Developmental Milestones Summary
Developmental Milestones Summary
Developmental Milestones Summary
EDUC 84 S01
Cheryl Herder
December 4th, 2015
Julia Hughes
Birth to 6 Months
From the time children are conceived, and even after birth, children are
always developing. They will continue to develop in the five most important
domains; physical, emotional, communication, social and cognitive. Kail and
Zolner (2015) wrote, Terry and Mabel were dismayed when they realized
that, after wearing the outfits just a couple of times, Sophie had already
outgrown them. With her knack for math, Mabel figured out that Sophie had
doubled her birth weight by 3 months age. If she continued growing at that
rate, shed weigh nearly as much as a jet airliner! Thankfully, Sophies
pediatrician told Mabel and Terry that Sophies growth was normal and that
infants typically triple their weight by their first birthday (pg.109). When
children are first born they grow very fast but eventually their growth will
slow down, which is part of their physical growth.
3 yr. 5 yrs.
At about this age children, Jesse seem[ed] advanced for his age in thinking
ability. He [could] solve the number conservation task for small numbers. He ask[ed]
a lot of questions about animals, nature, how things work, etc. He [was] beginning
to understand games of strategy and [was] getting really good at counting and at
games involving numbers. (Virtual Child, 2015) At around this age, some children
will be in preschool and getting ready for kindergarten. They will be learning to
count and learning new things about animals and the alphabet.
Best Start Expert Panel on Early Learning (2014) Excerpts from ELECT.
Queens Printer for
Kail, R., & Zolner, T. (2015). In Children a chronological approach (2nd, 3rd,
4th ed.). Toronto,
Canada: Pearson.