Flora of Peru 31 Fi Macb
Flora of Peru 31 Fi Macb
Flora of Peru 31 Fi Macb
v. 13
pt. 3
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OCTOBER 11, 1943
Generic key to Peruvian species
Leaves simply pinnate; spines none; pods if dehiscent tardily, the
seeds often in a pulp 1. Inga.
Anthers eglandular.
Pods narrowly linear; lowest flowers male or provided
with staminodia.
Unarmed plants; flowers greenish-white with 5 or 10
stamens 11. Desmanthus.
Aculeate plants; flowers pink or lilac with usually
8-12 stamens 10. Schrankia.
1. INGA Willd.
Jard. Bot. Rio Jan. 4: 19-28. 1925, gave a key to the species of Para,
Pittier, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 18: 173-223. 1916, a partial revision.
Flowers sessile.
Flowers sessile.
pressed above.
Pubescence, at least on leaves, spreading, stiff.
Leaflet internodes 1-3 cm. long 7. densiflora.
dilated, 10-12 cm. long, about 2 cm. broad. F.M. Neg. 1136.
Rio Acre: Seringal Auristella, Vie 9426, type. Brazil; Dutch
borne from efoliose nodes below the leaves; pedicels 1 mm. long,
the calyx 2 mm. long, both obscurely pulverulent; corolla white,
6-7 mm. long, the stamen tube more or less exserted. F.M. Neg.
Inga chartacea Poepp. & Endl. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 4: 79. 1845;
616. /. calophylla Harms, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 298. 1915.
nate, mostly 7-12 cm. long, 3-4.5 cm. broad, coriaceous, lustrous
and obscurely veiny above, distinctly so beneath; racemes often
binate in the axils or at the old defoliate leaf-nodes, shortly
peduncled, 5 cm. long or longer, laxly flowered, the pedicels nearly
1 mm. long or shorter; calyx minute, less than 1 mm. long; corolla
to 3.5 mm.long, the stamen tube not exserted; pods about 1 dm.
long, 2 cm. broad, rounded at both ends, apiculate at tip, strongly
impressed between the seeds, the margins nerviform. Tree to 12
meters, the flowers white. F.M. Neg. 1144.
Loreto: Pumayacu, Klug 3189 (det. Standl.). Brazil.
pods, often smaller leaflets, the indument, fide Ducke, more per-
sistent, the calyx more minutely puberulent; it seems to be doubt-
appreciated for the succulent sweet pulp about the seeds; this
according to Ruiz & Pavon is like white cotton, juicy and sweet,
of pleasant flavor and is much esteemed by the fair sex because real
de pacai serves for entertainment at the holidays. Pittier, Contr.
U. S. Nat. Herb. 18: 197. 1916, pointed out the real identity of
DeCandolle's species and most of the many references given by
Weberbauer probably refer to /. adenophylla, the species in a strict
sense apparently being confined to Lima and vicinity. It com-
memorates the French priest Louis Feuille"e whose three volume
Journal des Observations Physiques, Mathematiques et Botaniques
was the first scientific account of the plants of Peru. He lived
in Peru and Chile from 1709 to 1711.
Lima: Chosica, 502. Near Lima, FeuilUe, type; Raimondi;
Cuming 980 (type, /. Cumingiana). Cuzco: Santa Ana, in coca
field, 900 meters, Cook & Gilbert 1573, fide Pittier. "Pacai."
Inga ingoides (Rich.) Willd. Sp. PI. 4: 1012. 1806; 631. Mimosa
ingoides Rich. Act. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris 1: 113. 1792.
San Martin: Tarapoto, Mathews 1594, type. Near Moyobamba,
1,100 meters, tree 20 meters, the flowers cream-colored, Klug 3695
(det. Standl., 7. punctate,). Huanuco: Between Monzon and the
Rio Huallaga, 600 meters, Weberbauer 3644 (type, 7. monzonensis).
long, the stamen tube little exserted. Type 8 meters high, in flood-
free woods, the flowers greenish, somewhat fragrant (Tessmann);
flowers white (Klug). F.M. Neg. 1154.
Loreto: Near Iquitos, Tessmann 5121, type; Klug 1154 (det.
Harms). Florida, Klug 2128. "Mitifio."
has very slender, sparsely setulose calyces and corollas. Flowers faintly
fragrant, borne in such profusion that the tree crown seems white
(Woytkowski). F.M. Neg. 28126.
San Martin: Pongo de Cainarachi, Klug 2722. Rioja, 900 meters,
Woytkowski 23 (det. Standl., /. nobilis). Moyobamba, Malhews,
type. Junin: La Merced, 5797(1). Loreto: Rio Mazan, Jose
Schunke 39 (det. Standl.). Above Rancho Indiana, overflowed
bank, Mexia 6407 (det. Standl., /. nobilis). Bolivia. "Shimbillo."
The Krukoff specimen has laxly flowered spikes, the bracts apparently
shorter than the calyces but these are not yet fully developed. F.M.
Neg. 1156.
Rio Acre: Seringal San Francisco, Ule 9431. Mouth of Rio
Macauhan, Krukoff 5392. Brazil?
Inga myriantha Poepp. & Endl. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 3: 77. pi.
289. 1845; 601.
and the flower-rachis short. Only more collections will prove the
specific importance of these differences. Named for the former
President Pardo of Peru. F.M. Neg. 1162.
Inga pruriens Poepp. & Endl. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 3: 78. 1845;
618. I. Weberbaueri Harms, Bot. Jahrb. 42: 90. 1908 (?).
Small tree, the branchlets soon terete and the petioles and leaf
nerves beneath sparsely rusty-hirsute; leaflets 2-3 pairs, broadly
elliptic or slightly obovate, somewhat narrowed at the obtuse or
rounded base, shortly acuminate, as much as 3 dm. long, about a
third as broad, glabrous above, often with at least 1 small gland on
the midnerve near the base (the winged rachis with similar glands),
rigid-chartaceous, the lateral nerves many and subparallel, more or
less impressed above, prominent with the veins beneath; spikes
axillary, laxly flowered, sessile or very shortly peduncled, 4-7 cm.
long, the ovate acute hirsute bracts persisting, 3-4 mm. long; calyx
and corolla hirsute, the former rather sparsely, 15 mm. long, striate,
the latter 4-4.5 cm. long, the stamen tube long exserted. The
corolla pubescence is brown, the flower within and the filaments
white (Weberbauer, from whose collection the description is in part
taken). It has not been possible to determine if a gland is present
on the leaflet nerve of the type of Harms' species but the types of
both species agree so well in all other respects that this character
alone is not significant; the gland is lacking on some leaflets of /.
pruriens. F.M. Negs. 1175 (Weberbauer); 32061.
Huanuco: Prov. Huamalies, near Monzon, 700 meters, Weber-
bauer 3695 (type, I. Weberbaueri) 285. Tocache, Poeppig 2015, type.
Inga quaternata Poepp. & Endl. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 3: 79. 1845;
7 mm. long, thenarrow teeth lightly hispid as the corolla, this 12 mm.
long. F.M. Neg. 1119.
Peru(?) :
Pavdn, type.
setigera Poepp. & Endl. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 3: 80. 1845. /. rufiseta
Benth. Mart. Fl. Bras. 15, pt. 2: 489. 1876. /. chaetophora Harms,
Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 6: 299. 1915.
Sparsely branched tree, the branchlets, petioles and large rigid
persisting stipules, these even to 2.5 cm. long, densely hispid with
spreading stiff reddish trichomes; leaf-rachis emarginate, the glands
3-5 pairs, oblong, shortly acumi-
sessile or stoutly stipitate; leaflets
nate, slightly narrower at the rounded base, the larger 3 dm. long,
7 cm. broad, mostly smaller, rigid-membranous or subcoriaceous,
shortly and sparsely pubescent above, paler and setulose on the
veins beneath; spikes axillary, becoming oblong, the peduncles
littleexceeding the bract-like stipules, the oblong or linear obtuse
bracts persisting after anthesis; calyx 16-18 mm. long, tubular,
about 2 cm. long with a few setae near the
striate, glabrous; corolla
the stamen tube long-exserted. The corolla in the Harms speci-
men is white and somewhat more pubescent; with it were two pods,
1-3.5 dm. long, 2-2.5 cm. broad, weakly bi-keeled on the margins,
more or less brown-hispid. F.M. Negs. 1143 (/. chaetophora); 32063
(/. setigera).
phora). Brazil.
Like /. Tessmannii but the leaflets 1-2 (3) pairs, and, especially,
the flowers subsessile with calyx scarcely 2 mm. long, the corolla 7
to nearly 10 mm. long; peduncles 1-2 dm. long. In Harms' specimen
the corolla is nearly 10 mm. long, the leaflets 2 pairs. I. Sodiroi
Harms, Repert. Sp. Nov. 13: 527. 1915, Ecuadorian, is another species
of the same affinity but the leaflets are half as wide as long and
strongly nerved, the nerves impressed above, peduncles 4-6 cm.
mm. long. F.M. Negs. 1151 (I. Guentheri); 28135.
long, corolla 7-8
Loreto: Soledad, Tessmann 5233 (type, I. Guentheri). Florida,
Klug 2210 (det. Standl.). Brazil. "Shimbillo," "gerogui-mitiri-ey."
Inga umbra tica Poepp. & Endl. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 3: 77. 1845;
Treeallied to /. myriantha but the branchlets angled and the
leafletssubequal, membranous, sparsely pubescent beneath, the larger
to 2 dm. long, 7.5 cm. broad, obtusely acute both ends; umbels
subsessile or the peduncle very short, the pedicels 6-8 mm. long;
flowers white, fragrant, puberulent-villous, the trichomes loose, the
calyx scarcely exceeding 2 mm., the corolla hardly 5 mm. long;
stamen tube long-exserted; pods about 3.5 cm. broad, obtuse at each
end, straight, glabrous. The minute but loose villosity on pedicels
and calyces seems to be distinctive. These parts in /. bullatorugosa
Ducke, Archiv. Jard. Bot. Rio Jan. 3: 47. 1922, are tomentulose,
stamen tube little exserted, leaflets strongly bullate. /. cecropietorum
Ducke, I.e. 52, of the upper Amazon has subsessile flowers twice
as long. F.M. Neg. 1127.
Loreto: Yurimaguas, Poeppig, type.
Inga velutina Willd. Sp. PI. 4: 1014. 1806; 621. Mimosa velutina
Poir. in Lam. Encycl. Suppl. 1: 42. 1810.
(Willd.) I. expansa
Inga vismiaefolia Poepp. & Endl. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 3: 79.
1845; 627.
Sparsely branched tree, the terete branchlets and peduncles
more or less densely rusty-villous-tomentose, the latter terminally
2. ALBIZZIA Durazzini
Like Pithecolobium but the broadly linear pods strongly com-
pressed, indehiscent or bivalved, but the valves never elastic or
contorted, sometimes dividing transversely. Seeds exalbuminous,
ovate or orbiculate, compressed, the funicle filiform. Besides the
following, A. Lebbeck (L.) Benth., closely resembling P. So/man
except for the flattened pods, may be found in cultivation.
Reference: Benth. Trans. Linn. Soc. 30: 570-598. 1875.
Smooth or occasionally armed with stipular spines (in Peru only
P. duke), the leaves bipinnate (pinnae sometimes only 1 pair and
reduced to 1-3 leaflets) with few to many leaflets, the 5 (6) -merous
flowers in globose heads or cylindrical spikes on solitary or fascicled
peduncles, these axillary or terminal and then sometimes racemose
or paniculate. Calyx campanulate or tubular, shortly dentate.
Corolla tubular or infundibuliform, the tube rather longer than the
lobes. Stamens few to many, exserted, the tube long or short.
Ovary many-ovuled. Pods fleshy-cylindrical to
sessile or stiped,
A tree 12-25 meters high with white and garnet flowers (Klug);
leaves of flowering branchlets 3 dm. long; leaflets obliquely sub-
orbicular, the lateral mostly 4 cm. long, 3 cm. wide, glabrous, sub-
coriaceous, lustrous, reticulate-veiny both sides, paler beneath; pedun-
cles simple (Klug specimen) or the inflorescence corymbose even to
1.5 dm. broad, rusty-puberulent.
Rio Acre: On terra firma, mouth of Rio Macauhan, Krukoff
5631, type. Loreto: Balsapuerto, Klug 3079(1).
both ends, minutely apiculate at tip, mostly 2-2.5 cm. long, 7-10
mm. broad, membranous, glabrous above except for the obscurely
long, the stamen tube included; pods shortly stiped, about 2 dm. long,
2 cm. broad. In my collection the spikes of bright red-purple
flowers were pendent from old leafless branchlets; a large spreading
forest tree, the branches straggling. The first common name refers
to the red flowers, similar to the rebozos or mantillas used by the
Indian women (Ruiz & Pavon). F.M. Neg. 29425.
Junin: Pichis Trail, Killip &
Smith 25814. Huanuco: Muna,
Ruiz & Pavon, type; 4023. Loreto: Yurimaguas, Killip & Smith
28003. "Huaita rebozo," "monte pacae."
mm. wide, very lustrous above, distributed in 4-10 pinnae 5-20 cm.
long; glands scutellate; peduncles many, terminal in umbels or corym-
bose umbels to 7 cm. long, the filiform pedicels 4-8 mm. long;
calyces rubescent, campanulate, to 2.5 mm. long, the infundibuliform
often puberulent corolla about twice as long, the tube of the 12-15
stamens included; pods straight or arcuate, coriaceous, glabrous,
5-10 cm. long, 8-10 mm. wide, finally disarticulating into 1-seeded
segments. Section Samanea. The Brazilian P. marginatum Spruce
including P. panurense Spruce has only 1 pair of pinnae, the leaflets
in 3-6 pairs, (1) 2.5-5 cm. long. Here might be sought P. gua-
chapele (HBK.) Macbr., comb. nov. (Acacia guachapele HBK.
Nov. Gen. & Sp. 6: 281. 1824; Samanea samaningua Pitt. Bol. Cient.
y Teen. Mus. Com. Venez. no. 1: 54. 1925, fide Britton & Killip;
Pseudosamanea guachapele (HBK.) Harms, Notizbl. Bot. Gart.
Berlin 11: 54. 1930), found as near as southern Ecuador. Its leaflets
are soft and a little pilose especially beneath, its pods thinner, long-
beaked, 2-5 cm. broad. F.M. Neg. 28259.
Loreto: Iquitos, Tessmann 3678 (det. Harms). Brazil; Guianas.
cate branches near the base, the white flowers in small subsessile
or shortly stalked heads; pinnae 1 (rarely 2) pairs, the oval-oblong
leaflets rounded at apex, mostly 2.5-3 cm. long, 1-1.5 cm. wide;
corolla white, 2.5-3 mm. long; pods lightly compressed but fleshy,
becoming circinate (often even 2-3 spiraled) or more often merely
falcate, 1 dm. long or somewhat longer, 1-1.5 cm. wide, tardily
dehiscing, red inside. The subcylindrical fleshy pods are edible.
Illustrated, Degener, Fl. Hawaii. 1: pi. 26.
Piura: Negritos, HaughtF2. Cape Parinas, Haught 119. Vene-
zuela to Mexico.
Gen. & Sp. 3: 80. 1845. P. polycarpum Poepp. & Endl. I.e. 81.
Klugiodendron laetum (Poepp. & Endl.) Britton & Killip, Ann. N. Y.
Acad. Sci. 35: 126. 1936.
Tree or small shrub, shortly rusty-villous on the branchlets,
petioles, peduncles and leaf nerves or glabrate in age especially the
leaves; stipules subulate, 4 mm. long; petioles 2.5-5 cm. long, the
glands oblong, the rachis very short, rarely 2.5 cm. long, the pinnae
usually 1 pair as also the oval or oblong-elliptic, acuminate reticu-
late-veined leaflets, these to 14 cm. long, about a third as wide;
peduncles ordinarily geminate, axillary, to 5 cm. long; calyx sessile,
turbinate, 2 mm. long, rusty-pubescent; corolla 6-7 mm. long, the
lobes glabrate or pubescent apically, the stamens 2.5 cm. long, their
tube included; pods to 1.5 dm. long, 1.5 cm. wide, the valves finally
somewhat contorted seeds white, with a fleshy aril (Poepp. & Endl.).
1-3 dm. long, 1.5-2.5 cm. broad. Originally from the West Indies
but apparently the Peruvian specimens are not distinguishable.
P. glomeratum (DC.) Benth. seems questionably distinct; it has,
ordinarily, 3 lanceolate leaflets. This and allied species characteris-
tically grow along streams.
Loreto: Iquitos, Mexia 6515 (det. Standl.); Killip &
Smith 27410;
Tessmann 3640; 5118 (det. Harms, P. glomeratum or affine). Mouth
of Rio Santiago, Tessmann 4090 (det. Harms, P. cauliflorum or
affine). Rio Acre: Rio Macauhan, Krukoff 5328; 5798. To Central
America and the West Indies.
Glabrous; rachis of the 2-5 foliate leaves 10-25 cm. long, with a
small depressed gland between each pair of subcoriaceous, obliquely
oblong-elliptic acuminate leaflets, these reticulate-veined especially
beneath, pale green, the larger terminal, 1.5 dm. long or longer,
6-8 cm. broad, the odd basal one much reduced; spikes 1 or 2, 1-1.5
dm. long, including the 3-4 cm. long peduncle; calyx 1-3 mm. long,
the narrowly tubular corolla to 12 mm. long, apparently glabrous
but under a lens, as the calyx, obscurely and sparsely puberulent
at the subobtusely lobed tip; stamen tube more or less exserted.
A tree 3 meters high with lilac-rose flowers (Klug) ; robust climbing
shrub, spikes red (Spruce). From scrap of the type, including
flowers which show considerable variation in length of calyx and
stamen tube, it seems impossible to maintain the Klug specimen as
a distinct species. F.M. Neg. 32030.
San Martin: Tarapoto, Spruce 4112, type. Chazuta, Klug 4149
(type, P. martinianum).
66: 252. 1897. Samanea Saman (Jacq.) Merrill, Journ. Wash. Acad.
Sci. 6: 47. 1916.
Pithecolobium sophorocarpum Benth. in Benth. &
Hook. f.
Gen. PI. 1: 598. 1865; 588. P. angustifolium Rusby, Mem. N. Y.
Bot. Card. 7: 253. 1927.
Slender tree 6-12 meters high well marked in fruit by the fleshy
terete moniliform scarlet necklace-like pods, strongly contracted
between the seeds into often 9-12 ovoid segments 1.5 cm. long,
nearly 1 cm. broad; leaf-rachi and slender solitary or geminate
peduncles more or less rusty-puberulent, the latter to 5 cm. long;
pinnae 1-7 pairs (the gland between each pair small), usually with
12-25 obliquely oblong acute leaflets mostly 7-15 mm. long, 2-5 mm.
broad, sometimes considerably larger or especially longer, glabrous
or sometimes pubescent at base beneath; calyx scarcely 2 mm. long;
corolla about 7 mm. long, the stamen tube included. Highly
(Humb. & Bonpl.) Britton & Rose, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 35: 131.
1936), well-marked by the narrow (6 mm.) leaflets, to 2.5 cm. long;
P. longiflorum Benth., 444, and P. lindseaefolium Spruce, 443, both
with many falcate-rhombic or oblong obtuse or obtusish leaflets,
1-2.5 cm. long, the former with 6-8, the latter with 3-4 pairs of
pinnae. P. Spruceanum and relatives according to Ducke become
open places or along banks they
lianas in inundated forests while in
are shrubs with long tortuous branches. The species may be a
variety of P. discolor.
Loreto: Rio Itaya, Williams 3282. Timbuchi, Williams 879.
Mishuyacu, Klug 2504- Soledad, Tessmann 5257 (det. Harms).
Brazil. "Pashaquilla," "yaku-pashaca."
Character of Pithecolobium but the peduncles of the flower-
heads proceeding from nodes, these well developed especially after
anthesis. Pods pendulous, elongate, stiped, consisting of as many
as 6 thin compressed segments separated by somewhat contorted
tissue, each medially at the one seed little thickened but reticulate,
the sutures lineate. Seed large, plane, oval, soft. Large tree with
trunk of Cedrela, leaves nearly those of Piptadenia Poeppigii, bi-
pinnate, the leaflets few, ample, the inflorescence and flowers recalling
Pithecolobium niopoides (Ducke).
by the white stamens that are connate barely to the middle of the
corolla; pod segments oblong-oval to 15 cm. long, 5 cm. wide at
middle, the terminal one often rudimentary. Each fruit segment
resembles the pod of Platymiscium. One of the largest trees of the
Amazonian region in height and size of trunk, one example noted
being 49 meters tall, 1.85 meters in diameter at 1.5 meters above
the ground; wood more spongy than that of Cedrela and emits, when
worked (but is as yet little used) a disagreeable odor (Ducke).
F.M. Neg. 1224.
Loreto: Yurimaguas (fide Ducke). Amazonian Brazil. "Cedro-
Anneslea Salisb.
Reference: Benth. Trans. Linn. Soc. 30: 536-557. 1875.
Shrubs or trees, usually unarmed, the bipinnate leaves with few
to many membranous or more often firm small or ample leaflets,
the narrow flowers with long (mostly 2.5 cm. long or longer) stamens
borne in heads on axillary peduncles or these solitary or subfascicu-
late in terminal racemes. Flowers 5 (6) -merous, polygamous, the
corolla narrowly campanulate to long-tubular, the petals valvate,
coalescent to the middle. Calyx campanulate, rarely deeply divided.
Stamens 10-100, partly connate or free, anthers minute, glandular-
hirsute, rarely glabrous. Ovary sessile, many-ovuled. Pods linear,
straight or nearly, usually flat with thickened margins, coriaceous
or somewhat fleshy, elastically dehiscing from apex to the often
narrowed base. The name Calliandra is conserved.
Pinnae 1-2 pairs and the larger leaflets at least about 2 cm. long.
Leaflets 1-2 pairs.
Leaflets ample, the larger several cm. wide.
Peduncles laxly panicled C. amazonica.
Peduncles more or less fascicled at the nodes.
Peduncles usually 1.5 cm. long or longer or the leaflets
obtusely acuminate.
Stamen tube included pod 8-10 mm. wide C. bombycina.
; . .
shortly and bluntly acuminate, 6-16 cm. long, 4-7 cm. wide,
chartaceous, slightly lustrous, loosely reticulate-veined; peduncles
solitary or fascicled, 1.5-2 cm. long, stipulately bracted at base, the
stipules ovate, rigid, striate; calyx 3 mm. long; corolla firm, striate,
to 12 mm. long, the stamens sometimes 5 cm. long, the tube included
or scarcely exserted; pods coriaceous, 10 cm. long or longer, 8-10
mm. broad. C. boliviano, Britton, found as near as La Paz, is ap-
parently the same; C. glyphoxylon Spruce, 539, of Ecuador, is recog-
nizable by its pilose leaflets, much smaller flowers and minute or
obsolete stipules. According to Spruce "the rich colored silky
flower-heads are much used as ornaments for the hair." F.M.
Neg. 32031.
San Martin Tarapoto, Spruce 4235, type; Williams 6821 Juanjui,
: .
Calliandra expansa [R. & P.] Benth. Trans. Linn. Soc. 30:
549. 1875. Mimosa expansa R. & P. in herb.
Low shrub forming clumps that are matted by the incurving of
the branches, these sometimes minutely puberulent at the tips;
leaves with 1 or rarely 2 pinnae, these only a cm. or so long and
with 10-15 pairs of linear, slightly oblique obtuse or acutish leaflets
2-3 mm. long; peduncles obsolete, to 5 mm. long; calyx 1 mm. long,
the corolla 4 mm. long, the stamens about twice as long; pods sub-
ligneous, glabrous, about 3.5 cm. long, 4-6 mm. broad. The flowers
of my collection were a very deep and bright yellow. C. taxifolia
Benth., 546, and C. magdalenae Benth., 547, both found as near as
Ecuador, usually have more leaflets that are about twice as long,
the former with corolla 6 mm. long, the stamen tube included, the
latter with corolla to 4 mm. long, the stamen tube exserted. F.M.
Neg. 1229.
Ancash: Below Chavin, (Weberbauer, 174). Near Huaraz, 2,200
meters, Weberbauer 3260, flowers blood red; 173. Huanuco: Below
Ambo, dry gravelly slope, 2419. San Rafael, Sawada PI 22. Near
Huanuco, Ruiz & Pavdn, type.
1840; 542.
In general like C. caracasana but at least most of the petioles
with a small gland near the base and with minute glands between
1 or more of the 3-4 pinnae, the rachi somewhat puberulent; leaflets
10-16 pairs, oblong, 8-12 mm. long, 2-3 mm. broad, puberulent both
sides; corolla 4 mm. long. I fail to see the leaf glands on the Peruvian
material and if the character is reliable, these specimens should be
referred to C. portoricensis.
San Martin: Flowers cream-colored, Juanjui, Klug 4298 (det.
Standl.). Chazuta, flowers white and yellow, Klug 4014 (det.
Standl.). Loreto: Yurimaguas, Ule 6725 (det. Harms). Brazil.
7. LYSILOMA Benth.
8. ACACIA Willd.
puberulent, the pods 12 cm. long, nearly 3 cm. wide, shortly acumi-
nate at both ends, shortly stiped, densely puberulent; Killip &
Smith 2815 from Puerto Yessup is somewhat similar but the leaflets
are glabrous or appressed and sparsely ciliate, 5-6 mm. long, the
densely puberulent pods rounded at tip, apiculate, 2 cm. wide.
Ducke, Archiv. Jard. Bot. Rio Jan. 4: 31. 1925, has presented a
perfect case against the segregation of the genus on the basis of the
presence or absence of a gland on the anthers.
Flowers capitate, the inflorescences few; stipular spines often con-
Leaflets 1 mm. wide or wider A. farnesiana.
Leaflets minute.
Prostrate or spreading, low shrub A. huarango.
Tree with erect trunk A. macracantha.
Flowers spicate or capitate, the inflorescences many, paniculate;
plants smooth or prickles scattered.
Flowers spicate.
Leaflets 3-4 mm. long, ciliolate; tree A. Weberbaueri.
Leaflets 6 mm. long or longer; lianas.
Leaflets many, small.
Leaflets linear, scarcely 1 mm. wide A. Kuhlmannii.
Leaflets oblong, 2-3 mm. wide.
Pods puberulent; leaflets puberulent beneath.
A. paraensis.
Pods glabrous; leaflets glabrous at least at maturity.
A. Macbridei.
Leaflets 2-4 pairs, ample A. altiscandens.
Flowers capitate.
Leaflets few or if many, 6-9 mm. long, (2) 3-4 mm. wide; plants
without prickles.
Leaflets 4-8 pairs, ample A. Klugii.
Leafletsmany, small.
Midnerve of leaflets (these 12-25 pairs) lateral.
A. glomerosa.
Midnerve of leaflets (these 30-50 pairs) nearly marginal.
A. polyphylla.
Leaflets narrower, usually shorter; plants prickly except A.
boliviano,, rarely A. riparia.
distinctly but shortly pedicellate; calyx less than 1 mm. long, the
corolla 2.5 mm. long; pods 4-6 cm. long, 1 cm. broad or slightly
broader, the stipe about 7 mm. and abruptly pointed, the
point 3-4 mm. long. This evidently
nearly A. filicoides (Cav.)
Nearly A. polyphylla but with fewer (6-8) pairs of pinnae and the
mostly 8-12 mm. long, 4 mm. wide, the mid-
leaflets obliquely oblong,
nerve strongly excentric; pods to 17 cm. long, 4 cm. wide, the valves
firm-chartaceous or scarcely coriaceous. To 14 meters (Mexia).
Flowers bright yellow (Ule); white (Klug). F.M. Neg. 1277.
Loreto: Pongo de Manseriche, Mexia 6258 (det. Standl.). Yuri-
maguas, Klug 2784. San Martin: Tarapoto, Ule 6644 (det. Harms);
flowers, 4 mm.
long, A. Huberi being ashy-puberulent, the leaflets
puberulent beneath, while the leaflets of A. lacerans are glabrous.
A. amazonica Benth., 523, is sparsely aculeate, the narrowly linear
leaflets paler but glabrous beneath, the often glabrous flowers with
corolla nearly 4 mm. long, 3-4 times longer than the calyx. The
negative is of Tessmann 3256, tentatively proposed by Harms in
herb, as a new species. F.M. Neg. 1275.
the same; the stem angulate but the leaves including the
is less
Acacia paraensis Ducke, Archiv. Jard. Bot. Rio Jan. 3: 73. 1922.
ceous, plane, 12-15 cm. long, 2.5-3.5 cm. broad, densely puberulent,
on stipes 1.5 cm. long. Apparently nearly A. velutina Benth.
except that the more southern species has puberulent, slightly shorter
flowers. According to Ducke the relationship is probably with
A. amazonica Benth. with striate stipules, more numerous pinnae
and corolla 3-4 times longer than the calyx. Other relatives include
A. alemquerensis Huber, Bol. Mus. Goeldi 5: 380. 1909, with obtuse
or retuse leaflets, 5-6 mm. broad, and A. articulata Ducke, I.e., the
leafletspuberulent both sides, the shortly stiped pods coriaceous,
8-12 cm. long or longer to 2 cm. broad, breaking into 8-12 indehiscent
segments. F.M. Neg. 27902.
Peru (probably). Brazil.
Acacia riparia HBK. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 4: 276. 1824; 528. A.
tubulifera Benth. in Hook. Lond. Journ. Bot. 1: 520. 1842; 527.
Senegalia riparia (HBK.) Britton & Rose, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci.
35: 144. 1936.
corolla about 4 times as long, glabrous except the tip; pods stipitate,
1-2 dm. long, 1.5 cm. wide, membranous, venose, puberulent, the
8-10 seeds subrotund-elliptic, lustrous. Most of the material in
herbaria must belong to some other species, probably to one of those
listed as synonyms by Bentham; M. retusa Jacq., based on a fruiting
or with a few scattered setae beneath. The last suggests the Central
American var. glabrior Robins, with, however, glabrous flowers. It
may be remarked that if M. floribunda is treated as a species it must
be called M. Willdenowii Poir. in Lam. Encycl. Suppl. 1: 50. 1810,
not M. floribunda Vent.; academic perfectionists have written the
name Willdenovii. F.M. Negs. 1295; 1323 (M. floribunda}.
Piura: Cerro Viento, Haught 98 (var. floribunda). Libertad:
Trujillo, Killip &
Smith 21518. Moche, Bonpland, type. Ancash:
Pampa Romas, Weberbauer 3177. Above Samanco, 200 meters,
Weberbauer, 163. Tambo de Pariocota, 2552 (var. erratica). Lima:
Chosica, river bottom, 2858 (var. erratica). Arequipa: East of
Chala, sandy soil, Worth & Morrison 15622 (det. Johnst., M. flori-
bunda). Cuzco: Gay. Puno: Near Paraiso, (Raimondi). To Vene-
zuela and Panama.
San Miguel, Urubamba Valley, Cook & Gilbert 11?'4 (det. Killip,
M. Sagotiana, affine).
Loreto: Iquitos, Killip & Smith 27222. Rio Acre: Ule 9435
(det. Harms). Brazil.
corolla 3 times longer than calyx, pods 8-10 mm. broad; the latter
12-20 pairs of leaflets, nearly minute or scarcely 2 mm. long. M.
bimucronata (DC.) Kuntze, 423, of southern Brazil, with eglandular
ample panicles, having long been introduced in southern
South America and Asia for hedges, may be found in cultivation
in Peru. F.M. Neg. 1320.
Piura: Prov.Huancabamba, Weberbauer 6067 (det. Harms).
Cajamarca: Near Cajamarca, Bonpland, type. Ecuador.
Similar to M.
pudica but the pinnae 4-5 (rarely 3) pairs, the
leaflets often many and usually somewhat smaller, the pods
twice as
so numerous that they form a globose head, their margins densely
echinate with yellowish bristles. Stems often densely long-hirsute.
Illustrated, Kunth, Mimoseae, pi. 5. F.M. Neg. 1358.
Loreto: Iquitos, Killip & Smith 26892; Klug 145. Caballo-
Cocha, Williams 2066. Brazil to Colombia and the Guianas.
glands beneath, mostly 12-18 mm. long, about 7 mm. broad, broadly
rounded at the tip, truncate at base. Killip Smith 29383 is densely
prickly. F.M. Neg. 1362.
Loreto: Rancho Indiana, Mexia 6433 (det. Standl., Entada poly-
phyttd). Florida, King 2006; 2356. Mishuyacu, Klug 881. Rio
Itaya, Killip & Smith 29383. Brazil. "Pashaquilla."
Mimosa rufescens Benth. in Mart. Fl. Bras. 15, pt. 2: 362. 1876.
LikeM. micracantha but reddish puberulent to nearly glabrous,
remotely and minutely aculeate, and, especially, the pinnae mostly
4-6 pairs, the leaflets 3-7 pairs, the larger to 2.5 cm. broad, little
longer, glabrous or a little pilose in the axils of the veins, the punctae
beneath minute; pods 1 dm. long or longer, 12 mm. wide. F.M.
Negs. 28229; 21881 (as micracantha).
extend also to the petioles and puberulent leaf-rachi which are sub-
globosely glandular between the 2-3 pairs of pinnae; leaflets 2-4
pairs, shortly petiolulate, obliquely obovate, often more or less
rhombic, obtuse or rounded at apex, mucronulate, very minutely
puberulent both sides, 3-5 cm. long, 2-4 cm. broad; peduncles 1 cm.
long, the densely flowered spikes to 4 cm. long or longer borne in
a rather ample puberulent panicle; calyx minutely pubescent as
the 5 petals without, the stamens 10. According to the collector
the lower stem sometimes is 5 cm. thick, without spines and contains
drinkable water; petals orange-yellow-green. F.M. Neg. 1440.
Loreto: Mouth of Rio Santiago, flood-free woods, Tessmann
4441, type. "Pachaco."
394- 1798.
Glabrate shrub, the minute puberulence evanescent; petioles
slender with 2-3 rather remote pairs of divaricate ascending pinnae,
the leaflets 2-5 pairs somewhat obliquely ovate, rounded or acute at
base, apiculateand usually obliquely rounded at apex or sometimes
acute, ordinarily 2-3 cm. long, about half as broad, subcoria-
ceous; peduncles fascicled in the axils, 1-2 cm. long, the flower-
heads scarcely 1 cm. thick; anthers with a few long crisp trichomes;
pods membranous, 10 cm. long or longer, about 2 cm. broad, lustrous,
glabrous. Haught F119 was referred here by Harms without
question but Rose wrote the collector that it was a new species.
As the only difference seems to be the acute or acuminate leaflets
itmay become var. acutifolia Macbr., var. nov., foliolis acutis vel
interdum acuminatis. Besides the collections cited Bentham noted
without locality, Mathews 476, Cuming 985.
Ruiz & Pavon were told, as they noted in their journal, that the
animal eating this plant loses the hair of the mane and tail and
that any person may become bald by washing his hair several times
with water in which the leaves have been bruised. Nevertheless,
according to the observation of Mrs. Mexia, the foliage is fed to
stock. F.M. Neg. 32049.
under Dimorphandra.
Leaflets 12-17 mm. long; flowers glabrous S. purpureum.
Leaflets 4-10 mm. long; flowers puberulent S. pulcherrimum.
Entada polystachya (L.) DC. Me'm. Leg. 434. pis. 61, 62. 1825.
Mimosa polystachya (L.) Sp. PI. 520. 1753. Entadopsis polystachya
(L.) Britton, N. Amer. Fl. 23, pt. 3: 190. 1928.
leaves with 3-5 pairs of pinnae, the pods to 4 cm. long, 1 cm. wide,
with many (to 20) seeds. Illustrated, Mart. Fl. Bras. 15, pt. 2: pi 78.
Peru (probably). Warm regions.
in turn with rather few, and rigid, leaflets. Glands small, obscure
or wanting. Flowers small, ordinarily in cylindrical spikes on
axillary peduncles. Stamens 10, free, shortly exserted, usually, but
deciduously, glandular. Pods linear, distinctly or little compressed,
even subterete, straight, falcate or contracted, various in texture,
the compressed albuminous seeds commonly separated by more or
less continuous or permanent tissue, segments of pods nut-like by
the ligneous or nearly bony endocarp. Burkart has shown, I.e. 72,
that P. strombulifera (Lam.) Benth. must have been by error accred-
ited to Peru by Lamarck.
Leaflets 5-7 mm. wide; heads in flower clavate, the lower part
narrower than upper P. decussata.
Leaflets 2-3 mm. wide; heads in flower biglobose, the lower
part wider than the upper P. oppositifolia.
Leaves alternate; flowers bright or deep colors P. igneiflora.
Large tree with opposite glabrous leaves these with 4-7 pairs of
pinnae; leaflets 20-34 pairs, subsigmoid-falcate, oblong, auricled
lower side at base, obtuse, 2-3 cm. long, 5-7 mm. wide, nearly con-
color, slightly lustrous, 3-nerved; peduncles terminal-erect, stout,
to 2 dm. long, densely reddish- tomentulose; heads clavate, to 7 cm.
long, the lower reddish sterile portion 2.5 cm. thick, the upper yellow-
ish part about twice as thick; bractlets brown sericeous to base;
rachis enlarged above base, the apical third subglobose-obovoid
dilated; pods about 3 dm. long, 4-6 cm. wide, coriaceous, red-tomen-
tose, the tomentum deciduous in age. Species unique in shape of
the flowering heads. Found at Tabatinga (near the boundary),
according to Ducke.
Peru (undoubtedly). Amazonian Brazil.
long, about 4 cm. wide, glabrous. Description after Ducke who has
noted, Archiv. Inst. Biol. Veg. Rio Jan. 4: 8. 1938, formas purpurea
Ducke and aurea Ducke, staminodes purple and yellow, the last also
designated, I.e., var. aurea Ducke and f aureiflora Ducke, Leg. Amaz.
Bras. (Minist. Agric. Serv. Florest.) 47. 1939. Similar are P. auri-
culata Spruce and P. discolor Spruce, the latter with 3-4 pairs of
pinnae, both small trees with deep purple-red flowers, leaflets rarely
2 cm. long, shorter and harder, slightly spongy pods. Harms referred
Klug 896, "a tree 16 meters with red and yellow flowers, the fruit
edible," to P. auriculata but because of color of flowers and size of
leaflets (2.5 cm. long, 6 mm. wide) as well as from a standpoint of
Parkia multijuga Benth. in Mart. Fl. Bras. 15, pt. 2: 265. 1876.
Dimorphandra megacarpa Rolfe, fide Ducke, apparently a herbarium
Leaves alternate, large (5 dm. long or longer), the rather short
(about 1 dm. long) petiole as well as usually the rachi more or less
rufous puberulent; pinnae 20-30 pairs, 1-2 dm. long with 50-100
leaflets, mostly 8-9 mm. long, 2.5 mm. broad, obtuse, slightly auricled
at base, subfalcate, 1-nerved, lightly venose, at least beneath where
paler; erect peduncles in terminal panicles only 2.5-3.5 cm. long;
bracts below the globose heads often foliaceous; pods completely
ligneous, 2-3 dm. long, 7-9 cm. broad, 1.5-3 cm. thick (Ducke),
used in making soap (Krukoff). To 45 meters with high buttresses
(Krukoff); trunk diameter nearly 3 meters (Poeppig) the wood
medium hard but difficult to split (Ducke). P. Ulei (Harms)
Kuhlm. has much-branched panicles, pinnae about 12-20 pairs,
30-60 pairs of leaflets and persistently tomentose pods to 3 dm.
long, 3.5-4.5 cm. wide.
P. pendula (Willd.) Benth. has depressed
sphaeroid heads, suspended on extremely long filiform peduncles,
all flowers hermaphrodite but the lower with long filaments, the
It came from a 25-meter tree, the flowers garnet. The species, fide
Key adapted from Bentham by tribes. See alternate key in
which Krameria is included for convenience but the description for
this aberrant group is at the end of the family.
One genus in Peru 1. Dimorphandra.
Leaves abruptly pinnate, 2-many foliate; calyx segments free, im-
bricate or valvate; petals 5 or fewer or none; anthers versatile;
ovary 1-2-ovuled.
Petals none; pods obliquely elliptic or falcate-ovate. .2. Copaifera.
Petals 5; pods rather ovoid 3. Cynometra.
Leaves usually abruptly pinnate, rarely 1-foliate; calyx segments
free, rarely valvate; petals none-5; anthers versatile; ovary
stipe adnate; ovules 3-many.
Bractlets small or promptly caducous (cf. Brownea).
Petals none; pods short, more or less oblique, piano-com-
pressed 4. Crudia.
Petals 1-5.
Leaflets 1 pair; pods short.
Leaves abruptly or imparipinnate; calyx lobes free, 5 (3-4) usually
imbricate; petals 5 or fewer or none; anthers 2-pored or basifixed,
exceptionally versatile but 2-pored (Cassia) ovary (or stipe) free.
Leaves bipinnate (Peruvian) or rarely all but a few simply pinnate;
calyx segments free; petals often 5, subequal; anthers versatile;
ovary or stipe free unless in Schizolobium.
Ovary adnate to the calyx tube; pods samaroid with a solitary
seed at tip 15. Schizolobium.
Leaves rarely abruptly pinnate; calyx segments free except
Poeppigia; petals 5 except Phyllocarpus, subequal; ovary free.
Petals 3; pods 1-seeded, plane, thin, the upper suture margined.
19. Phyllocarpus.
Petals 5; pods not wing-margined.
Bractlets enclosing buds, persisting; pods compressed, ligneous.
20. Dicymbe.
Bractlets caducous, small or none; pods various.
One genus in Peru 26. Bauhinia.
Leaves pinnate, 1-many; calyx entire, closed before anthesis; petals
1, 5 or none; stamens rarely 10; pods often ovoid, bivalved or
Alternate key
Sepals free or the calyx in bud closed, entire (lobes somewhat connate
in Poeppigia).
Petals 3-5.
Petals 3 or if 5, 2 rudimentary; stamens 2-3 (except in Phyllo-
Leaves abruptly pinnate; sepals 4; anthers versatile.
Pods narrowly oblong, turgid; leaves glabrous.
8. Tamarindus.
Stamens 10.
Trees or shrubs.
Flowers borne at leafless nodes . . 17. Cercidium.
Trees suggesting in aspect Mimosa, the leaves bipinnate, the
flowers small, regular, in cylindrical racemes or spikes, the calyx
limb 5-dentate, the petals 5, imbricate, the anthers versatile with
longitudinal slits, the ovary many-ovuled. The estivation of the
petals is regarded as distinguishing the group from the Mimoseae.
It approaches Sclerolobium but the merely toothed calyx separates
it. Dinizia Ducke (D. excelsa Ducke, Archiv. Jard. Bot. Rio Jan.
3: 76. 1922), large Amazonian tree, is rather similar but has 10
stamens and is actually allied to Stryphnodendron but the sepals
are imbricate. Ducke, Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci. 25: 193-198. 1935,
and Archiv. Jard. Bot. Rio Jan. 4: 41-44. 1925, presented keys to
the known species, the first reference being to those of the section
Kuntze, who has been followed only by Herzog, has taken up the
pre-Linnaean name "copaiba," by which name the dark green oil
and resin the trees furnish is known; these products have pharma-
ceutical and industrial uses.
tree 30 meters high, the leaflets less coriaceous and var. (l)macrophylla
Benth., the leaflets to 1 dm. long, the primary veins conspicuous
beneath, the racemes and pedicels longer. Harms referred the
Tessmann collection here as "var."
Loreto: Mishuyacu, Klug 1448; 1416. Iquitos, Tessmann 3636.
4. CRUDIA Schreb.
usually 7-10 (15) cm. long, 3-4 (7) cm. wide, chartaceous, reticulate-
veined, the midnerve little excentric; racemes often 1-1.5 dm. long,
the small bracts and bractlets caducous; pedicels 3-4 mm. long;
flowers white, the glabrous or puberulent sepals 4-5 mm. long, the
stamens well exserted; ovary reddish-brown villous; pods subsessile,
ovate to oblong, 1 to nearly 2 dm. long, half as broad, rigid, coarsely
nerved, rusty-tomentose with 1 or sometimes 2 large seeds. Ducke
has proposed C. aequalis, Archiv. Jard. Bot. Rio Jan. 3: 91. 1922,
for a similar tree but the flowering pedicels 7-12 mm. long, the
leaflets rather oblong, commonly 6-12 cm. long, about half as
Trees with small deciduous stipules, bifoliate leaves and often
rather conspicuous and sericeous pubescent flowers borne in terminal
or upper axillary or often corymbose panicles. Sepals 4, imbricate,
the calyx-tube campanulate or obsolete. Petals 5, somewhat un-
equal, the twice as many stamens free, the filiform filaments curved
in bud, the versatile ovate anthers dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary
stiped, adnate, or the ovary subsessile and then free. Style more or
Trop. Woods 54: 1-7, for a key to these and citation of publication
together with a few notes on each species apparently none have
been found as yet within Peru. The following species and probably
others must occur at least as isolated examples.
related group Peltogyne Vog. has dilated lobed stigma and glabrous
pod little longer than broad. Foliage simulates some Macrolobiums.
Courbaril supplies the resin copal or "jutahycica" exported from
the Amazon; it is dug up from the base of the trees, and at one time
was said to make the finest varnish; cf. Le Cointe, Amaz. Bras. 3,
Arvores e Plantas Uteis, 1934.
Leaves glabrous.
Ovary glabrous H. Courbaril.
Ovary pubescent H. oblongifolia.
Leaves densely pubescent beneath H. palustris.
glabrous, 1.5 cm. long and a third as wide; pod typically rather
compressed and stiped or, in var. subsessilis Ducke, subcylindric
(leafletsacute) as also in var. obtusifolia Ducke, several cm. long,
nearly half as thick, with 2 or more seeds surrounded by a mealy
edible pulp.
Smooth shrubs or trees becoming tall, the ample leaves abruptly
pinnate with coriaceous opposite leaflets, their rachi often angled,
the small or medium-sized flowers racemose or spicate in terminal
or subterminal panicles, or the inflorescence simple. Bracts narrow,
caducous, bractlets none. Calyx-tube short but strongly oblique,
the 5 unequal sepals imbricate. Petals 5, subequal, clawed, often
villous within as are usually the 10 stamens toward the bases of the
filaments, the upper 3 of them ordinarily thicker or shorter. Ovary
stipe more or less adnate. Pods flat, oblong, indehiscent, the few
seeds with thin albumin and cotyledons, the latter foliaceous.
Spelled Tachigali by Aublet. Nearly Sclerolobium except for the
oblique calyx and the adnate stipe of the ovary.
Known as "tachi" or "tachizeiro" in allusion to the ants (species
of Pseudomyrma or Azteca according to Ducke) that inhabit the
inflated petioles or inflorescence rachi of many species. Apparently
the inflated portions are peculiar to certain species but seemingly
too many have been described and the following key is therefore
petiolules 6-10 mm. long, petals only slightly hirsute within down
the middle; T. rigida Ducke, Archiv. Inst. Biol. Veg. Rio Jan. 4:
12. 1938, including var. argentata Ducke, I.e., the pubescence not
uniform, the leaflets rigid-coriaceous, the nerves with longer tri-
tube to 10 mm. long, the segments nearly as long, the inner ones
much narrower; petals about 10 mm. long, glabrous except within
at base. Affine according to the author T. multijuga Benth. with
subterete petioles, leaflets 9-15 pairs, the panicles ample, the inner
calyx segments not petaloid. T. grandiflora Huber, Bol. Mus.
Goeldi 5: 388. 1909, and T. macrostachya Huber, I.e., also have large
orange-yellow flowers but both have a shorter calyx-tube and more
than 15 (instead of 7) stamens; the former has oblong leaflets, obtuse
or rounded at base, acutely acuminate, minutely puberulent both
sides, the latter glabrous leaflets cordate at base, shortly and obtusely
acuminate. The type of the Ducke species being as near Peru as
Sao Paulo de Olivenca is to be expected within Peru.
Peru (probably). Brazil.
Tachigalia polyphylla Poepp. & Endl. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 3: 60.
pi. 265. 1845; 230.
9. BROWNEA Jacq.
Brownea cauliflora Poepp. & Endl. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 3: 82. pi.
292. 1845. Browneopsis cauliflora (Poepp. & Endl.) Huber, Bol. Mus.
Goeldi 4: 567. 1906.
Glabrous tree with branches lax, the branchlets terete, punctulate;
petioles 4 mm. long, rugulose; leaflets 2, rarely 3 pairs, sometimes
solitary, oblong-elliptic, obtusely acuminate, slightly narrowed and
obliquely obtuse at base, the larger 2 dm. long, about 7 cm. broad,
membranous, eglandular, pale green, scarcely lustrous above, opaque
beneath, the nerves rather prominent; flowers in subglobose heads,
solitary or several on the trunks or short branchlets, densely bracteate
with subrotund or broadly ovate obtuse finely striate glabrous
purplish bracts, the inner membranous, appressed-tomentose both
sides, roseate; flowers many, with the stamens more than 5 cm. long,
bractlets promptly deciduous; calyx- tube obovate, subtetragynous,
subhirsute at throat, glabrous without, 6 mm. long, the segments
erect, scarcely clawed,
oblong-obovate, often
slightly connate,
glabrous within, lustrous-pubescent without; stamens 15-20, nearly
three times longer than the petals, all fertile, filaments connate
below, glabrous; ovary reddish-pubescent, the style glabrous; pods
pendent, 2 dm. long, 3 cm. broad, the dorsal suture broadly margined,
the valves coriaceous, puberulent, transversely rugulose, with 6 or
7 compressed lustrous seeds. F.M. Neg. 1555.
Loreto: Yurimaguas, Poeppig 2314, type. San Martin: Juanjui,
tree 8 meters high with red-brown and yellow flowers, Klug 1+163
cent with few (or 1) large ovate or orbicular seeds. Eperua Aubl.
to be expected has 1 petal, 10 stamens, small or caducous bractlets,
large rigid pods.
According to Ducke, Trop. Woods 65: 21-31. 1941, "Revision of
the Macrolobium species of the Amazonian Hylaea," with key and
habital notes but without references or descriptions, none of the
species are true forest trees, except for isolated examples, but in
flower are conspicuous along shores in wet places or in more open
forest on higher ground. Besides the following a number of species
with 2 or more pairs of leaflets will probably be found within Peru.
Leafletsmany, small.
Sepals and bractlets subequal; racemes villous-puberulent.
M. acaciaefolium.
Sepals much reduced; racemes pulverulent M. machaerioides.
Leaflets 2-3 pairs, medium M. microcalyx.
Leaflets 2, large.
Peru(?) :
"Amazonas," Tessmann 3658. To Bahia and Trinidad.
"Soliman," "machinmango."
Small tree with glabrous branchlets and leaves, the latter with
1 pair of oblong-lanceolate, subcoriaceous leaflets, cuneate at base,
rather long acuminate, 2-2.5 dm. long, 4.5-7 cm. broad, opaque,
scarcely conspicuously reticulate- veined both sides; racemes 2-4 or
apex of short branchlets, densely flowered, the minute
solitary at the
puberulence extending to the sepals; pedicels 3-6 mm. long; bractlets
obovate, apiculate, often high-connate, 10-11 mm. long, 5 mm.
and the name, not accounted for in later editions of the same work,
is doubtless to be dropped. Several Bolivian species, some possibly
the same as those described here, have been published in Bull. N. Y.
Bot. Card. 4: 311. 1907 and 8: 94. 1912, but specimens were not seen.
Two keys follow, the second based largely on leaves.
acter obscure.
Flowers small, about 5 mm. long or scarcely longer, shortly
Stems usually glabrous or puberulent; petiolar gland more
or less stiped C. Chamaecrista.
Stems densely pilose; petiolar gland sessile. .C. patellaria.
Larger sepals often 10 mm. long or longer; pods 5-6 mm. wide.
C. leiophylla.
Pubescence widely spreading C. pilifera.
Leaflets narrower than 1 cm.
elastically dehiscent.
Leaflets medium, mostly or all much wider than 3 mm.;
peduncles many-flowered; pods indehiscent or the valves
not elastic.
Cassia Absus L. Sp. PI. 376. 1753; 558. Grimaldia Absus (L.)
Britton& Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 299. 1930.
Erect somewhat branching annual often several dm. high, the
stems and petioles more or less stiffly viscid-pubescent; leaflets 2
pairs, obliquely elliptic, membranous, puberulent beneath, 2-4.5
cm. long; flowers 5-7 mm. long, in terminal racemes; stamens 5 (7);
pods sparsely hispid, 2.5-4 cm. long, 6-7 mm. broad. Section
Absus. Illustrated, Basu, Ind. Med. PI. pi. 357.
Piura: Serran, Weberbauer 5992. Warm regions.
Cassia apoucouita Aublet, PI. Guian. 379. pi. 146. 1775; 557.
5-7 pairs, the lower with a slender gland between them, oblong-
rounded at both ends or usually oblique at base, commonly
2-3 cm. long, 8-12 mm.
broad; peduncles axillary, elongating, the
flowering portion slightly exceeding the subtending leaf, the lower
pedicels 1.5-2 cm. long; sepals very unequal, the suborbicular inner
ones 6-7 mm. long; petals about 10 mm. long; anthers merely cusped,
two with elongate filaments and slightly exserted; pods shortly
cm. long, about 8 mm. thick, glabrous or
stiped, cylindrical, to 8
nearly. Usually on stony slopes or stream flats. C. indecora HBK.,
Nov. Gen. & Sp. 6: 344. 1824, to which this has been referred, has
subcompressed puberulent pods, oblong-obovate leaflets. Section
Chamaesenna. F.M. Negs. 1654; 28000.
Lima: Above Obrajillo, 3,100 meters, Pennell 14424- Junin:
Tarma, 1033; 3,100 meters, Kittip &
Smith 21811; (Weberbauer,
176). Huacapistana, Killip & Smith 24264- Puerto Yessup,
2629. Huanuco: Without locality, Dombey; Ruiz & Pavon, type.
Ambo, 3194. Maria del Valle, 3559. Chulki, Sawada P60.
4 cm. long, 3-4 mm. broad. The Haught specimen was at one time
referred to C. riparia HBK. of Colombia, erect, with 16-19 pairs
of leaflets and, if distinct, may be that species, the type in fruit,
itspods 4 mm. C. stenocarpa Vog. seems to be another
form most but the stems spreading pilose; Bentham,
like C. riparia
Glabrous glaucous shrub, the leaves with only 1-2 pairs of broadly
elliptic or slightly obovate, very obtuse leaflets and upper axillary
few-flowered racemes; leaflets sometimes with a few short trichomes
beneath, nearly veinless, about 2 cm. long and half as broad, with
a slender or stipitate shortly conical gland between the single or
lower pair; pedicels only 2-4, 6-16 mm. long; sepals very unequal,
the orbiculate inner 4-6 mm. long; larger petals about 10 mm.
long, the veins more deeply colored; larger anthers with elongate
membranous, slightly arcuate,
filaments, all erostrate; pods plane,
5-7.5 cm. long, 10-12 mm. broad. Low or spreading, the leaves
fleshy. Section Chamaesenna. F.M. Neg. 1676.
Cassia felipensis HBK. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 6: 368. 1824; 576.
Branchlets hirsute- tomentose; leaflets about 12 pairs, little in-
equilateral, linear-oblong, acutish, obliquely cordate at base, lineately
veined,membranous, glabrous or slightly ciliolate and pilose on the
midnerve beneath, the larger 12-14 mm. long, 3 mm. broad; gland
small, sessile, cupulate; stipules lanceolate-subulate, ciliate, 8 mm.
long; peduncles solitary or geminate, bibracteolate, filiform, pubes-
cent, 2 cm. long, with 2 ovate acuminate bracts at their tips; calyx-
lobes oblong-lanceolate acuminate, pubescent without, exceeded by
the larger clawed petals, these about 10 mm. long; ovary sericeous-
pilose. Bentham, I.e., included this apparently with doubt in his
interpretation of C. Chamaecrista.
Cajamarca: San Felipe, Prov. Jae*n de Bracamoros, (Bonpland,
Cassia flavicoma HBK. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 6: 366. 1824; 576.
Don, Gen. Syst. 2: 448. 1832. Chamaecrista flavicoma
C. stipulate, G.
(HBK.) Greene, Pittonia 4: 32. 1899.
Cassia fruticosa Mill. Gard. Diet. ed. 8. no. 10. 1768; 521. Cha-
maefistula fruticosa (Mill.) Pittier in Trab. Mus. Com. Venez. 3: 152.
1928. Cassia bacillaris L. f. Suppl. 231. 1781. Chamaefistula bacil-
laris (L. f.) G. Don, Gen. Syst. 2: 451. 1832.
more northern species known from as near as Ecuador with the ample
acuminate leaves of typical C. fruticosa often however pilose beneath
(C. Hartwegi Benth.) but with sepals only 6-8 mm. long, petals only
10-16 mm. long. Accordingly Bentham's suggestion that the
Peruvian plant "may be considered perhaps as a broad-leaved
pubescent variety of C. bacillaris" (i.e. C. fruticosa) seems to be as
good a disposition as any and the variety may appropriately bear
the great monographer's name. C. puberula HBK. of Colombia with
appressed puberulence has been reduced to C. fruticosa; it however
apparently has persisting stipules and axillary racemes, characters
that suggest C. affinis and C. latifolia. In this connection it may
be remarked that C. speciosa Schrad., 524, with rather similar leaflets
and pubescence has the 3 lower stamens with conspicuously elongate
filaments and therefore is not the Peruvian plant nor indeed the
Colombian one to which Britton and Killip referred material.
About 4 meters high. Illustrated, Mart. Fl. Bras. 15, pt. 2. pi. 31 ;
Trans. Linn. Soc. 27: pi. 62.
excentric, 1-1.5 (2)cm. long, usually 3-4 mm. broad, gland distinctly
stiped; peduncles short with usually 2-3 long-pediceled flowers; sepals
lanceolate, acuminate, about 9 mm. long, puberulent, the largest
petal to 1.5 cm. long; pods lightly pilose, 3-5 cm. long, about 5 mm.
broad. Var. Swartzii (Wickstr.) Macbr. is a form with 2 petiolar
glands, fide Amshoff, On S. Am. Papil. 27. 1939. The Peruvian
specimens seem to be indistinguishable from the typical form of the
West Indies which according to Britton & Killip is restricted to
Jamaica. Illustrated, Bot. Mag. 62. pi 3435; Addisonia 13. pi 444.
(var. Swartzii).
Huancavelica: Shrub- wood about 2,200 meters, Mantaro Valley
and Mejorada, Stork & Horton 10411; 10444; 10914 (det. Standl.
C. Chamaecrista). Cuzco: Acomayo, Vargas 211 (det. Standl.).
Valle del Apurimac, Herrera 1184; 3054; 3056. Valle del Urubamba,
Herrera 906b. Probably widely distributed. "Huaranguillo,"
"mutui," "motuy," "kjeshua-surpuy."
Ecuador and the Galapagos, the line of seeds elevated, the leaflets
larger; it is much like C. siamea Lam., 549, cultivated in warm regions,
its leaves and sepals fleshy-coriaceous. The type is scrappy and
the leaflets are somewhat deformed by disease and perhaps reduced
in size.
leaflets; racemes about as long or shorter than the leaves with 2-3
or several flowers; pedicels about 1 cm. long; sepals 5 long; mm.
petals about 8 mm.
long; 3 stamens only slightly longer than the
remaining fertile 4; ovary more or less pubescent, soon glabrous;
Shrub, 1-3 meters high, the branchlet tips, petioles and short
inflorescences lightly pilose-puberulent; stipules falcate, aristate,
subpersisting; leaflets oblong, rounded at both ends (the base
oblique), petiolulate, 12-20 mm. long, 5-8 mm. broad, in age glabrous
or nearly beneath, obscurely veined; peduncles axillary, shorter
than the leaves, bracteolate apically and there bearing, pseudo-
1-1.5 cm. long; petals obovate, clawed, 2-3 cm. long; fertile stamens
subequal, bluntly cusped; style incurved-clavate apically; pods
semi-ligneous to 3 dm. long, 1 cm. thick, dehiscing along the upper
suture at maturity. The typical form readily recognized by broad,
almost foliaceous stipules, but the forma falcistipula Ducke (var.
falcistipula Ducke) has much narrower smaller stipules and in this
character then simulates C. quinquangulata.
San Martin: San Roque, Williams 7633. Near Moyobamba,
King 3582. Ayacucho: Rio Apurimac Valley, Killip & Smith 22939.
Loreto: Balsapuerto, Klug 3000. ^Rio Acre: (Ducke 4252).
Amazonian Brazil.
Cassia leiandra Benth. in Mart. Fl. Bras. 15, pt. 2: 94. pi. 30.
1870; 516.
Allied to C. grandis and similar but the fragrant flowers bright
yellow, the petals typically 16-18 mm. long, the anthers glabrous,
the ovary shortly villous, and the pods less compressed, torulose
between the smooth sutures, about 2 cm. thick. The Peruvian
material, at least mostly, is var. peruviana Macbr., var. nov., a
planta typica foliolis 2.5-3.5 cm. longis, circa 1 cm. latis, floribus
minoribus, petalis vix 1 cm. longis differt. Jose Schunke 336, type.
C. moschata HBK. is similar but the ovary is glabrous; C. rubriflora
Ducke, Archiv. Jard. Bot. Rio Jan. 3: 110. 1922, Brazil, has unequal
petals, blood-red except the larger, and opaque leaflets that are
sparsely puberulent above as well as beneath.
Loreto: Upper Maranon, Tessmann 4240 (det. Harms affine).
Middle Ucayali, Tessmann 5455 (det. Harms). Florida, Klug 2321
Cassia lucens Vog. Syn. Cass. 46. 1837; 549. C. racemosa Mill.
Gard. Diet. ed. 8: no. 19. 1768, as to Peru.
Tree, sometimes 10 meters high, the leaves with 8-10 pairs of
petiolulate oblong-lanceolate acuminate leaflets, typically obliquely
rounded at base, ordinarily 5-10 cm. long, 1.5-3 cm. broad, glabrous
and lustrous above, glabrate or pilose-puberulent beneath, the glands
obsolete or lacking; racemes paniculate, the inflorescence usually
ample and much exceeding the leaves, rusty-puberulent or the
calyces glabrous; sepals 7-10 mm. long, the larger inner ones mem-
branous; petals 1-2 cm. long, clawed, obviously unequal; 3 larger
stamens about half again as long as the 4 cusped smaller ones and
somewhat rostrate; pods oblong, straight, compressed, lustrous,
membranous, 1.5 dm. long or longer, about 2 cm. broad. The
application of Miller's name, based on a plant from Cartagena,
Colombia, with only 5 pairs of leaflets, appears not to have been
determined. C. racemosa var. tenuifolia Huber, Bol. Mus. Goeldi 4:
564. 1906, now of necessity C. lucens var. tenuifolia (Huber)
Macbr., comb, nov., has, according to Huber, thin membranous
larger leaflets acute at base, distinctly and obtusely acuminate
and mucronate, the flowers smaller. C. siamea Lam. of tropical
Asia and commonly cultivated in warm regions is similar but has
coriaceous sepals and pods. Determinations, except as noted, by
Standley. Section Chamaesenna.
Cassia multijuga Rich. Act. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris 1: 108. 1792;
mondi}. Loreto: Rio Nanay, Williams 401; 1251 and others. San
Salvador, Williams 1566. Yurimaguas, Williams 4026. Near
Iquitos, Klug 283; 1425; Williams 1437. La Victoria, Williams
4025. Caballo-Cocha, Williams 2125. Rio Itaya, Williams 3270.
Barrancosof thellcayali, (Huber). Tropical regions. "Aya-poroto,"
"ayak-poroto," "aya-parotillo," "retama," "retamilla," "achpu-
Cassia patellaria DC. in Collad. Hist. Cass. 125. pi. 16. 1816;
578. Chamaecrista patellaria DC. I.e.
Cassia pilifera Vog. Syn. Cass. 23. 1837; 536. Emelista pilifera
(Vog.) Pitt. Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci. 19: 176. 1929.
Half-shrub often a meter or two high, the somewhat angled
stems or branches characteristically white-pilose, scarcely densely,
the trichomes long and widely divaricate, rarely subappressed or
nearly wanting; stipules linear-subulate, 1 cm. long, usually persist-
ing; peduncles axillary, 1- or 2-flowered, often crowded in a short
panicle and somewhat exceeding the leaves, these with 2 pairs of
obliquely obovate or oblong-elliptic leaflets, rounded and barely
mucronulate at tip, 2-5 cm. long, 1-3 cm. broad, conspicuously
reticulate- veined and often pilose beneath, the glands slender;
sepals very unequal, striate, 6-10 mm. long; petals clawed, to 2 cm.
long; perfect stamens 6, the 2 larger shortly rostrate, 12-16 mm.
long or longer, 1.5 cm. thick. C. excelsa Schrad. is very similar but
the leaflets are mostly obtuse, the pods torulose. The determination
of my Peruvian specimen may be open to question since the pods
are distinctly quadrate. Section Chamaefistula.
dm. long, nearly 2.5 cm. thick, subterete, glabrous, the sutures
rather prominent. According to Ducke sometimes 30 meters high,
beautiful when covered with fragrant yellow flowers. C. Sagotiana
Benth. I.e. 93, of French Guiana, according to Ducke not specifically
distinguishable, has leaflets all obtuse, the sepals 6 mm. long, petals
to 18 mm. long, the intermediate anthers with longer basal lobes.
C. Rhonhofiana Harms, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 15: 46. 1940,
of Ecuador has bright rose-colored petals, later pale yellow and acute
bracts. Illustrated, Trans. Linn. Soc. 27: pi. 60 (as C. Sprucei).
F.M. Neg. 28020.
Peru (possibly). Amazonian Brazil to Guiana.
Cassia tenella HBK. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 6: 365. 1824; 571. C.
foliosa G. Don, Gen. Syst. 2: 446. 1832?
Stems from a short ligneous rhizome, glabrous, as the rather
obscurely pinnately nerved leaflets, these 3-4 pairs, obovate-cuneate,
about 10 mm. long; gland shortly stipitate; flowers of medium
size on pedicels 16 mm. long. Stipules very small. As Bentham
indicated, the species of G. Don judging from the meager descrip-
tion may belong here.
Cassia Tora L. Sp. PI. 376. 1753; 535. Emelista Tora (L.)
Britton & Rose, in Britton & Wilson, Surv. Porto Rico 5: 371. 1924.
Slender, semi-woody, often 1 meter high, glabrate or slightly
puberulent; stipules subulate, about 1 cm. long; leaflets (2) 3 pairs,
oblong-obovate, broadly rounded at tip, glaucous, glabrous above,
somewhat puberulent beneath, usually 3-4 cm. long, about 2 cm.
broad, gland between lower pair; flowers axillary in few-flowered
racemes or solitary; sepals 6-8 cm. long; petals 9-12 mm. long;
perfect stamens 7, the 3 larger anthers erostrate; pods linear arcuate,
slightly quadrate, 1-2 dm. long or longer, 5 mm. broad, the seeds
longitudinal. With the pulp of the pods as also with the infusion
of the fresh leaves the natives purge themselves (Ruiz & Pa von).
Section Prososperma. Illustrated, Britton &
Brown, 111. Fl. 2:
258; ed. 2. 2: 335.
Cercidium praecox (R. & P.) Harms, Bot. Jahrb. 42: 91. 1908.
Stamens 4-6 cm. long; pedicels 4 cm. long, much longer in fruit;
leaflets many.
Flowers 5-6 mm. long; pods 4-5 mm. wide. . .C. viscosa.
pinnis 4-5 jugis; foliolis fere glabris; pedunculis 2-10 cm. longis;
bracteis caducissimis; calycibus sordide villosulis et plus minusve
glandulosis fere 1 cm. longis, laciniis membranaceis anguste oblongis;
petalis circa 12mm. longis integris solum ad basin densissime glandu-
losis. Like the related species in this group (C. falcaria, C. prostrata,
C. viscosa) not very distinctive but from the material at hand appar-
ently merits recognition.
Libertad: Chicama Valley, Smyth 74 (type, U. S. Nat. Mus.).
2: 481. 1825. Tara spinosa (Molina) Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23:
320. 1930.
2-3 mm. long, longer in fruit and reflexing; calyces 3 mm. long, the
flame-colored petals twice as long; pods falcate to 3 cm. long, 4 mm.
broad, glandular.
Tacna: Near Tacna, 650 meters, Werdermann 719. Chile.
broad, falcate. C. fakaria (Cav.) Fisher, Bot. Gaz. 18: 122. 1893,
of Boliviaand Patagonia is eglandular below, typically at least more
herbaceous, and the falcate pods are somewhat broader. A specimen
from Yura, Department of Arequipa, collected by Karl Schmidt
is probably an undescribed related species but is without flowers
5 or 7 pairs, the glabrous petiolules 4-5 mm. long, the blades lanceo-
late-ovate or oblong, usually rounded or obtuse at base, long and
rather abruptly acuminate, subcoriaceous, scarcely lustrous, con-
colored, usually 8 cm. long, half as broad, the nerves slender, the
veins subobsolete; pedicels 10-12 mm. long, densely villous; bractlets
densely ashy-sericeous to 15 mm. long, 8 mm. broad; flowers white,
the glabrous calyx-tube 4 mm. long, the glabrous sepals about 3
times as long, the inner 2 oblong; petals 25-32 mm. long, 12-18 mm.
broad at tip, obovate, long-clawed, in bud lineately pilose, after
anthesis the pilosity only on the claw and sparse; pods (immature)
12 cm. long, 2.5 cm. broad, piano-compressed, ligneous, rusty-tomen-
tose, subsessile, strongly inequilateral at base, obliquely subacute
at apex, the upper suture elevated. Type from Sao Paulo de
Olivenca. The other Amazonian species is D. corymbosa Spruce, 60,
the leaflets only 2 pairs.
Peru (probably). Brazil.
Densely leafy shrub, the branchlet tips, leaves beneath and calyces
rather closely puberulent-pilose; petioles 5-15 mm. long; leaves
suborbicular, cordate at base, the sinus open, 3-5 cm. long, 2.5-5 cm.
wide, scarcely medially bilobed, the ovate lobes rounded or sometimes
acutish, chartaceous, glabrous above, each lobe with 3-4 nerves
prominent beneath as the reticulate venation; pedicels 5-10 mm.
long; flower buds about 3.5 cm. long; petals oblanceolate, 2- nearly
3 cm. long, about 4 mm. broad; filaments sparsely hirsute; ovary
stiped. Two
meters high, the flowers white. F.M. Neg. 1567.
Cajamarca: Mouth of Rio Chinchipe, Prov. Jae*n, 800 meters,
August Weberbauer 6224, type.
7-10 cm. long, the slightly divergent ovate lobes obtuse or acute;
flowers apparently variable in size, the cylindrical calyx-tube
typically 12-25 mm. long, the divisions to 5 cm. long, coherent in
a spathe, the petals about as long, broadly linear or oblong, obtusish;
anthers all linear; pods 1.5-2.5 dm. long, about 2 cm. broad, the
stipe to 5 cm. long. The following collections, referred here at
Dahlem Herbarium (not studied), are probably B. tarapotensis.
Loreto: Caballo-Cocha, (Raimondi). Amazonas: Chachapoyas,
(Raimondi) . San Martin Moyobamba, (Raimondi) To Rio Janeiro.
: .
not seen the type of B. longipetala from British Guiana but it seems
desirable to note the very pubescent form of the species as it occurs
in Peru as B. suaveolens, var. loretana Macbr., var. nov., foliis
subtus conspicue subadpresse pubescentibus. F.M. Neg. 1619.
Cajamarca: Near Cavico, on the Rio Guamcabamba, Bonpland,
type. Bellavista, (Raimondi, det. Dahlem, B. heterophylla), below
Chirinos, flowers roseate, (Raimondi, det. Dahlem, B. heterophylla}.
San Martin: Juanjui, flowers white and violet, Klug 3893; 41911.
Amazonas: Chachapoyas, (Raimondi, det. Dahlem, B. hetero-
phylla). Loreto: Lower Morona, middle Maranon, Tessmann 4919,
var. Dahlem, B. longipetala). Mishuyacu, Klug 485; 1068,
var.; 1010; 595. Rio Mazan, Jose Schunke 366 (type of var., det.
Standl., B. Uleana). Yurimaguas, Killip & Smith 28310, var.
"Niormo," "pasionaria."
transverse veins little prominent, 1-2 dm. long, 9-14 cm. broad;
racemes terminal, many-flowered, 1.5-3 dm. long or longer, the rachis
appressed-tomentulose; flower buds shortly pediceled, brown puberu-
lent, the tips extended as a slender point; calyx finally to 7 cm. long;
petals narrowly linear, long-clawed; filaments hirsute- villous at base;
ovary shortly tomentulose. To be expected in eastern Peru, several
sterile specimens from Rio Itaya and Yurimaguas perhaps belonging
here. F.M. Neg. 1625.
Rio Acre: Rio Jurua-Miri, Ule 5542, type.
long,8-10 cm. broad; petiolules stout, 3-5 mm. long; leaflets oblong
or oblanceolate, rounded or subacute at base, shortly acuminate,
chartaceous or in age subcoriaceous, the primary nerves prominent
beneath, impressed above; pedicels 7-12 mm.
long; flower buds
subglobose, scarcely apiculate; calyx divisions 4-5; petal shortly
clawed, broadly obovate, about 2 cm. long, nearly as wide; stamens
numerous, apparently all the same size; ovary narrowly lanceolate,
tomentulose puberulent. Bark with few to many small ridges
(Williams); type from tree 12 meters high, the petal bright yellow
(Tessmann). The author remarks that the extraordinarily large
leaves are distinctive; perhaps the species is related to S. stipulifera
Harms, Verh. Bot. Ver. Brandenb. 48: 168. 1906. F.M. Neg. 1823.
Loreto: Mouth of Santiago, Tessmann 4597, type. Yurimaguas,
King 2774; Williams 4540; 4965 (first det. two det.
Standl., last
Harms). Rio Cachiyacu, Klug 3122. Rio Mazan, Jose Schunke 122.
Swartzia calophylla Poepp. & Endl. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 3: 61.
pi. 267. 1845; 18.
Tall tree, the young branchlets, leaves beneath and long laxly-
flowered racemes rather loosely brown-villous ; stipules lanceolate, 1 cm .
Key adapted from Bentham by tribes. See alternate key, page
235; as remarked by Bentham, the tribes merge with each other.
Leaves pinnate (rarely unifoliate) flowers papilionaceous or nearly
pellucid-punctate or -reticulate.
Petals 5; pods indehiscent; leaves punctate 1. Myroxylon.
Petal 1 (banner) ; pods dehiscing; leaves obscurely lucid-reticu-
late 2. Amburana.
Flowers papilionaceous (unless Uleanthus under Diplotropis) ;
Stipels present only sometimes in Poecilanthe, Geoffroya, Derris;
inflorescence various; stamens, unless vexillar, connate in 1 or
2 groups.
Pods drupaceous or turgid with a solitary pendulous seed.
Anthers versatile (unless partly in Poecilanthe') , the parallel
cells longitudinally dehiscent.
Calyx turbinate or somewhat acute at base, the teeth
short, equal; flowers often showy and laxly borne.
Calyx 5-dentate.
Calyx incurved in bud 16. Pterocarpus.
Sometimes erect or lignescent (Collaea, Eriosema, Erythrina, Cajanus,
rarely Phaseolus, Vigna}\ flowers in axillary racemes, fascicu-
late, geminate or rarely solitary on the rachis; stamens, unless
the vexillar, connate, the anthers not uniform only in Dioclea
(in part), Mucuna, Glycine.
Vines or erect herbs; leaflets entire or denticulate, estipellate;
stipules often conspicuous; flowers solitary or in axillary racemes;
stamens 9, the vexillar free or more or less connate, rarely
lacking, anthers uniform.
Style glabrous.
Calyx truncate, the teeth minute; pods flat 40. Abrus.
Herbs or shrubs, rarely trees or lianas; leaves ordinarily im-
paripinnate and leaflets many (rarely 1-3), usually entire;
stamens usually 9 in a tube cleft above, the tenth more or less
free; anthers versatile, uniform, rarely the alternate larger and
sub-basifixed; pods not articulate, bivalved or if indehiscent
commonly small, 1-2-seeded or inflated.
Glandular-punctate herbs or shrubs, the pods small, indehiscent,
usually 1-seeded.
Ovules 1; racemes or spikes terminal or axillary; leaves usually
digitately foliate 44. Psoralea.
Calyx campanulate.
Style glabrous unless at base.
Vexillar stamen free 50. Sesbania.
Like Phaseoleae and Galegeae but the pod divided into 1-seeded
segments, these rarely reduced to 1.
Stamens all free 54. Adesmia.
Stamens connate in 1 or 2 groups or the vexillar free or partly free.
Leaves glandular-punctate.
Leaflets 3 or 4; calyx teeth short, equal 55. Poiretia.
Herbs, shrubs, rarely trees, never scandent; leaves simple or digitately
(1) 3-many-foliate; corolla papilionaceous; stamens monadel-
phous, vexillar rarely free, the alternate longer anthers often
basifixed; pods usually bivalved.
Alternate key
Stipels present.
Leaflets 4; pods maturing under ground 57. Arachis.
Leaflets 3 (1-5) pods racemose.
Leaflets entire.
Anthers not mucronate.
Plants low; pods short, not or scarcely
longer than broad 53. Astragalus.
Vines (except one species Vicia with black and white flowers)
or lianas, sometimes merely clambering (cf. Rai-
mondianthus, Chaetocalyx} stipels usually present, often
Leaves pinnate.
Style beard apical or all around. .... .43. Vicia.
Calyx campanulate.
Flowers large, not yellow; pods samaroid.
35. Centrosema.
31. Calopogonium.
otherwise, if the ranges really are the same, the fruiting characters
to the type except for the more numerous leaflets; even this character
variessomewhat and the inflorescences are only about 4 cm. long
in King 4064 as in the type; it may become var. acreana (Ducke)
Macbr., comb. nov. (T. acreana Ducke, I.e.). The original name,
macrocarpa Sm. has 10-20 pairs of leaflets, the fruit nodes not winged,
tomentulose. All have been or are to be expected in cultivation.
Peru: Cultivated or escaped. Chile; New Zealand. "Mayu,"
Trees with ample imparipinnate leaves, the leaflets alternate,
and medium size pinkish-violet flowers borne in open terminal
panicles or racemes. Bracts and bractlets minute. Calyx distinctly
incurved, 5-toothed, the 2 upper teeth often nearly connate. Corolla
Junin: Chanchamayo Valley, Schunke 3252, type.
Trees affine Ormosia but the calyx early herbaceous becoming
indurate in fruit and persisting, the flowers yellow or pale lilac,
the stigma terminal. Pods dehiscing, the seeds globose or subglobose,
hard, with small hilum. According to Pierce the leaflets are con-
spicuously reticulate but the secondary veins are not prominent.
ClathrotropisHarms, similar and to be expected within Peru, has
roseate or white flowers, the calyx straight, the seeds strongly
7. ORMOSIA Jacks.
euneura from tree 11 meters high, 3.5 dm. in diameter, the banner
reddish-lilac, the other petals lilac. F.M. Negs. 28237; 1908 (0.
Loreto: In flood-free woods, edge of the Itaya, Iquitos, Tessmann
3665 (type, 0. euneura). Brazil.
Ormosia coccinea Jacks. Trans. Linn. Soc. 10: 360. pi. 25.
1810; 317. 0. subsimplex Spruce ex Benth. in Mart. Fl. Bras. 15,
pt. 1: 316. pi. 125. 1862, fide Ducke.
Large trees with high buttress roots, alternate imparipinnate
leaves, the coriaceous leaflets estipulate, the flowers borne in terminal
panicled racemes. Bracts and bractlets small, promptly caducous.
Calyx-tube very short, the two upper lobes connate into a much
enlarged lip that includes the corolla, the much shorter lower one
acute, entire or tridentate. Petals sessile, subequal, the banner
broad, the wings free, the keel petals connate dorsally. Stamens free,
the anthers narrow. Ovary stiped, 1-ovuled, the style short with
lateral stigma. Pods compressed, elastically dehiscing.
9. TARALEA Aublet
Trees or shrubs with aspect and character of Coumarouna but
the ovary subsessile or very shortly stiped, the plane compressed
woody but bivalvate pod elastically dehiscent, the broad flattened
seed oily but without odor. Leaves alternate or opposite. The
genus is its recognition permits the use of Coumarouna
academic but
for Dipteryx. Coumarouna probably should be conserved to include
it; Dimorphandra and Cassia, to give only two examples, may have
indehiscent or bivalvate elastically dehiscent pods.
Dipteryx Schreb.
Reference: Ducke, Trop. Woods 61: 1-10. 1940.
Trees related to Geoffroya and with many characters in common
but the subabruptly pinnate leaves and usually the leaflets alternate,
sometimes pellucid-punctate, estipulate, the calyx often colored and
punctate glandular, scarcely with obvious tube but with 2 con-
spicuous larger upper lobes that are coriaceous or petaloid and
wing-like, the 3 lower lobes reduced. Banner emarginate to bifid.
Alternate anthers smaller or aborted. Ovary glabrous or rarely
pilose, attenuate at base. Pods drupaceous, indehiscent.
Taralea Aubl., long confused with this, has usually opposite
leaves, ovary tomentose, minutely stiped, attenuate above into
style, the pods bivalvate. Dipteryx is conserved only for those
botanists who include Taralea in Coumarouna and therefore no
action of a botanical congress is necessary, as Ducke has suggested,
to permit the use of the Aublet name by those accepting both
genera. Dipteryx Schreb. was placed on the list of Nomina Con-
servanda when the genera of Aublet were thought to be synonyms.
Since as Ducke now has shown they can be distinguished, Dipteryx
as a conserved name is certainly invalidated, standing for different
entities and creating, an endless source of confusion.
if used,
Schreber's name
purely academic
is and based on error. Cf. also
Ducke, "0. Cumaru," Minist. Agric. Serv. Florest. Rio Jan. 1939
(4 pages, 3 plates).
C. odorata the chief source of the "tonka bean," the "cumaru"
flowers all
detached) probably represents a new species;
word for turtle, "charapa," and refers to the form of half a fruit-
shell. To 40 meters high, the hard wood used for constructing boats
(Klug). F.M. Neg. 2327.
Loreto: Mishuyacu, Klug 980 (det. Harms). San Isidro, mouth
of the Pastazza, Tessmann 4964, type. "Kumarut," "charapilla."
Andira Lam.
Large trees with alternate unequally pinnate leaves, their leaflets
usually opposite and roseate or violet and fragrant or yellow and
malodorous flowers, these often subsessile and crowded in terminal
or subterminal panicles or simply racemose. Bracts and bractlets
commonly small and caducous. Calyx truncate or shortly to deeply
dentate. Banner suborbicular, unappendaged, the wings and keel
petals oblong, obtuse, free. Vexillar stamen usually free, the anthers
versatile. Ovary more or less long-stiped, (1) 2-4-ovuled, the drupa-
ceous ovoid-globose pod with one seed. Andira has been maintained
chiefly on the grounds of an obscurely toothed calyx and panicled
fragrant violet flowers; the leaflets vary in venation much as Machae-
rium. Name sometimes written "Geoffraea."
12. Lour.
species grouped under one name while extreme forms are left at the
edge so to speak in separate groups if desired. Indeed this is exactly
what has been done (Ducke and Hoehne) in uniting Drepanocarpus
(wingless pods) with Machaerium (more or less winged), a procedure
already suggested by Bentham. Thus in tribe Pterocarpeae we have
a delimitation of genera analogous to that proposed here for the
Flowers geminate, regularly or irregularly racemulose, often sessile;
leaf-rachis grooved above or the leaflets pellucid-punctate.
roots (when cut) showing little latex, their rotenone content small.
F.M. Neg. 2315.
Loreto: Middle Maranon, Tessmann 3833 (det. Harms). Brazil;
acuminate, 5-7.5 cm. long, 2.5-4 cm. wide, in age scarcely sub-
coriaceous, not truly punctate but reticulate-pellucid, glabrous above,
slightly and minutely appressed pilose beneath, the midnerve and
5-7 lateral nerves rather prominent both sides; racemes floriferous
nearly to base, to several dm. long, nodose from the short peduncles;
pedicels fasciculate, about 4 mm. long; bracts small, oblong-orbicular,
caducous; calyx broadly campanulate, finally cyathiform, truncate,
minutely 4-dentate, the broader upper tooth scarcely conspicuous;
banner 12 mm. long, broadly orbicular, recurved, minutely sericeous;
wings strongly arcuate; staminal tube entire nearly to base; ovary
sessile, tomentulose, the ovules about 10; style sparsely hirtellous;
pods coriaceous, apparently transversely articulate, 10-15 cm. long,
12-14 mm. wide, 3-9-seeded. Nearly L. densiflorus Benth., 99, of
Colombia and British Guiana, but the leaflets larger, racemes longer
and axillary or terminal instead of arising from the leafless part of
the older wood, and the pod coriaceous (Bentham). Type not seen;
the Peruvian material seems to be the same as Pittier's plant which
however as to type has "16-18 ovules." The lowest peduncles may
sometimes lengthen to 8 mm. Woody vine climbing to 50 meters
or higher; flowers pale blue (Killip & Smith).
Loreto: Above Iquitos, Killip & Smith 29400. Soledad on Rio
Itaya, Killip &Smith 29759. Canchahuaya, Rio Ucayali, (Huber
1395). Brazil; Bolivia? "Barbasco."
Deguelia scandens Aubl. PI. Guian. 2: 750. pi. 300. 1775, not Denis
scandens Benth. Derris guianensis Benth. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 4:
Suppl. 106. 1860.
High-climbing liana, the leaflets usually 5, the younger parts
including the fasciculately flowered racemes somewhat reddish brown
pilose; leaflets ovate or oblong-elliptic, rounded-subcordate at base,
more or less acuminate, usually about 8 cm. long, half as broad, rather
lustrous above, pale and sometimes a little pubescent beneath, sub-
coriaceous; bracts at base of racemes often stipule-like and con-
spicuous; pedicels 2-4 mm. long; calyx 3 mm. long; petals about 8
mm. long, yellowish; pods sessile, membranous, sparsely and minutely
setulose, veiny, rounded at base, to 9 cm. long, sometimes longer,
about 2 mm. broad at the seed, the wing 2.5-3 mm. wide. According
to Ducke, Trop. Woods 69: 5. 1942, this is a high-climbing vine in
upland rain forests as well as on river banks but is not used as a
fish poison. D. negrensis Benth., similar, has leaflets minutely
pubescent beneath, racemes rusty tomentose, pods ovate obtuse,
puberulent, coriaceous; D. longifolia Benth., pubescent as D. negrensis
but leaflets narrowed at base, pods membranous, the younger reddish-
velutinous, and, as suggested by Amshoff, the apparent difference
between the two species is possibly due to age. Part of the material
cited has open, part dense, inflorescence and its determination without
fruit is not entirely certain. Both Ducke and Pittier have taken up
the earlier name of Aublet contrary to the International Rules since
his cognomen is already in use in the genus as pointed out by Killip.
Illustrated, Mart. Fl. Bras. 15, pt. I: pi. 107.
Loreto: Iquitos, Tessmann 3637 (det. Harms); Mexia 6420. Rio
Mazan, Jose Schunke 111. Balsapuerto, Klug 3067. Mishuyacu,
Klug 1023 (det. Harms). Brazil; the Guianas.
the rachis spreading pilose, the peduncles 2-4 (10) cm. long, the
densely and evenly golden sericeous, the ovules 2 (3) pods elliptic- ;
oblong, 3-4 cm. long, 2-3 cm. broad, obtuse and often apiculate at
apex, strongly compressed, permanently golden sericeous, papyra-
ceous, 1-seeded. Description after Krukoff & Smith who note that
the fresh roots are bright yellow when first cut, exuding a yellowish
latex, their bark roughened as though warty, suggesting the skin
of a Brazilian frog to which resemblance the common name "cururu"
refers. Illustrated, Krukoff & Smith, I.e. 576 (fr.).
Calyces 2-2.5 mm. long; flowers borne with mature leaves. P. gracile.
Calyces 3-4 mm. long; flowers borne before leaves or these young.
P. stipulare.
Vog. var. major Benth. in Mart. Fl. Bras. 15, pt. 1: 262. 1862.
the 5 alternate longer anthers affixed near the base, the remaining
versatile. Pods compressed, woody, dehiscent.
sometimes much longer and branched bracts shorter than the flower
buds, about 2 mm. long; pedicels 2-2.5 mm. long; flowers yellow,
fragrant; calyx 7-10 mm. long, slightly incurved, twice exceeded
by the orbicular standard; ovary sessile, densely tomentose, 3-6-
ovuled, the suborbicular veiny pod to about 7 cm. wide, broadly
membranous wing-margined and with 1 seed. P. officinalis Jacq.
of northern South America and north has stiped ovary, glabrous
as also the inflorescence. P. santalinoides L'HeY., Amazonian and
African in distribution, has pods winged only on the outer side, the
bracts longer than the flower buds, the pedicels 2-4 mm. long. It
attains 30 meters (Krukoff), grows in secondary forest, not inundated
(Ducke). Illustrated, Mart. Fl. Bras. 15, pt. 1: pi. 92.
Loreto: Middle Ucayali, Tessmann 3204 (det. Harms). Rio
Acre: Rio Macauhan, on terra firma, Krukoff 5474- Brazil to
Guiana and Trinidad.
Well marked by the long pedicels and the fine rusty puberulence
or pilosity that extends in some degree even to the mature pods,
only the upper surface of the leaflets glabrous; leaflets 7-9, elliptic-
oblong, membranous, reticulate-veined both sides, shortly acute or
acuminate, rounded at base, 5 cm. long, 2 cm. wide or larger; racemes
simple, lax, the pedicels about 8 cm. long, slightly longer than the
calyx; banner 15 mm. long; stamens monadelphous; ovary sessile,
tomentose; pods, except for the puberulence, similar to those of
P. Rohrii. P. violaceus Vog. of Bolivia and Brazil has similarly
elongate pedicels, but glabrous leaves, firm fruit- wings; in pubescence
the resemblance to P. Zehntneri Harms and P. villosus Mart.,
Brazilian species, is great but both have much shorter pedicels.
More puzzling are forms of P. Rohrii from Ecuador that approach
P. rufescens in pubescence but this finer, sparser, and the pedicels
are short; they probably represent another species rather than an
intermediate form. F.M. Neg. 21910.
San Martin: Tarapoto, Spruce 4471, type. Venezuela.
pedicels 1.5-2 (3) mm. long; leaflets 6-10 cm. long, 2.5-3 (5) cm.
wide; calyx 6-7 (10) mm. long; banner 15 mm. long; ovary oblong-
linear, densely sericeous, with 5-6 ovules; pods glabrous, sessile,
thinly attenuated only around the outer margin, nervose, obliquely
oval, 5 cm. long, 4 cm. broad. The crowded almost subsessile
flowers give this specimen an aspect very different from that of the
one referred in this work to P. amazonum. As Harms has remarked,
the taxonomic significance of the inflated rachi (inhabited by ants)
remains to be shown; Bentham, in Mart. Fl. Bras. I.e., treated P.
amazonum as a variety? (vel status monstruosus) of P. Rohrii.
The determinations except as noted are by Harms. According to
Ducke the Harms species is in fact P. amazonum; nevertheless he
uses the name of Harms! He follows Amshoff with some misgivings
in associating P. santalinoides L'HeY. with P. amazonicus Huber,
Bol. Mus. Goeldi 5: 402. 1909. Klug recorded the flowers as golden-
yellow; to 15 meters high, nearly 10 dm. around, good timber, fruit
black (Schunke); a short or tall tree (Williams). F.M. Negs. 2296;
6286; 28280.
San Martin: Pongo de Cainarachi, Klug 2705 (det. Standl.).
Loreto: La Victoria, Williams 3100; 2821 .
Pebas, Williams 1853. Rio
Mazan, J. Schunke 190 (det. Killip). Vicinity of Iquitos, Tessmann
5540; Klug 1474; 1225. Brazil. "Mariabuena," "jaguar caspi."
Trees, usually more or less leafless in flower and fruit, with the
character and aspect of Pterocarpus but the calyx straight, shortly
and regularly 5-dentate, the heartwood yellow, with brown streaks.
Pods with a prominent transversely striate terminal wing formed
by the persisting style, or orbicular, corky and with a rudimentary
wing, the seeds solitary.
The segregation of Pterocarpus accords with that of Diplotropis
in calyx-character and in both cases the expediency may be ques-
tioned unless the character is supported by fruiting differences, which
does not appear to be the case. Ducke, Archiv. Jard. Bot. Rio
Jan. 5: 135, 1930, excludes (from Vatairea) Tipuana Benth., the calyx
subbilabiate, the vexillar stamen free, the wood white, and, I.e.
6: 35. 1933, proposes of necessity yet another name, Vataireopsis
Ducke (V. speciosa Ducke, I.e. 36,Amazonian) for a similar tree with
subbilabiate but incurved calyx, the stamens all united and scarcely
for one-fourth their length.
Vatairea fusca Ducke, Archiv. Jard. Bot. Rio Jan. 5: 192. 1930.
Tipuana fusca Ducke, I.e. 78. 1925.
Branchlets and inflorescence dark-brown- tomentose; leaf-rachis
distinctly grooved and margined bearing 13-17 shortly petiolulate
leaflets, the lateral oblong to oblong-elliptic, obtuse or acutish at
both ends, 3-7 cm. long, nearly 2 to 2.5 cm. broad, the terminal
obovate, acute at base, to 3 cm. broad, all minutely and sparsely
strigillose beneath, closely reticulate both sides; racemes terminal,
often more than 3 dm. long, floriferous above the middle, the velvety
calyces 5-7 mm. long on pedicels nearly as long; petals pale violet,
12-15 mm. long; ovary shortly stiped, ashy pubescent. Tree attain-
ing 30 meters, the inner wood yellow densely streaked with brown.
Rio Acre: On terra firma, mouth Rio Macauhan, Krukoff 5465;
4342. Brazil.
Drepanocarpus Mey.
Reference: Benth. Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. 4: Suppl. 52-71. 1860.
Shrubs or trees or high-climbing lianas with oddly pinnate leaves,
the usually alternate leaflets estipulate, the stipules sometimes
spinescent. Flowers small or medium, purple, white or red, in short
often secundly flowered racemes fasciculated in the axils or crowded
in terminal panicles, the pedicels short or obsolete. Bracts small,
caducous, the bractlets more or less persisting beneath the com-
monly truncate shortly toothed calyx. Banner broad, unappendaged,
often silky pubescent without, the usually falcate wings oblong,
the keel incurved, the petals connate dorsally. Stamens various as
in Dalbergia but the anthers versatile, with longitudinally dehiscent
parallel cells. Ovary often stiped, characteristically 1-ovuled, the
filiform style incurved. Pods indehiscent, compressed, more or less
extended into a reticulate- veiny wing or merely margined or curved,
the solitary seed ovate, orbicular or reniform with inflexed radicle.
Ducke, Arch)/. Jard. Bot. Rio Jan. 3: 151. 1922, and 5: pi. 11
(fruits), has shown the natural unity of Drepanocarpus with Machae-
rium, as had been indicated by Bentham; the genus in turn, in such
species as M. inundatum (Mart.) Ducke, merges with Dalbergia,
both groups furnishing the rosewood of commerce, and, except for
the convenience of following tradition, could be classified under one
group name since the anther dehiscence is equally variable in other
natural genera, as in Cassia, for instance.
Primary nerves prominent; flowers in long usually terminal
panicles, not secund.
Leaflets at least shortly acuminate.
Bractlets caducous or inconspicuous.
Leaflets broadly elliptic; pods 18-24 mm. wide at seed,
wings 2.5 cm. wide or wider M. floribundum.
Leaflets about oblong; pods 1 cm. wide at seed, wings to
2.5 cm. wide M. decorticans.
Bractlets nearly half as long as calyx, persisting.
M. cuspidatum.
ovary stiped, villous. Illustrated, Hoehne, Fl. Bras. 25, pt. 3 pi. 8. :
(which action Amshoff has followed), but Hoehne has indicated there
is at least an apparent difference in the pods; until sufficient material
natis, 5-9 cm. longis, 3-4.5 cm. latis, utrinque paullo nitidulis
subcoriaceis, subtus minutissime sparseque puberulis vel glabris,
supra glabris; racemis folio brevioribus 6-10 cm. longis haud vel
paullo ramosis minute puberulis, calycis fere 2.5 mm. longis, sericeo-
pilosis, distincte dentatis, laciniis superioribus obtusis, infima acuta
et conspicue productiore; vexillo 6 mm. longo, leviter vel vix sericeo;
staminibus diadelphis; legumine ubique breviter piloso longiuscule
stipitato, 6-6.5 cm. longo, venoso ad semen mediocriter intruso
circa 1 cm. lato, ala 2 cm. lata. Pods not blackening in drying as
in typical M. lanceolatum with different calyces and monadelphous
stamens to which species the following material has been referred;
the much broader pods approach those of the varieties which have
more leaflets as does M. Salzmanni Benth. with still larger flowers
and pods. Mydescription of flowers noted by collector as "chestnut-
purple" is from the Ule specimen.
San Martin: Tarapoto, shrub, Williams 3441, type; Ule 6447
In the one flower examined the two stamen groups are equal.
The species seems to be distinct in character of leaves from all of
those with diadelphous stamens; in vegetative characters it resembles
D. ferrugineo-tomentosa Hoehne and D. subcymosa; the former has
different pubescence, the latter fewer and larger leaves; cf. also D.
oxyphylla Harms ex Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 3, pt. 2 49. 1898, of Bolivia.
clawed; stamens 10, all connate; ovary and long stipe appressed
hirsutulous, the young pods brownish velvety. Leaves suggest
those of Cornus; extremely thick liana, 25 meters high, the faintly
scented flowers with olive green calyx, brown pubescent, the petals
bright yellowish green except for the carmine-streaked banner.
Hoehne, Fl. Bras. 25, pt. 3, fasc. 4: 19, reduces this species to
D. Lindeniana (Benth.) Hoehne, a Venezuelan plant with entirely
different pubescence and inflorescence; indeed it appears from F.M.
Neg. 3297 that Bentham's species is a Machaerium as originally
described. F.M. Neg. 2267.
Loreto: Mouth of the Santiago, flood-free wood, Tessmann 4549,
type; 4705.
flowered, lightly villous, with the peduncles 4-5 cm. long, 2.5-4 cm.
broad; flowers small, on pedicels 1-2 mm. long; bractlets minute,
oblong, obtuse, shorter than the calyx, this pilose, the connate upper
teeth emarginate, the lateral broadly lanceolate, acute, the lowest
longer, acute, nearly 3 mm. long; banner oblong, 4 mm. long;
stamens 9 or 10, all connate; ovary definitely stiped, hirsute villous,
with 1-2 ovules. Hoehne, Fl. Bras. 25, pt. 3, fasc. 4: 12. 1941,
suggested that this plant is the same as D. Glaziovii Harms; that
Brazilian species however is a tree with a dense rusty tomentosity
on the younger parts, the leaflets 9-25, ovate-lanceolate, coriaceous.
Rather D. iquitosensis seems to be allied to D. acuta Benth. as in-
dicated by Harms; resembles also D. frutescens but at least until
4: 22, to "D. nitida (Radlk.) Ducke," a name for which Hoehne gives
no reference and which I have not found. The distinguishing feature,
if any, seems to be the silky pilosity of the young leaves (leaflets 5)
plant, the leaves always 1-foliate. Illustrated, Mart. Fl. Bras. 15, pt.
1: pis. 63-64; also Hoehne, Fl. Bras. 25, pt. 3: pis. 17-20 (including
Loreto: Iquitos, (Ducke 14311}; (Killip & Smith 29048} Florida,
King 2015; 2251. Rio Acre: Ule 9466. To eastern Brazil, Trinidad
and Santo Domingo. "Gochano" (Huitoto).
Nearly Phaseolus but the keel not coiled but strongly bent
inwards. The bracts and bractlets are small, deciduous, the calyx-
tube short, the style bearded longitudinally within, the pods not
septate. The species included here approach Pachyrrhizus on one
side and Phaseolus on the other and indeed their separation from the
latter is merely academic. One species is sometimes erect.
Vigna luteola (Jacq.) Benth. in Mart. Fl. Bras. 15, pt. 1: 194.
pi 50. 1859. Dolichos luteolus Jacq. Hort. Vindob. 1 399, pi 90. 1770.
D. repens L. Syst. ed. 10. 1163. 1759. V. repens (L.) Kuntze, Rev.
Gen. PL 3, pt. 2: 74. 1898, fide Amshoff, not Baker, 1876. V. brachy-
stachys Benth. Bot. Voy. Sulph. 86. 1844, at least as to Peruvian
Herbaceous vine, twining or when no support as shrubs available,
prostrate; flowers yellow and almost capitately crowded at the tips
of the usually greatly elongated peduncles, these slender and as the
much shorter petioles more or less conspicuously pilose with spread-
ing yellowish trichomes or sometimes glabrate; leaflets ovate-lanceo-
late, acuminate or rarely obtusish, rounded or broadly cuneate at
base, glabrous or sparsely pubescent, commonly 4 cm. long, 2.5-4
cm. wide; pedicels 2 mm. long; calyces campanula te, 4-5 mm. long,
the three lower acute teeth shorter than the tube; banner to 17
mm. long, 2 cm. wide, bicalloused basally, the semiorbicular keel
Vigna vexillata (L.) Rich, in Sagra, Hist. Cuba 10: 191. 1845.
Phaseolus vexillata L. Sp. PI. 724. 1753.
With many of the characteristics of V. luteola but commonly
coarser, the stems often conspicuously pilose, the leaflets usually
more elongate lanceolate, 5-13 cm. long, 1.5-3 (5) cm. wide, pubes-
cent; pedicels 1-2 mm. long; calyx 1 cm. long, pilose, the acuminate
teeth 5, the 3 lower about as long as the tube; banner 2-2.5 cm.
long, the keel obtuse; pods linear, pilose, 7-10 cm. long, 5 mm.
broad, the blue or black lustrous seeds with oblong white hilum.
Flowers yellow marked with purple or lilac and violet to pinkish
blue. Illustrated, Mart. Fl. Bras. 15, pt. 1: pi. 50.
long, the subequal calyx teeth typically only about half as long;
flowers dark purple, 17-20 mm. long; pods widely spreading, com-
pressed, densely appressed strigillose, to 9 cm. long, 4 mm. broad.
The leaves in the Peruvian form are usually greenish above, densely
ashy sericeous beneath, the veins prominent; var. vestitus (Hook.)
Hassler. F.M. Neg. 32018.
Lima: Chancay, Ruiz &
Pavdn. Lurin, Mathews 454, type.
Chosica, 526; Holway 783]/2. Callao, Wilkes Exped. Loreto:
Salinas de Pibluana, Rio Huallaga, Ule 7624. San Martin: Tara-
poto, Spruce 4852. Cuzco: Prov. Anta, Vargas 146. North to Texas
and northern Mexico.
Loosely and rather densely pilose except the leaves above and
the flowers; stipules ovate-lanceolate, to 7 mm. long; petioles 5-7
cm. long; leaflets broadly ovate, the lateral obliquely truncate at
base, acute, sparsely strigillose or glabrate above, about 6 cm. long,
5 cm. wide; racemes long-peduncled, to 2 dm. long or longer, the
lanceolate acuminate bracts subequaling the often geminate pedicels,
these 5-7 mm. long; calyx 4-4.5 mm. long, sparsely puberulent,
minutely ciliate on the margins, the teeth shorter than the tube,
the lower ones deltoid, lanceolate-acuminate, little longer than the
others, the lateral broadly deltoid, acute, the uppermost very broad,
bifid; banner glabrous, 11 mm. long, basally reflexed, auricled, the
wings nearly 15 mm. long; keel enlarged apically with the style and
sparsely hirsute, spiraled 1.5 times; vexillar stamen much thickened
basally; ovules 3-4; pods lightly falcate, villous, 5 cm. long, 8-9 mm.
broad. Flowers violet except for the wings, these at first lilac
changing to yellow-brown (Weberbauer). P. bolivianus may possibly
prove to be distinguishable varietally: the pubescence is less dense,
more appressed, the keel, as to type, with 2 coils, the pods 6 cm.
long, 1.5 cm. broad, with oval much-compressed brown seeds minutely
sprinkled with white, 6 mm. wide, 8 mm. long, the hilum one-fifth
as long. F.M. Neg. 2434.
Huanuco: Near Rio Mantaro below Colcabamba, 2,200 meters,
Weberbauer 6439, type. Cani, 3413 (det. Standl.). Amazonas:
Chachapoyas, Mathews. Apurimac: Rocky ground among shrubs
and grasses, 2,000 meters, Oropeza Valley, Vargas 9776; 10573
(former det. Standl. as P. boliviana). Cuzco: Valle del Urubamba,
3,000 meters, Herrera 1376. Yucay, Soukup 726. Bolivia.
base, its pods nearly flat, only about 3 cm. long, 6-8 mm. broad, the
seeds compressed.
Loreto: Yurimaguas, Poeppig. Lower Rio Nanay, Williams 507;
616. Near Iquitos, Williams 8115; Klug 931. Brazil to the Guianas.
Phaseolus linearis HBK. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 6: 445. 1823; 701.
Nearly P. adenanthus; stems becoming woody below; leaflets
linear, obtuse or acute, rather rigid, 4-10 cm. long, 5-15 mm. wide;
calyx campanulate, the tube 4 mm. long, 4-toothed, the 3 lower
teeth long-acuminate, nearly 8 mm. long; petals dark violet, the
banner 2.5 cm. long; pods glabrous, 6-9 cm. long, 5 mm. broad.
F.M. Neg. 2439.
San Martin: Tarapoto, Spruce 4498; Williams 5898; 7672.
Trinidad to Paraguay.
mottled) seeds 11 mm. long, 7 mm. wide, the hilum short. F.M. Neg.
Junin: Huacapistana, 1,700 meters, Weberbauer 1769, type.
Between Palca and Carpapata, 2,900 meters, Goodspeed 10968 (distr.
as P. bolivianus); Killip & Smith 24378 (det. Killip). Huanuco:
Cani, 3442 (det. Piper); 3413 (distr. as P. bolivianus).
Phaseolus pilosus HBK. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 6: 453. 1824; 678.
P. lasiocarpus Mart, ex Benth. Ann. Naturh. Hofmus. Wien 2: 140.
1838. P. hirsutus Mart, ex Benth. I.e.
Conspicuously yellowish or rusty pubescent herbaceous vine,
the trichomes reflexed-spreading, the leaflets sometimes glabrous
above; stipules adnate or shortly produced basally, 6 mm. long;
leaflets obliquely ovate, sometimes lobulate, rounded or acutish
at tip, broadly cuneate to the obtuse or rounded base, commonly
6 or 7 cm. long, 4-5 cm. wide; peduncles 1-1.5 dm. long, shortly
floriferous at apex, the flowers greenish-yellow or yellow, the bracts
and bractlets subulate, caducous; calyx pubescent, campanulate,
the upper tooth rounded, bidentate, the lower 3 about as long as the
tube, this 5 mm. long; banner bilobed, 3 mm. long, the keel forming
one complete coil; pods linear, 5-7 cm. long, 7 mm. broad, densely
brown pilose with several compressed lustrous black seeds 3-4 mm.
long. Illustrated, Mart. Fl. Bras. 15, pt. 1: pi. 49.
30-47 mm. long; pods ligneous, 9.5-25 cm. long, 2-3 cm. wide,
shallowly if at all constricted between the black tawnily marked
seeds (these 12-13 mm. long with funicle to 3-5 mm. long), the
rigid acumen a little more than a cm. long. Krukoff has shown
that in probability the name of Colla antedates that of Bentham.
3.5-5 mm. broad; pods subligneous, 2-3.5 dm. long, about 1-5 cm.
broad, with acumen 3-6 dm. long, deeply constricted between the
many seeds, these uniformly scarlet, 10-12 mm. long. E. Smithiana
Krukoff, 323, known from as near as southern Ecuador, has sub-
coriaceous calyx, subequal both sides, truncate. F.M. Neg. 37501.
Huanuco: Pozuzo, Ruiz & Pavdn. Puno: Chunchosmayo, Weber-
bauer 1349.Colombia to Bolivia. "Haymura."
Large armed tree, the leaves developing after the flowers, the
branchlets aculeate; petiolules 5-14 mm. long; leaflets chartaceous,
sparsely tomentose, glabrescent, trichomes usually persisting on
nerves, the terminal leaflet subrotund to broadly ovate, acute to
rounded at tip, truncate to subcordate at base, 7-24 cm. long,
6.5-25 cm. broad; rachis early pubescent with spreading trichomes,
the soon glabrate pedicels 1.5-4 cm. long; calyx chartaceous, broadly
campanulate, equal both sides, 6-10 mm. long, 8-14 mm. broad at
tip, entire or nearly, often keeled with spur to 0.7 mm. long; banner
red, broadly elliptic, 3 to nearly 5 cm. long including the claw, this
to 3 mm. long; wings 6-14 mm. long, the broadly falcate keel-petals
3-4 cm. long; fruits and seeds unknown. E. flammea Herzog,
Repert. Nov. Sp. 7: 57. 1909; 242, of Bolivia and Brazil, similar,
has subcoriaceous leaflets that with the petioles are densely tomentose
beneath, the keel-petals 4.5-5.5 mm. broad (7-11 mm. in E. vernd) ;
pods chartaceous, about 11 cm. long with acumen about 5 mm. long,
not constricted between the 1 or 2 seeds, these blackish brown,
indistinctly tawny marked, 12 mm. long. Illustrated, Veil. Fl.
Flum. Ic. 7: pi. 102.
Rio Acre: Ule 9408; 9468; Krukoff 5334. Brazil. "Mulungu."
could be a Dioclea.
Ruiz & Pavon have explained the common name of the natives,
"llamapanaui," as "eye of llama," on account of the shape of the
seeds; reduced to powder these are divided into two parts, one
applied to bite of reptiles and insects, the other (about a dram)
drunk with water as an excellent antidote. In some places the name
is "picapica," on account of the little bristles which, entering the
Mucuna elliptica (R. & P.) DC. Prodr. 2: 405. 1825. Negretia
R. & P. Syst. 176. 1798. N.
elliptica inflexa R. & P. I.e. N. platy-
carpa R. & P. I.e. 178. M. inflexa (R. & P.) DC. Prodr. 2: 405.
1825. M. platycarpa (R. & P.) DC. I.e. 406.
yellow flowers borne like those of M. elliptica, but the hilum is broader.
The inadequate original descriptions or material of the two Ruiz &
Pavon species listed above point to their association here, especially
in the case of M. inflexa except that the seed is said to be "sub-
globose"; the authors' delineation of M. platycarpa runs, "leaflets
cordate-ovate, intermediate oblong-linear-ovate, pods compressed,
seeds flat. Cuchero, Pueblo Nuevo, Chicoplaya." M. inflexa was
recorded by Ruiz & Pavon as from Cuchero, Pozuzo, Muna; as also
M. elliptica. F.M. Negs. 28191; 28192 (M. inflexa).
San Martin: Near Moyobamba, Klug 3367 (det. Standl., M.
mapirensis}. Huanuco: Pozuzo, Cuchero and Muna, Ruiz & Pavon,
type. Pampayacu, Kanehira 217. Pozuzo, 1+651. Junin: La
Merced, 5464. Ayacucho: Aina, Killip & Smith 22747. Rio Apuri-
mac, Killip & Smith 23045. Loreto: San Isidro, Tessmann 4973
(det. Harms, M. Huberi, var.). "Llamapanaui."
Mucuna Huberi Ducke, Archiv. Jard. Bot. Rio Jan. 4: 90. 1925.
yellow, few on a thick erect peduncle 3-8 cm. long, the pedicels 1-2
cm. long, stout; banner 4-5.5 cm. long, the wings 7.5-9 cm. long,
the keel slightly longer. The showy flowers are borne together as
in M. elliptica and if the following collection in fruit is correctly
referred here the pods are similar. The type was based on a cultivated
specimen but the species has since been found on the upper Amazon
near Peru. F.M. Neg. 2380.
Loreto: Lower Rio Huallaga, Killip & Smith 28999. Brazil.
Mucuna rostrata Benth. in Mart. Fl. Bras. 15, pt. 1: 171. 1859.
Mucuna Sloanei Fawc. & Rendle, Journ. Bot. 55: 36. 1917.
Stems soon suffrutescent, the uppermost and petioles only lightly
hispid but the leaflets lustrous beneath with an appressed indument
of short grayish sericeous trichomes; leaflets the usual shape and size
for the genus; peduncles as long or much longer than the petioles,
bearing apically and subumbellately several yellow flowers that are
about 5 cm. long with banner about 3 cm. long; lower calyx- teeth
nearly as long as tube; pods with 2 narrow ridges along each margin
and with many transverse plaits, 10-15 cm. long, 4 cm. wide, bristly
and tomentose, the 2-4 compressed-roundish seeds 2-3 cm. broad,
nearly surrounded by the hilum. Illustrated, Fawc. & Rendle, Fl.
Jamaica 4, pt. 2: p. 53.
San Martin: Near Moyobamba, Klug 3561. Loreto: Florida,
Klug 2265 (det. Killip). Tropical America and west tropical Africa.
"Gose-o" (Huitoto).
long, 5 cm. broad, with many nearly transverse ridges and 2 narrow
wings along one suture; seeds as many as 4, rounded but somewhat
flattened, nearly or quite surrounded by the hilum, 3 cm. broad or
Technical key
Vegetative key
marked with brown, 15 mm. long, about half as broad, the black
hilum as long. It seems doubtful if the plant is specifically distinct
from C. brasiliensis.
Peru (probably). Bolivia.
80. 1813; 564. Dolichos maritimus Aubl. PI. Guian. 765. 1775.
1859; 563.
Liana, the glabrous stems terete; leaflets slightly coriaceous, oval
to ovate, abruptly and bluntly short acuminate, rounded or truncate
at base, sparsely strigillose both sides, 6-10 cm. long, 4-6 cm. broad;
petiolules 5-7 mm. long, glabrous or puberulent; peduncles much
shorter than the flowering portion of the inflorescence, the nodes
prominent; bractlets orbiculate; calyx 10 mm. long, glabrous or
sparsely strigillose, the broad upper lip emarginate, the lower tri-
dentate; banner suborbicular, 1.5 cm. long, bicalloused and auricled,
the auricles inflexed; wings and keel petals auricled, the keel blunt;
mature pods ligneous, glabrous, straight, 1 dm. long, 3 cm. broad, with
a short sharp incurved beak and 2 sharp ribs, 1 very close to each
suture; seeds 18 mm. long, 10 mm. broad, with linear hilum nearly
as long, oblong, much compressed, brown, lustrous. Section Di-
plegma. The identification of the Killip &
Smith specimen in fruit
is not certain; the immature pod is 1.5 dm. long, 3.5 cm. broad.
Junin: La Merced, Killip & Smith 23813 (cf. note above).
Rio Acre: Seringal Auristella, Ule 9455. Southern Brazil.
Anthers uniform, all fertile; stipules small, not prolonged below the
point of insertion.
Leaflets usually silvery pubescent beneath; bractlets minute;
flowers short or rather short; pod sutures little enlarged.
Dioclea funalis Poepp. & Endl. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 3: 59. 1845.
Branchlets, peduncles and petioles densely pubescent with rusty
firm trichomes, the branches glabrate; petioles 5-6 cm. long; leaflets
oblong-elliptic, minutely and obliquely cordate at base, shortly and
abruptly acuminate, chartaceous-coriaceous, densely silky appressed
pilose beneath, soon glabrous above except along the nerves, about
8 cm. long, 5 cm. broad, or larger; racemes several dm. long, densely
hirsutulous-pilose, floriferous to below the middle; bractlets sub-
orbicular, scarcely 2 mm. long; calyces 15 mm. long, appressed silky
pilose; flowers about 2 cm. long, purple, the white keel curved;
alternate stamens sterile; pods to 2 dm. long, oblong, densely tomen-
tose. Seeds unknown; description as to flowers after Stork &
9592. F.M. Neg. 32008.
Huanuco: Cuchero and Pampayacu, Poeppig 1452, type. In red
clay, 1,300 meters, Puente Durand, Rio Chinchao, Stork & Horton
9592 (distr. as D. lasiocarpd).
Dioclea Huberi Ducke, Archiv. Jard. Bot. Rio Jan. 3: 172. 1922.
Glabrate or inconspicuously puberulent except the ample leaflets
beneath, these silvery with a close appressed pilosity, oval, broadly
rounded at base, shortly caudate-acuminate, commonly 9 cm. wide,
13-16 cm. long; nodes of the flower clusters shortly peduncled;
pedicels 2-3 mm. long; bractlets broadly ovate, about 2 mm. long,
moderately persisting; banner more than 1.5 cm. broad; anthers all
fertile; ovary long-pilose with 5 ovules; mature pod subligneous,
glabrate, sutures little enlarged, linear-oblong, 15-20 cm. long,
about 5 cm. broad, elastically dehiscing, the seeds often 4, oval,
about one-fourth encircled by the pale hilum. Probably a species
of Cratylia if that group is recognized. Illustrated, Ducke, Archiv.
Jard. Bot. Rio Jan. 4: pi. 7. F.M. Negs. 18396; 28071.
Loreto: Rio Mazan, Schunke 138 (det. Standl.). Mishuyacu,
Klug 644 (det. Killip). Brazil.
cm. long, 2 cm. broad, appressed rusty pubescent, the reniform seeds
with semi-encircled linear hilum. There are two other allied species:
C. multiflora Mart., similar, but the calyx rusty villous, and C. dio-
cleoides Benth., the racemes lax, the banner strongly reflexed. The
Collaea speciosa DC. Mem. Leg. 6: 245. pi. 40. 1825. Galactia
speciosa (DC.) Britton, Bull. Torrey Club 16: 262. 1889.
Flowers 4-6 mm. long; calyces and pods obscurely if at all glan-
among shrubs, 2,900 meters, Vargas 9623. Pincos, Stork & Norton
10669. Cuzco: Mayhua, Vargas 877.
along the edge) and with many oblong separated seeds. The genus
is probably artificial; the name has been conserved against Bradbury a.
Reference: Benth. in Mart. Fl. Bras. 15, pt. 1: 118-124. 1859.
Herbs or shrubs, sometimes low and suberect, sometimes climbing,
with pinnately 3-many foliate leaves, the leaflets usually stipellate,
the stipules striate and persisting as also the bracts and bractlets
of the showy flowers, these variously disposed, the pedicels most
often geminate. Calyx tubular (usually), the 2 upper lobes sub-
connate, the lower narrower. Banner ample, erect, explanate,
narrowed at base, the wings falcate-oblong, the shorter keel acute.
Vexillar stamen free, or more or less connate with the others. Stip-
ules elongate, ordinarily bearded along the inner side. Pods
stiped, narrow, compressed, the more or less coriaceous valves
sometimes with a longitudinal rib, the free or separated seeds
flat or globose.
Teramnus Sw.
Slender sublignescent vines, similar and allied to Cologania, but
the banner of the racemose flowers spreading, the stamens all con-
nate, and the alternate anthers reduced. As in Dioclea the anthers
sometimes partly infertile (Teramnus}. The well-known "soybean"
of cultivation is G. hispida Maxim.
More or less densely rusty pilose, the stems, petioles and rachis
of the inflorescence retrorsely so; leaflets oblong-elliptic, somewhat
one-sided toward the base, mostly 3^4 cm. long, 2-2.5 cm. broad,
sometimes twice as large; calyx 6 mm. long, the teeth equal, linear
lanceolate, longer than the tube; flowers reddish purple, about 6 mm.
long; pod to 6 cm. long, about 3 mm. wide, densely villous with a
hooked beak, reflexed at maturity. T. volubilis Sw., to be expected,
has only 4 calyx-teeth, the pods sparsely appressed pubescent, the
beak oblique. Illustrated, Mart. Fl. Bras. 15, pt. 1: pi. 37.
Huanuco: Pozuzo, on sunny brush, 1+61*7. Junin: La Merced,
5231; Killip & Smith 23529. Along Rio Perene", Killip & Smith
25236. San Martin: Near Moyobamba, King 3630. Ayacucho:
Aina, Killip & Smith 23111. Widely distributed in warm regions.
"Trifolitos," "taconcitos."
40. ABRUS L.
Vines with slender more or less woody stems and abruptly pin-
nate many-foliolate leaves. Flowers roseate or whitish, the close
fascicles in terminal or pseudo-axillary racemes. Calyx truncate,
the teeth minute. Banner ovate, shortly clawed; keel curved, larger
than the falcate wings. Stamens 9 (vexillar lacking), united into a
sheath that is cleft above. Ovary subsessile, many-ovuled, the short
uncurved glabrous style with capitate stigma. Pod compressed,
2-valved, partly divided between the seeds, the partitions thin.
The seeds commonly serve for beads and the foliage is reputed
used as a tea for coughs. Illustrated, Fawcett & Rendle, Fl. Jam.
4, pt. 2: 43.
Annuals or perennials with pinnate leaves, the rachis sometimes
spinose or subcirrose at tip, the leaflets serrate as usually also the
large stipules. Flowers small, white or purplish, axillary, solitary
or few, the broad standard clawed, the wings free. Stamens 10,
1 free. Ovary sessile, the style incurved, glabrous, the pods turgid
or inflated, ovoid-ellipsoid with 1 or several large seeds.
The "garden pea" is the related Pisum sativum, similar but the
style ridged, dilated above, and the margins reflexed and coalescent
so that it becomes flattened laterally, bearded on the inner edge.
Possibly occurring as a weed or in cultivation introduced from the
Mediterranean regions is the "lentil," or "lenteja," Lens esculenta
L.,a slender, erect or subscandent plant with several pairs of oblong
leafletswith style of Lathyrus, 2 or 3 small, white flowers on a
slender peduncle and a small, broad pod with 2 orbicular, sharp-
edged lens-shaped seeds used for soup.
Perennial, the flowers usually 7-many.
Ovary pubescent; stipules semi-sagittate; foliage drying green.
L. longipes.
Ovary glabrous; stipules sagittate; foliage drying black.
L. magellaniciis.
Annual; flowers 1-2 (3); leaflets linear, 2-3 mm. wide. .L. crassipes.
Like Lathyrus, but keel petals coalescent, the staminal sheath
oblique, the style slender, bearded only at the tip or all around the
upper portion; pods 2-several-seeded. One species is erect.
Flowers subsessile, solitary V. lomensis.
Flowers ped uncled, rarely solitary.
Flowers scarcely exceeding 1 cm., usually shorter; leaflets
narrow, usually cuspidately acute, rarely retuse or truncate.
V. graminea.
Flowers longer than 1 cm.; leaflets usually cuneate, oblong,
few if any of them acute V. andicola.
Stout erect annual V. Faba.
Vicia andicola HBK. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 6: 498. pi 582. 1824.
Perennial, ligneous toward base, the striate-angled weak and
sprawling younger stems as well as the leaf-rachi, peduncles and to
a extent the leaves more or less loosely pilose; leaflets typically
toothed, the style bearded for a distance of 1.5-2 mm., the tri-
chomes progressively shorter below the tip; these differences however
are variable. Possibly noteworthy as another var. is my collection,
3659, var. galbina Macbr., var. nov., floribus flavo-viridis; ovario
paullo adpresse piloso. This is doubtless the plant of Weberbauer,
Robust erect smooth densely leafy annual, the 2-6 leaflets oblong,
elliptic, usually 5-6 cm. long, 1-2 cm. broad, the terminal leaflet
lacking, or sometimes replaced by a rudimentary tendril; flowers
subsessile in the leaf axils, white with a large black or blue-black
spot, about 2.5 cm. long or larger; pods at first erect, later pendent,
cylindrical, to nearly 1 dm. long and 4 cm. broad, shortly pubescent,
the large often flat seeds usually yellow or golden brown.
(graminea) .
Psoralea mexicana (L. f.) Vail, Bull. Torrey Club 21: 119.
1894. Indigofera mexicana L. f. Suppl. 335. 1781. P. Mutisii
Kunth, PI. Legum. 191. pi. 54. 1819; 224.
Shrub or small tree, abundantly leafy, 1-3 meters high, often
much branched, the upper virgate branchlets as the axillary pe-
duncles more or less densely hispid with black or dark-colored
spreading trichomes; calyces 5 mm. long, equaled by the broad more
or less promptly caducous bracts, sometimes shortly pedicelled,
Macbr. Field Mus. Bot. 4: 113. 1925; P. Feather stonei Macbr. I.e.
84) ,
the branches glabrate or more or less villous, the partly remote
calyces inconspicuously if at all glandular; var. potens Macbr.,
comb. nov. (P. potens Macbr. Field Mus. Bot. 4: 85. 1925; P.
lasiostachys var. potensMacbr. I.e. 8: 88. 1930), the crowded calyces
densely glandular, the glands often stiped. Except as noted the
following material is var. lasiostachys. Used as a remedy for indi-
gestion. Plants, especially the var. potens, with very disagreeable
odor. Common in central and southern Peru, 2,500 to 3,400 meters.
F.M. Negs. 1033 (P. lasiostachys); 1034 (P. marginata).
Lima: Chosica, river valley, 500 (typical; Weberbauer, 148).
Above Obrajillo, open rock bank, 2,700 meters, Pennell 14371.
Matucana, shrubby slope, 406 (type, P. Feather stonei); Stork &
Horton 9138. Amazonas: Moyobamba, (Sandeman). Huanuco:
Mito, 1375 (var. potens}. Huanuco, Kanehira 94 (var. potens).
Ayacucho: Huanta, 2,800 meters, Killip & Smith 23324. Tambo,
Prov. de La Mar, 3,100 meters, Weberbauer 5550. Junin: Tarma,
stream bank, 3,000 meters, Killip &
Smith 21918; hedge rows,
Stork 10947; Killip &
Smith 21776; 21946 (all var. potens); 1022
(type, P. potens; Weberbauer, 180, as P. glandulosa). Ocopa,
thicket, 3,300 meters, Killip &
Smith 22007. Huancayo, rocky
hillside, 3,300 meters, Killip &
Smith 23357 (var. potens).
Huancavelica: Salcabamba, shrub land, Stork & Horton 10266.
Arequipa: Tingo, open rock slopes, Pennell 13146 (type, P. remoti-
flora). Chachani Mountain, Hinkley 60. Apurimac: Abancay,
Vargas 470. Huancarama, West 3774- Puno: Soukup. Cuzco:
Calca, Herrera 2088 (toward var. potens). Paucartambo Valley,
H err era 1131. Valle del Urubamba, Herrera 3416; (Weberbauer,
243, as P. glandulosa). Lucmayo Valley, Cook & Gilbert 1366.
Ollantaytambo, Cook & Gilbert 266; 267. San Sebastian, Pennell
13632 (var. potens). "Coling macho," "cedron," "huallhuahuall-
hus" (fide Vargas), "mulahuatana" (West), "huagllhua" (C. & G.),
"huayllana" (C. & G.).
Dalea caerulea (L. f.) Schinz & Thellung, Me"m. Soc. Neuchat.
Sci. Nat. 5: 370. 1913. Galega caerulea L. f. Suppl. 335. 1781.
Parosela caerulea (L. f.) Macbr. Contr. Gray Herb. 65: 23. 1922.
D. Mutisii Kunth, Mim. 161. 1824. Dalea ayavacensis HBK. Nov.
Gen. & Sp. 6: 486. 1823. Parosela ayavacensis (HBK.) Macbr.
Field Mus. Bot. 4: 86. 1925. Dalea astragalina HBK. I.e. 484. P.
astragalina (HBK.) Killip ex Macbr. I.e. 109. D. longispicata
Ulbr. Repert. Nov. Sp. 2: 6. 1906? Dalea cutervoana Szysz. in
Rozpr. Akad. Uniej. Krakov. ser. 2. 9: 221. 1895.
Usually moderately pubescent to nearly smooth, openly branched
shrub; leaves several, often 6 cm. long with commonly 6-8 pairs of
oblong-elliptic leaflets, these often more or less narrowed at base,
usually rounded and minutely apiculate apically, glabrous or some-
times more or less puberulent above, characteristically sparsely to
densely pilose beneath, rarely glabrous, mostly 10 mm. long (15),
about half as wide; peduncles shorter than the subtending leaves;
spikes oblong after first anthesis, elongating even to 2 dm.; bracts
and calyx-tube typically glabrous, the former persisting, the latter
at throat, as also the subulate-filiform teeth, densely pilose-ciliate;
calyx- teeth 3-5 mm. long, at least as long as the tube, usually more
or less flexuose; flowers blue to violet, the banner sometimes yel-
lowish or white or with 2 green spots, this suborbicular, about 1 cm.
long, or scarcely half as long in smaller-flowered forms, long-clawed
as also the petals; ovary more or less pilose. This may be an aggre-
gate as described but more probably the species is variable in
characters of pubescence and flower size; the large-flowered race
seems to be D. ayavacensis, the spikes of which in flower are 2.5-3
cm. wide. It grows along streams or in thickets. D. longispicata
is probably a variety distinguishable by more rigid calyx lobes
places than the large-flowered form. F.M. Negs. 725 (D. ayava-
censis); 730 (D. astragalina); 2036 (D. longispicata).
spikes 2-8 cm. long on peduncles as long or longer, the flowers violet
with light-colored banner or sometimes at first yellow, in age brown-
ish-violet; rachis glabrous or rather sparsely pilose; bracts oval,
more or less persisting, glabrous or pilose toward the acumen, about
as long as calyx; calyx 5-6 mm. long, glabrous or very sparsely pilose,
densely so on margin within, glandular between the ribs; petals
somewhat exserted on the long claws; pod more or less pilose. The
bracts and calyx in the type of D. calocalyx vary from glabrous to
slightly pubescent; its flowers were noted by the collector as
being at first yellow, fading brownish-violet. The material from
southern Peru seems to be a form or variety with violet flowers.
D, samancoensis I.e. may become D. cylindrica var. samancoensis
(Ulbr.) Macbr., comb, nov., marked by a short-villous rachis, puberu-
lent younger leaflets; there are intermediate specimens difficult
to place. F.M. Negs. 2033 (D. calocalyx); 2039 (D. samancoensis}.
long as calyx tube, the bracts with acumen subequaling the body
of the bract. F.M. Neg. 6944.
Peru(?) : Without locality, Pavdn.
Shrub, the tips of the long branches, young leaves and bracts
lightly pilose; leaves 2-5 cm. long with 5-8 mostly 6 pairs of oblong-
elliptic obtuse leaflets, the mature glabrous ones 10 mm. long, nearly
half as wide; spikes elongating to 1 dm.; calyx densely pilose, about
3 mm. long, the ovate apiculate teeth minute; banner orbicular to
7 mm. long with claw 2-3 mm. long, the petals nearly as long-clawed;
pod pilose, to 3 mm. long. Description after Ulbrich. F.M. Neg.
glabrous, except
Erect, the villous
branchlet tips; stipules
setaceous; leaves with 4-6 pairs of elliptic submucronate leaflets,
punctate beneath; peduncles 4 times longer than the leaf; spikes
ovate cylindraceous, densely villous, the ovate concave setose
mucronate bracts somewhat longer than the villous calyces; flowers
violet. Description after DeCandolle (after negative) peduncle to
12 cm. long; leaves 4 cm. long, the petiolulate leaflets nearly 1 cm.
long, 6 mm. broad; calyces at least finally lightly villous, the glandu-
lar punctae visible, the teeth much shorter than the tube; flowers
8-10 mm. long. As indicated by DeCandolle, the type plant may
not be Peruvian, but the following collections seem to accord except
Weberbauer 6854, with longer calyces and larger flowers. F.M. Neg.
Lima: Rio Blanco, open hillside, 3,000 meters, Killip & Smith
21702. Matucana, 347; 244- Without locality, "misit Lagasca,"
type. Arequipa: At 3,400 meters, Weberbauer
Tall, erect, woody toward the base, the long slender subher-
baceous or herbaceous upper branches minutely pubescent; stip-
ules setaceous; leaves about 4 cm. long with 6-10 pairs of oblong
elliptic rounded but cuspidate leaflets, mostly 9 mm. long, 2.5-3
mm. wide, typically appressed puberulent both sides; spikes well-
peduncled, at first ovate, elongating oblong-cylindrical; bracts
scarious margined, slightly pilose, filiform caudate, the caudation
nearly as long as the body of the bract; calyx silky pilose, 4 mm. long,
the ovate shortly aristate teeth about a third as long as the tube;
flowers dark blue or indigo blue, partly white. Var. Vargasii
Macbr., var. nov., foliis ubique glabris; bracteis caduceis vel sub-
persistentibus. This plant, apparently common in Cuzco, does not
seem to differ except as noted from the typical form.
Huancavelica: East of Mejorada, sandy gravelly soil, 2,400
meters, Stork & Horton 10913. Apurimac: Abancay, Vargas 1263
(var.). Cuzco: Valle del Urubamba, 2,800 meters, Herrera 3421
(var.). Chicon Canyon, 2,900 meters, Vargas 11067 (type, the var.).
Calca, Vargas 687 (var.). Bolivia.
stipules filiform, 4-6 mm. long; leaves 2-4 cm. long, 7-15-foliolate,
the oval or obovate-oblong leaflets rounded at apex, usually 3-5
mm. long, 1.5-2.5 mm. broad, glabrous; spikes well-peduncled, be-
coming oblong-cylindric, 3.5 cm. long; bracts suborbicular, glabrous,
caudate-acuminate; calyx densely villous, the narrow acuminate
teeth 2-3 times shorter than the tube; flowers about 6 mm. long,
the wings blue, the banner white; ovary hirsute. Nearly D. humi-
fusa Benth. of Ecuador, but that species more or less pubescent.
Lima: Matucana, in firm granitic slope, 301. Huanuco: Ambo,
Yanahuanca, 1167. Huanuco, stony slope, 3507. Junin
31 93, type. :
Tarma, heavy stony soil, 1016; Killip & Smith 21790. Huancayo,
Kittip & Smith 22028. Ancash: Chiquian, Weberbauer 2852.
Dalea rubricaulis Ulbr. Meded. Rijks Herb. Leiden 27: 50. 1915.
Similar to D. cylindrica but when well-developed a half-shrub
several dm. high; stems glandular, often reddish; leaflets glabrous,
12-18mm. long, 1-1.5 mm. broad, revolute; calyx densely pilose.
-F.M. Neg. 733.
Arequipa: Near Arequipa, Williams 2523. Bolivia.
Herbs usually more or less woody toward the base, or shrubs,
with unequally pinnate or rarely 3-foliolate or simple leaves, the
leaflets entire. Stipules usually setaceous. Flowers white, more
or less marked with purple, borne in axillary racemes, the small
calyx shortly 5-toothed. Banner suborbicular or obovate, sessile
or shortly clawed, the wings narrowly oblong adherent to the keel,
the petals of the latter often spurred laterally. Stamens 10, dia-
delphous, the anthers mucronulate. Ovary sessile or nearly, 1-many-
ovulate; stigma capitate, frequently penicillate. Pod oblong to
linear, angled or nearly cylindrical, the variously shaped seeds
partitioned. Genus noteworthy for /. tinctoria L., which, with /.
1923. Var. littoralis Benth. in Mart. PI. Bras. 15, pt. 1: 48. 1859,
has denser spreading pubescence on petioles and branches. T.
purpurea (L.) Pers., possibly to be expected in Peru as an introduc-
tion from the East Indies, is shrubby, glabrate, with 6-10 pairs of
linear-oblong narrowly oblanceolate, glabrescent leaflets, short
racemes, minutely pubescent calyx and shorter pods 3-4 cm. long.
Piura: Between Piura and Nomala, 200 meters, Weberbauer
5935 (in part var. littoralis}. Talara, Haught 27. Amotape Hills,
Parinas Valley, along watercourses, Haught F104. Amazonas:
Tupen, Weberbauer 4777 (det. Ulbr., T. purpurea). Warm America.
1870, and Harms, Repert. Sp. Nov. 19: 15. 1923, it is more properly
considered a section with unif oliolate leaves, similar variation occur-
ring in Indigofera, Tephrosia, Desmodium, Swartzia, Dalbergia and
other genera. The style pubescence is variable in position and
amount. Likewise Cracca Bentham (Benthamantha Alef.) is evi-
dently a component of Coursetia because C. orbicularis (Poissonia)
as well as other species have pods more or less impressed about the
seeds, showing that this character, the single diagnostic one for
Cracca, is variable.
Leaves pinnate.
Leaflets 3-5 (-7) pairs; pod glabrous.
Leaflets 1-3 cm. long; flowers about 1 cm. long. .C. ochroleuca.
Leaflets 5-9 mm. long; flowers about 1.5 cm. long.
C. Weberbaueri.
the latter twice as long, with tube 3.5 mm. long, the broadly lan-
ceolate-acuminate teeth about 6 mm. long; banner 17 mm. long, the
acute keel 11-12 mm.
long; ovary glabrous. Remarkable in its
distinctive few leaflets and
in this respect connecting C. ochroleuca
and relatives with species more characteristic of Coursetia. F.M.
Neg. 2077.
Arequipa: Loma formation, 200 meters, Tambo near Mollendo,
Weberbauer 1567, type.
Pasco, 2401; 3067; 3076. Near Huancayo, Killip & Smith 22123.
Casa Cancha, Wilkes Exped.
Resembling A. Richii but the pale green leaves are less pubescent,
the plant thus not cinereous and, especially, the ovary is glabrous and
the pods firm, somewhat 3-angled and oblong to about 15 mm. long,
half as broad, partly 2-celledby intrusion of lower suture to 1 mm.
high. Johnston, Journ. Arnold Arb. 19: 91. 1938, has with his usual
lucidity pointed out these distinctions. The pods however are not
always closely reflexed as he states; the curved pedicels at maturity
may be horizontally spreading or even ascending. F.M. Neg. 147
(A. ocrosianus).
Ancash: Ocros, 3,300 meters, Weberbauer 2666 (type, A. ocrosi-
; Lima: Canta, open grassy knolls, 3,000 meters, Pennell
14607 (det. Johnst.); open rocky slope, 2,700 meters, Pennell 14345.
Matucana, in loose soils, 293. Without locality, Dombey, type.
ex char., rather similar but the leaflets are 6 pairs or fewer, 3-4 mm.
long, the stipules coalescent to the middle, the calyx-teeth and tube
subequal. Named for my friend, J. Cuatrecasas. F.M. Neg. 30016.
Peru (?) : Without locality, Ruiz & Pavdn, type.
27944; 27937.
membranous bracts 3 mm. long; calyx about 6 mm. long, the tri-
angular subulate teeth much shorter than the cylindrical tube; ovary
tomentose, short-stiped, about 5-ovuled. The species in habit
suggests A. geminiflorus HBK. of Ecuador with more crowded
leaflets, smaller flowers, but as suggested by Weddell, Chlor. And.
2: 259. 1857, the affinity is rather with A. Garbancillo and Johnston,
Journ. Arnold Arb. 19: 93-94. 1938, has shown that the plant of
Gray is an alpine state which however has become reasonably well
Lima: Dombey (type of the var.). Along the Rio Rimac, Weber-
bauer 5232 (det. Ulbr.). Dry slopes and rock outcrops, Matucana,
215; 4^3 (var. hispidula). Perruchuco, Mathews 540. Huanca-
velica: Above Huaytara, 2,700 meters, Weberbauer 5414 (var.
1-3 cm. long; racemes to 2.5 cm. long, often shorter, the yel-
low flowers 3.5 mm. long; pods about 2.5 cm. long, 3-4 mm. broad.
Piura: Below Ayavaca, 2,000 meters, Weberbauer 6361.
Cajamarca: Valley of the Rio Tabaconas, 900 meters, Weberbauer
6167. West Indies; Mexico; Brazil.
Arachis prostrata Benth. Trans. Linn. Soc. 18: 159. 1841; 15.
Like the preceding, but the leaflets rather more oblong-obovate,
somewhat acutish, much smaller; calyx- tube 4-7 cm. long. The
Peruvian collection presumably introduced. Illustrated, Hoehne
I.e. pi. 9.
Wash. 33: 49. 1920, both with lightly nervose leaves; the former
moreover has a much more strongly beaked pod, the latter bractlets
Piura :
Amotape Hills, H aught F. 44.; 134. Southwestern Ecuador.
By Bernice G. Schubert
the central one longest, the equal lateral teeth somewhat shorter,
upper lobe mostly (short-)bifid. Corolla longer than calyx, with
orbicular to obovate standard, unguiculate, often auriculate wings
and mostly falcate, unguiculate (and often auriculate) keel-petals,
fused above the claws. Stamens diadelphous 9 and 1, the vexillary
stamen fused with the tube about one-third its length; stamen tube
usually persistent at the base of the mature fruit. Fruit a sessile
to stipitate loment, (1) 2-multiarticulate, mostly indehiscent;
variously shaped.
More than 200 species in tropical and subtropical regions of the
world, excluding Europe and New Zealand.
The Peruvian species of Desmodium represent at least four
distinct divisions of the genus; the categories will be presented later,
after further study.
The greatest contributions to the study of the genus have been
made by DeCandolle in his Prodromus and by Schindler in several
papers scattered throughout the volumes of Fedde's Repert. Sp.
Nov. For many species of which neither type specimens nor
photographs of types are available it has been necessary to
consider Schindler's annotations authoritative. Where this could
not be done with confidence, however, an attempt has been made to
give a particularly clear definition of the group and to assign it
the most applicable name, in the hope that this choice may be
verified or corrected when type specimens are again available.
5227. Cuzco: Prov. Calca, Lares Valley between Calca and Pasto
Grande, Weberbauer 7931. Prov. Convention, Potrero, 1,300
meters, Vargas 1840. Ayacucho: Aina, between Huanta and Rio
Apurimac, 750-1,000 meters, Killip & Smith 22516. Indefinite:
Bonpland 44- Mexico; Panama; Colombia; Venezuela; Brazil;
and Rio Apurimac, 1,000 meters, Killip & Smith 22452. Indefi-
nite: Mathews 3261. Costa Rica; Nicaragua; Colombia.
long; secondary bracts ca. 1 mm. long; calyx with central tooth of
lower lobe 3 mm. long, lateral teeth 2.2-2.8 mm. long, upper bifid
lobe 1.9-2.5 mm. long; standard 5 mm. long and 2.5-3.5 mm. wide,
wings 3.5-4.5 mm. long and 1.5-2 mm. wide, keel-petals 4.5-5.5 mm.
long and 2 mm. wide; loment stipitate, up to 6-articulate, articles
orbicular, ca. 2.5 mm. long and broad, lower 2-3 articles puberulent,
the rest essentially glabrous (in Peruvian specimens). Mathews,
collected in 1846, has large broad leaflets and no pilosity on the stem.
It seems intermediate between D. distortum and D. Perrottetii; from
the latter, however, it differs in its very broad stipules, essentially
glabrous upper articles and trifoliolate leaflets.
(sometimes with a paler region along the midrib, but only rarely),
rather densely appressed-pilose beneath, with midrib and chief
lateral veins prominent, terminal leaflets mostly rhombic-ovate,
obtuse to acutish, 2-5.8 cm. long, 1.2-3 cm. wide, lateral leaflets
mostly elliptic, 1.7-5.3 cm. long, 1-2 cm. wide; inflorescence race-
mose, rachis uncinulate-puberulent and patent-pilose (or only uncin-
ulate-puberulent) primary bracts 5-8 mm. long; secondary bracts
standard 2.5 mm. long, 2 mm. broad, wings ca. 2.1 mm. long, keel-
petals ca. 2.6 mm. long; loment (2) 4-5-articulate, sessile to sub-
stipitate (occasionally stipitate); articles rhomboidal, reticulate,
densely pilose and uncinulate-hispidulous when young, becoming
less so at maturity, 3-4 mm.
long, 2.2-3 mm. wide, sutures slightly
revolute to muchfolded, terminal article usually orbicular or sub-
wings ca. 5 mm. long, 2 mm. wide, keel-petals up to 5.5 mm. long;
loment substipitate, 3-6-articulate, articles rhomboidal to rounded,
puberulent, 2.5-3 mm. long. F.M. Neg. 6958.
Cuzco: Prov. Convention, Echasate, 950 meters, Vargas 1150.
French Guiana. "Maxmanillo."
5-5.5 mm. long, ca. 1.75-2 mm. broad, keel-petals truncate at apex,
5-6 mm. long, 1.75-2 mm. wide; loment multiarticulate, articles
almost orbicular, very short-pubescent, ca. 3 mm. long and 2 mm.
wide. F.M. Neg. 32127.
Loreto: Tarapoto, Vie 6536. San Martin: Alto Rio Huallaga,
360-900 meters, Williams 6520. British Guiana; Brazil.
long, 0.4-0.7 cm. wide; stipules 3-4.5 mm. long; stipels 1-2 mm.
long; inflorescence racemose, rachis very finely striate, puberulent;
primary bracts up to ca. 4 mm. long, secondary bracts ca. 2 mm.
long; pedicels puberulent, up to ca. 7 mm. long; calyx spreading-
pilose with central tooth of lower lobe 2 mm. long, lateral teeth
1.75 mm. long, upper lobe bifid, 2 mm. long; standard 3.5 mm.
long, 1.25 mm. wide, wings equaling standard, keel-petals 4 mm. long,
1.5 mm. wide; loment short-stipitate, usually 5-articulate, articles
mostly oblong, scarcely if at all narrowed at isthmus, reticulate,
uncinulate-pubescent, up to about 5 mm. long, 1.5 mm. wide.
Loreto: Puerto Arturo, lower Rio Huallaga below Yurimaguas,
ca.135 meters, Killip &
Smith 27930 p.p. Lower Rio Huallaga, 155-
210 meters, Williams 5038. La Libertad: Prov. Trujillo, on sand
flat between Trujillo and Salaverry, 5 meters, Eyerdam (U. of Cal.
Exped.) 9053. San Martin: Prope Tarapoto, Spruce 4113. Lima:
Rimac, juxta Lima, Ball. Junin: La Merced, ca. 650 meters, Mac-
bride 5226. Mexico; Central America; West Indies; South America
south to Peru.
pilose; petioles ca. 3^4 cm. long, rachis 0.7-1.1 cm. long; petiolules
densely spreading-pilose, ca. 3 mm. long; leaflets thin, bright to
dark-green, moderately appressed-pilose with short stiff hairs above,
paler beneath and densely soft-appressed-pilose with the midrib and
chief lateral veins prominent, terminal leaflet ovate, acute to obtuse,
mucronate, rounded at base, 5-7 cm. long, 4-5.5 cm. wide, lateral
leafletssimilar, a little oblique, only slightly smaller; stipules
ca. 4 mm. long, 2 mm. wide at base, very early deciduous; stipels up
to 4 mm. long; inflorescence racemose, racemes terminal or axillary,
rachis shallowly canaliculate, uncinulate-pubescent; primary bracts
6.5 mm. long, 2.5 mm. wide; no secondary bracts seen; pedicels
slender, uncinulate-puberulent, 6-9 mm. long; calyx minutely
puberulent, somewhat pilose along central tooth of lower lobe or
more or less pilose throughout, central tooth of lower lobe 3.5-5
mm. long, lateral teeth 3-4 mm. long, upper bifid lobe 2-3 mm.
long; standard 5.5-11 mm. long, 5-8 mm. wide, wings 6-10 mm. long,
2-3 mm. wide, keel-petals 6-8 mm. long, 2-2.5 mm. wide; loment
6-articulate, sessile to stipitate, articles chiefly semiorbicular, uncinu-
late-puberulent ca. 4 mm. long and 3 mm. wide.
Huanuco: Pozuzo, ca. 650 meters, Macbride 4555. Junin: La
Merced, 700
ca. meters, Killip & Smith 23459. Chanchamayo Valley,
1,200 meters, Schunke 261; 1742. Brazil.
above, wings ca. 4 mm. long, up to 1.5 mm. wide, keel-petals falcate,
4.5 mm. long; loment 4-6-articulate, sessile, articles chiefly rhomboi-
dal with margins alternately involute and revolute, terminal articles
often more nearly orbicular, uncinulate-puberulent throughout, ca.
3.5 mm. long and 3 mm. wide.
Junin: La Merced, ca. 650 meters, Macbride 5313. Cuzco:
Quillabamba, Soukup 186. Prov. Convention, hacienda Sahuayaco,
830 meters, Vargas 1672. In the United States in Florida; southern
Mexico and Central America; the West Indies to Grenada; northern
South America. "Kubi-sulluchi."
ca. 2,500 meters, Macbride 3191. Muna, ca. 2,500 meters, Macbride
3998. Junin: Cabello, hacienda nine miles above Huertas, ca.
2,600 meters, Macbride 1331. Cuzco: Yucay, Soukup 767. Indefi-
nite: Maclean, s.n. Northern Argentina and Brazil to the northern
boundary of Bahia, west to the east slopes of the Andes, the high-
lands of Venezuela (according to Schindler).
latis, foliolis lateralibus ad 2.7 cm. longis et 1.5 cm. latis; lomentibus
eis varietatis typicae similibus.
Amicia glandulosa HBK. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 6: 512. pi. 600. 1824.
Stems flexuous or semi-scandent, typically sparsely retrorsely
becoming glabrate; leaflets subrotund, retuse, mostly
about 2 cm. broad, slightly longer, glabrous except the pilose mid-
nerve beneath; peduncles axillary, solitary, several-flowered, the
filiform pedicels conspicuously bracted, the bracts orbicular to
6 mm. broad; calyces about 8 mm. long, glabrous, the teeth very
unequal, the 2 upper ovate-orbiculate; flowers glabrous; pods
oblong-linear, falcate, glabrous but glandular-dotted with about
5 segments. Weberbauer 6406, without locality in Field Museum,
varies in its densely rusty villous peduncles, petioles and upper
stems, and the trichomes mostly spreading; it may become var.
ened. A. rudis Benth. PL Hartw. 116. 1843 (A. hispida HBK. Nov.
Gen. & Sp. 6: 531. 1824) and A. virginica (L.) BSP. Cat. N. Y. PL
13. 1888 (A. hispida Willd.) seem to be races or varieties; the former
has pods more or less pubescent, 3.5 mm. wide, the stipe 7-10 mm.
long; the latter has hirsute stems, larger flowers, the hispid pods
4.5-6 mm. broad on stipe 3-5 mm. long. The widely distributed A.
americana L. Sp. PL 713. 1753, apparently not yet recorded from
Peru, may be recognized by its narrow falcate leaflets that are
usually 3-nerved, the midnerve marginal, and by the suborbicular
Piura: Nigritos, H
aught F.I 63. Lima: Near Lima, (Cuming
1088, det. Benth. as A. rudis}. Warm areas.
intermixed; stipules about 10 mm. long, 1.5 mm. broad at the unap-
pendaged base; leaves 2-3 cm. long, pilose-hirsutulous with 12-15
pairs of crowded oblong linear sessile leaflets 4-7 mm. long, 1-1.5
mm. broad, the stiffer marginal trichomes somewhat glandular;
ovate, rounded at base, obtuse to acute, 1.5-6 cm. long, 1-3.5 cm.
wide; stipules lanceolate; panicles open; bracts deltoid, 2-2.5 mm.
long; pedicels slender, 7-13 mm. long, the geminate bractlets
deciduous; calyx 7-8 mm. long, the teeth about 1.5 mm. long;
banner pubescent without, about 22 mm. long, 13 mm. wide, the
other petals about 16 mm. long, 5 mm. wide; pods puberulent or
scarcely distinct, the wing to 2.5 cm. long, 15 mm. broad. Illus-
Trifolium amabile HBK. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 6: 503. pi. 593. 1824.
stout caudex; flowers 7-8 mm. long, calyx teeth well exceeding tube,
often glabrous; pod glabrous, 4-seeded. It seems to me that these
plants represent forms better included as varieties of T. amabile;
otherwise the latter must be restricted to Mexico and further forms
designated as species. The plants from central Peru are mostly T.
Matthewsii; those from the southern part of the country are more
nearly typical.
When fasting, the Indians eat it mixed with a little white maize
and a few herbs as "chucam" (Garcilazo). F.M. Neg. 2023 (T.
Piura: Bajada de Huancabamba, Raimondi. Cajamarca: Cu-
tero, Chorillos and Nanchoc, (Raimondi). Ancash: Pampa-Romas,
3,100 meters, Weberbauer 3213 (type T. macrorrhizum); 170.
Amazonas: Chachapoyas, (Mathews fide Gray). Lima: Rio Blanco,
in firm sandy soil, flowers red, 821; Killip & Smith 21635. Matu-
cana, 354; 438; (Weberbauer, 169). Open rocky slopes, petals pale
rosolane purple, 2,700 meters, above Obrajillo, Pennell 14375;
Wilkes Exped. (type, T. Matthewsii). Huanuco: Mito, shrubby
slope, flowers light pink, 1440. Chinche, 1268. Junin: La Quinua,
steep grassy slope, 3,500 meters, 2029 (matches type, T. Matthewsii).
Huancavelica: Near Pampas, in gravelly, poor soil, 3,250 meters,
Stork & Horton 10232 (T. amabile). Apurimac: Ampay, 3,400
meters, Vargas 767. Paracuramba Pass, 4,000 meters, West 375
(det. Johnst.). Arequipa: Cachendo, 1,100 meters, (Gunther &
Buchtien 275a, det. Bruns). Atiquipa, Raimondi. Cuzco: Valle
del Apurimac, H
err era 2399. Valle del Paucartambo, (Hen era
329). Puno: Near Puno, Soukup 531 ; Weberbauer, 186. Patagonia
to Mexico. "Chicmu" (Vargas), "chijmu," "layu," "chchucan"
(Herrera), "chucam."
By Harold A. Senn 1
Leaves simple.
Leaves broad (1.2-5.2 cm. wide); stipules when present not
decurrent on the stem.
Leaves trifoliolate.
Contribution No. 709, Division of Botany and Plant Pathology, Science
Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada.
trated, Clos & Lahitte, Arboles y Arbustos Cult. Argent. 4: pi. 18,
fig- 2.
unless noted, are taken from his work, particularly from Signatures
17-19: 257-304. 1941, comprising Paper 25, "A First Report on the
Genus Lupinus in Peru," which is provided with a key, pages
297-304; there is a departmental index to the Peruvian species,
pages 310-311. When any important change has been made in
Smith's uniformly executed descriptions it has been at least my
intention to indicate such modifications. His key, however, is not di-
chotomous; in devising one to conform to the type used in this work
no attempt has been made to evaluate his classification. I wish to
record, however, that in my opinion the species are largely founded
on solitary "differences" which modern taxonomic methods will
some day show to be contained within units properly based on
greater concomitance of diagnostic characteristics. Smith himself
has admitted in some species variation which usually he has accepted
as constituting alone a specific character, as, for instance, keel
ciliate or eciliate. Besides he has paid little or no attention to the
influence on habit, size of vegetative parts or degree of pubescence
by the environment; yet in the Andes the ecological factors may be
important even in the same locality (cf., for example, the variations
in Astragalus'). My key, therefore, is scarcely more than a key to
specimens and as unfortunately Smith based many of his species
on collections in foreign herbaria before studying the material
available in the United States I have had to try to fit these in from
descriptions, no doubt with many misinterpretations. Finally it
may be remarked that if so few extra-Peruvian species occur in
Peru the fact is noteworthy for so large a genus; also the species-
distribution or apparent limitation within the country suggests
strongly that a scientific definition of the species by taxonomists has
not yet been achieved. L. bimaculatus Desr. in Lam. Encycl. 3:
626. 1791, based on a garden plant said to have originated in Peru,
seems to be entirely obscure and has not been included but to it
Rose referred my 2261; this according to Smith is L. Holwayorum
which is included here in L. condensiflorus.
Leaflets flat.
Pubescence appressed.
Flowers 9-10 mm. long; keel typically ciliate;
stems ascending L. Dorae.
Flowers 6-7 (8) mm. long; keel eciliate; stems
prostrate, often matted.
L. microphyllus, L. allargyreius.
Pubescence at least in part villous-hirsute, spreading.
Leaflets densely strigose both sides.
Leaflets to 7 mm. long L. chavanillensis.
Leaflets much longer L. peruvianus.
Leaflets glabrous above or pubescence sparse.
L. prostratus.
Plants except L. Lechlerianus definitely in part lignescent, or
densely silky-tomentose, usually branched and erect, infre-
spreading trichomes.
Petioles of the flowering branchlets not much if at
all longer than the longer leaflets, mostly or all
shorter than 2.5 cm. or a few about 3 cm. long.
L. eriocladus.
Petioles of the flowering branchlets usually or mostly
4-6 cm. long or longer.
Banner glabrous; pedicels 2-4 mm. long.
L. Ulbrichianus.
Banner at least in bud, pubescent.
mossy slope, 783. Puno: Near Puno, Araranca, 4,100 meters, Pen-
nell IS 440.
tip, the wings 3-4 mm. broad, the keel typically eciliate. The col-
lector noted the petals as violet, the banner yellow medially; it
seems highly probable that the plant is ^t least a short-lived peren-
nial; the second specimen seen from the type locality is poor and may
not belong here. Probably affine L. Lechlerianus.
Puno: Araranca, 4,100 meters, Pennell 13431, type; Pennell
13445(1). Cuzco: Near Cuzco, (Herrera 3049?, keel ciliolate).
Prov. Canas, Vargas 11023(1). "Oquera-qquera."
suborbiculate, pubescent near tip, the wings 8 mm. broad, the keel
eciliate. The upper calyx lip of my 3034 is deeply bidentate, the
stems tufted from a woody branched caudex, in habit resembling
L. romasanus Ulbr. or L. rupestris HBK. of Ecuador, the leaflets
of the latter glabrous above. My 476
was a round-topped plant.
Ancash: Ocros, Weberbauer 2674- Lima: Chicla, Puruchuco,
(Mathews 479; John Ball, type; Safford 373; Weberbauer 227; Sar-
gent 6; Seler 239}. Obrajillo, Wilkes Exped. Matucana, among
rocks, 476. Rio Blanco, prostrate ascending, 3034. Ayacucho:
Pauza, (Martinet 539). Puno: Azangaro, (Weberbauer 485).
ovate or obovate, glabrous, the wings 2.5 mm. broad, the keel
eciliate; ovules 4. F.M. Neg. 1980.
Ancash: Above Caraz, 4,200 meters, Weberbauer 3084, type; 226.
flowers golden yellow, 13 mm. long; upper calyx lip bifid, 3 mm. long,
the lower entire, 4-5 mm. long; banner glabrous, reflexed, the wings
4 mm. broad, the keel eciliate; ovules 7 or 8.
Ancash: Near Piscapaccha, 4,000 meters, bunchgrass formation,
Weberbauer 2891, type; 224.
long,about 1 mm. broad; peduncles 2-5 cm. long, slender, the erect
racemes 4-6 cm. long with 5-7 distinct verticils; bracts 3 mm. long,
lanceolate, deciduous, the pedicels scarcely a third as long; flowers
about 10 mm. long; calyces green but appressed white sericeous, the
upper lip bifid, 2-3 mm. long, the subequal lower entire or minutely
tridentate; banner suborbiculate, yellow medially and apically,
the wings to 4 mm. broad, the keel as to type ciliolate; pods (im-
mature) 12 mm. long, 4 mm. broad, appressed-sericeous. Appar-
ently resembles L. Gilbertianus, the keel typically eciliate, or the
Vargas collections could be referred there as they, at least, are
doubtfully separable.
Apurimac: Prov. Abancay, in puna, 4,000 meters, Vargas9815
(det. Standl., L. microphyllus}. Cuzco: Sulcan, 4,000 meters, Vargas
885 (det. Standl., L. microphyllus). Puno: Santa Rosa, (Dora Staf-
ford 307, type).
he also cites the well-known locality as "Yanli." The plant was dedi-
cated to Marshall Field, who financed the expedition upon which it
was obtained. The fragrant flowers are a light pink-purple, the
banner with a yellow blotch, the foliage ill-scented.
Junin: Near Yauli, small lake, (Weberbauer 351, type, L. yau-
lyensis; also 2576). Morococha, steep short-grass slope, 4,000
meters, 876, type.
Annual, erect, branched above the base, 2-4 dm. high, the thick
subfistulose stems strongly nervose, lanuginose and villous; petioles
3-8 cm. long; leaflets 7-9, to 3 cm. long, 7 mm. broad, oblanceolate,
acute or obtuse, flat, glabrous above, glabrate beneath; pedicels 3-6
cm. long, the racemes about as long; bracts typically deciduous,
5-6 mm. long, villous as the half as long pedicels; flowers 8-12 mm.
long; upper calyx lip 3-5 mm. long, bidentate, the slightly longer
lower one entire; banner suborbicular, glabrous, the wings 5-6 mm.
broad, the keel ciliate. The var. Martinetianus C. P. Smith has
lanuginose and sublanate stems, persisting bracts. The author
records with doubt the locality of the Martinet specimen as "Chola"
but no such place is listed in Stiglich, Diccionario Geografico del
Peru, Lima, 1922.
Lima: Callao, (Gaudichaud, type). Locality doubtful, (Martinet
327, type, var.).
obtuse, to 2.5 cm. long in type, 4-5 mm. wide, conduplicate; petioles
2-3.5 cm. long; stipules to 8 mm. long, linear; peduncles 5-8 cm.
long, the racemes as long; bracts aristate, 6-8 mm. long, deciduous;
pedicels 4-5 mm.long, appressed sericeous; flowers 10-12 mm. long;
upper calyx tooth bidentate, about 4 mm. long, the lower entire,
5-6 mm. long; banner densely pilose near tip with medial yellow
spot, the keel eciliate; ovules 5 or 6; pods 3-3.5 cm. long, 8 mm.
broad, densely villous.
Cuzco: Urubamba Valley, Hacienda Fanccac, 2,760 meters,
Herrera 2093, type.
villous, 15 mm. long, about 10 mm. broad. The var. pascoensis, I.e.
96, has stipules 3.5 cm. long, bracts 15-17 mm. long, the lower calyx
lip tridentate, the flowers paler. Smith remarks that he had originally
included this form with the type, which is probably the correct dis-
position, the variation being inconsequential. L. Herzogii Ulbrich,
Meded. Rijks Herb. Leiden 27: 45. 1915, Bolivian, might be sought
here; it has 7 linear-lanceolate leaflets, about 4 cm. long, 5 mm.
broad, and seems to be very closely related.
Junin: Banos, (Wilkes Exped. fide Smith). Huaron, 1141, type.
La Oroya, (Kalenborn 63 A). Near Huancayo, 4,700 meters, Kil-
lip & Smith 22071. Cerro de Pasco, 3056, type, var.
Shrub, the branches more or less nodose below the current leaves,
these abundant, silvery-sericeous, especially beneath (or in dried
petioles rarely 2.5 cm. long with 6-8 oblanceolate acutely cuspidate
leaflets, the larger to 17 cm. long, 4 mm. broad; peduncles 2-3 cm.
long, the racemes probably not much longer; bracts deciduous,
linear-aristate, 10-15 mm. long, conspicuous above the buds; pedi-
cels appressed-pubescent, 2-3 mm. long; flowers probably about
12 mm. long; bractlets 2 mm. long; upper calyx lip entire, 7-8 mm.
long; banner suborbiculate, pubescent near the tip, apparently 10
mm. broad. The type has only incompletely developed flowers.
Szyszylowicz had indicated it in herb, as a new variety of L. panic-
ulatus. My 1555 referred by Smith to his L. Holwayorum appar-
ently rather belongs here because the calyx lips are both entire.
F.M. Neg. 1994.
Cajamarca: Vicinity of Cutervo, Jelski 211, type. Huanuco:
Mito, sunny rocky slope, 1555 (det. Smith, L. Holwayorum).
Lima: Chicla, Rose & Rose 18682 (det. Smith, L. Holwayorum).
duncles 3 cm. long, somewhat lanate, the racemes 1.5-2 dm. long
with 12-15 rather crowded verticils; bracts lanceolate, 4-5 mm.
long, persisting; pedicels 1-2 mm. long, spreading-pubescent;
flowers about 15 mm. long, the densely appressed-sericeous calyx
with upper bifid lip, the lanceolate teeth 4 mm. long, the subequal
lower lip entire; banner ovate, reflexed, about as long as the wings,
these 4-5 mm. broad, the keel eciliate. Killip has called my atten-
tion to the fact that the type number is cited by Smith also under
L. chlorolepis, which as to sheet in U. S. National Herbarium it
appears to be, judging from a scrap of that sheet which I have seen.
Junin: La Oroya, (Margaret & A. S. Kalenborn 63, type).
upper calyx lip 3 mm. long, entire, the slightly longer lower ones
sometimes minutely tridentate; petals blue, the reflexed banner
medially yellow, pubescent dorsally, the wings 7-8 mm. broad, the
keel eciliate. Related to L. polyphyllus Lindl. of North America
(Smith). F.M. Neg. 1990.
Arequipa: Mt. Misti, sandy bunchgrass formation, Weberbauer
1423, type.
Annual, a few to 10 cm. high, the slender erect stems with few
if any branches, densely villous with long spreading trichomes,
these extending to the petioles and obovate leaflets especially
beneath; petioles 2.5-4 cm. long, the 8-11 obtuse leaflets to 15 mm.
long, 4 mm. broad; peduncles short, the racemes 1-2 cm. long with
2 to few flowers, these 9-11 mm. long on pedicels 2-3 mm. long;
upper calyx lip bifid, about 3 mm. long, the lower entire, 4-5 mm.
long; banner obcordate, emarginate, glabrous, strongly reflexed,
the wings 4 mm. broad, the keel eciliate; ovules 4 or 5; pods 2.5 cm.
long, 5-6 mm. broad. Species with facies of L. microcarpus but with
fewer flowers; a member of the "Micranthus Group" according to
Smith. F.M. Neg. 1991.
Arequipa: In the lower lomas near Mollendo, Weberbauer 1494,
type; 94, 144; (Stafford K22; 301}', Worth & Morrison 15763.
Lupinus montanus HBK. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 6: 478. 1824; 42.
Erect perennial to 8 dm. high, the fleshy fistulose nervose stems
6-10 mm. thick, glabrate or slightly lanate; stipules 5-9 cm. long,
the adnate portion 6-10 mm. broad, the free triangular tip 7-10
mm. long; petioles 10-15 cm. long, with 8-15 linear-oblanceolate
leaflets to 12 cm. long, 12 mm. broad; peduncles 5-20 cm. long, the
racemes about as long; bracts lanceolate, to 2 cm. long, 5 mm. broad,
derer, the leaflets much smaller, at most 5 cm. long, the flowers
10-13 mm. long. Courtesy of Dr. Killip, I have seen a scrap and
photograph of the Peruvian collection by Dr. Ales Hrdlicka who has
kindly written me that the locality San Damian is near Matucana
and that the species unquestionably is Peruvian since in 1913 his
botanical collections were only from there. This therefore is another
example of a species from Central America being found in Peru.
Lima: Vicinity of San Damian, 2,400 to 3,000 meters, Jan. to
Feb. 1913, A. Hrdlicka. Central America.
yellow more or less dorsally, the wings very broad, the keel typically
ciliate; ovules 3-5; pods about 8 cm. long, 16 mm. broad, reticulate-
nerved, somewhat appressed-pubescent. Cultivated for the edible
black or white or black and white seeds which are placed in running
water for several days before being cooked, or soaked and the first
water used as an insecticide and fish poison. Much cultivated and
furnishes a food healthful and agreeable (Herrera).
nose; petioles 6-9 cm. long; leaflets 7-8, about 3 cm. long, 7 mm.
broad, oblanceolate, acute, flat or conduplicate, glabrate above or
subsericeous as also beneath; peduncles 4-5 cm. long; racemes
10-15 cm. long, exceeding the leaves; bracts 3-5 mm. long, decidu-
ous, the appressed sericeous pedicels 1 mm. long; flowers 10-12
mm. long; upper calyx lip probably bifid, the lower entire; banner
densely pubescent, suborbicular, the wings about 5 mm. broad, the
keel ciliate medially to tip. The author suggests that the species
is related toL. Bangii Rusby, Mem. Torrey Club 3, no. 3: 17. 1893,
Huancavelica(?) :
Huaytara, cf. note above, (Pearce, type).
Lupinus peru vianus Ulbrich, Bot. Jahrb. 37: 544. 1906; 275.
Depressed with more or less branched woody caudex, the pros-
trate-ascending stems and pedicels several to 8 cm. long, sub-
appressed or spreading sericeous- villous; petioles finally 2-3 cm.
long; leaflets 5-8, to 2 cm. long, 4 mm. broad, usually considerably
smaller, oblanceolate,mostly flat, subappressed-sericeous-villous
both sides; racemes 2-4 cm. long, the 3-6 verticils crowded; bracts
5-6 mm. long, deciduous; flowers subsessile, about 10 mm. long;
calyces subappressed- villous, the upper lip bifid, 4-5 mm. long, the
slightly longer one entire or minutely tridentate; banner ovate-
spathulate, glabrous, 8 mm. long, half as broad, suberect, the wings
scarcely 3 mm. broad, the keel eciliate; ovules 4. Killip & Smith
23352 as to Field Museum specimen has leaflets to 2 cm. long,
pubescence mostly appressed and seems to me to be doubtfully
referable here. The species apparently is allied to L. sarmentosus.
F.M. Neg. 1997.
Cajamarca: Above Hualgayoc, 4,000 meters, Weberbauer 3980,
type. Amazonas: Chachapoyas, (Mathews 1569}. Junin: Near
Huancayo, 3,300 meters, Killip & Smith 23352; (also 22136 and
Ledig 56}. Ayacucho: Yanahuara Valley, Weberbauer 7596.
1854; 268.
Dwarf, depressed, the thick ligneous caudex simple or more or
less divided, the entire plant even to the calyces appressed-hirsute-
sericeous; petioles 1.5-4 cm. long, slender, more or less appressed-
pilose; leaflets 5-7, to 3-7 mm. long, about 3 mm. broad, obovate,
the larger flat; peduncles with short subcapitate racemes, scarcely
as long as the longer leaves; bracts about 6 mm. long, lanceolate,
somewhat persisting; pedicels 1-1.5 mm. long; flowers 5-8 mm.
long, the upper lip of the calyx bifid, 3 mm. long, the lower lip
entire; banner narrow, as also the wings, the keel eciliate; ovules 3.
Lima: Rio Blanco, bunch-grass slopes, 147. Junin: Banos and
Culnai, Wilkes Exped., type.
cm. broad, obtuse but apiculate, flat, the petioles to 2 dm. long;
peduncles 5-7 cm. long, fleshy, the racemes as long or somewhat
longer; bracts 8-10 mm. long, persisting; flowers 11-12 mm. long;
pedicels densely sericeous-hirsute, stout, the lower 3-4 mm. long;
upper calyx lip bifid, the lower entire; banner strongly reflexed,
pubescent dorsally, the wings 4 mm. broad, the keel eciliate.
Flowers violet, the banner medially golden-yellow. L. brevicaulis
Griseb. has smaller flowers, the banner obscurely pubescent. F.M.
Neg. 1998.
Huancavelica: Apacheta, Prov. Castrovirreina, wet places,
bunch-grass formation, Weberfyauer 5458, type.
glabrous, 5 mm. long, 3 mm. broad, the wings scarcely 1.5 mm. broad,
the keel eciliate. F.M. Neg. 2000.
Puno: Sandia, 4,500 meters, Weberbauer 985, type; 219.
1819, both little shrubs more closely branched, the leaves very short-
petioled, the revolute leaflets smaller. F.M. Neg. 28156.
Piura: Above Huancabamba, 3,000 meters, Weberbauer 6095.
Without locality, Joseph Jussieu, type.
Erect, at least 6 dm. high, the rather fleshy but solid stems
branched above and spreading white- villous; stipules 10-15 mm.
long; petioles 3-6 cm. long with 7-9 linear acute conduplicate
leaflets 3-5 cm.long, 6 mm. broad, coarsely white-sericeous
both sides; peduncles to 1 dm. long, the elongate racemes with linear-
lanceolate white villous bracts 5-7 mm. long; pedicels 5-8 mm. long,
spreading-pubescent; flowers 12-14 mm. long, the calyces villous,
the upper lip of these bidentate, 3-4 mm. long, the lower entire,
about as long; banner broader than long, pubescent near tip, the
wings 6 mm. broad, the keel eciliate.
mm. long; flowers 13-15 mm. long, the upper calyx lip bifid, about
4 mm. long, the lower entire or minutely tridentate, 5-6 mm.
long; banner suborbiculate, glabrous, the wings 6-8 mm. broad, the
keel eciliate. According to the collector, plant with loose bushy
habit growing on steep banks in rocks. Probably with L. Ynesiae to
be included in L. Cookianus.
Cuzco: Machu-picchu, Urubamba Valley, about 2,000 meters,
Balls 6805, type.
NOTE. While this book was in press I received from Miss Nelly Dubugnon,
Conservatoire Botanique, Geneve, the following record (det. Harms). Place after
Sophora, fide Bentham, Gourliea decorticans Gill, in Hook. Bot. Misc. 3: 208.
pi. 106. 1833. Shrub with slender shortly spinescent branchlets, imparipinnate
leaves with many small estipellate leaflets and small papilionaceous yellow orange-
lined flowers in racemes a cm. or two long, often clustered at the older nodes.
Bracts none, bractlets minute. Upper calyx lobes truncate, subconnate, lower
narrower. Petals clawed, banner orbiculate, spreading, wings obliquely obovate,
keel with shorter slightly incurved obtuse petals subconnate dorsally. Stamens
free or nearly. Ovary sessile, several-ovuled; style incurved, subulate, the stigma
small. Pod ovoid-globose, subdrupaceous, woody with 1-2 thick reniform estro-
phiolate seeds. Prov. Arequipa, 4-meter shrub, Weberbauer 1^37 (det. Harms).
Tacna, Woitschach. Chile; Argentina. "Chafio."
Synonyms in italic
r;sv 1 9