Standard 2

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Note the focus area and standard Note the type of Describe the document / artefact and Describe

Describe how the document /

descriptor/s the artefact / artefact / document indicate the possible impact or result of the artefact meets the standard
document reflects artefact / document on teaching and/ or descriptors you have identified.
student learning

Standard 2: Know This artefact This artefact described the big 2.2: Content selection
the content and how displays the idea I needed to explain to the and organization: This
to teach it concepts I needed students, what knowledge I should lesson I was able to find out
2.2 Content to know in order have in order to run this lesson, students knowledge during
selection and to teach the and what questions I should be the video, adding words to
organization students the right asking. Questioning is a central the word bank, extending
2.6 Information and learning intention, tool for both teachers and students vocabulary and
communication and definitions. students. For a teacher and a feelings when visually
technology (ICT) The unit student to question, it prompts viewing a text. With this, I
description also thinking for both. This can not just could then extend to other
gave me stimulate thinking, but can help activities, and continue on to
particular videos motivate, review understanding of connecting lessons.
to show the a topic for a student and a 2.6: Information and
students, and teacher, there are many communication
gave me ideas on advantages (Marsh, 2010, p.188). technology (ICT):
what to ask the The unit of work involved certain Throughout this lesson, I
students. This strategies I should have allowed the students to view
allows me to focus implemented within the lesson, a particular video to engage
on the learning involving whole class discussion, the students, and start a
objective for and certain times I should be discussion. Questioning the
myself and the focusing on during the video. students, and allowing
students. This unit of work allowed me to conversation about the
see where I should be focusing on, visual text. The technology
and what I should have engaged the students on a
information on to extend students deep level, and all students
knowledge. This lesson also were confident in discussing
involved using ICT to engage the the video displayed on the
students through this lesson Interactive Whiteboard. The
sequence. This technology was resource was found exciting,
used with a purpose (Juliani, therefore students were
2014). The students responded comfortable in speaking up
well from a different resource, a in discussion time.
resource that connected with them
on their own level. It is important
that the technology is used
properly, and with a learning
The unit of work incorporated
certain outcomes, with specific
evidence that should be shown
within the learning sequence of
lessons, creating a focused area of

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