INT AC Training Series Vol.1
INT AC Training Series Vol.1
INT AC Training Series Vol.1
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ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
Introduction _______________________________________________4
The ARCHICAD Interface _____________________________________6
Navigation in ARCHICAD __________________________________ 13
Navigate the Floor Plan_________________________________________ 13
Navigate the 3D Model _________________________________________ 15
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
Welcome to the ARCHICAD Training Series!
This Guide is part of the ARCHICAD Training Series, which currently includes the following
Vol. 1 - The ARCHICAD BIM Concept
Vol. 2 - Conceptual Design in ARCHICAD
Vol. 3 - Intermediate ARCHICAD
Vol. 4 - Advanced ARCHICAD
Vol. 5 - Using Teamwork
You are now reading Vol. 1 - The ARCHICAD BIM Concept, a comprehensive hands-on training
to familiarize you with the modeling and documentation concepts of ARCHICAD. This guide is
meant for new ARCHICAD users, prospects, as well as students and teachers using it as part of the
BIM Curriculum Exercises.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
You must have ARCHICAD 20 installed on your computer to use this guide. The e-book was made
with the INT (English) and US (Imperial) version of ARCHICAD, therefore we recommend using the
same version for practicing. Please use the NHS Office 20_imperial.pla file with ARCHICAD
version 20 USA and please use NHS Office 20_metric.pla file with ARCHICAD version 20 INT.
We hope you will find this training useful and wish you success with your future ARCHICAD
Good luck,
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
The ARCHICAD Interface
In the browser dialog box, we locate and open the NHS Office 20_metric.pla or NHS Office
20_imperial.pla project file (depending on the system of units of your location) from the
extracted training project folder.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
The ARCHICAD Interface
If you are running ARCHICAD 20 Student version, a message appears warning you that you have
to convert the project into Education format.
Click the Convert to Education button. Since we are opening a so-called archive project that
contains all the external elements used in creating the project, we are asked how we wish to
handle these elements. For the time being we ignore this and keep all the project elements in the
archive file: so, without changing the radio buttons, simply click Open.
If we are opening the NHS Office 20_Imperial.pla project file with ARCHICAD version 20 INT, the
program might start to refresh all the drawings in the project file. If the Update Drawings dialog
appears, please click Skip All button, because we do not want to update drawings now.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
The ARCHICAD Interface
The project file opens. Let's take a closer look at the ARCHICAD interface. This application was
designed by architects for architects. The easy to understand graphical interface and the visual
feedback will help you to quickly get familiar with the capabilities of the program.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
The ARCHICAD Interface
The central part of the interface shows the floor plan of our project. At the top of the screen, the
Tab bar shows the other open views. At the bottom of the screen, a set of icons helps to navigate
in this view and set the drawing scale and zoom factor.
To the left, the Toolbox contains all the tools necessary to build the 3D model and complete the
To the right, with the Navigator icon, we can show the Navigator, which lists all aspects of the
project here we can jump from story to story or to different 3D views, sections, elevations and
details, just as in ARCHICAD 19.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
The ARCHICAD Interface
At the very top, the Menubar lists all the available commands, logically grouped. Commands for File
operations, Editing and Viewing functions can be selected from the corresponding menus.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
The ARCHICAD Interface
Since Design and Documentation are separate processes in architectural practice, the tools and
commands supporting these processes are located in separate menus. Commands in the Options
menu regulate basic settings and the work environment.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
The ARCHICAD Interface
The Teamwork menu supports collaborative work, and the Window menu sets the visibility of the
toolbars and palettes.
The Standard Toolbar contains some of the commands and functions available from the menus.
It can be found right below the Menubar and is fully customizable. (The whole user interface can
be arranged into so-called schemes to fast-track repetitive work, but this feature is outside the
scope of this training guide).
The Info Box shows the current settings of the selected tool or the characteristics of the selected
element. Try it by selecting different tools from the Toolbox. Look at the changes in the Info Box.
Changes in the Info Box are immediately reflected in current settings or the attributes of the
selected element. The Info Box can be resized or moved (similarly to all boxes and palettes) to
reveal more information than in the basic settings.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
Navigation in ARCHICAD
Navigation in ARCHICAD
To watch the recorded version of this chapter, please continue the 1st Video (The ARCHICAD BIM
Concept - Video 1/3) starting at 6:30 on the ARCHICAD YouTube channel.
The cursor changes to a magnifying glass. Lets click two corners of a rectangle around the
upper right entrance area of the building.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
Navigation in ARCHICAD
After the second click, you will see the zoomed-in view of the floor plan in the main window.
Try the other icons to reduce its Zoom, to Fit in Window, or to switch between Previous and Next
There is an even faster way to navigate in all views. With the cursor in the main window, press the
mouse scroll button to pan around the floor plan in real-time. Remember to keep the scroll
button pressed.
Rolling the scroll button away from you will zoom in and rolling it towards you will zoom out in
real-time. In these cases the cursor position will act as the center point of the projection.
This technique will let you move from one location of the floor plan to another very quickly.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
Navigation in ARCHICAD
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
Navigation in ARCHICAD
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
Navigation in ARCHICAD
Within the 3D view, the real-time navigational tools (zooming and panning) function exactly as
on the floor plan. Use the scroll button of the mouse to move from one part of the model to the
Stay in a view where the building more or less fills the main window. There are two fundamentally
different ways of navigating in a model: Orbit and Walk. Lets see how they work. From the
bottom Toolbar, select the Orbit icon.
The cursor changes to a little orbit sign. Click and keep the left mouse button pressed and
move the mouse around to view the building from all sides.
While in Orbit mode, real-time zoom and pan can still be used. Try them both to explore the
whole model. To quit Orbit mode, press ESC.
If we use a three-button mouse, we can zoom and pan easily with the middle button of our
mouse. Zoom in and out works if we scroll the middle button. If we click and hold down the
middle button, we can pan our 3D model.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
Navigation in ARCHICAD
There is an even more exciting way of getting around the building. In order to see this, lets
double-click Generic Perspective from the 3D section of the Navigator. The result is something
like this:
In this view, the orbit, real-time zoom and pan features work as we have seen already. The only
difference is that here they affect the camera position rather than the projected image. Lets try
and move around a little.
For a different way of exploration, lets get into first-person shooter mode by selecting the
Explore icon from the bottom toolbar.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
Navigation in ARCHICAD
The appearing dialog box explains the controls, which are very similar to FPS computer games.
After getting familiar with the controls, click 3D Explore to start the fly-through inside the
building and navigate around.
Walls will not stop you in this game but to get the hang of it try using the doors.
To quit the Explore mode, just click into the 3D view or press ESC.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
In the Geometry and Positioning panel we can specify the geometry of the wall, including
height and shape information as well as its vertical position.
In the Floor Plan and Section panel we can set how the wall will be represented in 2D views,
such as the floor plan or a section. We can set the attributes of the wall (or its representative
symbol) to control its display. Here the structure of a composite wall or other view-dependent
characteristics can be selected.
In the Model panel, we can determine how the wall should look in 3D views. Surface materials
and textures can be specified here.
The Categories and Properties panel allows us to assign properties to our elements. These are
important when collaborating with different disciplines or different softwares.
The point is that the element we either draw on the floor plan or place in 3D in a perspective view
is not merely a 2D symbol or a collection of parallel lines or just a 3D shape. It is all that and much
more: it is an environment-sensitive building block of the Virtual Building that knows how to present
itself within the different aspects of the architectural documentation.
Hit Cancel or ESC to close the dialog.
What does that mean in practice? Lets make some changes and see what happens.
To see changes instantly in other views, let's use ARCHICAD's unique Trace and Reference tool. To
open the 05 South Elevation view, select it in the Navigator, right-click, and choose Show as
Trace Reference.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
Referenced views have many user options for positioning, rotation, or display. Let's open the
Trace and Reference palette for quick access. Click the icon on the Standard Toolbar, and
select Trace and Reference or choose Window/Palettes/Trace & Reference. Position the appearing
palette to the upper-left corner of the graphic screen. Use the Drag Reference command to drag
the elevation view below the floor plan.
Re-color the reference to its original by clicking the Reference's color icon.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
Zoom in so you can see the reference south side of the building. Select the wall next to the
entrance, and open its settings.
On the Model tab, change the Outside surface to Stone - Sandstone 1, and click OK. Click the
Rebuild Reference button to update the elevation view.
The elevation is updated and reflects the change we made in floor plan view. Open the 3D view.
As you can see, the wall now shows the surface material correctly.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
Return to Floor plan to explore another useful feature of the Trace Tool. You might need to see the
arrangement of other stories, while working on a particular floor plan. Right-click on the 1. 2 floor,
and display it as Trace reference. Change its color to red. Click the Show/Hide Splitter button to
display the virtual splitter lines on each side of the graphic area.
Drag any of these to hide the content of the active view, and make the content of the trace visible.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
Close the Trace and Reference palette, and turn it off by clicking its icon on the Standard toolbar.
One of the major advantages of the BIM concept is that non graphical-information, such as
quantities, element inventories and schedules can be automatically extracted from the 3D
model. Lets check whether all aspects of the BIM model are covered: double-click Wall List in the
Element Schedules section of the Navigator.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
An interactive list appears including all the walls placed in the project so far. We can quickly find
the wall on the first floor that we have just modified. Some parameters (like the height or the
composite structure of the wall) can be changed using this view as well. These changes will be
reflected in all views (floor plans, sections/elevations or in 3D).
Lets get back to the initial floor plan again, double-click 0.1 Floor Plan in the Navigator, or just
click (!) 1st Floor Plan [0.1 floor] on the Tab bar. Zoom out in order to see the entire floor plan.
Having a BIM model also means that we dont have to set up complicated layer sets for the
different stories within the project. Stories, sections and elevations are just separate views of the
virtual building model. In ARCHICAD, the Navigator allows us to easily toggle between the
different views and representations of the BIM model. To make it even easier, we can use the Tab
bar to navigate.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
Double-click on the different stories (2 Floor, 3 Floor, etc. in the Stories section) and on the
different sections below Sections, Elevations or Details.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
All these views are merely derivatives of the BIM model. Any number of them can be generated
and they are all linked together, so if anything changes in one view, the changes are also reflected
in all other views throughout the entire project. This is a huge advantage compared to the
traditional 2D drawing based documentation method where coordination of the drawings had to
be done manually. It is not only more productive but also more reliable, as it minimizes the risk of
coordination issues.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
Let's see how we can work with the different views linked to each other. The revolutionary Virtual
Trace technology in ARCHICAD allows you to see and compare two different views of the BIM
model. Return to the floor plan of the 0.1 floor. Right-click on 06 East Elevation in the Navigator
and choose Show as Trace Reference from the context menu.
The elevation appears on the referred side of the building floor plan.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
The Trace icon becomes active in the Standard toolbar. Click on the small arrow next to the Trace
icon and choose Drag Reference from the menu.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
Arrange the floor plan so that the windows on the first floor of the building become clearly visible
next to the floor plan view.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
Now zoom in at the right side, to have a closer look at the windows.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
Now you can see how the elevation follows the changes.
Now select Switch reference with Active command in the Trace menu
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
Zoom in to the area of the modified window, select it on the elevation view and reset the size to
5'x8' (1520x2440 mm). Choose the Switch reference with Active command again to return to
the floor plan. Press the ESC button to deselect the window and finally switch off tracing with the
Trace toggle button.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
The Documentation Workflow
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
The Documentation Workflow
We can do this from Window menu (Window / Palettes / Navigator), or just simply click on the top
left corner of the Pop-up Navigator and choose Show Navigator.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
The Documentation Workflow
Lets click on the icon to the right of the Project Map. This is the View Map part of the Navigator.
As you can see, this part lists plans instead of stories. Of course a plan can show any model view
(stories, sections, elevations, details, etc.). Double-click on 1st Floor Plan in the RCP folder of the
View Map.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
The Documentation Workflow
How is this plan different from the floor plan we have worked with up till now? One difference is
obvious: we see the tiles of the reflected ceiling and the lighting elements. These must have been
on a layer that was switched on when changing to the views of the RCP folder. (Layers are like
vellums of old times, layered on top of each other. If we pull one out of the stack, it will be
invisible. Elements that have common characteristics like exterior walls, interior walls, furniture,
etc. should be placed on a common layer, so that their visibility can be regulated together.)
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
The Documentation Workflow
The other significant difference is only visible if we zoom in to the interior of the building. Doors
are shown with their openings only (as is usual on a reflected ceiling plan).
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
The Documentation Workflow
The fourth factor is the Pen Set. We can define different line weights for the different colors.
The following factor is Model View Options. These settings control the behavior of
ARCHICAD elements beyond merely toggling visibility on and off. These combinations were
also set up and named in advance. The one for reflected ceiling plans can be viewed when
selecting Document/Model View/Model View Options from the menu.
The sixth factor is the Graphic Override. We can recolor the elements based on certain
The last factor is the Renovation Filter. We can provide visual feedback on the status of each
element at a particular stage of a renovation project.
A view is defined by these factors, plus the current zoom and the dimensions. Right-clicking View
Settings... in the 1st Floor Plan in the Navigator RCP folder provides access to all these settings.
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
The Documentation Workflow
In the Quick Options section just below it, you can change these settings for the current project
representation. To activate the Quick Options palette, click on the Window/Palettes/Quick
Options command.
Click on any of the buttons and see what changes occur on the floor plan when the settings are
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1
The Documentation Workflow
You have successfully completed this Training Guide! We hope that now you understand the
fundamental concept of the BIM workflow in ARCHICAD. Please check the other volumes of this
training series for more details about the design workflow.
Should you have any questions regarding ARCHICAD or other GRAPHISOFT products, please visit
GRAPHISOFT Help Center, our online knowledge base:
With further questions, please feel free to contact GRAPHISOFT and its worldwide partners at We look forward to seeing you in the ARCHICAD user community!
Should you have any comments, requests or bug reports regarding this training material,
please submit them to
ARCHICAD Training Series Vol. 1