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Solid Mechanics: BCS Previous Year Questions

37th BCS

a) Shear force and bending moment diagram of cantilever beam with gradually
varying load.
b) What is a fixed beam ?
c) Describe the following
1. Thermal Stress
2. Hoop Stress
3.Bearing Stress
d) Find the thickness of a metal necessary for a steel cylindrical shell of internal
diameter of 15 cm to withstand internal pressure of 500 kg/cm2. The maximum
hoop stress in the section is not to exceed 1500 kg/cm2.
e) Discuss your concept on theories of “Failure”. Give a brief concept on maximum
stress theory and maximum shear theory.

From Fit

a) Define “Fit”.
b) Describe three types of “Fit”.
c) What is meant by “hole basis” and “shaft basis” and which one is preferred and
why ?
d) Mention different types of “Power threads”. discuss their relative advantages
and disadvantages.

36th BCS

a) What do you mean by “principal stresses” ? “Principal stresses occurs on the

Planes of zero shearing stresses” prove it.
b) Determine the maximum deflection in a simply supported beam of length l
carrying a uniformly distributed load of wl unit weight applied over its entire
c) If an element is subjected to the state of stress shown in figure, find the
principle stresses. Also find the stress component on a plane at 30o counter
clockwise from the x face.

8 ksi
6 ksi
d) Describe the stress-strain curve of a ductile material and identify of all the
important parameters.

35th BCS

a) Derive from fundamental, the relation for the deformation od a body when it is
subjected to its own weight.
b) A steel rod ABC is firmly held between two rigid support A and C as shown in

A B A2 = 600 mm2 C
A1 = 400 mm2

50cm 80cm

Find the stresses developed in the two portions of the rod where it is heated
through 15K. Take α = 12 x 10-6/K and E = 200 GPa.
c) Distinguish between circumferential stress and longitudinal stress in a cylindrical
shell when subjected to an internal pressure.

34th BCS

a) Derive a relation for Euler’s crippling load for a column when (1.) it has both
ends hinged; (2) both ends fixed.
b) Explain the various ways which a rivetted joint may fail.
c) A hollow circular column of 200 mm external and 160 mm internal diameter is
5m long and fixed at both ends. It is subjected to a load of 120KN at an
eccentricity of 20mm from the axis. Find the maximum stress induced in the
column. Assume E = 120GPa
d) How do you determine maximum bending moment in a simply supported
beam ?
e) Define and explain principal plane and principal stress. What are their uses ?
f) Derive an expression to calculate the deflection in a beam.
g) A steel rod ABC is firmly held between two rigid support A and C as shown in
Find the stresses developed in the two portions of the rod where it is heated
through 15K. Take α = 12 x 10-6/K and E = 200 GPa.

33th BCS

Draw stress-strain curve for mild steel and level its different points.
a) Define principal stress and prove that at the plane of principal stress shear stress
is zero.
b) For the beam below draw SMD and BMD :

50 KN/m 20 KN/m


2m 2m 2m
R1 R2

C) An aluminium bar is loaded as shown in the following . Find the deformation

at section B and C :

Here Area = 200m2 ; E = 80GPa.


200KN 150KN

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