Earth Science SHS 1.4 Worksheet 1
Earth Science SHS 1.4 Worksheet 1
Earth Science SHS 1.4 Worksheet 1
Instruction: W
rite the letter of the correct answer before the number.
1. Encounter theory proposes that planets were formed as a result of the “encounter” between which
two bodies in the solar system?
a. asteroids c. moons
b. comets d. stars
2. Which of the following persons is not associated with the encounter theory?
a. Forest Moulton c. Richard Tolman
b. Harold Jeffreys d. Thomas Chamberlin
3. In the planetesimal theory, which is believed to have had an encounter with an intruding star?
a. asteroid c. protosun
b. comet d. Sun
5. In the tidal theory, what happened to the hot gas of a passing star when it nearly collided with
another star?
a. caused a cloud collapse c. condensed into planets
b. condensed into planetesimals d. formed a protoplanetary disk
8. Which theory describes how Earth started from a solid mass smaller than its present size.
a. encounter c. planetesimal
b. nebular d. tidal
9. What is the reason why the tidal theory is wrong in proposing that the hot gas from the passing
star condensed into planets instead of condensing into planetesimals?
a. Materials from either star cannot c. Accretion is the process that forms
contract. planetesimal.
b. As the radius of a gas cloud decreases d. A protosun will cause another star to
it spins faster. collapse.