(IJCST-V5I2P61) :irene Getzi S
(IJCST-V5I2P61) :irene Getzi S
(IJCST-V5I2P61) :irene Getzi S
Cloud computing bring about a major shift in computing. The control over data and operations from the client organization is
now shifted to their cloud providers. The basic tasks like storage, retrieval and maintenance of data become the responsibility of
the cloud service provider and not the user. As more and more security breaches happening all over the world in different forms
it is necessary to protect the data from the adversaries. The most difficult adversary to protect against in a public cloud is the
cloud provider itself. It controls everything: the data center, the network, the operating system the hardware and the users. Thus
it becomes rampant to store the data in the encrypted format that provides confidentiality and privacy. However as soon as data
is encrypted it becomes seemingly impossible to perform computations on the data without decrypting it. The question of
computing on encrypted data (COED) has instigates a number of fascinating techniques as well as deep open problems. It
remains a driving force behind much of the most exciting research in cryptography today. This paper presents some of the
underlying technologies and overview of the work done in this regard.
Keywords :- Computations on encrypted data, COED, functional encryption, symmetric searchable encryption, secure searches,
homomorphic encryption