Newsletter Oct 17 2010

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Contact Numbers Welcome to

Senior Pastors:
Ray & Marie Albrecht (W) 4123 2711
(H) 4123 6562
Church Leadership: Christian Outreach
Barry Klein – Deputy Chairman (H) 4122 1732
Jamie & Sharon Klein – Secretary
(H) 4122 2300
Ian & Beryl Moncrieff (H) 4123 6891

Management Committee:
Ps Ray Albrecht – Chairman (H) 4123 6562
Barry Klein – Deputy Chairman (H) 4122 1732
Jamie Klein (H) 4122 2300
Jean Kidd – Treasurer (H) 4121 3056
Andrew Storrs (H) 4121 6132
Reta Welsh (H) 4121 7710
Kay Thorpe (M) 0421 085446 Power .. Passion .. Purpose
Children’s Church Leader:
Jane Orr (H) 4121 3506
(M) 0405 318061 17 OCTOBER 2010
Mainly Music Leader:
Linda Storrs (H) 4121 6132
(M) 0429 787982
New Christian’s Class Leaders:
Steve & Alice Murray (H) 4123 2394
Steve (M) 0448 700460
Alice (M) 0437 958935
Worship Leader:
Linda Storrs (H) 4121 6132 Senior Pastors:
(M) 0429 787982
Ray & Marie Albrecht
Maryborough Christian Outreach Centre
Hervey Bay Road Maryborough
Deacons: PO Box 461 Maryborough 4650
Bob & Kay Thorpe (Head Deacons) PH/Fax: (07) 4123 2711
Beth Baumgart Rosters for the week 24th Oct ‘10
Keith & Hilary Brockway Door AM – Kevin & Jeanette
Cal & Marion Dingwall Door PM – Joe & Carole
Joe & Carole Marrington Comm Prep – Beryl
Bruce Mayer Comm Table – Kevin, Jeanette & Kay T OUR VISION STATEMENT:
Bradley Yates Supper – Cal & Marion TO BE KNOWN AS CARRIERS OF THE
John Yates Cleaning – Klein Families UNMISTAKABLE PRESENCE OF GOD,
Money Count – Reta & John

These thoughts from CeCe Winans’ Worship Album help OCTOBER 2010
me to understand worship more. I trust you are blessed.
Ps Ray BIRTHDAYS for this week: Sunday 17th
Power, Passion, “Purpose’ ...... 9.00am Prayer Meeting – all welcome
In true praise and worship you will find Power, Passion 18 – Caleb Klein 9.30am *Praise/Worship/Communion
and Purpose. The goal of praise is to create an 19th – Lacey Clark *Lighthouse Children’s Church
atmosphere for the presence of God. It makes room *Morning tea/coffee & fellowship after
20th – Ps Marie the service in the rear of the church
for Him in your life and in your situation. God inhabits
the praise of His people, and when God shows up all 20th – Sonny Gloynes *Music Team meeting after the service
power shows up. 20th – Bronwyn Sargent 6.30pm Evening Meeting followed by supper
and fellowship
Now God doesn’t show up anywhere or for anybody.
Think about it, if there are certain places and people Monday 18th
you don’t hang around, why do we think that the King ADVANCE NOTICE 7.00pm 4Her Singles – Bible Study at
of Kings and Lord of Lords will accept anything. When 264 Queen St (Jean Kidd)
your praise and worship comes from your lips and not Ladies ... our end of year Christmas
Tuesday 19th
from your heart it is in vain, it’s just a lot of noise and
emotions. (Matt 15:8, 9) ‘This people draw nigh unto
function will be held on Saturday 11 9.30am 4Her – Care & Share Day
me with their mouth, and honour me with their lips; but December. Please mark it on your 6.15pm Hour of Power Prayer Meeting
their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship calendar. More details to come. 7.30pm Music Team Practice
me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.’
THANK YOU ... THANK YOU ... THANK YOU... Wednesday 20th
Now when you have a deep hunger and thirst to know 9.30am Mainly Music
from Jane Orr to all those who helped make the
God, genuine worship begins, why? Because God 10.00am Global Care Sewing Room
recent Family Fun Day for Lighthouse Children’s
responds, God responds to your authentic devotion to
Church such a huge success. From the setting up, to
Him and your Passion for Him. Passion for God births Thursday 21st
the packing up and everything in between, your help
our true praise and worship. Worship is the climax of 9.30am Craft in the Activity Centre
was greatly appreciated.
praise. 10.00am Global Care Sewing Room
7.00pm Home Group at: 16 Cardigan St
Myles Monroe says: Granville (Joe & Carole ph:41216907)
“Praise is initiated by us, it’s something we do
PLEASE NOTE: Kitchens in both the church
Worship is something God releases and Activity Centre are for everyone’s use ...
however, if you use it, PLEASE CLEAN IT Sunday 24th
Praise is building a house for God 9.00am Prayer Meeting
Worship is God moving in” UP!!! Cups etc need to be washed, dried and put
9.30am *Worship & Communion Service
away – not just left to drain. Food to be put *Lighthouse Children’s Church
Your focus must be on God, and He must be your away in sealed containers; sugar, tea and coffee *Coffee/Tea & Fellowship at the rear of
delight. The dwelling of God with man is the sole to be sealed up. Crumbs and scraps to be cleaned the church after the service
Purpose of all His work throughout history. In His up otherwise we have an invasion of ants!! Your 6.00pm Evening meeting followed
presence there’s Power, Passion and Purpose. help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. by supper & fellowship

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