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Evolution of the Solar System Event Timeline


Make sure you have read and understand all instructions on this
lessons page before
attempting this activity. 1) Letter: C
Answer: One theory is
Timeline that a supernova sent a
shockwave through the 4.6 Billion years
A- The earth is struck by an ago
gas cloud causing it to
enormous object (possibly as big begin to collapse due
as mars). This impact sent a to gravity.
vast amount of material into
orbit around the Earth. This 2) Letter: F
material coalesced to become Answer: Asteroids,
what? comets, and
planetesimals 4.56 Billion years
B- The sun ignites and the ago
planets begin to form. Why are
the inner planets rocky, and the
3) Letter: D
outer planets gas giants?
Answer: The denser
something is causes
the molecules to bump 4.5 Billion Years
C- Cloud of interstellar gas in to each other more ago
begins to collapse. What may often causing friction.
have caused this to happen? Also accepted: Gay-
Lussacs Law
D- Material in the middle of the 4) Letter: B
interstellar collapse becomes Answer: The inner
more and more dense, causing it solar system was so
hot that only metallic 4.45 Billion years
to heat up. Why does something
particles survived, ago
heat up when its density
increases? (think pressure) while lighter elements
were pushed farther
out. Or, gravity pulled
E- The sun begins to swell up heavier particles
becoming a red giant. What will towards the center.
happen to the Earth when this
5) Letter: A
Answer: The Moon
F- Particles of dust in the 4.4 Billion years
interstellar cloud begin to ago
collide and stick together. What
are some of the objects formed
in the solar system as a result of 6) Letter: E
these collisions called? Answer: The Earth will
be engulfed by the sun
as its expansion may 5 billion years
go even as far as Mars. from now

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