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Acoustic swath mapping and sediment box coring conducted on the continental shelf near the mouth of the Eel River
revealed regional variations in acoustic backscatter that can be related to the shelf sedimentology. The acoustic-backscatter
variations observed on the shelf were unusually narrow compared to the response of similar sediment types documented
in other areas. However, the acoustic data revealed four principal bottom types on the shelf that can be related to sedimen-
tologic differences observed in cores. The four areas are: (1) low acoustic backscatter associated with the nearshore-sand
facies and the prodelta terraces of the Eel and Mad rivers, composed of fine sands and coarse silts with low porosity; (2)
high acoustic backscatter associated with fine silts characterized by high porosity and deposited by the 1995 flood of the Eel
River; (3) intermediate acoustic backscatter in the outer-shelf muds, where clayey silts are accumulating and the 1995 flood
apparently had limited direct effect; and (4) intermediate acoustic backscatter near the fringes of the 1995 flood deposits
and in areas where the flood sediments were more disrupted by post-depositional processes. The highest acoustic backscat-
ter was identified in areas where the 1995 flood sediments remained relatively intact and near the shelf surface into the
summer of 1995. Cores collected from these areas contained wavy or lenticular bedding. The rapid deposition of the high-
porosity muddy layers results in better preservation of incorporated ripple forms than in areas less directly impacted by the
flood deposit. The high-porosity muddy layers allow acoustic penetration into the sediments and result in greater acoustic
backscatter from incorporated roughness elements. 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: sedimentation; acoustic backscatter; lenticular bedding; Eel River; flood layer
0025-3227/99/$ see front matter 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 5 - 3 2 2 7 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 1 1 3 - 3
198 J.C. Borgeld et al. / Marine Geology 154 (1999) 197210
swath mapping was done in July 1995, 5 months af- The supply of riverine sediment to the shelf is
ter the event; coring cruises were conducted in May episodic with the majority of sediments supplied dur-
and September 1995, bracketing the swath mapping. ing short-duration winter flood events (Syvitski and
The maps provided rapid, high-resolution, and com- Morehead, 1999). The shelf circulation is principally
plete areal coverage that included both bathymetry wind-driven and variable in response to the seasonal
and sidescan backscatter data. Backscatter varies in winds. River flooding occurs most commonly during
response to the morphology, composition and fine- the winter when surface currents are directed to the
scale roughness of the bed (Urick, 1975). Previous north (Carlson and Harden, 1975; Pirie and Steller,
researchers have used sidescan coverage to deduce 1977; Largier et al., 1993).
the geologic character of the sea floor (Reut et al., In early 1995, a flood resulted in the accumulation
1985; Tamsett, 1993; Mitchell and Hughes Clarke, of a distinct deposit on the shelf that was recog-
1994; Stewart et al., 1994). Other researchers have nizable by both sedimentological and geochemical
utilized sidescan data to examine both spatial and means (Wheatcroft et al., 1996, 1997). The 1995
temporal variations in seabed roughness (Jackson, flood represented the third highest discharge in an
1986; Hay and Wilson, 1994; Lyons et al., 1994; 85-year record, and sediment discharge was roughly
Wheatcroft, 1994; Jumars et al., 1996). 50 times the annual average. Coring conducted in
The swath mapping revealed few major bathymet- February 1995 demonstrated that the flood deposit
ric features on the Eel shelf, but that the intensity extended along the shelf 30 km to the north of the
of acoustic backscatter varied across the same region Eel River, and was primarily located in water depths
(Goff et al., 1999). Given the absence of signifi- of 5090 m.
cant changes in local bathymetry, the differences in
acoustic backscatter on the Eel shelf imply varia-
tions in bottom roughness or subbottom heterogene- 3. Methods
ity (Reut et al., 1985; Tamsett, 1993; Mitchell and
Hughes Clarke, 1994). These variations should be 3.1. Acoustic swath mapping
identifiable in sediment box cores collected from the
same area. If the sources of the variations in acous- In July 1995, approximately 850 km2 of the Eel
tic backscatter can be identified in the cores, the margin were mapped using the Simrad EM-1000
sidescan imagery would provide excellent areal cov- multibeam sonar system aboard the R=V Pacific
erage that could be used to improve extrapolations of Hunter (Fig. 1). The Simrad EM-1000 operates at a
sediment character between core locations. frequency of 95 kHz utilizing multiple beams that
are 3.3 wide in the across-ship direction and 2.5
wide in the along-ship direction. The transducer was
2. Study area mounted on a portable ram at the vessels bow. A
0.2-ms pulse was transmitted and received using 60
The Eel shelf extends from Cape Mendocino beams, spaced at 2.5 over a 150 sector.
northward to Trinidad Head (Fig. 1). The shelf Imperfect knowledge of sound-speed stratification
area to the north of Eel Canyon is blanketed by in the water column (which affected the refracted-
modern sediments supplied primarily from the Eel ray-path solution) and imperfect motion compensa-
and Mad rivers (Borgeld, 1985). The surface sedi- tion (due to a non-rigid ram) caused increased sound-
ments are composed of a sand facies on the inner ing uncertainty in the outer parts of each swath. As
shelf, from shore to water depths of 5060 m, and a result, line spacing was restricted to about 5 times
a clayey silt facies from depths of 6070 m sea- the water depth, producing significant overlap of
ward to the shelf=slope break. A transitional facies swaths. Using both phase and amplitude detection
occurs in depths ranging from 50 to 70 m, where methods, the sonar was capable of achieving a verti-
the inner-shelf sands interfinger with the outer-shelf cal resolution of about 0.25% of the water depth for
muds (Borgeld, 1985). The primary source of sedi- features that spanned a horizontal distance greater
ment to this continental margin is from local rivers. than 510% of the water depth. Due to uncertainties
J.C. Borgeld et al. / Marine Geology 154 (1999) 197210 199
Fig. 1. Chart of the study area showing locations of sediment box cores taken in May and September 1995 and swath coverage in July
1995. Core locations for X-radiographs shown in Figs. 5 and 6 are highlighted and numbered. Bathymetric contours are in meters.
200 J.C. Borgeld et al. / Marine Geology 154 (1999) 197210
Fig. 2. Mean sea-floor backscatter for the Eel shelf mapped using the Simrad EM-1000 multibeam sonar system. All backscatter
measurements are averaged within 80 m2 and are presented here as a gray scale ranging from 30 (white) to 35 (black) dB. The
seaward edge of the data is 140-m depth. Superimposed on the backscatter is the isopach of 1995-flood-layer thickness (from Wheatcroft
et al., 1997); contours are thickness of flood layer in centimeters.
J.C. Borgeld et al. / Marine Geology 154 (1999) 197210 201
related to the tide, vessel heave, water-column struc- scale ranging from 30 (white) to 35 (black) dB
ture and sonar attitude (Hughes Clarke et al., 1996), (Fig. 2).
the absolute vertical accuracy was about 1% for the For comparison with seabed core data, the mean
inner 60 sector and about 23% for the outermost intensity of seabed backscatter has been derived from
beams. a 200 m 200 m area around each core location
In addition to providing detailed bathymetric data, (Fig. 1). The 200 m 200 m area for averaging was
the EM-1000 also provides a quantitative measure of selected using an interactive tool when cores were
the sea-floor backscatter intensity. A time series of located either just off the edge of the image or in
echo amplitudes from each beam is recorded (at 0.2 areas where the image was corrupted by swath edges
2.0 ms sampling rate, depending on the water depth). or bubble masking.
These echo amplitudes, which are sampled at an
interval that is much finer than the beam spacing, can 3.2. Sediment sampling
be displayed in a sidescan-sonar-like image (Hughes
Clarke et al., 1996) with the across-track resolution An Ocean Instruments box corer was used to
of the sampling interval (15 cm at 0.2 ms). Only collect cores (20 30 cm cross-section) from the
targets that have a horizontal dimension greater than sea floor. During May 1995, 41 box cores were
about 5% of the water depth can be recognized collected from the continental shelf; during Septem-
confidently. ber, 110 box cores were collected (Fig. 1). Typical
The EM-1000 system corrects the amplitude se- core lengths were from 2050 cm. Subsamples were
ries for gain changes, propagation losses, predicted taken immediately after cores were brought onboard
beam patterns and for the insonified area. Subsequent the ship and included: (1) 2-cm-thick Plexiglas slabs
processing uses real sea-floor slopes and applies em- inserted vertically into the cores, which were re-
pirically derived beam-pattern corrections to produce moved and X-radiographed to examine the sedimen-
a quantitative estimate of sea-floor backscatter across tary structures; (2) small 1-cm-wide syringe cores to
the swath. The mean variation with grazing angle determine sedimentwater content and porosity; (3)
has been removed in an attempt to provide a sin- and surface sediment samples of the upper centime-
gle dimension (mean backscatter intensity) that can ter for particle-size analysis.
be used as a first-order aid in delineating regional Water content and porosity of cores were deter-
sediment boundaries (Hughes Clarke, 1994). mined using small (2.5 cm3 ) syringe cores taken
The mean intensity of backscatter data for the at 1-cm intervals from the surface to 12-cm depth.
entire continental margin is presented as a gray scale These syringes were extruded into pre-weighed vials,
(Goff et al., 1999). The data for the continental shelf sealed and returned to the laboratory. The volume
(defined here as shallower than 140 m) ranged from of each syringe core was measured in the labora-
approximately 35 to 30 dB. The variations seen tory. Sedimentwater contents were determined as
on the Eel shelf are unusually narrow compared wet weight percentages after being dried at 103C
to the full range of sediment types observed in and reweighed. Porosity was calculated from the
other areas. For example, Hughes Clarke (1993) weight-percentage water and the weight-percentage
documents variations from 45 to 15 dB going sediment utilizing the syringe-core volumes.
from clays to bedrock. The narrow range reflects The upper centimeter of the sediment was ana-
the similarity in sediment type over much of the lyzed for grain size using standard sieve and pipette
Eel shelf. Zonations presented here rely on regional techniques. Samples were disaggregated and organic
variations of as little as 1 dB. In order to display material was oxidized using hydrogen peroxide. The
such small changes, the stochastic variation in the samples were wet sieved through a 25-m-mesh
raw backscatter intensities, representing a standard sieve to separate the fine silts and clays from the
deviation of as much as 10 dB, has been suppressed sands and coarse silts. The fraction larger than 25
through spatial low-pass filtering. All backscatter m was dried and shaken for 30 min through nested
measurements within an 80 m2 area of the sea floor sieves at a class interval of 0.25 (Ingram, 1971).
were averaged and are presented here as a gray Sodium hexametaphosphate was added to the fine
202 J.C. Borgeld et al. / Marine Geology 154 (1999) 197210
Fig. 3. Isopachs of mean diameter for the upper centimeter of surface sediments on the Eel shelf, sampled in September 1995. Contours
are in m and are superimposed over sea-floor backscatter (see Fig. 2). Core locations for X-radiographs shown in Figs. 5 and 6 are
highlighted and numbered.
J.C. Borgeld et al. / Marine Geology 154 (1999) 197210 203
fraction, which was examined in a settling column. Be-7, which is indicative of a terrestrial source, and
Stokes Law was used to calculate grain-size dis- contained organic material with stable-carbon iso-
tributions at 0.50- intervals for the fine silts and topic signatures that also point to a terrestrial origin
1 intervals for the clays (Galehouse, 1971). Sedi- (Wheatcroft et al., 1996). The flood layer deposited
ment statistics were determined using the graphical in early 1995 (Fig. 2) was still recognizable in cores
technique of Inman (1952). collected in May and September 1995. The similar-
ity between cores collected in May and September
suggests that they both give a good representation
4. Results of the sea floor during the swath mapping that was
conducted in July. The distribution (in September)
4.1. Swath bathymetry and acoustic backscatter for mean grain sizes in surface sediment shows a
progressive fining seaward from nearshore sediment
The Eel shelf is topographically smooth. The coarser than 60 m to outer-shelf sediment, finer
small-scale morphologic variations that occur are than 4 m (Fig. 3).
below the resolution of the Simrad EM-1000 system Correlation coefficients were determined between
(Goff et al., 1999). The smooth nature of the shelf acoustic backscatter and surface sediment size, and
is likely a result of the large input of terrigenous between backscatter and average porosity (Fig. 4).
sediments being supplied from the Eel and Mad
rivers. The only notable major bathymetric features
on the shelf between the Eel River and Trinidad Head
are the prodelta terraces of the Eel and Mad rivers,
and a dredge-spoil disposal site near the mouth
of Humboldt Bay. More subtle, longer-wavelength
features are evident in the data and are discussed by
Goff et al. (1999).
Onshoreoffshore and regional differences in
backscatter are apparent on the Eel shelf (Fig. 2).
The lowest backscatter (dB values less than 32.5) is
associated with the nearshore region, shallower than
approximately 45 m, and with the prodelta terraces
of the Eel and Mad rivers. The highest backscatter
region (dB values more than 31.2) occurs on the
mid-shelf region in water depths from 50 to 90 m,
extending from the vicinity of the Humboldt Bay
mouth to the Mad River prodelta terrace. Intermedi-
ate backscatter (dB values from 32.5 to 31.2) is
associated with the outer shelf (>90 m) and with the
transition zone between the nearshore and mid-shelf
The best correlation between backscatter and poros- ent to X-rays and commonly display ripple forms,
ity occurred when porosity was averaged from 0 to ripple cross-stratification, or both (Fig. 5).
3 cm. Although correlations are weak (r D 0.63 and
0.55, respectively), the observed trend suggests that 5.1.3. Shelf transition region of intermediate
higher-porosity, finer-grained sediments are associ- backscatter
ated with higher acoustic backscatter. The transition region between the inner-shelf
sands and the mid-shelf silts corresponds to an area
of intermediate backscatter (Fig. 2). Cores collected
5. Discussion in this region are dominated by flaser or wavy bed-
ding, where laminae of fine sands or coarse silts
5.1. Regional sedimentology alternate with finer silts (Fig. 5). The occurrences
of finer-grained laminae decrease in shallower water.
The shelf area between the Eel River and Trinidad The cores commonly have a coarser-grained surface
Head is divided into four regions based on the inten- layer that may show evidence of bioturbation.
sity of acoustic backscatter (Goff et al., 1999). These
regions show distinct sedimentological characteris- 5.1.4. Outer-shelf intermediate-backscatter region
tics. The outer-shelf regions (>90 m depth) are repre-
sented by intermediate backscatter and are covered
5.1.1. Inner-shelf low-backscatter region by fine-grained clayey silts. Surface mean sediment
The box cores collected from this region (dB diameters range from 4 to 8 m. This region of the
values less than 32.5) revealed well-sorted fine shelf apparently was not directly impacted by the
sands and coarse silts that were relatively opaque 1995 flood. The porosity in the surface sediments is
to X-rays (Fig. 5). These cores show evidence of relatively high (5560%) and decreases with depth
physical cross-stratification, and the sediments grade in the upper few centimeters of the cores. Core
seaward from fine sands in shallow water to coarse X-radiographs commonly display mottling with oc-
silts. The sediments in the cores have relatively low casional biogenic structures, and little evidence of
porosity, less than 50%. This region corresponds to primary physical stratification (Fig. 5).
the prodelta terraces of the Eel and Mad rivers and
to the inner-shelf sand facies discussed by Borgeld 5.2. Surface backscatter
(1985), shallower than about 45 m.
With the absence of steep changes in local
5.1.2. Mid-shelf high-backscatter region bathymetry, the regional differences in backscatter
This region covers depths of about 5090 m be- that were evident on the Eel shelf imply differ-
tween the prodelta terraces of the Eel and Mad ences in acoustic roughness (Reut et al., 1985; Tam-
rivers, and corresponds to the northern part of the sett, 1993; Mitchell and Hughes Clarke, 1994). The
zone where sediments accumulated during the 1995 sidescan backscatter intensity responds to bottom
flood event (Fig. 2). These sediments appear to have roughness and sub-bottom heterogeneity at scales on
retained the high water contents and relative trans- the order of 0.52 times the acoustic wavelength
parency to X-rays that were noted as a signature at typical grazing angles for sidescan surveys in
of the flood deposit (Wheatcroft et al., 1997). The this case, roughness of about 0.52 cm (Jackson,
surface sediments are clayey silts (mean diameters 1986; Goff et al., 1996). Surface and shallow subsur-
from 4 to 15 m). The porosity in the flood sedi- face roughness, generated by biological and physical
ments are high (7085%). In some cases, the core means, can cause variations in sidescan backscat-
surfaces show evidence of mixing, and the best pre- ter (Jackson, 1986; Wheatcroft, 1994; Jumars et al.,
served flood material is a few centimeters deep in 1996).
the cores. Evident within the flood layer is wavy or Jackson and Briggs (1992) used a 40-kHz system
lenticular bedding (Reineck and Singh, 1973). The to examine roughness at a site on the Russian River
coarser-grained layers in the cores are less transpar- shelf (91-m depth) and concluded that backscatter-
J.C. Borgeld et al. / Marine Geology 154 (1999) 197210 205
Fig. 5. Representative core X-radiograph negatives and porosity profiles from the four regions identified on the Eel shelf. Darker colors
indicate core sections more transparent to X-rays. Core locations are shown in Figs. 1 and 3. Sta. G60 is relatively opaque to X-rays,
and reveals some cross-laminations; sediment porosity is low (4651%). Sta. U70 has a surface flood layer, about 4 cm thick, of high
porosity (7073%), underlain by lower-porosity sediments (5558%), less transparent to X-rays. At a depth of about 2 cm within the
flood material, a layer (rippled?) less transparent to X-rays is evident. Sta. U110 is bioturbated and intermediate in regard to X-ray
transparency. Porosity is high in the surface layer (77%) and decreases with depth (to 6567%). Sta. S50 displays wavy and lenticular
bedding with variable porosity (5066%).
ing was primarily due to acoustic penetration into (1994) re-examined acoustic backscatter at this loca-
the seabed with subsequent scattering from inhomo- tion and concluded that their 40-kHz sonar was also
geneities within the sediment. Dworski and Jackson penetrating the surface sediments. They evaluated
206 J.C. Borgeld et al. / Marine Geology 154 (1999) 197210
how deeply their signal was penetrating and esti- margins and in preserved shelf sequences (Drake,
mated approximately 2 cm at a range of 40 m away 1976; Walker et al., 1983; Swift et al., 1987; Wright
from their source. Lyons et al. (1994) examined data et al., 1987; Snedden et al., 1988). A number of
from Monterey Fan and concluded that in some ar- investigators have recognized the deposition of pri-
eas acoustic returns were dominated by scattering mary sedimentary structures and subsequent modifi-
from random inhomogeneities within the sediments. cation or destruction of these strata by bioturbation
Therefore, features below the surface of the Eel shelf (Komar et al., 1972; Sternberg and Larsen, 1975;
could be responsible for the regional differences in Wheatcroft, 1994). Preservation of physical strati-
backscatter that are observed. fication occurs when post-depositional modification
is limited, for example, by rapid burial or limited
5.3. Source of roughness benthic activity (due to unfavorable environmental
conditions). As noted above, researchers working in
In shelf environments, physically generated northern California also have suggested that phys-
roughness occurs principally as ripples and megarip- ically generated roughness elements may be larger
ples (Komar et al., 1972; Clifton, 1976; Hay and Wil- than biologically generated elements (Wheatcroft,
son, 1994), whereas biologically generated rough- 1994; Jumars et al., 1996). This suggests that acous-
ness occurs in the form of mounds, tracks, trails and tic roughness may be reduced by the onset of bio-
burrow openings (Wheatcroft, 1994; Jumars et al., turbation, as surface features are degraded and strata
1996). These features have been described in similar are mixed. Wheatcroft (1994) has suggested that
shelf sediments in a number of environments; the bi- such activity may occur rapidly. Therefore, in order
ological features have been produced at the expense to maintain and preserve physical roughness, preser-
of physically generated features (Komar et al., 1972; vation (e.g., by burial) also must occur rapidly.
Sternberg and Larsen, 1975; Wheatcroft, 1994). Ko-
mar et al. (1972) identified ripples across the entire 5.4. Roughness preservation
Oregon continental shelf in bottom photographs, to
depths up to 200 m. These bedforms were fresh (i.e. Preservation of ripple forms within a mud ma-
with sharp crests) during only a single winter cruise. trix is commonly referred to as wavy or lenticular
At other times of year, the ripples showed marked bedding, depending principally on the relative abun-
differences that had resulted from burrowing activ- dance of sand and mud in the deposit (Reineck and
ities of benthic organisms that partially destroyed Wunderlich, 1968). The genesis of such bedding
or rounded the primary ripple forms. The ripple requires conditions in which sand and mud layers
wave lengths ranged from 8 to 21 cm, ripple heights can alternately be deposited, preserving sharp con-
ranged from 1.5 to 7 cm (Komar et al., 1972). Jumars tacts between them (McCave, 1970; Terwindt and
et al. (1996) noted similar degradation of sediment Breusers, 1972; Reineck and Singh, 1973; Hawley,
ripples following storm events on the shelf near 1981b). The deposition of a mud layer over a sandy,
the Russian River, where many animals re-excavated rippled bed can occur with a decreasing shear stress
feeding pits that were partially filled by deposition and a sufficient fine-grained sediment load. The de-
events. This presumably caused backscatter to return position of a sandy rippled layer over a mud layer
more closely to its predeposition state than if these requires that the shear stress transporting the sand be
animals had not acted. Wheatcroft (1994) examined less and of shorter duration than that needed to re-
the process of ripple degradation in more detail at a mobilize all of the underlying mud. Hawley (1981b)
91-m site near the Russian River and found that all has suggested that the appropriate conditions are
physical bedforms were destroyed by bioturbation either a very large supply of mud with sand sup-
in periods of hours to days. The mean height of plied intermittently or mud deposition followed by
seabed features ranged from 3.2 mm to 9.2 mm, with a period of flow velocities insufficient for sediment
maximum bed relief not exceeding 5 cm. transport, thus allowing the muds to consolidate. The
The episodic nature of storms and riverine sedi- mud consolidation would need to elevate the criti-
ment supply are well documented both on modern cal shear stress for the bed such that a subsequent
J.C. Borgeld et al. / Marine Geology 154 (1999) 197210 207
swath mapping that was conducted on the Eel shelf the summer of 1995. These sediments contained
in July 1995, 45 months after the last flood pulse, wavy or lenticular bedding. The low bulk density
identifies this area by the greatest relative backscat- of the muddy surficial deposits would have allowed
ter. The cores collected in May and September, be- acoustic penetration into the sediments and resulted
fore and after the swath mapping, identify the same in acoustic backscatter from incorporated roughness
area by the preservation of fine-grained, high-water- elements. The elements at depth in the sediment
content sediments with wavy and lenticular bedding. were larger and less disrupted by post-depositional
physical mixing and bioturbation than those at or
near the sediment surface. These better-preserved
6. Conclusions elements resulted in greater acoustic backscatter than
other areas of the Eel shelf, where post-depositional
In this study, we have examined the variations modifications had been more intense. In areas where
in acoustic backscatter that existed on the Eel shelf the flood deposit had been disrupted by bioturbation
during the summer of 1995. These backscatter data or had been buried to several centimeters below
have been compared to sediment properties that were the seabed surface, the acoustic backscatter was, in
sampled with box cores. The acoustic backscatter general, lower and more variable.
seen on the Eel shelf during July 1995 revealed
a relatively small range of variation, compared to
that documented in other areas (Hughes Clarke, Acknowledgements
1993). The narrow range, from 35 to 30 dB,
reflects the actively accumulating modern sediments The authors gratefully acknowledge the contribu-
on the Eel shelf and the similarity in sediment tion of the many STRATAFORM scientists, with-
types over most of the shelf surveyed. Although out whom this work would not have been possi-
the acoustic backscatter variations were of narrow ble. We especially thank the undergraduate students
range, they could be compared to the shelf sedi- from Humboldt State University who assisted in
mentology to identify four primary regions: (1) low this project. We appreciate constructive discussions
acoustic backscatter associated with the inner-shelf with Kevin Briggs, Dave Cacchione, Courtney Har-
sand facies and the prodelta terraces of the Eel and ris, Dick Sternberg, Andrea Ogsten, Rob Wheatcroft,
Mad rivers, composed of fine sands and coarse silts and Pat Wiberg. We thank Rob Evans, Don Swift,
with low water contents; (2) high acoustic backscat- Don Wright, an unidentified reviewer, and especially
ter associated with fine-grained, high-water-content Chuck Nittrouer for their efforts reviewing this pa-
sediments deposited by the 1995 flood of the Eel per. Thanks go to Anna Boyette for her help with
River, which remained near the sediment surface and graphics. This work was supported by the Office of
relatively intact into the summer of 1995; (3) inter- Naval Research, through grants N-00014-95-1-0035
mediate acoustic backscatter in the transition region and N-00014-95-1-1085.
between the inner-shelf sands and the 1995 flood
deposits, and in areas where the flood sediments
were more disrupted by post-depositional processes References
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