of an appropriately defined
space can be synthesized via linear combinations of a set of vectors that form an orthogonal
The other refinement takes place in Chapter 6 where we zoom in on the encoder/decoder pair.
The idea is to expose the reader to a widely-used way of encoding and decoding. Because
there are several coding techniques sufficiently many to justify a graduate-level course we
approach the subject by means of a case study based on convolutional coding. The minimum
error probability decoder incorporates the Viterbi algorithm. The content of this chapter was
selected as an introduction to coding and to introduce the reader to elegant and powerful tools,
such as the previously mentioned Viterbi algorithm and the tools to assess the resulting bit-error
probability, notably detour flow graphs and generating functions. The material of Chapter 6
could be covered after Chapter 2, but the current organization is preferable for various reasons.
First, it does not unduly delay the transition from the discrete-time channel model (which is
an abstract one) of Chapter 2 to the more realistic continuous-time channel model (Chapter 3).
Second, it makes sense to organize the teaching into a first pass where we focus on what to do
(Chapter 2 and 3) and a second pass where we learn how to do it eectively (Chapter 5 and 6,
respectively). Finally, at the end of Chapter 2, the student is not very motivated to invest time
an energy into coding for the discrete-time AWGN channel because (s)he has no evidence yet
that the channel plays a key role in practical systems. Such evidence is provided in Chapter 3.
The final chapter, Chapter 7, is on passband communication.
Instructors might consider taking a bottom-up approach with respect to Figure 1.7: Specifi-
cally, one could start with the passband AWGN channel model and, as the first step in the
development, reduce it to the baseband model by means of the up/down converter. In this case
the natural second step is to reduce the baseband channel to the discrete-time channel and only
then address the communication problem across the discrete-time channel. I find such an ap-
proach to be pedagogically less appealing as it puts the communication problem last rather than
first. As formulated by Claude Shannon, the father of modern digital communication, The
fundamental problem of communication is that of reproducing at one point either exactly or
approximately a message selected at another point. This is indeed the problem that we address
in Chapter 2. Furthermore, randomness is the most important aspect of a channel. Without
randomness, there is no communication problem. The channels considered in Chapter 2 are
good examples to start with, because they model randomness without additional distractions.
However, the choice of such abstract channels needs to be motivated. I do so two ways: (i) by
asking the students to trust that the theory we develop for that abstract channel will turn out
to be exactly what we need for more realistic channel models and (ii) by reminding them of the
(too often overlooked) problem-solving technique that consists in addressing difficult problem
by considering first simplified toy versions of the same.
As a final note, I should mention that I have made an important concession to mathematical
rigor. This text is written for people with the mathematical background of an engineer. To be
mathematically rigorous, the integrals that come up in dealing with Fourier analysis should be
interpreted in the Lebesgue sense.2 In most undergraduate curricula, engineers are not taught
Lebesgue integration theory. Hence some compromise has to be made, and here is one that I
find very satisfactory. In Appendix 5.9, I introduce the dierence between the Riemann and the
Lebesgue integrals in an informal way. I also introduce the space of L2 functions and the notion
of L2 equivalence. The ideas are natural and can be understood without technical details. This
gives us the language needed to rigorously state the sampling theorem and Nyquist criterion,
and the insight to understand why the technical conditions that appear in those statements are
necessary. The appendix also reminds us that two signals that have the same Fourier transform
are L2 equivalent but not necessarily point-wise equal. Because we introduce the Lebesgue
integral in an informal way, we are not in the position to prove, say, that we can swap an
integral and an infinite sum. In some way, having a good reason for skipping such details
is a blessing, because dealing with all technicalities can quickly become a major distraction.
These technicalities are important at some level and unimportant at another level. They are
important for ensuring that the theory is consistent and a serious graduate-level student should
be exposed to them. However, I am not aware of a single case where they make a dierence in
dealing with finite-support functions that are continuous and have finite-energy, especially with
the kind of signals we encounter in solving real-world communication engineering tasks. Details
pertaining to integration theory that are skipped in this text can be be found in Gallagers book
2 The same can be said for the integrals involving the noise, but our approach avoids such integrals. See
Section 3.2.
[2], which contains an excellent summary of integration theory for communication engineers.
Lapidoth [3] contains many details that are not found elsewhere. It is recommended reading
for scholars in the field of digital communications.
Chapter 1
This book focuses on the system-level engineering aspects of digital point-to-point communica-
tion. In a way, digital point-to-point communication is the building block we use to construct
complex communication systems including the Internet, cellular networks, satellite communi-
cation, etc. The purpose of this chapter is to provide contextual information. Specifically, we
do the following:
(i) Place digital point-to-point communication into the bigger picture. We do so in Section 1.1
where we discuss the Open System Interconnect (OSI) layering model;
(v) Justify some of the choices we make about notation (Section 1.5).
(vi) Mention a few amusing and instructive anecdotes related to the history of communication
(Section 1.6).
(vii) Suggest supplementary reading material.
The reader eager to get started can skip this chapter without losing anything essential to
understand the rest of the text.
When we communicate using electronic devices, we produce streams of bits that typically go
through various networks and are processed by devices from a variety of manufacturers. The
system is very complex and there are a number of things that can go wrong. It is amazing that
2 Chapter 1.
Sending Receiving
Process Process
Presentation PH Presentation
Session SH Session
Transport TH Transport
Network NH Network
Data Link DH DT Data Link
Physical DH NH TH SH PH AH Data DT Physical
Physical Medium
we can communicate as easily and reliably as we do. This could hardly be possible without
layering and standardization. The Open System Interconnect (OSI) layering model of Figure 1.1
describes a framework for the definition of data-flow protocols. In this section we use the OSI
model to convey the basic idea of how modern communication networks deal with the key
challenges, notably routing, flow control, reliability, privacy, and authenticity.
For the sake of concreteness, let us take e-mailing as a sample activity. Computers use bytes (8
bits) or multiples thereof to represent letters. So the content of an e-mail is represented by a
stream of bytes. Received e-mails usually sit on a remote server. When we launch a program to
read e-mail hereafter referred to as the client it checks into the server to see if there are new
e-mails. It depends on the clients setting whether a new e-mail is automatically downloaded
to the client or just a snippet is automatically downloaded until the rest is explicitly requested.
The client tells the server what to do. For this to work, the server and the client not only need
1.1. The Big Picture through the OSI Layering Model 3
to be able to communicate the content of the mail message but they also need to talk to one
another for the sake of coordination. This requires a protocol. If we use a dedicated program
to do email (as opposed to using a web browser), the common protocols used for retrieving
e-mail are the IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) and the POP (Post Office Protocol),
whereas for sending e-mail it is common to use the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).
The idea of a protocol is not specific to e-mail. Every application that uses the Internet needs
a protocol to interact with a peer application. The OSI model reserves the application layer for
programs (also called processes) that implement application-related protocols. In terms of data
traffic, the protocol places a so-called application header (AH) in front of the bits produced by
the application. The top arrow in Figure 1.1 indicates that the two application layers talk to
one another as if they had a direct link.
Typically, there is no direct physical link between the two application layers. Instead, the
communication between application layers goes through a shared network, which creates a
number of challenges. To begin with, there is no guarantee of privacy for anything that goes
through a shared network. Furthermore, networks carry data from many users and can get
congested. Hence, if possible, the data should be compressed to reduce the traffic. Finally,
there is no guarantee that the sending and the receiving computers represent letters the same
way. Hence the application header and the data need to be communicated by using a universal
language. Translation to/from a universal language, compression, and encryption are done
by the presentation layer. The presentation layer also needs a protocol to talk to the peer
presentation layer at the destination. The protocol is implemented by means of the presentation
header (PH).
For the presentation layers to talk to one another, we need to make sure that the two hosting
computers are connected. Establishing, maintaining and ending communication between phys-
ical devices is the job of the session layer. The session layer also manages access rights. Like
the other layers, the session layer uses a protocol to interact with the peer session layer. The
protocol is implemented by means of the session header (SH).
The layers we have discussed so far would suffice if all the machines of interest were connected
by a direct and reliable link. In reality, links are not always reliable. Making sure that from
an end-to-end point of view the link appears reliable is one of the tasks of the transport layer.
By means of parity check bits, the transport layer verifies that the communication is error-free
and if not, it requests retransmission. The transport layer has a number of other functions, not
all of which are necessarily required in any given network. The transport layer can break long
sequences into shorter ones or it can multiplex several sessions between the same two machines
into a single one. It also provides flow control by queueing up data if the network is congested
or if the receiving end cannot absorb it sufficiently fast. The transport layer uses the transport
header (TH) to communicate with the peer layer. The transport header followed by the data
handed down by the session layer is called a segment.
Now assume that there are intermediate nodes between the peer processes of the transport
layer. If this case, the network layer provides the routing service. Unlike the above layers,
which operate on an end-to-end basis, the network layer and the layers below have a process
also at intermediate nodes. The protocol of the network layer is implemented in the network
header (NH). The network header contains, among other things, the source and the destination
address. The network header followed by the segment (of the transport layer) is called a packet.
4 Chapter 1.
The next layer is the data linkl (DL) layer. Unlike the other layers, the DL puts a header at the
beginning and a tailer at the end of each packet handed down by the network layer. The result
is called a frame. Some of the overhead bits are parity check bits meant to determine if errors
have occurred in the link between nodes. If the DL detects errors, it might ask to retransmit or
drop the frame altogether. If it drops the frame, it is up to the transport layer, which operates
on an end-to-end basis, to request retransmission.
The physical layer the subject of this text is the bottom layer of the OSI stack. The
physical layer creates a more-or-less reliable bit pipe out of the physical channel between
two nodes. It does so by means of a transmitter/receiver pair, called modem 1 , on each side
of the physical channel. We will learn that the physical layer designer can trade reliability for
complexity and delay.
In summary, the OSI model has the following characteristics. Although the actual data trans-
mission is vertical, each layer is programmed as if the transmission were horizontal. For a
process, whatever is not part of its own header is considered as being actual data. In partic-
ular, a process makes no distinction between the headers of the higher layers and the actual
data segment. For instance, the presentation layer translates, compresses, and encrypts what-
ever it receives from the application layer, attaches the PH, and sends the result to its peer
presentation layer. The peer in turn reads and removes the PH and decrypts, decompresses,
and translates the data which is then passed to the application layer. What the application
layer receives is identical to what the peer application layer has sent up to a possible language
translation. The DL inserts a tailer in addition to a header. All layers, except the transport and
the DL layer, assume that the communication to the peer layer is error-free. If it can, the DL
layer provides reliability between successive nodes. Even if the reliability between successive
nodes is guaranteed, nodes might drop packets due to queueing overflow. The transport layer,
which operates at the end-to-end level, detects missing segments and requests retransmission.
It should be clear that a layering approach drastically simplifies the tasks of designing and
deploying communication infrastructure. For instance, a programmer can test the application
layer protocol with both applications running on the same computer thus bypassing all net-
working problems. Likewise, a physical layer specialist can test a modem on point-to-point
links, also disregarding networking issues. Each of the tasks of compressing, providing reli-
ability, privacy, authenticity, routing, flow control, and physical layer communication require
specific knowledge. Thanks to the layering approach, each task can be accomplished by people
specialized in their respective domain. Similarly, equipments from dierent manufacturers work
together, as long as they respect the protocols.
The OSI architecture is a generic model that does not prescribe a specific protocol. The Internet
uses TCP/IP protocol stack, which is essentially compatible with the OSI architecture but uses
5 instead of 7 layers [4]. The reduction is mainly obtained by combining the OSI application,
presentation, and session layers into a single layer called the application layer. The transport
1 Modem is the result of contracting the terms modulator and demodulator. In analog modulation, such as
Frequency Modulation (FM) and Amplitude Modulation (AM), the source signal modulates a parameter of a
high-frequency oscillation, called the carrier signal. In AM it modulates the carriers amplitude and in FM it
modulates the carriers frequency. The modulated signal can be transmitted over the air and in the absence of
noise (which is never the case) the demodulator at the receiver reconstructs an exact copy of the source signal.
In practice, due to noise, the reconstruction only approximates the source signal. Although modulation and
demodulation are misnomers in digital communication, the term modem has remained in use.
1.2. The Topic of this Text and Some Historical Perspective 5
layer is implemented either by the TCP or by the UDP protocol. The network layer implements
addressing and routing via the IP protocol. The DL and the physical layers complete the stack.
This text is about the theory that governs the physical-layer design (bottom layer in Figure 1.1),
referred to as communication theory. Of course, other layers are about communication as well,
and the reader might wonder why communication theory is not about all the layers. The
terminology became established in the early days, prior to the OSI model, when communication
was mainly point-to-point. Rather that including the other layers as they became part of the
big picture, communication theory remained faithful to its original domain. The reason is
most likely due to the dissimilarity between the body of knowledge needed to reason about
the objectives of dierent layers. To gain some historical perspective, we summarize the key
developments that have led to communication theory.
Electromagnetism was discovered in the 1820 s by rated and Amp`ere. The wireline telegraph
was demonstrated by Henry and Morse in the 1830 s. Maxwells theory of electromagnetic
fields, published in 1865 , predicted that electromagnetic fields travel through space as waves,
moving at the speed of light. In 1876, Bell invented the telephone. Around 1887 , Hertz demon-
strated the transmission and reception of the electromagnetic waves predicted by Maxwell. In
1895 , Marconi built a wireless system capable of transmitting signals over more than 2 Km.
The invention of the vacuum-tube diode by Fleming in 1904 and of the vacuum-tube triode
amplifier by Forest in 1906 enabled long distance communication by wire and wireless. The
push for sending many phone conversations over the same line led, in 1917 , to the invention of
the wave filter by Campbell.
The beginning of digital communication theory is associated with the work of Nyquist (1924)
and Hartley (1928) , both at Bell Laboratories. Quite generally, we communicate over a channel
by choosing the value of one or more parameters of a carrier signal. Intuitively, the more
parameters we can choose independently, the more information we can send with one signal,
provided that the receiver is capable of determining the value of those parameters.
A good analogy to understand the relationship between a signal and its parameters is obtain
by comparing a signal with a point in a three dimensional (3D) space. A point in 3D is
completely specified by the three coordinates of the point with respect to a Cartesian coordinate
system. Similarly, a signal can be described by a number n of parameters with respect to an
appropriately chosen reference system called orthonormal basis. If we choose each coordinate
as a function of a certain number of bits, the more coordinates n we have the more bits we can
convey with one signal.
Nyquist realized that if the signal has to be confined to a specified time interval of duration T
seconds (e.g. the duration of the communication) and frequency interval of width B Hz (e.g.
the channel bandwidth), then the integer n can be chosen to be close to BT , where is
some positive number that depends on the definition of duration and bandwidth. A good value
is = 2 .
As an example, consider Figure 1.2. On the left of the figure is a pulse that we use as a building
6 Chapter 1.
Figure 1.2: Information-carrying pulse train. It is the scaling factor of each pulse,
called symbol, that carries information. In this example, the symbols take value in
{c0 , c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 , c5 } .
block for the communication signal.2 On the right is an example of a pulse train obtained from
shifted and scaled replicas of the pulse on the left. We communicate by scaling each pulse by its
own information carrying symbol. If we could make the underlying pulse narrower, we could fit
more such pulses in a given time interval and therefore we could send more information-carrying
symbols. But a narrower pulse requires more bandwidth. Hence there is a limit to the pulse
width. For a given pulse width, there is a limit to the number of pulses that we can pack in
a given interval if we want the receiver to be able to receiver the symbol sequence from the
received pulse train. Nyquists result implies that we can fit essentially 2BT non-interfering
pulses in a time interval of T seconds if the bandwidth is not to exceed B Hz.
In trying to determine the maximum number of bits that can be conveyed with one signal,
Hartley introduced two constraints that make good engineering sense. First, in a practical
realization, the symbols cannot take arbitrarily large values in R (the set of real numbers).
Second, the receiver cannot estimate a symbol with infinite precision. This implies that, to
avoid errors, symbols have to take values in a discrete subset of some interval [ A, A] . If
is the receivers precision in determining the amplitude of a pulse, then symbols should take
value in some alphabet {c0 , c1 , . . . , cm 1 } [ A, A] such that |ci cj | 2 when i 6= j .
This implies that the alphabet size can be at most m = 1 + A (see Figure 1.3).
2 A pulse is not necessarily rectangular. In fact, we do not communicate via rectangular pulses because they
r r r r r r -R
A - A
c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5
There are mn distinct n -length sequences that can be formed with symbols taken from an
alphabet of size m . Now suppose that we want to communicate a sequence of k bits. There
are 2k distinct such sequences and each such sequence should be mapped into a distinct symbol
sequence (see Figure 1.4). This implies 2k mn . Inserting m = 1 + A and n = 2BT and
solving for Tk yields
k A
2B log2 1 + (1.1)
as the highest possible rate in bits per second that can be achieved reliably with bandwidth
B , symbol amplitudes within A , and receiver accuracy . Unfortunately, (1.1) does not
provide a fundamental limit to the bit rate, because there is no fundamental limit to how small
can be made.
The missing ingredient in Hartleys calculation was the noise. In 1926 Johnson, also at Bell
Labs, realized that every conductor is aected by thermal noise. The idea that the received
signal should be modeled as the sum of the transmitted signal plus noise became prevalent
through the work of Wiener (1942) . Clearly the noise prevents the receiver from retrieving the
symbols values with infinite precision, which is the eect that Hartley wanted to capture with
the introduction of , but unfortunately there is no way to choose as a function of the
noise. In fact, in the presence of thermal noise, error-free communication becomes impossible.
(But we can make the error probability as small as desired.)
Prior to the publication of Shannons revolutionary 1948 paper, the common belief was that the
error probability induced by the noise could be reduced only by increasing the signals amplitude
or by reducing the bit rate (e.g., by transmitting the same bit multiple times). Shannon proved
that the noise can set a limit to the number of bits per second that can be transmitted reliably,
but as long as we communicate below that limit, the error probability can be made as small as
desired. The limit to the bit rate is called channel capacity. For the setup of interest to us it is
the right-hand side of
k P
B log2 1 + , (1.2)
T N0 /2
where P is the transmitted signals power and N0 /2 is the power spectral density of the noise
(assumed to be white and Gaussian). If the bit rate is above channel capacity, then no matter
8 Chapter 1.
how clever the design, it is not possible to reduce the error probability below a certain value.
The theory that lead to (1.2) is far more subtle and far more beautiful than the arguments
leading to (1.1); yet, the two expressions are strikingly similar.
What we mentioned here is only a special case of a general formula derived by Shannon to
compute the capacity of a broad class of channels. As he did for channels, Shannon also posed
and answered fundamental questions about sources. For the purpose of this text, there are two
lessons that we should retain about sources: (1) The essence of a source is its randomness. If a
listener knew exactly what a speaker is about to say, there would be no need to listen. Hence
a source should be modeled by a random variable (or a sequence thereof). In line with the
topic of this text, we assume that the source is digital, meaning that the random variable takes
values in a discrete set. (See Appendix 1.8 for a brief summary of various kind of sources.).
(2) For every such source, there exists a source encoder that converts the source output into
the shortest (in average) binary string and a source decoder that recovers the original from
the encoder output. The encoder output, for which no further compression is possible, has
the same statistic as a sequence of unbiased coin flips, i.e., it is a sequence of independent and
uniformly distributed bits. Clearly, we can minimize the storage and/or communicate more
efficiently if we first compress the source into the shortest binary string. In this text, we are
not concerned with source coding, but for the above mentioned reasons, we can assume that
the source produces a sequence of independent and uniformly distributed bits.
Like many of the inventors mentioned above, Shannon worked at Bell Labs. His work appeared
one year after the invention of the solid-state transistor, by Bardeen, Brattain, and Shockley,
also at Bell Labs. Figure 1.5 summarizes the various milestones.
ca ed
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te mu ece
ve om d R
In r e d
he t o re
C an
T si s ct u
i sh
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ap cov
or r
Tu Rad itte
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io ra P
u m n ce n sm
at T he
m ted
Te sm
om en
f o f t er s
a ra
C nv
i st T
p h Th e
In o nt
of r I
rm h
-D ves
of ion E
h lte
h nt ise
ng a
Lo W
irt i
B eF
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B Inv N
Information theory, which is mainly concerned with discerning between what can be done and
what cannot, regardless of complexity, led to coding theory a field mainly concerned with
1.3. Problem Formulation and Preview 9
Our focus is on the system aspects of digital point-to-point communications. By the term
system aspect we mean that we remain at the level of building blocks rather than going into
electronic details; Digital means that the message is taken from a finite set of possibilities; and
we restrict ourselves to point-to-point communication as it constitutes the building block of all
communication systems.
Digital communications is a rather unique field in engineering in which theoretical ideas from
probability theory, stochastic processes, linear algebra, and Fourier analysis have had an ex-
traordinary impact on actual system design. The mathematically inclined will appreciate how
these theories seem to be so appropriate to solve the problems we will encounter.
- j
i2H wi (t) 2 W R(t) i
- Transmitter - Linear - Receiver -
N (t)
Figure 1.6: Basic point-to-point communication system over a band-limited Gaussian channel.
Our main target is to acquire a solid understanding about how to communicate through a
channel, modeled as depicted in Figure 1.6. The source chooses a message represented in the
Figure by the index i that takes value in some finite alphabet H . As already mentioned, in
reality, the message is represented by a sequence of bits, but for notational convenience it is
often easier to label each sequence with an index and use the index to represent the message.
The transmitter maps a message i 2 H into a signal wi (t) 2 W where W and H have the
same cardinality. The channel filters the signal and adds Gaussian noise. The receivers task is
10 Chapter 1.
Mathematically, a transmitter implements a one-to-one mapping between the message set and
a set of signals. Without loss of essential generality, we may let the message set be H =
{0, 1, . . . , m 1} for some integer m 2 . For the channel model of Figure 1.6 the signal set
W = {w0 (t), w1 (t), . . . , wm 1 (t)} consists of continuous and finite-energy signals. We think of
the signals as stimuli used by the transmitter to excite the channel input. They are chosen in
such a way that the receiver can tell, with high probability, which channel input produced an
observed channel output.
Even if we model the source as producing an index from H = {0, 1, . . . , m 1} rather than a
sequence of bits, we can still measure the communication rate in terms of bits per second (bps).
In fact the elements of the message set may be labeled with distinct binary sequences of length
log2 m . Every time that we communicate a message, we equivalently communicate that many
bits. If we can send a signal every T seconds, then the message rate is 1/T [messages per
second] and the bit rate is (log2 m)/T [bits per second].
Digital communication is a field that has seen many exciting developments and is still in vigorous
expansion. Our goal is to introduce the reader to the field, with emphasis on fundamental ideas
and techniques. We hope that the reader will develop an appreciation for the tradeos that
3 Individual noise sources do not necessarily have Gaussian statistics. However, due to the central limit
theorem, their aggregate contribution is often quite well approximated by a Gaussian random process.
4 If the scattering and reflecting objects move with respect to the transmit/receive antenna, then the filter is
are possible at the transmitter, will understand how to design (at the building block level) a
receiver that minimizes the error probability, and will be able to analyze the performance of a
point-to-point communication system.
Encoder Decoder
n -Tuples
R ?
Waveform n -Tuple E
Former Former C
I 6 I
Baseband V
T Waveforms E
E ?
Up- Down-
Converter Converter
Passband 6
Waveforms R(t)
N (t)
We will discover that a natural way to design, analyze, and implement a transmitter/receiver
pair for the channel of Figure 1.6 is to think in terms of the modules shown in Figure 1.7. Like
in the OSI layering model, peer modules are designed as if they were connected by their own
channel. The bottom layer reduces the passband channel to the more basic baseband channel.
The middle layer further reduces the channel to a discrete-time channel that can be handled
by the encoder/decoder pair.
We conclude this introduction with a very brief overview of the various chapters.
Chapter 2 addresses the receiver design problem for discrete-time observations, in particular
in relationship to the channel seen by the top layer of Figure 1.7, which is the discrete-time
additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. Throughout the text the receivers objective
12 Chapter 1.
Chapter 7 is about passband communication. A typical passband channel is the radio channel.
What we have learned in the previous chapters can, in principle, be applied directly to passband
channels; but there are several reasons in favor of a design that consists of a baseband transmit-
ter followed by an up-converter that shifts the spectrum to the desired frequency interval. The
receiver reflects the transmitters structure. An obvious advantage of this approach is that we
decouple most of the transmitter/receiver design from the center frequency of the transmitted
signal. If we decide to shift the center frequency, like when we change channel in a walkie-talkie,
we just act on the up-converter and on the corresponding structure of the receiver, and this
can be done very easily. Furthermore, having the last stage of the transmitter operate in its
own frequency band prevents the output signal from feeding back over the air into the earlier
stages and create the equivalent of the annoying audio feedback that occurs when we put a
mike next to the corresponding speaker.
As it turns out, the best way to design and analyze passband communication systems is to ex-
ploit the fact that real-valued passband signals can be represented by complex-valued baseband
signals. This is why throughout the text we learn to work with complex-valued signals. This
ability becomes an asset in Chapter 7.
The meaning of digital versus analog communication needs to be clarified, in particular because
it should not be confused with their meaning in the context of electronic circuits. We can
communicate digitally by means of analog or digital electronics and the same is true for analog
We speak of digital communication when the transmitter sends one of a finite set of possible
signals. For instance, if we communicate 1000 bits, we are communicating one out of 21000
possible binary sequences of length 1000 . To communicate our choice, we use signals that are
appropriate for the channel at hand. No matter which signals we use, the result will be digital
communication. One of the simplest ways to do this is that each bit determines the amplitude
of a carrier over a certain duration of time. So the first bit could determine the amplitude from
1.4. Digital vs Analog Communication 13
time 0 to T , the second from 2T to 3T , etc. This is the simplest form of pulse amplitude
modulation. There are many sensible ways to map bits to waveforms that are suitable to a
channel, and whichever way we choose it will be a form of digital communication.
We speak of analog communication when the transmitter sends one of a continuum of possible
signals. The transmitted signal could be the output of a microphone. Any tiny variation of
the signal can constitute another valid signal. More likely, in analog communication we use
the source signal to vary a parameter of a carrier signal. Two popular ways to do analog
communication are amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM): In AM we
let the carriers amplitude depend on the source signal. In FM it is the carriers frequency that
varies as a function of the source signal.
The dierence between analog and digital communication might seem to be minimal at this
point, but actually it is not. It all boils down to the fact that in digital communication the
receiver has a chance to exactly reconstruct the transmitted signal. The receiver knows that
there is a finite number of possibilities to choose from. The signals used by the transmitter
are chosen to facilitate the receivers decision. One of the performance criteria is the error
probability, and we can design systems that have such a small error probability that for all
practical purposes it is zero. The situation is quite dierent in analog communication. As there
is a continuum of signals that the transmitter could possibly send, there is no chance for the
receiver to reconstruct an exact replica of the transmitted signal. It no longer makes sense to
talk about error probability. If we say that an error occurs every time that there is a dierence
between the transmitted signal and the reconstruction provided by the receiver, then the error
probability is 1 .
Example 1. Consider a very basic transmitter that maps a sequence b0 , b1 , b2 , b3 of numbers
into a sequence w(t) of pulses of a fixed duration as shown in Figure 1.8. (The i th pulse has
amplitude bi ).
b0 b3
The dierence, which may still seem a detail at this point, is made significant by the notion
of channel capacity discussed in Section 1.8. Recall that for every channel there is a largest
rate below which we can make the error probability as small as desired and above which it is
impossible to reduce the error probability below a certain value. Now we can see where the
dierence between analog and digital communication becomes fundamental. For instance, if we
want to communicate at 1 gigabit per second (Gbps) from Zurich to Los Angeles by using a
certain type of cable, we can cut the cable into pieces of length L , chosen in such a way that
the channel capacity of each piece is greater than 1 Gbps. We can then design a transmitter
and a receive that allow us to communicate virtually error-free at 1 Gbps over distance L .
By concatenating many such links, we can cover any desired distance at the same rate. By
making the error probability over each link sufficiently small, we can meet the desired end-to-
end probability of error. The situation is very dierent in analog communication, where every
piece of cable contributes to a degradation that the receiver cannot undo.
Need another example? Compare faxing a text to sending an e-mail over the same telephone
line. The fax uses analog technology. It treats the document as a continuum of gray levels
(in two dimensions). It does not dierentiate between text or images. The receiver prints a
degraded version of the original. And if we repeat the operation multiple times by re-faxing the
latest reproduction it will not take long until the result is dismal. E-mail on the other hand is
a form of digital communication. It is almost certain that the receiver reconstructs an identical
replica of the transmitted text.
Because we can turn a continuous-time source into a discrete one, as described in Section 1.8, we
always have the option of doing digital rather than analog communication. In the conversion
from continuous to discrete, there is a deterioration that we control and can make as small
as desired. The result can, in principle, be communicated over unlimited distance and over
arbitrarily poor channels with no further degradation.
1.5 Notation
In this text, a generic function such as g : I ! B , where I R is the domain and B is the
1.6. A Few Anecdotes 15
We write {S} for the indicator of the statement S . The indicator of S is 1 if S is true and
0 if S is false. For instance {t 2 [a, b]} is the rectangular function that takes value 1 when
t 2 [a, b] and 0 elsewhere. Similarly, {k = l} is 1 when k = l and 0 when k 6= l .
The convolution between u(t) and v(t) is denoted by u ? v(t) . Here u ? v should be seen as
the name of a new function obtained by convolving the functions u(t) and v(t) . Sometimes it
is useful to write u(t) ? v(t) for u ? v(t) .
This text is targeted mainly at engineering students. Throughout their careers some will make
inventions that may or may not be successful. After reading The Information: A History, a
Theory, a Flood by James Gleick5 [5], I felt that I should pass on some anecdotes that nicely
illustrate one point, specifically that no matter how great an idea or an invention is, there will
be people that will criticize it.
The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg around 1440. It is now recognized
that it played an essential role in the transition from medieval to modern times. Yet in the
16th century, the German priest Martin Luther decried that the multitude of books [were] a
great evil . . . ; in the 17th century, referring to the horrible mass of books Leibniz feared a
return to barbarism for in the end the disorder will become nearly insurmountable; in 1970
the American historian Lewis Mumford predicted that the overproduction of books will bring
about a state of intellectual enervation and depletion hardly to be distinguished from massive
The telegraph was invented by Claude Chappe during the French Revolution. A telegraph
was a tower for sending optical signals to other towers in line of sight. In 1840 measurements
were made to determine the transmission speed. Over a stretch of 760 Km, from Toulon to
Paris comprising 120 stations, it was determined that two out of three messages arrived within
a day during the warm months and that only one in three arrived in winter. This was the
5A copy of the book was generously oered by our dean, Martin Vetterli, to each professor as a 2011 Christmas
16 Chapter 1.
situation when F. B. Morse proposed the French government a telegraph that used electrical
wires. Morses proposal was rejected because No one could interfere with telegraph signals in
the sky, but wire could be cut by saboteurs. [5, Chapter 5].
In 1833 the lawyer and philologist John Pickering, referring to the American version of the
French telegraph on Central Wharf (a Chappe-like tower communicating shipping news with
three other stations in a twelve-mile line across Boston Harbor) asserted that It must be
evident to the most common observer, that no means of conveying intelligence can ever be
devised, that shall exceed or even equal the rapidity of the Telegraph, for, with the exception of
the scarcely perceptible relay at each station, its rapidity may be compared with that of light
itself. In todays technology we can communicate over optical fiber at more than 1012 bits per
second, which may be 12 orders of magnitude faster than the telegraph referred to by Pickering.
Yet Pickerings flawed reasoning may have seemed correct to most of his contemporaries.
The electrical telegraph eventually came and was immediately a great success, yet some feared
that it would put newspapers out of business. In 1852 it was declared that All ideas of connect-
ing Europe with America, by lines extending directly across the Atlantic, is utterly impracticable
and absurd. Six years later Queen Victoria and President Buchanan were communicating via
such a line.
Then came the telephone. The first experimental applications of the electrical speaking tele-
phone were made in the US in the 1870s. It quickly became a great success in the US, but not
in England. In 1876 the chief engineer of the General Post Office, William Preece, reported to
the British Parliament: I fancy the descriptions we get of its use in America are a little exag-
gerated, though there are conditions in America which necessitate the use of such instruments
more than here. Here we have a superabundance of messengers, errand boys and things of that
kind . . . . I have one in my office, but more for show. If I want to send a messageI use a
sounder or employ a boy to take it.
Compared to the telegraph, the telephone looked like a toy because any child could use it. In
comparison, the telegraph required literacy. Business people first thought that the telephone
was not serious. Where the telegraph dealt in facts and numbers, the telephone appealed to
emotions. Seeing information technology as a threat to privacy is not new. Already at the time
one commentator said, No matter to what extent a man may close his doors and windows,
and hermetically seal his key-holes and furnace-registers, with towels and blankets, whatever
he may say, either to himself or a companion, will be overheard.
In summary, the printing press has been criticized for promoting barbarism; the electrical
telegraphy for being vulnerable to vandalism, a threat to newspapers, and not superior to the
French telegraph; the telephone for being childish, of no business value, and a threat to privacy.
We could of course extend the list with comments about typewriters, cell phones, computers,
the Internet, or about applications such as e-mail, SMS, Wikipedia, Street View by Google,
etc. It would be good to keep some of these examples in mind when attempts to promote new
ideas are met with resistance.
1.7. Supplementary Reading 17
Discrete Sources: A discrete source is modeled by a discrete-time random process that takes
values in some finite alphabet. For instance, a computer file is represented as a sequence of
bytes, each of which that can take on one of 256 possible values. So when we consider a file as
being the source signal, the source can be modeled as a discrete-time random process taking
values in the finite alphabet {0, 1, . . . , 255} . Alternatively, we can consider the file as a sequence
of bits, in which case the stochastic process takes values in {0, 1} .
18 Chapter 1.
For another example, consider the sequence of pixel values produced by a digital camera. The
color of a pixel is obtained by mixing various intensities of red, green and blue. Each of the
three intensities is represented by a certain number of bits. One way to exchange images is to
exchange one pixel at a time, according to some predetermined way of serializing the pixels
intensities. Also in this case we can model the source as a discrete-time process.
A discrete-time sequence taking values in a finite alphabet can always be converted into a binary
sequence. The resulting average length depends on the source statistic and on how we do the
conversion. In principle we could find the minimum average length by analyzing all possible
ways of making the conversion. Surprisingly, we can bypass this tedious process and find the
result by means of a simple formula that determines the so-called entropy (of the source). This
was a major result in Shannons 1948 paper.
Example 2. A discrete memoryless source is a discrete source with the additional property
that the output symbols are independent and identically distributed. For a discrete memoryless
source that produces symbols taking values in an m -letter alphabet the entropy is
pi log2 pi ,
Any book on information theory will prove the stated relationship between the entropy of
a memoryless source and the minimum average number of bits needed to represent a source
symbol. A standard reference is [19].
If the output of the encoder hat produces the shortest binary sequence can no longer be com-
pressed, it means that it has entropy 1 . Once can show that to have entropy 1 , a binary source
must produce independent and uniformly distributed symbols. Such a source is called a Binary
Symmetric Source (BSS). We conclude that the binary output of a source encoder can either
be further compressed or it has the same statistic as the output of a BSS. This is the main
reason why a communication-link designer typically assumes that the source is a BSS.
discrete set as its alphabet. Quantization is irreversible, but by choosing a sufficiently dense
alphabet, we can make the dierence between the original and the quantized process as small
as desired. As described in the previous paragraph, the quantized sequence can be mapped in
a reversible way into a binary sequence. If the resulting binary sequence is as short as possible
(in average) then, once again, it indistinguishable from the output of a BSS.
Continuous-Time Sources: They are modeled by a continuous-time random process. The elec-
tric signal produced by a microphone can be seen as a sample path of a continuous-time random
process. In all practical applications, such signals are either band-limited or can be lowpass-
filtered to make them band-limited. For instance, even the most sensitive human ear cannot
detect frequencies above some value (say 25 KHz). Hence any signal meant for the human
ear can be made band-limited through a lowpass filter. The sampling theorem (Theorem 73)
asserts that a band-limited signal can be represented by a discrete-time sequence, which in turn
can be made into a binary sequence as described.
In this text we will not need results from information theory, but we will often assume that the
message to be communicated is the output of a BSS. Because we can always map a block of
k bits into an index taking value in {0, 1, . . . , 2k 1} , an essentially equivalent assumption is
that the source produces independent and identically distributed (iid) random variables that
are uniformly distributed over some finite alphabet.
1.9 Exercises
Note: The exercises in this first chapter are meant to test if the reader has the expected
knowledge in probability theory.
Exercise 1. (Probabilities of Basic Events) Assume that X1 and X2 are independent random
variables that are uniformly distributed in the interval [0, 1] . Compute the probability of the
following events. Hint: For each event, identify the corresponding region inside the unit square.
(a) 0 X1 X2 3 .
(b) X13 X2 X12 .
(c) X2 X1 = 2 .
1 2 1 2
(d) (X1 2) + (X2 2) ( 12 )2 .
1 1 2 1 2
(e) Given that X1 4 , compute the probability that (X1 2) + (X2 2) ( 12 )2 .
(a) A box contains m white and n black balls. Suppose k balls are drawn. Find the proba-
bility of drawing at least one white ball.
(b) We have two coins; the first is fair and the second is two-headed. We pick one of the coins
at random, we toss it twice and heads shows both times. Find the probability that the
coin is fair.
20 Chapter 1.
Exercise 3. (Conditional Distribution) Assume that X and Y are random variables with
joint density function
A, 0 x < y 1
fX,Y (x, y) =
0, otherwise.
Exercise 4. (Playing Darts) Assume that you are throwing darts at a target. We assume that
the target is one-dimensional, i.e., that the darts all end up on a line. The bulls eye is in
the center of the line, and we give it the coordinate 0 . The position of a dart on the target can
then be measured with respect to 0 . We assume that the position X1 of a dart that lands on
the target is a random variable that has a Gaussian distribution with variance 12 and mean
0 . Assume now that there is a second target, which is further away. If you throw a dart to
that target, the position X2 has a Gaussian distribution with variance 22 (where 22 > 12 )
and mean 0 . You play the following game: You toss a coin which gives you Z = 1 with
probability p and Z = 0 with probability 1 p for some fixed p 2 [0, 1] . If Z = 1 , you throw
a dart onto the first target. If Z = 0 , you aim for the second target instead. Let X be the
relative position of the dart with respect to the center of the target that you have chosen.
(a) Let X and Y be two continuous real-valued random variables with joint probability density
function fXY . Show that if X and Y are independent, they are also uncorrelated.
(b) Consider two independent and uniformly distributed random variables U 2 {0, 1} and
V 2 {0, 1} . Assume that X and Y are defined as follows: X = U + V and Y = |U V | .
Are X and Y independent? Compute the covariance of X and Y . What do you conclude?
1.9. Exercises 21
Exercise 6. (Monty Hall) Assume you are participating in a quiz show. You are shown three
boxes that look identical from the outside, except they have labels 0, 1, and 2, respectively.
Only one of them contains one million Swiss francs, the other two contain nothing. You choose
one box at random with a uniform probability. Let A be the random variable that denotes
your choice, A 2 {0, 1, 2} .
(a) What is the probability that the box A contains the money?
(b) The quizmaster of course knows which box contains the money. He opens one of the two
boxes that you did not choose, being careful not to open the one that contains the money.
Now, you know that the money is either in A (your first choice) or in B (the only other
box that could contain the money). What is the probability that B contains the money?
(c) If you are now allowed to change your mind, i.e., choose B instead of sticking with A ,
would you do it?
22 Chapter 1.