B 189

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Designation: B 189 95


100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM

Standard Specification for

Lead-Coated and Lead-Alloy-Coated Soft Copper Wire for
Electrical Purposes1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation B 189; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope 3.1.3 Type of coating ( Section 1),

1.1 This specification covers lead-coated and lead-alloy- 3.1.4 Type of copper, if special (see 4.2),
coated, round, soft or annealed copper wire for electrical 3.1.5 Package size (see 8.1),
purposes. 3.1.6 Special package marking, if required, and
1.2 The SI values for density and resistivity are to be 3.1.7 Place of inspection (see 6.1).
regarded as the standard. For all other properties the inch- 3.2 In addition, Supplementary Requirements shall apply
pound values are to be regarded as the standard and the SI units only when specified by the purchaser in the inquiry, contract or
may be approximate. purchase order for direct procurement by agencies of the U. S.
1.3 The hazard statement applies only to Section 6, Test Government (S1, S2, and S3).
Methods of this specification. This standard does not purport 4. Material
to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its
use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to 4.1 Coating MaterialThe coating material shall be com-
establish appropriate safety and health practices and deter- mercially pure lead or a lead alloy. The lead alloy shall
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. conform to the following requirements as to chemical compo-
sition as determined by analysis of samples from the coating
2. Referenced Documents bath:
2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect at the Lead, min, % 25
time of reference form a part of these methods to the extent Tin, max, % 75A
referenced herein: Antimony, max, % 6
2.2 ASTM Standards: It is permissible to use alloying constituents other than those specified above
to replace a portion of the tin.
B 49 Specification for Copper Redraw Rod for Electrical 4.2 Copper-Base MetalThe base metal shall be copper of
Purposes2 such quality and purity that the finished product shall have
B 193 Test Method for Resistivity of Electrical Conductor properties and characteristics prescribed in this specification.
B 258 Specification for Standard Nominal Diameters and NOTE 1Specification B 49 defines copper suitable for use.
Cross-Sectional Areas of AWG Sizes of Solid Round Wires 4.2.1 Copper of special qualities, forms, or types, as may be
Used as Electrical Conductors3 agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser, and
2.3 NIST: NBS Handbook 100 Copper Wire Tables4 which will conform to the requirements prescribed in this
specification may also be used.
3. Ordering Information
3.1 Orders for material under this specification shall include 5. General Requirements (See Section 9)
the following information: 5.1 Tensile Strength and Elongation (Explanatory Note
3.1.1 Quantity of each size and type of coating, 1)The coated wire shall conform to the requirements for
3.1.2 Wire size: diameter in inches (see 5.3 and Table 1), elongation prescribed in Table 1. No requirements for tensile
strength are specified. For wire whose nominal diameter is
more than 0.001 in. (1 mil) greater than a size listed in Table 1,
Thic specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B-1 on but less than that of the next larger size, the requirements of the
Electrical Conductors and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B01.04 on
Conductors of Copper and Copper Alloys. next larger size shall apply.
Current edition approved July 15, 1995. Published September 1995. Originally 5.2 Resistivity (Explanatory Note 2)The electrical resis-
published as B 189 44 T. Last previous edition B 189 90.
tivity of the coated wire at a temperature of 20C shall not
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.01.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 02.03.
exceed the values prescribed in Table 2.
Available from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal 5.3 Dimensions and Permissible Variations (Explanatory
Rd., Springfield, VA 22161. Note 1)The wire sizes shall be expressed as the diameter of

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B 189
TABLE 1 Tensile Requirements TABLE 3 Permissible Variations in Diameter
Area at 20C Elongation in 10 Nominal Diameter of Permissible Variations in Diameter
Diameter, in. in., min, % Wire, in. plus minus
cmils in.
Under 0.0100 0.0003 in. (0.3 mil) 0.0001 in. (0.1 mil)
0.4600 211 600 0.1662 30 0.0100 and over 3% 1%
0.4096 167 800 0.1318 30 A
Expressed to the nearest 0.0001 in. (0.1 mil).
0.3648 133 100 0.1045 30
0.3249 105 600 0.08291 30
shall be continuous. The continuity of coating on the wire shall
0.2893 83 690 0.06573 25 be determined on representative samples taken before strand-
0.2576 66 360 0.05212 25
0.2294 52 620 0.04133 25
ing or insulating. The continuity of coating shall be determined
0.2043 41 740 0.03278 25 by the ammonium persulfate test in accordance with 6.4or by
the sodium polysulfide-hydrochloric acid test in accordance
0.1819 33 090 0.02599 25
0.1620 26 240 0.02061 25
with 6.5. In case the results obtained in the sodium polysulfide-
0.1443 20 820 0.01635 25 hydrochloric acid test are not conclusive, the ammonium
0.1285 16 510 0.01297 25 persulfate test shall be employed and the results obtained by
0.1144 13 090 0.01028 25
this latter test shall be final.
0.1019 10 380 0.008155 20 5.5 JointsNecessary joints in the completed wire and in
0.0907 8 230 0.00646 20 the wire and rods prior to final drawing shall be made in
0.0808 6 530 0.00513 20
accordance with the best commercial practice.
0.0720 5 180 0.00407 20 5.6 FinishThe coating shall consist of a smooth continu-
0.0641 4 110 0.00323 20 ous layer, firmly adherent to the surface of the copper. The wire
0.0571 3 260 0.00256 20
0.0508 2 580 0.00203 20
shall be free of all imperfections not consistent with the best
commercial practice.
0.0453 2 050 0.00161 20
0.0403 1 620 0.00128 20 6. Test Methods
0.0359 1 290 0.00101 20
0.0320 1 020 0.000804 20
6.1 Tensile Strength and Elongation (Explanatory Note
3)No test for tensile strength shall be required.
0.0285 812 0.000638 20 6.1.1 The elongation of wire whose nominal diameter is
0.0253 640 0.000503 20
0.0226 511 0.000401 20 larger than 0.0808 in. (2.052 mm) in diameter shall be
0.0201 404 0.000317 15 determined as the permanent increase in length, expressed in
percent of the original length, due to the breaking of the wire
0.0179 320 0.000252 15
0.0159 253 0.000199 15 in tension, measured between gage marks placed originally 10
0.0142 202 0.000158 15 in. (254 mm) apart upon the test specimen. The elongation of
0.0126 159 0.000125 15 the wire whose nominal diameter is 0.0808 in. and under may
0.0113 128 0.000100 15 be determined as just described or by measurements made
0.0100 100 0.0000785 10 between the jaws of the testing machine. When the latter
0.0089 79.2 0.0000622 10 method is used, the zero length shall be the distance between
0.0080 64.0 0.0000503 10
the jaws at the start of the tension test and be as near 10 in. as
0.0071 50.4 0.0000396 10 practicable, and the final length shall be the distance between
0.0063 39.7 0.0000312 10 the jaws at the time of rupture. The fracture shall be between
0.0056 31.4 0.0000246 10
0.0050 25.0 0.0000196 10 gage marks in the case of specimens so marked or between the
jaws of the testing machine and not closer than 1 in. (25.4 mm)
0.0045 20.2 0.0000159 10 to either gage mark or either jaw.
0.0040 16.0 0.0000126 10
0.0035 12.2 0.00000962 10 6.2 Resistivity (Explanatory Note 2)The electrical resis-
0.0031 9.61 0.00000755 10 tivity of the material shall be determined in accordance with
Test Method E 193. The purchaser may accept certification that
the wire was drawn from rod stock meeting the international
TABLE 2 Electrical Resistivity Requirements standard for annealed copper in lieu of resistivity tests on the
Resistivity at finished wire.
Nominal Diameter, in. 20C,
6.3 Dimensional MeasurementsDimensional measure-
ments shall be made with a micrometer caliper equipped with
0.460 to 0.290, incl 896.15
Under 0.290 to 0.103, incl 900.77 a vernier graduated in 0.0001 in. Measurements shall be made
Under 0.103 to 0.0201, incl 910.15 on at least three places on each unit selected for this test. If
Under 0.0201 to 0.0111, incl 929.52 accessible, one measurement shall be taken on each end and
Under 0.0111 to 0.0030, incl 939.51
one near the middle. The average of the three measurements
shall determine compliance with the requirements.
the wire in decimal fractions of an inch to the nearest 0.0001 in. 6.4 Continuity of Coating (Ammonium Persulfate Test):
(0.1 mil). The coated wire shall not vary from the specified 6.4.1 Specimens:
diameter by more than the amounts prescribed in Table 3. Length of SpecimensThe length of test specimens
5.4 Continuity of CoatingThe lead or lead-alloy coating shall be determined by substituting the appropriate value of K,

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B 189
as given in Table 4, in the following equation: 3 min, then removed and wiped dry with a clean, soft cloth.
L 5 K/D (Caution: Explanatory Note 4.) The specimens thus cleaned
shall be kept wrapped in a clean, dry cloth until tested.
where: Precaution: That part of the specimen to be immersed in the
L 5 length of test specimen, in. (or mm), and test solution shall not be handled. Care shall be taken to avoid
D 5 iameter of the coated wire, in. (or mm). abrasion by the cut ends.
In cases where the length of a specimen, determined by the 6.5.2 Special Solutions (Explanatory Note 5):
above equation, is such that it cannot be immersed in the Sodium Polysulfide Solution (sp gr 1.142)A
specified manner as a single length, it may be divided into concentrated solution shall be made by dissolving sodium
shorter sections which will permit complete immersion. sulfide cp crystals in distilled water until the solution is Treatment of SpecimensThe specimens shall be saturated at about 21C and adding sufficient flowers of sulfur
thoroughly cleaned by immersion in a suitable organic solvent (in excess of 250 g/L of solution) to provide complete
such as benzene, ether, or trichloroethylene for at least 3 min, saturation, as shown by the presence in the solution of an
then removed and wiped dry with a clean soft cloth. (Caution: excess of sulfur after the solution has been allowed to stand for
Explanatory Note 4.) The ends of each specimen shall be at least 24 h. The test solution shall be made by diluting a
completely coated with wax to protect the exposed copper. The portion of the concentrated solution with distilled water to a
wax-coated length shall not be included in determining the specific gravity of 1.142 at 16C. The sodium polysulfide test
length of the specimen. solution should have sufficient strength to blacken thoroughly
6.4.2 Special Solutions: a piece of clean, untinned copper wire in 5 s. A portion of the Test Solution (Ammonium Persulfate)Dissolve 10 test solution used for testing specimens shall not be considered
g of ammonium persulfate (cp crystals containing not less than to be exhausted until it fails to blacken a piece of clean copper
95 % of ammonium persulfate) in 500 mL of distilled water. as described above.
Add 75 mL of cp NH4OH (sp gr 0.90) and dilute to 1 L with Hydrochloric Acid Solution (sp gr 1.088)
distilled water. The ammonium persulfate solution shall be Commercial HCl (sp gr 1.12) shall be diluted with distilled
freshly prepared each day. Tests are to be conducted and shall water to a specific gravity of 1.088 measured at 16C. A portion
not be subjected to temperatures above 100F. of HCl solution having a volume of 180 mL shall be considered Reference Color Standard (Copper Sulfate- to be exhausted when the number of test specimens prescribed
Ammonium Hydroxide)Dissolve 0.100 g of anhydrous in Table 5 have been immersed in it for two cycles.
copper sulfate in distilled water, add 75 mL of cp NH4OH (sp 6.5.3 ProcedureImmerse a length of at least 412 in. from
gr 0.90), and dilute to 1 L. each of the cleaned specimens in accordance with the
6.4.3 ProcedureImmerse a specimen of the required following cycles, in test solutions maintained at a temperature
length (see section in the quantity of test solution between 16 and 21C:
prescribed in Table 4, using as the container a test tube of Immerse the specimen for 30 s in the sodium
appropriate dimensions. Immerse the specimen in the test polysulfide solution, wash, and then shake lightly to remove
solution at a temperature between 83 and 87F for a period of excess water.
15 min. Then remove the specimen and compare the test Immerse the specimen for 1 min in the HCl solution,
solution with an equal depth of the reference color standard wash, and then shake lightly to remove excess water.
contained in a similar test tube. Make the color comparison by Immerse the specimen for 30 s in the sodium
viewing the solutions lengthwise of the test tubes. The color of polysulfide solution, wash, and then shake lightly to remove
the test solution after immersion of the test specimen shall be excess water.
not darker than that of the reference color-standard solution. Immerse the specimen for 1 min in the HCl solution,
6.5 Continuity of Coating (Sodium Polysulfide- wash, and then shake lightly to remove excess water. After the
Hydrochloric Acid Test): operations described, examine the specimens to ascertain
6.5.1 Specimens: whether blackened areas resulting from the action of the Length of SpecimensThe test specimens shall each sodium polysulfide are present. (Blackening of the coated
have a length of about 6 in. (152 mm). They shall be tagged or surface that occurs when the specimen is immersed in the
marked to correspond with the coil, spool, or reel from which sodium polysulfide solution should disappear during
they were cut. immersion in the HCl solution, leaving blackened areas only Treatment of SpecimensThe test specimens shall
be thoroughly cleaned by immersion in a suitable organic TABLE 5 Limiting Number of Test Specimens for Hydrochloric
solvent, such as benzene, ether, or trichloroethylene for at least Acid Test
Maximum Number of Specimens
TABLE 4 Data for Ammonium Persulfate Test
Diameter, in. to be Tested for Two Cycles in
Quantity of Test 180 mL of Acid Solution
Wire Diameter, in. K
Solutions, mL
0.460 to 0.141, incl 2
0.460 to 0.321, incl 1.2 150 Under 0.141 to 0.0851, incl 4
Under 0.321 to 0.161, incl 0.8 100 Under 0.0851 to 0.0501, incl 6
Under 0.161 to 0.0810, incl 0.4 50 Under 0.0501 to 0.0381, incl 10
Under 0.0810 to 0.0400, incl 0.2 25 Under 0.0381 to 0.0301, incl 12
Under 0.0400 to 0.0030, incl 0.1 12.5 Under 0.0301 to 0.0030, incl 14

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B 189
where copper is exposed.) In examining specimens, disregard under the heading First Sample.
blackening present within 0.5 in. of the cut ends. 7.3.3 For surface-finish inspection and for packaging Washing SpecimensAfter each immersion, inspection (when specified by the purchaser at the time of
thoroughly wash the specimens in clean water and then shake placing the order) the sample shall consist of a quantity of
lightly to remove excess water. production units shown in Table 7.
6.6 FinishSurface-finish inspection shall be made with
the unaided eye (normal spectacles excepted). 8. Packaging and Package Marking
8.1 Package sizes shall be agreed upon by the manufacturer
7. Inspection and the purchaser in the placing of individual orders.
7.1 General (Explanatory Note 6 and Note 3)Unless 8.2 The wire shall be protected against damage in ordinary
otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the handling and shipping.
manufacturer shall be responsible for the performance of all
inspection and test requirements specified. 9. Conformance Criteria (Explanatory Note 3 and Note 6)
7.1.1 All inspections and tests shall be made at the place of 9.1 Any lot of wire, the samples of which comply with the
manufacture unless otherwise especially agreed to by the conformance criteria of this section, shall be considered as
manufacturer and the purchaser at the time of the purchase. complying to the requirements of Section 5. Individual
7.1.2 The manufacturer shall afford the inspector production units that fail to meet one or more of the
representing the purchaser all reasonable manufacturers requirements shall be rejected. Failure of a sample group from
facilities to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in a lot to meet one or more of the following criteria shall
accordance with this specification. constitute cause for rejection of the lot. The conformance
7.1.3 Unless otherwise agreed by the purchaser and the criteria for each of the prescribed properties given in Section 5
manufacturer, conformance of the wire to the various are as follows:
requirements listed in Section 5 shall be determined on samples 9.1.1 ElongationThe lot shall be considered conforming
taken from each lot of wire presented for acceptance. if the average elongation of the four specimens is not less than
7.1.4 The manufacturer shall, if requested prior to the appropriate elongation value in Table 1 plus 2.8 %;
inspection, certify that all wire in the lot was made under such however, any individual production unit, the specimen from
conditions that the product as a whole conforms to the which has an elongation less than the appropriate elongation
requirements of this specification as determined by regularly value in Table 1, shall be rejected.
made and recorded tests. The lot shall be considered to have failed to meet the
7.2 Definitions for Inspection Purposes: elongation conformance criterion if the average of the four
7.2.1 lot (Explanatory Note 7)any amount of wire of one specimens is less than the elongation in Table 1 plus 2.8 % and
type and size presented for acceptance at one time, such the elongation of any of the individual specimens is less than
amount, however, not to exceed 25 000 lb (11 350 kg). the value in Table 1.
7.2.2 samplea quantity of production units (coils, reels, If the average of the four specimens is less than the
etc.) selected at random from the lot for the purpose of elongation in Table 1 plus 2.8 % and the elongation of each of
determining conformance of the lot to the requirements of this the individual specimens is equal to or more than the value in
specification. Table 1, six additional specimens from six production units
7.2.3 specimena length of wire removed for test purposes other than the four originally sampled shall be tested. The lot
from any individual production unit of the sample. shall be considered conforming if the elongation of each of the
7.3 Sample Size (Explanatory Note 6)The number of ten specimens is not less than the appropriate elongation value
production units in a sample shall be as follows: in Table 1, and the average of the ten specimens is not less than
7.3.1 For elongation and resistivity determinations, the that value plus 2.8 %. The lot shall be considered to have failed
sample shall consist of four production units. For continuity of to meet the elongation requirement if any of the ten specimens
coating tests, the sample shall consist of eight production units. is less than the appropriate elongation value in Table 1 or if the
From each unit, one test specimen of sufficient length shall be average of the ten specimens is less than that value plus 2.8 %.
removed for the performance of the required tests. 9.1.2 ResistivityThe electrical resistivity of each of the
7.3.2 For dimensional measurements, the sample shall four specimens shall conform to the requirements of 4.2.
consist of a quantity of production units shown in Table 6 Failure to meet these requirements shall constitute failure to
TABLE 6 Sampling for Dimensional Measurements
First Sample Second Sample

Number of Units in Lot Allowable Number of Allowable Number of

Number of Units in Number of units in
Defects in First n1 + n2 Defects in Both Samples,
Sample, n1 Sample, n2
Sample, c1 c2
1 to 14, incl all 0 ... ... ...
15 to 50, incl 14 0 ... ... ...
51 to 100, incl 19 0 23 42 1
101 to 200, incl 24 0 46 70 2
201 to 400, incl 29 0 76 105 3
401 to 800, incl 33 0 112 145 4
Over 800 34 0 116 150 4

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B 189
TABLE 7 Sampling for Surface Finish and Packaging Inspection 8.89 g/cm3(0.32117 lb/in.3) at 20C.
Number of Units in Allowable Number of
Number of Units in Lot
Sample, n Defective Units, c 11. Keywords
1 to 30, incl all 0 11.1 copper electrical conductor; copper wire; electrical
31 to 50, incl 30 0
51 to 100, incl 37 0
conductor; electrical conductorcopper; lead-alloy-coated
101 to 200, incl 40 0 copper wire; lead-coated copper wire; soft copper wire
201 to 300, incl 70 2
301 to 500, incl 100 2 EXPLANATORY NOTES
501 to 800, incl 130 3
Over 800 155 4 NOTE 1The values of the wire diameters in Table 1 are given to the
nearest 0.0001 in. and correspond to the standard sizes given in
Specification B 258. The use of gage numbers to specify wire sizes is not
meet the resistivity conformance criterion. recognized in this specification because of the possibility of confusion. An
9.1.3 DimensionsThe dimensions of the first sample excellent discussion of wire gages and related subjects is contained in NBS
(Table 6) shall conform to the requirements of 5.3. If there are Handbook 100 of the National Bureau of Standards.
no failures, the lot conforms to this requirement. If there are NOTE 2Resistivity is used in place of percentage conductivity.
failures but the number of these does not exceed the allowable The value of 0.15328 V g/m2 at 20C is the international standard for the
defect number, c2(Table 6), for the respective number of units resistivity of annealed copper, equal to 100 % conductivity. This term
means that a wire 1 m in length and weighing 1 g would have a resistance
in the sample, a second sample equal to n2 shall be taken and
of 0.15328 V. This is equivalent to a resistivity value of 875.20 Vlb/mile,
the total defects of the n1 plus n2 units shall not exceed the which signifies the resistance of a wire 1 mile in length, weighing 1 lb.
allowable defect number, c2. Failure to meet this requirement The volumetric conversion factors applicable to copper do not apply to
shall constitute failure to meet the dimensional conformance lead-coated and lead-alloy-coated wire of small diameter because the
criterion. coating has a much greater density than has copper and in the small sizes
9.1.4 Continuity of CoatingThe continuity of the coating of wire occupies an appreciable volume of the whole. A complete
of each of the eight specimens shall conform to the discussion of resistivity of uncoated copper wire is contained in NBS
Handbook 100.4 Relationships which may be useful in connection with
requirements of 5.4. Failure of more than two specimens shall the values of resistivity prescribed in this specification are as shown in
constitute failure to meet the continuity criterion. If not more Table 8, each column containing equivalent expressions at 20C.
than two specimens fail to meet the continuity criterion, eight NOTE 3In general, tested values of tensile strength are increased and
additional specimens from the lot shall be tested, all of which tested values of the elongation are reduced with increase of speed of the
shall conform to the continuity criterion. However, any moving head of the testing machine in the tension testing of copper wire.
individual production unit, the specimen from which failed to In the case of tests on soft or annealed wire, however, the effects of speed
meet the continuity criterion, shall be rejected. of testing are not pronounced. Tests of soft wire made at speeds of moving
head which under no-load conditions are not greater than 12 in./min do not
9.1.5 Surface FinishThe surface finish of the samples alter the final results of tensile strength and elongation determinations to
taken in accordance with Table 7 shall conform to the any practical extent.
requirements of 5.5. The number of units in the sample NOTE 4Precaution: Consideration should be given to toxicity and
showing surface defects not consistent with commercial flammability when selecting solvent cleaners.
practice shall not exceed the allowable defect number, c, in NOTE 5It is important that the polysulfide solution be of proper
Table 5. Failure to meet this requirement shall constitute failure composition and strength at the time of test. A solution which is not
saturated with sulfur, or which has been made from decomposed sodium
to meet the surface-finish conformance criterion.
sulfide crystals, may give a false indication of failure. Therefore, the
9.1.6 PackagingConformance to the packaging requirement that the solution be tested by observing its blackening effect
requirements specified by the purchaser shall be determined in on a bright copper wire is significant. Significant also is the requirement
accordance with Table 7. The number of units in the sample that the solution be saturated with sulfur by allowing the solution to stand
showing nonconformance to the requirement sfcmhall not at least 24 h after preparation. Attention is called also to the necessity for
exceed the allowable defect number, c, in Table 7. Failure to the use of sodium sulfide which has not deteriorated through exposure to
meet this requirement shall constitute failure to meet the air; and if exposure has occurred, the crystals should be tested for purity.
The Standard Reagents Tests of the American Chemical Society are
packaging conformance criterion. useful in this connection.
10. Density (Explanatory Note 8) NOTE 6Cumulative results secured on the product of a single
manufacturer, indicating continued conformance to the criteria, are
10.1 For the purpose of calculating mass per unit length, necessary to ensure an over-all product meeting the requirements of this
cross sections, etc., the density of the copper shall be taken as specification. The sample sizes and conformance criteria given for the

TABLE 8 Resistivity Values

Conductivity at 20C,
100.00 97.66 97.16 96.16 94.16 93.15
Vlb/mile2 875.20 896.15 900.77 910.15 929.52 939.51
Vg/m2 0.15328 0.15694 0.15775 0.15940 0.16279 0.16454

Vcmil/ft 10.371 10.619 10.674 10.785 11.015 11.133

Vmm2/m 0.017241 0.017654 0.017745 0.017930 0.018312 0.018508

Vin. 0.67879 0.69504 0.69863 0.70590 0.72092 0.72867

Vcm 1.7241 1.7654 1.7745 1.7930 1.8312 1.8508

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B 189
various characteristics are applicable only to lots produced under these NOTE 8The value of density of copper is in accordance with the
conditions. International Annealed Copper Standard. The corresponding value at 0C
NOTE 7A lot should comprise material taken from a product regularly is 8.90 g/cm3(0.32150 lb/in.3). In calculations involving density it must be
meeting the requirements of this specification. Inspection of individual borne in mind that the apparent density of coated wire is not a constant but
lots of less than 5000 lb of wire cannot be justified economically. For a variable function of wire diameter. The smaller the diameter, the greater
small lots of 5000 lb or less the purchaser may agree to the manufacturers the percentage of coating present and hence the greater departure from the
regular inspection of the product as a whole as evidence of acceptability density of copper.
of such small lots.


The following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified by the purchaser in the
inquiry, contract, or order, for agencies of the U. S. Government.

S1. Referenced Documents S2. Inspection

S1.1 The following documents form a part of this S2.1 The government shall have the right to perform any of
specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise the inspections and tests set forth in this specification when
specified, the issues of these documents shall be those listed in such tests are deemed necessary to ensure that the material
the issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications conforms to the prescribed requirements.
and Standards (DODISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the S3. Packaging
S3.1 Packaging shall be in accordance with MIL-C-12000.
S1.2 Military Specifications:5
MIL-C-12000 Cable, Cord, and Wire, Electric; Packaging of
Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700
Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.

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Licensed by Information Handling Services

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