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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-3, March 2014

S.PENIEL PAULDOSS, Prof.Dr.T.Michael.N.Kumar, Prof.Dr.C.Sundar Raj

in diesel engines over the past several decades. The limited

Abstract The focus of this study lies on evaluating the miscibility at lower temperature, less heating value, poor
performance, emission and combustion characteristics of lubricating properties and the required minor variations in
Di-Diesel Engine for various fuel compositions. A fuel delivery systems restrict the use of ethanol in diesel
performance window encompassing the core data base is fuel [3]. Also the addition of ethanol to diesel fuel
created. The research scheme is framed from the insight of
decreases the blends viscosity and causes cetane
experimental and modeling aspects.
number of the blends linear reduction at ambient
Index TermsFocus of study, evaluating the performance.
temperature [4]. Usually, when ethanol content in the
blends reaches2040%, high concentration of additives
are needed to ensure the mixture homogeneity in the
I. INTRODUCTION presence of high water contents, and to attain the required
cetane number for suitable ignition [5],[6]. Literary survey
Reducing the emissions and fuel consumption are no revealed that several oxygenated organic compounds
longer future goals instead they are the demands of the day. (ether, amino alcohols, surfactants etc.) may be used as
Indiscriminate extraction and increased consumption of additives and when the ethanol concentration increases
fossil fuels have led to the reduction in carbon based beyond 20%, high concentrations of additives needed to
resources. Alternative fuels promise to harmonize stabilize the mixture. Choosing unsuitable organic additive
sustainable development, energy conservation, efficiency meets with several difficulties viz; immiscible fuel-alcohol
management and environmental preservation. Diesel blends, difficulty to handle, high cost etc., [7] [8] [9]. C.
engines have the advantages of high thermal efficiency Sundar Raj et al investigated the effect of 1, 4 dioxane on
lower emission of CO and HC. However, they have the ethanol diesel blends and reported even though 10%
disadvantage of producing smoke, particulate matter & dioxane is capable to stabilize 30% ethanol with 60%
oxides of nitrogen and it is difficult to reduce both NOx, diesel with significant reductions in emissions, 70%
and smoke density simultaneously in diesel engine due to diesel- 20% ethanol with 10% dioxane is the optimum
tradeoff between NOx and smoke. It follows therefore, that mixture [10]. Diesel-ethanol emulsion stabilized by 2%
substantial amount of effort has been directed at providing Tetra Methyl Ammonium Bromide is investigated in this
solutions to these problems. Among various developments study. Each of the different ethanol proportions were
to reduce emissions, the application of oxygenated fuels to mixed with diesel in different percentages by volume
diesel engines is an effective way to reduce smoke (20%, 25%, 30%& 35%). The mixture was then kept for
emissions. The potentiality of oxygenated fuels to suppress 5 days during which constant stirring were carried out.
soot precursor formation is dominated by molecular This was done so as to allow maximum amount of the
structure as well as fuel oxygen contents [1]. When oxygen oil to become dissolved. After this the mixture was
content in the fuel reaches approximately 30% by mass, thoroughly filtered to remove any undissolved particles. It
smokeless combustion in diesel engines could be realized was absorbed that there is a colour change in the fuel. The
[2]. Since ethanol is a widely available oxygenate with a above fuel solution was then tested in a CI engine to
long history of use in gasoline blends it has also been determine its performance an emission characteristics.
considered as a potential oxygenate for diesel fuel
blending. Researchers have investigated the use of ethanol Literary survey revealed that several oxygenated organic
compounds (ether, amino alcohols, surfactants, etc.) may
be used as additives and when the ethanol concentration
Manuscript received March 11, 2014.
S.PENIEL PAULDOSS, Research Scholar,Karunya University, Coimbatore, increases beyond 20% high concentrations of additives
TamilNadu. needed to stable the mixture. Choosing unsuitable organic
Prof.Dr.T.Michael.N.Kumar, Karunya University, Coimbatore, TamilNadu. additive meets with several difficulties: immiscible fuel
Prof.Dr.C.Sundar Raj, Director R&D,AVC College of Engineering,
Mayiladuthurai, TamilNadu. alcohol blends, difficult to handle, very expensive, etc.,

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[7-9]. measured with help of AVL combustion analyzer. The

experimental set up employed for this investigation is shown
After sketching through the pros and cons reported in the in figure 2.
literatures, an attempt is being made in this research to
investigate the emission, combustion and performance
characteristics of a Di-Diesel Engine in two phases based
on the composition of the fuel viz.,
1) Ethanol, Diesel without Water
2) Ethanol, Diesel with Water

These studies are further extrapolated for recording

observations pertaining to the above said parameters while
subjecting the system to with and without thermal barrier
coating driven by tetra methyl ammonium
bromide-ethanol-diesel emulsion. Besides, Finite Element
Analysis is being carried out analyze the heat distribution.
The scheme is
research is shown in figure 1.

Figure2. Experimental Set Up

B. Experimental Study: Phase 1:

a) Analysis for Ethanol and Diesel fuel mixture

without water- Fuel Composition/ Properties and
Parametric Analysis

The fuel components and their individual properties are

presented in table1.

Table 1. General fuel properties of diesel and ethanol

Figure 1 : Scheme of research


A. Experimental Set Up
Experiments were conducted on Kirloskar TV1, Four stroke,
single cylinder, and air cooled diesel engine. The rated power
of the engine was 5.2kw at 1500 rpm. The engine was
operated at a constant speed of 1500 rpm and standard
injection pressure of 200 bars. The fuel flow rate was
measured on volume basis using a burette and a stop watch. b) Evaluation and Testing
K-type thermocouple and a digital display were employed It is imperative to assess the system with respect to three
to note the exhaust gas temperature. AVL smoke meter was prominent factors that significantly govern the overall
used for measurement of smoke density. NOx emission was behavior and performance viz., Performance, Emission and
measured by AVL digas analyzer. In cylinder pressure was

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-3, March 2014

Combustion. The results are briefly presented in the uniformly at peak load because of the decreased quenching
following section: distance and the increased lean flammability limit due to
the high combustion temperature. The presence of oxygen
Performance Assessment in the fuel assists in permitting the oxidation reactions to
proceed close to completion. The results reveal that the
Fig. 3 shows the brake specific fuel consumption for tendency to generate soot from the fuel-rich regions inside
different ethanol additions at peak load. Among the blends diesel diffusion flame is decreased by ethanol in the blends.
10% ethanol shows minimum brake specific fuel 16% reduction of smoke was observed for 90D: 10E blend
consumption to other blends. ratio
Increase in BSFC at higher blends indicates that there are no Compared with the neat fuel.
cavitations due to ethanol additions.

Figure 5. Variation of smoke density for different ethanol

Figure 3. Brake Specific Fuel Consumption for various
ethanol concentrations

Figure 6. Variation of NOx emissions for different ethanol

Figure 4 Brake Thermal Efficiency for Different Ethanol concentration
The presence of oxygen increases the heat release rate for
Fig. 4 shows the brake thermal efficiency for different the oxygenated fuel and hence the NOx emission will be
ethanol additions. From the figure it is observed that the high. The anticipated increase in NOx emissions as a
brake thermal efficiency of 10% ethanol blends recorded function of increasing ethanol concentration is apparent in
a maximum of 30.5% efficiency. Improvement in Fig. 6. Nitrogen oxides emissions are predominately
combustion, especially diffusion combustion due to the temperature phenomena. It can be seen that NOx emissions
increase in oxygen concentration from ethanol in the fuel of all blends increase more rapidly than those of neat fuel as
is the reason for this increase in brake thermal efficiency. ethanol proportion and load increase at medium and high
However, decrease in heat value of the blend makes the loads. The maximum increase in NOx emissions occur at
efficiency to decrease for higher blends. 80~100% full load conditions because of long ignition delay
and rich oxygen circumstance from ethanol in the mixture.

Emission Behavior Combustion Factor Analysis

The variation of smoke density with respective engine
Oxygen molecules presented in ethanol increase the spray
brake power is shown in Fig. 5. The addition of ethanol,
optimization and evaporation and hence the combustion
decrease the smoke density especially between part loads to
process of the engine.
peak load. Addition of ethanol reduces smoke density

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Fig. 7 illustrates cylinder pressure traces for different ethanol

blended diesel fuels for various conditions of the engine. A
peak pressure of 74 bars for 10% ethanol blend was recorded
while it was 68 bars for neat fuel. The oxygenated fuel engine Table 2. Fuel composition/properties used for the study
has longer delay period compared to neat fuel.

Figure 7. Cylinder pressure for different crank angle 2.2. b) 1 Evaluation and Testing

The objective of this investigation was to first create a stable

ethanol-diesel water emulsion fuel with the help of
TMAB additive, and then to generate performance,
emissions and combustion data for an evaluation of different
oxygen content based on ethanol content on a single cylinder
DI diesel engine.

Performance Assessment

The Fig 9 shows the specific fuel consumption for different

ethanol additions. The specific fuel consumption is
increase with increases in the ethanol percentage in the
diesel fuel. All the blend specific fuel consumption is lower
than sole fuel. Among the blends 90D: 10E: 5W ratio shows
minimum specific fuel consumption to other blends and sole
Figure 8. Heat release rate for different crank angle

Fig.8 illustrates heat release rate of the oxygenated fuel

blends and neat fuel at different crank angle. The heat
release rate is high for oxygenated fuels due to the longer
duration of the combustion. It can be seen that heat release
rate curves of the oxygenated fuel blends and neat fuel
show similar pattern. The reason is the rate of diffusion
combustion of the oxygenated fuel increases the heat
release rate and consequently oxygenated fuel has
controlled rate of pre-mixed combustion.
Experimental Study: Phase 2:

1.2 b) Analysis for Ethanol and Diesel fuel

mixture with Water- Fuel Composition/
Properties and Parametric Analysis
Figure 9: Variation of BSFC with Load
The fuel components and their individual properties are
presented in table2.

93 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-3, March 2014

Figure 10: Variation of brake thermal efficiency with ethanol


The Fig 10 shows the effect of oxygenated fuel blend on the

brake thermal efficiency. The maximum brake thermal Figure 12. Variation of Smoke density with load
efficiency maximum brake thermal efficiency occurs for
90:10:5 ratios and hence is 90:10:5 ratios and hence is
considered as optimum emulsion ratio. The Fig 4 depicts
that the average break thermal efficiency for 90:10:5 ratio is
approximately 2% over sole diesel for the maximum load of
the engine. Improvement in Combustion, especially
diffusion combustion as the oxygen concentration increases
by surfactant in the fuel may be the reason for the increase in
efficiency. The brake thermal efficiency generally increases
up to 10% ethanol addition but slightly decrease for further
additions as the combustion temperature drops due to the
increased amount of ethanol

Figure 13. HC Emission with Load

The Fig 12 gives the HC emission with different ethanol

additions. It is observed that HC emission for emulsions are
lower than neat diesel fuel. This is due to the presence of
oxygen in ethanol and water which enhances complete
combustion. The Fig 13 illustrates the NOx emission with
brake power of the engine. Nitrogen oxides emissions are
predominately temperature phenomena, local counteraction
of oxygen and duration of combustion. It is found that
initially all the emulsions NOx emission was reduced after
the part load the NOx emission was increased gradually.
It can be seen that NOx emissions of all blends increase
more rapidly than those of sole fuel as ethanol proportion
and load increase at medium and high loads. The maximum
increase in NOx emissions occur at 80~100% full load
Figure11. Variations of Brake thermal efficiency with conditions because of long ignition delay and rich oxygen
load circumstance from ethanol in the mixture.

Emission Characteristics

The variation of smoke density with respective engine brake

power is shown in Fig 11. From the figure it is observed that
the addition of ethanol, decreasing the smoke density
slightly at maximum load. Ethanol has less carbon than
diesel fuel and also having oxygen content and thereby
increasing the oxygen fuel ratio at rich fuel region. Therefore
ethanol addition to diesel fuel is more effective reduction of
smoke density in diesel engine. But the presence of
surfactant acted in the opposite way and hence the smoke is
maintained. Figure 14. Variation of NOx emission with load

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pre-mixed combustion.

Combustion Factor Analysis

The presence of oxygen molecules increases the spray

optimization and evaporation. Hence it improves the
combustion process of the engine. The Fig 14 & 15
illustrates cylinder pressure traces of ethanol emulsified
diesel fuels. It is found that at the same engine speed and
maximum load, the cylinder pressure shows greater
differences for sole fuel and oxygenated fuel. The peak
pressure is 75.5 bars for 75D: 25E:5W emulsion against
74.4 bars for sole fuel. It can also be seen that the
pressure variations of oxygenated fuel engine higher
pressure region will change sharply as with diesel engine,
but the durations of the higher pressure period is shorter
than that of diesel engine. The oxygenated fuel engine are
having longer delay period compared to sole fuel.

Figure 15. Variation of Cylinder pressure with

crank angle
Figure 17. Heat Release Rate with different crank angle/
Maximum heat release rate with BP

The Fig 17 shows that increase in load and ethanol addition

improve the heat release rate Results show that ethanol
emulsions increases the brake thermal efficiency. Higher
ethanol ratio reduces the efficiency but, still better than neat
diesel. 90D: 10E:5W ratio shows highest efficiency with
less smoke density. NOx emissions and peak heat release
rate are high for blends than neat diesel.

Figure 16: Variation of Maximum Cylinder III. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS

pressure with BP
Numerical modeling and simulations are carried out using
The Fig 16 shows the rate of heat release rate for finite element analysis technique to determine the
oxygenated fuel blends and sole fuel for different crank temperature distribution. Meshing with 25,400 elements
angle. It can be seen that heat release rate curves of the and
oxygenated fuel blends and sole fuel shows similar curve 80,265 nodes are used for this study in order to increase the
pattern although the rate of heat release for the accuracy. ANSYS software is used for this analysis. Suitable
75D:25E:5W shows higher heat release than sole fuel. The boundary conditions and assumptions are considered for
reason is the rate of diffusion combustion of the oxygenated this study. Figure 18 shows the meshing of the model and
fuel increasing the heat release rate consequently the corresponding results obtained after running the
oxygenated fuel has controlled rate of pre-mixed simulation iterations.
combustion. The rate of heat release rate of oxygenated fuel
is slightly shifted to the top dead centre due to increased

95 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-3, March 2014

3) To identify a suitable tool/ technique to optimize the

fuel compositions to yield the most efficient performance.


Chapter 1 presents an introduction on the engines, fuels
with various compositions typically being employed in
existing systems, the factors/parameters influencing the
performance, combustion and emission aspects and the
interdisciplinary dependency of governing phenomenons.
Chapter 2 presents an elaborate literature survey that
highlights the challenges posed by fuel factors on engine
Figure 18. FEA model: Meshed Model and Heat performance. It also explains the limitations of existing
Distribution works based on which the objectives and framework for this
study was evolved.
IV. CONCLUSIONS Chapter 3 reports the experimental investigations carried
out for conceptual understanding and to clarify and confirm
Important conclusions are summarized in this section:
the phenomenal terminologies based on literatures. The
experimental set up and the trials carried out for various fuel
The brake specific fuel consumption increase with
composition percentages are documented.
increase in ethanol blend in diesel fuel but less than sole
Chapter 4 records the results. Inferences derived from
fuel. 90D: 10E shows lower specific fuel consumption, and
various results are discussed. A comparative chart
is further decreased for coated engines.
emphasizing the impact on system, with and without the
T h e brake thermal efficiency for 90D: 10E blend is
addition of water is clearly presented.
almost same when compared to sole fuel, whereas the
Chapter 5 presents the preliminary attempts made to
increase is 8% for TBC engines.
investigate temperature distribution using finite element
S m ok e reduction is 8 HSU for 80D: 20E at peak load
method. Ansys is being used as the software. Results of
for the normal engine and is decreased to 8 HSU for the
coated engines.
A l l blends shows increase in NOx emission when being favorable provided a platform to extrapolate the
compared to sole fuel at all engine conditions. Cylinder method for any fuel with varying content percentages.
pressure is higher for 90D: 10E blends than other blends Chapter 6 documents the overall conclusion. This chapter
with and without thermal barrier coating. further provides the scope for future studies.
The CO emissions were reduced with the use of the
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SCOPE FOR FUTURE STUDIES Operational and environmental evaluation of diesel engine burning
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concentration/compositions. engineers Inc. [SAE paper no.932778].

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