Compact Design of V-Band Edge-Coupled Stripline Bandpass Filter
Compact Design of V-Band Edge-Coupled Stripline Bandpass Filter
Compact Design of V-Band Edge-Coupled Stripline Bandpass Filter
Compact Design of V-Band Edge-Coupled Stripline Bandpass Filter
A bandpass filter is an important component must be found in elements. Transmission lines are easy to implement and
the transmitter or receiver. Bandpass filter is a passive compact at this frequency. Transmission lines are needed for
component which is able to select signals inside a specific connecting various circuit elements and systems. Therefore
bandwidth at a certain center frequency and reject signals in for microwave frequency (>3GHz) passive filter is usually
another frequency region, especially in frequency regions, realized using distributed circuit element such as transmission
which have the potential to interfere the information signals line. Open wire and Coaxial lines are commonly used for
[4]. The development of the frequency bands in microwave circuits operating at low frequencies. On the other hand
filter, play an important role in many microwave applications. Stripline, Microstrip line and Waveguides are operating at
Through an investigation into and a subsequent radio and microwave frequencies. In the design, three kinds of
implementation of filter theory, V-band (50-75 GHz) range transmission lines were normally used: Waveguide Striplines,
filters design is developed in this report.The spectrum is used and Microstrip lines. Waveguides systems are bulky and
for communications services, cellular radio services, and expensive. Low-power and cheaper alternatives are Stripline
other commercial and private mobile radio operations and Microstrip. These transmission lines are compact.
services. There has been a particularly marked growth in the Edge-coupled stripline is used instead of microstrip line as
microwave communications industry in recent years. This has stripline does not suffer from dispersion and its propagation
contributed to both very demanding performance mode is pure TEM mode. Hence it is the preferred structured
specifications for filters and the commercial pressures for low for Edge-coupled Stripline [4, 5-7].
cost, high volume and quick delivery [2].
The proposed filter is designed by following steps.
SPECIFICATIONS: TABLE 1.1 First step: Determining the order (n) to be used.
Specifications of Dielectric material RT/duroid 5880 subtracts Second step: Finding the corresponding low-pass prototype
designed for microwave circuit applications requiring a high structure and convert into bandpass filter.
dielectric constant. Third step: Find out the distributed realization using J
1). Input and Output Z = 50 Ohms inverter and Yo is the characteristic admittance of the
connecting transmission line.
2). Pass band ripple of 0.5 dB
Forth step: Calculate the characteristic impedances of (Zoe)
3). Filter Order: n=3
even-mode and (Zoo) odd-mode of the parallel-coupled
4). Pass band Centre 60 GHz
Frequency: stripline transmission line based on the mathematical
formulation and compare with simulated value.
5). Ripple Bandwidth: 8 GHz
Board and Substrate Properties:
Fifth step: Determine the Effective dielectric constant re and
length L measurement based on the mathematical
6). Substrate: RT/duroid 5880 formulation.
7). Conductor Thickness: 0.035 mm Six step: Determine the w, s, and L using simulated layout.
8). Dielectric Constant: 2.20
Seven step: Analysis & Design are completed by using
9). Loss Tangent: 0.0008
simulation software.
10) Substrate Height: 0.508 mm
. Eight step: Compare the result graph between two simulation
Table 1.1: Specifications of Edge-Coupled Stripline software.
Bandpass Filter for V-band [6]
In this paper edge-coupled stripline bandpass filter (BPF)
development with the assistance of the Richards-Kuroda The BPF circuit is simulated with Matlab & Ansoft
Transformation method, on the basis of the known Designer software in order to predict the performance of the
Chebyshev-Lowpass Filter, is presented. This suggested filter filter. Few parameters in the circuit are analyzed and have a
consist of four edge-coupled striplines. The use of the 5664 good relationship to microwave theory. An optimization
GHz frequency band is a promising solution for Gigabit short process has been introduced along the simulation procedure
range wireless communication systems. Up to 8 GHz focusing on the filter dimension in order to improve the
unlicensed bandwidth was allocated around the world for response of the filter. Refer to the filter tables given in D.M
various communication applications and the standardization Pozar and G. L. Matther [2] to find the following coefficients
is developing under the IEEE standard 802.15.3c, for a third order chebyshev filter. Normalized element values
802.15.11ad, and the European Computer Manufacturers for 0.5 dB ripple low-pass chebyshev filter given in was g0 =
Association (ECMA) standard 387. Another advantage 1, g1 = 1.5963, g2 =10967, g3 = 1.5963, g4 = 1.000 for
beside the high unlicensed bandwidth is the fact to have low simulated third order filter [8].
interference with other electrical systems in the vicinity. This
is due to the high amount of energy absorption by oxygen Determining the Number of Sections (n):
molecules around 60 GHz [6,9]. The bandpass filter could The bandpass filter is designed to have a 0.5dB
either be realized using lumped component or distributed equal-ripple response, with an attenuation of 50 dB at 60GHz.
component. Lumped components consists of discrete From the amplitude versus normalized frequency graph in
elements like inductors, capacitors etc. Distributed elements [1-2], the number of stages required, N is found to be 3. The
consist of transmission line section which simulates various bandpass filter is realized as a cascade of n+1 coupled line
inductors and capacitors values. At very high frequency the sections as shown in Fig. 3. The sections are numbered from
practical inductors and capacitors losses their intrinsic left to right. The source is connected at the left and the load is
characteristics. So it is hard to realized filters with lumped
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-7, July 2014
connected to the right. The filter could be reversed without 1 J j , j 1 J j , j 1 2
affecting the response [10]. ( Z 0e ) j , j 1 [1 ( ) ] for j=0 to n (6)
Y0 Y0 Y0
1 J j , j 1 J j , j 1 2
( Z 0o ) j , j 1 [1 ( )] for j=0 to n (7)
Y0 Y0 Y0
J j , j 1 FBW 1
for j=1 to n-1
Y0 2 g j g j 1 (4)
J n ,n1 FBW
Y0 2 g n g n1 (5)
Compact Design of V-Band Edge-Coupled Stripline Bandpass Filter
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-7, July 2014
small values of reflected wave. Insertion loss is a figure of impedance (Zo), 50 Ohms. Also it is observed that the phase
merit for an electronic filter and this data is generally varies linearly with frequency.
specified with a filter. Insertion loss is defined as a ratio of the
signal level in a test configuration without the filter installed
(|V1|) to the signal level with the filter installed (|V2|).
The overall performance of edge-coupled stripline
bandpass filter can often judged by its simulated insertion loss
and return loss result response. Design an edge-coupled
stripline band-pass filter centered at 60 GHz with 8 GHz
Fig. 10. Simulated result By MATLAB Simulated Tool of bandwidth based on chebyshev approximation. The two
3rd order Edge-coupled Stripline Bandpass Filter parameters insertion loss and return loss are to analyze to
Modeled performance is shown in Fig.10 simulated obtain a good performance of filter. A good filter will be high
insertion loss and return loss result of 3rd order edge-coupled return loss and small insertion loss ripple in pass band. The
stripline bandpass filter EM analysis results from MATLAB, filter is simulated with Ansoft Designer 2.2 software to
which indicates that the response satisfies the design criteria simulated insertion loss is less than 0.1 dB in the desired pass
along with shown in Fig. 10 simulated result by MATLAB band and the simulated return loss is greater than 30 dB at
simulated tool. Reflection regarding in accuracies present in center frequency. Reflection coefficient is nearly equal to 0,
simulators result and simulation result show that the filter perfect match. The Mathematical analysis was done for
operation is optimum over the frequency range 56 GHz to 64 design and verified by writing a MATLAB code. The tool
GHz which is best in this range. The simulated insertion loss developed here is compared to two industry standard software
is less than 0.1 dB in pass band. Also the response is flat and packages, Ansoft Designer and Matlab. Ansoft Designer v2.2
uniform over the entire pass-band. In addition, reflection simulation software was used to accurately arrive at the final
coefficient is 0.00001 which is nearly equal to 0 and a perfect design.
match exists. The filter is almost matched to the characteristic Filters are an essential part of communication and
radar systems and are key items in the performance and cost
Compact Design of V-Band Edge-Coupled Stripline Bandpass Filter
Ajay Saini Assistant Professor, Arya College of engg.
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