Nickel-Iron-Chromium-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy (UNS N08825 and N08221) Seamless Pipe and Tube

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Designation: B 423 – 05

Standard Specification for

Nickel-Iron-Chromium-Molybdenum-Copper Alloy
(UNS N08825 and N08221)* Seamless Pipe and Tube1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation B 423; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope* performance of material ordered under this specification.

1.1 This specification2 covers nickel-iron-chromium- Examples of such requirements include, but are not limited to,
molybdenum-copper alloys (UNS N08825 and N08221)* in the following:
the form of cold-worked and hot-finished seamless pipe and 4.1.1 Alloy name or UNS number,
tube intended for general corrosive service. The general 4.1.2 ASTM designation,
requirements for pipe and tube are covered in Specification 4.1.3 Condition (see Appendix X2),
B 829. 4.1.4 Finish (see Appendix X2),
1.2 The following precautionary caveat pertains only to the 4.1.5 Dimensions:
test methods portion, Section 9, of this specification: This Tube—Specify outside diameter and nominal or
standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, minimum wall,
if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user Pipe—Specify standard pipe size and schedule,
of this standard to become familiar with all hazards including Length—Cut to length or random,
those identified in the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet 4.1.6 Quantity—Feet (or metres) or number of pieces,
(MSDS) for this product/material as provided by the manufac- 4.1.7 Hydrostatic Test or Nondestructive Electric Test—
turer, to establish appropriate safety and health practices, and Specify type of test (see 6.2).
determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to 4.1.8 Hydrostatic Pressure Requirements—Specify test
use. pressure if other than required by 9.1.1,
4.1.9 Certification—State if certification is required,
2. Referenced Documents 4.1.10 Samples for Product (Check) Analysis—State
2.1 ASTM Standards: 3 whether samples for product (check) analysis should be fur-
B 829 Specification for General Requirements for Nickel nished (see 5.2),
and Nickel Alloys Seamless Pipe and Tube 4.1.11 Purchaser Inspection—If purchaser wishes to wit-
ness tests or inspection of material at place of manufacture, the
3. General Requirement purchase order must so state indicating which tests or inspec-
3.1 Material furnished under this specification shall con- tions are to be witnessed, and
form to the applicable requirements of Specification B 829 4.1.12 Small-Diameter and Light-Wall Tube (Converter
unless otherwise provided herein. Sizes)—See Appendix X1.

4. Ordering Information 5. Chemical Composition

4.1 It is the responsibility of the purchaser to specify all 5.1 The material shall conform to the composition limits
requirements that are necessary for the safe and satisfactory specified in Table 1. One test is required for each lot as defined

TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements

This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B02 on Element UNS N08825 UNS N08221
Nonferrous Metals and Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
Nickel 38.0–46.0 39.0–46.0
B02.07 on Refined Nickel and Cobalt and Their Alloys.
Chromium 19.5–23.5 20.0–22.0
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2005. Published December 2005. Originally Iron 22.0 min 22.0 min
approved in 1964. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as B 423 - 03. Manganese 1.0 max 1.0 max
* New designation established in accordance with Practice E 527 and SAE Carbon 0.05 max 0.025 max
J 1086, Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS). Copper 1.5–3.0 1.5–3.0
For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related specifica- Silicon 0.5 max 0.5 max
tion SB-423 in Section II of that code. Sulfur 0.03 max 0.03 max
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or Aluminum 0.2 max 0.2 max
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Titanium 0.6–1.2 0.6–1.0
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Molybdenum 2.5–3.5 5.0–6.5
the ASTM website.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

B 423 – 05
TABLE 2 Mechanical Properties of Pipe and Tube
Yield Strength Elongation in
Tensile Strength, 0.2 % Offset, min, 2 in. or 50
Alloy Condition and Size
min, ksi (MPa) ksi (MPa) mm (4D),
UNS N08825 hot-finished annealed 75 (517) 25 (172) 30
UNS N08825 cold-worked annealed 85 (586) 35 (241) 30
UNS N08825 hot-forming quality (hot-finished or cold-drawn
UNS N08221 cold-finished, annealed 79 (545) 34 (234) 30
Hot-forming quality is furnished to chemical requirements and surface inspection only. No mechanical properties are required.

in Specification B 829. 8.3 Hydrostatic or Nondestructive Electric Test—Each

5.2 If a product (check) analysis is performed by the piece in each lot.
purchaser, the material shall conform to the product (check)
analysis variations of Specification B 829. 9. Test Methods
9.1 Hydrostatic Test—Each pipe or tube with an outside
6. Mechanical Properties and Other Requirements diameter 1⁄8 in. (3 mm) and larger and with wall thickness of
6.1 Tension Test— The material shall conform to the tensile 0.015 in. (0.38 mm) and over shall be tested in accordance with
properties specified in Table 2. The sampling and specimen Specification B 829. The allowable fiber stress, for material in
preparation are as covered in Specification B 829. the condition furnished, is as follows:
6.1.1 Tensile properties for material specified as small- UNS N08825 hot finished, annealed: 16 600 psi (114 MPa)
UNS N08825 cold-worked, annealed: 21 200 psi (146 MPa)
diameter and light-wall tube (converter sizes) shall be as UNS N08221 cold finished, annealed: 19 700 psi (138 MPa)
prescribed in Table X1.1.
9.1.1 When so agreed upon between the manufacturer and
6.2 Hydrostatic or Nondestructive Electric Test—Each pipe
purchaser, pipe or tube may be tested to 11⁄2 times the
or tube shall be subjected to either the hydrostatic test or the
allowable fiber stress given in 9.1.
nondestructive electric test. The type of test to be used shall be
at the option of the manufacturer, unless otherwise specified in 9.1.2 If any pipe or tube shows leaks during hydrostatic
the purchase order. testing, it shall be rejected.
9.2 Nondestructive Electric Test—Each pipe or tube shall be
7. Dimensions and Permissible Variations examined with a nondestructive electric test in accordance with
Specification B 829.
7.1 Diameter and Wall Thickness—The permissible varia-
tions in the outside diameter and wall thickness shall conform 10. Keywords
to the permissible variations prescribed in Tables 3, 4, and 5 of
Specification B 829. 10.1 N08221; N08825; seamless pipe; seamless tube
7.2 Permissible variations for material specified as small-
diameter and light-wall tube (converter size) shall conform to
the permissible variations prescribed in Table X1.2.

8. Number of Tests
8.1 Chemical Analysis—One test per lot.
8.2 Tension—One test per lot.

B 423 – 05

(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Small-diameter and light-wall tube in outside diam- should be consulted as to the various outside diameters and
eters 11⁄4 in. (31.8 mm) and under may be furnished in the wall thicknesses that may be furnished. Material will have a
conditions listed in Table X1.1 when so specified. The material right finish. Such material shall conform to the applicable
is furnished in a limited range of sizes and the manufacturer requirements in Table X1.1 and Table X1.2.

TABLE X1.1 Mechanical PropertiesA of Small-Diameter and Light-Wall Tubing (Converter Sizes)
Yield Strength (0.2 % offset) min, Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm,
Condition Tensile Strength, ksi (MPa)
ksi (MPa) min, %
AnnealedBC 85–115 (586–793) 35 (241) 30
Half-hardD 105 (724) min 75 (517) 15
Full-hardE 125 (862) min 100 (689) 5
Not applicable to outside diameters under 1⁄8 in. (3.2 mm) and wall thickness under 0.015 in. (0.381 mm).
This condition is sometimes designated as “No. 1 Temper.”
The minimum tensile strength value applies only to tubing in straight lengths.
This condition is sometimes designated as “No. 2 Temper.”
This condition is sometimes designated as “No. 3 Temper.”

TABLE X1.2 Permissible Variations for Small-Diameter and Light-Wall Tube (Converter Sizes)ABCDEFG
Specified Outside Diameter, in. Outside Diameter, in. (mm) Inside Diameter, in. (mm) Wall Thickness, %
(mm) + − + − + −
Under ⁄ (2.4)
3 32 0.002 (0.05) 0 0 0.002 (0.05) 10 10
⁄ to 3⁄16 (2.4 to 4.8), excl
3 32 0.003 (0.08) 0 0 0.003 (0.08) 10 10
3⁄16 to 1⁄2 (4.8 to 12.7), excl 0.004 (0.10) 0 0 0.004 (0.10) 10 10
1⁄2 to 1 1⁄4 (12.7 to 31.8), incl 0.005 (0.13) 0 0 0.005 (0.13) 10 10
Ovality, Normal Wall Tube—As-Drawn (No. 2 and 3) Tempers—Ovality will be held within the outside diameter tolerances shown in the table.
Annealed (No. 1) Temper—Ovality will be held within 2 % of the theoretical average outside diameter.
Ovality, Light Wall Tube—As-Drawn (No. 2 and 3) Tempers—Up to but not including 11⁄4 in. (31.8 mm) in outside diameter, ovality will be held within 2 % of the
theoretical average outside diameter.
Annealed (No. 1) Temper—Ovality will be held within 3 % of the theoretical average outside diameter.
Wall Tolerances, Light Wall Tube—The plus and minus wall tolerance shown in the table shall apply down to and including 0.005 in. (0.13 mm) in wall thickness. For
wall thicknesses less than 0.005 in. (0.13 mm), the tolerance shall be 6 0.0005 in. (0.013 mm).
Random Lengths:
Where nominal random lengths on tubing 1⁄8 in. (3.2 mm) and larger in outside diameter are specified, a length tolerance of 6 31⁄2 ft (1.06 m) applies to the nominal
length. This is a total spread of 7 ft (2.10 m).
Random lengths in sizes 1⁄8 in. (3.2 mm) and larger in outside diameter shall be subject to a length range of 5 to 24 ft (1.50 to 7.30 m). Long random lengths are subject
to a range of 15 to 22 ft (4.57 to 6.70 m).
Random lengths in sizes up to, but not including, 1⁄8 in. (3.2 mm) in outside diameter and fragile light-wall tubes over this outside diameter are subject to the length range
of 1 to 15 ft (0.30 to 4.57 m).
Cut Lengths—Tolerances on cut lengths shall be in accordance with Table X1.2.
Straightness—Round tubing is subject to a straightness tolerance of one part in 600 [equivalent to a depth of arc of 0.030 in. (0.76 mm) in any 3 ft (0.91 m) on length].
When specified, the tolerance spreads of this table may be applied as desired. However, when not specified, the tolerances in this table will apply. It should be noted
that inside diameter tolerances are based upon the outside diameter range.

TABLE X1.3 Tolerances on Cut Lengths of Light-Wall Tube

Permissible Variations, in. (mm)
Length, ft (m) Tube Size, in. (mm)
Over Under
Under 1 (0.30) up to 1.250 (31.8), incl ⁄
1 32 (0.8) 0 (0)
1 to 4 (0.30 to 1.22), incl up to 1.250 (31.8), incl 1⁄16 (1.6) 0 (0)
Over 4 to 10 (1.22 to 3.0), incl up to 1.250 (31.8), incl 3⁄32 (2.4) 0 (0)
Over 10 (3.0) up to 1.250 (31.8), incl 3⁄16 (4.8) 0 (0)

B 423 – 05


X2.1 Scope 168 mm), inclusive, in outside diameter in both normal and
X2.1.1 This appendix lists the conditions and finishes in heavy-wall tube, and pipe sizes, all schedules, of correspond-
which pipe and tube (other than converter sizes) are normally ing outside-diameter dimensions.
supplied. These are subject to change, and the manufacturer X2.3 Hot-Worked Tube
should be consulted for the latest information available.
X2.3.1 Hot-Worked-Annealed (Not Pickled) Tube—Has an
oxide surface resulting from the hot-working operation. In-
X2.2 Cold-Worked Tube and Pipe tended generally for machined parts where the oxide surface
X2.2.1 Cold-Worked, Annealed, with Ground Outside will be removed.
Diameter—The inside diameter may have a bright finish when X2.3.2 Hot-Worked-Annealed (Pickled) Tube—Has the
material is annealed in a protective atmosphere; otherwise, the oxide surface removed on both outside and inside diameters by
inside diameter is supplied descaled as necessary. It is available pickling. Surface may be spot ground for removal of minor
in sizes 1⁄2 to 4 in. (12.7 to 102 mm), inclusive, in outside surface imperfections at the manufacturer’s option.
diameter in both normal and heavy-wall tube, and pipe sizes, X2.3.3 Hot-Worked-Annealed (Machined Outside and In-
all schedules, of corresponding outside-diameter dimensions. side Diameters) Tubes—The outside and inside diameter
X2.2.2 Cold-Worked, Annealed, and Pickled (Not surfaces are machined to specified dimensions. Minor surface
Ground)—Outside and inside diameter will have dull, matte imperfections may be spot ground for removal, at the manu-
(pickled) surfaces. It is available in sizes 1⁄2 to 65⁄8 in. (12.7 to facturer’s option.


Committee B02 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (B 423 – 03)
that may impact the use of this standard.

(1) Introduction of nondestructive electric test in lieu of (2) Revisions of 4.1, 6.2, 8.3, and 9.1.
hydrostatic test at the option of the manufacturer. (3) Addition of 9.2.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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