Grade: MYP4 KC: Form RC: Relationships and Quantity GC: Personal and Cultural Expressions

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Grade: MYP4

KC: Form
RC: Relationships and quantity
GC: Personal and cultural expressions
Criterion A: Knowing and understanding.

• Select appropriate mathematics when solving problems in both familiar and

unfamiliar situations.
• Apply the selected mathematics successfully when solving problems.
• Solve problems correctly in a variety of contexts.

Criterion C: Communication:

• Use appropriate mathematical language (notation, symbols, and terminology) in both oral
and written explanations.
• Use appropriate forms of mathematical representation to present information.
• Move between different forms of mathematical representation.
• Communicate complete, coherent, and concise mathematical lines of reasoning.
• Organize information using a logical structure.

Criterion D: Applying mathematics in real-life contexts.

• Identify relevant elements of authentic real-life situations.

• Select appropriate mathematical strategies when solving authentic real-life situations.
• Apply the selected mathematical strategies successfully to reach a solution.
• Justify the degree of accuracy of a solution.
• Justify whether a solution makes sense in the context of the authentic real-life situation.

ATL skills: Trans fer skill, Communication Skill and thinking skill


(Level 1-2) [Criterion A &C]


(Level 7-8) [Criterion A &C]


(Level 5-6) [Criterion D &C]

(Level 3-4) [Criterion D&C]

Criteria A: Knowing and Understanding

Achievement Level descriptor Task descriptor


1-2 The student is able to: Produced a mathematical work of

limited quality
i. select appropriate mathematics
when solving simple problems in
familiar situations
Limited evidence of transfer of
ii. apply the selected mathematical knowledge and
mathematics successfully when application skills
solving these problems

iii. generally solve these

problems correctly in a variety
of contexts.
3-4 The student is able to: Produced a mathematical work of
acceptable quality
i. select appropriate mathematics
when solving more complex
problems in familiar situations
Transferred some of mathematical
ii. apply the selected knowledge and application skills in
mathematics successfully when familiar situation but requires
solving these problems support in unfamiliar situations.

iii. generally solve these

problems correctly in a variety
of contexts.

• Produced generally quality

5-6 The student is able to: mathematical work
occasionally in both familiar
i. select appropriate mathematics and unfamiliar situations.
when solving challenging • understanding of concepts
problems in familiar situations and contexts demonstrating
application of mathematical
ii. apply the selected techniques and terminology
mathematics successfully when • Demonstrates sophisticated
solving these problems analytical thinking and
logical processes when
iii. generally solve these
problem-solving .
problems correctly in a variety
of contexts.
• Produces high-quality work
7-8 The student is able to: that frequently uses
mathematics in both familiar
1. identify the relevant and unfamiliar situations.
elements of the authentic • understanding of concepts
real-life situation and contexts demonstrating
2. select appropriate proficient application of
mathematical strategies mathematical techniques and
to model the authentic terminology
real-life situation • Consistently demonstrates
3. apply the selected sophisticated analytical
mathematical strategies thinking and logical
to reach a correct processes when problem-
solution to the authentic solving .
real-life situation
4. justify the degree of
accuracy of the solution

justify whether the solution

makes sense in the context of the
authentic real-life situation.

Criterion C: Communicating

Achievement Level descriptor Task descriptor


1-2 The student can: Communicated limited

understanding of some concepts
i. use limited mathematical and context.
Conveys many significant
ii. use limited forms of misunderstandings or lacks
mathematical representation to understanding of most of the
present information concepts.

iii. communicate through lines

of reasoning that are difficult to
3-4 The student is able to: Communicated basic
understanding of some concepts
i. uses some appropriate and context.
mathematical language
Conveys some significant
ii. use appropriate forms of misunderstanding or lacks
mathematical representation to understanding of some of the
present concepts.

information adequately

iii. communicate through lines

of reasoning that are complete

iv. adequately organize

information using a logical

• Communicates, use
5-6 The student can: appropriate mathematical
language (notation, symbols
i. usually uses appropriate and terminology) in written
mathematical language explanations.
ii. usually use appropriate forms
of mathematical representation
to present
• Use appropriate forms of
information correctly mathematical representation
by considering information
iii. usually move between given in the situation or
different forms of mathematical scenario or context.

iv. communicate through lines

of reasoning that are complete
and coherent • Explanations sometimes
complete and concise
v. present work that is usually
organized using a logical
• Communicates
7-8 The student is able to: comprehensive, use
appropriate mathematical
1. consistently use language ( notation, symbols
appropriate and terminology) in written
mathematical language explanations.
2. use appropriate forms of
representation to
consistently present
information correctly • Use appropriate forms of
3. move effectively mathematical representation
between different forms by considering information
of mathematical given in the situation or
representation scenario or context.
4. communicate through
lines of reasoning that
are complete, coherent
and concise
5. present work that is • Explanations are complete
consistently organized using a and concise
logical structure.

Criterion D: Applying Mathematics in real life context

Achievement Level descriptor Task descriptor


1-2 The student is able to: I. Demonstrated limited evidence of

mathematical thinking.
i. identify some of the elements
of the authentic real-life ii. Limited evidence of transfer of
situation mathematical knowledge and
application of skills
ii. apply mathematical strategies
to find a solution to the
authentic real-life situation,
with limited success.
3-4 The student is able to: i.Demonstrated limited evidence of
mathematical thinking.
i. identify the relevant elements
of the authentic real-life ii. Begins to transfer mathematical
situation knowledge and apply skills, requiring
support even in familiar and
ii. select, with some success, unfamiliar classroom situations.
adequate mathematical
strategies to model the authentic
real-life situation

iii. apply mathematical

strategies to reach a solution to
the authentic real-life situation
iv. discuss whether the solution
makes sense in the context of
the authentic real-life situation.

• Transferred mathematical
5-6 The student is able to: knowledge and applies skills
in a variety of complex
i. identify the relevant elements classroom and real-world
of the authentic real-life situations.
situation • There is an explanation of
whether the results make
ii. select adequate mathematical sense and are consistent
strategies to model the authentic throughout.
real-life situation • The accuracy of results and
possible improvement to the
iii. apply the selected
method are considered.
mathematical strategies to reach
a valid solution to the authentic
real-life situation

iv. explain the degree of

accuracy of the solution

v. explain whether the solution

makes sense in the context of
the authentic real-life situation.
• Frequently transfers
7-8 The student is able to: mathematical knowledge and
applies skills, with
i. identify the relevant elements independence and expertise,
of the authentic real-life in a variety of complex
situation classroom and real-world
ii. select appropriate • There is a critical explanation
mathematical strategies to of whether the results make
model the authentic real life sense and are consistent
situation throughout.
• The accuracy of results and
iii. apply the selected
possible improvement to the
mathematical strategies to reach
method are considered.
a correct solution to the
authentic real-life situation

iv. justify the degree of

accuracy of the solution

v. justify whether the solution

makes sense in the context of
the authentic real-life situation.

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