Newsletter July 18 2010

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NOTES: Welcome to

Contact Numbers
Senior Pastors:
Ray & Marie Albrecht (W) 4123 2711
(H) 4123 6562
Church Leadership: Christian Outreach
Barry Klein – Deputy Chairman (H) 4122 1732
Jamie & Sharon Klein – Secretary
(H) 4122 2300 Centre
Ian & Beryl Moncrieff (H) 4123 6891

Management Committee:
Ps Ray Albrecht – Chairman (H) 4123 6562
Barry Klein – Deputy Chairman (H) 4122 1732
Jamie Klein (H) 4122 2300
Jean Kidd – Treasurer (H) 4121 3056
Andrew Storrs (H) 4121 6132
Reta Welsh (H) 4121 7710
Kay Thorpe (M) 0421 085446 Prepare to meet your King
Children’s Church Leader:

18 JULY 2010
Jane Orr (H) 4121 3506
(M) 0405 318061
Mainly Music Leader:
Linda Storrs (H) 4121 6132
(M) 0429 787982
New Christian’s Class Leaders:
Steve & Alice Murray (H) 4123 2394
Steve (M) 0448 700460
Alice (M) 0437 958935
Worship Leader:
Linda Storrs (H) 4121 6132 Senior Pastors:
(M) 0429 787982
Ray & Marie Albrecht
Maryborough Christian Outreach Centre
Hervey Bay Road Maryborough
Deacons: PO Box 461 Maryborough 4650
Bob & Kay Thorpe (Head Deacons) PH/Fax: (07) 4123 2711
Beth Baumgart Rosters for the week 25th July ‘10
Keith & Hilary Brockway Door AM – Kevin & Janette
Cal & Marion Dingwall Door PM – Joe & Carole
Joe & Carole Marrington Comm Prep – Beryl
Bruce Mayer Comm Table – Kevin, Janette & Caren OUR VISION STATEMENT:
Bradley Yates Supper – Steve & Alice TO BE KNOWN AS CARRIERS OF THE
John Yates Cleaning – Klein Families UNMISTAKABLE PRESENCE OF GOD,
Offering & Prayer – Beryl
Money Count – Reta & Kay T
THIS WEEK’S COMMENT relationship with GOD when you’re “doing it” for

Prepare to meet your KING

yourself or others. “Do it as unto GOD”, for GOD JULY 2010
because of GOD, to connect with GOD.
Sunday 18th
See ya there, Jean
What is holding you back from reaching the next 9.00am Prayer Meeting – all welcome
level in your relationship with GOD? 9.30am Praise/Worship/Communion
 Possessions?? Lighthouse Children’s Church
 Career?? Morning Tea at the rear of the church
 Personal relationships?? after the meeting
To ensure that the good things (GOD’S blessing) Music Team meeting after service
BIRTHDAYS for this week: 6.30pm Evening Service followed by supper and
don‘t blind you to the best thing (eternal life) “set
your affection on things above, not on earth” (Col 3:2). 18th – Kylie Stevenson fellowship

Extend yourself outside of your comfort zone – don’t Tuesday 20th

let excuses become a barrier to you doing what GOD PLEASE NOTE: Next weekend ... 9.30am 4 Her – Care & Share Day
wants you to do. Tear down those walls, brick by ‘Christmas in July’ on Saturday 24 with Bill & Melissa 6.15pm Hour of Power Prayer Meeting
Close ... and both meetings on Sunday 25. 7.30pm Music Team Practice
brick, one day at a time. Prepare yourself to face It’s not too late to register for the fund raising dinner.
the KING by: Please see Kay Thorpe after the meeting.
1. Studying HIS Word Wednesday 21st
9.30am Mainly Music
2. Changing your heart and attitudes
3. Disciplining yourself
COMING UP IN AUGUST 10.00am Global Care Sewing Room
Sunday 1st – 6.30pm at the Wesleyan Church in 7.00pm Meeting in Community Hall at Poona
1. Point number 1 speaks for itself – get into the
Gayndah Rd – The Ark Van Tour with Garry & Leonne Clark
Word of GOD – everyday.
2. Brokenness will cost you: An opportunity to have all your
questions about Noah’s ark answered! Thursday 22nd
 Submission to GOD’s control and will in your 9.30am Craft in the Activity Centre –
*Please note there will be NO meeting
life Making Jewellery
at COC on this night.
 Repentance of sins 7.00pm Home Group at:
 Sacrifice of your dreams and desires Saturday 7th – Men’s Breakfast with Ps Ian Feeney 16 Cardigan St, Granville
This does not mean letting your dreams die or to stop from Toowoomba
dreaming, but to live for today, accept where GOD Sunday 8th – AM Meeting with Ps Ian Feeney Friday 23rd
has placed you and what GOD wants you to do today. 10.00am Global Care Sewing Room
3. Discipline yourself in all areas of your life. Fight Thursday 19th – 7.15pm meeting with Ps Ashley
Schmierer. Ashley was appointed as Saturday 24th
the distractions around you and the carnality within
International President of Christian 6.00pm ‘Christmas in July’ Dinner
you. Clean up your life so GOD can use you. What do
Outreach Centre in January 2009. He
you believe about yourself? Make the most of your
and his wife, Ruth, are based in the UK Sunday 25th Guests: Bill & Melissa Close
talent and never quit. Embrace the truth about
and continue to train leaders across 9.00am Prayer Meeting
yourself, about others, about the circumstances that
Eastern and Western Europe, the 9.30am Worship & Communion Service
surround you. Discard the lies and repent. Middle East and Asia.
“We labour that we might be acceptable to HIM (GOD).” Lighthouse Children’s Church
(2 Cor 5:9) Ask yourself “why am I doing what I do?”
Morning Tea & Fellowship
Sunday 22nd – AM Meeting with Ps Albert Tan from
6.30pm Evening Service / Supper & F’ship
“Who am I doing it for?” You won’t build a Malaysia

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