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Accounting Research Journal

Disclosure quality and earnings management: Evidence from Jordan

Ebraheem Saleem Salem Alzoubi
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Ebraheem Saleem Salem Alzoubi , (2016),"Disclosure quality and earnings management: Evidence from Jordan",
Accounting Research Journal, Vol. 29 Iss 4 pp. -
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Disclosure quality and earnings management: Evidence from Jordan

Purpose The purpose of this study is to extend previous research by empirically investigating the
effect of the disclosure quality (DQ) on the magnitude of the earnings management (EM) among
Jordanian companies listed in Amman Stock Exchange (ASE).
Design/methodology/approach This study uses the cross-sectional version of the modified Jones
model, where discretionary accruals are used for the EM proxy. Generalized Least Square (GLS)
regression is used to examine the influence of the DQ on EM for a sample of 86 industrial companies
in the period of the years from 2007 to 2010.
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Findings The result produces evidence on the negative association between DQ and EM. The result
also evidences the view that as the level of the disclosure is high; the magnitude of the EM reduces and
in turn, increases the financial reporting quality (FRQ).
Research limitations/implications Data used in this research paper are cross-sectional data applied
to isolate accruals measurement error is a decisive problem for EM studies.
Practical implications The findings provide useful information to the regulators in Jordan and other
countries. The findings also offer information for the investors in evaluating the effect of the DQ on
Originality/value Since, there are relatively few researches conducted in this area specifically among
Jordanian firms, the study broadens the scope by providing empirical evidence of the relationship
between DQ and EM. This paper is the first empirical study to investigate the impact of the DQ on EM
among Jordanian companies.
Keywords Disclosure quality, Earnings management, Financial reporting quality.
Paper type Research paper

1. Introduction
Several business scandals and globalization have resulted in the demand for disclosure quality (DQ) of
both financial and non-financial information (Archambault and Archambault, 2003; Ghofar and
Saraswati, 2009). Financial statements are a major communication device between companies and
investors. The capital market requires unobvious financial reporting processes to improve the
confidence of investors (Jaffar et al., 2007; Shaw, 2003).

Comprehensive, transparent and timely information is essential to ensure reduced asymmetric
information and agency costs between management and shareholders (Healy and Palepu, 2001). The
firms ownership and control separation, reduction of agency cost and information asymmetry, has
provided a motivation for perfect reporting pursuits. Financial statements disclose how resources of
companies have been managed. Nevertheless, a perfect financial reporting procedure should not be
expected only to financial information; non-financial information is also relevant to investors
decisions (Jaffar et al., 2007). Consequently, this study measures DQ by using a scoring index of
disclosure themes as adopted from Beattie et al. (2004).
Voluntary information needs a particular attention since managers have discretion on the type and
quantity of information disclosed. Reported earnings are also be within the management discretion, as
managers may utilize specific accounting procedures acceptable under GAAP such as the assets write-
off, exceptional items rating, and recognizing discretionary accruals. These applications are recognized
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as earnings management (EM) activities (Jaffar et al., 2007; Stolowy and Lebas, 2002). Such practices
could diminish financial reporting quality (FRQ), and in turn, decrease investors faith in financial
reports. Hence, firms volunteer additional information to investors. The mandatory financial
information alongside voluntary information is deemed a FRQ indicator.
Jordan provides an unusual setting to test the relationship between DQ and EM. While Jordan is
different from the US in economic accretion and capital market expansion, currently DQ has attracted
the attention of the Jordanian regulators and policy makers. In Jordan, the Shamayleh Gate crisis cost
Jordanian banks over $1 billion, drawing attention to the significance of corporate governance (JFED,
2003). The Jordanian Code of Corporate Governance (JCGC) (2007, p. 18) recommends that the
organization should voluntarily disclose a balanced assessment of the organizations position,
prospects, and in timely manner all information that may have a material impact on the decisions of its
shareholders and stakeholders. As Jordan is one of the countries in which users rely on financial
accounting numbers for generating decrees, it is of value to consider EM practises. (Al-Khabash and
Al-Thuneibat, 2009).
Research on factors that determine FRQ, particularly in Jordan are scanty. This research
investigates whether DQ affects EM (FRQ proxy). This topic deserves special attention; given the
predictive ability of the DQ to limit EM, it has not been investigated in Jordan. It is imperative to
examine the two variables simultaneously as they are within the managements discretion (Ball and
Shivakumar, 2005). Intrinsically, the emphasis of this research is understand whether DQ is effective in
constraining EM among Jordanian companies. This research also proposes to extend further evidence
that rejects or supports previous studies results in developed countries and to ascertain whether results
can be generalized in Jordan. Moreover, the previous literature neglected corporate governance
mechanisms when examining the link between DQ and EM (Jo and Kim, 2007; Lapointe-Antunes et
al., 2006; Latridis and Kadorinis, 2009; Riahi and Arab, 2011; Lobo and Zhou, 2001). Hence, corporate
governance is expected to reduce information asymmetry, because the agent provides a high quality
information to the principal when conflict of interest is low, reducing managers incentives to manage
earnings (Arcot et al., 2010; Cormier and Martinez, 2006; Davidson et al., 2004; Holm and Scholer,
2010; Hope and Thomas, 2008; Kanagaretnam et al., 2007; Katmun, 2012; Klein, 2002; Xie et al.,
This research examines the association between DQ and EM. The sample comprises 86 companues
listed in Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) during 2007-2010. Similar to prior studies, the results show
that DQ is negatively related to EM. The result is consistent with the view that as the DQ level is
higher, EM is less likely.
Findings from this study could benefit corporate governance bodies that consider reforms of best
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practices. In particular, this study finds that the corporate governance mechanisms appear to be
negatively related to EM. Regulators and policy makers in Jordan and other countries may find these
result useful. Findings from this study are also beneficial to the shareholders, management and public
members who are concerned about the harmful effects the EM. In the light of the latest corporate
scandals, the finding from this study stress the significance of companies providing sufficient
monitoring information to investors and analysts. This study is useful for researchers who investigate
the implications of the DQ in deterring EM. Moreover, this study considers a comprehensive
governance mechanism in the model while investigating the relationship between DQ and EM.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The next section discusses the legal
framework in Jordan. Section three discusses the pertinent literature on issues relating to EM and DQ,
leading to the hypothesis development. The fourth section describes the research method followed by
discussion of the results in section five. The paper ends with a conclusion of this study.

2. Disclosure legal framework in Jordan

The Companies Act in 1964 is the initial legislation concerning firms in Jordan and was later re-
enacted in 1989. Nevertheless, neither Act revealed any particular requirements concerned financial
statements disclosure. The Income Tax Law No. 57 of 1985 specified restricted disclosure
requirements (income measure and asset evaluation techniques). Likewise, the Audit Law, 2003
restricted influences on the requirements of the disclosure in Jordan and presents the Jordanian
Association of Certified Public Accountants role and its authority in imposing the International
Accounting Standards (IAS) and auditing standards (Omar and Simon, 2011).

The Amman Financial Market issued the Securities Law in 1997, which was main provenience for
mandatory disclosure. The significant characteristics of the Law were the first the ASE established.
Secondly, the Directives of Disclosure, Auditing and Accounting Standards that is deemed to represent,
as well IAS, the disclosure requirements channel and thirdly, the IASs adoption in 1998. The 2002
Securities Law implicated little alteration to the 1997 Law and there were no major variances
(disclosure requirements) between the two Laws (Omar and Simon, 2011).
Jordans latest economic amendments, generating a privatization, enforced the Jordanian
government to establish corporate governance framework. Integrated in the Company Law 1997 and
the Securities Law 2002, its framework emphasizes the shareholders rights and accountabilitiy of the
board of directors. Furthermore, these laws required the application and adoption of the IAS and
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), improving the DQ of the Jordanian firms (Al-Akra
et al., 2009; ASE, 2007). Therefore, the ASE has become one of the biggest equity markets in the area,
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legal shareholders prevention has significantly enhanced, firms display a sturdy partiality to equity
financing, and the DQ has enhanced significantly (Al-Akra et al., 2009; ROSC, 2005).

3. Literature review and hypothesis development

3.1 Earning management
Previous studies employed various definitions of the EM. Schipper (1989, p. 92) observed that by
earnings management I really mean disclosure management in the sense of a purposeful intervention in
the external financial reporting process, with a view to obtaining private gain for shareholders or
managers. Healy and Wahlen (1999, p. 368) defined EM as when managers use judgment in
financial reporting and in structuring transactions to alter financial reports to either mislead some
stakeholders about the underlying economic performance of the company or to influence contractual
outcomes that depend on reported accounting numbers. The observation of Fields et al. (2001, p. 16)
is concerned with accounting choice although not all accounting choices involve earnings
management, and the term earnings management extends beyond accounting choice, the implications
of accounting choice to achieve a goal are consistent with the idea of earnings management. Scott
(2003, p. 369, as cited in Ronen and Yaari, 2008, p. 26) defined EM as the choice by a manager of
accounting policies so as to achieve specific objective[s]. Phillips et al. (2003, p. 493) stated that EM
is accomplished through managerial discretion over accounting choices and operating cash flows.
Giroux (2004, p. 2) stated that earnings management includes the whole spectrum, from
conservative accounting through fraud, a huge range for accounting judgment, given the incentives of
management. Ronen and Yaari (2008, p. 25) classified the EM definitions as White: EM is taking
advantage of the flexibility in the choice of accounting treatment to signal the managers private
information in future cash flows; Grey: EM is choosing an accounting treatment that is either
opportunistic (maximizing the utility of management only) or economically efficient; Black: EM is the
practice of using tricks to misrepresent or reduce transparency of the financial reports.
The above definitions suggest that EM is risky rather than beneficial and this study follows the
definition of Healy and Wahlen (1999). This definition is in line with the agency theory assumption
that EM is an agency cost detrimental to shareholders and EM is an opportunistic behavior of
Prior researchers have found that managers manipulate earnings to hype the stock price during
initial public offerings (Friedlan, 1994); seasoned equity offering (DuCharme et al., 2004; Jo and Kim,
2007); avoid reporting losses (Burgstahler and Dichev, 1997; Charoenwong and Jiraporn, 2009);
smooth earnings volatility (Cormier et al., 2000); personal benefit and remuneration (Baker et al.,
2009); avoid debt agreement violation (DeFond and Jiambalvo, 1994); influence contractual outcomes
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(Jones, 1991); forecasting activities (Burgstahler and Eames, 2006; Cormier and Martinez, 2006;
Hunton et al., 2006); and meet the earnings forecasts of financial analysts (Dhaliwal et al., 2004;
Latridis and Kadorinis, 2009).

3.2 Disclosure Quality

Prior studies identify several important key words in describing disclosure such as completeness,
accuracy, reliability, precision and timeliness. It is also argued that definitions are derived from
underlying theoretical assumptions used in research, so it is not necessarily true that one size fits all.
Singhvi and Desai (1971, p. 131) defined DQ as completeness, accuracy and reliability. Gibbins et
al. (1990, p. 122) stated that the release by a firm of information, which may be financial or non-
financial; qualitative or quantitative; mandatory or voluntary; disseminated through formal or informal
channels. Brown et al. (2004, p. 5) defined DQ as the precision, timeliness, and quantity of
information provided. Gray and Skogsvik (2004, p. 122) described that voluntary disclosure
supposedly provides information which goes beyond the requirements inherent in company law and the
prevailing accounting standards. The definition of Gibbins et al. (1990) is general and vague; defining
DQ is complicated and inadequate. In the same way, Gray and Skogsvik (2004) definition is unclear in
the difference between mandatory and voluntary disclosure.
Kent and Stewart (2008, p. 651) argued that more extensive disclosures are likely to be more
informative then brief disclosures and are, an indicator of greater transparency. In the same vein,
Beretta and Bozzolan (2008, p. 335) claimed that the extent of disclosure (i.e. quantity) is an adequate
measure of the quality of disclosure. For this study, the researcher followed the definition of DQ from
Singhvi and Desai (1971). In protecting shareholders value, agency theory and signaling theory
suggest that a complete, accurate and reliable disclosure should be provided to reduce information
asymmetry, solve agency problems and reduce agency cost.
DQ benefits companies in several ways: ability to increase stock liquidity (Brown et al., 2004);
decrease the capital cost (Botosan and Plumlee, 2002; Kim and Shi, 2011); improve a firms share price
(Dedman et al., 2008; Jo and Kim, 2007; Lang and Lundholm, 2000); rewarded by the capital market
(Healy et al., 1999); reduce the cost of debt (Sengupta, 1998); increase institutional ownership, analyst
following and stock liquidity (Healy et al., 1999); improve their reputation (Espinosa and Trombetta,
2004); enhance their performance (Lang and Lundholm, 2000); avoid crisis failure (Tadesse, 2006);
and reduce uncertainty of future earnings (Lundholm and Myers, 2002).

3.3 Disclosure quality and earnings management

DQ is a monitoring mechanism, which applies by enhancing investors comprehension about how
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management prioritises resources and firms decisions. DQ bridges the information gap between
principal and agent. Shareholders are not able to control management performance when deprived of
particular company specific information. DQ is one of the controlling devices that monitor
managements opportunistic performance (Bushman and Smith, 2000). Consequently, DQ is efficient
in decreasing agency cost (Healy and Palepu, 2001).
Previous studies on DQ and EM are quite limited, particularly from the settings external to the US.
Some of the past studies concentrated on the US market (Hunton et al., 2006; Jo and Kim, 2007; Lobo
and Zhou, 2001), others used the UK setting (Latridis and Kadorinis, 2009; Katmun, 2012), Swiss
context (Lapointe-Antunes et al., 2006), Canadian sample (Bauer and Boritz, 2013), and Tunisia
companies (Riahi and Arab, 2011). In another international research among 48 countries, Shen and
Chih (2005) concentrated on the relationship between EM and corporate governance through
controlling for the disclosure index. Previous studies revealed findings relevant to the role of disclosure
in restraining EM.
Within the agency theory framework, EM has been observed as an agency cost, given that it
produces asymmetry of the information and diminishes principals comprehension of a companys
performance that affects their investing decisions (Davidson et al., 2004). EM behavior can be defined
as residual loss (Jensen and Meckling, 1976, p. 308). Earnings manipulation throughout accruals is
an indication of conflict of interest in management decision-making (Christie and Zimmerman, 1994).
Furthermore, certain studies have confirmed that asymmetry of the information is positively related to
EM practices (Richardson, 2000; Trueman and Titman, 1998). Such indication points out that the
higher the information asymmetry level the greater the likelihood the practice of EM. However,
wherever asymmetry of the information is comparatively low, EM practices are lower. Kim and
Verrecchia (1994) report that
information asymmetry among principal and agent is reduced through voluntary disclosure. Hence,
enhanced disclosure is a potential solution for the EM problem. Generally, as Davidson et al. (2004)
observe EM as one shape of the agency cost as well as Jensen and Meckling (1976) regard DQ as one
of the mechanisms alleviating agency cost, this study uses agency theory to clarify the negative
association among DQ and EM. High level of DQ will enhance investors ability to detect EM, thus
decreasing management motives to manage earnings. In line with the agency theory frame, which
presumes that higher DQ level diminishes asymmetric information and permit investors to identify EM
activity, this study hypothesizes that:

H1. There is a negative relationship between DQ and EM among Jordanian listed companies.
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4. Research design
4.1 Sample
The study examines 94 industrial companies listed in ASE for the period 2007 - 2010. This period was
selected as recommended by the ROSC (2005) to investigate the mechanisms that can improve FRQ.
Moreover, the JCGC (2007, p. 18) recommended that an organization should disclose clear, holistic,
and complete information about its operations to achieve transparency. The final sample included 86
(344 firm-year observation) for the years selected after excluding firms that did not meet particular
criteria. Firms that do not have entire financial data, entire information on disclosure index or whose
annual reports are unobtainable were omitted. Financial data and data concerning disclosure index were
collected using the firms annual report as disclosed in ASE website.

4.2 Earning management measures

Accruals have been shown to be the most popular method of the EM (Fields et al., 2001; Goncharov,
2005; Habbash, 2010; Hsu and Koh, 2005; Katmun, 2012). Particularly, discretionary accrual was
estimated using the modified Jones model (1995) as prior authors suggested that this is the most
powerful model for estimating discretionary accruals (Dechow et al., 1995; Guay et al., 1996).
Moreover, the cross-sectional model performs its time-series equivalent in perceiving EM (Bartov et
al., 2000; Cornett et al., 2008; Mouselli et al., 2012; Rajgopal and Venkatachalam, 2011).
Total accruals were calculated as follows (Hribar and Coolins, 2002):

TA = NI NCF....... (1)

Where, TA is the total accruals, NI is the net income after extraordinary items and NCF is the net cash
flow from operations.

The equation for the non-discretionary accruals according to the modified Jones model is:

NDAit/A it-1 = 1 (1/A it-1) + 2 (REVit/A it-1) + 3 (PPEit/A it-1) + eit (2)

Where, NDA is the non-discretionary accruals, A is the lagged total assets, REV (change in operating
revenues), REC (change in net receivables), PPE (gross property, plant and equipment).

To calculate the NDA, it is necessary to estimate the coefficient: 1, 2 and 3 for the model using
Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression equation (3):
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TAit/A it-1 = 1 (1/A it-1) + 2 (REVit RECit/A it-1) + 3 (PPEit/A it-1)+ eit ..... (3)

The discretionary accrual proxy was calculated using the equation below:

DACit = TAit/A it-1 NDAit/A it-1 .......... (4)

Where, DAC is the absolute value of discretionary accruals.

4.3 Disclosure quality measurement

Previous research has used various techniques to measure DQ containing subjective classifications,
disclosure indicators and thematic content. The current study employs a modified disclosure theme
proposed by Beattie et al. (2004) as their themes are deemed supplementary inclusive contrasted to
others (Jaffar et al., 2007). Beattie et al. (2004) suggested nine major themes that have 79 items as in
Appendix 1. A score of 1 is given if the item is disclosed and 0 otherwise. Therefore, the maximum
disclosure constitutes the total probable score and is equal to 79 items. Disclosure Index (DI) score is
computed and derived from the actual disclosure number contrasted to maximum disclosure as follows:

DI = TD/MD....... (5)

Where, TD is the total disclosure, MD is the maximum disclosure.

4.4 Control variables
While investigating the relationship between DQ and EM, fourteen control variables were included to
capture the effect of the EM.
Agency theory views the corporate governance mechanisms as one of the classical solutions to
reduce conflicts of interest and information asymmetry and in turn EM (Arcot et al., 2010; Bebchuk
and Hamdani, 2009; Brennan, 2006; Brick et al., 2012; Brown et al., 2011; Cornett et al., 2008;
Donnelly and Mulcahy, 2008; Holm and Schler, 2010; Ronen and Yaari, 2008).
Independent directors on the board are supposed to make a credible judgment on a firms financial
decisions and reduce the conflict of interest; hence, resulting in lower EM (Bedard et al., 2004;
Habbash, 2010; Kent et al., 2010; Klien, 2002; Lanis and Richardson, 2011; Xie et al., 2003). The
board independence (BRDIND) is the portion of independent directors (non-executive) in the board.
Finance is one of the three areas that every director should know (Xie et al., 2003). This suggests that
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directors with financial background are more likely to prevent EM (Bedard et al., 2004; Park and Shin,
2004). The board financial expert (BRDFINEXP) is the portion of directors with financial expertise on
the board. A satisfactory number of the board members are favorable as it may enable them to offer
greater monitoring functions, and in turn constrain EM (Coles et al., 2008; Hoitash et al., 2009; Kiel
and Nicholson, 2003; Linck et al., 2008; Loderer and Peyer, 2002; Xie et al., 2003). Board size
(BRDSIZE) is the total number of board members.
An independent audit committee plays a significant role in preventing and detecting any
irregularities in financial reporting (Kao and Chen, 2004; Xie et al., 2003). Audit committee
independence (ACIND) is the percentage of the independent directors sitting on the audit committee.
Prior studies suggested that having audit committee with relevant financial expertise is helpful in
mitigating financial misstatement and is able to constrain managers EM behavior (Abbott et al., 2004;
Dhaliwal et al., 2010; Xie et al., 2003). An audit committee financial expertise (ACFINEXP) is a
dummy variable, taking a value of 1 if at least one member with financial expertise sits on the audit
committee and 0 otherwise. The number of the members in audit committee is utilized as an indicator
of resources to this committee (Jensen, 1993). Lin and Hwang (2010) and Lin et al. (2006) found
significant and negative association between size of the audit committee and EM. Audit committee size
(ACSIZE) is the number of the members in audit committee.
The company ownership structure can be important to the quality and comprehensiveness of
oversight (Habbash, 2010; Pergola, 2005; Song and Windram, 2004). Agency theory proposes that a
higher proportion of management ownership indicates company value, as the shareholders and
management goals are closely aligned (Jensen and Meckling, 1976). Prior studies found significant and
negative relationship between managerial ownership and EM (Gul et al., 2003; Klein, 2002; Warfield
et al., 1995; Wright et al., 2006). Managerial ownership (MNGOWNSHP) is the proportion of the total
shares held through executive directors divided by the total shares. Institutional ownership are deemed
to be fundamental monitoring mechanism and capable to monitor managers. Previous studies show a
negative association between institutional ownership and EM (Charitou et al., 2007; Cheng and
Reitenga, 2009; Hsu and Koh, 2005; Yu, 2008). Institutional ownership (INSTITUTNL) is the
percentage of shares owned by institutional investors (social security institution). Outside block-holders
have more motives to control managers activities as controlling is an additional cost-efficient measure
for external block-holders and in turn reduces agency costs (Cronqvist and Fahlenbrach, 2009; Jensen
and Meckling, 1976; Persons, 2006; Shleifer and Vishny, 1997). Previous studies reported a negative
relationship between EM and block-holder (Dechow et al., 1995; Klein, 2002; Wang, 2006). Block-
holders ownership (EBH) is the percentage of the shares held by the individual block-holders (5% or
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Firm size can be negatively related to EM because large firms are under high scrutiny from
investors and this may reduce managers propensity to manipulate earnings (Lobo and Zhou, 2006).
However, a firms size can also positively relate to EM. Managers in large firms have greater
incentives to engage in EM, given that the nature of their business operations are much more
complicated than small firms and this can lead to less detectable EM. Complexity of the information
increases information asymmetry; hence, reducing the monitoring functions of the investors (Lobo and
Zhou, 2006; Jo and Kim, 2007). Firm size (FRMSIZE) is the natural logarithm of the total assets at
year end.
This study also includes lagged return on assets as proxy for profitability, since earnings have been
viewed as a measure of ultimate performance by outsiders (Ronen and Yaari, 2008). In this regard,
Skinner (2003) claimed that it is important to control the firms performance when EM is considered,
given that it is connected to the investment opportunity. In positive accounting theory, political cost
hypothesis predicts that firms with high profits tend to choose an accounting method that can reduce
their earnings in order to mitigate political pressure (Jo and Kim, 2007; Meyer et al., 2000; Watts and
Zimmerman, 1990). However, high profitability can also be negatively related to EM, given that
companies making high profits are supposed to make no EM effort to reach their earnings threshold
(Ashbaugh et al., 2003; Habbash, 2010; Katmun, 2012; skinner, 2003). Profitability (ROA) is the net
income divided by total asset.
Debt hypothesis argues that highly leveraged firms may aggressively manipulate earnings in order
to mitigate and alleviate their large debt in the eyes of the shareholders (Chen et al., 2006; Habbash,
2010; Jelinek, 2007; Jo and Kim, 2007; Katmun, 2012; Velury, 2003; Watt and Zimmerman, 1990).
Leverage (LEV) ratio is the total debt divided by total assets.
Firms with strong operations cash flow performance are less probable to use income increasing
discretionary accruals to boost earnings as these firms are already doing well (Lobo and Zhou, 2006).
Prior studies found negative relationship between net operations cash flow and EM (Gul et al., 2009;
Habbash, 2010; Katmun, 2012; Lobo and Zhou, 2006). Operations cash flow (CFO) is dividing net
cash flow from operations with lagged total assets.
Auditing process, carried out by independent and credible audit firms, is able to hamper
aggressively potential opportunistic reporting of accruals, reducing managers incentives to manipulate
earnings (Francis et al., 1999). This underlying assumption illustrates the inverse relationship between
audit quality and EM as documented in prior studies (Becker et al., 1998; Balsam et al., 2002;
Davidson et al., 2004; Hashim and Devi, 2008; Kent et al., 2010). BIG4 is a dummy variable, taking a
score of 1 if the company is audited by Big4 audit firm and 0 otherwise.
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4.5 Regression model

This study uses the following regression model to assess the association between DQ and EM:

DAC = 0 + 1 (DQit) + 2 (BRDINDit) + 3 (BRDFIEXPit) + 4 (BRDSIZEit) + 5 (ACINDit) + 6

(ACFINEXPit) + 7 (ACSIZEit) + 8 (MNGOWNSHPit) + 9 (INSTITUTNLit) + 10 (EBHit) +
11 (FRMSIZEit) + 12 (ROAit) + 13 (LEVit) + 14 (CFOit) + 15 (BIG4it) + it (6)

Where, DAC is the discretionary accruals (absolute value), deliberated by the modified Jones model
(1995). Other variables (independent and control) are already outlined.

5. Findings
5.1 Descriptive statistics
The descriptive statistics of the sample variables are shown in Table I. The absolute value of the
companies DAC has a small mean value of 0.093 while the minimum value is closer to 0 (0.0001).
These results are consistent with Klein (2002), where a minimum value of DAC was 0.00002 and the
average value was 0.11 among US companies. Rahman and Ali (2006) found mean of the extent
absolute value of DAC was 0.04 and the minimum value close to 0 (0.0001) among Malaysian
companies. Furthermore, Habbash (2010) found that the absolute value of DAC was 0.05 and the
minimum value were also closer to 0 (0.0001) for UK firms. Katmun (2012) also tested UK companies
and found the mean absolute value of DAC was 0.060 and ranged from 0.0005 to 0.478. Contingent on
the presumption that DAC represents the discretion of managers over accruals, this presumption is

validated through the significant variances between the DAC means. Intrinsically, the analysis affords
evidence that on average, the Jordanian industrial companies manage their reported earnings.
Table I displays that the average level of DQ, that is 0.719 (57 items) and ranges from 0.452 (36
items) to 0.855 (67 items). This result indicates that, in general, the level of the DQ among Jordanian
companies is good, where many companies disclose information as the recommendations of the JCGC.
Table I presents that the boards of Jordanian companies are mostly described through the existence
of independent directors (non-executive) on an average of 52 percent that could affect the decisions of
board. Moreover, on an average, 49 percent of the sample boards have financial experts. The number of
directors in the board ranges from 3 to 14 with an average of 8. Regarding audit committee
characteristics, the result displays that the average ratio of independence is 25 percent, approximately
88 percent of the members are financial experts, and the average number of size is 5. Ownership is, on
an average, 38 percent managerial, 24 percent institutional, and 12 percent for external block-holder.
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Table I
Descriptive statistics of variables (N=344)
Variable Mean Min Max Median St. Dev. Skewedness Kurtosis
DAC 0.093 0.0001 0.848 0.065 0.097 3.029 18.044
DQ 0.719 0.452 0.855 0.760 0.097 -1.154 3.346
BRDIND 0.518 0.000 1.000 0.556 0.277 -0.103 1.845
BRDFINEXP 0.493 0.002 0.921 0.523 0.249 -0.234 2.189
BRDSIZE 8.491 3.000 14.000 9.000 1.701 -0.119 4.245
ACIND 0.250 0.000 1.000 0.333 0.219 0.244 2.082
ACFINEXP 0.878 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.328 -2.309 6.330
ACSIZE 4.555 3.000 9.000 5.000 1.179 0.316 3.075
MNGOWNSHP 0.377 0.000 0.799 0.371 0.185 -0.116 2.389
INSTITUTNL 0.244 0.000 0.591 0.202 0.174 0.291 1.863
EBH 0.123 0.000 0.830 0.097 0.114 2.064 9.936
FRMSIZE 1.840 1014720 9.900 4.250 2.820 1.686 4.494
ROA 0.981 -7.105 9.840 0.192 2.251 1.673 7.786
LEV 0.048 0.000 0.410 0.000 0.079 1.598 4.713
CFO 0.403 -8.292 9.002 0.043 1.829 2.012 13.847
BIG4 0.520 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.500 -0.081 1.007

The average company total assets (Table I) is JD 1.840 million. Return on assets, on an average 9.8
percent. Leverage, on an average is 4.80 percent of the company sampled in this study. Similarly, these
companies produce slight amounts (4 percent) of operations cash flow. Finally, the result shows that 52

percent of Jordan companies (45) are audited by Big4 audit firms against 42 percent (41 companies)
audited by non-big4 audit firms.
The correlation coefficients are tested for the existence of high collinearity among variables. Table
II shows the Pearson correlations for this study model. From the correlation coefficients (Table II); no
high correlation is seen between the variables. Consequently, collinearity does not seem to generate a
menace to the clarification of the regression coefficients of the independent variables. Hair (2009)
recommended 0.80 as the threshold at which multicollinearity concerns can menace the regression test.
However, the highest coefficient is 0.484 between DQ and BRDFINEXP. This finding suggests that the
board members with financial experts are interested to disclose more information about the company
operations. Furthermore, Variance Inflation Factors (VIF) was tested. The highest value is 1.77.
Gujarati (2003) suggested that the value below 10 is conventional. Table III shows the VIF result.
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5.2 Multivariate analysis

One of the greatest frequently utilized methods of multivariate analysis is the regression analysis.
Generally, parametric tests are further sturdy once whole presumptions (normality, linearity,
homoscedasticity, and error terms independence) are met and once the elements below analysis are
assessed on an interval scale (Gujarati, 2003; Habbash, 2010; Judge et al., 1985). Nonetheless, whether
any of the presumptions are violated through the data nature; non-parametric tests suit more aptly
(Greene, 2007; Habbash, 2010).

Table II
Correlation analysis of variables
DAC 1.000
DQ -0.430*** 1.000
BRDIND -0.389*** 0.411*** 1.000
BRDFINEXP -0.431*** 0.484*** 0.469*** 1.000
BRDSIZE -0.175* 0.214** 0.090 0.138 1.000
ACIND -0.375* 0.351*** 0.277*** 0.336*** 0.079 1.000
ACFINEXP -0.266*** 0.357*** 0.167* 0.304*** 0.145 0.114 1.000
ACSIZE -0.052 -0.203** -0.074 -0.102 -0.122 0.020 -0.118 1.000
MNGOWNSHP -0.153 -0.012 0.075 0.066 0.031 0.014 -0.118 0.152
INSTITUTNL -0.395*** 0.341*** 0.364*** 0.288*** 0.068 0.341*** 0.268*** -0.105
EBH -0.276*** 0.189* 0.141 0.180* 0.038 0.260*** 0.104 0.070
FRMSIZE -0.288*** 0.260*** 0.198** 0.258*** 0.030 0.213** 0.169* -0.063
ROA -0.096 -0.040 -0.040 0.195* 0.096 -0.087 0.101 -0.009
LEV 0.258*** -0.164 0.011 -0.031 -.006 -0.052 -0.009 -0.133

CFO -0.112 0.053 -0.031 0.013 -0.097 0.009 -0.139 -0.006
BIG4 -0.411*** 0.337*** 0.262*** 0.375*** 0.134 0.306*** 0.300*** 0.058


INSTITUTNL -0.035 1.000
EBH -0.002 0.238** 1.000
FRMSIZE -0.063 0.277*** 0.126 1.000
ROA -0.004 -0.052 0.130 0.034 1.000
LEV -0.025 -0.148 -0.158 -0.104 0.082 1.000
CFO 0.098 -0.012 0.063 0.040 0.061 -0.055 1.000
BIG4 0.094 0.272*** 0.105 0.208** 0.086 -0.148 -0.034 1.000
Notes: ***Significant at 0.01 level, **Significant at 0.05 level, *Significant at 0.10 level

Non-parametric statistical methods may be deemed as a substitute to the parametric methods to

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evade requirements for producing many presumptions, like the parametric methods situation. Non-
parametric technique is deemed to be free distribution since they assemble no presumption concern to
the scores distribution in the sample. Moreover, non-parametric methods do not need the data
measurement on an interval scale and face the strict normality presumption and variance homogeneity
desired through the parametric technique (Habbash, 2010; Judge et al., 1985; Zhang and Liu, 2009).
The parametric analysis presumption is examined employing skewness-kurtosis to investigate for
the presumption of normality (Habbash, 2010). In table I, the skewness and kurtosis for several
variables display high values. Data is deemed to be normally distributed whether the standard skewness
is within 1.96 and standard kurtosis 2 (Keller and Warrack, 2003; Habbash, 2010; Rahman and Ali,
2006). Some of the variables are not normally distributed.
The absence of normality of the EM (dependent variable) is anticipated since the current research
intentionally does not remove the variable outliers, since companies with EM utmost values possibly
produce the observations, which appear for great positive or negative discretionary accruals that can
indeed constitute management discretion(Habbash, 2010; Rahman and Ali, 2006). Kao and Chen
(2004) proposed that OLS regression is not appropriate when the EM absolute value is the dependent
variable, which is restricted to positive values only.
The Hausman (1978) check eases to the difference among fixed and random effects through
checking for correlation among the x variables and the individual random effects i. Hausman analysis
examine for stringent exogeneity. If no correlation is predicated, random-effects should be used and
otherwise fixed-effects. Consequently, a vital presumption for choosing the estimation of the random
effects is that the hidden heterogeneity would not be correlative with the independent variables. The
Hausman analysis is employed to examine this presumption and to examine the suitability of utilizing
the estimation of random-effects (Habbash, 2010; McKnight and Weir, 2009). No significant finding
acquired from Hausman analysis x2 of 13.09 (p = 0.217) displays that the presumptions for the
estimation of random effects are not contravene.
When the number of time series data is small and the number of cross-sectional units is great, the
statistical deduction is subject to the perceived cross-sectional units (Habbash 2010; Judge et al., 1985).
Therefore, the random-effects method option is preferred. The current research embraces time series
data of four years and has a comparatively great number of cross-sectional units that assembles the
random-effects method further applicable. Furthermore, the fixed-effects method utilizes a dummy
variable to recognize companies. This, sequentially, would produce a huge parameter number relative
to the observations number. Accordingly, the model power would be enfeeble because of the leakage of
freedom degrees. Hence, a pooled cross-sectional GLS (random-effects) model is employed to examine
the proposed hypothesis. Statistical data test is accomplished employing the computer software
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package, STATA.
Based on the statistical test revealed in Table III, the adjusted R2 value for the model was 45.3
percent. This shows that there are other variables that clarify the difference in the EM level. This
studys adjusted R2 result is higher than previous studies (Dimitropoulos and Asteriou, 2010; Habbash,
2010; Rahman and Ali, 2006); while lower than the study found by Katmun (2012). The constant is
found significantly positive (P < 0.01).
The study hypothesises a negative relationship between DQ and EM, and the results also concur,
indicating that there is significantly negative association between DQ and DAC. Therefore, H1 is
upheld. It can be concluded that high DQ is effective in reducing managers propensity to manipulate
earnings, especially in control for corporate governance mechanisms. This negative and significant
result between the two variables is consistent with prior studies result (Bauer and Boritz, 2013; Hunton
et al., 2006; Jo and Kim, 2007; Katmun, 2012; Riahi and Arab, 2011).
Among the control variables, BRDIND is significantly negative related to EM. The result suggests
that the higher the non-executive directors on the board, the lower the magnitude of discretionary
accruals. This is consistent with previous studies finding (Bedard et al., 2004; Habbash, 2010; Klien,
2002; Xie et al., 2003). The result is also indicating a significant and negative relationship between
BRDFINEXP and EM confirming the previous studies result (Bedard et al., 2004; Park and Shin,
2004). This proposes that the independent directors with corporate and financial background are
stringent to deter EM. Moreover, a negative and significant relationship between BRDSIZE and EM
indicates that the BRDSIZE is effective in monitoring the financial reporting and in turn, reduce EM.
Prior studies too found the same result (Hoitash et al., 2009; Linck et al., 2008; Xie et al., 2003).

This study result shows that ACIND is negative and significantly associated with EM. The result is
agreement with the previous studies (Kao and Chen, 2004; Xie et al., 2003) and suggests that the
ACIND plays a significant role in preventing and detecting any manipulation in financial reporting.
The study also indicates that ACFINEXP is negative and significantly related to EM activity and
suggests that having audit committee with relevant financial expertise enables to constrain the
managers behavior and in turn, reduce EM. Abbott et al. (2004) and Dhaliwal et al. (2010) found
similar result. ACSIZE is significantly negative associated with EM, suggesting that the ACSIZE
affects EM activity. Lin et al. (2006) found the similar result.

Table I11
GLS regression (random-effects) (N=344)
DAC Predicted sign Coefficient Z P>|Z| P>|t| VIF
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DQ - -0.097 -1.79 0.073 * 1.77

BRDIND - -0.051 -2.92 0.003 *** 1.49
BRDFINEXP - -0.038 -1.79 0.073 * 1.74
BRDSIZE - -0.005 -1.90 0.057 * 1.09
ACIND - -0.056 -2.62 0.009 *** 1.38
ACFINEXP - -0.025 -1.81 0.070 * 1.33
ACSIZE - -0.006 -1.79 0.073 * 1.15
MNGOWNSHP - -0.060 -2.69 0.007 *** 1.08
INSTITUTNL - -0.071 -2.64 0.008 *** 1.41
EBH - -0.062 -1.66 0.096 * 1.18
FRMSIZE - -2.830 -1.87 0.062 * 1.17
ROA - -0.003 -1.65 0.099 * 1.17
LEV + 0.198 3.71 0.000 *** 1.14
CFO - -0.005 -2.43 0.015 ** 1.07
BIG4 - -0.025 -2.66 0.008 *** 1.38
-cons 0.374 8.50 0.000 ***
Adjusted R = 0.453
Wald chi2(14) = 0.000
Notes: ***Significant at 0.01 level, **Significant at 0.05 level, *Significant at 0.10 level

Cosnsistent with the alignment of the interest hypothesis, MNGOWNRSHP is significantly

negative related to EM. This proposes that the higher the MNGOWNRSHP, the lower the level of
DAC, confirming the findings of Gul et al. (2003) and Klein (2002). INSTITUTNL is significant and
negatively associated with EM, suggesting that INSTITUTNL are effective in constraining managerial
behavior of the EM. Similar evidence is found in previous studies (Charitou et al., 2007; Cheng and

Reitenga, 2009; Yu, 2008). A negative and significant relationship between EBH and DAC suggests
that the portion of EBH has influence on EM. Previous studies found a similar relationship (Klein,
2002; Wang, 2006).
FRMSIZE is associated with lower EM to decrease the profitability of adverse influence from
political exposure. Lobo and Zhou (2006) found a negative relationship. ROA is negative and
significantly associated with EM, given that companies making high profits are supposed to make no
EM efforts to reach their earnings threshold (Habbash, 2010; Katmun, 2012). LEV is significant and
positive, providing indicator that an increase in LEV induces managers to manage earnings to evade
debt covenant violation. The same result was found in prior studies (Chen et al., 2006; Jelinek, 2007;
Jo and Kim, 2007). CFO is negative and significantly associated with EM, suggesting that companies
with strong CFO are less probable involvement in EM (Gul et al., 2009; Lobo and Zhou, 2006).
Previous researches have shown that companies hiring BIG4 audit firms reported lower magnitude of
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EM (Davidson et al., 2004; Hashim and Devi, 2008; Kent et al., 2010).

5.3 Sensitivity analyses

One of the prime presumptions of the OLS regression is the homogeneity of variance of the residuals.
If the model is fully fitted, there must be no type to the residuals marked opposed to the fitted values. If
the residuals variance is not constant subsequently the variance of residual is heteroscedastic. One
prevalent technique to heteroscedasticity correction is the employment of Robust Standard Error
(RSE). RSE address the errors problem, which are non-independent and similarly distributed. The RSE
employ will not alteration the coefficient estimations generated through OLS, however, they alter the
standard errors and significant analyses. Thus, RSE OLS regression is further reliable in the
heteroscedasticity existence.
A parametric test employing RSE OLS (fixed-effects) is adopted as a robustness test for the major
results (Dimitropoulos and Asteriou, 2010). Table IV displays that there are no variances among the
major test employing the non-parametric analysis and the findings of the parametric analysis of the
model. The findings display the similar significance level and the coefficient displays the similar
directions for whole variables only adjusted R2 dropped from 45.3 percent to 42.8 percent. The finding
displays that employing various pertinent statistical methods assures these findings of the current
studys results are robust.

Table IV
OLS regression (fixed-effects) (N=344)
DAC Predicted sign Coefficient Z P>|Z| P>|t|

DQ - -0.097 -1.79 0.073 *
BRDIND - -0.051 -2.92 0.004 ***
BRDFINEXP - -0.038 -1.79 0.074 *
BRDSIZE - -0.005 -1.90 0.058 *
ACIND - -0.056 -2.62 0.009 ***
ACFINEXP - -0.025 -1.81 0.071 *
ACSIZE - -0.006 -1.79 0.074 *
MNGOWNSHP - -0.060 -2.69 0.008 ***
INSTITUTNL - -0.071 -2.64 0.009 ***
EBH - -0.062 -1.66 0.097 *
FRMSIZE - -2.830 -1.87 0.063 *
ROA - -0.003 -1.65 0.100 *
LEV + 0.198 3.71 0.000 ***
CFO - -0.005 -2.43 0.016 **
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BIG4 - -0.025 -2.66 0.008 ***

-cons 0.374 8.50 0.000 ***
Adjusted R = 0.428
F (15, 328) = 18.110
Prob. > F = 0.000
Notes: ***Significant at 0.01 level, **Significant at 0.05 level, *Significant at 0.10 level

Generally EM studies use models of the single-equation regression; latest studies have proposed
that a concurrent equations method could be suitable, as the models that encompassing variables of the
corporate governance suffer from endogeneity (Coles et al., 2008; McKnight and Weir, 2009). This
research employs an instrumental variable with two-stage regression (2SLS) method test and utilizes
the endogenous variables lagged values for tools. Hausman analysis is employed to examine if there is
some endogeneity bias for the independent variable (Greene, 2007). Hausman analysis display non-
significant indication of an endogeneity bias at 0.05 level (w2 2.493, p = 0.198) that has due
significant implications. The first, same findings must be acquired employing either 2SLS or OLS and
secondly, the lagged independent variable is probable to be valid tool variable since passing Hausman
analysis. The findings of 2SLS are presented in Table V. The 2SLS findings are consistent with the
OLS findings stated previously (Table IV). Hence, endogeneity does not exert excessive impact on the
findings of this research.
Table V
Instrumental variables (2SLS) regression (N=344)
DAC Predicted sign Coefficient Z P>|Z| P>|t|
DQ - -0.097 -1.79 0.074 *

BRDIND - -0.051 -2.92 0.004 ***
BRDFINEXP - -0.038 -1.79 0.074 *
BRDSIZE - -0.005 -1.90 0.058 *
ACIND - -0.056 -2.62 0.009 ***
ACFINEXP - -0.025 -1.81 0.071 *
ACSIZE - -0.006 -1.79 0.074 *
MNGOWNSHP - -0.060 -2.69 0.008 ***
INSTITUTNL - -0.071 -2.64 0.009 ***
EBH - -0.062 -1.66 0.097 *
FRMSIZE - -2.830 -1.87 0.063 *
ROA - -0.003 -1.65 0.100 *
LEV + 0.198 3.71 0.000 ***
CFO - -0.005 -2.43 0.016 **
BIG4 - -0.025 -2.66 0.008 ***
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-cons 0.374 8.50 0.000 ***

Adjusted R = 0.428
F (15, 328) = 15.800
Prob. > F = 0.000
Notes: ***Significant at 0.01 level, **Significant at 0.05 level, *Significant at 0.10 level

6. Summary and conclusions

The study analyzes DQ of 86 Jordanian companies. It inspects the association between DQ and EM
that has obviously practical sequels ever after the preface of novel rules on limpidity, impartiality,
corporate governance and FRQ. Contemporary financial accounting scandals and enactments
emphasize the stringent role of DQ plays in FRQ.
The current study appends to increasing international literature of the associations between various
governance mechanisms and FRQ. From a practical view, this research provides DQ evidence in what
manner they could enhance and generate FRQ. Management in industrial sector would persist to
exploit in the DQ to improve the financial reporting precision and dependability. Superintendents and
investors would request more information to assure utmost financial reporting transparency and
consistency. In this meaning, the recent financial scandals emphasize the necessity for financial
improvement to restore constancy for financial method and secure and safe guard from futuristic
scandals. From a theoretical view, the research assists to reinforce the models of corporate governance
that comprise of DQ, as sturdy governance participation for FRQ. Hence, DQ is a vital mechanism of
corporate governance that affects FRQ.
Focusing on particular features of the empirical evidence, the result shows that as the level of the
DQ increases, the EM reduces; consequently, decreasing the agency cost and increases the further
disclosure in the annual reports. Previous studies had comparable findings (Bauer and Boritz, 2013;
Hunton et al., 2006; Latridis and Kadorinis, 2009; Jo and Kim, 2007; Katmun, 2012; Lapointe-Antunes
et al., 2006; Riahi and Arab, 2011). This research appends empirical confirmation for the theoretical
framework, achieving its unique objective.
This studys results are consistent with the agency theory framework, that assumes that high DQ
reduces information asymmetry and enable investors to detect EM activity. Consequently, DQ
influences EM negatively, and accordingly improves FRQ. Moreover, the results also reveal lower
level of the EM when board (independence, financial expert members and large size), audit committee
(independence, at best one member with financial expertise and larger size), ownership (managerial,
institutional and external block-holders are high) and the firm size is high, ROA is connected to
investment opportunity, high CFO, hire Big4 audit firms and higher EM when the leverage is high.
The findings of this study make the following contributions. First, this study is the premier study in
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Jordan that investigates the relationship between DQ and EM. The results will provide additional
evidence on the association among the two variables. Second, the study contributes to the disclosure
index expansion for Jordanian firms. This study evaluates the appropriateness of the Beattie et al.
(2004) themes to the Jordanian companies reporting practices. The study findings assort particular
reliable insights for the decision-making and policy-makers, in addition to the investors about the
corporate governance role in enhancing FRQ. The findings of this study will be largely beneficial to the
shareholders, management and members of the public who are concerned about the detrimental effects
of the EM. In general, this study is useful for researchers who are investigating the implications of DQ
in deterring EM. Moreover, limited studies consider a comprehensive set of governance variables in the
control variables, when examining the relationship between DQ and the EM.
This study results are subject to numerous limitations. One of the limitations in this study is
measurement error which is decisive problem for EM studies. Thus, this study inherits all the
limitations of the modified Jones model (1995). Further research may be carried out to concentrating on
other countries or another DQ measurement like Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI).

The author gratefully acknowledges the helpful comments and suggestions received from the two
anonymous reviewers. M. Azizul Islam and Liz Marsland provided excellent editorial support. All the
remaining errors are the sole responsibility of the author.

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No. Code Description
BD Business Description
1 BUS General development of business
2 PROD Principal products/services
3 MKT Principal markets and market segments
4 PRO Processes
5 Types of macroeconomic activity that management believes are closely
correlated with business revenues or expenses
6 PAT Description of important patents, trademarks licenses, franchises etc.
7 PROPS Location, nature, capacity and utilization of physical properties
8 RELA Major contractual relationships
9 INP Key inputs
10 Existing and proposed laws and regulations that could impact business
11 DIST Distribution and delivery methods
12 IND Industry
13 SEAS Seasonality and cyclicality
MS Financial Information
14 PROF Profit & profitability measures, including EPS
15 SAL Sales
16 CF Cash flow
17 OTH Other
18 DEBT Debt
19 GEAR Gearing
20 INT Interest
21 TAX Tax
22 CAPEX Capital expenditure
23 WC Working capital
24 INTCOV Interest cover
25 DIV Dividends
26 Pensions
MA Management Analysis
27 MKT Reasons for change in market acceptance
28 PROF Reasons for change in profitability
29 MAC Identity and past effect of key macroeconomic trends
30 OTH Reasons for change other
31 UNU Identity, effect of unusual or nonrecurring transactions and events
32 RAT Reasons for change in ratios
33 LIQ Reasons for change in liquidity and financial flexibility
34 REG Identity and past effect of key regulatory trends
35 FPOS Reasons for change in financial position
36 INN Reasons for change in innovation
37 SOC Identity and past effect of key social trends
Downloaded by La Trobe University At 02:49 01 October 2016 (PT)

38 TECH Identity and past effect of key technological trends

39 POL Identity and past effect of key political trends
40 DEM Identity and past effect of key demographic trends
MS Management & Shareholder Information
Identity and background of directors and executive management
42 SHAREHOL Identity and number of shares owned by major owners; number of shares
DER owned by directors, management and employees, each as a group
43 RELA Transactions and relationships among related parties
44 Types and amount of director and executive management compensation and
methods of computation
45 DIS Nature of disagreements with former business advisors
OP Operating Data
46 REV Revenues e.g. level and changes in units and prices, market share
47 COST Costs, e.g. number of employees, average compensation per employee
48 Employee involvement and fulfillment, e.g. level and changes in employee
49 PRODY Productivity, e.g. input/output ratio
50 Amount and quality of key resources, including human resources, e.g. average
51 MAT Volume and prices of materials used
52 QUAL Quality e.g. customer satisfaction, % defects, backlog
53 INN Innovation, e.g. % current production designed in period
54 Time required to perform key activities, e.g. production, delivery, new product
55 OUT Outlets
FL Forward Looking Information
56 PLAN Activities and plans to meet broad objectives and business strategy
57 RISK Nature and cause of risks
58 OPP Nature and cause of opportunities
59 Factors that management believes must be present, occurring within the
60 OTH Non-specific evaluation of future outcomes / performance
61 Factors that management believes must be present, occurring outside the
62 Identity of major differences between actual business performance and
previously disclosed opportunities, risks and management plans
63 EFF Effects of opportunities and risks on future core earnings and cash flows
NOT Not Jenkins

64 EMP Employees
65 OTHLINK Link to another part of the annual report or other source
66 COM Business and local community
67 STD Accounting standards and impact
68 ENV Environmental
69 CUS Customers
70 Thanks to / recognition of support of / expression of appreciation of
stakeholder group /directors
71 POL Accounting policies and impact
72 CHYE Change in financial year-end
73 SUP Suppliers
BOS Broad Objectives and Strategy
74 OBJ Broad objectives, quantified where practical
75 STRAT Principal strategies to achieve objectives
76 CONSIS Discussion of consistency of strategy with key trends
IS Industry Structure
77 Intensity of industry competition, dispersion of competitors and identity of
COMP major competitors; measures of intensity of competition, e.g. relative price
changes, customer switches
78 Bargaining power of customers, extent of dispersion, including concentration
CUS measure identity of dominant customers; measures of relative bargaining
Downloaded by La Trobe University At 02:49 01 October 2016 (PT)

power, e.g. recent price changes

79 Bargaining power of resource providers; identity of types of major resource
SUP and related suppliers; for each type, availability of supply; measures of relative
bargaining power, e.g. recent price changes


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