Chemical Process Paper
Chemical Process Paper
Chemical Process Paper
ABSTRACT: This paper considers the design and control of the separation of benzene and cyclohexane process via extractive
distillation in a dividing wall column. To aid the separation, furfural is used as the heavy boiling entrainer. The optimal ow sheet
with minimum energy requirements has been established using the multiobjective genetic algorithm with constrains. Three
control strategies are proposed: the basic control strategy uses four composition controllers, and two improved control strategies
with and without vapor split ratio use temperature controllers that are more practical in application than the basic control
strategy. The dynamic simulations reveal that the three control strategies can object to the feed disturbances well. The dynamic
responses of two improved control structures show that vapor split ratio as a manipulated variable can maintain the product
purities at their set points when a feed disturbance is introduced.
2014 American Chemical Society 8120 | Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2014, 53, 81208131
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article
each run. The algorithm generates N individuals (i.e., new designs) algorithm, and the objectives of conventional conguration to
based on the initial solution to make up the rst population. The minimize are heat duties of the sequence, extracting agent ow,
manipulated variables of each of the N individuals are sent to and the total number of stages.
Aspen Plus to perform the simulation, and then Aspen Plus gives According to the recent paper by Wu et al.,23 since a heavy
the values of objective functions and constraints for each individual entrainer is introduced in the extractive distillation system, often
to the algorithm. The population is divided into subpopulations cases show that the reboiler duty is reduced but with adversely
in terms of the number of satised constraints with the increasing total steam cost that has a strong eect on the total
retrieved information; at this time, the best individuals satisfy annual cost (TAC). Hence, the TAC of the conventional
the c constraints, followed by those individuals that reach c 1 two-column system and the EDWC are compared in Table 3.
constraints, etc. Inside each subpopulation, the individuals are
ranked according to the value of the tness function. The original Table 3. Comparison between the Conventional Two-
objective functions can be optimized through the classication of Column Design and the EDWC Design
the population, which can also minimize the dierence between
the required and obtained constraints (recoveries and purities). conventional two-column
Finally, a set of optimal designs of the EDWC is obtained. More congurations C1 C2 EDWC
detailed information about this algorithm and its link to Aspen reboiler duty (Gcal/h) 16.8 17.5 26.9
Plus can be found in the original work.21 condenser duty (Gcal/h) 8.5 15.1 18.2
Figure 6 shows the Pareto front for the benzene/cyclohexane required steam type low-pressure medium- medium-pressure
mixtures, which includes the objectives to minimize: heat duty pressure
(50 psig, (150 psig, (150 psig, 458 K)
421 K) 458 K)
total reboiler duty (Gcal/h) 34.3 (0%) 26.9 (21.6%)
(% dierence)
total steam cost (1000 $/y) 4839.3 (0%) 4750.9 (1.8%)
(% dierence)
total operating cost (1000 $/y) 4914.0 (0%) 4797.1 (2.4%)
(% dierence)
total capital cost (1000 $/y) 1607.2 (0%) 1411.0 (12.2%)
(% dierence)
total annual cost (1000 $/y) 6521.1 (0%) 6208.1 (4.8%)
(% dierence)
The results show that the TAC of EDWC is 4.8% less than that
of the conventional design, and the steam cost is also reduced
by 1.8%. Needing only one column is the additional advantage
of this EDWC design conguration, which reduces the space
requirement. To a certain extent, the separation of benzene/
cyclohexane mixtures can benet from the EDWC conguration.
Figure 6. Pareto front of the EDWC for benzene/cyclohexane mixtures. Figures 79 show the temperature and composition proles of
the three columns for the ow sheet, respectively. There is a rapid
rise in the temperature for stage 8 and a rapid fall for stage 19
of the sequence, extracting agent ow, and the total number of
stages. At the end, 20 optimal designs are observed that make up
the Pareto front, which indicated that a dividing wall distillation
column can perform an extractive separation. These optimal
designs satisfy the specied purities and recoveries with the lowest
energy possible. In our work, the energy requirements is the
criterion for choosing our particular needs; thus the design
with the minimum reboiler duty is chosen as the nal design.
The number of stages for the main column, the side column, and
the stripping column are 32, 10, and 15, respectively. Bravo-Bravo
et al.22 reported that the classical dividing wall column with Figure 7. Main column for (a) temperature prole and (b) composition
symmetry on both sides of the wall may not correspond to the prole.
best scheme with lower energy requirements; thus, the results
indicate that the use of sizing on both sides of the wall can be an
optimization variable for the optimal design of EDWC. The
recycle solvent returns back to stage 9 (NFS = 9), and the feed
ows to stage 19 (NF = 19). 3.80 is chosen as the reux ratio
of the main column. For the side column, the value of the reux
ratio is set to 0.74. In addition, the V2 is 1046.9 kmol/h, and
the extracting agent ow is 2610 kmol/h. Under the above
conditions, the reboiler heat duty is 26.9 Gcal/h, which presents
approximately 22% savings of the total reboiler duty compared
with the heat duty of the conventional conguration shown in Figure 8. Side column for (a) temperature prole and (b) composition
Figure 3a, which is also optimized using the multiobjective genetic prole.
Figure 11. Dynamic responses to feed disturbances for the CS1: 20% in feed ow rate.
Figure 12. Dynamic responses to feed disturbances for the CS1: 10% in benzene composition.
(3) The base levels in the main column and side column are
held by manipulating the respective bottom ow rate
(direct acting).
(4) The reux drum levels in the main column and side
column are held by manipulating the corresponding
distillates ow rate (direct acting).
(5) The total recycle solvent ow rate to the fresh feed ow
rate ratio is added.
(6) The top pressures of the main column and side column are
controlled by adjusting the corresponding condenser heat
removal rate (reverse acting).
(7) The reux ratio in the main column is xed.
(8) The feed temperature of recycle entrainer is controlled by
manipulating the cooler heat removal (reverse acting).
(9) The solvent composition in the bottom of the stripping
column is controlled by the reboiler duty, which is ratioed
to feed ow rate forming a feed-forward controller.
(10) The composition of benzene in the distillate of the side
column is controlled by manipulating the corresponding
reux ow rate (reverse acting).
(11) The vapor composition of benzene on the feed stage is
controlled using the CC1 controller by adjusting the S/F
ratio. The S/F ratio is on cascade since it obtains the set
point signal from the CC1 controller. Figure 13. (a) Improved control structure CS2 for the EDWC; (b)
(12) The vapor sidestream (V2) molar ow rate is controlled controller faceplates.
through adjusting the valve V7 (reverse acting).
(13) The vapor sidestream molar ow rate is ratioed to the
during the operation of the EDWC. It should be noticed that
reboiler heat input. The FC3 controller is on cascade for its adjusting the vapor split ratio is impractical in the chemical
set point signal received from the VR/QR ratio. industry now for the EDWCs. The normal settings of the
(14) The cyclohexane composition in the vapor sidestream proportionalintegral (PI) type power-ow controller are KC =
is controlled using the CC3 controller by adjusting the 0.5 and I = 0.3 min. All level loops are P-only and the KC is 2, and
VR/QR ratio (reverse acting). Since the set point signal the pressure controller is PI with its default values. Considering
of the VR/QR ratio comes from the CC3 controller, the measurement and actuator lags in any real physical system,
VR/QR ratio is on cascade. a 3 min dead time is inserted into the corresponding composition
(15) Reboiler heat duty to feed ow (QR/F) ratio is added to control loops. To determine the ultimate gains and integral
this system to change reboiler heat input immediately time constant for the four composition controllers, the Tyreus
when feed uctuates. Luyben tuning is used, and the tuning results are listed in Table 4.
Many control loops described above are typical distillation For the detailed process of tuning and setting the reader is
control structures. The bottom level of the stripping column referred to Luybens book.29
is held by the entrainer makeup ow suggested by Grassi27 and 3.2.2. Performance of Basic Control Structure CS1. Two
Luyben.28 types of disturbances are used to test the proposed control
The CC3 controller is set to adjust the vapor split ratio when structure performance, namely, 20% changes in fresh feed ow
the cyclohexane composition in the vapor sidestream changes rate and 10% changes in fresh feed benzene composition.
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article
Figure 14. Dynamic responses to feed disturbances for the CS2: 20% in feed ow rate.
The simple PI composition control actually works quite well relatively long time to settle is not good for the controllability and
for the benzene and cyclohexane system. As the feed-forward will lead to economic losses.
controller QR/F ratio is added for the control system, it can oer 3.3. Improved Control Strategy (CS2). Taking into
an immediate adjustment in reboiler heat input when subjected account the applicability and cost, the usage of basic control
to 20% changes in feed ow rate. structure CS1 with only composition controllers will be limited.
Results of the basic control structure for disturbances in both Comparing with composition control, temperature control brings
feed ow rate and feed composition are illustrated in Figures 11 in shorter drag time and costs less in both equipment and
and 12. Although the system reaches a new steady state at last, maintenance, and few articles on temperature control of EDWC
the basic control structure presents relatively large overshooting could be found in the open literature. Thus, the use of temperature
and settles after a long time for the two kinds of disturbances, control instead of direct composition will be explored in this
especially for benzene composition decreased by 10%. The section.
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article
Figure 15. Dynamic responses to feed disturbances for the CS2: 10% in benzene composition.
Figure 17. Dynamic responses to feed disturbances for the CS3: 20% in feed ow rate.
FC3 controller is received from the VR/QR ratio, the FC3 3.4. Improved Control Strategy without Vapor Split
controller is on cascade. Ratio (CS3). The control structure with or without vapor split
(4) The total recycle solvent ow rate to the fresh feed ow has become the hot topic.3033 On the one hand, the vapor split
rate ratio is added to control the total recycle solvent ow ratio can keep the products on high purities when feed
rate, and the FC2 is on cascade. disturbances are introduced. On the other hand, the control of
vapor split ratio would be dicult to manipulate in a real process.
Figure 14 shows the dynamic responses for 20% changes in
fresh feed rate at the time of 1 h. The product composition settles Thus, we study the improved control structure for the case when
in less than 5 h for this system, and steady-state osets are quite the vapor split ratio is not available as a degree of freedom. Then a
small for the products. new control structure without vapor split ratio is put forward
For 10 mol % benzene feed composition changes, product based on the CS2, and the corresponding ow sheet is present in
compositions settle in about 5 h as shown in Figure 15. Figure 16. The main dierences are that the QR/F ratio controls
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article
Figure 18. Dynamic responses to feed disturbances for the CS3: 10% in benzene composition.
the stage 3 temperature instead of the furfural composition of the in products purity than control structure CS3, which indicate
stripping column and the vapor split ratio is not the manipulate that the control of vapor split ratio is good for maintaining the
variable compared with the CS2. Figures 17 and 18 give the product purities at their set points when a feed disturbance
responses to feed disturbances for the CS3, which are similar to occurs. However, considering the impossibility of adjusting
those of the CS2, and the purities of both products are brought vapor split ratio in the chemical industry at present, the control
close to the set points. structure CS3 may be the preferred choice to separate benzene
It is interesting to compare the responses of the three and cyclohexane via EDWC.
alternative control structures for the EDWC to feed ow rate and
feed composition disturbances. The improved control structures 4. CONCLUSIONS
CS2 and CS3 have lower peak transients and shorter settle The design and control of the benzene and cyclohexane
times than the basic control structure CS1. The short settle time separation process implemented in the EDWC are thoroughly
is due to temperature controllers, which are characterized by investigated in this paper. To optimize the ow sheet, the
low price, good reliability, and rapid response compared with multiobjective genetic algorithm with constrains is used, which
the composition controllers. Moreover, the dynamic response of minimizes the overall heat duty with desired product composi-
control structures with vapor split ratio show better performance tions. From the optimal results, it is found that the optimum ow
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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article
sheet of EDWC can achieve up to 22% savings of the total NF,i = feed stage number of column i
reboiler duty; meanwhile, the steam cost and the TAC are Ni = the number of stages of column i
reduced by 1.8% and 4.8%, respectively. After the investigation of PI = proportionalintegral
the benzenecyclohexane system thoroughly, we highly approve QR = reboiler heat duty
the view reported by Wu et al.,23 namely, that the dividing-wall RRi = the reux ratio of column i
column is a promising technology to save energy and the space S = recycle solvent ow rate
required for separating ternary azeotrope, while the energy- VR = vapor sidestream ow rate
saving potential is limited. Thus, the total reboiler duty, the steam V2 = vapor stream owed into the side column
cost, and the TAC should be checked carefully in the design of an XD1 = cyclohexane composition on the top of the main
EDWC conguration. column
As for the overall control strategy of the process, it is found x1 = mole fraction of cyclohexane in liquid phase
that the basic control strategy can work well during 20% in the x1 = benzene composition in the side column of stage 1
feed ow rate and 10% in the benzene composition changes. x15 = furfural composition in the stripping column of stage 15
However, the relatively large overshooting and long time to y1 = mole fraction of cyclohexane in vapor phase
settle are not good for the controllability. In addition, there is a y9 = benzene composition in the main column of stage 9
limit in the application of using four composition controllers in y32 = cyclohexane composition in the main column of stage 32
industry. Thus, the improved control structures CS2 and CS3 are V = vapor split ratio
recommended, which can eectively handle the disturbances V = latent heat of the steam
and keep the two products on high purities. And the CS3 using I = controller integral time constant
temperature control without vapor split ratio is more practical in
industry than the CS2 and CS1. All the performances of the REFERENCES
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