U Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris X 2017
U Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris X 2017
U Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris X 2017
e. Because we alarm clock didnt work first the man was very nice, but then he got angry.
You are stupid bird! Why cant you say the word?
Y. Say Catano, or I will kill you! but the parrot would
not say it. Then the man got so angry that he
11. What did he do after having breakfast? shouted over and over, Say Catano, or Ill kill
a. He got dressed so quickly that he forgot to wear you! but the bird wouldnt talk.
socks. AI. One day after trying for many hours to
b. He wear socks so quickly that he forgot to get make the bird say Catano, the man got very angry.
dressed. He picked up the bird and threw him into the
c. He ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus. chicken house. You are more stupid than the
d. He burned his hand when he was making breakfast. chickens. Soon I will eat you, too.
e. He cut his hand when he was making breakfast. AJ. In the chicken house there are four old
Z. chicken. They were for Sundays dinner. The man
12. How far did the writer walk? put the parrot in the chicken house and left.
a. He walked for two miles. AK. The next day the man came back to the
b. He walked for three miles. chicken house. He opened the door and stopped He
c. He walked for four miles. was very surprised at what he saw!
d. He walked for five miles. AL. He saw three dead chickens on the floor.
e. He walked for Six miles. The parrot was screaming to the fourth chicken,
AA. Say Catano, or Ill kill you!
13. What does the writer hope? AM.
a. The writer hopes to discover that it was Sunday. 19.What word couldnt be said by the parrot ?
b. The writer hopes to take a taxi. a. Catano c. smart e. town
c. The writer hopes he never had a day like yesterday. b. parrot d. except one
d. The writer hopes that yesterday will be better. 20.The purpose of the text above is ..
e. The writer hopes to take a motorcycle. a. to describe the parrot d. to
AB. describe the man
AC. (Question for 14 - 18) b. To describe the chickens e. to entertain
AD. Hello friends. My Name is Danny the writer
Kusuma, but you can call me Danny. I come from c. to entertain the readers
Jakarta. I have just graduated from SMP in Jakarta.
Now, I am a first grader student in SMA Tunas AN. B. Essay
Karya in solo. I live in Sudirman Street Solo. My AO.
house is not so far from my school, so I usually go 1. Write text organization of Recount Text?
to school so I usually go to school on foot. I live 2. Write Type of Recount Text?
with my parents and my younger sister, Diana. I am
15 years old now. My hobby is playing basketball. I 3. Make the Formula About Simple Past Continous?
like playing basketball very much. 4. They make articles on newspaper.
14. What is the text about? AP. Change the sentence Above to Simple Past
a. Dannys hobby Continous? Tense to Positive, Negative.
b. Dannys self introduction 5. Dr. Rony Go to Hospital
c. Dannys family
d. Dannys new school
e. Dannys old school
15. Where does danny come from?
a. Jakarta d. Solo
b. Bali e. Yogya
c. Bandung
16. How does danny goes to school
a. By bus c. By car
b. By on foot d. By bicycle
c. By motorcycle
17. Whom Danny Lives with
a. His Parents d. His Uncle
b. His Sister e. His Parents & Sister
c. His Grandparent
18. What Dannys like
a. Badminton d. Hiking
b. Reading e.sport
c. Basketball
the sentence Above to Simple Past Continous?