Technical Document: Niagara Pup Driver Guide
Technical Document: Niagara Pup Driver Guide
Technical Document: Niagara Pup Driver Guide
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American Auto-Matrix is a registered trademark, and Public Unitary Protocol (PUP) and Public Host Protocol (PHP) are
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Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Document Change Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Pup Driver Guide
February 18, 2008
Pup Driver Guide
This documents usage of the American Auto-Matrix Public Unitary Protocol (PUP) driver for the
NiagaraAX framework.
The following main sections are in this document:
Compatibility and Installation on page 1-1
Explains PUP devices/protocols supported, as well as the NiagaraAX platform, software, and licens-
ing requirements.
PUP Driver Quick Start on page 2-1
Provides several quick procedures for online station configuration to add a PupNetwork, PupDevic-
es, and PUP proxy points.
NiagaraAX PUP Concepts on page 3-5
Provides concepts behind the PUP driver, including all major components and views, including var-
ious screenshots. Includes sections on special proxy points and the DeviceTypes.xml file.
PUP (aapup) Plugin Guides on page 4-23
Provides brief summaries of the different PUP manager views, each with links back to the more de-
tailed concepts section. Entries are used in NiagaraAX context-sensitive help On View.
PUP (aapup) Component Guides on page 5-27
Provides brief summaries of the different PUP components, most with links back to the more de-
tailed concepts section. Entries are used in NiagaraAX context-sensitive help Guide On Target.
Pup Driver Guide
February 18, 2008
Pup Driver Guide
Compatibility and Installation
Currently, this section has the following main subsections:
License requirements
The NiagaraAX PUP driver has the following compatibility criteria:
NiagaraAX platform compatibility
PUP Specifications
Mapping of PUP Attribute Types to Proxy Extensions
Pup Driver Guide
Compatibility Chapter 1 Compatibility and Installation
PUP Specifications February 18, 2008
PUP Specifications
The PUP driver is compliant with PUP version 8.35 protocol specifications, as published in the document
PUP version 8.35 Public Unitary Protocol Guidelines1dated July 2005.
Table 1-1 details support for PUP protocol 8.35 commands/responses.
1. Pup Version 8.35 Public Unitary Protocol, July 2005, American Auto-Matrix, One Technology Lane, Export,
Pennsylvania 15632
Pup Driver Guide
Chapter 1 Compatibility and Installation Compatibility
February 18, 2008 Mapping of PUP Attribute Types to Proxy Extensions
Attribute Format
Pup Driver Guide
License requirements Chapter 1 Compatibility and Installation
Mapping of PUP Attribute Types to Proxy Extensions February 18, 2008
Attribute Format
License requirements
To use the NiagaraAX PUP driver, you must have a target NiagaraAX host (JACE) that is licensed with
the aapup feature, as well as the serial feature. In addition, the aapup feature may have other
device limits or proxy point limits.
From your PC, use the Niagara Workbench 3.n.nn installed with the installation tool option (checkbox
This instance of Workbench will be used as an installation tool). This option installs the needed distri-
bution files (.dist files) for commissioning various models of remote JACE platforms. The dist files are
located under your Niagara install directory under a sw subdirectory. For more details, see About your
software database in the Platform Guide.
Apart from installing the 3.n.nn version of the Niagara distribution in the JACE, make sure to also install
the aapup module too, plus any modules shown as dependencies. For more details, see About the
Commissioning Wizard in the JACE NiagaraAX Install and Startup Guide.
Following this, the remote JACE is now ready for PUP software integration, as described in the rest of this
document. See the next section PUP Driver Quick Start for a series of task-based procedures.
Pup Driver Guide
PUP Driver Quick Start
This section provides a collection of procedures to use the NiagaraAX PUP driver to build an
PupNetwork with proxy points. Like other NiagaraAX drivers, you can do most configuration from
special manager views and property sheets using Workbench.
Note: First see Compatibility and Installation on page 1-1 for licensing and software requirements.
These are the main quick start subsections:
Add and configure the PupNetwork
Add PUP devices
Create PUP proxy points
Pup Driver Guide
Add PUP devices Chapter 2 PUP Driver Quick Start
Using online Discover to add PupDevices February 18, 2008
Note: You must determine the setup of the PUP serial network to correctly set the baud rate, data bits, stop bits,
parity, and flow control settings.
Step 3 Set the Unit Number property value to assign an address to the Niagara network node. The
PupNetwork behaves as a master device on the PUP network, and as such must have an address in order
to send and receive messages from the network.
Step 4 Expand the Token Pass Config slot and edit properties as needed. For more details, see Token Pass
Config on page 3-8.
Step 5 Click the Save button.
For further details on the PupNetwork, see About the PUP Network on page 3-6.
Pup Driver Guide
Chapter 2 PUP Driver Quick Start Create PUP proxy points
February 18, 2008 Using online Discover to add PupDevices
Pup Driver Guide
Create PUP proxy points Chapter 2 PUP Driver Quick Start
Using online Discover to add PupDevices February 18, 2008
Pup Driver Guide
NiagaraAX PUP Concepts
This section provides conceptual details on the NiagaraAX PUP driver and its components, including
views. These are the main subsections:
About PUP Architecture
About the PUP Network
Pup Device Manager
Pup Region Manager
Pup Point Manager
PUP proxy points
Modifying DeviceTypes.xml
However (as with most NiagaraAX drivers), you rarely need to work from the palette. Instead, the various
Pup manager views simplify component creation, enforcing proper component hierarchy.
Pup Driver Guide
About the PUP Network Chapter 3 NiagaraAX PUP Concepts
Common PupNetwork slots February 18, 2008
Once configured, the default Pup Device Manager view of the PupNetwork allows online discovery
to create, edit, and delete child PupDevice components.
The following sections provide more details on PupNetwork properties and slots:
Common PupNetwork slots
PUP-specific network slots
PupNetwork action
Pup Driver Guide
Chapter 3 NiagaraAX PUP Concepts About the PUP Network
February 18, 2008 PUP-specific network slots
Pup Driver Guide
About the PUP Network Chapter 3 NiagaraAX PUP Concepts
PUP-specific network slots February 18, 2008
Pup Driver Guide
Chapter 3 NiagaraAX PUP Concepts About the PUP Network
February 18, 2008 PupNetwork action
Note: The Pass Token on Timeout/ Time Per Token properties may cause a token pass faster than
this if enabled and the timeout expires before this number of messages is reached. In the case where
both Pass Token on Transaction Count and Pass Token on Timeout are enabled, only one of the
two conditions must be satisfied to pass the token.
Transactions Per Token
The maximum number of transactions that can be transmitted to the bus by the PUP driver, before
the token is passed to the next available peer. This count does not include retries (for example, if this
property is set to 2, and the Retry Count property is set to 3, then up to eight messages
[2*(1+3)=8] may be sent in an attempt to deliver up to 2 transactions).
Pass Token On Timeout
If enabled, then transactions may be sent until the timer expires, at which point the token will be
passed. This guarantees that the PUP driver does not monopolize the token for extended periods
of time, even if there are no messages to send.
Note: It is recommended you set this to true and adjust the Time Per Token property to an appro-
priate value. The reason for this is that if you pass the token only on transaction count, you run the
risk if you have no points subscribed, the only transactions you'd be sending are the ping messages,
and these are typically on the order of minutes, so it can take quite a while for the transaction count
to be hit.
Time Per Token
The time allowed for token ownership before the token must be passed. The timer is started when-
ever the token is recovered, or whenever the token is received from a device on the PUP network.
Note: If Pass Token on Transaction Count and Pass Token on Timeout are both enabled, it is
recommended to set this value slightly longer than the time it would take to send Transactions per
Token transactions. In the case where both Pass Token on Transaction Count and Pass Token on
Timeout are enabled, only one of the two conditions must be satisfied to pass the token.
Token Snoop
This is a diagnostic display which shows recent activity pertinent to token passing. This display is 8
lines longusually long enough to diagnose token problems, especially when coupled with the next
property. A new snoop line is started every time the token ownership is obtained by the driver (that
is, whenever the token is passed from a device on the network to drivers unit number).
There are 3 basic types of events shown (see Figure 3-4 above):
Items in square brackets indicate a token pass from one device to another. In this example, de-
vice 1 (the driver) passed a token to device 79, and device 79 sent the token back to unit 1.
Items in angle brackets (like <65535> in this example, represent destination addresses of mes-
sages sent from other devices on the network. In this example, you can see that device 1 passed
the token to device 5385, which in turn broadcast a message (to address 65535), sent 3 messages
to device address 11403, broadcast a second message (to address 65535), and then sent the to-
ken back to address 1.
If you see any ! embedded in the list, it most likely means someone else on the network is re-
covering the token. The exclamation point will appear on both sides of the unit number which
incorrectly tried to pass a token.
Token recovery events are denoted by the text recover in the display.
Log Snoop On Token Recovery
If set to true then every time there is a recover event, the Token Snoop data is pushed to the
Pup Log. This is a valuable tool to diagnose token passing issues.
PupNetwork action
The PupNetwork has a single action: Sync Time. It sends an immediate time sync broadcast message
on the PUP network, including the holiday bit setting as specified in the networks Holiday property.
Pup Driver Guide
Pup Device Manager Chapter 3 NiagaraAX PUP Concepts
About PUP Device Discovery Config February 18, 2008
Pup Driver Guide
Chapter 3 NiagaraAX PUP Concepts Pup Device Manager
February 18, 2008 Pup Device Manager discover notes
When you click Add with one or more discovered devices highlighted in the top pane, the Add dialog
appears, as shown in Figure 3-8.
This Add (or Edit) dialog from the Pup Device Manager gives you the opportunity to tweak each devices
display name, enabled state, and/or address. Click the OK button to add the PupDevices to the station
database, or click Cancel to close the dialog without any changes.
You can rerun a device discover as many times as needed. If your PUP network is very large, you may wish
to add multiple PupDeviceFolders (using New Folder button), and run a series of differently configured
device discovers (Figure 3-6) for each one, using the PupDeviceManager view available with each folder.
Pup Driver Guide
PupDevice Chapter 3 NiagaraAX PUP Concepts
PupDevice properties February 18, 2008
A PupDevice provides all configuration parameters necessary for the driver to communicate with a given
PUP device. In addition to common components, views, and the Points device extension, a PupDevice
contains an Native Alarm Source Info container slot (in addition to the standard Alarm Source Info
container slot). Also unique to a PupDevice is its default Pup Region Manager view.
The following subsection provides more details:
PupDevice properties
Also see sections Pup Region Manager on page 3-13 and Pup Point Manager on page 3-15.
PupDevice properties
The PupDevice property sheet is shown in Figure 3-9.
Pup Driver Guide
Chapter 3 NiagaraAX PUP Concepts Pup Region Manager
February 18, 2008 PupDevice properties
A table-based view, each row represents a unique memory region within a PUP device. Initially, the Get
Regions button is the only button active. To fetch a list of regions in a device, you click this button. The
view is then populated with a list of regions in the device (if any), as shown in Figure 3-11.
Figure 3-11 Example Pup Region Manager view after Get Regions
Pup Driver Guide
Pup Region Manager Chapter 3 NiagaraAX PUP Concepts
PupDevice properties February 18, 2008
Once the regions in the controller are determined, additional buttons become active or inactive
depending on your selection of rows in the table, and the values of the region parameters:
If there are free regions (that is, a region without a Region Name), then the Download SPL but-
ton will be active. To download an SPL program to the controller, click this button.
A File Chooser dialog similar to Figure 3-12 appears:
Select a program from the list or navigate to a file under the My File System file space to select a
program. When you click Save, the program will be downloaded to the next free region.
The Upload SPL button of the Pup Region Manager is enabled whenever a region with a non-
blank Region Name is selected. This allows the transfer of SPL files from the controller to the file
space on your Workbench client PC. Again, a file chooser dialog box like the one shown in Figure 3-
12 is displayed to allow selection of an existing file to overwrite, or allows entering of a new file name
to create a new file. Navigation is limited to your client-side file space.
The Free Region is used to remove a SPL program from controller memory and free up the
space of other programs to be downloaded. Select a named region out of the list, and click Free Re-
gion. A confirmation dialog as shown in Figure 3-13 appears:
Figure 3-13 Confirmation dialog for Free Region in Pup Region Manager
Pup Driver Guide
Chapter 3 NiagaraAX PUP Concepts Pup Point Manager
February 18, 2008 About PUP Point Discovery Config
Figure 3-14 Pup Point Manager is default view for Points under PupDevice
Pup Driver Guide
Pup Point Manager Chapter 3 NiagaraAX PUP Concepts
Pup Point Manager discover notes February 18, 2008
Note that the first (default) attribute of each channel is listed, with a + mark in front of the channel
number if there are additional attributes in that channel. To access the additional attributes o a channel,
click on the + to expand, as shown in Figure 3-17.
Single or multiple attributes can be added as control points with PupProxyExt extensions by selecting the
discovered row(s) in the top pane, and clicking Add. Doing so will cause the Add dialog box to appear,
as shown in Figure 3-18.
The Add dialog from the Pup Point Manager lets you edit points individually or in a batch.
Note: The Attribute Type determines which proxy point Type can be created. For a list of valid mappings, see
Mapping of PUP Attribute Types to Proxy Extensions on page 1-3.
Pup Driver Guide
Chapter 3 NiagaraAX PUP Concepts PUP proxy points
February 18, 2008 PupProxyExt properties
Once the point(s) are satisfactorily edited in the Add dialog, click the OK button to create the PUP proxy
points corresponding to the channel attributes. For more details, see the next section PUP proxy points.
You can rerun a point discover as many times as needed. If there are many channels and attributes, you
may wish to add multiple PupPointFolders (using New Folder button), and run a series of differently
configured point discovers (Figure 3-15) for each one, using the Pup Point Manager view available with
each folder.
PupProxyExt properties
All PupProxyExt types (PupNumericProxyExt, PupBooleanProxyExt, PupEnumProxyExt, and
PupStringProxyExt) share the same set of configuration properties. Any one of the PupProxyExt types is
a proxy for one piece of data of interest in a PUP controller. This single piece of data is defined by a combi-
nation of the channel and the attribute in that channel.
Figure 3-19 shows the property sheet of an example PupProxyExt.
In addition to typical ProxyExt properties, the proxy extension in any PUP proxy point includes these
additional properties:
A hexadecimal number representing the controller channel where the attribute resides.
Channel Description
A text description of the channel, generally created when the points are learned, using the channel
list in the deviceTypes.xml file (or a user-selected equivalent file).
The PUP conversion type. This tells the driver how the data returned in the poll message is to be
interpreted. This entry must match the published data type for the attribute.
Attribute Value
(read only) The attributes value.
Poll Frequency
The frequency to poll this point in the controller. Choices are either Normal, Fast, or Slow. Poll rates
for normal, fast, and slow are determined by the Poll Scheduler property of the PupNetwork.
Note: Any BooleanWritable PUP proxy point has two additional properties in its proxy extension. See the next
section PUP BooleanWritable notes. Also, there are special considerations for some Numeric Points,
depending on attributes assigned. See NumericPoints with CV attribute on page 3-18.
Pup Driver Guide
PUP proxy points Chapter 3 NiagaraAX PUP Concepts
NumericPoints with CV attribute February 18, 2008
In this case, the special behavior is the addition of a command (action) to set an override value to the
point. However, this requires some additional configuration to perform correctly. In particular, the
Prewrite Attribute property of the proxy extension must be set to the appropriate value, as shown being
done in Figure 3-21.
This property is invisible until an attribute value of CV is entered, whereupon it is listed in the property
sheet of the proxy extension. The value of Prewrite Attribute defaults to None. If the value is changed to
Oi or Am, then a dynamic action is added to the proxy point to allow setting of the CV value.
These are the basic rules to be able to use the set action:
1. The PUP proxy point Type must be Numeric Point (Numeric Writable does not work).
2. The Attribute property must be set to CV. This makes the Prewrite Attribute
property visible in the PupNumericProxyExt.
3. The Prewrite Attribute property must be set to Oi or Am depending on whether the OI attribute
or the AM attribute must be written before the CV value can be written. This varies from channel-
to-channel, and/or device-to-device.
4. If the Prewrite Attribute is Oi or Am, than the appropriate pair of actions is added to the proxy
point, as follows:
If the Prewrite Attribute is set to Oi, then the actions Override and CancelOverride are
added to the proxy point, as shown in Figure 3-22.
Pup Driver Guide
Chapter 3 NiagaraAX PUP Concepts PUP proxy points
February 18, 2008 StringPoint actions for time or date attributes
Invoking the Override action sets the OI attribute in the PUP controller to 1, and writes
the user-entered value to the attribute CV.
Invoking the CancelOverride action resets the OI attribute in the PUP controller to 0.
If the Prewrite Attribute is set to Am, then the actions Manual and Auto are added to the
proxy point, as shown in Figure 3-23.
Invoking the Manual action sets the AM attribute in the PUP controller to 1, followed
by a write of the user-entered value to the attribute CV.
Invoking the Auto action resets the AM attribute in the PUP controller to 0.
If the Attribute Type property is e3 or e4, then an Adjust Date action is added to the proxy
point, as shown in Figure 3-25.
PupProxyExt actions
For any of the PUP proxy points, its PupTypeProxyExt provides two actions. Note that these actions are
on the ProxyExt itself, and not the parent control point.
These actions are briefly described as follows:
Force Read
Results in an immediate poll of the attribute in the PUP devices channel.
Force Write
Forces an attempt to write from Niagara to the attribute in the PUP devices channel.
Pup Driver Guide
Modifying DeviceTypes.xml Chapter 3 NiagaraAX PUP Concepts
XML syntax February 18, 2008
Modifying DeviceTypes.xml
The DeviceTypes.xml file is included in the aapup.jar, which you locally extract using WinZip or
some other zip file extraction program. Once extracted, you can use a text editor to modify it. You can
then save and rename it, and copy it back to the JACE (using the File Transfer Client view when platform
connected to that JACE). Typically, you copy the modified file under the stations folder of the target
JACE. Then you can reference it (by a file ord) when configuring the PupNetwork or doing a discover.
Note: A modified file is recommended to be copied to a different location, rather than be re-jared back into the
aapup.jar, as that module file is replaced whenever the aapup module is updated.
Modifying device types would be useful, for instance, to change the Channel Names, channel search
ranges, add/remove channels, add new device types, and so forth. The ord to this file is found in the
Device Types File property of the PupNetwork, or in the popup (config discovery) dialogs when doing
a discovery in the Pup Device Manager or Pup Point Manager.
See the sections XML syntax and Example: HX1 and GPC1 for more details.
XML syntax
The DeviceTypes.xml file used by the PUP driver is in XML format, so some knowledge of xml
encoding is required, but not too difficult to follow. In general, do not edit the first line. Comment lines
(each starts with <!-- and ends with -->) may be edited, but have no effect on the parsing of the file.
Lines within the <deviceTypes> section can be edited to modify the device and point learn processes.
Each <device> entry in the <deviceTypes> section should always have the following items:
controllerType a text description.
ct integer for the controller type, corresponds to the ct attribute.
cm integer for the controller manufacturer, corresponds to the cm attribute.
snc serial number channel, the channel that contains the serial number.
sna serial number attribute, the attribute that contains the serial number.
rdChCmd does the controller support the read channel command? This is a feature of later gen-
eration controllers that allows the point discovery process to determine dynamically the list of chan-
nels in the device. If set to true, channel entries in this file for the device will not be used and may be
<channel address> one entry for each channel that is desired to be discovered in the device. To
skip any channel during a learn, then remove the corresponding line from the device. Additional
channels may be added as needed, or descriptions/prefixes may be modified as desired, using the fol-
lowing syntax:
channel address the Hex integer address of a channel.
desc the long description of a channel, used in learn displays and for naming point folders.
prefix the short description of a channel, used as a default prefix for point names created
during the learn.
See the next Example: HX1 and GPC1 section for two example <device> entries.
Pup Driver Guide
Chapter 3 NiagaraAX PUP Concepts Modifying DeviceTypes.xml
February 18, 2008 Example: HX1 and GPC1
Pup Driver Guide
Modifying DeviceTypes.xml Chapter 3 NiagaraAX PUP Concepts
Example: HX1 and GPC1 February 18, 2008
Pup Driver Guide
PUP (aapup) Plugin Guides
Plugins provide views of components, and can be accessed many waysfor example, double-click a
component in the tree for its default view. In addition, you can right-click a component, and select from
its Views menu. For summary documentation on any view, select Help > On View (F1) from the
Workbench menu, or press F1 while the view is open.
Summary information is provided here about the different PUP views.
The Pup Device Manager is the default view of a PupNetwork. Use the Pup Device Manager to
add, edit, and access PUP device components (PupDevices). As with many other drivers, after setting
network configuration properties, you can use an online Discover to learn available (PUP) devices. For
general information, see About the Device Manager in the Drivers Guide.
Added devices appear in the Database table. For more details, see Pup Device Manager on page 3-10.
Database table
By default, the following columns appear in the Discovered table of the PupDeviceManager view:
Name of the device-level component that represents the PUP device.
Indicates whether the device component is enabled (true) or disabled (false).
Unit Number
Reflects the address of PUP device (the ID attribute of channel FF00).
Reflects the CM attribute of channel FF00 in the PUP device.
Controller Type
Reflects the CT attribute of channel FF00 in the PUP device.
Controller Description
The common name looked up the Devices Types File file, using Manufacturer and Controller
Type as look up parameters.
Peer Type
Reflects the peer type as read from the devices TP attribute of the system channel. If the TP at-
tribute does not exist, the Peer Type is assumed to be slave.
The version 8 bit from the Acknowledge response to the Say Hello command.
(Build 3.0.104, 3.1.28, 3.2.2 and higher only) Provides shortcut access to default manager views for
the components device extensionsin this case, Points (PupPointManager).
Pup Driver Guide
aapup-PupPointManager Chapter 4 PUP (aapup) Plugin Guides
February 18, 2008
Use the Pup Point Manager to add, edit, and access PUP proxy points under the Points extension of
a selected PupDevice, or in a PupPointFolder. The PupPointManager is the default view on both
these components. To view, double-click the Points extension or PupPointFolder, or right-click and select
Views > Pup Point Manager.
As in some other point managers, there is a Discovered table (if in Learn mode) and a Database table.
Discovery produces an intermediate popup dialog, in which you can enter a range of channels to limit
discovery, and/or point to an alternate Channel List file.
For more details, see Pup Point Manager on page 3-15.
Discovered table
The Discovered table in the PupPointManager view has the following available columns:
The PUP channel with one or more attributes, each as a row.
Channel Description
Text descriptor for the channel, sourced from the Channel List file.
Two-character text field that determines the attribute for this channel.
Attribute Type
The PUP conversion type, which must match the published data type for the attribute.
Attribute Value
Value of the attribute upon discovery.
Database table
By default, the following columns appear in the Discovered table of the PupPointManager view:
Niagara name of the proxy point.
Current last polled value of the attribute, reflecting status and facets.
Fault Cause
String describing the cause of the proxy point status fault, if any.
PUP controller channel (in hexadecimal format) where the attribute resides.
Attribute Type
The PUP conversion type (in hexadecimal format).
Attribute Value
Native value of the attribute.
In addition, using the table options control, the following additional data columns are available:
Station path of the proxy point component, relative to the root.
Niagara type of component, as either a Pup Point Folder (for a folder) or a type of control point if an
PUP proxy point (for example, Boolean Point, Boolean Writable, Numeric Point, and so on).
Reflect the facets in use by the proxy point.
Reflects whether proxy point is enabled (true) or disabled (false).
Read Value
Reflects current read value in points PupTypeProxyExt.
Write Value
Reflects current write value (if any) in points PupTypeProxyExt.
Pup Driver Guide
Chapter 4 PUP (aapup) Plugin Guides aapup-PupRegionManager
February 18, 2008
The Pup Region Manager is the default view of any PupDevice under the PupNetwork. To view,
double-click the device, or right-click and select Views > Pup Region Manager. Use the Pup
Region Manager to view, upload, or download SPL program regions in a PUP device. A table-based view,
each row represents a unique memory region within the device.
Although not a standard view in the driver architecture, it is similar to other manager views in that is a
table-based view, with online discovery (Get Regions). For more details, see Pup Region Manager on
page 3-13.
Pup Driver Guide
aapup-PupRegionManager Chapter 4 PUP (aapup) Plugin Guides
February 18, 2008
Pup Driver Guide
PUP (aapup) Component Guides
These component guides provides summary help on PUP components.
PupBooleanProxyExt is the proxy extension for either a PUP_Boolean Point (read-only) proxy point
or a PUP_BooleanWritable proxy point. Like any PupTypeProxyExt, it represents a single piece of
data defined by a combination of the channel and the attribute in the channel, and has standard proxy
extension properties such as Status and Enabled, among others (see ProxyExt properties in the Drivers
Guide for related details). For additional details, see PUP proxy points on page 3-17.
PupDevice is the device-level component in a PupNetwork, and represents a specific PUP device.
It contains all configuration parameters necessary for the driver to communicate with that device. A
PupDevice has a Points device extension (PupPointDeviceExt) that contains all proxy points for polling.
A PupDevice also contains two AlarmSourceInfo container slots:
Alarm Source Info To configure the alarm routing and formatting of device up/down alarms
from the PupNetworks monitor (ping) process.
Native Alarm Source Info To configure the alarm routing and formatting of alarms that originate
in the PUP device, and are retrieved using the Report Exceptions message.
A PupDevice has the standard device component properties such as status and enabled (see Common
device components in the Drivers Guide for general information). The default view for a PupDevice is
the PupRegionManager. For more PupDevice details, see PupDevice on page 3-12.
Actions available on a PupDevice are as follows:
Ping Sends a ping monitor request to verify device health.
Sync Time Sends a directed time sync message to this device, providing that the devices Allow
Time Sync property is set to true.
Read Device Values Uploads device-specific information from the PUP device.
Pup Driver Guide
aapup-PupDeviceFolder Chapter 5 PUP (aapup) Component Guides
February 18, 2008
PupDeviceFolder is the PUP driver implementation of a folder under a PupNetwork. Usage is
optional. Each PupDeviceFolder has its own PupDeviceManager view.
You can use the New Folder button in the PupDeviceManager view to add a PupDeviceFolder. It is also
available in the aapup palette.
PupEnumProxyExt is the proxy extension for either a PUP_Enum Point (read-only) proxy point or a
PUP_EnumWritable proxy point. Like any PupTypeProxyExt, it represents a single piece of data
defined by a combination of the channel and the attribute in the channel, and has standard proxy
extension properties such as Status and Enabled, among others (see ProxyExt properties in the Drivers
Guide for related details). For additional details, see PUP proxy points on page 3-17.
PupNetwork is the top-level component for the PUP driver in a station. It provides configuration
parameters necessary for the driver to communicate with a network of PUP devices, and is effectively
a host PUP device in a network of PUP devices.
The PupNetwork component has the typical collection of slots and properties as most other network
components. For details, See Common network components in the Drivers Guide. In addition, the
PupNetwork has properties unique to operation as a master or peer in a PUP system. For more details,
see About the PUP Network on page 3-6.
PupNumericProxyExt is the proxy extension for either a PUP_Numeric Point (read-only) proxy
point or a PUP_NumericWritable proxy point. Like any PupTypeProxyExt, it represents a single
piece of data defined by a combination of the channel and the attribute in the channel, and has standard
proxy extension properties such as Status and Enabled, among others (see ProxyExt properties in the
Drivers Guide for related details). For additional details, see PUP proxy points on page 3-17.
PupPeerListFolder (default name Peer List) is a frozen slot on a PupNetwork. It contains a
dynamic list of devices which require the token to be passed to them. Whenever the driver deter-
mines it is time to pass the token to a device on the network, it selects the device from this list which has
not possessed the token in the longest amount of time (in other words, the oldest).
PupPointDeviceExt (default name Points) is the container for PUP proxy points under a
PupDevice. Proxy points represent PUP attributes of channels in the device that need to be polled
for data. It operates as in most other drivers; see About the Points extension in the Drivers Guide for
general information. The default and primary view for the Points extension is the PupPointManager.
PupPointFolder is an optional container for PUP proxy points. You can use the New Folder button
in the PupPointManager view to add a PupPointFolder. It is also available in the aapup palette. Each
PupPointFolder has its own PupPointManager view.
PupStringProxyExt is the proxy extension for either a PUP_String Point (read-only) proxy point or
a PUP_StringWritable proxy point. Like any PupTypeProxyExt, it represents a single piece of data
defined by a combination of the channel and the attribute in the channel, and has standard proxy
extension properties such as Status and Enabled, among others (see ProxyExt properties in the Drivers
Guide for related details). For additional details, see PUP proxy points on page 3-17.
Pup Driver Guide