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Lesson Plan

Date: 6/27/2016 Class Start/End Times:

Names: Logan, Jessica, Kage, Ryan
Cooperating Teacher: School: Microteach
Subject/level: Music- 4th or 5th Grade Classroom Building & Room Number: Bluemont 343
Lesson Title: Whats In A Song

Standard, Benchmark, Indicator Process Component Re.2: Analyze Analyze how the structure and context
of varied musical works inform the response.
Lesson Goal Students will be aware and knowledgable about the parts of a song
Lesson Objective Students will identify the verse, chorus, and bridge of 3 popular songs
Essential Question(s) How are popular songs created?
New & Guarded Vocabulary verse, chorus, bridge
Assessment and Criteria Process Component Re.2: Analyze Analyze how the structure and context
of varied musical works inform the response.
Furniture/Materials/Technology Computer/iPad
Resources (books, articles, video Spotify/iTunes to provide music, printed lyrics, boxes for assessment
links, etc.)

Est. Lesson Activities

of Task

Total 10 min

Beginni Do Now:
ng To begin, we will be playing an instrumental cover of a popular song. This will be
played as we are finishing our set up, to get the students attention. The teachers
will use a bit of a name that song game to have the students describe how they
recognized the song. The teachers will provide a word bank of Verse, chorus, and
bridge on the board.

Teachers will aide students in defining the three terms of verse, chorus, and bridge
(in the lesson portion). Teachers will discuss the roles and goals of each section of
the song. This break down will provide students with a better understanding of
what each part of the song contains.
Middle Lesson:
Verse: This is where an artist houses most of their lyrical content. Is it lyrical?

Chorus: the repeating section which usually contains the hook. Is it catchy?

Bridge: This is the transitional section which usually contrasts the verses both
musically and lyrically. Often times the artist will use this section to house the
"aha!" Moment of the piece. This section musically does not resolve as it is
intended to lead back to the chorus for where it will usually resolve. Does it build?

Is it Lyrical? - Verse
Is it Catchy? - Chorus
Does it Build? - Bridge

Activity: Name That Part!

1. The teacher will play a piece of a popular song.
2. Students will identify which part of a song it is and explain why in teams.

How can knowing a songs layout help you to write your own?

Adaptations: What could One-on-one help would be needed; the lesson would not need to be changed much
you adapt to help in any way.
students with learning
disabilities, students
with learning
exceptionalities, &/or
ELL students with this
lesson? (Ex: guided
notes, extended time,
fewer questions, fewer
distractors, alternate
setting, etc.)
Modalities: What Visual: Seeing the parts of the song be cut up into different organizations.
modalities did you utilize Auditory: Playing the songs over speakers.
in this lesson? How? Kinesthetic: Movement during the middle of the lesson to create a fun atmosphere
while listening to the songs
Tactile: Cutting up the song lyrics to differentiate between the chorus, bridge, and
Strategies: What We integrated technology in the powerpoint and using Spotify and the speaker. We
instructional strategies lectured on the board about the chorus, verse, and bridge and used discussion
did you utilize in this among our class to come up with a definition for each. We used cooperative
lesson? (Ex: graphic learning by having the two teams help each other find answers and work together.
organizer, cooperative
learning, discussion,
technology integration,

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