Semestral Performance Report For Effectiveness - Performance Standards
Semestral Performance Report For Effectiveness - Performance Standards
Semestral Performance Report For Effectiveness - Performance Standards
Output per Hour for Six Months % of Accomplishment
Month Total for Six
Name of Ratee per Total O for Six Months Output per Hour for Six
Month Months Months
x 100
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Mhrs for Six Months Performance
O 0
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Mhrs* 0.00
O 0
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Mhrs* 0.00
O 0
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Mhrs* 0.00
O 0
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Mhrs* 0.00
O 0
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Mhrs* 0.00
O 0
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Mhrs* 0.00
O 0
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Mhrs* 0.00
O 0
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Mhrs* 0.00
O 0
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Mhrs* 0.00
O 0
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Mhrs* 0.00
O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Mhrs* 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Immediate Supervisor Position Date Next Higher Supervisor Position Date Branch/Department/Office Head Date
(Signature Over Printed Name) (Signature Over Printed Name) (Signature Over Printed Name)
* Subject to change upon approval of the Office Order on Gender and Development.
The Semestral Performance Report for Effectiveness-Performance Standards (SPR E-PS) is a documentation tool used by Supervisor to consolidate the results of Performance Monitoring Report for Effectiveness-
Performance Standards (PMR EPS) of the employees doing a particular Major Final Output (MFO) within a given rating period. The SPR E-PS shall be used as reference by the Supervisor in accomplishing the Actual
Accomplishment and Rating portion in the Individual Performance Commitment and Review (IPCR) Form of his/her Ratee.
2. Total Per Month (Output and Manhours) shall be obtained from the Total Output and Manhours in the Ratee's PMR E-PS.
3. Total for Six Months is the sum of the Ratee's Output and Manhours in a semester.
4. Output per Hour for Six Months shall be computed by dividing the Total Output for Six Months by Total Manhours for Six Months.
6. The Office Head shall be responsible in keeping the SPR and shall ensure the availability of the said document upon request of authorized individuals.
for Effectiveness - Actual/Target
Semester and Year Covered: __________
(Please read instructions at the back before filling out this form)
A 0
T 0
A 0
T 0
A 0
T 0
A 0
T 0
A 0
T 0
A 0
T 0
A 0
T 0
A 0
T 0
A 0
T 0
A 0
T 0
A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total #DIV/0!
T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Immediate Supervisor Position Date Next Higher Supervisor Position Date Branch/Department/Office Head Date
(Signature Over Printed Name) (Signature Over Printed Name) (Signature Over Printed Name)
The Semestral Performance Report for Effectiveness-Actual/Target (SPR E-A/T) is a documentation tool used by Supervisor to consolidate the results of Performance Monitoring Report for Effectiveness-Actual/Target
(PMR EA/T) of the employees doing a particular Major Final Output (MFO) within a given rating period. The SPR E-A/T shall be used as reference by the Supervisor in accomplishing the Actual Accomplishment and
Rating portion in the Individual Performance Commitment and Review (IPCR) Form of his/her Ratee.
2. Total Per Month (Actual and Target) shall be obtained from the Total Actual and Total Target in the Ratee's PMR E-A/T.
3. Total for Six Months is the sum of the Employee's Actual and Target Outputs in a semester.
4. Output per Hour for Six Months shall be computed by dividing the Total Output for Six Months by Total Manhours for Six Months.
6. The Office Head shall be responsible in keeping the SPR and shall ensure the availability of the said document upon request of authorized individuals.
for Timeliness
Semester and Year Covered: __________
(Please read instructions at the back before filling out this form)
Month % of Accomplishment
Total per
Name of Ratee Total for Six Months Total Output Total Met
Month x 100
1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Met + Total Not Met Total Met + Not Met
Met 0
0 #DIV/0!
Not Met 0
Met 0
0 #DIV/0!
Not Met 0
Met 0
0 #DIV/0!
Not Met 0
Met 0
0 #DIV/0!
Not Met 0
Met 0
0 #DIV/0!
Not Met 0
Met 0
0 #DIV/0!
Not Met 0
Met 0
0 #DIV/0!
Not Met 0
Met 0
0 #DIV/0!
Not Met 0
Met 0
0 #DIV/0!
Not Met 0
Met 0
0 #DIV/0!
Not Met 0
Met 0
0 #DIV/0!
Not Met 0
Met 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 0 #DIV/0!
Not Met 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Immediate Supervisor Position Date Next Higher Supervisor Position Date Branch/Department/Office Head Date
(Signature Over Printed Name) (Signature Over Printed Name) (Signature Over Printed Name)
The Semestral Performance Report for Timeliness (SPR T) is a documentation tool used by Supervisor to consolidate the results of Performance Monitoring Report for Timeliness (PMR T
particular Major Final Output (MFO) within a given rating period. The SPR T shall be used as reference by the Supervisor in accomplishing the Actual Accomplishment and Rating portion in
Commitment and Review (IPCR) Form of his/her Ratee.
2. Total Per Month (Met and Not Met) shall be obtained from the Total Number of Met and Total Number of Not Met in the Ratee's PMR T.
3. Total for Six Months is the sum of Total Number of Met and Total Number of Not Met in a semester.
4. Total Output is the sum of the Total Number of Met and Total Number of Not Met for Six Months.
6. The Office Head shall be responsible in keeping the SPR and shall ensure the availability of the said document upon request of authorized individuals.
or to consolidate the results of Performance Monitoring Report for Timeliness (PMR T) of the employees doing a
e by the Supervisor in accomplishing the Actual Accomplishment and Rating portion in the Individual Performance