LESSON PLAN: Rewriting A Song: Objective
LESSON PLAN: Rewriting A Song: Objective
LESSON PLAN: Rewriting A Song: Objective
Pencil, Paper, Recording of Selected Song, Lyrics
❶ Choose a song that is known to the students. Hint: You can do this
ahead of time by choosing several songs and then allowing the
students to pick their favorite. Find recordings and lyrics of the song.
❷ Hand out the lyrics to the students and then play the recording of the
song as the students follow along
❸ Next have the student rewrite the lyrics. What will work best here is
if you only change a few words to get the ideas rolling. (Ex: “I want it
that way” by the Back Street Boys can easily be changed to “I want it
MY way” with a possible reference to a popular fast food chain. This
starts the students thinking in a particular direction and will allow
them to be creative either in small groups or as a whole class.
❹ Once the lyrics are written down either by the group leader or by
the teacher, sing them along to recording. Hint: Many times karaoke
versions of the song are available via YouTube.
❶ If you pick a song that has an easy chord progression, I have the
students play along with the recording.
❷ Choose rhythms that work with the song from the teacher manual.
Have the students record their songs. This can be done via a
Smartphone, Computer or another recording device. This way they
have reference copy that can serve them in the future to see how they
improved or maybe even something they would like to change.