Grade: MYP4 KC: Form RC: Relationships and Quantity GC: Personal and Cultural Expressions
Grade: MYP4 KC: Form RC: Relationships and Quantity GC: Personal and Cultural Expressions
Grade: MYP4 KC: Form RC: Relationships and Quantity GC: Personal and Cultural Expressions
KC: Form
RC: Relationships and quantity
GC: Personal and cultural expressions
Criterion A: Knowing and understanding.
Criterion C: Communication:
• Use appropriate mathematical language (notation, symbols, and terminology) in both oral
and written explanations.
• Use appropriate forms of mathematical representation to present information.
• Move between different forms of mathematical representation.
• Communicate complete, coherent, and concise mathematical lines of reasoning.
• Organize information using a logical structure.
ATL skills: Trans fer skill, Communication Skill and thinking skill
(Level 3-4) [Criterion D&C]
Criterion C: Communicating
information adequately
• Communicates, use
5-6 The student can: appropriate mathematical
language (notation, symbols
i. usually uses appropriate and terminology) in written
mathematical language explanations.
ii. usually use appropriate forms
of mathematical representation
to present
• Use appropriate forms of
information correctly mathematical representation
by considering information
iii. usually move between given in the situation or
different forms of mathematical scenario or context.
• Transferred mathematical
5-6 The student is able to: knowledge and applies skills
in a variety of complex
i. identify the relevant elements classroom and real-world
of the authentic real-life situations.
situation • There is an explanation of
whether the results make
ii. select adequate mathematical sense and are consistent
strategies to model the authentic throughout.
real-life situation • The accuracy of results and
possible improvement to the
iii. apply the selected
method are considered.
mathematical strategies to reach
a valid solution to the authentic
real-life situation