Example: LC Call Number: PE 3727.N4 M34 1994

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1. What is card catalog?

A card catalog is a identification of a book that contains the information about the book like call
no. , date published, author, title, subject, no. of pages, and size of the book so it will be easily identify or
found because of the data.

2. How are books in the library listed?

The books are listed by category, by color coding and call card.

3. Define each.

a) author card- sorts an item according to the author of the item...

b) title card- sorts an item according to the title of the item..
c) subject card- sorts an item according to the subject of the item..

4. What is call slip?

A call slip is a brief form that the user must fill out to request an item from the closed stacks of a
library or archives, or from some other nonpublic storage area, usually retrieved by hand by a staff member
called a page, although automated and semi-automated retrieval systems are used in some large libraries.
Also known as request slip.

5. What is a call no.?

A call no. indicates the serial no. of the book. also is a unique code printed on a label affixed to the outside
of an item in a library collection, usually to the lower spine of a book or videocassette (see these examples),
also printed or handwritten on a label inside the item. Assigned by the cataloger, the call number is also
displayed in the bibliographic record that represents the item in the library catalog, to identify the specific
copy of the work and give its relative location on the shelf.

6. Define Dewey Decimal classification and library of congress classification. Differentiate which are the
two classification is being used in the library?

The Dewey Decimal classification is a system of library classification made up of ten classes, each
divided into ten divisions, each having ten sections (although there are only 99 divisions and 908 sections
in total, as some are no longer in use or have not been assigned). A hierarchical system for classifying
books and other library materials by subject, first published in 1876 by the librarian and educator Melvil
Dewey, who divided human knowledge into 10 main classes, each of which is divided into 10 divisions,
and so on. In Dewey Decimal call numbers, arabic numerals and decimal fractions are used in the class
notation (example: 996.9) and an alphanumeric book number is added to subarrange works of the same
classification by author and by title and edition (996.9 B3262h).

The Library of Congress Classification (LCC) A system of classifying books and other library
materials developed and maintained over the last 200 years by the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.
In LCC, human knowledge is divided into 20 broad categories indicated by single letters of the roman
alphabet, with major subdivisions indicated by a second letter, and narrower subdivisions by decimal
numbers and further alphabetic notation.

LC call number: PE 3727.N4 M34 1994
We use the dewey decimal classification in our library.
7. What is a book no.?

A book no. is the portion of the call number following the class notation, added to distinguish a
specific item within its class. A book number is composed of an author mark appended by the cataloger to
subarrange works of the same class by name of author, followed by a work mark added to subarrange
works of the same author by title or edition (example: H5371m in the Dewey Decimal call number 993.101
H5371m assigned to the book titled The Maoris by Charles Higham). Also known as book mark.

8. Identify and define the different section of the library.

A. Periodical Section- include newspapers, magazines and professional journals in print, microform, and
electronic formats. Current issues of selected periodicals, magazines and journals of print copies are
arranged alphabetically by titles on shelves.

B. Acquisition Section-The objectives of the Acquisition are Selection, Ordering and Accessioning of
books in Accession Registers. The library procures those books which are recommended by the
teachers / Scientists of the university. Further Chief Librarian also takes initiative in selecting books of
general nature and text books. The list of recommended books is placed before the Primary Purchase
Committee (PPC) exclusively for selection of books and periodicals. Orders are placed when the PPC
approves the list of books and journals.

C. Processing Section -Processing Section undertakes two vital functions, viz., (a) Classification and
(a) Classificaton --- Class numbers are given to the books according to the Dewey decimal
Classification Scheme (DDC).
(b) Cataloguing --- Books are catalogued according to Anglo American Cataloguing Rules -II (AACR-II) .
For each book three entries are prepared.

D. Circulation Section -The function of the circulation section centers round issue and return of the
books. The lending period without fine is one month. The overdue fine rupee one per day is charged
on every book issued beyond the lending period.

E. Current Periodical Section-Current Periodical Section is located at the ground floor. In this section,
journals which are subscribed to the library for the current year are displayed.

F. Reference Section - section contains the library’s collection of reference books such as dictionaries,
encyclopedias, almanacs, directories, bibliographies, maps, atlases and yearbooks. The reference
collection is separated from the rest of the library collection because the reference materials are for
ROOM USE only.

G. Text Book Bank Section- There is a separate Text Book Bank (TBB) Section in the Library. Books
from TBB are issued for one semester against a nominal charge of Rupees 2 (two) for each book.

H. Reprography Section- The facility to photostat is also available in the library against a nominal charge
of 75 paise per document.

I. Exhibition-cum-Conference Section- In this section collection of books / documents of a few eminent

scientists are available. Informations regarding different courses inside and outside the country are
also found here .

J. Stack Areas- The library is proud of having large stack areas. Side by side, the facility for reading is
also available in this stack room
K. Back Volume Section- A large number of bound old journals are available in the Back Volume
section. These journals are arranged alphabetically by title.

L. Computer Unit- Computer unit is the latest addition. Preparations are about to develop this section.

M. Vertical File Collection- This collection consists of newspaper clippings, pamphlets, brochures, annual
reports of companies, bulletins and pictures that are grouped by subjects and arranged alphabetically in
Princeton boxes on shelves in the Reference Section.  The collection usually contains current
information not yet available in published books. This collection is maintained by the Reference
Section staff who will be happy to assist users in finding materials that they need.

N. Map Collection- The library maintains a collection of local and foreign maps and maybe taken out of
the library for classroom use only and to be signed out by the faculty.

O. Filipiniana Collection- Consists of books about the Philippines and its people, written or published by
Filipinos. Filipiniana titles whose  arrangement and treatment of information and use are similar to that
of reference books are not circulated and are kept in the Reference Section. Filipiniana periodical titles
are also kept in the Periodicals Section.

9. What are the parts of the dictionary. Explain each. The parts before and after the body.

a. Etymology- is the study of the history of words, where they are from, and how their form and meaning
have changed over time.

b. Pronunciation- Dictionaries for languages for which the pronunciation of words is not apparent from
their spelling, such as the English language, usually provide the pronunciation, often using the
International Phonetic Alphabet.

c. lexicon- a wordbook or dictionary, esp. of Greek, Latin, or Hebrew. the vocabulary of a particular
language, field, social class, person, etc.

d. appendix- a list of words or phrases with pointers to where related material can be found in a
document a text added to the end of a book or an article, containing information that is important to,
but is not the main idea of, the main text.

e. Glossaries- an alphabetical list of defined terms in a specialised field, such as medicine or science.

f. Index (publishing)-a list of words or phrases with pointers to where related material can be found in a

g. Bibliography-a systematic list of books and other works.

h. Addendum-any addition to a document, such as a book or legal contract.

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