Estimating Handling Time of Software Defects

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George Kour1, Shaul Strachan2 and Raz Regev2
Hewlett Packard Labs, Guthwirth Park, Technion, Israel
Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Yehud, Israel

The problem of accurately predicting handling time for software defects is of great practical
importance. However, it is difficult to suggest a practical generic algorithm for such estimates,
due in part to the limited information available when opening a defect and the lack of a uniform
standard for defect structure. We suggest an algorithm to address these challenges that is
implementable over different defect management tools. Our algorithm uses machine learning
regression techniques to predict the handling time of defects based on past behaviour of similar
defects. The algorithm relies only on a minimal set of assumptions about the structure of the
input data. We show how an implementation of this algorithm predicts defect handling time with
promising accuracy results.

Defects, Bug-fixing time, Effort estimation, Software maintenance, Defect prediction, Data

It is estimated that between 50% and 80% of the total cost of a software system is spent on fixing
defects [1]. Therefore, the ability to accurately estimate the time and effort needed to repair a
defect has a profound effect on the reliability, quality and planning of products [2]. There are two
methods commonly used to estimate the time needed to fix a defect, the first is manual analysis
by a developer and the second is a simple averaging over previously resolved defects. However,
while the first method does not scale well for a large number of defects and is subjective, the
second method is inaccurate due to over-simplification.

Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) tools are used to manage the lifecycle of application
development. Our algorithm relies on a minimal number of implementation details specific to any
tool and therefore has general relevance. Our implementation is based on the Hewlett Packard
Enterprise (HPE) ALM tool. We tested the algorithm with projects from different verticals to
verify its broad applicability.

One of the advantages of our implementation is that it does not assume a standard data model, but
is able to handle the cases where the defect fields available vary between different data sets. We

Dhinaharan Nagamalai et al. (Eds) : CoSIT, SIGL, AIAPP, CYBI, CRIS, SEC, DMA - 2017
pp. 127 140, 2017. CS & IT-CSCP 2017 DOI : 10.5121/csit.2017.70413
128 Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT)
provide experimental evidence of the significance of including non-standard fields as input
features for the learning algorithm.

Our approach supposes that we can learn from historical data on defects that have similar
characteristics to a new defect and use this to make predictions on the defect handling time that
are more accurate than many comparative approaches. We found that in real life, the available
data was often of poor quality or incomplete, and so in implementing our solution we encountered
a number of challenges, which we discuss in this paper.

Figure 1: Training process

Our approach is based on a supervised regression machine learning algorithm in which the output
is the predicted handling time for defects. The training phase is summarized in Figure 1. It takes
as its input (1) a training set of handled defects together with their fields and (2) the history of
status changes from these defects, and outputs a learned model. The prediction phase is
summarized in Figure 2. It takes as its input (1) the model outputted from the training phase and
(2) a set of unhandled defects together with their fields, and outputs the predicted handling time.

There are many practical methods of defect handling time estimation used in software
engineering, as described in [2].

Defect fix effort estimation using neural networks was reported in [3]. The data for this study was
extracted from the NASA IV&V Facility Metrics Data Program (MDP) data repository. Their
approach is based on clustering the defects using a Kohonen network. Then the known values of
defects fix effort were assigned to the found clusters. Given an unseen sample, the fix time is
estimated based on the probability distribution of the different clusters.

A text similarity approach for estimating defect resolution time was described in [4]. The title and
description of the defects were used to measure similarity between defects using the "Lucene"
Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT) 129
engine developed by the Apache foundation [5]. In this study, k Nearest Neighbours (k-NN) was
used to find the closest k defects already resolved to a given new defect, and the mean was taken
as the final estimation.

A work done by Rattiken and Kijsanayothin in [6] investigated several classification algorithms
for solving the defect repair time estimation problem. The data set, taken from defect reports
during release of a medical record system, contained 1460 defects. They investigated seven
representative classification variants of the following algorithm families: Decision Tree Learner,
Naive Bayes Classifier, Neural Networks (NN), kernel-based Support Vector Machine (SVM),
Decision Table, and k-NN.

Figure 2: Prediction process

Giger et al. presented a method for predicting the handling time of a new defect using decision
trees [7]. The defects in the sample set were classified into two categories: fast and slow defect
fixes, based on the median defect fix time of the corresponding project. The data set included 6
open source projects, each containing between 3,500 and 13,500 defects spanning periods
between 6 and 11 years.

In a recent work by Zhang et al. in [8], the authors suggested a k-NN classifier for predicting fast
or slow defect fixes. A bug was represented as a vector of standard defect attributes and a
predefined bag of words extracted from the summary field. They used defect datasets collected
from three CA Technologies projects. The results reported in this work is based on a normalized
time unit, where 1 unit equals the median time needed to fix a defect.

3.1. Data Extraction and Handling Time Calculation

In the first step in the training process, we first extract the defect records, including all their fields
and history from the project database. The fields available vary from project to project. Typical
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fields include Summary, Description, Assignee, Status, and Severity. However, users generally
customize their projects to include user-defined fields. Excluding such fields from the analysis
might mean missing valuable features. For example, suppose there is a field such as Estimated
Effort, with possible values Low, Medium and High. It seems reasonable that a correlation exists
between this field and the actual handling time. Our system does not rely on knowing in advance
which fields exist and is able to learn from any number of fields, of various types.We use the
history of the Status field to calculate the total time effort invested in fixing a handled defect,
refered to as Handling Time. Possible defect statuses vary between projects but generally include
New, Open, Fixed, and Closed. For the purposes of our research we define our target value as the
total number of days spent in status Open. For the training set, we consider only defects that have
reached the end of their lifecycle, i.e. are in state Closed.

In Table 1 we see general information about the projects used in this study. The data sets used for
analysis were snapshots of customers' databases.

Table 1: Summary of the projects in the data set

3.2. Sample Filtering

We aim to provide managers with a tool to enable better estimation of the time needed to handle
defects. Therefore we cannot allow the prediction system to estimate a practically unreasonable
time for fixing a defect and we consider it as sampling error. Such a long fixing time can be
caused by the fact that in some cases users do not update their current status on working on a
defect, and may mark a defect as Open, and after a while switch to another task without updating
the defect status.

Although other related work in the field allowed long fixing periods (e.g. more than a month) [7],
we observed that it is rare that a defect takes more than 30 days to be fixed and so such defects
were filtered out. We encountered defects that remained in state Open for more than a year.
Figure 3 shows the accumulative distribution of the defect handling time versus their percentage
in the data set. If we allow defects with very large fixing time, the algorithm might find patterns
characterizing defects that were "forgotten" in Open state rather than identifying patterns that
affect real-life handling time.

In addition, we employ standard extreme value analysis to determine the statistical tails of the
underlying distribution using the z-scoring on the handling time field [9]. Samples that are not in
the interval [-3, +3] are filtered out, where is the mean and is the standard deviation of
all the defects in the data set.
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Figure 3: Percentage of defects handled by days

3.3. Feature Selection

Different fields in a data set may have different population rates, where the population rate is the
percentage of samples containing a value in a given field. This might be due to the fact that not all
fields are required for each defect, or that a field was added to the project at a later stage, and
therefore defects opened prior to this field's addition do not have values for the field. To improve
the data set stability and the quality of the model, we remove fields with very small population
rate (less than 2%). To avoid data leakage, the system automatically filters out attributes that are
usually unavailable on defect submission, by comparing the population rate of the attributes in
handled and unresolved defects. We also remove non-relevant internal system fields.

3.4. Feature Transformation

A defect is represented by a set of data fields of both qualitative and quantitative data types.
However, most machine learning algorithms employ quantitative models in which all variables
must have continuous or discrete numerical values. Therefore, certain transformations must
sometimes be performed on the given fields before they can be used as features to the learning

Numeric fields are generally used as is, directly as features. However, in special cases they are
treated as categorical features, as described later in this section.

Categorical fields are transformed using a "one-hot" encoding scheme; a vector of features is
assigned to each such field - each feature corresponding to a possible value of that field. For each
defect, the feature corresponding to the actual value of the field in that particular defect is
assigned the value 1, whereas the rest of the features are given the value 0. We identify a
categorical field as a string or number field whose number of distinct values is sufficiently lower
than the number of defects with this field populated. To avoid there being too many features ("the
curse of dimensionality" [10]) we group the values with low frequencies together under a single
value Other, which also captures possible unprecedented values during the prediction process.
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String fields whose domain of values is very large, may correspond to free-text fields such as
Summary and Description. Although these fields may contain important information, they require
additional effort to be appropriately mined and so were discarded in the current implementation.

Date and time fields are projected into time/date cycles such as hour of the week, used to capture
the presumed correlation between the day of week for some fields and the handling time. In order
to represent this feature radially, we projected each date onto a unit-circle representing the
corresponding hour of the week h and took cos(h) and sign(sin(h)), where sign(.) is the signum
function, as a new pair of independent variables.

Scarcity of data is a common issue when analysing real-life project defects. Therefore, before
starting the training phase, imputation is applied to fill missing values. Empty cells in categorical
features are simply treated as another category, as they may have a particular meaning in many
cases. However, for numeric features, we filled up empty cells with the most frequent value. In
order to avoid data leakage, the imputation is performed just before training the model (after the
partitioning to test and train). Replacing empty cells with the mean value of the feature or the
median value are two other common numerical imputation schemes which were considered but
were empirically found to yield inferior scores in our setting.

3.5. Model Training

Unlike in classification, in which the goal is to identify to which class an unlabelled observation
belongs, regression algorithms, given a predictor variable x, and continuous response variable y,
try to understand the relationship between x and y, and consequently enable predicting the value
of y for a new value of x. The basic idea underlying the Regression Tree learning algorithm is
similar to the idea on which the commonly used Decision Tree algorithm is based, but slightly
altered to adapt the non-discrete nature of the target field. Random Forests [11] are an ensemble
learning method for both classification and regression problems. They operate by building a
multitude of decision trees and returning the class that is voted by the majority of the trees in
classification, or the mean of the individual trees in regression [10]. Random forests are much
less prone to overfitting to their training set compared to decision trees, and so we chose to use
them as our machine learning algorithm.

We trained a random forest regression in Python using 80 estimators (i.e. individual decision
trees), with a limitation on the minimum number of samples required to split internal node set to
2, and minimum number of samples in a newly created leaf set to 6. The default values were used
for the other model parameters. These parameters are constant for all data sets in this work and
they were empirically tuned.

While estimating the handling time of a single defect is important, in reality managers are usually
interested in making a prediction based on a set of defects (such as the content for a future
release) to be handled by a group of developers. Therefore, we have built a system that provides a
completion time estimation for any given set of unhandled defects.

As shown in Figure 4, the system presents a graph showing the resulting cumulative distribution
in a report which displays the confidence of the defects being closed by any selected date. Based
Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT) 133
on the graph, we let the user calculate the release end date given confidence level and vice versa.
We also let the user set the number of available developers.

Figure 2 describes the flow for predicting the completion time for a set of defects. Each defect in
the given set of unhandled defects passes through the same preprocessing flow as in the learning
process, apart from the handling time calculation stage. Then, using the model, the system returns
an estimation of the handling time of the given defect, as well as a prediction confidence
calculated based on the variance between the answers of the individual regression trees.

To automatically calculate the total time it takes to complete a set of defects by several
developers, one would ideally use the optimal scheduling which minimizes the makespan (i.e. the
total length of the schedule). However, the problem of finding the optimal makespan in this setup,
better known as the Minimum Makespan Scheduling on Identical Machines, is known to be NP-
Hard [12]. We employ a polynomial-time approximation scheme (PTAS) called List Scheduling,
utilizing the Longest Processing Time rule (LPT). We start by sorting the defects by non-
increasing processing time estimation and then iteratively assign the next defect in the list to a
developer with current smallest load.

An approximation algorithm for a minimization problem is said to have a performance guarantee

p, if it always delivers a solution with objective function value at most p times the optimum
value. A tight bound on the performance guarantee of any PTAS for this problem in the
deterministic case, was proved by Kawaguchi and Kyan, to be [13]. Graham proved a
relatively satisfying performance guarantee of 4/3 for LPT [14].

Figure 4: A screenshot of the actual system report.

After computing the scheduling scheme, we end up with a list of handling times corresponding to
developers. The desired makespan is the maximum of these times.

Accounting for the codependency between defects is infeasible since it requires quantification of
factors such as developers' expertise levels and current availability. It is also subject to significant
variance even within a given project. In practice, we observed that treating defects as independent
for the sake of this calculation yields very reasonable estimates. By the assumption that defects
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are independent, we may treat the completion times as pairwise independent, which yields the
Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) F(t). This value is the probability that the set of defects
will be completed until time t.

Where Ci is the completion time for developer i. Ci's distribution is not obvious. It is the sum of
several independent random variables - a variable whose Probability Density Function (PDF) can
be generally computed by convoluting the PDFs of its constituents. However, this requires
knowing the distribution of each defect's handling time.

Zhang et al [8] found that the distributions best describing defect handling times are skewed
distributions, such as the Weibull and Lognormal distributions. Therefore, we at first used to take
the mean and variance values outputted by the predictor, fit a Weibull distribution corresponding
to these values, and then apply convolution to achieve the required measures. Our results showed
that, in most cases, the distributions of single defects highly resembled the Normal distribution.
Moreover, convoluting their PDFs proved to converge very quickly to the Normal distribution, as
the Central Limit Theorem guarantees. For these reasons, and to allow fast computation, we
simplified the aggregation such that each variable was treated as a Normal random variable. The
sum of such variables is also normally distributed and can be easily calculated by a closed

Given F(t), the expected value and variance of the total handling time can be derived using
standard techniques.

To facilitate comparison with related work, which mostly discuss handling time for individual
defects, and due to the more accurate historical information available for such cases, we focused
on the prediction accuracy for handling a single defect. To evaluate the quality of our predictive
model, we use the six customer projects introduced in Table 1. After extracting a data set of
defects and applying the preprocessing described in Section , we randomly partition the sample
set into learning and testing sets, containing 80% and 20% of the data respectively.

The total number of defects in the sample sets of each project is shown in Table 2. The training
set is used to construct the model. We use the standard accuracy estimation method, n-fold cross-
validation [15] to avoid overfitting.

We employ several performance metrics to evaluate our algorithm. First, we use the Coefficient of
Determination (denoted R2) which is a key indicator of regression analysis. Given a set of
observations with average value in which each item corresponds to a prediction
R2 is defined as follows:
Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT) 135
2 2
An R of 1 indicates that the prediction perfectly fits the data, while R = 0 indicates that the
model performs as well as the naive predictor based on the mean value of the sample set.
Equation 2 can yield negative values for R2 when fitting a non-linear model, in cases when the
mean of the data provides a better prediction than the model.

Second, we employ the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), an accuracy metric measuring how
well the proposed model fits the data by averaging the distance between the values predicted by a
model and the ones actually observed. Last, we utilize a metric proposed in [4], calculating the
percentage of predictions that lie within of the actual value Let denote the absolute
difference between the predicted value and the actual value

Pred(x) is then defined as follows:

We performed the following experiments according to the methodology described above on each
project independently. The target field, namely the handling time, is calculated in days. In Table
2, we present a general overview of the system performance on the six projects in our data set.
For each project the sample size (S. Size) and several accuracy metrics are given. We see that in
Project 2 a high value of R2 was achieved, and in Projects 3 and 6, our implementation cut the
mean square error by half, compared to the naive algorithm. Comparing our results to the work
done in [4], our approach achieved better results, in both Pred(25) and Pred(50), in all of the
projects in the data set. In the corresponding work less than 30% of the predictions lie within 50%
range of the actual effort on average, whereas our results show Pred(50) = 0:42, a 40%
improvement. We see a similar improvement in Pred(25). It is important to mention that the data
sample sets' sizes in this study are significantly larger than the projects used in [4]. These results
demonstrate that fields other than the Summary and Description should be considered when
predicting how long it will take to fix a defect.

Table 2: Summary of performance results

In Figure 5 we see the learning curve of the projects in our data set. In this particular graph each
experiment was conducted three times, i.e. each point represents three experiments done with a
given project and a given sample set size, in addition to the cross-validation done in each
experiment. We can see that the results are stable when the data set contains more than 1000
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defects. Projects 1, 2 and 3 show high values of R2 for data sets containing more than 500 defects.
The differences in results between the projects should be further investigated.

Figure 5: Learning Curve - R2 as a function of the sample set size

In Figure 6 we compared five sets of data fields for each of the projects used in our experiments.
The first set, Base Fields, is a set comprised of the following basic fields: Detector, Assignee,
Priority, Severity and Project Name. The next couple of field-sets were based upon the base set
with additional fields specified in the legend of Figure 6; the fourth set included all standard
fields, common between all projects; and the last set contained all fields, including user-defined
fields, which vary significantly between different projects. As shown in Figure 6, R2 scores
increased in correspondence with increases in the number of fields available for learning, and
particularly when the system was allowed to use user-defined fields. It is important to note that
any field may or may not be discarded by the algorithm, either in the learning phase itself or
during pre-processing.

While analyzing the results and comparing the different projects, we also examined the feature
importances (i.e. the weight of each feature computed by the model). This examination showed
that user-defined fields played a crucial role in determining the amount of time to fix a defect. In
all projects, at least one such field was ranked as one of the three leading features. We also found
that the date a defect last entered an Open state is significant for the prediction. This result
supports the assumption mentioned briefly in Section , where we explained how the time a defect
was opened or detected may be important.

Examining feature importances also showed that fields which are intuitively thought as
significant in handling time prediction of defects, are not necessarily so. Fields such as Severity,
Priority, Assignee and Detector were not found to be noticeably important in most projects. These
results support those described in [16].
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Figure 6: R2 score as a function of the fields used for learning features

To accurately compare our results to the work done in [7], we ran an experiment in which the
target field was calculated in hours and the defects were categorized into Fast and Slow defects
using the median of fixing time. Similarly, in this experiment we calculated the median for each
project and partitioned the defects into two classes, we used the measures described in [7], and
used a Random Forest Classifier with parameters close to those used for our regresssor (described
in Section 1). The results presented in Table 3 are the average over all projects in our dataset, and
the average results over all projects presented in the compared work when the initial defect data
was used. Their data set contained six open source projects, with a similar number of defects to
the current paper. Our results show an improvement over the reported results in the compared

Table 3: Performance comparison

In this section we discuss the validity of our work by addressing the threats for validity of
software engineering research proposed by Yin in [17].

Construct Validity. Our construct validity threats are mainly due to inaccuracies in calculating
handling times, based on information stored in defect tracking systems. This is due to the "human
factor": developers are expected to update the systems, often manually, to reflect the real work
process, and have different expertise levels and variable work availability and productivity.

Internal Validity. Methods such as cross-validation were used to make sure the results are as
accurate as possible. In cases where a phenomenon had alternative explanations (e.g. comparison
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between results), we tried to incorporate the uncertainties to explain the variability and we are not
aware of any other factors that could bias the results.

External Validity. Six different projects from different companies and several industries were
examined in this study. Our approach can be applied to almost any data set of defects, with a wide
range of diversity. However, a possible threat is that the data sets in this study were all taken from
the same implementation of ALM. Further studies on different systems are desirable to verify our

Reliability Validity. The dataset used in the work is commercial so cannot be publicly accessible
for the moment and therefore this work cannot be replicated by other researchers using the exact
dataset. However, we made a significant effort to provide all relevant implementation details.

In this paper, we presented a novel approach for prediction of software defect handling time by
applying data mining techniques on historical defects. We designed and implemented a generic
system that extracts defect information, applies preprocessing, and uses a random forest
regression algorithm to train a prediction model. We applied our method on six projects of
different customers from different industries, with promising results. Our system was designed to
handle flaws in the data sets common in real-life scenarios, such as missing and noisy data.

We currently do not sufficiently exploit the content of the free-text fields. We would like to use
text mining techniques to extract key terms that affect the defect handling time.

We are also considering an expanded approach based on state transition models, in which we
calculate the probability of a defect transitioning between any given pair of states during a certain
time period. A similar idea was described in [18] but we want to expand this idea by computing a
separate model for each defect, based on its fields, rather than assuming that all defects behave
identically. This could be used to make a large number of predictions about defect life-cycle, for
example, to predict how many defects will be reopened. Combining this with methods used for
defect injection rates, such as those surveyed in [19], may provide a more realistic prediction for
the situation in which new defects are detected within the project time-frame.

Our algorithm can be easily generalized to other entities representing work to be done, such as
product requirements and production incidents, and we would like to evaluate its accuracy in
these cases. We plan to also generalize our system to extract data from different defect reporting

To make our data publicly available to be used by related research, we plan to obfuscate our data
set by removing any identifiable or private information and publish it.
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