HW2 Win17
HW2 Win17
HW2 Win17
2 Winter 2017
Due: January 16th at 11:59 PM
Problem Set
For all problems, write a problem statement, provide sketches, and comment on your thought process.
Draw free body diagrams as applicable.
(a) Find and plot the distribution of axial force N (x) (tension positive).
(b) Find and plot the distribution of normal stress (x) .
(c) Find and plot the distribution of axial strain (x) .
(d) Find and plot the distribution of axial displacement u(x)
(e) Does the displacement at B make sense? Explain your reasoning.
CEE 220 2
2. Suspended Bar
Consider the non-prismatic suspended bar with specific weight and modulus of elasticity of and E
respectively. The connection at top of the beam is fixed. Express your answers for quantities requested
below in terms of D, , l, E, and x. Let x be the longitudinal axis of the bar and make x = 0 the
bottom. Hint:: The beam is subjected to its weight. First, you need to find stress expression from
internal axial force. Note that Both area and internal axial force change along the height of the bar.
Then, you can integrate strain function and apply boundary conditions to find displacement expression.
A, E, L
(a) Determine the force F acting at the bottom of the post to maintain equilibrium.
(b) Determine the displacement of the top of the post relative to the bottom. You can neglect the
weight of the post.
36 kN
1.5 m w
5. Axial Joint
Consider the compression member shown in the figure. The member has a 3-inch square cross and
carries an axial force of P = 1.5 kips. The member is constructed of two components that are glued
together as shown in figure.
3 in.
3 in.
6. Bolted Connection
Consider the cover-plate beam, bolted connection shown in figures. P is 700 kips and there are two
lines of two bolts in each flange.
18 in 14 in
3 in
P 3 in
(a) Under what circumstances can we assume each bolt carries an equal portion of the load?
(b) Determine the maximum shear force in each bolt assuming equal load distribution.
(c) Determine the required diameter of the bolts such that the allowable shear stress is not exceeded.
Use a failure shear stress of f ail = 68 ksi and a factor of safety for shear of 1.6.
Hint: The allowable shear stress is not the failure shear stress, but is related to this value.