Crowdfunding Potential For Nigeria 2017 - CrowdfundingHub
Crowdfunding Potential For Nigeria 2017 - CrowdfundingHub
Crowdfunding Potential For Nigeria 2017 - CrowdfundingHub
Report 2017
Keizersgracht 264
1016 EV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
2 Suzanne Wisse-Huiskes
Table of contents
I. What is Crowdfunding?
II. State of Crowdfunding in Nigeria
A. Technology
B. Culture of Entrepreneurship
C. Regulation
D. Capital
III. Crowdfunding Potential for Nigeria in 2017
IV. About
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4 Suzanne Wisse-Huiskes
Key Points
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I. What is crowdfunding?
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The African continent brings a minimal The total African Alternative Finance
contribution to global crowdfunding market accounts for about 83,3 Million
activity, 0,5% of the global market in 2015. USDi in 2015. Nigeria raised almost $8
Slow adaption to crowdfunding by African million in 2015 with the majority of this
entrepreneurs is believed to be caused by coming from peer-to-peer business
the regulatory environment and the fact lending and equity crowdfunding (over
that e-commerce is not broadly used. In 90% of activity). The remaining 10% can
Nigeria, Africas largest economy and be attributed to microfinance, donation
home of millions of young entrepreneurs, and reward-based crowdfunding. ii
crowdfunding could be a great tool to
kick-start organisations and individuals. Main issues to develop a successful
However, crowdfunding is yet to be fully crowdfunding ecosystem are lack of trust
embraced. and the absence of a regulatory
framework. Obstacles will not be easy to
Nigeria is one of the fastest emerging overcome, yet initiatives e.g.
markets in the world. The country is at the CrowdfundingHub and the African
beginning of an exciting growth of tech Crowdfunding Association (AfcA) can
start-ups. An increasing part of the contribute to amend the crowdfunding
Nigerians are using social media and model to local needs.
online stores. Also, the availability of
capital is expanding. Crowdfunding is bound to grow in the
coming years. Slowly platforms are
entering the market for this reason. At the
start of 2017, 4 Nigerian based platforms
Population Population were online. This is extremely limited for
179 mln in 270 mln in
2016 2030 Africas nr. 1 economy.
8 Suzanne Wisse-Huiskes
C. Regulations D. Capital
iii A detailed list of current crowdfunding platforms
can be found in chapter III iv Infodev/Worldbank report 2013
9 Suzanne Wisse-Huiskes
A. Technology
The first key factors that facilitate Nigeria boasts over 97 million mobile
crowdfunding in a developing country are Internet users that have activities online.
technology and education. Strong social Yet, as big as the Nigerian tech landscape
media market penetration and Internet is, getting customers to pay online is still
usage are necessary to control a major obstacle for ecommerce. The
demographic and technology trends to countrys two largest online shopping
drive collaboration and cultural shifts. The companies, Jumia and Konga, might have
most important difference between failed if not introducing its cash on
traditional friends and family finance and delivery payment option, which is the
crowdfunding is the usage of social preferred payment for the majority of the
media to broaden the reach of the online transactions on these stores. Many
fundraising campaigns and to use better Nigerians see online payments as
measurement tools. something that could easily be
manipulated and succumb to fraud. This
In Nigeria, a little over half of the lack of trust is further supported by the
population uses the Internet v , however non-existence of any legal framework that
few people use a laptop to access the protects investors against fraud reports.
Internet. They use their smart phone
instead, as it is cheaper and more Summary
effective; Wi-Fi is scarce whereas 3G is The outcome of the survey on Technology
widely available in Abuja and Lagos, the states that mobile technology is seen as a
commercial capital. The level of mobile mechanism for communication and
smartphone penetration is not a particular collaboration by most Nigerians. The
high percentage (30%), however has a country is ready to use these tools to
high growth in 2015. This growth is due to build communities of engaged
the young population (a shocking 60% is entrepreneurs and investors, so that as
younger than 25 years old vi ). A the industry starts to develop, they can be
smartphone is mostly used for social connected. Crowdfunding platforms can
networking. Social media adoption in use the power of social media to promote
Nigeria is increasing exponentially over their campaigns.
the past decade. The young generation is
getting engaged in Social Media,
especially Facebook and Twitter.
v Source; CIA world fact book 2015
vi Source; CIA world fact book 2015
10 Suzanne Wisse-Huiskes
B. Culture of Entrepreneurship
11 Suzanne Wisse-Huiskes
C. Regulation
Regulation can both enable and deter regulatory framework that will support
entrepreneurship and crowdfunding this massive global innovation. Equity
depending on its structure and scope. In crowdfunding could prove to be an
general, Nigeria scores as one of the expedient way for many struggling
lowest countries in the world when it entrepreneurs to raise capital, since they
comes to ease of doing business. In fact, are considered as high risk to banks.
the country ranks nr. 169 on the world Donation and reward-based crowdfunding
index, nr. 1 having the most business are excluded from the SECs regulatory
friendly regulations viii . Nigeria suffers remit.
from a great political instability. It is often
difficult to anticipate for entrepreneurs The lack of patent laws is another
when existing policies or regulation will concern. It discourages entrepreneurs to
change. In addition, corruption and share their business ideas online. When
multiple taxes make it a difficult their business model is showcased on a
environment to work in. crowdfunding platform, their idea is
unprotected from copycats. Another
In August 2016, the Securities and obstacle for entrepreneurs is the process
Exchange Commission of Nigeria (SEC) of starting a new business in Nigeria. This
announced that equity crowdfunding is process is frustrated by government
now banned in Nigeria until further notice. bureaucracy, with people resorting to third
Donation based crowdfunding is still party agents to help them facilitate the
legalix. SEC regulates all securities offered process of business registration. A
for sale by public companies in Nigeria positive note is that lower taxes and
and currently there are no provisions higher price ceilings have helped
relating to crowdfunding in the SEC rules. entrepreneurs to move forward. Also, the
Furthermore, they regulate the formation government is actively promoting use of
and operation of all types of companies Internet and trying to incorporate
and enterprises in Nigeria and can place technology in the country.
restriction in dealing with transfer of
shares. The SEC believes that Summary
crowdfunding cannot be effective in The outcome of the survey on the
Nigeria for now because of lack of rules. category Regulation implies that there is a
The legal provisions of crowdfunding are fair amount of regulation in place to
a big challenge to the organisation. encourage entrepreneurship. The survey,
However, they are looking for ways to go however, does not take into consideration
about it so that companies will enjoy the the recent ban on equity crowdfunding.
benefits of crowdfunding in the country
as well. In order to do so, SEC is looking at To build a credible crowdfunding system,
the crowdfunding rules in US and Canada the government should encourage the use
in order to ensure an enabling legal and of donation and reward based
crowdfunding. More importantly, a
regulatory framework is essential to
The world Bank, Data 2014 promote capital formation while
ix protecting investors.
15th August 2016
12 Suzanne Wisse-Huiskes
D. Capital
The availability of capital is usually one of companies and networks that specialize
the most prominent missing elements in African entrepreneurs such as
when attempting to build a successful VC4Africa.
entrepreneurial ecosystem. In developing
countries, limited access to finance is Summary
already the second-most cited obstacle for The outcome of the survey on Technology
businesses, right after unstable electricityx. states that lack of access to credit facility
This is also the case in Nigeria.
remains a major issue. However, more
and more capital is efficiently flowing in
Lack of access to credit facility is a major
the private capital markets. The
stumbling block for a business start-up in
government and other stakeholders
Nigeria. Financing is mainly provided by
should understand what changes have
friends and family. Enterprises in Nigeria
taken place to encourage capital
find it difficult to access financing from
formation in the private sector and further
commercial lenders such as banks, as
foster that.
they often have strict requirements that
enterprises cannot meet. Where financing
is available, it is often too expensive. Also,
enterprises are not aware of the
alternatives sources of financing
available. They often dont have the skills,
time or network to seek connection with
potential investors. There are few angel
investors or venture capitalists in Nigeria.
Altogether, this translates to a great lack
of available funding for entrepreneurs.
x IFC, 2010, Scaling-Up SME Access to Financial
Services in the Developing World
13 Suzanne Wisse-Huiskes
It is believed that Nigeria can possible Other major concerns according to this
create an effective crowdfunding industry report are lack of trust and access to
in Nigeria. Firstly, with a fast growing credit facility. These challenges will not
population of 179 million, where 84% has be easy to tackle, yet ambitious
mobile connection and over half of the entrepreneurs in Nigeria are utilizing
population is already active on Internet, innovative strategies to overcome these
there is a strong social media usage and a obstacles when raising money from the
great network of family and friends. crowd.
Secondly, the entrepreneurial scene is
booming. Thirdly, effective payment Other initial steps could include:
solutions are in place.
Crowdfunding platforms and other
The crowdfunding ecosystem, however, stakeholders bundle forces and work on
consists of more than technology and new legislation with the government.
culture of entrepreneurship. The most Crowdfunding platforms using the power
pressing issue in 2017 is obviously of social media to promote their cause.
regulation. The 2016 ban on equity Encouragement from the government to
crowdfunding in Nigeria is seriously use donation and reward based
slowing down the introduction of crowdfunding. More importantly, a
crowdfunding in the country. To move regulatory framework is essential to
forward, donation and reward based promote capital formation while
crowdfunding should be fostered as a protecting investors.
first step towards crowdfund investing. Create external linkages for additional
These types of crowdfunding have capacity, for instance with the AfcA or
successfully paved the way for equity peers in the EU and US.
based crowdfunding in other regions.
Since the authorities in Nigeria struggle As the goal of this report is to determine
with the regulation on equity based the current crowdfunding potential for
crowdfunding, the situation demands a Nigeria and to add to the discussion on
proactive attitude from existing platforms crowdfunding in Nigeria and West Africa,
and crowdfunding associations. a new assessment will be made in 2018.
xi exchange rate based on January
1st 2017
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