Sink Resolution and Analysis in Wireless Sensor Network Using Matlab Simulation
Sink Resolution and Analysis in Wireless Sensor Network Using Matlab Simulation
Sink Resolution and Analysis in Wireless Sensor Network Using Matlab Simulation
Sink Resolution and Analysis in Wireless Sensor Network Using Matlab Simulation
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-3, Issue-8, August 2015
number of neighbours. It also has the demerit of longer C. Time Complexity Analysis
distance message relaying, that will consume more battery EASR scheme, that uses MCP as the routing protocol. But
energy of a sensor node. To conserve the usage of the residual the time complexity for performing MCP is large. So the time
battery energy by shorten range of communication, but it does complexity of EASR equals the time complexity of MCP.As
not help too much for routing. In the existing system time complexity increases network lifetime decreases and
according to residual battery energy the transmission range is transmission range tuning will greatly reduce the battery
adjusted. Sensor nodes in WSN are classified in to three charge of sensor nodes. So to avoid these problems, here
depending on the residual battery energy and thereby introduce a new energy aware routing protocol called
adjusting the transmission range. Let R be the battery energy Modified Dijkstras algorithm [1].
value when the battery energy is full in the beginning and r (u)
denotes the current residual battery energy of a sensor node
Table I: Types of nodes depending on battery energy In proposed system the EASR method is modified by using
modified dijkstras as the routing algorithm. In WSN
applications, Algorithm for finding shortest path between
nodes considers the battery capacities of nodes. If one node
has to be selected in shortest path, its battery capacity should
be above a particular value. Therefore, for this purpose
modifying the DIJKSTRA algorithm by including the battery
capacity of each node besides the tentative
distance[10][11].Basically, Dijkstra's algorithm is
B. Relocation mechanism of sink in WSN
an algorithm for finding the shortest paths between nodes in
Sink relocation mechanism is classified in to two sections, a graph, which may represent, for example, road
first section is used to determine whether the sink relocation networks[10]. The algorithm exists in many variants;
condition is met or not. For this consider the following figure Dijkstra's original variant found the shortest path between two
2, then collect the neighbours of sink node S and check nodes, but a more common variant fixes a single node as the
whether the following condition is met or not. "source" node and finds shortest paths from the source to all
other nodes in the graph, producing a shortest path tree. For a
given source node in the graph, the algorithm finds the
shortest path between that node and every other. It can also be
used for finding the shortest paths from a single node to a
single destination node by stopping the algorithm once the
shortest path to the destination node has been
Sink Resolution and Analysis in Wireless Sensor Network Using Matlab Simulation
Consider a node network with 25 nodes .show all possible Fig 5 :Network lifetime comparison by varying initial battery energy
routes, assign battery capacity to each node. Set the initial
node as current.. Create a set of all the unvisited nodes called
the unvisited set. For the current node, consider all of its
unvisited neighbors and calculate their tentative distances.
Compare the newly calculated tentative distance and battery
capacity of those nodes and assign the smaller one with high
battery capacity. When we are done considering all of the
neighbors of the current node, mark the current node as
visited and remove it from the unvisited set. If the destination
node has been marked visited then stop. The algorithm has
finished. Otherwise, select the unvisited node that is marked
with the smallest tentative distance with high battery capacity,
set it as the new "current node", and go back to step of
creating the unvisited set [7]. Simulations can be done by
using different network lifetime and different transmission Fig 6 : Network lifetime comparison by varying the transmission range
ranges [1][4].
The two simulation scenarios compared the resulting
network lifetime performance of algorithm by varying the
battery capacity value and transmission range. In different
battery capacities the simulation results shows that as battery
capacity increases the network lifetime of EASR-MODIFIED
DIJKSTRAS is high. In the case of different transmission
range, at low transmission range it proposed system shows
high network lifetime, but the transmission range increased
the network lifetime of proposed scheme is little bit less than
existing system[10][9].
The network lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network will
significantly affected by the depleting speed of battery
energy. For prolonging the network life time, researchers
Fig 4: Sink relocation of EASR with modified dijkstras routing protocol design energy aware routing methods to conserve the battery
energy. Another approach for prolonging the life time is sink
In the proposed sink relocation method, where EASR along
relocation mechanism. To increase the lifetime of nearby
with modified dijkstras routing protocol is used. It find
sensor nodes of sink, by avoiding staying of sink at a certain
shortest path from source node to destination node and
location. To enhance the performance of enduring the
consider the battery capacity of nodes in WSN. It selects the
network lifetime, the proposed scheme incorporates EASR
node with shortest distance and high battery capacity.
and modified dijkstras routing protocol. The modified
dijkstras algorithm consider the shortest distance as well as
the battery value of each sensor node and select the node with
To investigate the performance of EASR with modified shortest distance and high battery capacity. This new method
dijkstras algorithm, several simulations were conducted. The decreases the depleting speed of battery and thereby increases
compared methods are EASR-MCP and EASR-MODIFIED the network lifetime. Simulation results show the proposed
DIJKSTRAS. For this consider a Wireless Sensor Network method will increases the network lifetime at different battery
with 25 nodes and are deployed randomly, then assign battery values and low transmission range.
capacity to each nodes. Network lifetime of WSN is the
comparison factor. REFERENCES
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