Effects of Violent Video Games On Aggressive Behavior: Potential Sex Differences
Effects of Violent Video Games On Aggressive Behavior: Potential Sex Differences
Effects of Violent Video Games On Aggressive Behavior: Potential Sex Differences
Craig A. Anderson
Iowa State University
Received July 31, 2000; revised August 15, 2001; accepted August 30, 2001; published online December 3, 2001
Evidence of the effects of playing violent video games on subsequent aggression has been mixed. This study examined how playing
a violent video game affected levels of aggression displayed in a laboratory. A total of 43 undergraduate students (22 men and 21
women) were randomly assigned to play either a violent (Mortal Kombat) or nonviolent (PGA Tournament Golf) video game for 10
min. Then they competed with a confederate in a reaction time task that allowed for provocation and retaliation. Punishment levels set
by participants for their opponents served as the measure of aggression. The results confirmed our hypothesis that playing the violent
game would result in more aggression than would playing the nonviolent game. In addition, a Game Sex interaction showed that
this effect was larger for men than for women. Findings are discussed in light of potential differences in aggressive style between men
and women. 2001 Elsevier Science (USA)
Key Words: aggressive behavior; video games; sex differences; provocation; punishment.
During recent years, violence among children and ado- who were somehow different and undesirable (Aronson,
lescents has received increased attention. In several places 2000). However, a theoretical, social psychological per-
around the United Statesfrom urban Detroit, to suburban spective on this problem may focus more attention on
Georgia and Colorado, to rural Kentuckyincidents of external/situational factors that can also account for aggres-
youth violence have claimed the lives of schoolchildren and sive behavior.
their teachers as guns have appeared in schools in alarming For at least 30 years, researchers have been interested in
numbers. The issue of youth violence is complex, and the the influence of media violence on the aggressive behavior
search for causes is often frustrating. The prevailing expla- of children and adults (e.g., Andison, 1977; Bushman &
nation has been to consider aggressive youths as abnormal Huesmann, 2001). The violent content of television and
isolated individuals with serious psychological disorders. movies is well documented. In a recent article, Seppa (1997)
This is not surprising given the Western cultural belief that noted that 58% of all television programs contain violence.
people are responsible for their own behavior and that Another recent article reported that by 12 years of age, the
behavior is internally caused (e.g., Dix, 1993). Reports average child has witnessed more than 100,000 acts of
following recent school shootings indicate that classmates violence on television (Signorielli, Gerbner, & Morgan,
of the shooters tended to view them as outsiders or loners 1995). Experimental and correlational research generally
suggest that exposure to media violence is related to in-
The authors thank Darren Honn and Stacy Renfrow for their assistance creases in aggressive behavior and aggression-related atti-
with data collection. tudes and beliefs (e.g., Bushman, 1998; Bushman & Geen,
Address correspondence and reprint requests to the first author at his
current address: Bruce D. Bartholow, Department of Psychology, CB
1990; Donnerstein, Slaby, & Eron, 1994; Huesmann &
#3270, Davie Hall, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599- Miller, 1994; Paik & Comstock, 1994; Smith & Donner-
3270. E-mail: bartholow@unc.edu. stein, 1998).
0022-1031/01 $35.00
2001 Elsevier Science (USA)
All rights reserved.
Due in part to the accumulating evidence that exposure to a postgame free play period was then observed and coded
violent media contributes to aggression in children, re- for aggressive content. The results showed that girls who
searchers and policy makers have begun to examine the played the high-violence game were more aggressive than
influence of violent video games on aggressive behavior. girls who played the low-violence game. The effects of
During recent years, the video game industry has boomed, video game play on boys aggression were in the same
as video games of all kinds have become very popular direction but not statistically significant. Cooper and
among young people. Annual video game industry sales Mackie reasoned that the relative inexperience of girls with
consistently outpace sales of movie tickets (Elmer-Dewitt, video games might make them more susceptible to violent
1993; Hettrick, 1995; Walsh, 1999). Recent surveys have video game effects.
shown that upward of 84% of American teens (roughly 90% In another such study, Silvern and Williamson (1987)
of boys and 75% of girls) play video games regularly (Funk, measured aggressive free play in 4- to 6-year-old children
1993; Walsh, 1999). Perhaps most alarming is that a ma- both before and after they watched a violent television
jority of the most popular video games are extremely violent cartoon or played a violent video game. Both the cartoon
in nature, involving brutal mass killings as the primary and the video game significantly increased aggressive play
strategy for winning the game (e.g., Buchman & Funk, relative to baseline measures for both boys and girls, in
1996; Dietz, 1998; Funk, Flores, Buchman, & Germann, apparent contrast to the findings of Cooper and Mackie
1999; Provenzo, 1991). One such violent game, called Mor- (1986). Similarly, Schutte et al. (1988) found that children
tal Kombat, has consistently been among the most popular (ages 5 to 7 years) who played a karate video game were
video games since its introduction during the early 1990s more aggressive later than children who played a nonviolent
(Elmer-Dewitt, 1993; Funk et al., 1999). jungle swing video game, and this effect was similar among
Several recent studies suggest that playing violent video boys and girls.
games leads to both short-term and long-term increases in Taken together, the results of these studies are inconclu-
aggression-related outcomes for game players (for a critical sive with regard to potential sex differences. Although Coo-
perspective, see Griffiths, 2000). For example, Anderson per and Mackie (1986) reasoned that girls are more influ-
and Dill (2000) found a correlation between violent video enced by violent video games than are boys, their study was
game play and several indices of aggression, including the only one to show such a difference. Several factors in
delinquency and self-reported aggressive behavior (Study the design of these studies make strong conclusions from
1). They also found (Study 2) that participants who played their results difficult. First, most of the games that were used
Wolfenstein 3D (a violent game where the player walks would not be considered violent by contemporary standards,
through a castle, armed with various weapons, and attempts and only the karate game used by Schutte et al. (1988) and
to kill people) in the lab behaved more aggressively than the Wolfenstein 3D game used by Anderson and Dill (2000)
participants who played a nonviolent game. Similar results contained characters that resemble humans. As such, the
have been reported by other researchers (see Dill & Dill, independent variable manipulations may have been weak in
1998). However, the empirical literature in this area remains these studies. Second, the aggression measures used in most
small, and most experimental work has involved very young studies were simply observations of aggressive play. The
participants (e.g., Cooper & Mackie, 1986; Graybill, use of more objective, laboratory-based measures could
Strawniak, Hunter, & OLeary, 1987; Schutte, Malouff, provide convergent evidence of video game effects. Third,
Post-Gorden, & Rodasta, 1988). the participants in many studies were very young, and it is
Although evidence for a causal relationship between vi- likely that violent video games have different effects de-
olent video games and aggression has been accumulating, it pending on participants level of development. For example,
is currently unclear whether video game effects are similar young children are less able to distinguish fantasy from
in males and females. Potential sex differences are theoret- reality, or to draw appropriate inferences from a violent
ically important because although males are more aggres- story line, than are older children and adults (Smith &
sive than females in general (see Geen, 1990), environmen- Donnerstein, 1998). Cognitive scripts pertaining to the
tal cues to aggression (e.g., media or video game violence) appropriateness of aggressive solutions to problems also are
may be equally powerful in both sexes (see Bettencourt & more labile in children than in adolescents and adults (Hues-
Miller, 1996). Previous experiments have produced mixed mann, 1998). As a result, the effects of television violence
results regarding potential sex differences in the influence of on aggression and other antisocial behavior may be greater
violent video games. Anderson and Dill (2000, Study 2) in children than in adults (Bushman & Huesmann, 2001),
found no reliable difference in video game effects on male and the same might be true for video games.
versus female college student participants. Cooper and Another concern with previous research is that the par-
Mackie (1986) asked fourth- and fifth-grade boys and girls ticipants levels of prior experience with video games were
to play either Pac-Man (low-violence game) or Missile seldom controlled. As noted by Fling et al. (1992), habitual
Command (high-violence game). The childrens play during video game players may represent a select subgroup that
responds more aggressively to video game play than do through various rounds of the game. Each character has
people who do not play regularly. Prior experience also may unique powers such as throwing lightning bolts and mo-
reduce habitual game players aggression via desensitiza- mentarily freezing opponents. Players earn more points as
tion. In either case, if males play video games more fre- they kill more opponents and as the violent nature of their
quently than do females (e.g., Funk, 1993), the sex of victories increases. It is important to note that the female
participants may have been confounded with prior video character in this game is just as strong and likely to win as
game experience in many previous studies of video game are the male characters.
effects. The nonviolent game was PGA Tournament Golf. In this
game, a player competes on a simulated golf course using
Overview and Hypotheses whatever golf clubs he or she chooses. The object of the
game is to complete the 18-hole course using as few strokes
Although there is evidence that playing violent video as possible. Factors such as wind strength and direction,
games increases aggressive behavior, findings have been hazards such as trees and sand traps, and simulated nature
mixed regarding the effects of video game violence among sounds all combine to make the game seem like a real round
males versus females. Much of the work comparing the of golf. The popularity of nonviolent sports video games is
sexes has involved young children as participants, and so nowhere near that of violent video games of all types
little is known about the effects of playing violent video (Buchman & Funk, 1996), but this game seemed to us
games in adolescents and adults. Furthermore, the games engaging and interesting enough to be appropriately com-
used in most previous studies would not seem violent by pared to the Mortal Kombat game.
contemporary standards, and researchers have failed to con- Retaliation reaction time task. This task involved a com-
trol for prior video game-playing experience among partic- puterized game in which each participant was led to believe
ipants. To address these issues, we recruited male and that he or she was competing with another person (actually a
female college students who were not habitual game players confederate of the experimenter) to see who could respond
and looked to see whether they would display similar levels most quickly to an auditory tone by clicking a mouse button.
of aggression after playing popular video games that were Actually, the participants did not compete with anyone, and the
violent or nonviolent in nature. We hypothesized that par- computer randomly determined the 12 trials out of 25 that each
ticipants who played the violent video game would later participant won. To raise the stakes, participants received a
display more aggression than would participants who punishment after each losing trial in the form of white noise
played the nonviolent video game. Based on the results of delivered via headphones (see Bushman & Geen, 1990). Prior
previous research, it was unclear whether this effect would to each trial, the participants opponent ostensibly set the
be similar for men and women. severity of punishment that the participant would receive if he
or she lost that trial.
The game was played in two phases. During Phase 1, the
participant was informed that before each trial, the opponent
Participants would set the duration and intensity of punishment that he or
she would receive for responding more slowly. During Phase
A total of 43 undergraduate students (22 men and 21 2, the roles were reversed; the participant was told that before
women, ages 18 23 years) participated in this study as each trial, he or she could now set the duration and intensity of
volunteers. Potential participants were contacted by tele- punishment for the opponent when that person responded more
phone and asked several questions about their video game- slowly. Note that because the game ended after this phase was
playing habits, including how often they played video completed, the participant could retaliate for the punishment
games and which games were familiar to them. We sought that he or she received from the opponent during Phase 1
people who had already played both of the games used in without fearing any retaliation by that opponent. The severity
this experiment, but we avoided habitual video game play- of punishment that each participant set for his or her opponent
ers (who reported playing more than once a week during the prior to each of the 25 trials during Phase 2 (retaliation) was
previous 6 months). our measure of aggressive behavior. This and similar measures
have been shown to be valid indices of aggression (Giancola &
Materials Zeichner, 1995; see also Anderson & Bushman, 1997; Ander-
son, Lindsay, & Bushman, 1999; Carlson, Marcus-Newhall, &
Video games. Mortal Kombat (version 1, circa 1992)
Miller, 1989).
was chosen as the violent video game because of its popu-
larity (Elmer-Dewitt, 1993) and level of violence. At the Procedure
start of this game, a player selects a character to control
from a group of six males and one female. The player then A female confederate acted as a participant in each
fights and tries to kill all other characters one at a time experimental session. The confederate was an undergradu-
sive than women across a variety of settings by examining Lagerspetz, & Kaukianen, 1992; Lagerspetz, Bjorkquist, &
studies in which behavioral measures of aggression were Peitonen, 1988) found that whereas male adolescents are
reported for both men and women. Although the predicted more likely to trip, hit, kick, or shove a provocateur, female
gender difference was found, the effect size was small and adolescents are more likely to tell lies about, ignore, or
the finding was quite variable across the studies that were replace the provocateur as a friend with a rival. In other
examined. words, males are more likely to employ direct forms of
Bettencourt and Miller (1996) meta-analytically reviewed aggression, whereas females are more likely to use indirect
gender differences in aggression preceded by provocation. forms of aggressionactions that are harmful to others in
In our experiment, participants were provoked by the noise more subtle ways (e.g., Baron & Richardson, 1994; Geen,
blasts they received during Phase 1 of the competitive 1990; see also Frodi, Macaulay, & Thome, 1977). Eagly and
reaction time task. Hence, their aggression during Phase 2 Steffen (1986) also found evidence of this difference in their
can be viewed as responses to provocation. Bettencourt and meta-analytic review of gender differences in aggression.
Miller found that although men are more aggressive than Differences in the aggressive styles of males and females
women in neutral conditions, this gender difference is at- have been attributed to the influence of sex roles in deter-
tenuated following provocation. However, we obtained re- mining appropriate aggressive responses; physical aggres-
liable gender differences after provocation. sion is viewed as more appropriate for men, whereas verbal
Overall, the results of these meta-analyses do not point or psychological aggression is viewed as more appropriate
clearly to a simple gender explanation of the current find- for women (e.g., Bettencourt & Miller, 1996; Deaux &
ings. Another possibility is evident when the results of this Major, 1987; Eagly & Steffen, 1986).
experiment are compared to those of another recent study in In addition, our choice of video games may have contrib-
our laboratory. Using a very similar paradigm, Anderson uted to the sex differences in aggression that we found.
and Dill (2000) found no differences as a function of video Mortal Kombat was chosen for the violent game primarily
game condition on the intensity of noise blasts used by because of its sustained popularity and realistic aggressive
participants. As Anderson and Dill noted, experimental content. However, nearly all of the characters in the game
instructions in that study emphasized the duration of noise are male, so our male participants may have identified more
rather than its intensity, and this may account for their with the characters and been more engaged by the game
result. Note that the instructions for the current experiment than were our female participants, resulting in a larger
stressed the intensity of noise instead, apparently leading impact on men. Also, statements made by some participants
our participants to ignore noise duration. Indeed, the rela- during debriefings suggested that women did not like play-
tively fast pace of the reaction time task may make it ing the PGA Tournament Golf game, whereas men did. In
difficult for participants to use both duration and intensity other words, the golf game may have been a poor choice for
controls consistently. a control game. These possibilities suggest that the women
Furthermore, Anderson and Dill (2000) found that fe- in our experiment may have been both less engaged in the
males delivered longer noise blasts than did males, regard- games than the men and less likely to use the noise intensity
less of game condition. This result, along with the fact that settings to express their aggression.
men were more affected by the violent video game in the Using a mixed-gender sample of adolescents and young
current experiment, presents a rather puzzling picture. How- adults, avoiding habitual video game players, and selecting
ever, it is important to consider that the intensity and dura- a popular and realistic violent video game were important
tion of noise blasts are qualitatively different indices of strengths of this research. Nevertheless, our research was
aggression. Compared to intensity settings, which clearly limited in some ways. First, the sample was relatively small,
indicate levels of aggression on a numbered scale, duration which may limit the generalizability of our results. The
settings are more ambiguous or subtle, which may fit the duration of game play could have influenced our results as
aggressive style of women better than that of men. If so, well. Participants played the games for only 10 min, which
then women may be less likely to use noise intensity as an might not have been long enough for the violent game to
aggressive tool. The noise intensity setting was emphasized have a large effect on women. Finally, the fact that the
in the instructions given to participants in the current ex- confederate was always female could have affected the male
periment. If women are less likely to use this aggressive tool and female participants aggression differently. Previous
in general, then those who played the violent game may research suggests that people are more likely to behave
have been reluctant to express aggression during the com- aggressively toward same-sex targets than opposite-sex tar-
petitive reaction time task. gets (see Eagly & Steffen, 1986). This reasoning would
This notion is based on previous empirical evidence and suggest, however, that women should have been more ag-
theoretical accounts suggesting that sex differences in ag- gressive than men in the current experiment, and the results
gression are dependent on the aggression measure that is clearly showed that they were not. It is important to note
used. For example, Bjorkquist and colleagues (Bjorkquist, that gender of target differences generally diminish follow-
ing provocation (Bettencourt & Miller, 1996), and as Bushman, B. J., & Geen, R. G. (1990). Role of cognitive emotional
such, effects related to the gender of the target may have mediators and individual differences in the effects of media violence
on aggression. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58,
been overwhelmed by provocation effects in the current 156 163.
experiment. In any case, our results may have differed Bushman, B. J., & Huesmann, L. R. (2001). Effects of televised violence
somewhat if we had used both male and female confed- on aggression. In D. Singer & J. Singer (Eds.), Handbook for children
erates to serve as participants opponents in the retalia- and the media (pp. 223254). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
tion task. It also should be noted that sex of experimenter Carlson, M., Marcus-Newhall, A., & Miller, N. (1989). Evidence for a
was a variable of potential importance that we did not general construct of aggression. Personality and Social Psychology
record. Replication of our results using different games Bulletin, 15, 377389.
and a larger sample would probably help us to better Cooper, J., & Mackie, D. (1986). Video games and aggression in children.
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 16, 726 744.
understand differences in the effects of violent video
Deaux, K. K., & Major, B. (1987). Putting gender into context: An
games on young men and women.
interactive model of gender-related behavior. Psychological Review, 94,
In addition to replicating our results, researchers in the 369 389.
future should consider examining more directly gender dif- Dietz, T. L. (1998). An examination of violence and gender role portrayals
ferences in aggressive style within a video game paradigm. in video games: Implications for gender socialization and aggressive
This could be accomplished by randomly assigning males behavior. Sex Roles, 38, 425 442.
and females to conditions in which either direct (e.g., in- Dill, K. E., & Dill, J. C. (1998). Video game violence: A review of the
tensity of punishment) or indirect (e.g., duration of punish- empirical literature. Aggression and Violent Behavior: A Review Jour-
nal, 3, 407 428.
ment) forms of aggressive responding were available. Also,
Dix, T. (1993). Attributing dispositions to children: An interactional anal-
systematic research on how habitual video game exposure
ysis of attribution in socialization. Personality and Social Psychology
affects aggressive behavior should be conducted as a poten- Bulletin, 19, 633 643.
tial indicator of desensitization to video game violence. The Donnerstein, E., Slaby, R. G., & Eron, L. D. (1994). The mass media and
larger standard deviations for males on our measures of youth aggression. In L. D. Eron & J. H. Gentry (Eds.), Reason to hope:
aggression indicate that there may be a subgroup of rela- A psychosocial perspective on violence and youth (pp. 219 250). Wash-
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