Ujian Semester Ganjil Kelas 8

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Choose the right answer between a, b, c, or d! lunch, we went for a ride on the elephant.

It was
a thrill to ride it. Dad fell off when he let go off
1. I _______ my phone two days ago.
the rope, but he was ok. During the lunch, we
a. lose
fed some birds in the park. In the afternoon, we
b. loss
saw the animals being fed. When we returned
c. lost
home we were very tired but happy. It was
d. was losing
because we had so much fun activities at many
2. My teacher was angry because I _____ late.
places at the zoo.
a. am
b. is
9. What did the writer and his family do when
c. was
they got to the zoo?
d. were
a. They saw birds and reptiles.
3. We ______ Daniel in town a few days ago.
b. They took a rest in the zoo.
a. see
c. They had a lunch with the birds.
b. saw
d. They went to the shop to buy some
c. was
d. seen
10. What happened to the writer’s dad when he
4. Jimmy _____ study for the exam last week.
rode an elephant?
a. did not
a. He felt a thrill.
b. does not
b. He felt fun.
c. do not
c. He runaway.
d. did
d. He fell off.
5. Where ____ you ____ two weeks ago?
11. Why did the writer and his family feel very
a. were / go
tired after having a trip to the zoo?
b. did / went
a. They took a long time to reach the zoo
c. did / go
d. do / go
b. They had no time to take a rest in the
6. We _______ at the library for three hours
c. They had to visit many places in the
a. study
b. studied
d. They had to feed a lot of animals in the
c. studyed
d. studying
7. ______ you have a Math class last week? The dialogue is for number 12.
a. Did
b. Were Tanti: “Where did you go for school excursion
c. Are last week?”
d. Do Zulfa: “I went to Jatim Park for the school
8. Tiffany _____ the floor an hour ago.
Tanti: “How long did the trip take time?”
a. Sweep Zulfa: “It was about 7 hours.”
b. Swept
c. Sweeping 12. The dialogue above shows about....
d. Sweeps a. Something happens in the time of the
This text is for number 9-11. speaker speak.
A Trip to the Zoo b. Something happens in the future.
c. Something happens regularly.
Yesterday, my family and I went to the zoo to
d. Something happens in the past
see the elephant. When we got to the zoo, we
went to the shop to buy some food to give to the The text is for number 13 – 18.
animals. After getting the food, we went to the
nocturnal house where we saw birds and reptiles On Saturday, May 5th, Sarah invited her
which only come out at night. Before having classmates to her birthday party. I was very
excited. I went there with Paula and Tim. We
wore fancy dress because it was a fancy dress This text is for number 19-22
party. I wore a ghost costume, Tim was Xena, My Vacation in Bali
the warrior princess, and Paula was a vampire. I spent the last vacation in Bali with my
The party started at 7. First, we sang father, mother, and sister. We left Semarang for
‘Happy Birthday’. Then, Sarah blew out the Bali at 9.45 AM. However, we could not go
candles. After that, we ate some food and drink directly to Denpasar. Our plane had to stop at
coke. Jakarta and then we took another plane to
Later on, we played some games. Denpasar. Actually, we could go through
Everybody enjoyed them. We cheered so hard. I Surabaya which was closer to Denpasar.
nearly lost my voice. We were playing ‘Hide However, my father could not get the tickets to
and seek’ when suddenly the lights went out. Surabaya. That’s why we decided to go through
The girls were afraid of the dark and the boys Jakarta, though it was a bit more expensive.
laughed at them. Fortunately, it didn’t last long. We arrived at Ngurah Rai at 7 PM, and
In ten minutes, the light was on again, and we went directly to the hotel. The hotel was
continued the games. amazing. The name was Inna Grand Bali Hotel
Before the party was over, the MC in Sanur. The hotel was very large. It’s about 45
announced the best costume of the party. Paula hectares and just next to Sanur Beach. We just
got the first prize. She looked so happy. needed to walk for three minutes from our room
Finally, my Dad arrived to take us home. I to reach the beach. My sister and I went to the
was so tired, but happy. beach nearly every morning.
We spent the first day enjoying our
13. Who did the writer go to the party with? staying in the hotel. On the second day, we were
a. Xena and the vampire picked by a minibus and went to Tanjung Benoa
b. Sarah and her friends harbour. From Tanjung Benoa, we took a boat to
c. Paula and Tim go to Nusa Penida Island. We had a great tour at
d. His parents Nusa Penida. First, we visited Toyapakeh
14. When did the guests enjoy the games? village. We enjoyed the unique Balinese village
a. After the announcement of the best life there. After that we snorkeled in the sea.
costume. Wow, the fish and coral were amazing! Late in
b. At the beginning of the party. the evening we went back to our hotel in
c. Soon after they arrived. Denpasar.
d. After having their meals. We spent the third day by shopping in
15. What happened to the light when the guests Sukowati. My mom bought a lot of Balinese
were playing “Hide and Seek”? clothing. I bought a small painting for my room.
a. It worked so well. My sister decided to buy some necklaces made
b. It shone brightly. of shells. She wanted to share them with her
c. It was dim. friends. My father didn’t buy anything. Finally,
d. It was off. we flew back to Semarang in the afternoon.
16. Who won the best costume?
a. The writer 19. Why did the writer’s family leave for Bali?
b. Paula a. To visit their relatives
c. Sarah b. To do some jobs
d. Tim c. For a vacation
17. From the text above, we know that a fancy d. For a business
dress party is ______ 20. How far is the hotel from the beach?
a. A party for rich people. a. Forty fife minutes
b. A party in which the host is very nice. b. Twenty minutes
c. A party in which the place is very c. Three minutes
fancy. d. Ten minutes
d. A part in which the guests wear special 21. What did they do in Nusa Penida Island?
costume. a. Enjoying a unique village, snorkeling,
18. Paula got the first prize ___ “ (paragraph 4) and shopping
The underlined word means ______ b. Enjoying a unique village and
a. Awards snorkeling trip.
b. Place c. Snorkeling and shopping souvenirs
c. Price d. Visiting a hotel and shopping
d. Fund 22. Where did they buy souvenirs?
a. At Inna Grand Bali Hotel a. Beyond
b. At Tanjung Benoa b. Beside
c. At Nusa Penida c. Behind
d. At Sukowati d. Below
23. What is the purpose of writing the text? This text is for number 29-33.
a. To tell the readers of the beauty of Bali. The Lamb and the Wolf
b. To persuade the readers to visit One day, the wolf was slaking his thirst
beautiful Bali. at a stream when he saw a lamb also drinking at
c. To tell the readers about the writer’s some distance down the stream.
vacation in Bali. Outraged, he growled, “You are
d. To make the readers know about the muddying my drinking water, now I shall eat
places of interest in Bali. you.”
The lamb protested, “But, Sir, how can I
This text is for number 24-28. be muddying your drinking water? I am farther
Going to a Movie down the stream than you are. The water is
Somat and Mamat decided to go to a flowing from your part of the stream to where I
film theatre to relax. They were very tired after am.”
finishing the exams. They chose to watch an “Upstream of downstream, your
adventure film. They didn’t want to watch a drinking is muddying my water, and I shall eat
drama, thriller, or horror film. They wanted to you.” So saying, the leaped upon the lamb and
forget studying one night and fantasize a little. devoured him.
So they bought two tickets for a movie
called “The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship 29. Where did the story happen?
of the Ring.” They got in the theatre just before a. On the river
the movie started. b. In the forest
Inside the theatre, a tall man sat on a c. In the jungle
seat in front of them. He put on a tall hat. Somat d. At the zoo
and Mamat could not see the screen. Somat 30. The following facts made the wolf get
tapped the man on the shoulder and asked him to angry with the lamb, except ____
remove his hat. When the man turned around to a. The lamb muddied the water.
say sorry, they recognized him. He was Mr. b. The wolf wanted to eat the lamb.
Joko, Somat’s father. c. The lamb drank at the same stream.
d. The lamb protested him.
24. What is the type of the text above? 31. What is the type of the text above?
a. Narrative a. Narrative
b. Recount b. Recount
c. Descriptive c. Descriptive
d. Procedure d. Report
25. Somat and Mamat went to theatre to watch 32. What is the purpose of the text above?
a/an _____ film. a. To amuse or entertain the reader.
a. Drama b. To retell the past events.
b. Thriller c. To describe particular thing, person, or
c. Drama place.
d. Adventure d. To show the way to accomplish certain
26. Why couldn’t Somat and Mamat see the goals.
screen? 33. What is the generic structure of the text
a. The short man sat in front of them. above?
b. The man sat in front of them wore tall a. Orientation – Complication –
hat. Resolution
c. They were too short to see the screen. b. Orientation – Event 1, Event 2 – Re-
d. They closed their eyes. orientation
27. Who is the man? c. Identification – Description
a. Mr. Joko d. Aim – Materials – Steps
b. A kid This text is for number 34-36.
c. Mamat’s Father Once upon a time, there was a kingdom in
d. Somat’s grandfather Java that was attacked by another kingdom. The
28. “a tall man sat on a seat in front of them” king asked his Queen to save her life. Alas! In
What is the antonym of the underline word? the middle of the jungle, the enemy killed all her
guards. However, the Queen was lucky because “My dear friend,” said the wolf in his sweetest
she changed herself into a golden snail and voice, “aren’t you afraid you will fall down from
survived. that cliff? Come down here and graze on this
One day, an old woman saw the snail fine grass beside me on safe, level ground.”
and took it home. She looked after it. Whenever “No, thank you,” said the goat.
the old woman was not at home, the snail turned “Well then,” said the wolf, “aren’t you cold up
into a human being. She cooked and did the there in the wind? You would be warmer grazing
household chores. When the old woman got down here beside me in this sheltered area.”
home, the Queen quickly changed into a snail “No, thank you,” said the goat.
again. It happened several times and made the “But, the grass tastes better down here!” said the
old woman curios. One day, the old woman annoyed wolf, “why dine alone?”
peeped and saw what was going on. She broke “My dear wolf,” the goat finally said, “are you
in, immediately. She asked, “Why did you quite sure that it is my dinner you are worrying
change yourself into a snail?” The Queen told about and not your own?”
her what happened. The old woman was
surprised to know that the snail was a Queen. 37. What did the wolf ask when he saw the goat
Later, from the head of the village they grazing at the edge of high cliff?
discovered that the King had won the battle and a. To be his friend
he was looking for his wife. Then the village b. To graze on the level ground
head sent a message to the King telling him that c. To climb up higher
his wife was safe. d. To be his dinner
Several days later, the King and his guards 38. “Aren’t you cold up there in the wind?”
came for the Queen. They thanked the villagers The word ‘there’ refers to ____
for their kindness and brought the old woman to a. A high cliff
their palace. b. Sheltered area
c. Grass
34. What happened when the old woman found d. Ground
the snail? 39. What can we learn from the story above?
a. She reported it to the head of the a. Don’t look down to other creatures.
village. b. Don’t easily believe in well behaved
b. She helped it to find the Queen’s creatures.
husband. c. Don’t judge others by their appearance.
c. It helped cleaning and cooking in her d. Don’t easily beat other creatures.
house. 40. From the story we know _____
d. She brought it to her house and took a. The goat was very hungry.
care of it. b. The wolf was a helpful animal.
35. What does the second paragraph tell you c. The wolf eager to eat the goat.
about? d. The wolf was going to fight with the
a. The Queen lived as a golden snail. goat.
b. The enemy who attacked the kingdom.
c. The old woman who looked after a
d. The King’s guards who were killed by
the enemy.
36. In the end of the story, the old woman live
in _____
a. The King’s palace
b. A small village
c. The village heads
d. The middle of the jungle

This text is for number 37-40.

A wolf saw a goat grazing at the edge of
a high cliff. The wolf smacked his lips at the
thought of a fine goat dinner.

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